Genesis 26:29-35 KJV
29 That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the Lord.
30 And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink.
31 And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.
32 And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him, We have found water.
33 And he called it Shebah: therefore the name of the city is Beersheba unto this day.
34 And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite:
35 Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.
Amen, glory to God. Welcome to the program. Welcome to Cafe pastor Clark Covington here with another episode of KJV cafe Thank you for joining us here today. It is a absolute blessing to be here a privilege To be here to spend time with you in God's word if you're new to the program check us out Online kjv cafe calm if you have a phone smart phone or tablet with a podcast app And you get if not you can search for that in the app store. I use a free one It's got a blue logo on it. I think it's called podcast app. I don't know But you just you can search kjv cafe and subscribe and never miss an episode We're also on YouTube if you have a smart TV. All right, so thank you for joining us as always And yeah, I mean, it's a great day here at the cafe. We are in Genesis 26 We're gonna finish it in the next couple episodes here. We're on verses 29 through 35 and The reason why I lumped these verses together because 29 if you're looking at your Bible, you'll see 29 Through 33 has this theme of like Isaac. He saw at peace. They had a feast They found what Isaac servants found a well. They named it shiba now the city's called bear shiba That's obviously all thematically the same and then it digs into here on verse 34 and 35 I'll read it to you, which is taking a hard-right turn to something else And he saw was 40 years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Barry the Hittite and Bashmath the daughter of Elon the Hittite which were a grief of mind under Isaac and to Rebecca And so on the face of it and I had to read like I spent a little time looking at the scripture saying Should I just do a couple episodes on 29 through? 33 and then do a couple episodes on 34 and 35 and I said no because if you did that you take away this picture of following God and being blessed and not following God and not being blessed or not following God and having problems turmoil turbulence and Specifically, how about this if you're looking at 29 through 35 you follow God a you and those around you are blessed You don't follow God and you and those around you are cursed and troubled and So it's not just individual blessings and curses, but as we live for God or choose not to There's these little streams these little like Fingers little of water these little streams that go out all around us You know and it's impossible really For one person to be so isolated doesn't affect anyone else pretty much as far as I could see So if I'm living for God and God is blessing me my whole family is blessed We all live in the same house, you know, we drive in the same car You know, we eat at the same place You know my whole family is blessed and if I'm not living for God my whole family is not blessed and take anybody in the family If a kid's not living for God the whole family is struggling like here where they're where Esau one of the children Was marrying outside of God's will for him. I wasn't marrying one of his own, you know And that's a big deal You're supposed to marry within your people and he wasn't and oh here we have problems after problems So we'll get to the this kind of dichotomy more here on the peaceful side and then the next two episodes after that We'll go to the trouble that comes or the wake of sin that develops from Us not living for God and so just fascinating scripture here And the idea that God is so merciful and loving In that he knows that we're prone to make this mistake He knows that we've been warned probably many times about this mistake But over and over in the scriptures, he gives us these kind of like Telling aspects to say here look here's an example, you know here look at this, you know, Genesis 26 Rounding it out 29 through 35 the end of that chapter Let's just take a look like here here you have one person. They did good and look what happened. They had water It was really good, you know, they could survive. They were thriving the servants were thriving. Everybody's doing good, you know You have another one. They're not doing good. Everything is going wrong, you know a very clear example be like King Solomon, you know He's blessed by God and the Queen of Shiva. That's what reminded me this bear she but Queen of Sheba, you know She says look at your servants look how happy they are look at their apparel like it shows this trickling down effect Which is beautiful because and then we'll take a break I meant to take a break, but I just thought of this earlier. I want to get to it We often are more willing and I believe this is so true This is true of me and I believe of many we're more willing To do something for someone else right than ourselves, you know Like in marketing and stuff and in business a lot of times as a consultant over the years I would do far more for a client than I would do for myself if I had a little Side gig or business idea and I was wondering why is that but I think it's something deep down within us I saw I didn't watch the game. I was working, but I saw there was a Ohio State Notre Dame of the National Championship And if you're listening to this years later, then it may not be that natural chip chip But it was here in 2025 and the Ohio State players They're really motivated and just playing with their pants on fire last four or five games and one of the commentators said they were upset because they felt their coach was disrespected and they were gonna go win it for the coach and they they really had a problem because they felt like the coach had been done wrong and it was very fascinating but that that like Emotional trigger that motivational trigger brought them all the way to a national championship. They won and it is often with us if we think that we Would get this or that we may or may not do it But if we think like for example our sin would hurt others We may be more careful to sin, you know, or that if our following God would help others We may be more careful to follow God, you know, it's like we someone may say there may be a crooked guy He just doesn't care at all But you sit there and you say would you want this for your daughter and he thinks of his daughter and his heart melts And he says no, I'm gonna stop committing these crimes because of my daughter, right? You see okay Let's take a break and we'll get to more of this when we get back to stay tuned Hey, it's break time around here. Thank you for listening to KJV cafe If you haven't already visit KJV for more information. All right, so let's just touch here on these verses Verse 29 that that will do us no hurts can grow asking Isaac and you know Saying don't do us any harm and we have not touched the as we have done under the nothing But good and have sent the away in peace that are now the blessed of the Lord now again You're almost trying to convince themselves like they you could grow our thing I've done nothing but good like dude. You told him to leave you you expelled him And I don't mean the call came to grow our dude, but that's what happened, right? He said get out of here You're too much for me. That's not exactly good in my opinion But either way the Lord made it good verse 30 and he this is Isaac made them a feast and they did eat and drink Are you willing to make a feast for your enemy? You know that'll preach right there, you know People that hate you that literally tell you to get out there jealous of you They want nothing to do with you. They'd probably kill you if they could are you willing to make them a feast? And then take that to the New Testament Christ does what? He died for For his enemy You know while we were yet sinners Romans 5 8 but God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so Isaac makes a feast for his enemy here in Genesis 26 and Christ we're told in Romans 5 verse 8 Dies for sinners, but God God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us think about that And Paul elaborates on this at points about how man really wouldn't want to die for their best friend nonetheless their enemy, right? But yeah, think about that, you know, what do you wish upon your worst enemy? You know, are you willing to pray for your worst enemy sincerely? The person that's really spiteful and nasty, you know, and I know we have to forgive all and let not root of bitterness spring up and yet we're human, you know, like look at Abraham, right? In the similar instance when the king of Garar, and we're not sure it's the same one came to Abraham and said I need a treaty with you Abraham said I'll give you that treaty, but oh, yeah, by the way that well that you stole from me, you know Look at Paul and Silas, you know, they're singing and praising God in prison But then they come to let him out of God because they let him out of prison Because they realized that he was a Roman and so forth and they made a big boo-boo there and What does Paul say? Let them that accused us come let us out So there is this natural bone within us, you know to say and to look upon those that do us wrong and be like what's your deal? You know, but Christ being perfect and sinless Resisted any of that and died on the cross. It was obedient unto death And I couldn't get past being falsely accused if I was falsely accused if anyone has ever been falsely accused Is it not the worst feeling in the world? And if I was falsely accused of something horrific, right as Christ was Falsely accused of heresy and all these other things falsely accused. He's God in the flesh. He's lived perfect and sinless He is there to establish the kingdom among the Jews. That's what his earthly ministry was for He was there for the Jews. There are a few examples of him dealing with the Gentiles But largely he was there for them and the very people he was there to set up the kingdom for Crucified him on the cross at Calvary falsely accused him and for me just to be falsely accused I wouldn't been able to bear it. I would have not been able to bear it, you know I would have said no no no no no no I work in public relations Let me tell you what happened, you know, oh, I'm not gonna stop until you clearly see I'm gonna state my case I'm gonna give my evidence, you know like an attorney, you know, and Christ was what dumb before his shears like a sheep before his shears He was quiet that word dumb doesn't mean not smart. It means quiet. He was quiet He was quiet. He didn't say anything He knew what was gonna happen. He knew all things Pilate said what are you doing? You could you could talk your way out of this? Do you not know what power I have? And what does he tell Pilate? You only have the power that my God's given you Incredible answer Pilate wants to know what is truth. He's looking at truth. It's Jesus and So the way of God is to follow peace the way of God is obedience Steadfast obedience and the way of God leads to life. Where's Christ now? We often talk about his death barrel and resurrection. We don't often talk about where he is now at the right hand of the father Highly exalted the mediator for all that would turn to him the Savior for all that would turn to him He's going to just go ahead and relax right there next to his father until all his enemies are made his footstool amen He is mighty. He is king of kings and lord of lords read revelation. He comes back as a warrior The blood goes up of his enemies to the horse's bridle He's absolutely in charge in power in glory beautiful wonderful highly exalted justified everything else the king of kings lord of lords his Selfless acts here on earth are now memorialized forever in the bible. They're now perfect works That no man could ever do outdo that no man could ever do any more of that's why we're saved by grace alone through faith alone And Jesus Christ alone because we can't do anything beyond what Christ has already done So we simply believe on him. We have faith in him That's enough if anyone tells you you need to do anything other than believe on the blood of Jesus Christ They're a heretic because you don't all you need you're saved by faith alone In Jesus Christ alone, which is by his grace alone. What does grace mean unmerited favor? His favor came upon us We didn't merit it the Bible here in Romans tells us what we were doing But God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us And if you think sin is a light thing to God you need to look again sin is a very very serious thing to a holy God God is holy he cannot even be around sin when it's dark and he's Christ is on the cross and he cries out father Why have you forsaken me? The reason why he did that was because he was bearing the cup of sin He was drinking the cup of sin. He was bearing the sin of all humanity past present and future on his shoulders and God himself wouldn't be around it That's what it means to bear the sin dead Yes, he was unrecognizable in his crucifixion. Yes. He was had the worst physical death. I believe ever But that's not actually the worst part of it the worst most horrific part of it was bearing that sin that For all humanity that even the father couldn't be around him for that time And I'm sure that was beyond painful for the father But it pleased the father for him to do it so that all could be saved by what he's done The Bible speaks of it without the shedding of blood. There's no remission of sin That he had to shed his blood so that we could be saved And by hit the shedding of his precious blood as we believe in him were saved And once we're saved we're called to what live Christ like that's what a christian means Christ like And that means that we are to take up our cross that we are to be obedient that we are to live a life pleasing to God And that when we do those things what happens We have peace We have blessing. No, it may not be a tremendous Archaeological find or discovery or a big well of water. It may not be great earthly riches. None of those things matter You have peace in life like you've never had before you have purpose like you've never had before And you have a place in heaven. Those are the three p's right there Peace purpose in place a place in heaven that no man can take and now You're secure Heavenly secure for an eternity with christ to be with him in absolute bliss enjoy Where no sin no sickness no crime no stealing no nothing can enter in just peace and joy And he'll be the light. He is the light. Thank you for listening. Tune in next time. Amen Thanks for listening to kjv cafe and we'll see you at the cafe tomorrow