Froggy the Gator

Sea Dragon vs. Land Dragon

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Froggy, Mr. Hummus, Worm Bird, and Tomato Hedgehog are playing with Dracius in Froggy's backyard. But when they decide to go fishing for crabs to make crab leg pizza, they get way more than they bargained for.

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

welcome back everybody to another episode of your favorite kids podcast froggy the gator and like we always say at the beginning of these shows you know what I'm gonna say by now you know I'm gonna say that if you want to help the show grow there are two things that you can do and the first thing is you can tell your friends about froggy the gator tell them that you love froggy the gator and they should listen to it too you listen to it together you listen to it with your friends and their parents and your parents make it a block party and the other thing you can do is to make sure that you get your parents permission to rate us five stars if you think that's what we deserve on your podcast app of choice and if you do those two things we're gonna keep growing nicely thanks to you and thanks to your parents and remember also if you want to get in touch with me whether you've got a joke you want to share or a story idea or a birthday shout out you can go to and send us a message right there and we've got some birthdays today folks we've got some birthdays so we'll start with happy belated birthday to Marcy May Marcy May just turned four happy birthday to you Marcy May and happy bit belated birthday as well to Emmon who turned three on July 12th so shout out to Emmon and his big bro Hector also shout out to Emmon's big bro Hector who I have it on good authority that they're both big fans of the show and a happy birthday to Samson who is turning five on July 25th I hope I pronounced that right Samson Samson turning seven on July 25th happy birthday to you sir and happy birthday to Steven who is turning seven also on July 25th what are the odds of that two s two s guys turn in seven on July 25th you guys I hope you have a happy birthday and Steven has a joke for us today as well and Steven's joke goes like this how many birds fit on a branch so you hear that one how many birds fit on a branch and the answer is toucan like a toucan is a type of bird but it also sounds like two birds can fit on a branch to can do that oh Steven good one good one and guess what we've got a bonus joke today bonus joke alert bonus joke alert this joke is from Sam who is six years old and here goes Sam's joke why did the bear walk with no shoes why did the bear walk with no shoes because he was barefoot and guess what again we've got another bonus joke another bonus joke I can't believe it this one is from sisters Nora and Abby their twins folks Nora and Abby your twins and they are six years old and really this one I think came from Abby specifically but shout out to both of you Nora and Abby you you guys are the best Abby's joke goes like this knock knock who's there lettuce oh lettuce who let us in to the next episode with our joke and you got in got in Nora and Abby six years old twins thank you too and today's story is very exciting because it is about something that everybody loves I've done market research on this and I know that ninety nine kids out of a hundred love this this story is about dragons and it starts right now if you're a big fan of Froggy the Gator you know all about Dracchius the dragon he is a dragon that lives in Froggy's backyard and he's big and red and yellow and he's really helpful and friendly and knowledgeable about the history of Gator Grove and Froggy likes to pretend that he's hanging out with Dracchius whenever he's in the backyard playing with his toys or playing with his friends and today was no different Froggy was with Mr. Hummus tomato hedgehog and worm bird and they were having a conversation with Dracchius the dragon about their favorite foods now if you're a listener of this show you may have heard that dragons love tacos which is typically true although with several notable exceptions but what dragons really love is pizza that's right and Dracchius said casually to Froggy yeah everybody always asked me if I really love tacos and I always say to them yeah sure tacos are pretty good but have you ever had seafood pizza seafood pizza Froggy the Gator said no no I haven't like what do you mean what kind of seafood comes on the pizza oh man Dracchius said all kinds of seafood but I especially like crab leg pizza you see you get the meat from the crab legs and you put it on the pizza you guys have really never had this no no I haven't have you guys had it Froggy asked his friends no I've never had crab leg pizza Mr. Hummus said us either worm bird and tomato hedgehog confirmed oh man Dracchius said that settles it quick get on my back we're going to fly to the ocean and catch some crabs so we can make crab leg pizza I'll cook it with my fire breath it'll be great so the guys all hopped on Dracchius the dragons back and started flying high up into the sky they flew over the tops of the trees they flew up past where the birds of Gator Grove were soaring and doing their daily bird activities they flew up high enough to where they can see Gator Grove Mountain towering in the distance next stop Dracchius said the ocean as he did a really fast and impressive barrel roll which the guys were of course able to hang on tight and everyone thought was great so they flew for what felt like six minutes at probably 300 miles an hour which checks out since Froggy knew that the beach was about 30 miles away from his house and if you're going 300 miles per hour for six minutes well then you'll travel approximately 30 miles that's some math for you right there kids because there are 60 minutes in an hour so if you go 300 miles in 60 minutes you can divide both of those numbers by 10 you'll reduce them and you see that you'll go 30 miles in six minutes so there you go and then they arrived at the vast ocean we're here guys Dracchius said hang on tight I'm diving in for crabs now but just as they started their descent to catch the crabs for their crab like pizza they saw something ominous in the deep sea below them it started out like a huge dark shadow deep beneath the surface of the water but slowly the shadow started to form a shape as it rose closer to the surface and then the guys saw the water on the surface start to churn and bubble as the enormous object got near the top of the water surface and then finally they saw it spring from the water like a rocket cannon and shoot straight up into the air in their direction it was a huge green and yellow sea dragon he had big yellow wings kind of like Dracchius except Dracchius had red wings and he had big long teeth and spikes on his face and long claws that were basically as big as bananas on both of his hands and both of his feet he roared as he flew toward Dracchius in the boys and he shot out water from his mouth like a fireman toes as he screeched toward them flying faster than the speed of sound oh no froggy said dracchius what is that is that a sea dragon I was afraid of this dracchius said solemnly as he dodged the incoming sea dragon this is sea dragon Larry and he's always lurking around these parts I should have known he'd be here waiting for us and that he would come between us in our crab pizza what are we gonna do mr. hummus asked to dracchius as sea dragon Larry who pushed past them roaring well we've got to fight him off dracchius said that's the only way we'll catch enough crab legs to make a crab leg pizza so dracchius let out a huge roar of his own and since seven fireballs shooting toward the sea dragon Larry and sea dragon Larry was probably 50 feet away and as soon as the fireballs got near him he shot out five blasts of his water hose and the fireballs got extinguished on site poof poof poof poof went the fireballs as sea dragon Larry got them one after the other then dracchius let out his patented electro roar which is when he sends huge pink volts of electric energy out of his nostrils if he flaps his wings hard enough so he flapped his wings as hard as he could and out shot the pink electric energy but sea dragon Larry was ready for that too activate magnetic field he shouted as the electric energy was heading straight for him and his scales immediately turned gray and shiny and metallic he's got magnetic scales tomato hedgehog shouted we're never going to get those crab legs now but just as tomato hedgehog said that sea dragon Larry stopped he retracted his magnetic field scales and turned back into his regular self he sat still in the sky did did you say crab legs young man sea dragon Larry asked already much calmer than the guys had seen him all day yeah said tomato hedgehog nervously why do you ask well sea dragon Larry said why didn't you say so earlier you boys are making crab leg pizza aren't you and by all means I love crab leg pizza if I help you catch a bunch of crabs will you make enough pizza for me and I eat a lot of pizza by the way so this is not a slam dunk trade-off for you guys well of course we will froggy the gator said not having to think about sea dragon Larry's offer at all so the six friends dracchius sea dragon Larry froggy the gator worm bird and tomato hedgehog and mr hummus caught about 6,000 crabs as fast as they could and they flew back to froggy the gator's house where they made about 600 delicious crab leg pizzas the end [MUSIC PLAYING]