
The Twenty First Episode

Its not a lake, its an ocean, dude

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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Its not a lake, its an ocean, dude

Oh, Jordan's five pounds later now baby. We're still at my house. Hello Don't say hello You know when last time you came over my house did we went into a pool Why didn't you allow me to go in your pool what what pool? This should be a pool. You should you should have a pool pass somewhere. What are the summers? Is there no pool in this area? There are I mean I Don't want to pay for them though. Yeah, there's like two or three that aren't too far from me But it's I think it's like 20 bucks to get in really that's like that's expensive for a pool Yeah, I mean, it's the city. Yeah, and then there's like some like I I know a couple people that are like members to pools I get like guest passes and shit. So it's like three four five bucks or something, but like Pulling is pull pulls and cities are that's kind of tough, but that's the whole thing to like I don't know like I Don't mind a pool. I like your pool. I like my mom's pool Like I like I like like apartment complex in townhouse development pools for sure Because they're a little more chill and there's there's public pools. There's I mean, there's a pool in the park. Yeah, but like I've sort of reached the age now where I understand like Adult swim shit and also like I understand like oh, I don't really want to go to a pool Where it's like a wet daycare center. Exactly. You know what I mean? Yeah, like even like the private like excuse me the public pools like back home like I Never went to them because like my parents or like my grandparents or whoever were like taking me like They're like not dude. I want to like Sit and read a book. I'll jump into the water every 30 minutes or an hour to cool off You know, I mean like you can't really do that when it's like kids splashing and screaming and people have fucking portable speakers and yeah Splash I'm taking them. No, I thought I mean I did think about that. I mean, it's easier living It's easier in Baltimore to just go to a river than it is. Yeah, for sure Yeah, I mean or even like you can go like to um Like near Dundalk and there's like beaches over there. You can just go to yeah, I think it's It's cheap like per car. Yeah. Yeah, it's like five dollars. Yeah um I Was thinking about this. Do you have do you have any family ghost stories because my family has yes you yes I do like Let me try to pull this one off because my mother's told me this one before and I don't know the names of the people or like how They're related to me. Well, it's a public episode. So, you know, how I encourage doxing family members. Well This one's kind of interesting. So She told me the story about like I guess one of her cousins had was having a baby so they she was going to labor and then her husband was wasn't with her at the time so he's like on his way to the hospital or whatever and But he was never really there and he was a ghost No, he he gets there and he gets out of his car and goes in the hospital as he's going into the hospital doors He sees his wife like walking out. She doesn't say anything or look at him And he's like he like yells at her and he yells her name, you know, he's like, you know patricia patricia, you know And she doesn't answer and he goes that's weird, you know So he continues inside and it turns out like the baby was born and fine But his his wife had just passed away Yeah, so I remember she always told me that again the names the relations, I don't know, but yeah That's someone in my family's story. Yeah, yeah We have There's a couple from my my family my mom my mom and like her dad We're very into like ghost stuff. Mm-hmm. They love that shit. My mom's best friend does ghost tours We can do ghost tours this year if you want. Yeah, they're in like southern pencil. No, I'm like my aunt in the air quotes. Yeah Like is part of like a ghost hunting crew. Oh, how yeah, do they have the like it's yeah, stupid. Yes Like so they they do their own investigations like as like a club. Do they do like the flashlight thing? Yeah, they do all they have all that shit Oh my god And so they'll be like we're going to the old jail in this town and then they do their stuff and they also travel around and like go to like ghost hunting conventions where it's like Zac Bagan's and all those like paranormal shows they come over so they went To the best of my understanding is like When they film those shows those like ghost hunting travel shows They'll be like yeah, we're going to the old jail and you know Sharpsburg and then That famous crew will be there, but then like local crews like Hang out with them. Yeah, or they'll go do another thing and they'll go in a different part of the jail Yeah, they'll be like oh, this is where Kylo Spilelli was you know was this is where his cell was, you know, and I Right. Yeah. Yep. Yes, and so then they'll like go out like to dinner And you know, I mean so she does a lot of bullshit. We can do that if you want this year. Yeah, which I think would be very fun I'm I've always wanted to go. I've never done it goes. It does it does really seem fun But anyway, the best ghost story from my family that I know of Aside from It's not real quick. So this isn't really a ghost story, but it's like a weird thing where my grandfather didn't like holidays Mm-hmm, and it is really kind of creepy coincidence. So it's like something along the line of right like his mother was born on Halloween and she died on Thanksgiving and Then he had like other relatives where they were like born and died on holidays Mm-hmm, and then my grandfather was born on Christmas Eve and he died the day before the 4th of July So that's kind of like yeah, you know, I mean a little creepy a little interesting. Yeah, but The best ghost story that I know of actually involves me good everything's about me where my My father's mother was living in Riverdale, which is now Hyatt'sville outside of DC and She Was she married a man who you know was dead before I was born And he was like architect in DC Had a decent amount of money. They built this you know, they had this house who built this house, but it was like a pretty nice house for the time. Yeah and We would go visit her in Riverdale when I was a little kid before we moved her up to Hagerstown when I was like five Uh-huh, and so my mom always tells this story About how like they were all sitting in like the dining room or whatever hanging out and I was sitting on the steps Talking and they thought I was just like babbling to my you know talking myself. I was like, you know I would have been before five years old because My parents of course you have an imaginary little friend I had I had them as a kid because I was kind of like left alone around adults all the time Yeah, but no, so I was talking on these steps as like a you know toddler or whatever But I like wouldn't go above a certain step on these staircase and my mom came over and was kind of like but you know talking to me and I asked me what I was doing and I was like oh, I'm talking to blah blah blah and she was like who the like who is that and then I like pointed to a picture of My like dad's dead stepdad like my my grandma's late husband and I was like that's who I'm talking to it's that guy And everyone was like what damn I guess like when I addressed whatever said the name like My grandma got all weirded out was like that was his nickname And then apparently like the step that I was sitting on and was like I can't already fell down the stairs No, it before they renovated the house There was like a door there because there was like a like another landing before they yeah, so Pretty spooky. Yeah, I I used to get Like the sleep paralysis shit. Yeah when I was like a Like a young teenager like the hat man stuff. Yeah, I had that a couple times That shit is probably like some of the scariest stuff I've ever personally had to like yeah experience with Then I know and then one time I think I saw a ghost. I was in middle school I ever told you about that the lady with the parasol or whatever the umbrella. No, you never been to my mom So I'll have you yes, I have you have yeah, okay so you know how like the townhouses are and there's like a row and then another row and then they had like that weird like u-shaped yeah like Road in between them. Yeah, so we had a dog and I was walking the dog And I was like at up at like the top of the you right mm-hmm So I go up to the top of the you and there's like a tree line Dividing where the parking spaces are yeah, and I look down towards like the main road And I see a woman who's wearing like a hot pink really big dress Had a fucking parasol like umbrella and was like walking like a white dog like a like a poodle-eek type of thing Yeah, and I was like what the fuck and so then I went around the little bend and I mean it was like 15 seconds And I was trying to get a glimpse of her again And I couldn't see her and so I was like where the fuck did that woman go like she was dressed like a freak And so I like walk down the little you know the um the road to the main road And I'm looking both ways and I couldn't see her but there's no way that she would have been out of my like Fueled a vision unless she like broke into a full sprint so she disappeared. Yeah, so she completely disappeared spooky. Yeah, nice. Yeah My um my mom and her friends have a shit ton of ghost stories. Yeah, I mean I have more but you know what I want to save them for what Halloween season that would be very cool and fun I do have a lot and Yeah, my family who knows if it's real or not but they have a ton of things that have happened That's like a really fun like Western Maryland thing that I have found where it's like Especially with the older generations It's just like ghosts are real and spooky shit's real and every family has like You know this and that and the whatever's and stuff part of the it's part of being near the Appalachia, you know Oh, yeah, it is Hey Robbie, you know what time it is what time is a dog? Movie time. You're gonna tell Andrew to cue the music or Andrew cue the music. There you go. You said it real weird, but hell yeah All right, do it. What's up with movie stuff, buddy? so I We recently just saw a quiet place day one it looks to be Interesting, okay, so I saw the previews. I was a big fan of the franchise You love that shit. I like I like creature shit, dude I like creatures. They're called creature features first of all. Yeah creature features. I'm a big creature features guy. Anyway It was okay. So when I when it first ended. I was like I really like this I by the time I got out to the parking lot. I was like wait a minute. I Don't like that one and really it's definitely the worst of the three what yeah for sure really um and So I'm I'm gonna spoil a little bit by talking about this because it does kind of irk me now, you know, so first off I would say this one they got really lazy and Did John Green's key directed or produced it or you produce this one too. Yeah, so it's it's canon. It's definitely canon We It's basically a story that follows a terminally ill cancer patient and She's just kind of like At hospice and she her whole thing is she wants to get a piece of pizza She wants the pizza at her place But she basically wants to it's she told herself last time she went in the city was gonna be the last time But the the counselor guy Like basically is like why don't you come in the city with us? You know, there's there's a show I want to take you to and she goes can we get pizza on the way home? And he says yes, and she's like, okay, I'll go even though I told myself the last time I went in the city It was gonna be my last time so they they go to the city it ends up being like a marionette like show and it's like it's trying to be all stylistic and like like really like a 24 like kind of like, you know, I mean like super indie and like check out out like Cinematic we're being during that marionette's a blum house. Are they blum house? I don't know. Okay, anyway but so It's it's it's here when they're in the city they get on the bus and like obviously a lot of weird shit's going on like there's planes flying over the the military knows something they don't and then and then you know the the things come flying in from the air and Then the creatures break out and they just start killing everyone, right? Yeah, and then there's an explosion. It looked very like clover field-esque kind of I mean, it's it's one of those things where like, you know, it starts off It has like a it's just a really low level storyline and then just the creatures come Yeah, and all of a sudden they're there and Something blows up and she gets knocked out. Okay, so She wakes up and it's like this is this is where I get really annoyed So in you know in in quiet place the creatures can't see right sure, right? They just I've never seen him. I've never seen any of them. I had no interest in it. Oh Well, you should I understand the premise and I've seen that you know synopsies. Yeah But anyway, like so she wakes up and it's supposedly like maybe an hour or two hours of gone by they've are they're like huddled out in in this like theater and Everyone already knows that like these things can't see and like they have to be quiet Like they've already figured this out and I just don't think that's realistic, right? Like these creatures going around killing everyone you're you're not gonna just completely know It takes a while for you to understand how the how the creatures work, but okay that that annoyed me all of a sudden Just like you know, they don't see you know, you have to be quiet. Okay And then we you know The creatures at one point get really close to this one dude and you realize oh, they can't smell either So they're just these like Yeah, the creatures You know can only hear really well. They can't even smell you okay but you know The first two they have really interesting ways of if you have a creature that can't See and it can only hear Then you're going to have a lot of interesting things like in the first one she she has to have a baby And she's having it in the tub and she has to be really quiet There's a scene where there's a nail sticking out of the step and she accidentally steps on it and she has to be quiet You know, there's all these like cool things that they add in sign language or something Yeah, like you know, I mean there's a lot of like creative aspects to the movie in this there's nothing they kind of and all the creatures are CGI'd in and there's no like creative way of like of Like playing around with the whole they can hear really well But I can't see thing this feel like just like a cash grab to you. It was it was a cash grab and that's what bothered me You know and then Eddie from fucking stranger things just shows up out of nowhere and all of a sudden He's like just a randomly an important character and you're just like, okay He literally comes like he literally comes out from like this Puddle and he's just like oh You have no idea where he comes from he doesn't have any backstory and all of a sudden now we have to care about this guy, you know, sure so I will say the worst of the three for sure, but It was entertaining, I guess but I was I was sad of the lack of creativity and though and the story and the storyline is just her trying to get a piece of pizza Which is I run they're just trying to be funny with that, you know That's kind of like how some of those movies are now, you know, like sure. Yeah, you know, and it also has a dude She's terminally ill so it's not like I thought she was like it's a commercial I saw on the previous I was like is she deaf? Is that the whole thing? No, they already did that. That's like the first So but anyway, so that's my movie review It was okay cash grab for sure. Yeah, I haven't seen any movies since we last met up Yeah, no Yeah, I haven't seen any movies. I haven't really been watching anything new on TV either, but Andrew Q the other music video game discussion time While I haven't seen any movies I did Get back into Alan Wake - because the the first expansion just dropped like a couple weeks ago and so I I think we have talked. I mean we've talked and I think the show we've been doing this show Since Alan Wake. Yeah, it came out and I'm a very big fan of The remedy games control. I love control. I love Alan Wake. I played Max Payne back in the day, but like was so young That I wasn't really paying attention to the plot and stuff. It was more so just like shooting things was fun RIP to the guy that was the voice of Max Payne and Alex Casey. He recently died that sucks but so part of Alan Wake - Is that you have to play it twice in order to get the real ending? Okay, and it's not one of those things. You're like the good ending in the bad ending like a resident evil - situation then. I Don't know. What do you mean? You have to go through it twice to get like Maybe I haven't beaten that game once low loan twice resin evil was never my jam Okay, they kind of that was sort of like they kind of freaked me out You should you should play the new ones that the new remakes. I should say I played like the demos of the remakes and they were fun Yeah, I would do it if they were like if someone had copy like if you wanted to have like a video game night at your house We just like yeah, I would do that for sure. But anyway, like part of the whole Alan Wake 2 thing is like you beat the game the first time and then you play the game again, but it's not new game plus it's called like the the final draft yeah, there's the whole point of the game thematically is like Exploring these idea of like cycles and like cyclical taught you know what I mean and like yeah It's like a creepy franchise, you know, right? Yes, yeah more more more or less. Yeah, it's it's about like a horror writer when like his Just stuff comes comes to life for lack of air comes to fruition. It becomes real It becomes part of reality due to like a spooky thing check out that big word That was very good. Highly recommended one of my favorite video game franchises in general, but so I Sort of like hit a wall with my second playthrough because like like I Binged the fuck out of my first playthrough, right? Beat it was so stoked Realized that then I had to play it again to get the real ending because the story wasn't done yet So essentially like the first time through the game is like you're halfway through the game, right? Yeah, because then you played a second time and things are different because it's referencing shit you already did before in your first playthrough because Your character rely like knows that everything's in cycles, and you're stuck in a loop So it's kind of meta you know, I mean like so you're doing the loop again Knowing what you knew last time this game seems like it's like trying to it's trying to make you think it does make You think it is trying to make you think but sorry long story short is so I picked the game back up because of the expansion The expansion that came out and I beat the game again. I got the real ending Wonderful ending Really just put a really nice show a big pair of tits right up there, huh? Yep You beat the game. Here's a pair here's a here's some knockers Really nice like bow on the French like on the game, right? Keeping things open for like other installments of various remedy games, and you know what I mean? Yeah Great great great great great great But then the expansions came out Jordan. I'm not being hyperbolic or dramatic When I say that the allenwick to expansion the first expansion the night springs expansion is One of the best Expansions like DLC style things I've ever played. Yeah Extra money I bought the like DLC pack thing. Yeah, I bought the DLC pack but And I know and I I don't like Okay a little aside. I know that the urge tree shadow the urge tree for Elden ring came out recently Yeah, people love that shit and I know that it's like very popular and great and I know that it's you know perfect or whatever I Don't like souls born games because I don't like the time it takes I don't like the hour-long boss fights. I don't like the frustration I don't like the rate like yeah, I don't like that constant anxiety I don't like the punishing aspect of the throwing and I understand a lot of people including a lot of my friends love it Yeah, I love the lore. I love the backstory stuff like I played half of bloodborne Before I would just like fuck it. I'm only doing this for the lore and stuff So like I read the bloodborne comics like I fucking you know it walks all the videos does okay You know, I'm just saying that when I say I think it's the best expansion. I know that shadow the urge tree is probably like Legally the best expansion of the year, but nights brings is great So it's broken up into three sections and they're very short. It's probably like yeah, 40 30 to 45 minutes of gameplay per per chapter. Nice the first chapter is about one of the characters who is Allen wakes like super fan who is kind of delusional because of stuff that happens in the first game, right? So it is from her perspective and you play as her. Oh, okay, and you get like an automatic shotgun like a groupie Yes. Yes. She is. Yeah So you get like an automatic shotgun and you have to go shoot the haters who are leaving like Bad reviews of his book and you have to go to his house to go rescue him from the homeowners But so it's like she's just like going through reddit finding all the haters and like no, I mean it still is like Stylistically, it's like the it looks the same as the bad guys you know, I mean in the game, but they're saying things where it's like The endings are all derivative. This is a rip off of Stephen king like using big worst doesn't make you smart like that kind of stuff Yeah, and so like you you're less than Dean Coates Said you're less than Dean Coates. Oh yeah, sure that kind of stuff So they're saying like these kind of things like they're basically just like giving him like bad reviews and she's killing them And then um honestly the pretty cool the boss in it is like him But it's like I'm his evil twin. No one understands me because I'm dark and mysterious Also, I'm a werewolf like it's it's just really goofy and funny. This is like twin peaks It sounds like it's supposed to be like a very funny tongue-in-cheek. Like yeah, this is her fan It's supposed to be like her fantasy. Yeah, right Saving him from his haters and he has like the dark and and the whole time you're fighting like the boss Which is like the werewolf version of him. He's like, I don't know how to love people. So I can't love myself Like this is all self-work that I wish I was as good as my brother. It's like hardcore lyric guy Kind of it's very cute and funny. Yeah, and then the second DLC is Jesse Faden from control Okay, and so it kind of It's a level of allen wake to but you're basically doing control Okay in the allen wake to shit. That was for the people that really like control Yeah, they just kind of google because the control to connect it. It's the same universe I know and so like the government agency from control is in allen. Yeah, um So it's like you play as Jesse And you run around The coffee theme park, you know, I mean, huh? Yes, you're girlfriend. Jordan And so that's cool because then you did you beat control? I played it. I didn't beat it. Okay. Well, then so it You know how in control you're looking for your brother. Yeah, so in this expansion alternate universe thing That's such a trope, you know, resident evil two players looking for her brother in in this DLC alternate universe, whatever thing Um, her brother ends up being allen wake So you find allen at the end But he's in like the pod like like fucking um Jesse's brother. What like Dylan is and then control and you know, he's like let me tell you how to dream my head Yeah, I mean, so that's cool And then the third expansion or the third chapter of it is one of my favorite pieces of like Short video game, whatever that I played in years if not ever right and so it follows Tim breaker Who is affiliated? with the game quantum um Not quantum leap. It's quant quantum break Because that's an old remedy game. Mm. And that has to do with like time travel and realities and stuff in allen wake two He is a sheriff that gets sucked into the other dimension by this entity named warland door I know i'm just saying big words. I don't mean anything to you, but so you play as tim breaker And it starts off with you being like i'm an actor right and then it turns in basically turns into that movie the one where it's like there's a um alternate dimensions and this there's an alternate dimension serial killer that can jump dimensions and he's trying to kill every version of Yeah, right So then you start jumping dimensions as tim breaker But every dimension is stylistically different. So it's kind of like into the spider verse style shit So then you jump into a version of the game that is like a comic book And then you jump into another version that is like side scroller Like you know, I mean like not like like time cop, you know, I mean like that kind of like old arcade shit like the fucking hallway scene and um And the old one Sure. Oh, yeah, and then It ends with like an old like DDOS like tech space game Yeah, where it likes it like scrolls out text and then you like pick an option and it scrolls out the text again Yeah, and then it ends with like And I forget what stylistically it's called. We're like um You do all the different letters on the screen, but it makes a picture Yeah, you don't talk about so they do that at the end and then the picture is like allen wake's face. Oh, okay Yeah, I mean nice. It's it was fun. It was such a pleasant afternoon Nice and I get very few of those I know you know what I mean, but it was it was just so nice to like be playing a game with like one of my favorite if not my favorite franchises And like they're just like fun Non-sequit like they don't mean anything to the story. I don't have to sit there and analyze and What's this mean? What's that mean? Like it's all just like here's a fun thing Thematically, we know you will enjoy yeah, and then there's one more expansion coming out later in the year Which I come pretty excited for fun. Do you have any video game stuff to say? Now do you know, well, that's good because we're out of time. Not a time. Yeah All right We're gonna go do patreon now. Yeah, come come come visit us at patreon busy. It could get come do a patreon with us pay us money Bye So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So