Hope Church Sunday Podcast

Training For Reigning | Gary Hay | Sunday, August 8. 2021

Recorded live at Hope Church in Springfield, Mo.

Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2021

Training for Reigning

Romans 5

“Unsettled”, “Vulnerable” and “Afraid” are three words that describe the mindset of a large percentage of people around the world today.

While the world wrestles with a wide number of issues without easy answers, it is my contention that the world is being brought to a spiritual precipice of sorts that will precipitate a world-wide awakening of epic proportions!

The chaos of our times is in essence, a clash of kingdoms.  Light versus darkness…Good versus Evil…ultimately the Kingdom of God versus the kingdom of Darkness!  The ancient enemy of God and mankind will continue to cause the devolvement of the unredeemed toward corruption, violence and tyranny.  Conversely, the children of God will show the fruits of God’s Kingdom which are, righteousness, peace and joy!

My purpose this morning is to help us embrace one of the processes through which God is training us for the incredible season ahead.  As we successfully transit this dark season of human history, His purpose is that we literally “shine” as lights in a dark place!  The Bible speaks of a time when multitudes are in the “valley of decision”, that is certainly the case today.  Our calling is to provide “light“, for those that dwell in darkness.  Light is very compelling when we find ourselves in the dark!

Chapter 5 of Romans addresses the process God utilizes in producing in us the qualities necessary to become “light bearers”.

Romans 5:17 is the…what… the ability “to reign in Life”

Romans 5:1-5 is the…how… learning to “stand”, “rejoice”, “hope”

Considering the pathway Paul has laid out in the Romans passage, we get a strong impression that we are not going to be exempted from going through difficulties on the road to spiritual maturity.

To illustrate, let’s take a brief look at Jesus’ discipleship program for the team who would be responsible for carrying the Gospel to the world after His resurrection.  It was literally a roller coaster ride of incredible highs interspersed with disillusioning and even devastating lows.  The amazing “take away” for me is that as we will see, the disciples undoubtedly experienced dramatic spikes of emotion in the process while Jesus transited the same experiences in a calm assurance.

For illustration I have chosen a brief, few hours described in three of the gospels (Matthew 13:54-14:36, Mark 6:7-56, John 6:1-21).  

For times’ sake let me just list the events the disciples experienced in an extremely short period of time…

Jesus rejected at Nazareth

Disciples sent out two by two to minister

John the Baptist is beheaded

Retreat to rest

Feeding the multitude

Surviving the storm at sea


There are a multitude of life-lessons we could draw from these three passages, but I want to focus on one for the moment, Matthew 14:25-33.   

After the incredible high these 12 men experienced while feeding 12-15,000 people from a small boy’s lunch, they are sent across the Sea of Galilee in their boat only to find themselves in a life-threatening storm!  Do I need to point out that they were in the “will of God” in this “near-death” experience?

When Jesus finally came to them in the darkest part of the night, one man demonstrated that he understood this part of the training.  Eleven men were clinging “white knuckled” to the boat with one thing in mind, “Please Lord save us from this storm!”  Peter, however, responded by pushing his fear aside and requested that he could join Jesus in the “reigning” position, walking upon the very real threats the waves presented!!

Later in life Peter would pen these words:

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you also may be glad with exceeding joy.”

”Therefore let those that suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.”

(I Peter4:12, 13,19)

Jesus’ half brother James added his voice to the same chorus with Peter and Paul, in his letter to the persecuted churches in diaspora:

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

“But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect (“mature”) and complete, lacking nothing.”

(James 1:2-3)

If we can follow the trail left for us by these men as well as Jesus Himself, we may well find out that people (whom Jesus loves and died for) have been watching us from the cover of darkness and longing for the light!

I suspect Jesus is still giving permission to those who want to walk on the waves.  Remember the pattern…Trials, Perseverance, Character, Hope! 

Also remember this…as I Corinthians 10:13 reminds us, He will not test us beyond our ability to withstand, but with every trial He will make a way of escape!