Genesis 27:1-5 KJV
1 And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, here am I.
2 And he said, Behold now, I am old, I know not the day of my death:
3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison;
4 And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.
5 And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it.
Amen, glory to God. Welcome to the program. Welcome to the Cafe, Pastor Clark Covington. Here with another episode of KJV Cafe. Your Bible teacher here today. I'm so glad you're here with us. It's such a blessing to be here at the Cafe today. The sun is shining. Amen. I've got some good coffee in my cup. Man, I'm just very thankful and blessed for the opportunity to spend time in God's Word with you. Anyone that's ever taught knows the best way to learn something is to teach it. You know, because you've got to teach it. So, I've been blessed for many years as God's called me to teach the Bible because I learned so much and, you know, we're all prone to you know, maybe skip over things or rush through parts and you know, it's a great blessing to really dig deep here together in God's Word. If you're new to the program, check us out online KJV and again, thank you for listening. We are looking at this awesome scripture here in Genesis 27 verses 1 through 5 and we're seeing a theme. I'm going to give you the theme right now. Okay? And I kind of alluded to it at the end of the last episode. Man's ideas and God's providence. And this is totally applicable to today. Don't think this is just happening thousands of years ago. Man's ideas and God's providence. So I'm going to read these first five verses here from Genesis 27 and we'll dig deep into them here. And it came to pass them when Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son and said unto him, my son and he said unto him, behold, here am I. And he said, behold, now I am old. I know not the day of my death. Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver, thy bow, and go out to the field and take me some venison and make me savory meat such as I love and bring it to me that I may eat that my soul may bless thee before I die. And Rebecca heard when Isaac spake to Esau's son and Esau went to the field to hunt for venison and to bring it. And so there's so much here and I know we need to get to the bigger principle of God's providence. Man's ideas, God's providence, but there's so much here like you could you imagine your dad calling you into the room and telling you to go do something you love to do. You know when we see that Jacob and Esau are born and we kind of read the profile of who they are, Esau was a man of the field. He was a hunter. And so this is probably music to his ears. You know his dad saying, look I need to bless you. You go out get your quiver, get your weapons, get your bow, go out to the field and take me some venison. So he's on the ultimate mission to go catch him some venison. And again this is like music to his ears, right? And then it's interesting that Isaac says make me some savory meat such as I love and bring it to me that I may eat that my soul may bless thee before I die. So this could be a custom for the time that maybe there was a meal before the blessing or it could just be that maybe Isaac needed some warming up. You know like he didn't exactly his soul didn't call out the blessing he saw too much. He needed something to kind of convince him. You know and if anybody likes a good meal I would be that one. I love a good meal. Of course I eat plants now. Unfortunately or unfortunately for dietary sakes. Not for any kind of doctrinal sakes but for my diet. So I'm plant based and the meal the good savory meal is a little harder to come by but I still have memories you know of a good dinner you know like that and yeah I mean he just puts you in a great mood. He just feel great you know and I mean you just I don't have to go on about that. You get the idea you know you're just doing much better. And then he's gonna bless him before he dies because he's gonna die soon. He's not sure when but he needs to get this blessing done. And last episode we spoke a ton about the birthright and about the importance of the birthright what that means the double portion which to Esau at this point is probably getting a little more real because now his dad is about to die and he might see materially what he would inherit you know and so in a way it was kind of like oh yeah I want that blessing because now this is this is getting real like it wasn't you needed faith before maybe to say what good is this birthright I'm starving I feel like I'm gonna die but now you don't need as much faith when the one that has all the possessions materially is gonna die and wants to bless you and is asking you to go do something you love to do go hunt down that venison go hunt down that deer. But look at this in verse 5 Genesis 27 verse 5 and Rebecca heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son and Esau went to the field to hunt for venison and to bring it Rebecca heard. Rebecca heard. We'll take a break and we're gonna start chewing on this a little bit deeper the chewing on the cut here getting deeper in the scripture as Rebecca just providentially just coincidentally just matter of factly here's the plan and is about to intervene stay tuned. Hey it's break time around here thank you for listening to kjv cafe if you haven't already visit kjv cafe .com for more information. So here's the principle of knowing god okay you get to know god through his word right and of course part of the word is that we can never really know all of him because he is so magnificent and complex and again like if god you know if god is eternal who created god or you know like how did that work like again some of these things our minds are too small to comprehend but what you can comprehend about god that that he is love that he is orderly that he's absolutely in the most minute details that false pervert saying that the devil's in the details no god is in the details if you look at your life you'll see god in the details that'll preach right there but god is in the details and god is providential in what he's doing he allowed Rebecca to hear that he also allowed Isaac to be like I can't bless you right now for some reason I need some sweet delicious savory venison whatever it was whether he allowed Esau to not bring Isaac venison for a long time or whether he allowed Isaac to skip dinner the night before I have no idea but in order to bless Esau he needed a meal and god providentially set this up because what's happening now is Rebecca hears it and she has time to supplant Esau to take Esau her son as well and remove him from this blessing because it was rightfully Jacobs because Esau sold it and god knows it and so Esau will be very mad at Jacob certainly he'd be very mad at his mother if he understood what happened but truly this is of god because for a lack of faith Esau sold off his birthright okay therefore he can't have the blessing because he's no longer the firstborn if you will in god's eyes I hope I say that correctly technically the firstborn because god allowed it in his word but in terms of the spiritual and the blessing like we don't read about the 12 tribes and see that Esau was the father we see that Jacob was the father Esau isn't renamed Israel Jacobs renamed Israel right you know Jacob is the one that god loves because god understood that as flawed as both of these characters are Jacob would believe what Esau would not and today as we look at our lives we are justified by faith you know if we have any curry any favor with god if we have any chance of being in his heaven it is simply by having faith we are saved by grace alone that's unmerited favor by faith alone that is simply belief trusting god at his word by Jesus Christ alone that is the the man and god who saved us fully man and fully god the second part of the Trinity he saved us it's god's person vessel and it's hard for me to save vessel because Christ is so much more than that but in this context it's Christ vessel for salvation Christ god the father's vessel for salvation is Christ and we simply believe on Christ as sinners in need of a savior we say we can't do it on our own we have a pension for sin from birth I have little kids I still remember when they were crawling around fighting over toys and I don't need to remember that because they still do you know seven and eight they're still crawling around fighting over toys we all fall into sin we all fall short if you were to make a list of by sins you would run on a paper okay if you were to make a list of my transgressions there would be no end to them right we all fall short and so god if he was looking for perfection from those that he would call I certainly wouldn't be here because I fall short every day you know what god's looking for he's looking for faith Jacob executed faith Jacob said give me your birthright so Jacob must have perceived it had value right Jacob executed faith Isaac faith Abraham faith he saw no faith and so god providentially works this out that Rebecca hears what's happening and so this is a beautiful principle of man's ideas and god's providence so god allows Isaac I would say as far as god puts in Isaac's mind that he needs this steak dinner this deer steak dinner the venison dinner he needs this dinner in order to get all ready to bless you know like you're ready to bless after the dinner but truly it was a diversion to allow Rebecca time to plot and execute a plan that gave Jacob the birthright over Esau. How about Psalm 16 7 through 8 I will bless the Lord who hath given me counsel. My reigns also instruct me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved you know god shows his love toward us and that he guides us in his counsel and I believe Rebecca was counseled by god you know listen right listen okay you hear what he's going to do okay you have this time I believe god is this providential okay this involved and not just in their lives but in in everyone's life I believe that okay listen Rebecca he's going to go out there and what I'm going to do is I'm going to have the deer go far from him and I'm going to give you two three four hours to dress Jacob up so he's hairy like Esau to prepare what you've got there in in the you know fenced in area the pen area to prepare it like Esau would prepare it to serve it to him and to receive the blessing and to get to safety all within the time before Esau could bring the venison to his father and so god is that involved and I believe that Rebecca had that relationship with god that he was giving her counsel right and we see that council from god today for the modern day christian the new I should say modern day christian that sounds bad the new testament christian the age of grace christian okay we don't the word modern we don't like around here you know how fundamentalists we don't do modern okay the classical christian all right that right there what's a communication with god what's closest with god what's instruction from god reading the bible like we are here praying meditating on the things of god now meditation on its own can be very dangerous if you're just simply clearing your mind that's the room for the devil all right you're meditating on what the scriptures okay I deal with all manner as a parent as a business owner as a home school teacher as a preacher as a person the citizen of the united states all these things I deal with immense amounts of stress and pressure and anxiety like anyone would right and yeah I've got several jobs and stuff and it's just like wow a lot of pressure to meditate to clear my mind I don't know what would happen okay I don't do that but to meditate on the scriptures is very helpful and sometimes I'll just repeat them over and over again you know just things like you know he that's living within me is greater than the world you know that that will keep him perfect peace his mind is stayed on the because he trusted the knee that he's sticketh closer than a brother that he's a very present help in times of trouble you know all of these lead not to that own understanding and always acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths and just like that you know it could rough paraphrase right not maybe exact word for word of the king James but I'll just repeat those over and over in my mind in my heart and I'm meditating on those scriptures you know or in times of temptation you know you'll say I'm not going to covet or I won't look upon a maid like Job said you know or I won't you know I won't turn my back on God or I won't be ashamed of him you know you're in a situation where it'd be awkward to just go ahead and pray before a meal or to go ahead and explain you know that you're in the ministry when somebody is trying to tell you something very sinful or something you just go ahead and do it say I'm not going to be ashamed of me he's not I'm not going to be ashamed of him he wasn't ashamed of me right and he won't be ashamed of me before his father because I'm not ashamed of him right and so meditating on the scriptures reading the Bible praying the Bible says to pray without ceasing chewing the cud thinking about these things saying you know what I want to know the characteristics of God the Bible says God is love let me look and find that love right the Bible said he shed his precious blood I want to know more about the blood you know the Bible speaks to following him in all our ways I want to know about that you know and again by the way just thinking over these things I don't have time to get into it but like if you read some of these passages with a very clear message from God and you see people turn away again again in the book and then you go look in what's happening in society today and you see it happen here and you just say goodness it's like history repeating itself over and over again thinking on these things meditating on these things I on the authority of the word of God I believe he'll show up in your heart in your mind give you discernment help you to understand what to do and like Rebecca lead you sometimes in a very unconventional way to the right path for his will to be done his will was that Jacob would receive the blessing his will is that Jacob would become Israel the patriarch his will was done providentially through that moment there when Esa goes out to the field and Jacob is told by Rebecca what to do we'll tackle this scripture one more time and then we'll get into what actually happens in the next next episode as always thank you for listening tune in next time take care god bless and amen thanks for listening to kjv cafe and we'll see you at the cafe