Genesis 26:29-35 KJV
29 That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the Lord.
30 And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink.
31 And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.
32 And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him, We have found water.
33 And he called it Shebah: therefore the name of the city is Beersheba unto this day.
34 And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite:
35 Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.
Amen, glory to God. Welcome to the program. Welcome to the cafe. Pastor Clark, Covington, your Bible teacher here today as we get deeper into God's Word. Man, it's a blessed day at the cafe. I'm so thankful to be here. Thank you guys for listening. As always, you can check us out online at kjv Alright, so here we are and we've looked at the idea of when we follow God, we have peace and we see that Isaac makes a tough decision to agree to covenant or agreement treaty, if you will, with the king of the Philistines, the king of Garar and his captain and his friends and so forth. He agrees, okay, in front of witnesses. He agrees. He makes them a feast. They have peace. He sends them away in peace. He agrees. As he does this, as Isaac does this, they dig a well and his servants do and they find water. And he calls it Shiba, therefore the name of the city is Beresheba unto this day. You can even look at Google Maps and put in Beresheba in the book. Oh, here it is. Okay. Alright, verse 34, and Esau was 40 years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Barry the Hittite and Bashimath the daughter of Elon the Hittite, which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebecca. So who is it? Esau, one of the children of Isaac and Rebecca. How old is he? He's 40, okay? Number of testing, by the way. When he took to wife Judith, the daughter of Barry the Hittite, and Bashimath the daughter of Elon the Hittite. So two two Hittite daughters, or two Hittites, he married, okay, and these women are a grief of mind to his parents, Isaac and Rebecca. What we'll do is take a break and tackle that idea when we get back from this break. Hey, it's break time around here. Thank you for listening to KJV Cafe. If you haven't already, visit for more information. All right, so we see here the first thing we need to do, because I'm making the statement in Genesis 26 29 through 35 that one person was doing good and one wasn't and the good thing was blessed and the bad thing wasn't. Okay, so first thing we need to do is make sure that that statement is correct and I always encourage you to compare scripture with scripture. Research it, you know, never take my word for it verbatim. I try not to give a lot of like hot takes, if you will. I try to root them deeply deeply in scripture. But look it up for yourself, right? Like, you know, was this what Isaac should have done? And he saw at peace and he found the water and there's a bear shiba and where's bear shiba? What's going on? And blah blah blah, okay? The value of a well at that time, things like that. And then here we have Esau, and you have Jacob and Esau, right? We know the Bible says that that God loved Jacob and hated Esau. He saw sold his birthright for a bowl of soup and all the rest. And here he is making another appearance here in Genesis 26 verse 34 at 40 he marries these two hittites. Judith the daughter of Barry the Hittite and Bashimath the daughter of Elon the Hittite, okay? And then it says in verse 35 there were a grief of mind unto Isaac and Rebecca. And so we know Isaac is doing good, right? Assuming Rebecca is doing good, but we know Isaac's doing good because he's blessed if they find this well and then we see that Isaac has a grief of mind issue with these women that Esau marries, okay? So the father-in-law and the mother-in-law don't get along with the brides of Esau. So the question is who are the hittites? And there's a lot we can learn from the hittites number one for a long time They can't no one could find anything about them. And so people were saying see the Bible's not true It's a myth. We can't find anything. But oh in 1876 they started finding stuff and They realized that the hittites not only are real people But they were very powerful in the 15th and 16th centuries BC So this is a common thread with the world and the pervert devil Puts the stuff out here like King David for a long time. No one could have any reference to King David They had no no proof physically so they said oh the Bible's made up etc. Oh, oh no There is the King seal and then there is this thing of David and that thing of David and all of a sudden now They can't deny David so they can't deny David's, you know Historosity if you will to use a big word and they can't deny the Hittites anymore So that's a just a little sidebar, but the Hittites They're mentioned throughout scripture. They are the descendants of heth and that is the son of Canaan the great grandson of Noah from Genesis 10 15 and They ruled the area of Syria and Eastern Turkey Okay And so this is all within the same area where we see Israel in fact I think part of the territory that the Hittite territory would be the promised land for Israel Where Abraham where he got his cave, right? He bought that burial cave. This is the cave of the patriarchs For Sarah and that was from the Hittites And again, that would be in modern-day Palestine. So I don't know how all these things play out, but you get the idea general area, okay? Now here's the important thing for you to know why this is bad, okay? So I one of my great resources. I always use when studying the Bible And I just like a people group especially things like that got questions dot or great resource Got is literally got questions dot org And here is they have an article about the Hittites and here is a paragraph I'm going to read it to you verbatim because it perfectly explains the problem here the religion of the Hittites was a Pluralistic worship of nature, right? So multiple right they believed in various gods over the elements of earth sky weather, etc These gods were often listed as witnesses on treaties and oaths as in most other pagan societies This nature of worship led to despicable practices was brought the wrath of the true God on them When God delivered Canaan to the Israelites one of the given reasons for destroying the inhabitants was to eliminate the pagan practices Which would ensnare God's people. That's an Exodus 23 28 through 33 God didn't want his people following the idolatry of the Hittites Okay, so that's just the article said it better than I could and When I read this, you know, like in preparing for the recording I said, oh he married pagans and I knew that in my mind, but this gives that clarity, okay? They were pagan women that didn't believe in the almighty God and they were an abomination to an almighty God because here they were living for fake gods dead gods dead idols idolatry and so forth and and all the rest and you know, it is a It get we can go into more detail in the next couple of chapters because Esau kind of realizes this and tries to make a correction But for now, let's just focus on this idea That he did not seek peace, right? And so he did not seek peace with a holy God instead. He did what he wanted to out of the flesh, right? He would have been a contrarian, right? He's going against the norm, right? He's rebelling, you know He's living his life for him. He's doing his thing, right? He's lifting himself up and saying God, you may have a rule, but my rule is better than your rule, right? And it's interesting because you see his actions who he married and then you see they were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebecca his parents When we sin and this is the main crux of this episode in the next When we sin and live against the ways of God And we live in a way that is pleasing to ourself It not only hurts us though truly it hurts us it also hurts those that we love and care about, right, and Really most any child, you know, I know there's unique circumstances, but most any child They love mom and dad even if they don't get along with mom and dad all these other things They love them, right? They love them and to do something like that Was so bad. I mean here's Isaac the chosen one of God, right? And here's great Rebecca, you know And it says that you know Isaac really liked Esau, you know, Esau was this guy, you know, Esau was the hunter. He liked that venison. He brought home, you know the Bible says that and To go out and do this hurt them is a grief of mind to them and is a perfect because it's so simple just a few verses and we'll get to more of the context in a couple episodes when we Get to Genesis 27, but you know It's just a perfect like learning time for us to live for God now You may be a young person considering who do I marry right and we are not supposed to be unequally yoked So we are to marry believers and it is incredibly important that we marry believers And, you know, the Bible has a lot to say about marriage. Paul has a lot to say about marriage for time's sake I won't go down too far down that path, but to put it simply we must make sure that we're marrying a believer and that is why I Invise any young person that would listen to me and they're not that many young people that want to listen to me But anyone that would I'm dead serious 1,000 percent They need to seek Christian counseling before they're married even if there's no problems right like oh, there's no problems great Go to a good Bible believing Christian counselor and let them challenge you right Challenge you get to the root of it. Make sure we're not saying this thing or that thing I grew up If you can believe it outside of New York City and I knew people that would marry from you know different in New York The melting pot and marry different cultures and I remember it was not me not one of my friends particularly But a relatives good friend married someone I want to say from Islam and in Islam I think they make you convert and so they did it with a wink wink like literally I think they started winking when they were telling the anecdote, you know, and they converted and so forth, you know, okay well, that's terrible and When I heard that story, I wasn't a preacher or anything then I didn't have maybe the biblical foundation But I thought to myself that's not a good start to your marriage, you know When you're essentially lying to get married because of some cultural reason But certainly that happens and someone may say oh, you know You may be a young person and someone may wants to marry you and you believe in God You're a believer and that person that wants to marry you has got you think to their got you think got you thinking How about that got you thinking got you fooled if you will that they're a believer, but they're not so this could literally be a good example as to why we don't want to be unequally yoked and How are sin affects other people or it could be you know? So many different levels, right? It could be that you have a gambling problem a problem with pornography You've been stealing something maybe you've you can't stop lying Maybe you just love really dirty filthy movies, you know And I mean that by like all the language and blasphemy blasphemy of God Maybe you can't stop binge watching a show on Netflix that you know is bad, right? Don't just do it for you. Okay, do it for others, right do it for others and Here it is. Okay There's nothing we can do in our flesh. We are we're helpless But God by the working of the Holy Spirit has all power, right? And so as we seek the Lord and as we ask him to help us He is faithful and just to help us, right? If we'll simply believe that then then God will take care of it and I can say this from my own experience that Trying to solve problems on my own or trying to break bad habits on my own never worked The worse the the habit or problem the worst the worst result But going to God it's so easy and simple. You just say Lord. I need your help I can't do this, but I believe you can I believe that God. I believe you're real. I believe you're present and I believe that just like Esau made a poor choice and his parents suffered I believe my poor choices are hurting others and Lord. I need you. I need you to help me I can't do it on my own, but I know you you can do it Lord and Just be still and know that he is God Watch what he does and then do me a favor do God a favor After he delivers you from that incredible thing. You never ever stop testifying about how glorious he is You never stop giving him the praise and you never ever turn back to that thing because he delivered you from it How many people have been delivered by a monster of a problem by an almighty God by a sovereign God by a powerful God And then they never bothered to give him credit They never bothered to talk about what he did worse yet. They go back to the same sin or worse sin God help us to realize He deserves all the glory. God help us not to take any glory for ourselves, but to give it all to him now, I've got a whole outline here about where to sin come from and how did it get to us? But I probably need to save that for the next episode because if I went into it now, I don't think I would have time but Some might be offended thinking well, who are you to say that I'm living in sin or who do you just to say what sin is? We all have sin because of Adam, right Adam and Eve They sinned and then it came to all of us, right? Romans 5 12 where for as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned and the Romans 5 12 is an incredible verse It helps us to understand that before sin for Adam and Eve there was no death in the world There was no death that Adam wasn't gonna die. The plants weren't gonna die. Nothing's dying They were eating vegetables that weren't eating the animals everything. Nothing is dying. Everything is living before sin entered the picture It's an incredible incredible truth. Oh man, you can go really deep with that like if you take a leaf off of Something from the garden. It's still growing things. It's not dying and you're eating, you know, that's how life was before sin and yet sin entered the picture and Then death entered the picture as soon as sin entered the picture death entered the picture and with death It came to all men sin came to all men. We're all sinners. We all fall short. We all need God We'll get tomorrow tomorrow tune in then. Thank you as always for listening. Take care. God bless and amen Thanks for listening to KJV cafe, and we'll see you at the cafe tomorrow