FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Senator Tommy Tuberville - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-23-24

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's The Jeff Porshow. ♪ I don't think hang down in this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ - Good morning and welcome to the Jeff Porshow at F&TALK 10065. We made it to Tuesday. Congratulations. Thanks for joining us on this Tuesday morning. Get up on the program by an hour and a half from now. Scott Butcher from The Trust Will Tribute. It's been a while since we heard from him, but he'll join us here in a bit. And then in the 11 o'clock hour from the Alabama Republican Party, Chairman John Wall making his weekly appearance on the program, so please stay tuned for that. In the meantime, 2513430106 is the text line. If you wanna get in touch with the program, that is how you do so. But joining us now, we're gonna kick it off here with our Senior United States Senator Tommy Tuberville. Coach, good morning. How are you? - Good morning, Jeff. I'm doing pretty good considering the last month of our country has been in peril, but that being said, it's a beautiful, I guess summer day up here in the swamp, Washington, D.C., and getting ready to start another week and listen to this nonsense, but it is what it is and we just gotta continue the fight. - Well, before we get into the serious matters of politics and policy, college football season, any, how do you feel about it right now? - You know, it's very different with all the 10 I/O stuff. You really don't know what people have. You can't build a team anymore, you buy a team. And I think there's gonna be some really good teams, obviously Alabama still gonna be up there along with Georgia, Kirby's done a great job of recruiting high school kids and doing NIL. And then, of course, you got Texas and A&M, that's rollin' in, the two teams that are gonna be that I've talked to coaches and looked at what they've done is Ole Miss and Missouri are two teams that are dark horses outside looking in, but man, they're gonna have good football teams. - Missouri seems to be a pick for a lot of people, but I guess we'll see, but it can't get here soon enough. It's a necessary distraction, you know? - Here's where I wanna kinda kick it off. And this is kinda broadly speaking. When Trump was on his way out in our, when he was running in 2020 and everybody's like, the chaos, we just wanna break from the chaos of everything and we need to like hit something in different than Trump and everything will hopefully settle down. I can't remember more chaotic time in American politics in my lifetime than this last month and it's just, the chaos is with the other guys. - Oh yeah, well, they're fighting to maintain control, look at what disastrous results we've had in just three and a half years that they've been in power, but they won one world government, they want their globalists, they wanna remain in power and you've got a half a dozen people in this country that have been telling people that they've been running it. Joe Biden has not known what they did ever since. He took election, he's just gotten worse. The media has hit all this. Now they got caught after the debate. They didn't know what to do, but it was kinda their plan. If he fails, you know, we've gotta, we gotta urge things along and try to, try to get somebody else in and well, they manage to do it along with Hollywood and all the elites and people that wanna remain in power and here we are getting ready to anoint Kamala Harris and I mean, they were just ripping her not too long ago now, so then she's the best thing ever. But that's how you do it up here and we'll fight through it and see if President Trump can win this election coming up. - I gotta assume you feel pretty good about it. I mean, you know, still it may not be, I don't even know like if it's an upgrade or a downgrade for Democrats, but it doesn't matter. Trump still looks strong at this point, doesn't he? - Yeah, he's strong, Jeff. They will just think of what happened in the last couple of weeks, you know, President Trump came within a hair of being assassinated, not a big deal to the left, they said a few words about it and they've gone on now. Oh, a 20 year old kid, yeah, he's just crazy, you know? He tried to shoot President Trump, I just kid, he walked around for an hour and a half beforehand, walking around with a range finder and they'll get on the building with a rifle and take shots and kill people out. Just, it doesn't add up, we all know that, you know, this director from the Secret Service, she was one of Joe Biden's best friends and she was head of security for Frito Lake and that made her qualified to run a three day amount of business and 8,000 agents and, you know, she's never been to Pennsylvania, she came back to the announcement when happening, she came to convention in Milwaukee for some reason, took a tongue ration from a bunch of senators but she just clamped like a bunch of the other ones and it was a sad situation that could happen again, anytime and you just noticed how quickly they got off that narrative and the mainstream media and got away from it that happened to a Democratic, I mean, we had chaos in the streets but just let people know you're in trouble and this is gonna be a fight to the finish, this is not one of the things Kamala Harris is not up for election. The deep state is up for election, the people behind the scenes, Obama and Pelosi and Schumer, all the elites, the corporations, they're behind all this and they're gonna manipulate it and I told people this, I'll tell you this, I've met with the CDC director about three or four weeks ago, she took Fauci's place and she foresees a pandemic coming in the fall, she told me this probably around September of Berkeley, well, what does that mean? Here it comes, I'll put all kinds of things out there, regulations where you can vote from all kinds of different places. I see everything shaping up the way it did the last time because they know they have to manipulate what's going on to get her elected and they know if they can do it. Our country will never be the same. - Well, tell me this, I guess I asked you this the day after the debate, who's really running the country? - Well, I think it's by committee, I think nobody would really want to take the blame for personally, individually, for all the nonsense, all the, we've been letting a few good people in this country to across the board, obviously they come in for the right reasons, but millions have come that I call garbage, it's just the prisons, the jails, I was at the Daring Gap a couple of weeks ago with the new president of Panama and they've got people from Africa coming now and CIA just down there told me that opportunity of more ISIS come in brought in by the cartels. We're in bad trouble here, and nobody's holding the Democrats accountable, but even the senators and the Congress people up here, they, oh, this is nothing to it, you know, we need more people in this country, it's devastating, and our country can't, in no country can survive this, look at Europe, Europe is in chaos because of their mass immigration the last 10 years, we're the only country they hadn't gained through globalization and they've almost got us, and so that's the reason that they know, they can get two or more years, it'll be over for the United States, as we know it, now it'll still be here, but it'll be controlled by the globalists and it'll be chaos and what you see now on the streets is just minor compared to what our economy would be, what the crime would be, they don't want to educate anybody because they can control you a lot better if they don't educate you. It's just, it's sad to see the greatest country ever going this direction. - Would you like to buy Senator Tommy Tuberville here on the program? Coach, especially what I would have is this, now the change from Biden to Harris, you know, we'll see what happens, but down ballot, getting control of the Senate, the House, maybe the changing course has been raised, they salvage a seat or two, but you still feel like Republicans are in a decent shape as far as Capitol Hill goes. - Yeah, now that's if it's a fair election, 19 states have decided now that they can allow these illegals to have drivers license and register to vote, secret Social Security officers are taking in people in all the state spaces and you come in here and sign up for Social Security and that never paid in, by the way, that you register to vote. We, in fact, this weekend with Bernie Moreno of Ohio, we're going around and trying to help him. I think we got a great opportunity to get three or four, maybe even five seats. Get us up to 53, 54. Yep, it's a fair election, but you can't count these people out. They continue to let these people vote. You know, we had to say back, go through the House and I was one of the instigators of the say back. Say back means that have safe elections, fair elections. Have a identification and be a citizen will have passed in the House, but not one Democrat voted for, not one. They won't illegal to vote. And we can't, obviously, Schumer will not bring it up in the Senate because he loves power. And so there will be illegal to vote in probably at least half the states. Can we overcome that? We're gonna have to get everybody out to vote 'cause we're gonna do it the right way and we're spending millions of dollars that allow these polling sites in six or seven states to make sure they don't do what they did last time. Stop the counting, run people out of the building, and then start bringing in ballots and counting them. It's just, you know, we have got to do it the right way, but we, I think, we have a great chance to get the House, the Senate, and get President Trump elected. They know that, we know it, and it's the only way we can save this Constitution Republic. Again, we can't go the other way with it. Our win-bad, bad, trouble-worse than we are today. Coaches, is this still, I mean, throughout the selection cycle, immigration has been like at the top of the list, but what do you think about that? I mean, the chaos of the Democratic Party, you know, an assassination attempt of Donald Trump, and then just the general economic head wins, inflation continues to be pretty awful. Yeah, well, what is it that is, you think primary for Republicans to push out the voters? Yeah, the stars are aligning. You know, nothing's going right. You know, the crime, the immigration, the inflation, the recession. Look at the farmers. Yeah, if we lost 150,000 farms in the last three years, 150,000, we've lost 25,000 farmers. They've just given up, I talked to farmers yesterday in Alabama on the phone at a call. This is micro-bracket year. And, you know, they can't depend on just their hard work. They have to depend on the good weather and the prices right in our caribou. And we're gonna have a huge problem with farms staying in business if we don't have a good year. But that being said, everything, the stars are aligning. There's no reason that we shouldn't win in 2022, though. See, that's what I keep telling people. You know, the red wave, and the red wave was there. The problem is, the red wave got overcome by something. I don't know what it was, but it got overcome by something in several states. And we better get that rectified. We better be able to count on everybody getting one vote and casting that vote fairly and honestly, if not, we can't win because the Democrats are doing anything they possibly can to win at the ballot mark. - Last question, we'll wrap it up on this. The selection of JD Vance, you serve with him or serve with him in the United States Senate. How do you feel about that pick? Is Trump's running mate? - Oh, I think he's awesome. He was my, if he's gonna take the Senator, I was, I'd talk several times at the President about my fact he called me about two hours before he selected, there were several senators and asked me what I thought, not totally. And he knows, I'll tell him what I believe and I'm not a politician. And he was my, he was my choice. Now again, I did, there were some other people that weren't senators that I think could have been, been good Vice President for candidates, but you come from our group. Obviously, I've been around them, most of them for four years, I understand them. I wanted to take some of my non-politician expression, got new ideas and there was no doubt JD, poor kid, went to the Marines, graduated Ohio State two and a half years, went to Yale, understand our country, love our country now. He didn't like Trump and he'll tell you that, but after understanding the situation, he understood very quickly, hey, wait a minute, I've been listening to media, I've been brainwashed by the mainstream media and he came around very quickly. And so that's the type of person you want somebody that's actually seen and understands the situation that's going on in our country. So, I'm glad he's there. Again, I was a small part of it, but at least President Trump asked me my opinion. Now they're going to attack him 'cause they've done everything they can do for President Trump, including trying to kill him. So, they'll go after JD and they'll dig up everything they possibly can or make it up. But, you know, this is gonna be a three month rights. So, folks, grab a hold on, they're gonna throw everything at you, Jeff, I was in it. Atlanta, your stay, I'm telling you, a crowd strike thing is another diversion away from what American people deserve and what a disaster from airlines to healthcare to the banking system, that glitch in the system. They call it a glitch, I call it a perfect timing by somebody to get everybody's mind on something else, but it's what it is. - Coach, we always appreciate your time. Let's talk again real soon. - Let's do it. - It'll be an interesting time, thank you, Jeff. God bless you. - Tommy Tupperville, ladies and gentlemen, our Senior United States Center. We gotta get a break in here, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porchow, what a foot talk, 106.5. (upbeat music)