Hope Church Sunday Podcast

The Influencer | Gary Hay | Sunday, May 16. 2021

Times may seem toxic, but the call is to rise above and sit among the righteous in heavenly places. Pastor Gary Hay shares deep insight into Psalm 1:1-6 .

Recorded live at Hope Church in Springfield, Mo.

Broadcast on:
17 May 2021

Truth is often stranger than fiction and such is the case for the term showcased in my title today… “influencer”! Before 2015 it was simply used in its simplest form as someone or something that swayed the opinion or actions of another. In 2021, it has experienced a rebirth and now describes someone with a quirky, creative personality or presentation on twitter, Instagram or some other social media platform selling products, ideas, lifestyles and etc. “Influencer” marketing has now been monetized to the incredible degree that it is now projected to surpass $10 billion on an annualized basis by 2022!


This amazing monetization of an age-old reality points out the natural willingness people have for following the example of someone we admire or can relate to in an arena of common interest. These platforms even offer opportunities to interact with and to be a part of a movement or trend along-side those we might wish to emulate.


Attesting to the power our “influencers” have in our lives, Dr. David McClelland , a Harvard social psychologist has stated:


“The people with whom you habitually associate are called your “ reference group” and these people determine as much as 95% of your success in life.”


Jim Rohn, widely held to be America’s foremost business philosopher and acknowledged personal development guru says:


“We will become the combined average of the five people we hang around the most.”


These secular observers have determined from data and personal observation the immense value of the “voices” we allow to influence and guide our development. Knowingly or unknowingly, they are only echoing what the Scriptures have already pointed out!

I would like to state my observations this way:


“The influence we prioritize…we metabolize!” Or said another way: “Intake predicts output.”


Psalm 1

In six verses the psalmist clearly addresses the power of the “influencer” to either bless or curse the life of their follower! This short passage of Scripture brilliantly portrays two drastically different pathways and destinations…


V.1… The path to blessing begins by avoiding three activities:


“Walking” in the counsel of the ungodly… (Original languages define “walking” as, “to behave, be conversant with, exercise, to follow or to grow”)


“Standing” in the path of sinners…(originally, “standing” carried a meaning of “abiding or dwelling continually along with a sense of being employed”)


“Sitting” in the seat of the scornful…( the language here depicted sitting as a judge in ambush, marrying and remaining)


This sequence illustrates a regressive process as a person moves from a more casual interest to full subordination to their “influencer!”


God’s blessing is categorically NOT found along this path!


Note: The “counsel of the ungodly” can come from many different sources (the spirit of the age, education, upbringing, media, self-talk, friends, our flesh etc.).



V.2… This verse points to the path of God’s blessing…Prioritizing and Meditating in God’s Word! Meditating describes a practice of repeating something over and over to yourself while digesting or pondering its meaning. (I’ve always likened it to “marinating” meat. More or less, it’s like infusing that seasoning into the internal fibers to enhance the natural flavor.)


V.3…This verse promises hidden resources, durability, fruitfulness and prosperity! Rather than the “regressive” process described in verse 1,

following God’s ways produce “progressive” blessing!


Vs. 4-6… These verses project the long-term and ultimate end of these two contrasted life choices. The “winds” of life have a separating effect as illustrated by the mention of the “chaff” being scattered and seen no more. This imagery would have left the original reader thinking of the grain that remained.


The voices we listen to are not benign! Whatever “Influencer” we give eye and ear to over time, will most certainly bear fruit according to their DNA! Given that fact of life… OUR “INFLUENCERS” ABSOLUTELY MUST BE MONITORED AND VALUED ACCORDING TO WHETHER THEIR VOICE IS IN AGREEMENT WITH GOD’S WORD…OR NOT!