Talk Louder

Mr. Lifto

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Mr. Lifto

Using pierced body parts to lift heavy objects is a huge “no thanks!” for most people -- but Mr. Lifto isn’t most people! He joins us to discuss (disgust?) touring with Lollapalooza as part of the Jim Rose Circus; shenanigans with Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Ministry and others; the “Circus of the Scars” documentary; shocking the talk show circuit; painful injuries; “bile beer;” and the time David Bowie made him wet his pants.

Created and Produced by Jared Tuten

what's up everybody metal Dave here along with my co host Jason McMaster bringing you another episode of the talk louder podcast and today we're doing something different today you know you guys are accustomed to us usually having musicians on the show today we have the incredible mister lifto we know I'm here locally in Austin as Joe lifto or just lifto he was part of the Jim Rose circus the sideshow circus that probably came to prominence around ninety two when they toured with Lala Palooza that was a bill that included the red hot chili peppers a young sound garden a young pearl jam ministry was on that bill and the Jim Rose circus kind of became a cultural phenomenon they were on talk shows they were causing all kinds of outrage because if you don't if you're not familiar it's basically a freak show comprised of all these people who do various stunts or acts if you will and a lot of people would call it gross or crazy or insane or painful well when you think about a love when you think about just the regular circus and there's there's a fire swallower or a sword swallower or a bearded lady swallowing a sword or something like that you know or or you know fast forward Joe mister lifto has in the in the late 80s early 90s he had nine piercings I won't go into what body parts I'll let him talk freely about that to you where he would hook chains up to these piercings and lift weights or beer kegs or or people or steam iron what whatever binder blocks and you know swing them around on and on stage on camera on on Sally Jesse Raphael if you know who that is young people are not going to know who that is that's a that's a daytime talk show type of a thing like Oprah Winfrey or something right right yeah so yeah Joe we've been lucky to have Joe as a staple in our Austin Texas music scene and to be part of you know because they would go on tour with bands they would open you know like this might be a bad example but you know comedians go on tour with rock bands this would be the same kind of a thing it would be an attraction that would go on tour with rock bands yeah no one in the Jim Rose circus played an instrument but they would have background music and sound bites when they would run when they would do these these feats and it wasn't just you know Joe doing all the heavy lifting so no no pun intended yeah but there would be you know again sort swallowing and stunts and whatever you know it yells up your nose and similar to midget wrestling I mean it's it's that it's a hardcore version of that you know yeah yeah so and they kind of rose to prominence at the same time as the grunge movement when you know so they were part of Lala Palooza when Lala Palooza was starting to great gain traction in the mainstream and so along with that comes the Jim Rose side show circus and yeah it's basically I think they would call it such themselves it's basically just a traveling freak show where these people do all these crazy stunts there is a documentary out called circus of the scars and it follows the Jim Rose circus from their beginnings through the Lala Palooza years I guess and then I think it touches on the demise of the crew but probably worth checking out it's on Amazon and I think Joe said it's also on to be so you can find it out there free on to be and you might have to rent it or something on Amazon the yeah the interesting thing is and how this sort of like bleeds over into what most of our listeners and watchers are into here at talk louder is is of course rock bands and musicians and the scene and how it worked and what was happening and backstage and on stage and names you'll know Eddie Vedder Chris Cornell there you know Trent Reznor it goes and goes there's a super guest list that Joe talks about today they were just there all the time and being part of their act sometimes even which is really really great so that means that in this documentary you'll see Pearl Jam and Soundgarden and Red Hot Chili Peppers and you know mainly the grunge era and you know mud honey and people like this and nine inch nails and and Marilyn Manson and and the like and and like you know early to mid 90s you know what was considered you know the the hot rock act at the time when you say Lala Palooza that kind of throws you into the sorts of of what you're what to expect yeah obviously quite the colorful resume yeah well he's a he's a really smart yeah and loving and really special guy who has a family who is as normal as he is something's wrong with him you know however you want to look at it he's the best yeah and we've been privileged to call him friend for decades because he lives here in Austin and yeah bar at Casino El Camino and so yeah we we've been friends with him for a long time but never really got to sit down and have a an in depth hour long conversation with him about the history of the Jim Rose circus and how he developed his act and then again as you alluded to you know some of the behind the scenes stories with some of the names of music that were sort of on their rise at the time the Eddie vetters the Chris Cornell's the Al Jorgensen's etc etc yeah yeah a lot of fun today he's got high energy folks so strap yourself in this is a good one Joe lifto AKA the incredible Mr. lifto today on the talk louder podcast so we can we can drink and smoke and cuffs right yeah of course I think fuck yeah I did a few zoom calls like well you know we're going to talk about Seattle's like so we can't talk about drugs or I can't drink or anything come on how bullshit is that how much of a real story about some chains you know understand that I don't know humans are garbage yeah well let's uh you know we've got a lot to get into but let's go back to the start tell us how it is that you began developing I'm going to call it your act or your skill or your talent whatever the word is how did you whatever did you start on this well well if I may if I may look at this this is called circus of the scars right yes that is our new documentary for those who haven't seen it it's on Amazon for a couple of bucks or it's on the to be app for free with ads but that talks about when we all met in Seattle to oh it to about 9 inch nails which is 94 like a lot of clues and all that but started in a small town honestly where you're a fisherman a logger or a farmer and that bored the hell out of me yeah I mean now going back going back just a couple weeks ago nearest neighbors are miles away it's quiet everybody's it's super nice up there highest 60 degrees so into that so into that but yeah no I just went to Seattle and just ended up in you know university district seeing bands and stuff and then Jim kind of walked up to me in a coffee shop one day and you know did the put razor blades his mouth pulled him out on the string and it's like here we're having a show it's like okay great so I went and saw the first one oh it was called Ali Bob it was a we showed the stage with some belly dancers and stuff and then we uh fuck and then I remember I was there torture king was there but I like helped him move equipment so I was the first one to join and you look outside and I think I think it was Chris Cornell and hmm Chris Cornell and I want to say mark arm for my honey we're peeking in the window because it was totally sold out and you couldn't get in I remember going oh look these guys are here I want to join I want to jump on stage now and then we started having a few shows and you know then uh Enigma came up uh when he was still pink and he played music and started swallowing swords then we met the tube then torture king and then just kind of it really kind of just we all met like really fast within a couple months and it just clicked and you know we did did a few tourists did to America like went to did a tourist in university I can't remember a lot of clues that then we went to you're in England I can't really remember it's kind of jumbled up nowadays but yeah we met really fast yeah so how did you start uh developing your act like we usually have musicians on the show so we ask them who is your childhood guitar here and of course they say Eddie Van Halen racephraly or whatever who are you looking up to when you're developing this act Bowie Bowie Bowie Bowie they answer every question for me is Bowie yeah uh Bowie and Iggy I guess I mean like my grandparents had a subscription to National Geographic from like that I should box it up and sell it like from a long long time ago and it um you know show the people the big rings on the next and played ears and there was one that said like what would say uncensored tribal rituals or something it's like oh so I got a needle and stuck it in the hole on my dick and I kind of pressed through I did it absolutely backwards and just kind of stuck it through the big safety pin that's like this doesn't feel right so I think about a week later went to Seattle and went to a piercing place which you know they didn't have piercing places attached to every um tattoo shot back then you had to go to like the gay spot so the gay videos and then you could look at the wiener jewelry because it wasn't yeah and they like oh you shouldn't have done it this way but yeah and then he said he pierced it really deep and it's like well that's good because I'm gonna be lifting with it even though I didn't know that at the time so yeah and no then just that's how that started you know then I got nipples and nose and uh not and not a lot more done nipples nose ears yeah and stretched ears and then yeah just being on stage with always Bowie or Iggy or sometimes Lux yeah yeah I can wear a dress I can't sing but I can wave my wiener around so that's my right so it is so it is kind of like just for lack of a better term and I don't really like to turn that much because it's all rock and roll to me but shock shock rock like like people who are pushing the envelope but they were they were entertaining with with sound as well as visual and you were taking in a visual thing I like it that you mentioned uh I like it in different ways uh uh National Geography because a young person a young man such as yourself figuring out that this body modification is part of their I want to say scene but within their it's a tribe and they're part of something that they full well believe that uh is religious and can make the world a better place and make the place make make their surroundings more beautiful in a certain kind of personalized way which I go back to the phrase body modification I'm cool with body modification um I think that it's part of art and I think humans are part of the landscape that is art and this is just my views on the scene as it were now now back to shock a lot of what you do would you consider it to be have a lot of shock value but yet you know bleed over into entertainment like you say Bowie I think of Alice Cooper I definitely think of Iggy pop and yeah you get it there's a lot of this type of a thing going on yeah let's sort of you know I think he's contorting his body on stage in fact that's art and shocking to what the hell is that guy doing yeah well so is Alice and Alice definitely Alice I have a bunch times in the 80s holy hell yeah and even Bowie a little bit and you know what there's there's I mean what is progressive dance what the hell is Rob Zombie doing up there he's fucking dancing and he's cutting a rug like a mother fucker you know oh yeah he's going wacky up there and I think that that's sort of part and you look at him you look at pictures of him he looks fairly normal sometimes now sometimes yeah but he he's putting on some kind of and I mean this with a romantic sense and sort of he's a disruptor oh yeah but it's a beautiful thing right that he's creating this sort of and I go all the way back to shock rock I like it that you're that you're undisputedly saying Bowie Bowie everything Bowie and maybe Iggy and that's probably good enough yeah but you know also we're probably going to talk about this on our intro but you mentioned some of the staff you know of your of the your people your show your your band if you will you say enigma when you when he was pink and a lot of people our listeners may or may not know who or what the right it is and he's you you don't have to over explain they can fucking go look him up yeah he is he's got horns like you see on me but they're huge yeah he's got split tongue tattooed his eyes blue he's complete tattooed like a puzzle solid blue now but when you say when he was pink do you mean untattooed oh yeah sorry untattooed yeah when he was just a human before he became a freak yeah I got I got that I got that when you said he transformed yeah yeah oh you know enigma when he was pink and my my brain went oh maybe he means untattooed yes all right sorry unmodified there you go no no apology needed at all go back to the going back to the geographic national geographic thing so in the beginning is any of this spiritual at all for you or is it more it wasn't really I mean you know I started looking at as well as like 10 or 12 so you know hey oh so spiritual average had a weird thing with that but like I've had some experiences like my first wife from Australia and I got some of these tattooed on the top of aero's rock you know that is in Australia the big stone where you could go up there and it was super hot and they had a guy with a bat swinging around making a third sound they were spitting water on us and they they hammered it in and it lasted maybe half an hour but it felt like three hours that's called dream time now that was a spiritual experience that hurt like hell and it yeah just the heat and the people in the sounds and being on top of the world that was a spiritual experience but other than that I mean the pain is definitely a spiritual experience best drug ever best dog ever to take it ever in my life yeah just getting on stage just that you know you know you guys look out you guys about though thanks oh yeah speaking of pain speaking of pain in your house right yeah timing on his neck yeah I'm awake thanks jet yeah you okay yeah but yeah I did what's the most painful modification you've ever endured um or stunt after the modification um well this these right here these right in the middle those are pretty painful maybe or dots how what is that uh I don't even know four or five oh looks like five didn't get um in the middle there yeah I think I think it's true one two two four five five especially the one right here vibrates your whole skull but once a year so I just get those you know go here's a hundred bucks tattoo me I need it's like you know I can take it just I just need that feeling again you know just every now and then um I was too branded for a movie oh god before I had most of my mods before my face stuff and before my big stretch out ears called swelter in vogue with mark arm it was just a slow budget with mark arm from my honey just a slow budget branding video about bondage and shit it was really intense and that was yeah that felt like I was somewhere else for like 15 minutes it was intense is there is there any meaning or symbolism behind the dots or is that just uh a preference let's just say it's my tribe in Australia and just leave it at that I mean I can get into it but you don't want to get too metaphysical here you know okay the weirdness but yeah no no it's part of a tribe I have an Australia yeah yeah I'm not asking to go total hippie shit and uh man you know the first time I got tattooed I saw Buddha and man no screw that no no but I but I think that it's important to touch on that a little bit because there's a reason that you're doing this I mean there's a reason that someone gets tattooed and goes ow that fucking hurt give me another one absolutely so there's something to that and I think that it I relate it to like why someone is addicted to horror films pain is an addiction pain is or fear run or anything pain is an addiction you can get quite addicted to it yeah then you get you get kind of like like drugs then you get kind of numb to it and it's like okay I need to cut my arm off to actually feel something again so you got to taper off of it after a while yeah so it's interesting that's that's an extreme version of what I'm talking about but back to horror films I think that people really like the idea of you know seeing this film that's obviously Hollywood or whatever it's an independent whatever budget they had of someone being decapitated and someone screaming and never being the same and having to happen to go to the asylum and blah and that's the plot and blah blah blah and then they want to go see it again and take all their friends man I saw this awesome movie where this guy is decapitated what is that that makes that I don't think that that's a sick fascination I think that there's something to the art factor absolutely can you elaborate on some of that the sick fascination I think would be taking your friends to and know something's coming and watch their reactions and chuckling at it wow yeah maybe yeah but there'll be totally normal boring church going people who happen to just like scary film and oh yeah oh yeah and and and you know jump scares right I met some really freaky freaky absolutely normal looking no tattoos nobody piercing people and they're the weird ones the quiet normal looking ones yeah well they're and they follow and they follow Christ and they go to church on Sunday and they're Protestant normal yeah I know yeah and they're weird sexually weird and I say weird I mean yeah I get it I get it let's uh I got a kick out of doing some research for the show and I saw a clip on YouTube when you and Jim were on the Sally Jesse Raphael show absolutely and I thought it was hilarious that everybody was just aghast that you had nine piercings because now nine piercings just sounds like no big deal but back then everybody's jaw was on the floor yeah they show a lot of clips of it and get in the back story in the documentary circus the scars that we did last year but it uh yeah they flew us out and said hey she wants to do a circus theme and you know there wasn't YouTube so she couldn't look up and see what we did so you know we showed up and there's balloons and a bunch of people and you know they kind of mined what the needle was going to be if they actually did it there's no way but we got on there yeah like I said like he's got nine piercings in like in 91 that's like oh no yeah like torture kingstone needle through the face and stuff and people were fainting in the audience like on national TV I'm Sally Jesse Raphael I mean I think of course I didn't do any wiener stuff I think I did nipples but that got edited out that's that was only on the live broadcast you can't find a copy of it anywhere but yeah it was on the live broadcast but man yeah that got a such great press did you look right if that level please recall I think I think I'm starting to rub Dave I know you're on to something there and hold that thought but I think it was very well played how you and Jim and everybody got on to the show and that you it was very well managed the way you got on there and it was like a it was a business card for you at some point absolutely yeah I think it's good you know I've seen on all the clues I've seen on Sally Jesse Raphael it's like oh those people yeah yeah they said they wanted circus and we were circus sideshow but you know they had no idea what they were getting into no idea at all send in the clowns mm-hmm right where's the juggler in the balloon animals well I can do wiener balloon animals but you don't want that I mean I can do that but no yeah we're you are were you guys ever banned or protested or you got any stories related to that because I can imagine that at some point during all of this there's got to be some people in an uproar ah let's see well we were banned in Lubbock I can't go back to Lubbock which big loss right that's Texas we were doing something I'm not going to describe but Marilyn Manson had just gone through so they were looking and he was all covered up and they were looking for somebody to arrest you know because the outrage um 91 I think in Edmonton I think in oh oh the Alberta you can't show sex acts and have drinking because I think it was 17 or 18 at the time I think it still is in Alberta and I was lifting weights my wiener it's like oh okay you can't do that so we were banned I mean and you know you know then it's in the newspaper oh dick act closes down a bar it's like okay well thank you our Canadian tour sold out now so I mean right for us it was more good than bad you know we go to London for some press things before English tour it's like this sick shocking circus and it's like great everybody's going to pick up on that here's a picture I'm making me in bugs tattooed guy here's me you know with things hanging on my tits like great that's going to be great so yeah not not so much a lot I mean we knew when to pull back before we got seriously like arrested or anything bad bad like that yeah tell us about what would you what would you do without censorship is all I was going to throw out there just what would what would I would like to make it I don't I just don't give a fuck yeah here I am here I am you know I wear a little belt so I could you know keep my keep my sigs and my booze bottle and stuff but yeah no I'd walk around completely naked I don't give a fuck but that's what I'm saying is what would the I mean if someone did censor you your your your world would become bigger not smaller that's all I'm saying there's no I agree with that like yeah we did have some level please uh uh the first couple ones you know they'd show clips you know and like you could kind of see what I was doing but I had shaving cream on it on my wiener and it you know I'd open my open my cape and it's like oh swing swing and close it but you know like San Francisco LA that's it's fine but like certain places we go it's like okay and the cops are sitting there right on the side of the stage and we got so much press it's like okay meet us backstage and I'll show you the real act and you know then that's when we kind of enter certain incand mingling with like you know Alan we'll talk about all that Al Jorgensen from Ministry and all those guys who are just gorgeous to us just super nice super nice where did your what did your parents think of all that or were you close with your parents as a child yeah I just saw when my real father died a couple years ago I he like seriously yeah I we only have two we got two fur kids no skin kids though so that's good yeah uh my real dad loved it he would come and drink uh when I was back in Seattle we'd meet up and we'd drink he was a bartender for 50 years and he's like he's like man only look we out drank Allison chains we out drank the guys from Nirvana it's like man my son's a rock star it's like thanks dad my stepdad is more of like a farmer it's like I don't want to see any of that my mom would go see my grandma loved it you know sister likes it you know her son and daughter want to bring me to show until it's like that's probably not the best idea I'm bit that's great hey I'm happy I'm so intelligent school stay in school kids yeah seriously or you have to join a circus you know I hate to hate to get back into the romance of this but no well honestly I think that this shit is very important to being a human and understanding why you chose this as as your passion and a path and something that you're into because dude you're normal to me yeah that's me see what I'm sure I'm going with this everybody who's listening you're nor I mean if you go look up Joe lifto and you start watching videos and looking at pictures and you think you're in shot will it he's doing his job but it's also something that he cares about and obviously there's a lot of people that care about it and have championed you like you know whenever you want to talk about Al and how that relationship sort of I mean they took you on the road created tours around it explain explain that I'm and then and then the bands you know the you know ministry and the like that sort of took the Jim Rose thing and and and you know budded you championed you like I'm saying to you know give some somebody something to go home and either have a nightmare ago wow that was really wild I've never seen anything like that in my life and I'm not offended I'm not afraid you know tell us a little bit about the reactionaries and the reviews that of the people that champion it because the people that talk shit about it they're scared of themselves yeah yeah without judge I'm not trying to judge but that's what we're old we're old guys now well you know these kids today are but I think you know what I'm saying and that's why I used the word romance romance because it's how you it's passion for something it's just like playing guitar to me so which I wish I learned so I would have to do this I could play guitar I could I could be still playing with my daddy right now yeah but you know what everybody wants to play guitar dude not everybody has what you what you have I can hang the guitar for my nipples and play with my dick ring so there you go I got my book already there's for decades later there you go oh I can't play if I watch me swing it you know I don't know especially with my dick I don't know to Jason's point take us to Lala Palooza 92 you know alternative music is starting to gain some mainstream traction oh yeah you guys are along for the ride yeah you found your people it's kind of like the two tribes are are advancing at the same time you're kind of coexisting and you're finding whether you intended it or not it probably not but you're finding this massive audience and you you know as part of this touring group you know you're hanging out on 92 Lala Palooza with you mentioned Al and Ministry, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Chili Peppers not so much Chili Peppers fuck them oh we'll talk about that later but they have lush they got the people from lush for great they had no idea where they're getting into you know the alternative shoegaze or band that opened up it's like everybody's so happy to say that it's like okay where's Pearl Jam where's Pearl Jam Pearl Jam guys are great and the Jesus and Mary chain that was a weird call it was just a bunch of smoke and now there's English shoegaze and band that were great but you know they had no idea where they're getting into okay you're playing outside in the sun good luck with that English kids no yeah we joined on the first like couple days were weird to say you know it's a huge fan of ministry at the time and then you know we just kind of clipped together that's Al got me drinking bushmills it's like an IBM stage with two in his pocket and just riding bones around stage and even even the crew the crew who made his big little bones statues and things that he'd ride around on skateboards on stage they Turner from Dallas they were all super great just the I mean ministry but they're road crew holy fuck Casey or who you know wound to be in guar and um rigor mortis was it rigor mortis yeah he was he was fucking great I love him he's still he's still doing it he's an artist and he's a one of you guys man he's a renaissance guy great he's very very talented yeah yeah I like just and he'd be a great guess he'd be a great guess for this show yeah you'd grab him he's fucking I see him online every now and then but anyway I digress so yeah Lulla please I mean just you know we'd see people hanging out backstage like okay when you on you know come and see us early well let's see now I got this lush then Pearl Jam lush then Pearl Jam then Jesus and Mary chain and then Soundgarden and then after Soundgarden they go hey we're all gonna go to the side stage want to dream our circus and then while we were playing ice cube would play and then after that you know we just hang out around our area with everybody everybody had come to the side stage and hang out like allen everybody with us or we'd still go cart and go to the main stage because chili peppers was like after everybody saw ministry they were done it's like hey look we got fire hats but he was like several shows are ripping up boards and making bonfires when ministry is playing it was just an experience yeah like yeah they just started coming to see our show and like okay math the tube who's a pharmacist right so it's called the vaj so he takes a big tube right with the hose on it sticks the hose up his nose and then we put in whiskey and ketchup and mayonnaise and beer and then they pump it into a stomach and then it mixes up in a stomach they pull it out and they pull it along to bat his nose and then we give glasses of it to the audience it's called bile beer so the thing was i really really want to say out did it first and then it was a competition i think i think chris cornell will actually want i think he did it like six or seven times wow yeah no and that that's kind of being bonded like like i say once again in the documentary six cars look it up you see young young liftos leaner but um they show like eddie jumping on on stage and chris cornell a bunch of people come up and drinking it and that kicked us off like everybody's like oh they're friends and you know it was kind of that connection to like okay there's three of us from seattle you know on the same bill it's like oh we're gonna hang out and talk about hey you know what's happening with this and this and this you know and it kind of clicked and connected to all of us which is great yeah you know i i think i read somewhere that jim i don't know if he admitted it or it was reported that at one point he was addicted to heroin yes and you're talking about you're from seattle you you have some background in seattle and at the time that the lala palooza is starting to take off harlowon is kind of in the news all of a sudden it was huge and it was huge up there bad yes are you seeing any evidence of this of the downfall of you know cornell or you know no no everybody was air but like listen 92 that's a i mean you know sound guard had been around pro gem is just starting i mean for me and people ask me this all the time my number one favorite band is alson shanes number one i saw them so many times i saw glam rock alson shanes at the vogue and so holy hell it's like what is this glam bullshit but this guy's got a great voice and then yeah tell tell me real quick about um because i i i struggle finding uh video and reverence and existence of footage or recordings or anything of there what was the name of their lack of a better term glam rock band before they were alles and chains i think it was alles and chains or with some la kind of connotation you want to find it you look up alles and chains at the vogue vio oh okay alles and chains at the vogue in seattle but they weren't called alles and chains i think they might have been when i saw them they were called something else before that but yeah no you'll see their long ass hair and shit and they're they're kind of sing and play pretty good at the time but like no um i've seen some footage of them like covering like van halen and poison and shit i've seen that and they're and like lane staley's actually go look at these girls over here man like davidly roctor sundress and i'm like what that's not something that he would say no and i i want to say and please correct me anyone out there i i seem to have this weird cemented memory that they were called something a little not so hot like a band name like this is terrible battleship red or something really weird like yeah see i can't correct this in the comments yeah exactly because i don't i don't care if i'm wrong i know i'm ready to be wrong but alles and chains is like had a whole other thing going on before we know them as alles and no one there was super glam yeah i can't remember what that was called but no um lane's girlfriend and my girlfriend at the time and mark land again from screaming trees girlfriend raw girlfriend so like i'd be over at their house even before like you know hey guys uh thanks for letting me listen to dirt early but like hey what do you think about this dick ring what can i do with this and like oh fucking put that shit away you know it looks like great i think i got an act now yeah no i was friends with them for a long time still a huge fan i saw some of the new that i saw a couple of new tours the new arms not bad um what's a new lead singer guy's name it's close it's close and they're a decent rock band yeah come on give me lane give me lane i mean yeah yeah he's he's what everybody fell in love with so it's hard to you know the new guy who's not really the new guy he's got a great voice he's awesome plus plus alles to me is the two of them doing duets uh you know lane and gerry together that was alles for me and like they're really good doing it in the new version but it's it's good i saw him it's like great great set you know yeah you uh besides lalapolus uh separate from lalapolus i believe you went out and did a tour with maryland manson and also another tour with nine inch nails is am i right same same tour that was okay i know this one that started okay we were in europe doing festivals like that's where i met so many band people but yeah like we played a little video camera and they have big screen projecting behind us like i think rust gilda and denmark i think we played like 50 000 people it was spectacular someone had you know you see the big flag someone had a big wiener with the weight on it it's like yes yes just then we you know we'd walk around and i could see oh hey steve wondersplain on one stage oh and then motorheads on one stage and then like new orders on one stage it's so weird if you ever get to see a festival in europe it's like there's a hundred thousand people there or someone got their tents stolen someone got their drugs robbed it's like that's it that wouldn't happen here yeah yeah woodstock 99 but you know uh we got back and i heard uh jim's like you know this tramp resonance like yes i was a huge fan my strip rags girlfriend she's danced ahead like a whole all the time like you know i saw their new stuff you know and the new videos and shit it's like yeah plus he wanted to get kourtney love out of there and off opening up so we opened up no it was marlin manson and then it was us and the nails 94 95 best best tour ever because we got to we'd show up they'd wheel out this big cart we pull our shit off make sure the video scream is up and then play to a camera afterwards we pack it up put it on to the cart and then the roadies of wheel it up and i can see nine snails in their height every day you know just hide the pass let's just jump out and watch them all the time and just we got into so much shenanigans and stuff but yeah but and then i think manson dropped off we had um fuck fucking buzzo come on melvin melvin's melvin's played a couple times and yeah there were people are tearing up the floor and throwing at him and Trent came out like hey if you throw shit at the next band i'm not playing tonight it's like yeah don't throw shit at me when i'm lifting weights come on just like no and then i think we had populated so but that was a great tour like we like after you loaded ship like we'd have we'd play maybe one one or two days in a row then we have like two days off because you know you have to set up the stage and the big venues like yeah i can always say we sold out three nights in manson's square garden you know we had nine snails with us but hey you know like yeah you had some help yeah yeah you know just another band you might not have heard of but yeah no madison's square gun was great like backstage like here's uh JFK jr it's like oh nice to meet you it's like i'm going to talk to Trent it's like okay hey there's this tall guy that wants to come back stage joe yermone come with me it's like oh fuck and joe yermone shit it's like hey man you got a great act man oh fuck jelly thank you bud um yeah like i sent you some pictures yeah i was like me and fuck sorry my memory hold on memory juice that'll help um met metallica uh what's his name the car plan metallica was backstage in LA it's like correct yeah yeah because i remember like we're missing a prop so i had to run offstage run backstage and it's like hey left out what do you know it's like you need to get a prop need a good prop uh courtesy jennie jameson stay right here stay right here i get you back on stage i wanted to see how to both of you it's like yeah no just that was the tour where like everybody's like hey you're on this tour like um twiggy for maryll manson and no like a perfect circle and shit him and i were throwing matches in slash's hair in LA because he's passing out and throwing bottles at us and stuff so it's like fuck you so he lives hair and fire um yeah no i Trent and fuck corny left she killed kurt but anyway he wanted to go away from her so bad like you know here's the theory like the first time was great because it was written by Kurt Cobain second album was okay written by Billy corgan from smashing punkins she was on the tour you know whole it's not bad she's playing and playing oh i need you out my own need you out my own it's like okay you're off the tour no she been off the tour she showed up and we were waiting for this so i gave the the stage guy a nod she's here so he grabbed a bag and he grabbed a briefcase and i brought it out to him and Trent walked right off the front of the stage and right out the front of the venue into a car and took off back to the hotel it's like yeah just i yeah wow we were at a certain level you know but like that kind of famous like i get it i want it but no when i see what happens no i don't i'm i'm happy look i traveled the world had sex with many exotic men and women i own my house i work three days a week i'm happy i'm good man i'm good yeah yeah never i wouldn't take anything but i maybe i would invest more but i wouldn't take anything back yeah right right but but live in the dream you know you know not to quote you know someone but you did it your way and that there's something to be said about that um and you you're a disruptor in the right way i use that word earlier there was a hole in entertainment we plugged it that's right absolutely absolutely yeah there were some people needed they didn't know it was until i saw half naked guy lifting weights with his dick i guess and it's all it's why we brought well the the cool thing is as i said it earlier and i'm you know i'm not patting myself on the back here but you found your people and it was timing and it was all of these other things too you know that yeah actually like like he was saying about like the 90s and all the kids again the end of the by the 94-95 you know merrow mants and all that you know corn all the weird spooky kids they kind of found us are we kind of calmed on to one or the other like yeah okay it's okay be weird now yeah and yeah well it's interesting i'm gonna throw i'm gonna throw another sort of like vomit token as i like to call it okay you know hot topic was a thing around the time of all of this yes hoopla of lala palooza and and the and the like and i mean to be able to buy a fucking nine inch nails and a ministry shirt at the mall yeah we can go and get your outfit you can go and get your whole outfit there look you make up it's always and you're a god now soccer mom who's going to the manson concert can go get a an outfit yeah on a sunday after church yeah and you see where my you see where i'm right my brain is yeah yeah so so all yeah there's a hole and you guys help fill it or yeah really had a lot to do with with what was happening with the uh the climate right yeah yeah and it's interesting how the world kind of said oh okay sure whatever we'll sell some plastic pants and some chains yeah we can capitalize on this yeah and someone did make this work so yeah a lot of people a lot of people don't realize that hot topic is owned by amber-chromican-fitch next door yep it's the same dude for the straight whites here's for the gay goss here you go yeah same dude that owns both stores and they're literally neck were next to each other in the mall yeah they were yeah every mall they were next to each other that's out of all the out of all the bands that you've toured with and and you're talking you know some of the personalities who who do you feel that you bonded with them but who is your kindred spirit now they're either during lollipolous or a manson or residency i always if if we're if we're at a festival for more than a week or in a city for more than a couple weeks or like a tour uh for more than like three months uh so i always choose somebody and bond with them so lala 92 was uh you know i want to say al but he's too busy doing shit so it's got to be Dave Abaziz the drummer for pro jam they're the drummer yeah i still talk to him every now and then online great fucking cat we got in such fucking trouble you know like i'd pull my earrings out put a hat on dressed normally him and i like steal golf cart and crash into people and stuff it's so much fun yeah i just sent out his drum kit like throw ice cubes his head while he's drumming and shit he'd be backstage and waving his flashes dick at me when i was trying to do my act now yeah uh 94 uh you know um i don't know i mean there's a couple sound guys that are really good uh current was always super great to us um uh pod boy the drummer chris vrenna he was okay i it was it was that tour was so chaotic i don't think i really uh maybe twiggy maybe twiggy on that tour when he was still there yeah i didn't really grab on anybody there and like in europe i'd find member of this band okay you're gonna go the same bar with me you're gonna chase the same girls as i were in the same hotel let's go out together you know and help each other out or like i speak a little german you don't okay let's go and meet some frolines i mean so but do you do you want it's it's it's it's a temporal bonding like an engagement do you ever uh do any of this stuff in public like do you guys get it do you guys go out and just for for the sake of shock you know freak people out in a hotel lobby with part of your act or do it at parties or get asked to do it at parties and stuff like that but then or now he both oh now um i met um i met the casino south side lounge i don't know if you've been there it's um we don't have like the downtown one on six street we don't have burger so uh we were open at four all adults i can show i can show gore you know i can wear whatever shirt i want and like casino downtown used to be before i got all hamburger friendly but i i'm i was told not to pull up my dick to win bats anymore like i used to do in the late 80s so like i mean that's good i'll go to a party and it's like hey show us the tricks like show me the bottle show me the bottle yeah everybody always asks hey so you made up a lot of money with jim rose like well jim gave me a bottle of whiskey and a place to sleep it off at night in exotic locations and that's pretty much it so yeah yeah we used to go to somewhere bar like you know okay we're in hall and let's go to fetish bar it's like can i just go to a regular bar fetish is my job now i want to meet the straights yeah it's hard again i like i'm the freakest guy here no you're not you're an Amsterdam you're right you're actually right i'm in Berlin you know no so i feel like you you just tripped over something that is interesting and like you know what is what is normal what who who's the biggest freak and that you know these are questions that i i don't care about no but when you think about what it is that you do you know for your act as a profession you know if you will i feel like um you said something really awesome about like okay well i'm i'm a songwriter the last thing i want to do is go watch a singer songwriter right yeah you know i'm a dig i'm a ditch digger the last thing i want to do is go watch someone else dig a ditch and go you're doing that wrong right right i'm a bigger freak than you you're doing that wrong or whatever whatever you see you know what i'm saying whatever you know you want to go meet the straights and i mean just yeah meet someone not like okay tell me uh yeah like tell me about your songwriting process you're not being vicious you're not being vicious by saying the last thing i want to do is go see another freak show i want to go to a chilis and have a beer and eat some nachos i want to go sit at a bar and get overcharged and kiss the wrong person and go home with an erection you know it's like that's all i don't want to like hammer my dick to the bar table in Berlin which i did but i don't want to do that every night but no but understand the first part where you want to go to a bar over be overcharged and and get absolutely get frustrated and then go home alone it's kind of yeah that's a that's everyone that's a fit that's what people do that's just a normal day for most people yeah but it's kind of different yeah i know well it's the guy who hates his job and goes to chilis and that's it yeah it's kind of a different view when you know you're the guy who gets up on stage and he's a glorified male stripper i mean i i you know put a take my clothes off like here i'm naked tada and i'm gonna go drink some whiskey and you know just sit at a bar and you know listen to the music or go dancing or like see something weird in this city i mean let's go look at the castle you know just just normal touristy things yes yes that's great let's go envelop well it's important that i think people when they learn about you or meet you here today or tomorrow or yesterday i feel like they should understand you work the same way they do off of balance absolutely you have to you have to you can't go full free show you cannot go full free show because you're not crazy oh no no i'm mentally ill we all are but my point my point is is you're to me you're not you're not crazy and you're not you got up in stage you have a great voice you're a freak you're a freak to me yeah i'm throwing myself out there and creating this this thing that i do as an example and then i and then when it's thank you very much for letting me be passionate about something in front of you i'm going to go eat french fries now you know something just something so bland and you don't even want to hear about that you know yeah there's something like three but we all know this it's like there's something about being on stage i mean it's it's it's an addiction i mean every year or so a side show comes through and like here's an order box take a few t-shirts free bar tab and just go do your thing and it's like i'll get off stage without having done it for a year and like my endorphins are so i'm shaking it's like okay it's like i miss this drug you know if i miss you know like people cheering for you know like you blank out on stage sometimes and go through the motions but it's so great having people cheer you on stage it's you can get really addicted to it even if you're in the audience there's like five people that we done shows to like hardly know and it's just okay this is a great practice let's try some new shit what doesn't work cut it what does work let's keep that joking let's keep this interaction it's good it's just yeah i all the worlds of stage Shakespeare said but yeah i highly recommend getting on stage at least once in life go up until a joke go up and read some poetry just get up on stage to get good and bad feedback yes it might be might you know nowadays i mean like the way people are kind of coddling i'm not going to be the old man but like though you know the way people some people have traded it's like look you have to have that blow to your ego to know if you want to keep doing this you have to get up on stage and just take a close home go and if they clap then great great i'm great if not that they build and you know go fix your fucking life i don't know right well i always say i always say you know failure is a great coach um i always say that um you know practicing in front of people and failing in front of people while trying to have fun doing it because if you're not if you're learning something about yourself or something new you're trying absolutely and you're not having fun while you do it you're not learning anything about yourself or any or the craft or anything you're not learning if you're not having fun you're mad people don't get it or there's not enough people there it's like no you learn what you did wrong and then yeah absolutely if you're if you're mad at whatever audience is there because they didn't like it yep you need to turn that inward and fix whatever's wrong there because you need to have fun while you fail absolutely absolutely the second it stops having fun you got to get off stage that's that's my recommendation like you know we've been we've been sludging around we're not doing well it's like take a break reorganize you know or come up some of that and to come up so if you knew acts or get a few new freaks as we used to call it you know in life just yeah yeah learn a new hold as the wrestlers say you know it's like i don't i don't know have you ever have you ever been hospitalized yes can you can you take us to one of those episodes shit which time okay i knew it was going to the top three oh god he's got it yeah Jason's going metaphysical you go tell us about ripping your dick off okay so the time i turn my dick off so i had so i had this size normal carabiner size in my prince albert you know if that's that's in the holy of dick and out the bottom so it's like a little you know so prince albert could tie his penis down to his pant leg so the queen you know i don't know something about him having a sleek leg line or some shit um we were what the fuck did i tear it oh uh it's on a penterra video one of their home penterra's home videos we were backstage and i instead of having this one in i actually actually put one of my tiny rings in but i don't know if you can see it it's open at the end yeah it's not completely close so i couldn't find my carabiner so i stuck that i stuck that in right and you see it on the panterra home video it stretches out it opens up and it goes notch so it like oh cut i'm not going to show it to you but it's a it's a it's a puppet now i can make it talk it cut it cut half the notch out so the next time i just like what am i gonna do so like we were in canada like about a month later and i put the carabiner back in and i swung i swung wait and then it kind of fell and like the guy in the front row goes what is this and part of my dick hit him in the face oh no toro i'm not i'm like afterwards i'm like he's like here's your dick back yeah fuck i'm so sorry we're great friends now sorry chris but you but but you let's just get right to brass tacks that you sew that back on what do you do that's that's the thing by that time that was say maybe 94 by that time like everybody had piercing it's like i can't go look look i got a dick piercing now it's like once i did it jim's like oh it's like don't don't know no it's like yeah put a stitch in and tear it out every night so it's like oh all right i i tried i tried just taping it up you know like with help but like yeah got a little got a little you know fish up just like one little tiny stitch and like if it if it works fine it does work then hey you ripped it out like so i think you know we're talking about this and it's and you know it's obviously entertaining and interesting but i think timing as you said uh jason may have said it earlier i think timing played a huge role because i don't know you know what would jim rose what would the jim rose circus have to do today to garner that much shock and attention nothing uh maybe you know we wouldn't and he wanted jim always wanted to go away from the sick freak show so like when we do festivals in europe we had like females similar wrestlers more like more like america's got talent should be without the singers and shit just like the weird jugglers and shit he did a couple tours after i left with the america's got talent people so like i can balance on my hands and i can shoot a bow and errand a target with my feet like shit like that it's like yeah wow instead like we're shocking it's like i've seen that i've seen that act yeah it's on just on television and yeah i know and i did a few shows of them on that tour and it's like crazy it's like wow she's fantastic on it nope nope i can't drink because i'm a gymnast and i have to like you know have to have a certain body weight i get it i get these people are fucking boring when after the old school freaks you know i mean a kung fu artist that can be boring on the level that it is with you guys because you guys were more punk rock yeah you guys are wearing more punk rock you're going or any of that crazy shit it's like yeah you have to come you can't be hungover i can i can i can be so cold drunk you know they wheel me out to similar wrestlers lift me up like hooker than lift me up but like yeah some some some actually have to be really carefully and already so is the that makes it you know they're they're i mean i'm not i'm not calling you an athlete but i'm also calling you an athlete at the same time but but yeah sure but i'm a waitlifter sure i know it i know what that's nice you are i have records i wait lifting records well love it right so this needs to be an Olympic category here well and the people it's actually getting its records i have i have multiple weights i have weights lifted from multiple sources ears tongue and nipples i have that somebody has the ear one which i'm going to break again i think it's 35 pounds for a tongue i could do that my slate but it's okay you know like i'm saving it for like you know go to go to San Antonio here in Texas you know they have a big uh Guinness Book World Records thing that's like okay you have a thing watch me break the Guinness World Records with my tongue ta-da get me to i still need to get my uh my certificate for that yeah that's what is what is the heaviest object you've ever lifted in with what body part uh i lifted a three-quarters full keg of beer with my ears wow with a wrestling weight belt on and a kind of a neck brace to solve my neck but yeah like i yeah i lifted it up and then we tapped it and then we they poured like i think it was the fastest bar pouring beer pouring person too they went shoo-shoo-shoo-shoo-shoo so it got lighter and lighter and lighter at the same time somewhere in us all and i think we did that yeah that's fun um when i had a ring in it i think because they don't do sex records because can you imagine Jesus they hardly do sword swelling with us because sex record but i think it was 40 45 i pounds of my wiener because i had i had a deep and like my tongue is deep my ears are pierced deep my nipples are deep deep just not thinking when i got it done that i'm gonna be lifting but i they just just do a deep because i know me so yeah is there a recovery process when you come off stage do you like have to ice yourself down or no well well nowadays yeah like uh grit no come and take it here you know from the metal bands play like helzapop and his name in the band from florida like they got a half guy and they do some really great acts um and on stage then they have this this this thing in the middle and it kind of spins around so i lifted kegs my ears and i turned around i stepped up on that it's like kind of too wobbly i was like whoa shit and the next day i couldn't i couldn't get up because number one we call it freak shape like if you do it every day you know to add more weight right you know like yeah every day you don't worry about your bloody fingers right Jason and it's like yeah the next day i couldn't i couldn't move so i i got in the old man bathtub and it's like my thighs are just like shaking it's like oh i didn't spread my legs i didn't had my legs spread too far out it's like kick them and tight and i was like i'm on stage going yeah every single okay let me do this the next day it's like oh what are you doing to me old man you know like yeah no and and i i prepare like a set list okay you know ears know those tongue nipples penis i got the hook the hook the chain the keg and that's pretty much it you know it's it's not so much trial and error anymore i know what i can do i know how much time i got i got this no like yeah are you still are you still developing your act are you still experimenting with new new spare matching you coming on to me dave metal dave you're experimenting there's lifto i am look at my hair thank you uh no not so much anymore not so much anymore i'm just pretty much pretty much just you know bartending and just you know so it does the surface of the scars that the the documentary is out and you use it a few times does does that generate any renewed interest is there any possibility that you can see a reunion tour of the no no no no no have you seen it the documentary i am not yet watch the documentary and you know why those guys hate each other i mean oh it's here's the thing like jim jim's right in her bottle right now like it was pretty much a hit piece and i get it you know like um the director was our term manager like him and jim but it heads a lot i mean you know i always consider myself the henry kisser look it up kids the henry kisser of the side show like i don't i don't care if you're bigger than us or smallest i want to come and see your act you've got me on stage great if not i'm buying a t-shirt to support you know i like that like early on you know like there's a lot of jealousy okay you know we're moving on to this and on to this and i can see it but like getting everybody back together no we uh i almost made it but uh my wife's family is kind of ill so we had to go see it i'm here in texas but uh the original three let's see the math the tube kim the church king enigma and i was the only one not there for the screening in chicago like it's one a bunch of awards i'm missing that but i did fly up to minneapolis which i enjoyed with the torture king and just saw you know you know hung out and watch the watch the movie on a big screen and then there's no way i mean jim ros next generic jim ros circus the next generation maybe yeah maybe i'm still not too i'm still kind of sprying out to be the new jim ros but do i want to get up at six a.m and you know get on the phone or do interviews online and do all that shit i mean you know back and maybe it's a stop at a payphone so you can do an interview i i'm sure it's easier nowadays i don't know i i want to of course i always want to jim ros circus for life you know but hey oh by the way sorry as an aside have you seen the back room documentary yeah we're in it we're in it all the rest of my did they cut my part um i think you're i think that there is some maybe some visual like quick pass by visual i think that you're that you're yeah they interviewed you know really of course you're windy hey i'm windy rocker windy yeah they interviewed us at casino cubby has got i heard i heard they because of the background when we played there that's after we got arrested in love like so we're full of piss and vinegar we're we're taking pictures naked with the cops here in austin's like i remember that old pole right in the middle i had way to my deck i jumped on a pole swaying around that was painful going around but yeah yeah and budro and those guys yeah they interviewed me i just okay i know what you want you want a short five-second clip i got this yeah so cool yeah yeah yeah i think it got left in there was a lot of stuff got cut out because they had so much stuff i'm sure i'm sure it'd be a four-hour like okay if you ever release this to media here's the uncensored sheet you know an extra disc i'm sure there's about four or five hours they can include on that oh i'm sure oh yeah probably it's actually on a film festival circuit as we speak so that's glad see see that that's what we did that's what we did last year like went to film festivals then i got picked up by amazon and to be and all this so yeah it's yeah good good that's gonna get picked up somewhere because that's such a good documentary yeah i feel like i feel like it's only a matter of time that i've got uh i got one last question and i uh and it's a little it's a little off topic uh but i know i know you're a big doctor who fan and i can see your collection of memorabilia and stuff behind uh behind you uh first of all how did you get into i i lived in england in the late 70s i know you got the doctor who uh wait wait yeah first of american needed tattoo and 86 boom no so how i lived in england in the late 70s and i remember watching dr who because i think it's an english production if i'm not mistaken it is okay and i started watching it in the 70s as well where i'm from in washington state it's northwest way north western tip of washington my parents house you can see the lights of victoria and vancouver so so we had we had an aerial so i could get a cbc channel two check six and the cbc showed all dr who red dwarf black adder you know all the shit you'd see on mtv later but yeah that's how i get into it's like what the hell am i watching and it was you know tricky at the time and i watched a couple of episodes got into it you know many stuff touching god but look i'm still fan so yeah yeah i gotta that's cool what's your most prized piece of memorabilia no come on i got tons um i only met a couple doctors i got pictures with them just you know nowadays my wife needs low comicons but now it's all these pop these pop doll things that are stupid it's like i'm trying to find like i mean i got i got like 15 sonic screwdrivers i don't think i have anything really rare i mean behind me behind me you can see all those those are under butts a piece now maybe because they're original and you got a lab a labyrinth poster i see poet yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i got there for a birthday computer so yeah yeah he's a boy fan got a live guest bowing all about bowing man did you ever meet bowing oh did i meet bowing yeah i mean it okay yeah so after nine snails touring you know like we're traveling europe and jim's like come on man lifto when are you gonna when you can be famous and i remember this day i went i'll be famous in bowing noise to my name so we but it was Norway what was it called uh dr music festival in Norway and like it was a small little backstage area but let's see so it was skunk and antsy a bunch of bands and skunk and antsy then us and then prodigy who blew us offstage prodigy in the 90s holy hell did i have a good time seeing those guys and then the next day like okay so nick came in the bad seats played so wow these like this is cool art that's a bunch of cool artists man and no i just anytime you're playing europe it's just so much weird weird shit so like nick got offstage it's like we get offstage and i'm like okay i got the chainsaws we run through hands and okay nick can you get off our steps like him but this and he's like hello lift up it's like oh hello bowing it's like fuck gave it boy fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck so i went i dropped running off and then he was on stage and bowing always did this he had a he had a monitor on the side of the stage where people had stay and watch just his vocals and then he's saying rebel rebel and he goes who's my lover boy and pointed to me it's like fuck and i literally peed my pants i literally peed my pants okay day boy's mind knows my name first time i think first time i've been really starstruck and then he didn't do an on-car which i was pissed about because jim's wife bb convinced him to come and hang out with us so he's just leaning over trash again and it's like he is i mean like if you meet tramp resident boe now like okay you guys are tiny i mean i'm only six two so i leaned over like just chatting and chatting we we'd see him open up from a couple months later and it's witseland and then third time in holland but yeah no like so he just and i just remember i was everybody got pictures of them like jim got a picture of him that i took just like i just i wasn't even thinking at the time you know like we didn't have phones just like polaroid cameras and shit right yeah that's not your fault that's no i mean wasn't thinking back then i got i got memories for days but like and it's like you're chatting it's like okay yeah you know i got this japanese home like they had to hold my guns and shit he's like he likes when he goes you know lift up it's like oh what my good friend david boe he's like you know you guys have been to holland right at this um old school touches called hanky panky studios like they had tattooed oranges like tattooed fetuses and jars and shit it's like oh no it's like yeah you know if he ever dies we can cut pieces off him and sell it like anything was like who what are you guys talking about it's like nothing my friend david boe and i was talking about cutting you up into pieces after you die no just i just and i want to say like for most artists you know maybe al maybe try and we're not like going like hey we're a musician too put us on your label right in the album for us uh produce us it's like no we're like hey try you want to see something freaky hey you know hey boys want to see how long my dick does trash he's like yeah let me see that all right that's great it's like okay yeah yeah showed up by my dick but that's it thank you let me tell that just i i tear almost every time fuck that man no that's that's uh that's that's black star was such a good biome man i can't even listen it's so dark yeah all right all right uh yeah it's it's awesome thank you for sharing something that's obviously anytime man anytime that's really really caring you really care i can tear my dick off a hundred times to meet that man once yeah so right yeah i get it i get it well joe thank you so much for spending time with us this afternoon this was awesome man i knew this was gonna be a great episode oh i got tons of questions so real real quick i want you to tell us what the name of the documentary is and how they can go watch it oh yes yes instead of just holding it up you know but okay i'm gonna do this it well i have my new teeth and it's called circus of the scars it documents the rise and i'm gonna sort of follow the gimbal circus from the late 80s to the mid 90s up until the nine-ish nails tour 94 uh the original the original artists me young me how we all met uh there's really good footage of us drinking bile bear that i talked about yep eddy and everybody and Chris karnell and it's on amazon for i think a couple bucks amazon prime per couple bucks if you have the tubi app it's free i look up circus of scars it's free with ads and it's totally uncensored and you get to see yeah lift up yeah yeah oh yeah how it started and like it touches like you said like okay the culture's going like this you can see pro jam just getting famous on stage and they did never grapevine but anyway it's worth it to rock and roll fans on every facet it's like a it's a rambo of information and i think that if you just whether you're into you know uh the the circus or whether you're just into the rock and roll i i feel like it's going to be a great film and i'm looking forward to the world you were born in the 90s you should see how us uh 20-year-olds handled the 90s yeah um when is when is this going to drop guys so i can watch it and spread the word it'll be probably mid-july at this point what how bad the part you guys know yeah well uh should be a message i'll follow you guys and see what's happening yeah and uh listen uh give me give me weeks notice if you need a feeling i have tons of stories more stories and pictures of saying if you need like i always say if you need a feeling i'm always here i got more stories about my penis well we can we can do it again sometime for sure we perfect perfect i'm here to kill guys thank you so much yeah thank you so much man we really appreciate your time on behalf of my co-host Jason McMaster i'm metal Dave with our special guest today the amazing mr lifto on the talk louder podcast