Seated With Lebo and Thato Rampedi

Gaslighting, Love Bombing, and Trauma Bonding: Know The Signs

Are you trapped in a toxic relationship? Do you feel like you're walking on eggshells around your partner, constantly trying to avoid their anger or manipulation? You may be a victim of gaslighting or love bombing.

In this video, we'll explore the warning signs of these harmful behaviors and provide you with the tools to break free. Learn how to:

Recognize the differences between gaslighting and love bombing Identify the red flags in your relationship Develop healthy boundaries and communication skills Escape the toxic cycle and find true love

Don't let manipulation and control dictate your life. Take back your power and start building a healthy, loving relationship. Watch now and share with someone who needs to see this

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Yo guys, welcome back to See To The Level, and-- - Tah Tohra, very baby. We're back with a brand new episode with The Consistency. But first things first, we're just gonna say, thank you so much for tuning in. We love having uncomfortable conversations which the youth are too scared to have. With levels of jokes and minds we try to cultivate the community where we can truly speak our mind. And today's gonna be a good one. - Yeah, it's gonna be a great, great, great time. So grab your favorite seat guys at that time of the week and let's get straight into it. - Yeah, so the first question of the day always is-- - How are you? - Southern Comfort, some of us know it as so-co, it's partnered up with DJKI. - One original spirit with another. - If you know Southern Comfort, the smooth whiskey base with stone fruits and spices, you know that you can mix it just about anything. - Lemonade, cola, or even just orange juice. - Yes, you can mix it. - I stand the chance to mix it up with you and your maids because Southern Comfort is giving away a house point. - We've had it at 100,000 red with DJKI on their dad's baby. And if that's talking to your original spirit, buy a bottle of Southern Comfort to enter. Details in store. Southern Comfort, so tasteful, soul original. - Drink responsibly, not for self or persons, under the age of 18. - How's your seat? - How's your brother? - How's your father? - How's your uncle? - How's your uncle? - What's up? - What's up? - You're gonna go first, you go first. - Yeah, bro, dude, I've been on some other relaxed mode for the past 10 days. Like I've been, every time I come here, I speak up about how hard we work. I have not been working that hard. I've been taking it easy. I've been choosing myself and it feels so, so good just to be like, I don't have to do that today, you know? I feel like we go through seasons where we work so hard, but we always figure to take the necessary break. And a break isn't necessarily like two days or three days. Of a break, sometimes it's like you just, maybe putting in 20% instead of 100% for two weeks. - Yeah, for a little bit. - For a little bit. And I've been doing that for the past two weeks and I've been feeling so arrested, bro. Like my days are starting late. I'm still actually not so much work, but I just feel so good. Like I'm relaxed. I'm seeing myself sleep more. I'm seeing myself socialize more. I love when I booked an ABMB this past weekend and wow. - You booked it, I came. (laughing) - I booked an ABMB this weekend and level, it's pretty much, he's paid for everything else. And it was amazing. Like just cause you really like those that you're crazy. It was the ABMB, it was the two bedroom apartment. It was like a brother's location. A brother's staycation and it was amazing. How are you? - We also like just playing out the park cars, took out a good old big old white boy. It's like writing ideas. And yeah, you guys will hear the conversation. Why? Like what was planned during that ABMB. But what a weird place to be in, bro. 25, no go for hands. - 27. - No couch, no go for it. I'm moving like a man that lives in Madrid. (laughing) I just go out, come home to my bed and I, and I actually had a guest over recently. - Yeah. - And he was like, yo, you only have like a bed and a desk. When you're gonna move it, move it. I'm so picky your furniture. - Yeah. - And that's really been affecting me every single day. Cause I'm like, oh dude, like obviously I wanna like, pull out of my space, but I'm also just there like dude, I just feel like I have everything I need. Cause I live alone, bro. - Yeah. - I don't need a couch. I will never, I'll never sit on the couch and watch TV, bro. I have a TV in my room on the bed with a electric blanket. You feel me, but it is nice to have. So that's the battle that I'm going through right now. - Yeah. I get that now, but it's important for you to pull your space. Like I know now it feels like I don't need that, I don't need this, but then you need to, you need to pull into yourself. Cause it'll make you also feel better than individual, you know? - I'm so sorry for this shortening episode, but guys, listen, I've got such exciting, such amazing news. My past 10 episodes with my brother are now available on Spotify. I don't want you to think in total, they've always been there. The audio has always been there for now we have video. And on top of that, every single video dropping from this point will be available in video format on Spotify. Because Spotify, it's gonna change the way you guys enjoy our podcast. It's so amazing that they now have a video functionality. So guys, to not miss out, go and give us five stars on Spotify that we always say, but don't forget, you can now watch the video too. So I will see you on Spotify. - What's up guys? This podcast is jam packed full of content and topics. And we're gonna be addressing a couple of things. I've planned out this podcast today. We take turns actually. - So last week it was me. - Last week it was me. The week before it was me, and now this week it's me. So a couple of things that I wanted to discuss this week, they're really like on my heart was love bombing, how to build a relationship, and within that gas lighting, consistency, way to post your partner, how to build trust, standards, and we'll finish it off with reciprocations. Oh, and it will see, we have a bonus question, but I'll save it until the end. So please, please, please watch until the end. If you wanna see what the last last juiciest topic is. - Okay, exciting. - All right, all right. But let's get straight into it. So love bombing is a term used to describe. - What's the research of that fan? I'm freezing, are you freezing? - Okay, I'll switch it off. - Guys, so our camera's overheat all the time, and it's like, yo, bro, it's winter right now. I don't think they're gonna overheat in this tradition. If they overheat, they are great. - Really cool. - I am freezing, but I'm not wearing really anything. - Yeah. - It's denim and denim, with the shirt. But yeah, you were saying, papa. - Dead man. Love bombing, okay. So love bombing is a term used to describe a behavior where someone showers another person with excessive attention and affection in the early stages of a relationship. Often to the point of overwhelming or smothering them. Now, I just wanna read one more part in this 'cause it's very nice. While love bombing may feel flattering, and I want that, that's a very important part that I'm gonna say, it may feel flattering. - Feels good. - Or exciting at first, it can also be perceived as a red flag for potential emotional manipulation or control, and sometimes it's considered even emotional abuse. - Right. - Second death. - And thank you, Google. - And thank you, Mehta. - Thank you, Mehta. (laughs) - But love bombing coming up as a topic is very, very nice because I want you guys to understand that sometimes we can love wrong, yeah? So when we love wrong, love bombing is a great example because we can perceive someone and say, yo, I wanna do the nicest things for them. But if you cannot maintain that, they're out the relationship. So at the first date, we are going to a walk, and then we get, you get flowers at the walk, and then take your eyes clean at the walk, and then you go to dinner, and say, you know, what's your place again? - Clear, no match. - No match. - Where no one goes, besides the ones that have to go to find love. - Yeah. - No match. - Yeah, to travel. - Yeah, to travel. - Everybody's on the move. - After the no bed, you say to yourself, nah, let's actually watch a movie. - Yeah, let's go back to my place. - Watch your move. - Comes back to your place, all of a sudden, now it's normal. There's no top light, it's low light. - Yeah, it's low light. - It's low light, but. - It gives you the phone and says, what do you want to eat? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - It's the Uber Eats. - The date goes on, but eat? - The date goes on, but, but. - Shit, or that? - Yeah. - Millions of friends go away. No, 'cause when you pass a woman, Uber eats. - Well, she'll get a starter, main meal, she'll go into dessert, and she'll get a smoothie, might get a milkshake, and she'll say-- - You don't even get things you didn't know were on the menu. - By the way. - Yeah. - She'll even take new features. Uber Eats, you can actually add for the sport to go somewhere. - Yeah. - Would you want some chocolate? - Yeah, you want it to stop at a garage? - Yeah. - You didn't even know that. - Oh, man. - It's drive against, but my point is, sorry. - Hey, guys, you have so much paid, best of Uber Eats, who do you pass the phone to? - Dude, I've once dated a hundred, Uber Eats like, four clippers on her meal. I haven't even eaten, she said, can I get a burger that rams the chips, the way he's been? - What are you gonna eat? - It's so much, I'm gonna go there and be like, I'm passing the phone to someone who's been more than 500 randoms at Uber Eats, for one meal. - Literally. - But, guys, women, if you are watching, so I need to know. On the comments, it's in Gallicopa, please limpots, and I watch the most amount of spends on Uber Eats. - Yeah, it is. - And why did you feel so comfortable? And women are so smart, they'll be like, oh, what are you eating? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So they're getting measured, babe, babe. - I love women, this is, I'll eat what you eat. - Yeah, same. That's the considered one. - What's the considered one? - Those are the real ones. - Those are the real ones. - The babes. - I'm like, how big are you? Do you have any favorites? - I can't eat what you eat, give it two months. - Yeah. - You're almost getting raves, I hate, I hate muchachos. - I hate muchachos, it's gonna be something new. How? - I love it until I get what you are. - Yeah, boy, I love, I love it. - You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - But, hey, but anyways, my point to go back is love bombing and how we can create this perception of love but can't maintain it. - Okay. - And that is sometimes, and keep in mind, sometimes we wanna do that. - Yeah. - We can do that, as men, you know, like you, you're sitting with your partner and you're saying to yourself, like, I can provide to this extent, today. - Today. - But just, every day. - Yeah, what do you think about love bombing? - I think love bombing, dude, I think it's a very dangerous thing. I think women also do it quite a lot, right? Women, like, I've been in situations where women, like, trap me into love bombing. So they'll be like, "Yo, so try to marry me." - Yeah. - And I'm like, obviously now you're gonna be like, "Ah, dude." - One day. - One day. - But inside you're like, "Ah, yeah, I don't know." - But then now when you say one day, you can see that disappoints them. So I'm like, "Yeah, of course I'm gonna marry you." Then now she's forcing you to love bombing. So I feel like, that's another way that love bombing exists, that I've experienced, which is very, very scary. It's like, "Don't you wanna be with me? "Don't you wanna be with me? "Don't you wanna?" And I was like, "Dude, let me say those things naturally "or organically." - When I want to. - When I want to. 'Cause now you're forcing me to love bombing you. And I've also experienced love bombing. Like, I've been with girls who will be like, "Yo, dude, like, I only seen Manji as being three days." - Yeah. - "I'm only seeing you, I only want you." And it's like, this person has had a focus on the fact that he's like, "Manji's only been three days." This person is showing me signs of extreme royalty. Take them outside. You see that this person is loyal to you when you guys are indoors one-on-one. But when you go outside, they like very flirtatious, guys will hold them in specific ways. They don't have boundaries. So love bombing is scary for me because it gives me a false perception of who I'm dealing with. - Yes. - You get what I'm saying? - Very nice. - And I hate when people trick me into love bombing, which is why I'm always trying to really put up these amazing boundaries to defend me from love bombing. - Yes, and with this topic, guys, I want you guys to reach into yourselves and say to yourselves, "What things make me love bombing?" Such as social media. When you see, you know, dozens of women getting a bouquet of red flowers of hearts or 100 rams and it's an et cetera. Or maybe it's just your friend just talking to you and telling you how her date night went with her, with her billionaire boyfriend. - By the way. - By the way. You guys date billionaires and millionaires. We date thousands. - 100 years. - 100 years. You know what I'm saying, so. - Haselez. - Haselez. (laughing) - But my point is, look at how you want to love and how it can be sometimes misinterpreted. So you see Tato speaking about, like for example, how I go look at him and deepen the eyes and say, "Yo, you're gonna make me one day." Then the next day, she can even be chilling. But she says like, "You're gonna marry me." - And you know, you're gonna be like, "Yeah." - It's good to marry y'all. - Come on, bro. You, you, my new house, you know. - Hold on, I'm married. - It depends, right. - It's so to me, nice. - Yeah, Rachel. - How have you ever loved Baum someone? 'Cause I think we've all felt guilty of doing it. - Yeah, that's the point I was actually getting into. I was like, "Yo, I was gonna ask you the same question, "actually." - Yeah. - But I definitely have loved Baum someone, bye. - I give a great first date, man. - Yeah, yeah. - I love to start the season strong. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I give a lot of the budget. - Yeah, in the first few weeks. - In the first few weeks, you know. But slowly, you know, go back to my real life. I'm not, my job is not to love you. (laughing) - My job is to go to the, you know, my actual job. And what will happen is that like, it will go from like, yo, going on these dates and what, 'cause I'm getting to know you. Then we know each other. And then I like going to the cozy path of saying, okay, cool, now we chilling in my crib or your crib and I watch Netflix and stuff. Maybe we'll go out once, like bowling or twice. Like once a week, basically. - Yeah. - But it's not as consistent as it used to be. And I don't think that's a wrong thing, bro. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - That's not love bombing. I mean, that's, that's just you. - That's just me. - That's you being, for me, that's you being excited. - Yeah. - Once you just spend as much time with the person who was possible in the beginning, then you're still maintaining that, you know, that excitement through a weekly date. Some people will create that like, excitement of like, you know, the roses, the dates, the second locations, the third locations. Let's get breakfast and this day. - Yeah. - And look for you for a weekend and you're completely stopped and now it's just coming to me and I'm playing this watching movies. So the fact that you're still integrating like, going bowling here and there. - Yeah. - And you go for a day for once in a while, but like, bro. - That's realistic loving, you know what I'm saying? - Really? - Yeah, 'cause you've got a nine to five. You also have another side hustle. - I also have a side hustle, yeah. - And you also like, did you have a lot of side hustles? - Yeah. - That you basically, you have your nine to five. - I have my nine to five. - You have your own personal brand as your side hustle. You're part of a group channel as your side hustle. - We have a podcast together. - You know what I'm saying? - You're working, so I get that. - Yeah, so at some point it slows down. I don't know if that's, so tell us it's not love for me. - Yeah, tell me I can say that you've loved one before. - I can tell you I've loved one. - You can tell me. Give me that. Yes. I hope your mother's like, what what? Yes. I wonder if your father's like this, this. - Yes. - Oh, and I'm talking to a girl. - Yeah, so the boy speaks to a girl, then he basically paints a picture of him and acting with the family. - Yeah. - That's you basically guaranteeing marriage. - You're real. - The future with them. - Yeah. - So your love bobby. - But real though, your pap's just going to fuck with me. Like, look at that. Come on. I'm funny. I'm polite. I feel like I can get to know anyone and have a good time. That's not me love. It's me telling the truth. - Yeah. - But I get intentions to marry the person. - No. - Say your love bobby. - Yeah, but we can, you know, get to know each other. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's my love. - That's how you love bomb. I love bomb by, um, I'm toxic in the sense that like, I'll give somebody all of my time in the beginning. - Yeah. - So I will take you out on the dates. All that stuff. Be he, be he, be he, be. Same from there if I'm shooting. I'm like, yo. It just comes time and the camera looks beautiful. - I hate how Tuttle like undermines his dates. He takes slaps. Sometimes I wish I was Tuttle and Biddy's behind. Like, do that. Your dates slaps. - Yeah. Nah. - Tuttle like a nice. - Okay. I'm really exposed to his format. - Nice. - Cause some of you like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But, um. - I want to like, if you do a nice date. - Yeah. - Like, if you're going to deal with me. - It's good. - Yeah. - It's the space I'm in. - Yeah. - My way I'm going. - Yeah. - It's a yinky. - Yeah. - You get up dates. - Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But yeah, I love a first date. Like, that's why I like, I'm starting to chill. Cause obviously like, now I'm doing dates and stuff, right? - Yeah. - So I'm trying to chill with like, who I'm taking out on first dates. - Yeah. - Cause it's like, I'm taking out on a first date, but you're not a person for me. - Yeah. - So right now the way I'm trying to get to know people. As I'll do this day, when I'll be like, okay, cool yo. You know, come chill with me and my friends, I put them in group settings, try for my friendship. Then if I feel, okay, cool, this is going really well, we can try the first date. Cause the first date, for me, it's not the last one, you get what I'm saying. - Yeah. But we've loved bombing being such like a risk to starting a relationship. One of the topics we actually have is how to build a relationship. - Yeah. - And I don't want to even describe public relationship because I think that I recently just got a relationship. I don't even have the capacity to even think how I would build my next relationship. - Yeah. - I don't have any lives left. I feel like Pac-Man with that one life finished. - The pins is dry, bro. - Yeah. - You can't. - I'm fatigued. - I was talking to a friend about this, I was like, yo, dude, like, I haven't been single and so long. - Same, bro. - Like, I've been, I was in a relationship between a half years, three years, I was in a second and a three years. Like, now I'll like, literally be single for like, at least... - Two years. - Yeah, brother. - Yeah. - Like, it's 65 days. - Yeah. - Also, I was only being in an imperial way, like, I'm not talking to anybody also. - Yeah. - Like, I'm, there's one that I'm courting on that I'm talking to because it's like, yo, you lose yourself in a relationship and a relationship is very beautiful. - Yeah. - You know, it's purpose and it's, the driver gives you is amazing. The safe space is created and then a cultivated brings so much joy and happiness. - Yeah. - But you're always giving a part of yourself to someone to cultivate that relationship. So now when you're writing solo, like, now that the way you and I are writing, it's like, okay, I can, like, give a lot to myself because we're very capable of being in love. We can easily... - Yeah. - Paying a lot. - Can easily be married. - Get married, have fun, guys, by the way. - Yeah. - But it's like, no, let's pour all of that time into ourselves and into our friendships. And I've been really enjoying doing that. - Yeah. Which is a good thing. And, and, and the reason I brought up that question of how do you build a relationship or like, is, is a time for, because, you know, I think that we always ask ourselves, how long do I wait until the next relationship? - Yeah. - And like, am I ready? Because we have this perception that when a relationship fails, it was your fault. And you then perceive yourself to be like, okay, I have to heal. And I want the people to, who are listening at home saying to themselves, no, but I date right now. I, even though I broke up with Mung Mung and I date, I'd go back into a relationship. You shouldn't feel bad. That's who you are. - Yeah. - You know, I tell my friend all the time, he's a big lover boy. You know, when you're a friend, it's such a lover, but they try to be like the, the player role. - Not sure about that. - Because that's what the society wants from, but he loves love. He doesn't want to stop loving. - Yeah. - And I always tell him, bro, if you feel like, what you're going to do for a year, take a two-man break and enjoy a little more to, again, for five years, you do whatever you want, bro. It's your life. - Yeah. - We are so worried about the perception of the external when, when, when we figuring out our internal. If you're... When I was hanging out and I was like, yo, bro, I want to go to this place and he was like, no, dude, actually, dude, go live your life. This doesn't, you want to go, you know, do this thing and you're like, dude, don't actually do it. Go. - Yeah. - Just do what you want, bro. - Damn. - Just do what you want. - Just be happy, papa. - Just be happy, papa. - You learn the hard way. What's that? - Yeah. If you, like, so, so if your friends are living a life, you don't agree with you. - Yeah. - You're just going to be like, okay, cool, advise, advise, but like, dude, do what you want. - Yeah. - I'll give you as friends, as siblings, et cetera, when building relationships and et cetera. - That's very true. - But can I ask you a question? - It's not the idea already. What's the question? - Yeah. I got, how do you build a relationship? That's also how it's about to ask you again. - Okay. How do you build a relationship? - Yeah. What are the key things you look like? You're like, yo. - Okay. - A relationship. - Just needs to be here for me to be building this. - So for me, there's like a bunch of, I don't know how many they are, right, but I've got a couple of pillars. So the first one is like, you're drive, all right, you're driving life. That's very important, like how ambitious are you? What are you doing? What are you accomplishing? What are you trying to achieve? Whether you're a student and you, you know, you're trying to get your degree, while still furthering something and like, like you must be doing some things, man. Like, it's not stuff you're talking to someone that's, that's got many hustles. No. Like, do your degree. - Just be passionate. - And then maybe you're passionate about something else that you're doing as well. Like show me signs of passion and drive. Two, attraction is so important to me. Like, I genuinely have to be physically, emotionally and mentally attracted to you. To the physical itself. - How do you get mentally attracted to someone? - Mentally, it goes back to my first point is like, am I attracted to your way of thinking to your intelligence? - Okay. - To the way you interact with people, to the way that you're problems or to the way that you deal with problems. Yeah, to the way you deal with real life problems in society. The way you react. So this also goes on to EQ, your emotional intelligence. - Yeah. - So I need to be attracted to that because I'm 27, bro. I can't be someone who... - You still have to bolt. - Not that I have to bolt them, but someone that they're still trying to relax themselves in moments of heat. Like, I feel like if we're in a moment in a situation where things are tough and hard. - You need to be able to... - You need to be able to... - Of course, express yourself and feel the impact of what the situation is bringing, but you genuinely need to be able to handle your emotions, right? So it's the drive, attraction to all three. And then from there, bro, be human. - Yeah. - Be human. Like, I don't like... Big human and when I see be human, I think I'm leaning towards consideration. Be considerate of my time that I give you, be considerate the time that I can't give you, be considerate of the amount that I spend on you, because I feel like people like you talk me this, right? I always do like money is just a construct, it doesn't really matter. We work every single day to generate income, right? - Every day. - And when we generate income, we choose where we pour their income. So if I'm going to choose to pour my income into you, I must say must be like, "Oh, thank you so much for putting this income into me." But I understand the sacrifice that I am enabling in myself to pour their income into you. I'm taking out on dates, which I'm enjoying to, which I love taking. - Which I was having fun. - Which I was having fun. But I'm choosing you and I over me getting a pair of new shoes. I'm choosing you and I over me making this investment. I'm choosing you and I and building this relationship with my monetary gains over everything else that I could be doing solo, which is why I believe it's so important to have consideration in my expenditure around you, because for me when I'm with the goal, mama, my money is your money, like, you're not going to hold it, but if you want something... - You can see it. Don't touch it. - Don't see it. Don't touch it. It's gonna be an event. The eyes might become sore. - I think it's very funny how there's such a fine line, right, between the whole thing of what you're saying now about saying, "Yo, I give you, but what can you give back?" Like the transaction. Because I think love is very transactional. - This is what I was talking about, my money, me. - Yes. Yeah. You're like, "Yo." - I wasn't saying what you give back. - Yeah. - I was saying, "How considered are you in me spending?" You see me spending poor my hard-earned hours into you. If you're seeing me poor too much, you should be able to say, "Maybe we should cook today." - Say, "Wait." - Yes. - Oh, I see what you're interested in. - Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe we shouldn't. We've been to Russia three times this week. Maybe I can cook. Maybe we can cook together. - Yeah. - We've been on two trips the past two months. Maybe this month, let's do life. Because we do nice things, the cypherp. - Yeah. - So I need someone to also be like, "Okay, cool. Yo, like, I see that you want to do nice things with me, but then it's right now, whoa." You know? - Yeah. - Just be considerate. You're like, "No, man. You've been Uber eating us." - That's chill, bro. Let me cook. Let me, let me, let me cook tonight. Let's cook together. - Yeah. - Let me get us food today. Yeah. - And mind you, let me get it once a week. - Once a week. - Yeah. - That's not bad, bro. - No, no, no. That's it. That goes a long way. - It does. That's four times in a month. - That goes a long way. - That's four times in a month. That's a lot, bro. - Mind you, I'll do the other 16, brother. - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Yeah. - And I'm like, "I'm not going to spend money with them." - Because you spend these things, it doesn't mean that, like, I can't feel. And it's like, "No, no, no, no, no, no." The feeling and the spending is two different things. If we address the spending, let's address the spending and let's deal with that. The feeling, let's address the feeling. Let's go into trying the two. - The women are, like we spoke about this in the previous podcast. - Men make practical conversations. - TV-based, you know, hip-hearted philosophy. - Women make emotional, you know. - Yeah. - Decisions. Don't tell you, "Hey, the money makes me feel this way." - Yeah. - And let's talk about it. There's two sides of healing. - Some women, some men. - Yeah, some men, some people, a lot of people. - No, even men will make emotional decisions. - Yes. - You know what I'm saying? - 100%. - Yeah. But for me, how to build a relationship? How would I build a relationship? - Yeah. - Man. Oh, man. This is a difficult topic for me. I think I don't know how to build a proper relationship. I think if I had to build a proper relationship, I think if I had to do it in the pillar mentality, I'd have to say she has to be beautiful, you know? She has to be stunning. Some men know what it's a type of vibe. You know what I'm saying? - Hey. - She has to be cute. - You feel me? - Who? - Uh, in the woods, like in the woods. - Who's dead? - Out of my podcast, Crash. You know, she knows. But if she watches in there, you know what I'm saying? - In the woods is the door. - Huh? - In the woods is the one from... - Yeah, it says his. - The one from... What's this? - That's why I did you. - No! The one from Delia's podcast. - Oh! - Ah. - Ah, Tato. - Uh, continue. - Oh, basically. But anyways, um... - Who did I think about somebody else? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I know who you live in here. - Yeah, I know who you live in here. - I know who you live in here. - I know who you live in here. - It's like that. - Anybody else? - Um, but yeah. How about I build a relationship? - I don't forget her name. Sorry, I know her name. - I know her name. - Sorry, sorry. - So, how about my relationship? She has to be attractive to me. She has to be cute. I really, I know every guy gets crucified for it. But I love my mother. My mother raised me. She, she, in my mind, as every man in their life who has a great mother is the pinnacle of what womanhood can be like. - All right? - All right, yes. - All right, yes. - I'll say the thing the men are scared to say. - Yes, sir. - Okay. My mother is kind-hearted, bro. My mother is kind-hearted, bro. - She's a lovely lady. - She's a lovely lady. - Yeah. - She's, I mean, like, she's the most kind. She's the most sensitive. - She's so sweet. - She's so sweet. She's a couple of persons who... - She's caring. - To feed the person at the corner. No, I'm looking at it. You know what I'm saying? And I really... - And she's the really... - And it's exactly what Tato said. And he didn't say it, but I really like someone who's considered it. - Yeah. I love it, man. - I love the hearts, man. - Yeah. - My mother has the hearts. - Yeah. My mother has the hearts. - Two hearts, 'cause we're our kids. - We don't know how... - But to the world. - We don't know how our husband feels, maybe. Our husband feels like she has a half heart. We don't know. We don't know. But my point is to me, she showed me a love that I really want to reflect into my relationships, which is a love that's very considered. It's very kind. It's very sweet. - Yeah. - I don't want someone to come into my life and tell me, "Oh, hey, hey, hey. What's your life? This is no. You've got left." She must be like, "Yo, these are the reasons why I think we should go left. These are the progression steps that we need to do." And if you feel like this is the time for it, we should do it, you know? I love a relationship like that, you know? But there's a lot of, again, 'cause the theme of this podcast is sometimes, "How can we love wrong?" Right? And gas lighting and consistency is a huge topic when building a relationship, you know? - Okay. - Gas lighting is a woman's favorite word. - Yo. - Wait. - Wait. Are you dealing against them now? - Wait. - Wait. Wait. What did you say? - Wait. Gas lighting. - Wait. - I don't know. So real. And I think, okay, to be fair, I think it's because men genuinely gas lights, you know, liars we gas lights, 100% we do it. But because of the fact that women have been, you know, bringing this word to me, weakly, sometimes monthly, sometimes every other day, I've also been able to identify women's when women gas like me. - Yeah. - So now I play ball the same way they play ball. So when they gas, I'll be like, oh, you gas lighting me right now. - Yeah. - And they hate it. - And they hate it. - They hate it. - Of course they do. - It's a tool. - I'm doing what? I'm like, no, you just said this. - But it's not what I say. - I said you gas lighting me. - Yeah. - So for the people at home are like, yo, what, what's gas lighting guys? I'm in a healthy relationship, we've been dating for five years. We wish were you, but gas lighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a person makes someone question their own sanity, memory or even perception. Do you know how good someone has to guess like you do to change what you saw? - Let me read that one more time. Sorry. So again, manipulation where a person makes someone question their own sanity, as in, hey, hey, am I crazy? - Am I crazy? - Hey, questions, your memory? - Hi, maybe it wasn't like that. - Yeah, he didn't kiss him. - He didn't kiss him. - He was kissing me. - He was kissing me. - Yeah, he was kissing me. - And even your own perception, black becomes blue, mama, blue becomes red. - Red. - Yes, mama. So gas lighting is a very, very big topic in terms of our generation in terms of dating. And what, what I love about it, right, is that it's teaching people to talk about the times when there's a disconnect in their communication, but it's been such a, it has such bad PR. But when a woman says to your guests, like, she's genuinely saying, dude, I don't think you understand my point. - Mm. - You understand what I'm saying? - Oh, yes. - Yes. - Let's go continue. - Yes. - Yes. - Yes. So now gas lighting has gotten this negative fear where women are just saying, whatever, hey, babe, here's the juice that you said you almost get to eat. I didn't ask for you to ask for water. Dude, I'm pretty sure you also juice. No, you're gas lighting me. - Gas lighting, sanity. - That's the first one. - Hey, hey, hey, let me just add water. But it's like, dude, they are, yeah, we'll be in this. - This is an order. - Please, please, please. - What the, can I see? What can I see? - You know what I'm saying? - But, but, but there are certain times when our communication is delinged. - Yeah. - And gas lighting is a great word to use, because you really just try to inform your partner, hey, what you saying right now? - It's not according to my memory, sanity or perception. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Have you ever been gaslit and like, what is the worst time? - Yeah, so, before I get into it, I was going to say, like, I agree with you, gas lighting has bad PR and we should be using the theme of gas lighting as a tool to identify that there's a problem in communication, perception or whatever. - Sanity. - Sanity. - Yes, bad, bad. - So, because I feel like when there's, whenever I experience someone saying I'm gaslighting them or they're gaslighting me, what I do is I say, whoa, let's recollect how you perceive what I was saying and vice versa, and let me tell you how I received what you were saying, which was the vice versa, and then we'll speak, okay, cool, cool, cool, then you learn that, okay, no, when levels, when levels, when levels angered me, now, and he hears me raise my voice, it triggers him and then when I trigger him, it starts making him potentially change the narrative because he's perceiving me raising my voice as me potentially. - Which makes him defensive. - It makes him defensive, it makes him, it makes him, him, him think I'm angry, and then now he says, but you're angry, that's unfair, I'm like, what's your gaslighting? Bad example. But my point is gaslighting should be a trigger to show you and help you unpack the lack of communication, and what's triggering anger, what's triggering defensiveness, what's triggering all these things, because I feel like communication, to master communication in a relationship, all you have to do is truly, sorry, you're still distracting me. - Sorry, sorry. - Then what triggers the person, and the triggers, I think people deviate from, communicating properly. - Yeah. - It's perspective, perspective. I don't know with me that like, when someone is talking to me, and sometimes I'll be like, yeah, you'll be fed up, and someone will be like, no, don't do that, I'm a fed up, this is me thinking like, oh, she's right, and I'm like, yo, I need to actually tap in, it's like, also, I told you kid, I'm like, no, this means this to me, yeah, I'm saying, when someone, when someone goes, they could be sighing, or they could be like, damn, I really messed up. - Yeah. - So you need to understand what people are meaning. Sometimes that motherfucker could be sighing, and it's like, yo, dog, don't sigh, so you have to say, dude, don't sigh, you hear what I'm saying? - Yeah, and then she'll say again. - She'll say again, that's okay. Next time you sigh, I'm a sign you out, I love what Tut is bringing up, and that's something that maybe we can all look into ourselves, and say to ourselves, yo, these are the things that trigger things in conflict of others. I know for a fact, nah, I sometimes laugh. So like, if someone's fighting me and you want to order, I'll just be like, because that's- - I hate that, I hate that, I hate people. - Yeah. (laughter) - Yeah, I also do. - It's like I'm like, everybody do? (laughter) - I sometimes just chuckle, and it's not because I'm chuckling at the conversation. - Yeah. - I'm just there like, yo, I can't believe we're here. - Yeah. - Like, I'm like, it's like a shock to reality, it's like, oh no. But as I have to say, there's certain things that maybe you like the flame of conflict for longer, you know? - Yeah, like the flame of conflict. - And we need to be able to identify those things and have conversations of ourselves. - As soon as possible. - As soon as possible. - Before you get into a magical relationship, go back, give me like, go back in the podcast, listen to husband, I should come back here, and then go back again. - Yeah, because it's a very serious thing. - It did, it's- - It's a very important skill. - It's crazy. - I was so crazy, I interjected you, I'm not talking about it. - Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. - I was with the, we're chilling with these goals yesterday. - Whoa, whoa, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. - Listen, listen, listen. We're chilling with these goals yesterday, and the one goal was upset at me for doing something, in relation to like a friend. - Yeah. - And then she was like talking to me about it, she's like, yo dude, like, you're not a good person for doing this and that, and this is not good, this is not good. So I'm leaving the room and I'm like, okay, okay, okay. There I'm okay, cool. I'm okay, cool, you've got your point across. Let me now also like tell you how life feels. Okay, listen, with me, I just felt like, nah, nah, nah, oh, I thought you were done speaking. You can continue. I don't know what were you saying. I'm like, oh, with me, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Now I was just there like, oh, I've been here before. There's no point in this conversation. So as I'm trying to tell my part of the story, this person is not interjecting everything I'm saying. And then that, then to that interjection triggers hostility into me, so I become hostile. So I don't get angry or whatever, I just become, I'm just still like, yo, dude, what you're doing is weird. Yeah. And I'm shaking my head. Now obviously that's, now me shaking head is doing what? Yeah. It's like, oh, you're shaking your head? Yeah. Oh, you think you can, you know, you think you can shake your head. What's making, you shake your head, big nigga? Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. I'm just there like this person. Like you know what I'm saying? Yeah. As soon as you share in a sample of like interjection and triggers and, you know, I don't like communication. I like what the saying, but you have to understand you guys, you're like, yeah, facts are more so common. Like always, sometimes calmness also is a trigger. And that goes into understand who you're dating. Yes. Because if you're sometimes calm in the conversation, you, you're saying, yes, I understand. That's nice. Speak again. That's nice. You know what I should have sometimes, even better, like talk to my, be like, okay, no, you're right. Okay. I'll stop doing that. Yeah. Now the other person will perceive you to not care. Oh, you don't care. No, I do care. I'm trying. I know my traits are bad. I know I can get angry. Yeah. And I can say wrong things. And this position of calmness, and I say, I receive what you say. Yeah. But now you become lunch long. But it's like, no, anyway, yeah, yeah, but I, again, and I love it because it's a thing of saying to yourself, yo, understand yourself, understand your partner, and maybe you might have a good relationship. Yeah. 20% chance. Yeah. But with building a relationship, consistency is always something that I think I struggle with. Yeah. You know, we spoke once long ago in like season two of this podcast about like how people are in love of the honeymoon phase, which is the best part of the relationship, you know? But for me, I've realized that like my friend said it and it's been stuck with me. I said it's in the previous podcast as a constant theme in my life. He said, if you're so compatible with everyone, how will you know when it's real? And that has been, I think we spoke about it for like 30 minutes on the previous podcast. I know why you use, I know why you think you're compatible now. Yeah. You see it all the time. No, no, you're wrong. You're not compatible with everybody. All right. Try to tell you what it is. Okay. Okay. So levels so certain that it's compatible with everybody. I feel the exact same way and he's not levels willing to sacrifice a lot of himself to make the person feel good and happy, which then makes him perceive or believe that he's compatible. We're not compatible. We're just willing to make more sacrifices and meet them wherever they are. So you're willing to become this type of person, that type of person making, you know, take any possible. Adjust myself. That's what you want. So you are technically compatible to any person, but when you change to their level of compatibility, are you happy? That's the question. Yeah. And that's the million dollar question. And I think sometimes, which now I love this topic of what's your type, you know, guys, let me tell you something there. If we could all have an opportunity to build the world, do you know how different it would be? If you built it. If I built it, you built it. We all built it. It might be sweet. How sweet. How sweet. It might be very sweet, right? And now equally, likewise, just said in this example, everyone would build the world differently. Yeah. Now, imagine all of those worlds, right? And you meet someone else and you share your world and say, Hey, this is me. This is the world I like. And she comes and says, this is my world. Yeah. You like, huh? I says islands. It's kind of nice. Yeah. I'm sorry. Is that Lamborghini? I was like, yeah, everyone in the world gets a Lamborghini. I was like, oh, mind, I have test. You know what? Let me throw away myself and gain the person's world, you know, and that, again, gives you an extra two weeks, three weeks of consistency, four weeks, five weeks of consistency. Maybe a month. Maybe a year to you, but don't forget that you got the chance to build your own world and show someone. And if they also didn't have that feeling of, oh, yours has tazas, you know, that's when that huge disconnecting consistency happens. Because what I want to give you versus what you want to get is two different things. And it's sometimes very sad and sometimes not communicated, which is the worst one. Yeah. The one that's not communicated is the worst one I have experienced so far. The one way they don't tell you, they don't want you, but they just continue seeing you and what a lot of it's like, come on, man, let's release me from Robin Island. Are you there? Are you even? How are we going? Which way are you on? But with all of these and this overall theme of how sometimes you can love wrong, I want you guys to see that sometimes your relationships won't work out, not because you're a problem. Or maybe because of timing or maybe because of person. It truly is because we fail to have these conversations early in the relationship conflict. It is of perspective, your world, my world, boundaries. And it is an ongoing conversation for oneself as you date again and again and again. And yes, you'll get tired, but I always have this perception that me and my wife in my Keep Town Beach house, my brothers over, my sisters over, they come with their partners and we have a meal at the table, the kids are playing games. And I think to myself, oh, that was all worth it. That's what I perceive. I see it as like that. So when I find my person, all of that, all of the learning that I had to do with thousands of girls, thousands, millions of women, millions of girls, even millions of women will all be working for this one person that I ultimately cultivated myself to be with. It's so crazy how like, we always think that like the person we were with is like our favorite. But on the consistency chart, bro, like for me, and I'm like bridging out a bit, for me, what I struggle with now is when I meet a girl and we're having a good time and she struggles to give me like the consistency back. For example, like, I'll be like, yo, what up? So today, you know, I'm going to go to my boys going bowling tonight. You should come. Cool. She comes to bowling. Then like we have an amazing time of bowling Thursday comes like I text you, then she's not really responsive that much. And she can go like the whole day when texting me the next day comes. And then I'm like, okay, cool. I'd like to see this person again, saying, wow, man, I see them once every two weeks. Hey, I'm going to do this thing, which I like to come, then they might, or they come. Cool. But even if they say, so no, three times that happens, right? Then I've, if I don't receive from there and hey, my girls and I, or I'm thinking about going to this place, do you want to go? Or this is really cool, like cocktail place, you want to go like I like, I like for us to experience that. I feel like there's no consistency in the thing. So it's consistency in a different perspective. And that really like defeats me, bro, because it's like, sometimes all you want is this one person, and you want to spend time with them, but then they just can't like match your energy and your time. And obviously for them, it's like, dude, I can't just give you all of my time because I've been here before and like my heart is broken. Go back to chapter one. Go back to chapter one. Love bombing. So now you're giving the love bombing now, because this person is clearly not showing you the energy. They're not showing you the time. They're not showing you the love that you deserve. And you still give. Then it's like a thing of like, you are now just trying to manipulate them into liking your bag, like giving and giving and giving and giving. And that's why I said guys, once you listen to what about the relationship, go back to love bombing. Go back to love bombing, subscribe and then go back in the video. But again, on this journey of relationships and how to put a relationship, standards in the consistency, in the love bombing, in the everything we've been speaking about, gas lighting, everything, the standard that you hold, and we can rephrase standards to boundaries. You can also rephrase standards to what you value, you know, some quality or capacity. You're capacity of gas lighting. Yes. Gaslighting. What can you hold? What can you feel? What can you feel? Painful. Yeah. In the relationship. But I hate speaking about standards because when you have standards, you have no fun, Papa. Sometimes you must let a baby come and rock you. Yeah. If you have standards every day of the year, you're going to be sick of the whole thing. Thank you. Oh no. Red flag. No. Oh no, she gaslights. Oh yeah. Sometimes come and let them gaslight. Gaslighting. No, it's a bride, Papa. You have a lot of that when you have capacity. Yeah. When you have capacity. You can feel the defense. Yeah. Yeah. You can take anything, you know. Just. But what's up? Jokes aside, standards is like a, I think a huge theme in everyone's life. We speak about it like what's your type, what's your, what are your boundaries, what are your values and certain things. But I like to say that the standard of how you love yourself should reflect in your part. So and sometimes it's, I'm subconscious, like the love, we wrote in my, my title title, it's about our pin, our pin thing. You get the love you think you deserve. It reminds me of every day to just take a step back. Yeah. And, and, and, and again, I repeat the standards you love yourself should be reflected in your partner. And sometimes if you don't love yourself, you will see the worst in your partner. Yeah. And that is because that's what you think you deserve because that's the level of love. You give yourself. I always tell my friends, especially my female friends who deal with this, like, you know, the most that when we give to others, we must always understand what we were able to give to ourselves. Yes, sir. You can't know. Hey, I give myself a Lamborghini house, a Porsche, and you come here and you give me noodles. I don't eat noodles, but I love stuff. I live. Also, I don't grab. Also, to switch up what you're saying, man. So obviously, like if, if, if I thought that I'm really love myself by giving myself, yeah, you know, premium, premium experiences, premium, you know, yeah, let's give it a premium experience. When I bring a partner into my world, I should also be able to give a premium experience. No. So, and this is where the confusion comes out, right? Or maybe some of the premium experience. No. Maybe, maybe she should just be able to be a premium person. What? Like she's dressed well. She looks well. She smells well. Oh, no, no, no. It can translate into a different avenue than you perceive. So, when I, you can have premium experiences and whatever, that's the level you love yourself, which means a lot. Yeah. Your partner must reflect that. When you go to those premium experiences, that person must increase the premium experience. 100%, 100%. Yeah. That's what I'm saying today. So that's, that's basically like, dancing within your, yes, within your tax bracket. And love bracket. Let's call it the lump brackets. Yeah. But we're talking about finances. Yeah. I want to switch up what you say. I agree with you. Yeah. I think you should date people with a new tax bracket or one tax bracket below. Love brackets. Love brackets. I want to say, if I inject premium experiences, if I bring a partner into my life, they should also be able to enjoy the premium experiences that I give. Right. That's how I love myself. Yes. But one thing guys do is that they give themselves mediocre experiences, they bring a go in and they give a go premium experiences. So we need to stop doing this thing where we love our partners more than we love ourselves. Yeah. That's what I'm trying to say. I'm gonna, if I usually eat bicon bites and now I'm telling you same comes and she's always eating. You hate the type of using type of thing every time you get a new female name because it's because of, um, simple, simple, you see them type of say, yeah, yeah, that's like a good thing. Okay. Let's, let's go. I think I like the name. Yeah, it's good. So I'm always eating bicon bites. Yeah. And by the time she was, oh, no, I only eat. Doritos. Marshmallows coated in caviar. Yeah. Right. Now every time she comes and giving her marshmallows coated in caviar and chocolate, but I, I'm a bicon bites type of person. Yeah. So for me, it's a thing of like, okay, if I like bicon bites, then shop, I eat bicon bites. I can afford that thing, but I choose bicon bites. But my point is that like, if you're not able to even choose a snack for yourself, but someone comes in and you can get them all those types in the world. There's a problem. There's a serious problem. You can't pick what's, you know, on Uber Eats, but she's ordering the 400 grand that we mentioned earlier. Yeah. Yeah. It's a problem. Ladies, ladies, it is worse. Like because ladies love eating. They love it. They love it. They love both the gents. You guys love both the jet. Remember, boo that bit. Yeah. Yeah. Love both the jet. Yeah. Love it. Ladies, don't give this guy things that you struggle to give to yourself and don't give those guy things that he wouldn't even on a normal day, give himself, even if you can afford it. By the way, it doesn't have to be monetary. It can also be time, which is so painful, which is so, so painful. You can't even give yourself time to read a book, but you're giving. And you can drive your car everywhere. Everywhere. You can even come over, geez, leave, catch his tornails, buy, come back, cut the other tornails. You know, take your car, you won't even go to your head. Yeah. Guys, it's, and it's like I said, the standard of what you love yourself should reflect in your partner. And if it doesn't, you're in the wrong place and it can come out in conflict, it can come out in. Suppressed anger. Suppressed anger. It can be an approach to life, dreams, ideologies, policies, it can come out in dating, it can come in talking stage, come out any point in your relationship. Which is why the bonus, guys, you're not realizing that. I used to be so bad at speaking, like we're getting better at talking, bro. Like fuck. We're getting better at talking, everything is because we're speaking for hours every day, like on a podcast, like I know it took us over 40 episodes for us to be able to like Come up with the sentence properly without thinking E yeah, but what's I say shut up, but that guy's composition has been amazing. I want us to go into obviously movies of the week part costals of the week I didn't know one Content creators of the week and then don't forget guys we have channel membership So if you guys want to come and support the channel there are two ways the first way does the inside is baby That's really pay I think a hundred and forty nine ran every single month and you guys get extra content from c2 level Tatar and baby as well as thought digest and there's so much more coming later Then you can just be close friends And that's basically you saying thank you for us existing and having this podcast and he's giving back to us for a little bit of updates Here and they will be launched new things also just some behind the scenes Like notifications and messages which will be coming in again this week, but inside is we're gonna continue the conversation It's gonna be dope. Let me tell them what those you and they get uh get inside get inside on their clap Yeah, baby, but yeah, so my current favorite movie that we watched over this weekend. I read some friends over Oh, there's a bag. I was Kerry Kerry was so good. It's a horror movie I think it's our Netflix of a mom is taken it is such an amazing movie I used to love watching movies of people getting powers and I love them someone discovers they have powers what they do This was just amazing for me. Like it's it was so Memorable base of of the things that I've grew up seeing that's the way we're sending this member relatable It's basically it's bought memories of me or she was in as a child, right nostalgia I was nostalgic as as hell. Yeah, so I really enjoyed that it's nostalgic elements I just enjoyed like hers a character. I was to my brother Joe's the whole time Well, hey, if I had a daughter like this I You meet the mother is like oh, that's why I'd rewatched it absolutely amazing and then series. I'm watching Vikings Valhalla. I'm rewatching it I'm really enjoying it. Love love the Greenlanders And then shed all of mine since our moment on a motor row. Yeah, go ahead. Okay favorite podcast right now I've actually been watching oceans grace podcast is it's really cool like I'd been seeing her posted so much now She's pushing it And I never never really like actually watched it I watched an episode over the weekend for the first time I think I was to interview with her and Jeannes your husband of a man the lady who from big brother Zinte always the episode has been clear. It's so short amazing Ocean is so just she's so awesome. You can bro like she's an amazing creative such an amazing host really part of that podcast is nice to have podcasts that are just That on a professional level and it's not about gossip and who did this and who did that? It's like, you know, you're getting to know somebody you're getting to learn something or just talking shit You know, I'm saying yeah, so that's that was really nice and then content creator Um Could I really be messing with content wise? No, I'm okay. I'll go backwards so content creator. I'm gonna say me No, only because I need to show myself love sometimes I woke up today. I watched my content and lost episode I was talking so much bad negativity on my my content experience So I want to say like today. I watched my content and guys are back. Yeah, so I'm saying me. Yes. Watch my TikTok Favorite movie guys. I'm so embarrassed. I think I thought this become because of me actually I feel as if I He's become such a movie in series and I have just fallen apart for movies in series I thought it's be like I don't know a level you go. Yo boy. I was like pum pum pum. Yeah. Yeah, I I don't guys I've watched everything. Yeah, I've come I'm convinced. I didn't recommend the movie because I still haven't watched this I think people need to hear it at their time Which I oh the series now I'll get to I'll get to that. I'm talking about movie now. Oh movies Okay, good movie that I watched recently there has been no good movies that I've watched with the friend over the weekend She kept me guys watch movies guys. They were so explicit. So you can't even say oh, yeah watch. I did not enjoy that one Okay, I'll just say no movie no movie right now in terms of series. I'm watching a house of dragons and I'm watching I'm also there watching house of dragons very good stuff. I just I watched it because of you last week Which is funny now cuz I used to watch my thing But anyways, I'm watching House of Dragons. I'm watching all American I'm watching all American is basically a series played by a young man from the hood who gets an opportunity to play at a Beverly Hills high school where he then discovers a lot of mystery that comes from his family as well as his love life It's a classic love story with high school elements You know cheating. What are our parties and etc. Basically a good blood and water. I want to say that. No Everyone knows on the internet. I don't like blood and water That's a good blood and water and it's all American football store get to see him shine get to become yeah, but great series What other series can I recommend and I also want to start recommending anime? I watch a lot of anime guys So I don't watch all the time. What do you guys call it? And real people real But I never been watching right now. I've been watching one piece. I've been watching watching watching one piece for years Yeah, it's a lot of episodes. I've been watching one piece. I've been watching I rewatched these guys and I've been watching demons layer had the best ending for an anime series Um so far in my opinion for this year Um, great great great great great episodes and then content creator I said and then what else is the movie content creator? Part cluster. You don't have to do podcast podcast. I want you guys to try out jshati. Now jshati is a international superstar That's what I'm trying to do with my I don't know if we'll ever get there. That's I think Toto's gonna get it. I want Toto to become jshati I beg you. I beg him. I think it'll be a good look for him. I did everything Um, but yeah, but yeah, that's me. We'll see you guys in close friends in new zone insiders. Let's go You Give me life. We'll be living life. Raybans in catamaran