
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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So says the scripture. Good advice, not only spiritual wisdom, but secular as well. Debt, unrepayable, with its pressure and tension, ruins everyone and everything.
That makes reference to debt which cannot be repaid in the normal course of business or living. Tens of millions would never own a home, or a car, or be able to afford the extreme cost of education today unless reasonable financing was accomplished. Scripture means don’t incur debt you can’t repay in the normal course of living and in the present.
But, my fellow Americans, we have a debt which we know little about, and which only increases daily, and which cannot be repaid in the normal course of living. That debt is the American Federal Government debt which now exceeds the unfathomable sum of, are you ready for this:
Not millions, not even billions, but now TRILLIONS of debt dollars, owed by Uncle Sam, that is by:
That means, says one economist and accountant, that you and I, American citizens who elect and foster the decision making of this federal government owe the unbelievable sum of, are you ready for this:
$100,000! And if we think that is a problem, that number only increases daily, hourly, for this DEMOCRAT GOVERNMENT, the Biden Administration, just loves to spend your and my money and of course without ever asking.
Biden Administration officials now spend and increase this American debt number by:
That, my fellow Americans, my freedom-loving, freedom-from-debt-loving Americans, is an absolutely staggering financial fact and it is absolutely stunning that such a debt, this unbelievably high number is accepted, if it is even understood, by you and me. WHY?
And another absolutely stunning fact. WE THE PEOPLE must now pay one trillion dollars per year, ONE TRILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR just for interest alone on that debt. ONE TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR JUST FOR INTEREST ALONE AND THAT NUMBER GROWS EVERY DAY! That interest payment alone is more than we spend as a nation on DEFENSE. It is more than we spend on the ever-declining American infrastructure. One Trillion Dollars in interest is more than WE THE PEOPLE spend on Education and more than we spend on poverty programs. It is the worst kind of debt, really unpayable unless there are mammoth and massive new taxes put in place, and the world at large comes calling for the repayment of that debt, demanding that each American citizen pay the one hundred thousand dollars each would owe if the debt were to be repaid. How in the world did we the people ever let our country, our profligate Federal Government ever get to this point, HOW?
President Bill Clinton knew that we had to deal with this big long-term debt problem, but he and his administration did nothing about it. President Barack Hussein Obama knew such fiscal policy was “irresponsible” but did nothing about it. President Donald J. Trump said we’ve got to get rid of this long-term American debt, but he as well did nothing about it. Then comes President Joe Biden, a man given to the lie whenever expedient, and he tells the American people one of the largest lies he has ever told:
And no one, especially his supporters, liberal, woke, radical media cohorts ever challenged one of the greatest and largest lies ever told by any American President. Not only was the American budget not cut in half, but it was and is increased by one trillion dollars every one hundred days, President Biden! We Americans don’t need nuclear warfare with Russia or China or any other nation to destroy us, we have become expert at:
Small wonder we have had the inflation problems so recently experienced, in the last four Biden years, where the prices of everything have risen dramatically. We are on the verge as a country, of what is known as hyperinflation, an economy out of control, and a nation virtually bankrupt. It was that very hyperinflation which destroyed Germany, the German economy after World War I and produced perhaps the most evil man in all of human history, Adolf Hitler as dictator, promising to solve the hyperinflation problem and restore Germany to its former greatness. Many think there is some possibility that such a thing could happen in America at some time in the future, the end of course of our great nation and our even greater democracy.
No problem says Biden. We will just tax the rich, the wealthy even more. We will get what we need to manage the debt in the present (not reduce it) from the American rich. That of course, as Biden and his cronies well know, is an absolute impossibility. The Federal Government could confiscate all the wealth, all the assets held by the wealthiest Americans, whoever they are and however many of them there are, and this profligate American debt would never, ever be extinguished or repaid. We are, my fellow Americans, a nation painfully out of financial control and you and I, YOU AND I, are responsible for letting that happen.
In ten short years, or realistically even sooner, the debt held by the American public will reach the staggering sum of:
If so, that staggering number would represent 136%, 136% of the entire American economy. Our nation would be beyond hyperinflation and would be utterly destroyed financially. Why, my fellow Americans, do our elected officials, our politicians with their heads in the sand, never acknowledge or deal with these problems, why?
This ever increasing debt produces ever increasing interest payment demands, and the payment of interest alone will be one of the most destructive factors ever in the American economy. This profligate Federal Government (Biden) spending will destroy our country, utterly destroy it. Our elected officials, our politicians do not seem to really view these critical and crucial financial matters as real problems, and it matters not whether the politician is Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or whatever. NO ELECTED WASHINGTON-FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL HAS THE COURAGE TO DEAL WITH THE GREATEST PROBLEM AMERICA HAS EVER FACED!
WE THE PEOPLE know that and we do nothing about it, NOTHING! WHY?
America, the republic, the democracy, is on a path to self-destruct. It will soon be another post-World War I Germany, where hyperinflation destroys the lives, the lifestyle, and the economy of millions upon millions of people. But it seems as though WE THE PEOPLE remain indifferent. We do nothing. We lack courage or demand. We elect and forget. We vote every four years or sooner, and get back to the good life, all the while our beloved America is economically destroyed. Like Nero of old, he fiddles on a balcony while Rome burns, while Rome is destroyed. We just simply don’t seem to care. God help our children and grandchildren, and those young yet to come, for them there will be no America, no nation even close to what we know and in which we have lived.
Instead of owing no man or anyone nothing, WE THE PEOPLE will owe everything we have and that debt will be the end of everything.

The Crawford Stand. Remember as a child when you were first introduced to words like aluminum, aluminum and spaghetti, you know, "paschetti" and others? Well, this week's word is one of those unfathomable and its Crawford media groups president on Crawford's topic. "Oh, no man, nothing," so says the Scripture. Good advice, not only spiritual wisdom, but secular as well. Debt, unrepayable, with its pressure and tension, ruins everyone and everything. We see it happen time and time again. That makes reference to debt which cannot be repaid in the normal course of business of living. Tens of millions would never own a home or a car or be able to afford the extreme cost of education today unless reasonable financing was accomplished. Scripture means don't incur debt you can't repay in the normal course of living and in the present. But, my fellow Americans, we have a debt which we know little about and which only increases daily and which cannot be repaid in the normal course of living. And that debt is the American federal government debt, which now can get ready for this, which now exceeds the unfathomable sum of 35 trillion dollars. That's with the tea, trillion dollars. Absolutely unbelievable. Not millions, not even billions, but trillions of debt dollars owed by Uncle Sam. That is by you and me. That means, says one economist and accountant, that you and I, American citizens, who elect and foster the decision-making of this federal government, owe the unbelievable sum of, are you ready for this, $100,000? Congratulations, my fellow American, you and I owe $100,000 and it's growing every day. And if you think $100,000 is a problem, that number only increases daily, actually hourly. For this Democrat government, the Biden administration just loves to spend your and my money, and of course, without ever asking. Biden administration officials now spend and increase this American debt number by $1 trillion every 100 days. Can you believe that? $1 trillion added to the debt every 100 days. And that, my fellow Americans, my freedom loving, freedom from debt loving Americans, is an absolutely staggering financial fact. And it is absolutely stunning that such a debt, this unbelievably high number, is accepted. If it is even understood by you and me, why? Why does this go on? Even better than that, why do we let it? Why? And another absolutely stunning fact. We the people, you and I, must now pay $1 trillion per year, $1 trillion with a T per year, just for interest alone on that debt, interest alone. Again, $1 trillion every year, just for interest alone, and that number grows every day. That interest payment alone is more than we spend as a nation on defense. Isn't that incredible? Boy, we are a porous society, ready to be taken over. It is more than we spend on the ever declining American infrastructure. $1 trillion in interest is more than we the people spend on education and more than we spend on poverty programs. It is the worst kind of debt, really, un repayable, unless there are mammoth and massive new taxes put in place, and the world at large comes calling for the repayment of that debt, demanding that each American citizen pay the $100,000, which each would owe if the debt were to be repaid. Oh, my soul. How in the world did we, the people ever led our country? Our profligate federal government ever get to this point. How did we let that happen? President Bill Clinton knew that we had to deal with this big long term debt problem, but he and his administration did nothing about it except talk. And President Barack Hussein Obama knew such fiscal policy was irresponsible, so he said, but he did nothing about it. And President Donald Trump said we've got to get rid of this long term American debt, but he as well did absolutely nothing about it. And now comes President Joe Biden, a man given to the lie whenever expedient, and he tells the American people one of the largest lies he has ever told. "We literally cut," said Biden, "we literally cut the federal debt in half." "Say what? Are you kidding me?" And no one, including his supporters and his liberal and woke and radical media cohorts, ever challenged one of the greatest and largest lies ever told by any American president. Unbelievable. Not only was the American budget not cut in half, but it was and is increasing by $1 trillion every 100 days, Mr. Biden. We Americans don't need nuclear warfare with Russia or China or any other nation to destroy us. We have become expert, we the people, at self-destruction, self-destruction, financial self-destruction. Ah, it's just unbelievable. How do you and I let this happen, my fellow Americans? How? Small wonder we have had the inflation problem so recently experienced in the last four Biden years, where the prices of everything have risen dramatically. We are on the verge as a country of what is known as hyperinflation, an economy out of control, and a nation virtually bankrupt, or at least insolvent, and it was that very hyperinflation which destroyed Germany, that German economy after World War I, and produced perhaps the most evil man in all of human history. Adolf Hitler, as dictator, promising to solve a hyperinflation problem and restore Germany to its former greatness. Many think there is some possibility that such a thing could happen in America at some time in the future, the near future, and the end, of course, of our great nation and our even greater democracy would surely occur. But no problem, says Biden. We will just tax the rich, the wealthy. We will tax them even more. We will get what we need to manage the debt in the present and not reduce it, not cut spending. We will get what we need from the American rich. And that, of course, as Biden and his cronies well know, is an absolute impossibility. The federal government could confiscate all the wealth, all the assets held by the wealthiest Americans, whoever they are, and however many of them there are, and this profligate American debt would never, ever be extinguished or repaid. We are my fellow Americans, a nation painfully out of financial control, and you and I, you and I are responsible for letting that happen. Oh, I feel sorry for our children. In 10 short years, say the economists, or realistically perhaps even sooner, the debt held by the American public will reach the staggering sum of, are you ready for this? 50 trillion dollars, or even more. And if so, that staggering number would represent 1.36, 1.36, 1 and 1/3 more than the entire American economy. Oh, Lord help us. Our nation would be beyond hyperinflation and would be utterly destroyed financially. We would be bankrupt. Why, my fellow Americans, do our elected officials, our representatives, our politicians, with their heads in the sand, never acknowledge or deal with these problems. Why? Why? This ever increasing debt produces ever increasing interest payment demands. And the payment of interest alone will be one of the most destructive factors ever in the American economy. This profligate federal government, Biden and company, and their spending will destroy our country, utterly destroy it. Our elected officials, our politicians, do not seem to really view these critical and crucial financial matters as real problems. And it matters not whether the politician is Democrat, Republican, libertarian, independent, or whatever. No elected Washington federal government official has the courage to deal, really honestly deal with the greatest problem America has ever faced. Uncontrollable debt. I think we the people know that, but we are like them. We do nothing about it. Nothing. America, the Republic, the democracy is on a path to self-destruct. It will soon be another post-World War I Germany, where hyperinflation destroys the lives, the lifestyle, and the economy of millions of people. But again, it seems as though we the people are indifferent. At least we do nothing. We seem to lack courage or demand or a willingness to sacrifice in any way. It's always somebody else's problem. We elect, we vote, and we forget. We wait another four years, four more years. Oh, well, they didn't do the job, so maybe we can find somebody these four years later who will. Have we all get back to the good life? All the while our beloved America is economically destroyed. Like Nero of old in Rome, he fiddles on a balcony while Rome burns, while Rome is destroyed, and we just simply don't seem to care, and we really do virtually the same thing. I say with all my heart, God help our children and our grandchildren and those young yet to come. So many of them try so hard to do the right thing and live the right way and live the American dream that they don't have a chance. For them, there will be no American, no nation, no nation, even close to what we have known and in which we have lived. Ah, my fellow Americans, instead of owing no man or anyone, nothing, we the people will owe everything we have, and that debt will be the end of everything. Next week, Mr. Crawford will have more to say about the America apocalypse. That is out of control debt. In the meantime, please let him know what you think in your email to stand at When you write, be sure to tell Mr. Crawford on what station you hear the stand. The address again is stand at When you want to review what you hear, go to our website, And remember, you can hear the Crawford Stand in its entirety each week by going online to The Crawford Stand is a public affairs presentation of CrawfordMediaGroup and this station, serving God and country. I'm Bill McCormick.