Harrison Faith Church
One Spirit - Part 5 | Pastor Scott Brandon | July 14, 2024
- Father, we love we thank you so much. For all you've done, God, this month, but it's not things that we can do. God, we can set up events and we can plan and we can do all those things, but God, all the spiritual, the true changes and transformation and eternity, God, those are the things that you do. God, only you change lives. And so Father, we love you today. We pray, God, that you continue in order to do that today as we learn, God, how important you are as we prioritize you, Father. And all that we do, we do that first, God, by coming to you, acknowledging God that you are our source, you are our Alpha, you are Omega God. And we ask today, you would anoint us, God, to hear what you have to say to us. Can we ask it in Jesus' name? And all God's people said, Amen, Amen. I wanna tell you that being a preacher is not always easy. It's not always fun. It would be nice if it was permissible by God. I could just tell you things that I do well. I could just teach to you from my strength and just say, here's what I do, do too, you know? That would be easy for me. And oftentimes my struggle when I'm serving, crafting is trying to figure out really what the Lord wants to say through my life. I wish he would just break me open and say, Scott, here's what you do well. Let's just use these things to speak to you. But that is not the relationship that God and I have. He likes to break me open and say, here's some things that's not right with you and you need to talk about those things. And so today, as I was getting ready for, or this weekend, ready for my sermon, the Lord was already talking to me this week and begin to put some things out in my life. And I realized there was already some things that he had been pulling on my heart. And so I felt today it was necessary to let you know that I needed to make a confession, that I'm not necessarily happy with my lifestyle at the moment. I'm not content and I'm actually spiritually I'm just dissatisfied and that it's a no fault to anybody else except my own. When I begin to study this word, I realize a little begin to just plainly say, Scott, this is all great, but let me just tell you, you've not made me first in many of your areas of your life. You're some things that you're just not giving to me. You know better, but you don't do better. So today, we're gonna talk about those things and I just wanna kinda lay it out there. Here's some areas that I need to grow. I'm not trying to build a false bridge. I want you to know the last two months as I look back over my life. Mondays are my day office, my Sabbath. And I try my best to shut my phone off and not talk and text and things like that. But really, to be honest, I've just used that day to do what Scott wants to do. And I've loved it, but I've not really honored God in the way that he has taught me to honor him on the Sabbath. And so it's not just a Sabbath, I've not really made God first in. It's also my prayer life as well. I come to God with I want this. I need that, will you do this? Will you do that? And I have forgotten that prayer is God hearing. It's not God hearing me, but me hearing God, amen? And just not in prayers, but also in my time, I have failed to make God first because what I often find, the thing that becomes first is I run to my task list first. I run to my text messages first and see who might need my response. I may sometimes run to social media just to see what's going on in your life or simply I just find other things that I feel more priority for the day. And so I just tell the Lord, Lord, can we reschedule our am to our pm appointment? And I put him anything but first. It even is reflected of my giving for I have failed to put him first because I honestly have not been able to consistently make him first in my energy that I give, in my focus that I give, and in my health that I give. And all those things are just indicative of some issues of my life. The Lord is trying to deal with. I wish in terms of giving, I could just say, Lord, I give you my tithe and that should, that should be first, but I know better. The Lord is asking me to give more than just my tithe to make first. So here I am in this place that I'm not really satisfied with and I wonder if there's anybody else in here that knows what I am talking about. There are some things that are not first. If we're just honest, we're just not prioritizing, right? And I would ask the question today is, where are you dissatisfied? Were you not content, were you not happy in your life when it comes to making God first? It's the danger of this type of lifestyle that we lead is that it's habit forming, right? There's a maxim that says how you do anything is how you do everything. And so I feel like today we need to refocus and make sure that we're really living a Christ-centered lifestyle because a Christ-centered lifestyle is that we make him first. We need to be in a constant practice of making God first. And so I want to give you a truth today. My sermon is not complex, it's very simple, it's very challenging. We'll not leave out of here without being wounded, some degree, I share that pain with you. But here is a truth for sure that will help us expedite us living a life that says Christ is first and foremost in our life. Ready, here's the simple truth. Pray first. Pray first. How many of us honestly pray first regardless of the situation, regardless of the opportunity? How many of us are actually praying first? It's a simple and straight point principle, but we must pray first, why must we pray first? We must pray first because if we're going to have the strength to stand up to the culture that you and I are in, then we must pray first. If we're gonna stand up in the face of persecution, of oppression, face of the enemy who wants to still kill and destroy. If we're going to do those things, you and I must pray first. It's not about God trying to mend fences. God can do that, but it's not what he wants to do. In fact, if we're being honest, he can save us from a lot of our toil, right? A lot of our headache, if we'll just stop and pray first. And so today, as we look at this idea, I want you to know that for us to pray first really is to stand in one spirit. Remember we talked about this in Philippians 1.27, that Christ has called us to stand in one spirit through Paul Paul says that you ought to live your life in a way, in a manner that's worthy of the gospel, that he gave his life. He made us first and died for us. God, heaven put its best first for us so that we might be first. And so here we are in a place that we need to respond and make him first. The only problem is is that when we look at the priorities of our life specifically prayer, is that we don't make prayer first. If we're honest prayer, it tends to be. It's majorly a Hail Mary, right? I've tried everything else, I've tried my plans, I've tried my logic, I've tried my resources, I've tried my relationships, I've tried those things and we come to a place that we finally have come to the Lord and say, Lord, I've messed it all up, I broke it all up and now I need you to help me fix these things. What do you think God's thoughts are when it comes to the idea, the concept of first? Do we think God wants to be first only when we've matured spiritually? Is that when he says, okay, now you understand? Now I'm asking you and I'm expecting you to be first. Is it only when we're desperate? Is it time for him to be first? When there's no other options, when it's convenient? Is that when God needs to be first? When it doesn't require sacrifice? We can do that, that's when he's first. When the cost of him coming first is within our budget, that's when we make God first. Is it when the calendar has an opening? Is that when God, y'all with me this morning? When we say pray first, we're simply saying this, that prayer is our first response. Not our last result, which is the American way. You do it in the best of your strength. And when you can't do it, right? Then we fall upon God. Now it's only the American way right now. It didn't used to be the American way a long time ago. We deviated from the real American way. That is the gospel way. But here we are in a place that we find ourselves looking to prayer as a last resort. Y'all know how it works. Everything's been had and tried. You say, "Well, I guess we just need to pray." As if that's the last attempt. Maybe the Lord might take up on our burdens and our cares. Maybe he might hear me. Maybe he might show me some grace. Maybe he might show he is good because we don't know what else to do. So we might as well just pray. So today I wanna deal with this idea of pray first but I wanna start with the importance of the word first. First, look at Genesis 1-1. You probably can memorize it. You'll probably be able to quote it. To this chapter one verse one, says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Now notice in the beginning God created. This is firstly or the first thing, or the first thing God did was he created, right? The first instance of creation, the first instance of time, the first instance of first begins with God. That's an important connection we must have. But notice this too. Nobody creates except God. Nobody creates except God. Listen to me, if your marriage is in need of a solution, if your heart is in need of healing, if your finances are in need of blessing, if your career is in need of a future, if your mind is in need of peace, if your body is in need of healing, or your soul in need of a relationship, nobody else can create solutions better than God. Because only God creates. Now the law is that you and I can create, but mankind can only craft. We can never. Am I still here? There we go. I thought I went away for a second there. A man can only craft. And what we find in Genesis 1-1 is that it gives us the key right away. That for God to create, we must do this one thing. We must put him in the place that he can create. And that is first. For in the beginning, God created. If you need God to create for you a solution that you cannot reach on your own. Even if it's not, well, I tried, I can't do it. Can I tell you that if God creates for you, you don't even have to work at it to sustain it. Because if God creates, he uses his word, and he watches over his word to fulfill it, that it might not return void, but with fruit. So whatever God creates, he sustains, he holds, whatever you craft, you gotta continue to feed it. You gotta continue to make sure it's working. But when God creates, it's his power that sustains it. In the beginning, God created. And so when God is in the beginning, he is given full access to shape what is needed and not mend what has been tried. Which is generally where we come to. God is a part of our life, but he's not priority. He's not pre-eminent. He's not in the beginning, it's not first. He's not before all things. But this is who God desires to be. And God cannot create if you do not make him first. And so when God creates, he does things he would, we would never have imagined to do. Can you imagine trying to, like, yes, you can't? The Lord should make the heavens and the earth that's beyond our minds, beyond our thinking. When God creates what we know as this, is that he's not thinking the way you would think. When God creates, he's not going to do it the way you're going to do it. Isaiah told us this. He says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are my ways, your ways," declares the Lord. And that's important because you and I, when we try to problem solve, what do we do? We grab things that we understand. We grab things that are available to us. And we craft, we bring things together. And God is in the business of creating. So long as you're in the business of making him first. So what is it that you need in your life? Do you have a problem? Or do you have an opportunity? Both of those things require that God be first. Can I tell you when I thought about some issues of our life? I don't know how God's going to rescue your lost husband. I don't know how he's going to reach your prodigal son. I don't know how he's going to restore your lost health or resurrect your dead faith. I don't know how he's going to remove the bitterness within you. But here's what I know. Our job, your job, is to make him first. And his desire is to reward a faith that makes him first. That is our job, to make him first. And when we make him first, it is his desire. Not his obligation, but it is his desire to reward your faith that makes him first. Hebrews 11, six tells us this. And without faith, it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists. And that word exists really as a reference to his existence before creation. His existence when he was first and that he rewards those who seek him. That kind of faith puts God in the beginning and the result is something like when God created the heavens and the earth. It is something unimagined and or unseen. This is my first point to you today is simply this. Praying first puts God in the place to do the unimaginable or unseen. Because when you look at your situation in life, you say, I don't know how, I don't know why, I don't know what, there's always those I don't know. Because you're not gonna pray about things you already know about, but you have some concern and I don't know, allows God to say I don't, you don't have to know. You don't have to resource this out. You don't gotta plan and project this out. I know what I can do anything and everything. I think I told staff this last week, I was reading through a book and it says, God can do more in a minute than you and I can do in a lifetime. And we fail to acknowledge that. Because we say, God, I don't know how, there's not enough time and we burden God with deadlines and limitations and lack of resources. Can I tell you that in the beginning, there was none of that. There was no deadline, there was no deficit, there was nothing. God said, let there be and there was. So what is it in your life where you can't make him first? Because you don't know how to trust him to do the unimaginable or the unseen. Just because we're limited in our comprehension does not mean he's limited in his creativity. We must trust him to be first. Praying first means putting God in the place to do something. It's unimaginable or unseen. Praying first honors God in the place he desires most. Look at how the idea of God being first kind of rings through scripture. Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 12 to 13 says, and now Israel, what does the Lord God require of you? That question echoes today. But to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and to keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good. What does God require? Fear him as anything less than first. Fear him says that if I do anything less than what he's asked me to do, I know I'm not putting him first. And so what are the elements of that? He's speaking to you about what should be first. He says, when we're not afraid to walk in all his ways, he's not first. He's called us to walk in all his ways. Can I tell you that if crisis or convenience or comfort or culture causes you to compromise any part of your walk, he's just not first. And yet you expect him to act as if you prayed to him first. When the aspects of our life are not demonstrating, see we have this, we have a prayer language, a lot of the prayer language that we pray with the word of God is to tell us to pray. So we pray that way because that's the proper faith when we speak. What the problem is is that the faith that comes out of our mouth is not the faith that's lived out through our bodies. We know what the word says and we believe that God will do that, but we don't act on it. We don't believe that with our actions and our lives and our character and our behavior and our mouths and our minds, God should be first everywhere. Is there any part of your life that God says, I just want that part of your life. Did he not redeem all of us? Did he not restore all of us? And so he's asking us to acknowledge him to be first and to walk in all his ways. When we're not afraid to love him, he's not first. What does that mean to love God? Do their own means after six verse five says, "You shall love the Lord your God with what all your heart "and with all your soul and with all your mind." Let's be honest. Let's be honest. If you stood up next to the all meter today, where would you rank in at? Would you come short? Would you say, Lord, I give you all my heart, but my mind, I don't know, and my soul, I don't know, and my strength, and my mind. Where's the all that? That's what he's requiring of us today. When serving the Lord with all our soul and all our mind, when that's not important, when that's not important, he's not first. So he's calling us to live like he's first. How do we know he's first? When we love him this way. He tells us how important first is. He says, "You shall have no other gods before me." In Exodus 23. When we have other gods before him, it's because we don't love him first. We've left our first love. Anything you love more than God is what you call your first love. It's the priority of your life. The first love is the person that gets your first portion of your love, and everybody else can take a ticket. But that one particular thing gets all that you have to give first. God says, "When you put other things before me, "that's when you don't love me." Jesus addressed this issue when he talked to the church of Ephesus. The church of Ephesus was an incredible church. They did things. Their works, the way they helped the church age be established was incredible. But Jesus says in Revelation's chapter two, he says, "In spite of all your works, "all your toil and all your patient endurance, "and how you bear those who did evil, "and how you called out false teachers, "and were enduring on behalf of Christ." Yet he says, "I had this one thing against you, "that you have what, abandoned, not lost. "You willfully chose to leave the love you had at first. "You left me. "You chose other things." If the church of Ephesus was doing everything that we're supposed to do, why did Jesus have an issue with them? When we look at Ephesus and they're doing the things that God has called, their own mission, they're doing the things God asked them to do. They're doing the right thing. Jesus says, "Wait a minute, that's great, that's grand." What the problem I have with you is that you've lost your first love, I don't over-first to you in your love. Why is that important? Because Jesus knows, God knows that all the things that we do on mission, all the things that we do for the Lord are really just overflows of the first love we have with Him. And when you stop having that first love, you'll eventually stop doing the things that speak of a first love. God understands that when we fail to make Him first in anything, hear me, we eventually fail to make Him first in everything. Did you hear what I said? 'Cause I need you to calm your life today. You fail to make Him first in anything, you eventually find yourself not making Him first in everything. It's a slow, progressive downward spiral and you usually don't know it until you realize that that heart doesn't burn for Him anymore. And now the questions that you had in your faith, the questions you had in your past and your experiential problems that you have now creep in because there's no love to offset the lack of understanding you have by the things you've went through in life. But that love for God, when God's love is first in us, it makes no difference what we go through, His love burns over the top of those things. I don't need God to explain every jot and every tittle of my life. I trust in Him, regardless of what His hand does in my life. Jesus is saying that when we neglect this understanding, when we neglect to love, we gotta make Him first eventually. Your life slides into a place where He's not first in anything. That's why Paul says it's so important to not be anxious about anything, but in everything about prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. That's Philippians 4.6. Second prayer, praying first gives Him access to anything and everything. Whatever it is in your life, whatever you lack in your life, praying first helps establish God to be first in our life again. And praying first. What do you mean, Pastor Scott, praying first? I mean, if you're about to pull out on the freeway and you're not sure, you might wanna pray first. If you've been given a lucrative job offer, you might wanna pray first. If you're gonna do a hard time and before you start to pull on your resources and your understanding, some of y'all, I know y'all are a problem, who's a problem solver in here, raise your hand. You're a problem solver, right? When people talk, you can't help but figure the problem out, right? 'Cause your mind is willing, you're willing, you're willing, try to figure it out. And you're the worst people, y'all. We're the worst. Because we see the problem, I'm like, I'm gonna do this, we'll do this here, I'll put it there, and the door's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're gonna mess this up. You're gonna call on me again, because this is what you do. Always expect me to craft the solution to your problem. But you could call on me first, and I could create something for you. And we miss it. And then we get frustrated at our marriages, and our kids, and our finances, and all those things that tell us God ain't first. Believe it in our heart, believe it in our life. If I caught you out in the street and I'd say, is God first in your life, you'd say, absolutely. But when we break it open, we allow the Lord to speak. Is He really first. The praying first gives Him access to anything. And we need Him to have access to everything. It's important because, as you know, how people do anything is how they do everything, right? You ever notice that word? How people go about doing everything the same way no matter what they do? If that person is, I'm gonna step on some toes, you guys are gonna get over it. If they're late to work consistently, they're rarely on time anywhere else in life. Amen? Okay, you don't have to say amen. You can say it out loud, that's okay. If their office is a mess, guess what? So is their house, typically. If their attention to detail is lacking, guess what? They're usually prone to financial problems. In relationships, how they handle conflict resolution on a small issue is how they handle it on a large issue. And how they handle small crises in their life is how they deal with large crises in their life because people don't change because the problem change. People are who they are regardless of the issue because how we do anything typically is how we do everything in life. That's why we have words that speak to us like extremists. I'm one of those people. Extremists, purists, perfectionists, meticulous, anybody who's obsessive. Y'all don't anybody like that? Obsessive, compulsive disorder type people, you know? There are words out there to tell us people do everything the way they do anything. And all of us follow just some kind of category. What I'm trying to help us understand is this, is that that doesn't just shut off and it's not true, just because we're talking about spiritual subject matter. But all of those things ring true in our life. We see the same thing in Luke 16, 10. Jesus tells us this, one who is faithful in very little, that's anything, is faithful in much and one who is dishonest in very little, is also dishonest in much. Can I tell you, if you're willing to steal at a little level and lie at a little level, you'll steal at a big level and lie at a big level. That's just how it works because how we do anything typically is how we do everything. And that crosses over into our character, into our spiritual understanding. And God is trying to show us through His word, that He can change your everything and He'll give Him access to your one anything. And that is prayer, prayer first, pray first. I wanna ask the question today, if how we do anything is indicative of how we do everything, what does a life look like when prayer is not first. Are y'all good, are y'all bleeding out there with me? Y'all quiet today, I'm getting some disgruntled looks. You're gonna have to just toughen it up today. How we do anything is indicative of how we do everything. What does a life look like when prayer is not first? If God is not first in our prayers, there's a good chance, He's not first in our week. The first day of the week is what? Today, if God desires to be first, why isn't Sunday always a priority to you? If the week in your time is important to you, how come church, the first thing we do on a Sunday, the first thing you do throughout the whole week? And the first thing you do on that day, should not let me dedicate it to God. Yeah, what do we do? Well, church is convenient. When church is acceptable, when church falls in my schedule. And listen, you're not a fin of me. God wants to know Him at first, because He says you do one thing and you say another. And He knows our hearts, church. Listen, that doesn't, you can be at church and not be here. Just because I got a priest here every Sunday morning does not mean I show a little every Sunday. It can be true of me, it can be true of you. So God's asking, Scott first, Scott, where's your first day? You say you want me to be first. You say you want me to create for you. And do for you, bless you. Do you know what God creates? Here's another awesome thing in Genesis chapter 1. Everything that God created, He got created, got created, got created. And at the very end of God created, you know what God did, He blessed it. Nobody prayed for it, nobody asked for a blessing, because God always blessed what He creates. And you can have God's blessing, and you can have God's creation if you allow God to be first in your life. But it is a question that it's more than just saying, God, I want you to be first. You have to make that change. It's not something you'll do today when we respond in prayer. It's something that starts tomorrow. Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning. It's God first in those things. If He's not first in our prayers, as the worship team comes back up, if He's not first in our prayers, there's a good chance, He's not just first in our week, but He's not first in our giving. Oh, you said, Pastor Scott, there you go. That's right, here I go. Proverbs 3-9 says this honor the Lord with your wealth, and with the best part of everything you produce, did you notice the word best, best? We're gonna get into giving later on, but I want you to know is that man, when we give God, when we give God, it's gotta be best. What if God only match what we give in terms of worth? What if Jesus was only as good as what we give Him? What would salvation look like for us? There'd be no such thing. What if the prayers were asking God to provide and come through? What if the goodness of God was predicated upon how or what quality of the things we give God? I'm ashamed to say, I don't know. I don't know that I would be here today if I relied on Christ to match my worth in what I give Him. It would not be here, I've gotta do better. And so if He's not first in our prayers, it's a good chance He's not first in our week, He's not first in our giving. And in fact, let me just say this. If we can't give like He's able to deliver us from our financial debt, what makes us think we can live like He's able to deliver us from our spiritual debt? That's important. That's because it's the same God. If we believe God can free us from a spiritual debt, then is the financial debt greater? But the problem is that that's how we approach giving. I can't really give Pastor Scott, man, I got all these debts. That's the problem, we have a problem with the debts. We believe the debts are greater than the Lord. Because if you are debt free, you could give to the Lord no problem. You wouldn't hesitate. But the issue is, is you and I are problem solving, we're planning. I can only give this much, I can't give it all right now. Why? Because the debts are waiting for us. But we believe, we believe, when we pray to God, we pray that He'll be able to overcome all of our deficits and meet our needs spiritually. We just don't do that, we don't do that in a tangible way. He's not first in our prayers. It's a good chance. He's not first in our week. He's not first in our giving. He's not first in our thoughts. Jesus tells me that He says, if you love me, Scott, and you'll give me all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength, and all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. That's how you'll love me. How do we do that? How do we love God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind? Well, Philippians 4a says this, take your mind and focus among things that matter. Finally, brothers, He says, whatever is true, that's Jesus, whatever is honorable, that's Jesus, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable. If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. This is where our thoughts should dwell. You say, Pat, Scott, you don't even, that's not real life. I can't go around thinking about true, just pure, excellent things all day. I didn't say you were gonna think about those things all day. I said, begin with those things. Start with those things. You and I, we know people that their mouth is constantly negative. When they talk, we feel the oppression on our own bodies, not just our spirits, but physically we feel like we need to go take a shower, because it's just that negative on you, it's just that it. And you and I are to be the opposite. Every time you get around me, you should feel like there's light in the room. Not because Scott Brennan's in the room, but because my mouth is on a praise moment. I'm constantly lifting him up. I'm constantly using things to reflect God. But no, nobody wants to be around an old negative pastor, Scott. Yeah, we can't do this, we can't do that. Find another church. If you ever hear me gripe and find another church, because the love of Christ has changed me, it ought to emanate from my mouth. It ought to emanate from my spirit, right? From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And lastly, let me just, oh wait. I'll ask once this, pray first. Pray first is an anything that leads to everything. So you may not have God first in everything, but if you'll start with praying first, just pray first in every situation, every opportunity, every dilemma, it might be whatever the situation may be. If you'll just stop and say, "Lord, before I even begin to think about how to do this, before I plan, before I create my task list, before I do all the things that require my strength, let me stop, and let me come to you." Say, "I acknowledge you as being the beginning of all things, and I need you to be beginning of this situation, this need, and as me putting you first, I give you full access to create anything you desire to create in my life. And I'm blessed in any way to be able to witness it." And you stand with me today. Some of you in here today may not know Christ. You may not understand what it means to make Him first. So I want to get that opportunity to make sure that your life is straight. To know that there's a God in heaven who loves you, who made you first by giving His best. And that today, if you need Christ in your life, He is waiting for you. Not gonna make you walk the altar, make a declaration of faith. That's what baptism's for. Baptized last week, 18, 17, 18 people. Praise God. Today, I'm not asking you to do that. Today, I'm asking you to choose, to choose God, to be first in your life. Every hip bowed, every eye closed. You say, "Pasha Scott, today I need to choose Christ, to be Lord, to be Lord of my life." I know I've been thinking about this long enough. I've just been needing an opportunity. Today, I'm gonna raise my hand. I'm gonna say I choose, I choose and to be Lord, I choose to receive Him today. If that's you, raise your hand. Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you. You pray with me Father in heaven. I ask you today, Lord, you see those hands raised. You see the lives, God, that are not in alignment with your word, you know how we need to respond. Pray Holy Spirit that you would forgive us of those sins, Lord. We've had other gods before you. We've not named you to be Jesus, but today we changed them. Today, God, we ask that you forgive us of our sins. And we respond to you, Lord, with submission, Lord. We respond to you by acknowledging that you are our Lord and that you have lordship over us. We love you, we thank you. We ask that you to be with us today in Jesus' name. Amen, and for the rest of us today, we want to ask the prayer team to come down front. I don't know about you, but like I told you last week, prayer is not sensational all the time. When we pray sensationally, that shows us that our love is sensational, our dedication to God is sensational. So we're gonna respond to the word today, but if you need special prayer about anything at all, you can come see one of these people. And here's what I'm asking you to do today. I want you to ask the Lord, Lord, like you did, Pastor Scott, great me open today, show me how I'm to respond. Show me the things that are not first in my life. I want to walk, I want to acknowledge you first in all ways. So show me today, teach me today how I can make that change. You join me as we respond. (gentle music) You