Jesse Kelly Show

The system and why Joe Biden dropped out of the race for president

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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The Decono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaty! Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More! Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kids Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of D'Cono! Admission and parking are free! The Decono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of D'Cono. Go to for more information. This is a podcast from WOR. Hello, the Jassy Kelly Show! Let's have some fun! On a Monday, I could hug and kiss you right now. I'm so happy to be back. Not you, Chris. I'm talking about someone else. Anyway, it's so good to be back home. My own studio, the fellas are here. There's no more distractions, no more endless guests, just you, me, politics, and 8 million things to talk about tonight, so let's just lay it all out there. Here's what we have on tap. Of course, it's Medal of Honor Monday that's coming up about an hour from now. We'll do that. This is how we're going to do-- I'm going to lay this out in order, because there are so many huge things we have to tackle, okay? Huge things we have to tackle first. Biden is out. Obviously, that's one of the big things we have to tackle. He's out, and we haven't heard from him. We'll dig into that. Dome is in, or at least she has this endorsement. We will go from Biden. We'll talk about Dome. We're going to talk extensively about this secret service hearing today. It looks really, really bad. I have an airplane bathroom incident that I need to tell you about that I'm not proud of, and all that and so much more, plus emails is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show, and also you need to be so grateful right now. You should be so grateful right now, and here's why, here's why. You see, Biden drops out. As you know, look, I'm going to play some recaps on it, but you know I've been calling it. I've been doing this for years now. You know, I've called a couple things right when it comes to this whole thing, and I had a moment yesterday. It was Sunday. I was putting some thoughts together, excited to be back for the show. I had a moment yesterday where I genuinely considered playing just three hours worth of my predictions coming true, right this one down, please, Joe Biden is not running for reelection. I am very, very sure about that. Joe Biden is not running for office again. The system is going to come to Joe Biden, and they're going to tap him on the shoulder, and they're going to say, Joe, we need you to go can't run. The system is going to force Joe Biden, maybe not to resign, but to not run again. They're going to force him to not run again, because the system only has one purpose. You and I have talked about this a million times. What is that purpose? The system's only job is to protect itself. I genuinely considered just playing that for a three-hour loop tonight on the show, but I'm not going to do it. In fact, I don't even know if I'll play it again. Who am I kidding? I'm going to play it like five more times, but still, okay, so let's set that aside for a moment. I did call it. I called it. I believe November of 2021 is the earliest one we can find almost three years ago. Why though? That's not important. It's really not important. It's funny for radio, but it's not important that I was right. Why did I know it? Well, let's talk about that because this is going to play right into what happened with Joe Biden, why he's out. Here's what it is. The system. What is it? We talk about it all the time. You hear me reference the system, but what is the system? The system is all of our institutions have been taken over and corrupted by the same sick poisonous religion of communism. They all now work with each other and they work with each other because their intention is to burn down the country and rich themselves, gain more power. They have only nefarious things and this is actually going to come right back when we talk about the secret service. This will be a theme on the show. They have nefarious things they want. It's all bad. None of these people are doing what they're doing for good reasons. They're all bad. They're all evil. They're all horrible and what you have to understand until you understand and accept it, you will be behind. You'll be confused on every new story that comes. You must understand that the system is so much bigger and more powerful than any one man or even any one office. The system is way more powerful than even the president of the United States of America, whether he be a Republican or Democrat, because the system is a gigantic conglomerate. Think of it like a big evil corporation like a specter from the James Bond movies. That's actually a great way to think of it. It's this gigantic evil corporation with this big board of directors, all in it to do evil, all in it to do wrong. And that is what runs the United States of America now top to bottom from the high end corporate world to the bureaucracies in the country, the government itself, the education system, all evil people, all corrupt and all working together at all times. And the only purpose of the system is the protection of the system. That is its only purpose. And yes, you can buy yourself loyalty temporarily. If you prove yourself a loyal, effective system servant, then you can remain in the favor of the system for as long as you remain loyal and effective. But as soon as you cease becoming effective, then your previous loyal team means less than nothing. It means nothing at all as soon as you're no longer effective, the system will purge you in whatever way it sees fit. They may bribe you out. We're about to talk about the Biden stuff. Obviously they may bribe you. They may threaten you. They may kill you corrupt systems have done all three of those things many times before throughout the history of the world, but once you once you receive the crosshairs, once you're in the crosshairs of the system, once the system determines that you are a threat or a liability, the system will destroy you. They will remove you from the equation because the system only exists to protect itself and until you understand that you are led by a system, a corrupt evil system like that, you will be behind on every single story. Thank you for all the emails. I got all these. I got a million of these. Hey, Jesse, will you show up to work on Monday or will it be a three hour compilation of you calling your shot? I got a bunch of this. Congrats. You were right. Congrats. You were right. I don't need congrats. I need all of us to simply understand what we're dealing with. The reason I knew Joe Biden was not going to be the nominee again is Joe Biden became in liability. He was a loyal servant. That could ever walk through the White House and he handed over the reins of power to the most vile Marxists in the United States government and they spent four years destroying the country without the slightest objection from Joe. He was so loyal. He did it right. He was loyal. He did it right. But he became because of his cognitive decline because it got so bad they couldn't hide it anymore. It all revealed itself during that debate, Joe Biden became a threat to the system. And therefore Joe Biden is no more, at least is not running for president. Now, what happened behind closed doors? Speaking of calling a shot, remember, remember when I said this, it is frightening the things the system can do and will do to you and your family. Let's do keep in mind something we've brought up on the show by Hunter Biden's own admission. There are other laptops and he believes hostile foreign actors are in possession of those laptops. What can the system do? I would ask the Bidens if they think this is as bad as it can get. Take a long, hard look at what Donald Trump has gone through for the past few years and ask yourself if you're ready for that. It's going to be more than just Grandma vodka on TV talking to you like you're a big boy who needs to decide to eat his green beans to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. This is the asking phase, Joe. I suggest you make the right decision now because after the asking phase comes the telling phase and that I don't think you will enjoy quite as much. After the asking phase comes the telling phase and that I don't think he will enjoy quite as much. Here Nancy Pelosi's quote. This is Nancy Pelosi's quote. Well, it's a quote from an article about Nancy quote. Nancy made it clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly quote. She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way. No, I'm not a I'm not actually an oracle. Just a humble radio host who gets it right all the time. But let's talk about Nancy Pelosi. Let's actually let's have a serious talk about forcing Joe out the system and where they're going to go from here because a lot of people are getting a lot of things wrong when it comes to dome and her nomination and everything else. So before we get to that, let's get to something that's twice as important as that. And that's that's your dog, man, your dog, your puppy. We love our dogs. They become part of the family. I'm embarrassed to say they do that Fred is part of the family now and we want them to live a long time. Don't we have my friend, one of my good friends, one of my neighbors just had to put his dog down of 16 years and he's still just broken about the whole thing. It's freaking awful. So we want to push that day as far away from us as possible. But how do we do that? Well, we can start by giving our dog's nutrition. Your dog is just like you just like me. It's flesh and blood. He needs nutrition. He doesn't get any of it from dog food. Go to and get a free jumpstart trial bag. Start pouring it on your dog's food. You will see physical differences in your dog and your dog will live longer. or you can call 83333 my dog. More on by next the Jesse Kelly show. I like it. Returns. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday a gloating Monday where I'm rubbing it in everyone's face. How right? I've been no quit. No, we're not doing that. We're talking about Joe being removed and then we're about to get to the dome portion of all this. Okay. So there were a couple things that happened. One, you saw we talked about it extensively. The Democrats who were going public with the call for Joe to leave. We saw super PAC money, $90 million of it be froze and they froze $90 million of super PAC money and said, you don't get this money if Joe Biden's still on the ticket. And then you saw over the weekend, if you were paying attention at all, conflicting reports, every minute you look on, you look at the news and someone would say, hey, he's out. He's out. I've confirmed he's out. You'd see his campaign chairman be on television saying these reports are false. It's crazy. He's in. He's in. He's in. And then we wake up. Washington said we wake up. I was once again. Remember how I remember how I told you I was going into a movie with my wife when Trump got shot. Remember I told you that I kid you not crossed my heart and hope to die me, the wife and the boys yesterday. We went to the movies and I'm 20 minutes into the movie when Joe Biden announces that his resigning that he's pulling out of the whole thing. I had a, I had to get up. I had to leave. I had to go forget what's going on. There's something about me going to the movies where huge things happen anyway. Joe Biden or someone close to Joe Biden puts out a statement yesterday I'm bouncing out. I'm endorsing Harris. I'm gone. But before we move on to dome, I want to talk for a moment about Joe Biden. You see me, Chris, Michael, we're here monitoring the news. Why? Because we haven't heard from Joe Biden. Joe Biden, the sitting president of the United States of America and up until 24 hours ago, the presumptive Democrat nominee for president, Joe Biden is nowhere to be found. So let's just walk back to timeline a little bit. Joe Biden gets attacked from all sides by Democrats, first privately, then publicly. We want him out. We want him out. You got to go. You got to go. You got to go. You got to go. You got to go. You got to go. Okay. Then we get this almost bizarre announcement from the White House that Joe Biden has COVID. Now, I don't want to be dismissive of COVID when it comes to somebody of Joe Biden's advanced age. COVID wasn't nothing. It was nothing for the vast majority of the population, but for really fat people and really old people, COVID was dangerous. Of course, a lot. Andrew Cuomo killed 15,000 New Yorkers with COVID by putting COVID positive people in nursing homes. So it for older folks, especially folks, there were their immune systems breaking down. COVID could be deadly, but the White House puts out some statement on that Joe Biden has COVID. Okay. And then we haven't heard from him. And we haven't heard from him. And as of right now, we haven't heard from him, except for a PDF, a form, a letter they put out on his social media account. We've not seen Joe Biden take even 15 seconds and speak to an iPhone camera and put it out anywhere. And that leads me to this little wrinkle. I'll give you an item done with this. I'll give you a quick update on how the RNC actually was, and then we're going to talk about dome and then we're going to get to bed, love on our Monday, Secret Service, a bunch of things. But so here's the deal. Joe bot. Man, I sound like a politician. Here's the deal, but Joe Biden hasn't been seen. He's announced he's not running Joe Biden is old and in firm. It's not just his age. It's really not his age. You know, everyone ages differently. There's a bunch of bunch of 90 year olds listening right now who are fine, healthy, went for a walk today. They're fine. But Joe Biden is in poor health. He's very old and he's in poor health. Everyone can see it. It's been obvious because he has degraded health wise on camera. So we all can see it. We have eyes to see. Let's just say Joe Biden is really sick. What if he is really sick and that's why they just put out the letter on social media announcing he's not running again? So what if God forbid what if Joe Biden dies? I want you to think about this in this way. They hid Joe Biden. Somebody put out a letter announcing that he's not running for president again. And let's say again, I'm not rooting for it. God forbid. Let's say he does have COVID or pneumonia or something. These these things kill old people all the time. What if Joe Biden, who we still haven't seen dies without us having seen him from the public perspective, Joe Biden is facing all these calls to resign from the system, media people after Democrat after media, people after Democrat coming at him resign, resign, resign. We can't remember. You can't win. Resign, resign, resign. Then he goes into hiding in Delaware. He puts out a letter on his social media account that he's not running again. And we never see him alive again after that. Do you have any idea what the internet is going to do with the situation like that? You have any idea how many people are going to take that information and run with it somehow some way? How does that look? And look, there's no conspiracy theory you could put out there. If God forbid that happens, there's no conspiracy theory you could put out there that someone could refute. Look, there are people out there saying right now, he's already passed away. I don't believe that. I don't believe they could cover that up, but who knows? How do we know? And this is the problem with a government built entirely on lies. They lie about everything at all times. And now no one ever knows what to believe at all about anything, a really wild, wild situation. All right. Then we're going to talk about dome, the Democrat nomination, and much, much more. Here's the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. Remember, Medal of Honor money coming up about a half hour from now. You can email me and you should love, Hey, death threats, whatever you want. Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. We already went over the Biden portion of this whole thing. And people ask, what do I think happened, bribed, threatened first, we're never going to know the full extent of anything. Just understand that these people all lied all times. We're not going to know what happened. Was it bribery? Was it blackmail? Was it a mixture of the two? That's probably likely. I mean, I've heard all the same rumors you've heard, and we won't know the answer to these questions until long after we stopped caring about the answer to these questions. And this is, this is what I mean. The Biden's have announced they're not going to run again. We all know it was Jill, Jill Biden announces she's not running to be president again. If if the Bidens have a hundred million dollars for a presidential library, well, that's going to be part of the bribery package. And I have heard that rumor. Remember, it's just a rumor. I'm not reporting it. I've heard it as a rumor, but from some sources who might know that there was a hundred million dollar presidential library thrown out there. Now, let me explain this before we move on. Why would that matter? Why would that matter? Why would that matter? When I first heard it, I thought, well, who gives a crap about that? I'm only 43. I turned 43. Was it two days ago? Yeah. Two days ago, I turned 43. Happy birthday to me. Chris. Anyway, I'm 43 years old, and I will tell you already at 43. I'm having thoughts that I never had as a younger man. What kind of thoughts? Well, here, here, for instance, you see, if you're watching on the simulcast, you know, you can watch me do this show on the first TV. If you're watching on the simulcast, you may notice I wear the same watch every single day. It's not a bad watch or whatever. It's a tag here, how do you say that, hey, Chris, Michael, how do you say that word? I want to sound smart on the radio, whatever, it's a tag something, it's a tag watch. Why do I wear this? This is what my father gave me. My father gave me this when we were construction sometimes because sometimes we would get, you know, a gift from a big pipe supplier. If we bought a bunch of pipe from somebody, he would give us a sentence to thank you gift. He sent my dad, someone sent my dad to these tag watches. My father has given me two of these things. I wear the same one every day. I'm not really a fancy watch or jewelry person. I wear this because my father gave it to me and I have another one at home that sits in a box somewhere. I think about already which one I'm going to give to each of my sons when I pass on. I know that's a little dark, but you start thinking about as you get older what you're going to leave behind. You start thinking about your legacy. Now that's a very, very small example. Let's blow that example way, way, way up and let's talk about kings. Great man. That's a terrible way to put it, but presidents. Joe Biden understands he doesn't have 10 years left. This probably doesn't have five years left. Let's be honest. We see a man and how fast he's declining. He knows that you start to think about your legacy and the presidential library has been one of those things that virtually every president gets when they're done. Basically the taxpayer doesn't pay for that. How nice is the library? Is it a really nice library? Is it a crappy library? And I'm going to pause. I'm going to pause on this because maybe that doesn't make sense to you either. Who cares if it's nice? Who cares about the stupid library? What does it matter? Understand the ego of men. Men have egos. Men who rise to lofty positions have big, big, big egos. I told you this story before. This was actually relayed to me from my mentor, Michael Berry. It was from downtown Houston here where some billionaires, some big shot CEO billionaire built a skyscraper. Another billionaire was having a skyscraper built for his company and they came to him and with plans for his new skyscraper and he said, well, is it taller than the other guys? And they said, no, he said, take these plans away and only bring me back plans that have a taller building than the one that guy just built that mate. You may laugh at that. You may scoff. You may think that's ridiculous in it kind of is that's how ego works. And that's how men think. If you are about to be a former president, you don't want a one bedroom or a one room, little dinky shack as your presidential library. You want it to be grand and big and nice and all these things. And the rumor is that Joe Biden, again, it's just a rumor was offered $100 million. So that would be the bribery portion. Now if there was blackmail involved and there probably was, remember carrots and sticks are both effective. They probably use both. What might that have been? Well, I don't I don't want to say because I don't know. This is a family that has been criminally connected. They've been using his office to enrich themselves since he's been in office. How many people have how many files on various Biden family members that they wouldn't want to come out? And here's one for you. The Robert Herr tapes. Remember Robert Herr? He was a special counsel who was supposed to investigate Joe Biden for Joe Biden taking classified documents. He wasn't supposed to have. Since Robert Herr tapes have been closely guarded by Merrick Garland. The Republicans have been demanding these to the point they're threatening to throw Merrick Garland in jail if he doesn't give them over and Merrick Garland still won't give them over. How bad are those tapes? Remember this, the Joe Biden we saw on that debate stage. That is as good as he's capable of. The Joe Biden we see publicly is the Joe Biden that has been he's had rest tailor made for him. He has his own private doctor who he pays who will handle whatever he needs, whatever cocktail they have him on. He's got the perfect rest, the perfect routine, the perfect every single thing has been scripted. That's the best Joe Biden there is, but that wouldn't have been the Joe Biden who sat down with Robert Herr on tape. How bad did Joe Biden sound in those tapes? Maybe that was something they threatened to release. Hey, Joe, those tapes. So come on. So I don't know. You don't know. It was probably a mixture of carrot and stick, but either way, Joe Biden's gone. And now it's going to be dumb and I'll get to that in a moment. I do want to get to this. Hey, Jesse, I watched most of the RNC. Was it me or was it different this year? Everyone seemed happy. It wasn't a lot of doom and gloom from the speakers. I heard one commentator say everyone seemed grateful. It was powerful. I hope you get back home safe. I am back home safe. And this is not my first Republican national convention. If you heard the show last week, it probably sounded different. I did a really, really great setup over there to make sure it didn't sound bad. I hope it sounded okay. Obviously, there were way more guests than I prefer. It was a different kind of a week and I'm happy to be back home, but I heart really did it up nice. I ended up to the max. And so I was there and I was there all week. And I will tell you this, Republican conventions are not really for me for this reason. I'm not big on guests and I'm not big on celebrity. My heart doesn't pitter patter when a US senator walks in the room. I really don't give a crap, but it was a really, really great feeling of unity there. And it was a light feeling lighter than you'd think considering Trump just got shot in the head a couple days earlier. And I did get the sense that there that people really were aware of how close we came to watching Donald Trump be assassinated on HD on live television. And I got the sense that people were were extremely grateful that we didn't have to go through that. That combined with the fact that Democrats are currently disarray doesn't even describe it. Democrats are a grease fire on top of an oil fire right now. It's really, really bad. So there was a very light sense of being there. I did like meeting people and I thought, you know, taking pictures with people and all that stuff. That was fun. It was a good time hanging out with Clay and Buck. We hung out really all the time when we weren't on the air. So that was a good time, but that was your and see that set that aside. And let's talk about dome for a couple minutes, because there's a lot of talk. Who's it going to be? They endorse dome, but it's got to be an open convention. So let's talk about what's happening behind the scenes here where we're going. People are getting some of this wrong. Then we'll get to Medal of Honor Monday, the bunch of Secret Service stuff, emails and other things. Let's also get to this in case you're wondering, I know what's been on your mind. Did Jesse bring his chock along? Of course I brought my chock along. My chock comes with me wherever I go. And in case you're wondering, yes, I have one of those, one of those old people pill things that has each day shut up, Chris, it has each day, and I have my bail vitality stack from chalk in my Monday through Sunday, little pill dispenser thing. So I even though they're not pills, they're supplements, natural herbal supplements. So every single day I do it. Why? Well, I don't want to be a low T loser. I don't want to be out of energy. I don't want foggy brain. I want to feel great, energized and down for the fight every single day. And since I have started taking a male vitality stack, man, what a difference in my life. C H O Q dot com, they have female vitality stacks and male vitality stacks and so much more. But go to, get a subscription on something, take it for three months, or you can call them five zero chalk is the Jesse Kelly show. And for those who are asking, yes, I know you're aware of the bet I had with Buck Sexton, where I had bet that Joe Biden will drop out, Buck said he won't drop out. And just a reminder to everyone who's listening, the bet was whoever lost the loser had to buy the other guy, Red Lobster. But wait, there's something better. The loser also at Red Lobster had to take a Red Lobster Bib and tie it on the winner on camera. So yes, Buck Sexton will be taking me to Red Lobster and on camera, he will be tying a Red Lobster Bib on me. And I'm going to order so many crab legs and lobster tails. I give you my word right now. I'm going to order over a hundred dollars worth of seafood because I'm just that kind of a person. All right. I'm the kind of person who's going to rub it in his face speaking of rubbing any rubbing things in people's faces. Let's talk about Kamala Harris. Let's talk about don't because there's a lot of talk right now that frankly is ridiculous. It's people who don't understand how the system works. So let me just lay it out there as clear as day. And then I'll explain myself, okay, Kamala Harris is going to be the nominee. Kamala Harris is going to be the nominee. The system has already decided that Kamala Harris is the nominee. And no matter what happens from this point forward, Kamala Harris is going to be the Democrat nominee for president, Chris, did you write that whole thing down? Would you please write that thing down? Because I see a lot of people out there that are, they're acting like this is more complicated than it is. So allow me to lay it out for you. One, the Clintons have already come out and backed vocally Kamala Harris, Joe Biden or at least whoever printed that statement came out endorsed Kamala Harris, James Clyburn already came out and announced he's standing behind Kamala Harris, Willie Brown, stands behind him. No, that was a long time ago. But do you understand the power brokers, the true power brokers have already come out and said they're backing Harris all in another name, you may remember, Alex Soros, the son of George Soros and the new big cheese in that evil communist network. He's already come out publicly on paper and endorsed dome. These already endorsed Kamala Harris. It is a done deal game set match. The system already decided Joe had to go and they already decided who they wanted to replace Joe with. Now what we're going to see from here is an act. An act many people will fall for if you don't understand how the system works. So here's the truth. The Democrats, because they're a totalitarian, horrible evil party, they have been commanded from on high forever while pretending they read, read, they represent the common man. That's not how the Democrat party works. The Democrat party is commanded from on high Hillary Clinton was supposed to win that primary against Barack Obama. The system decided it liked Barack more and they rewrote all kinds of rules and rigged the whole thing for Obama to beat Hillary. Bernie Sanders was supposed to win the last two primaries in the Democrats. The system stepped in and said, no, not Bernie and they rigged it against Bernie Sanders. Now here's the problem. A lot of the Democrat base is upset about this rigging. The word has already gone out. The protests at the DNC in Chicago are going to be out of this world, all commie protests. They're already angry. The Democrat base is already angry and they already have a reputation Democrats do of ignoring the will of the people, brushing aside the will of the people and choosing the nominee. Well, of course, they're doing the same thing again, just brushing aside the will of the people and choosing the nominee. So now what they have to do between now and the convention is act like that's not what they're doing. Oh, no, it's going to be an open nomination process. It could go either way. You don't know, but if you've paid any attention at all over the last, I'd say 12 hours since you woke up this morning, you've seen Senator after Congressman after powerful person after powerful person after media person already lined up in signal who the system has chosen. I've heard from inside Republican circles and right wing media that the hate campaign against Kamala Harris has begun. You'll notice they purposefully pronounce her name wrong. They say Kamala, they do it all the time. It is on purpose, but the talk is to media is already out there. They have chosen the system has chosen. If the Democrats want to give the White House back to Donald Trump, let them go into a nomination process, open prime open nomination process and disrespect and step over the first black woman vice president in this country and they will be committing absolute suicide. The system has made its call. It's Kamala Harris, everything you see between now and when they officially nominate Kamala Harris, everything you see will be an act. It's all for show. Well, it's going to be an open nomination process. It needs to be fair. It's anyone's game. We're certainly not choosing it. Would you like to know why Barack Obama didn't endorse her? Why would Clinton endorse her and Clyburn would endorse her and Soros would endorse her? But Obama has come out publicly and said, no, no, no, no, no, we can't do that. I support an open nomination process. Why would Barack Obama do that? But because Barack Obama's the smart one and he always has been. He's always been sadly, that's part of the reason I hate him so much, the smartest and most capable political operative in the room. Barack Obama understands this can't appear to be the coronation that it very clearly is. So Barack Obama is going to pretend to be neutral. The deal is signed, sealed, and delivered. Barack Obama Harris is the Democrat nominee for president. The only mystery now is who the VP is. This has been a podcast from WOR. The Dakota Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. and it's free. Live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and Moore. Enjoy a spirits competition, Kid Zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dacono, admission and parking are free. The Dacono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dacono. Go to for more information.