Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 425

On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    Now Former Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle was on The Hill yesterday and was grilled by the House Oversight Committee. We provide complete coverage and all the latest post-hearing analysis Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, JD Vance spoke to supporters in Ohio and Virginia yesterday and we’ve got complete coverage  Guests: In Order of Appearance  All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  Congressman Tim Burchett: (@timburchett) U.S. Representative, TN-2   Website:   Congresswoman Victoria Spartz: (@RepSpartz) U.S. Representative, IN-9   Website:   Gavin Wax: (@GavinWax) 76th President, New York Young Republican Club; Author; Newsmax Insider    Website:   Club Site:   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

1h 55m
Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


Now Former Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle was on The Hill yesterday and was grilled by the House Oversight Committee. We provide complete coverage and all the latest post-hearing analysis

Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, JD Vance spoke to supporters in Ohio and Virginia yesterday and we’ve got complete coverage 

Guests: In Order of Appearance 

All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

Congressman Tim Burchett: (@timburchett) U.S. Representative, TN-2




Congresswoman Victoria Spartz: (@RepSpartz) U.S. Representative, IN-9




Gavin Wax: (@GavinWax) 76th President, New York Young Republican Club; Author; Newsmax Insider 




Club Site:


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Via the Phone: 800-658-8045 


My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%


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This is not nom, this is bowling, they're a rule. - Hey, hey, hey, junior, America! (crowd cheers) - It's like four- - Bassist! - So, stand by! - All right, everybody, welcome back to the second of two big Tuesday editions of the "Stake of Breakfast" podcast. I'm Roan gonna be flying solo for episode two today. If you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's fastest-growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. And we're gonna keep things a rollin' here. Up on Capitol Hill, we're gonna be joined now by the Congressman who represents Tennessee's second congressional district. Welcome back to the show, Representative Tim Burchett. Thanks for joining us. - Thanks for having me on, brother. - Busy weekend. I wanna kind of cover everything quickly with you, but before we do that, Congressman, you experienced the Republican National Convention last week. I think it was one of the best ones, probably in the modern era. You talk about the widening of the 10th, the families who have been negatively affected by Joe Biden and his open-border policies, rambic crime, et cetera, people who lost their son or daughters in places like the Afghanistan withdrawal. And then when you talk about really identifying with the American people how wide this tent is right now in America first, people like Hulk Hogan, Dana White, you've got the president of the Teamsters there. The messaging, I think, was on point. And then Donald Trump selects JD Vance for his vice president and absolutely knocks that out of the park with his speech. Just want a little bit of commentary because we know the last time we caught up with you, you were getting ready to head over to the actual convention itself. Yeah. Well, of course, unity is the big thing everybody's talking about, but I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but I would warn them, you know, that's a pep rally. We got the game, big game coming up, getting the game, getting the game, get out there and vote, tell people what you're thinking, don't let people back you into a corner with their intimidation tactics. That's what the left does. And they continue to do that anytime you, you're outspoken, you're immediately, you're whatever, you're racist, you're misogynist, you're sexist, you can't have an opinion that's conservative in this country because you're anti-LGBTQ, whatever. So I would tell people, remember the Clinton White House. Bill Clinton was a draft dodger. He went to England to avoid the draft, the Vietnam draft. He was running against George Bush, senior, who was a World War II veteran, arguably a hero. And he was shot down in the Pacific, picked up by a submarine, crazy story. You know, that's a pretty courageous thing. Those were really slow shit. My dad was in the Pacific and the Marine Corps took a real war and he said those things were just, you know, they were slow and you had to be really gutsy to be on one of those things and he was. And we thought, man, there's no way. There's no way George Bush is gonna get beat on this second term, but he was. He was beat and it was because we got cocky and we let her guard down. And that's before we knew how bad Hillary was and the rest of it. But truth is, we let her guard down and I always remember my dad's prayer that night. He said, Lord, please don't let us lose our country. - Great point and even- - And there he was a Marine Corps combat veteran from the Pacific. My mom had flown an airplane during the Second World War. She'd lost her brother fight in the Nazis. And there we are, we're thinking we're gonna lose, he's thinking we're gonna lose our country. In effect, it started this downward drift where we're at now. And what does it, 20 million or 30 million conservatives decided to not go to the polls last time because of a main tweet. And that's who we got in the White House. - Or Dewey, which is where I kind of want to stay away next. Interesting story coming out of the weekend, Congressman. You know, Joe Biden, he's fit enough to help Kamala Harris campaign. He's not going anywhere and he's going to be there for her, but he's not fit enough to accept the Democrat nomination and therefore won't be running for re-election. You know, the whole thing with whatever's going on behind the scenes with Joe Biden, obviously, this is what it looks like on the deep state comes for a scalp and they're done with you or you don't want to play the game anymore and do things by your own rules. I mean, you could see it, how fast the money transfer, how fast the verbal delegates committed to Kamala Harris and how easily the media just kind of rolled her out as someone who is just so diverse and progressive and understanding and soft, even though she has no resume and an even worse record to actually run on than Joe Biden did. I mean, at least he had political capital being the vice president for two terms and a senator for 10,000 years. But the fact of the matter is, there are some shady stuff going on behind the scenes. I know you're one of the first people that could sniff this stuff out for more than a mile away and just kind of want to get your commentary on how you saw this weekend unfold. - Well, of course, you had Trump getting shot going into the convention and then you had the breakdown of the internet, which was the story again, another story that took away from a good positive message from the Republicans. You had Kimberly Cheetel just watch the whole thing and then she gets in the hearing and does a terrible job. And then all of a sudden Biden decides he's gonna leave, you know, he's not fit to campaign, but he's fit to run the country. - Right. - And that's a huge problem. So there, you know, and the talk is he'll step down and she'll take over, but she's not in control. She has botched everything she's touched in the border. I mean, good gosh, that's enough. 14 million people over the border, death, rapes, destruction caused by some of those folks, not all of them, vast majority of them, I'm sure good people are just trying to get a better life. And you're seeing this huge caravan of people coming up over the border now. - Correct. - And, you know, they're doing that as they know it, if Trump wins, it's over. That gravy chain's over. And you have communist Chinese that kind of a terrorist have been caught and released, known terrorist. And so she was over that. That's the record she'll have to run on. - She certainly will. And, you know, I think that's the number one job of Republicans in their attempt to retain and extend the majority in the House to continue to point out that Kamala Harris's record is Joe Biden's record. They're one and the same. She, you know, stood in solidarity with the president as his VP throughout the course of the entirety, I guess, well, of the three plus years that he's, you know, been serving. And the fact of the matter is every single thing that's going wrong in this country, she has either endorsed, supported, or pushed herself. So for as much as they wanna reshape and refit, who's gonna be at the top of the ticket, when it's the same team and the president and vice president, you have to take them for one and the same. So I think that's a really great point you put out. And then listen, after yesterday's congressional hearing, we saw you have a brilliant display of how it's done. Congressman, watching you absolutely take apart the now former Secret Service Director. You know, I was very surprised to see both sides of the aisle that come together on this, but I guess rhetoric and calling somebody Hitler or, you know, a threat to democracy is one thing when it actually gets to nearly taking somebody's life. It kind of might open up other people's eyes, especially the Democrats who could honestly care less about President Trump. Obviously, maybe a little bit more on what happened to him. But you guys came together and forced the Secret Service Director to resign. However, this is not where the investigation ends. I think it's where it begins and where she's trying to run away from you guys. I think this is gonna be really important to continue to get answers from her and everyone that was involved, including Alejandro Mayorkas, but how are you seeing this shaking out? - Well, this doesn't excuse her from anything. I think that it more or less shows that they're trying to divert again once again and thinking that this is, you know, what a brave move to take the fall on this, or she should have been fired. She should not have been allowed to resign. And she hanging on for whatever reason. I guess they thought they could bring her out there and it would smooth over. But I think it showed the Americans will. They saw that President Trump, you know, and the question I asked, I said, why was he allowed to stay on stage after the shooting? Or why was he allowed to come on stage when they knew this guy was on a rooftop? And did she have what she did using secret communications to talk to other people? And I believe she might have lied on that case. - Agreed. - She did lie when she said one of the other guys. She told Congress, Mark Green's committee, a homeland today, we asked her if she was income. Ask somebody asked her if she was in communication with the FBI and she said, no. And then I'm not sure if I did or not. I had so many questions. I was just firing them off. And then today, she said in committee that they had not conveyed any message to her. And now they had the FBI told her to keep quiet basically. And then the FBI said, well, we didn't tell her to do that. And so somebody's not telling the truth. And that's perjury and that's a real no. Only Congress are allowed to lie to Congress. - That's a great point you made. I think we're gonna leave it at that. We know you got a busy schedule they packed in and out of committees, meetings, et cetera. Listen, Congressman, we really appreciate any time that you can come on the show, you and your team are part of what helped make stake great again. And we can appreciate every time we can catch up with you. We've got your congressional website linked in the show description today. What's the best account to follow you on Twitter? - Probably exact Tim Burchett. And I've got an official one, Congressman Tim Burchett you can do. And I'm on all the other cool things, you know. And I've got a podcast called Tennessee Talks you can get to it on Rumble and YouTube. - We'll link that in the show description today and be looking to catch up with you again soon. This is the Congressman who's representing Tennessee to one of our great friends, Representative Tim Burchett. Thanks for joining us on the show. Sir, have a great rest of your week. - Thank you, brother. Thank you for always getting my name right. You're maybe the only one out there that does. - My name is Kimberly Cheadle and I'm the Director of the United States Secret Service. I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today. The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13th is the most significant operational failure of the Secret Service in decades. And I am keeping him and his family in my thoughts. - All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here today, second of two big Tuesday editions of "Stake for Breakfast." I'm Ron Fly and Solo. Noah's out of the office back to training who in the cargo needs a forklift in. I guess Noah goes a lift in as well. And we're gonna be talking about the now former Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheadle, who decided to step down today. Really unfortunate for the advancement of her career, one of the few failures of the Biden administration that's actually been held accountable for something. Granted, they're all fuck ups, but nobody has ever held to account for anything. And we're gonna get into some of the house oversight hearing, the bipartisan full committee yesterday, up on Capitol Hill. And there was a lot of memorable moments, none other than South Carolina Congresswoman. Okay, we've had a couple reschedules with her, but she will be here on Tuesday of next week, on one of our two Tuesday editions of the show. Should be a great episode. Here's Nancy Mace laying the boom in oversight committee yesterday on the director of the Secret Service. - My first question, both sides of the aisle today have asked for your resignation. Would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation letter? Yes or no? - No, thank you. - Was this a colossal failure? - It was a failure. - Yes or no? Was it a colossal failure? Is the question yes or no? - I have admitted this is a terrible-- - This is a yes or no series of questions. Was this a colossal failure? Yes or no? - Yes. - Have you provided a list to the oversight committee? Yes or no? - I will have to get back to you on that. - That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on July 15th? Yes or no? - I would have to get back to you. - That is a no. You're full of shit today. You're just being completely dishonest. - You know, and there was a lot of heated rhetoric. Obviously, it surprised me to see it from both sides of the aisle yesterday. It was, I think, a big step in the right direction for politics in general, to see Republicans and Democrats come together on this. You know, if you told me at the start of the hearing and how pointed the House Republicans went in on director Sheedill, and that we would end the day with a bipartisan letter from Jamie Comer and Jamie Raskin stating that she needs to resign. Well, apparently it was enough pressure to have her tender that letter and deliver it to the American public this morning. However, you know, you have to ask yourself the question, where do we go from here? Does her resignation and probably wonderful 7th package from past employers, you know, when she was the Praetorian guard of Frito-Lay and PepsiCo allow her to just float on into obscurity and not be held accountable for anything that happened 10 days ago in Butler, Pennsylvania. It's a question that we need to be asking. You know, congressionally, I hope they continue to stay with the Ward Drum's beating. I hope the subpoenas continue to come and that she's requested back up to the Hill for questioning. You know, both Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI director Ray, we're both asked to come in. Apparently, Ray is gonna come in tomorrow to talk to the bipartisan Homeland Committee, but Alejandro Mayorkas has declined and you could tell by the non-answers director Cheetil gave yesterday during her hearing is that he wants nothing to do with this. So the only way we're gonna get Mayorkas into one of these committees is if we subpoena him and now that Mike Johnson is forming the, you know, assassination inquiry, special committee, we'll have to see how quick they're able to get Mayorkas up to the Hill to start answering questions 'cause at the end of the day, he's the boss. You know, and when you heard about some of the things that were revealed yesterday and then, you know, you had House Republicans and Senators on the ground of Butler, Pennsylvania yesterday talking to law enforcement, talking to reporters who have been there since the incident. You know, it's sad when like Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin has to confirm that the number of casings that were found on the roof and spent by the gunman, would be assassin were eight when, you know, a lot of different entities and agencies is reported it was four or five. You know, you also don't have any confirmation on what the context, the capability or how many explosives were located at the scene or at the House of the gunman. And, you know, you got a clear definition today from some of the local law enforcement. I believe the head of the Butler, Pennsylvania state troopers came and it was one of their officers or someone that they were collaborating with on the day of the event that engaged the gunman, you know, lost footing on the ladder or whatever was wound up being suspended from the roof and having to drop off, couldn't draw his weapon when the gunman realized that law enforcement was going to beginning to engage him before he attempted the first shot. And quickly after that, you saw obviously what happened to President Trump and to, you know, the firemen who lost his life. They are the other two people who were injured and the thousands of people in attendance who are going to be scarred for life from them. So it's just wild to see the way that it went down. And I talked about the bipartisan nature of this committee work yesterday. California Democrat, Ro Khanna took her to task as well. Let's hear him. - You know what Stuart Knight did when he was in charge at the time of the Secret Service? You know what he did? Afterwards? - He remained on duty. He resigned, he resigned. And Stuart Knight was not a Democratic appointee or Republican appointee. Look, I'm not questioning your judgment. I just don't think this is partisan. If you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president or a candidate, you need to resign. That's what Stuart Knight did. He was a Republican appointee and he took responsibility. And I think you need to reflect. This is not a question of you. It's a question of the American people. You cannot go leading a Secret Service agency when there is an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. I would say that about anyone who is running. And so I guess my question to you is what's the difference between your position and what Stuart Knight did? - What I will tell you, sir, is that I am dedicated to finding answers to what happened. And like every Secret Service agent, we don't shirk from our responsibilities. I will remain on and be responsible to the agency, to this committee, to the former president and to the American public. - Is there a reason you wouldn't just do what Stuart Knight did after the Reagan assassination attempt? - I believe that I've provided an answer. - There's nothing more that you have to say. I mean, do you really believe at this moment given how divided the country is and the questions asked that your service in this role is the best for the nation? I mean, I'm not saying you can't do public service again. You can't do something else again. Do you really genuinely in your heart believe that you being in this role is what's right for America at this moment? - It's wild. Didn't expect it. Didn't see it coming. But again, they talk about the outside of bipartisan nature that this event was an assassination attempt on a high profile target, top tier political figure, a president, a vice president, a candidate. And what it means, you really have to take into context here how close we were to losing Donald Trump. This is bigger than everything. The fact that we were centimeters, millimeters away from losing the man at the top of the ticket that's looking to write this country and the failures, listen, if you work at a job that uses machinery and you're on an assembly line and you break the money making machine of the assembly line and it's your fault, you did it maliciously or because you weren't taking the right steps to the protocol which has you do a safe or adequate job, you're fired. If you're a delivery driver and you get into an accident and the accident is your fault because of something you did wrong outside of policy or inadequately, you're fired. And the list goes on and on for every other type of scenario for every other job on the planet. If you mess up, there's always room for error. There's grace. I mean, if they had every single place cased out there and this guy like came up to the most outerist perimeter of the fence and just started taking pot shots at the audience, that's a lot different than what happened. You know, he droned and mapped out ahead of time. He hid the gun and it was missed in a sweep. He was able to bring a rangefinder through security. He got a ladder in there at some point, multiple vehicles on the scene, bombs. Like this is every single benchmark of achievement here, they failed. The collaboration and collaboration with other agencies and the lack of communication at the highest levels of people on the ground. It's just failure after failure with this entire situation and the fact that we got out of this with Donald Trump, 99% intact, it's a miracle. Byron Donald has had it with this shit and with this government and with this regime and he was lower in the boom yesterday. Let's check it out. - Tana commands orders around the person on set roof. 'Cause I'm quite sure somebody saw in under your organization, the Secret Service, I'm quite sure somebody saw the shooter on the roof. So what was the communication through the chain of command to deal with set person? - What I can tell you is that when the individual was identified by the counter sniper, they took one shot and neutralized that individual. - But that was after the shooter already took a shot, is that correct? - That is correct. - So what you're saying now is that the Secret Service did not see the shooter on the roof until after the shooter took a shot? - I do not have all of those details at this time. - If you don't have those details after nine days director, then what you're telling me is that you guys didn't see it. - Is that correct? - I am telling you, I don't have all the details of the sequence at this time. - Director, it's been nine days. Either you have the information or you do not. Is that correct? - We are still in the process of conducting interviews and an investigation. - Some of my colleagues have texted me over the last couple of days by a partisan about whether you should lose your job. And I've been quiet on that question because I wanted to see what you're doing today. In my opinion, you do need to be fired. One of my kids, if they got in trouble, I told them to give me the details, I would get more answers from them that I'm getting from you right now. And that's what's frustrating on a bipartisan basis, on a nonpartisan basis. This is a joke. And director, you're in charge. And that's why you need to go. - Hot and heated and emotional in there yesterday. And you see people who don't normally see eye to eye, especially over topics like President Trump coming together, because America demands it. You know, imagine what the news would look like. And again, it would be only the conservative press that would be reporting it. But just imagine House Democrats don't care if director Cheetall steps down. You know, House Democrats pass the book and ask for Republicans to partisanly investigate the security breakdowns and intelligence failures 10 days ago up in Butler, Pennsylvania. It'd be wild. Here's the deal. You know, I'm watching this Joe Biden saga, the end of his arc play out here. And, you know, the start of the Harris saga dawning. I think the only play that Democrats have here is the House of Representatives. You know, I feel like we can get up to 223, 224 seats. That would lead the Democrats at 210 or 209 in the next session of Congress. But again, there's only a few seats that are technically up for grabs across the entire country that aren't pulling strong enough to suggest that one party or the other has already won it. So it's those battleground seats, the bellwethers that they're fighting over right now. And what flipping the House of Representatives to Democrat control when we're set to retake the Senate and be back in the White House means for a Trump administration disaster. Two years of fake impeachments, fake investigations, fake committee work, fake narratives, and no passing of any legislation outside of executive order, which is what we don't want because Donald Trump's running to be the president of everyone in America, not just the Republican party, not just against Democrats. So we need to take that into consideration. It's a big talking point that not enough people are talking about, you know, we want the big three, extend and retain the House majority, flip the Senate to Republican control and win back the White House. But we have to understand why. And now with the jettison thing of Joe Biden, in almost, I guess you could even call it Star Wars-like fashion? - Time to abandon shit. What's the play here? It's not like they're enthusiastic about the worst candidate in the history of modern politics, Kamala Harris, being the president. It's that she's agreed behind closed doors to be the next puppet for the deep state. So what can they do when Donald Trump looks unstoppable? Oh, they could stop his legislative agenda and be just as effective as being in the White House. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, welcome, we hope you're enjoying it. Second of two big Tuesday editions of "Stake for Breakfast." Just a reminder, if you missed our first edition of the show and you're here in this episode first, well, you've already made it through about halfway into the first segment and through an interview, but press pause, jump over to our first edition. Timeline flows a little bit better. And we'll see you in a bit. We sat down with Florida Congressman Greg Stooby and Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde, we talked about, where the hell is Joe Biden? Don't worry, we found him. And what's his next steps? As he completes his term in office, in addition, we brought you highlights of the Donald Trump JD Vance rally out in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from the other day, where they delivered remarks to supporters. Obviously, we're talking about the latest on the now former Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheetell. We're gonna be sitting down with Indiana Congresswoman, Victoria Sparks in just a moment, heard from Tennessee Representative Tim Burchett to kick off the show. And we'll wrap things up today with New York Young Republican Club president, Gavin Wax. So absolutely power pack lineup touching on the biggest topics that are concerning to you, what you may have missed in the news cycle, and what's the latest on all of these things is looking forward to what seems like it's gonna be a busy week. You got come out out in the campaign trail. You've got the Trump campaign announcing now, this is brilliant, tomorrow night in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Bojangles Arena. While Joe Biden is delivering his address to the nation on why he's not running for president, Donald Trump and JD Vance will be having a Trump rally as part of counter programming. And we're gonna have a lot of stuff to talk about on Friday. So I'll move it along here. Some of the things operationally breakdown lies that you have to take into consideration here. Extra Secret Service detail was repeatedly denied. They wanted the numbers padded, they needed extra in a situation like that. The now ongoing investigation is showing that that's a fact and it didn't happen. Concerns leading up to the event of possible security breaches and failures that could occur, no one thought obviously an assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life was a reality until 10 days ago, but now in retrospect, I guarantee something like that won't have as open as a window to happen again. Then you have that day of this vague piece of gray area that a lot of people keep referencing in the news you've heard it in the committee hearing yesterday as well. 18 to 20 minutes where there was a positive ID on a person of interest is what they're calling it. Obviously it turned out to be the shooter and would be assassin. And Donald Trump was still allowed to take the stage at the announced time. There was no delays like if there was, if speakers go over or somebody ran late or there's a weather issue outside that we've seen. So, you know, every time Donald Trump's taking the stage 30, 45, an hour later than scheduled, it's for a reason. Starting off with things related to his travel all the way up to what's going on on the ground there that usually doesn't get disseminated to the public. And then there's the question Ron Johnson brought it up. You like Crane brought it up as part of their investigation in Butler, Pennsylvania yesterday. I've seen it on both of their social media account. Apparently there was someone who's now been identified as an ATF agent who I wasn't certain on whether or not was a collaborating agency during this event, apparently they were. However, afterwards and on the scene, all the body was still there. They came up and asked some of the agencies who were documenting the crime scene via photograph to message or email those images to him and then the guy just disappears. Obviously he provided an email or a cell phone number, long story short when Congress called him. He identified himself as an ATF agent and then abruptly ended the call and hasn't taken any sense. Is he a whistleblower? Is he someone trying to cover up what happened? We don't know, we will find out eventually though. And then there was the breakdown in strategic comms which is something she was asked about yesterday and whether or not there were any recordings as is standard practice, especially with federal agencies. You know, if you have to reconstruct a crime scene, you want to hear what the radio traffic sounded like to make, I guess, the timing of these crimes accurate? Let's check it out. Does the Secret Service routinely record communications between and amongst detail? Radio communications? Any communication. Email communications are captured as well as text messages and then depending on the detail, radio communications are recorded. Does the Secret Service have recorded communications from the July 13th event? We do not have radio communications from that day. Why not? She refused to answer why. There's supposed to be broadcast on channels that I think keep a permanent record of who is communicating and what time these communications transpired at. However, she refused to give any clarity or in-depth analysis on why this did not happen in this certain situation or maybe she wasn't answering the questions truthfully. You know, Annapolina Luna called her out on it. She purged herself at least twice yesterday in this hearing and I'm glad that they got her nailed to the wall. Come into question. And like I already told you at the top of the segment, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson said he's seen evidence to show there was at least eight casings on the roof, which means the shooter got off eight shots in the direction of Donald Trump in the audience in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th. However, even though now this is common knowledge and all it took was a few senators and congressmen from the Republican party to go up there and inquire about it, the director of the Secret Service as of yesterday still would not admit to how many shots had gotten off because I mean, you heard in the exchange before, shooter took a shot that's a broad statement that's not a factual or accurate statement. They're talking about what the incident was, not the forensic breakdown of it. And then she would reply. And then the Secret Service sniper responded back neutralizing the threat, therefore ending his life. But that's not like a textbook technical verbatim breakdown of what happened forensically. Let's take it out. - My question is, who at the FBI should I speak with? Wait for it, wait for it. - The FBI is responsible for the criminal. - Is there a name? - I'm not certain. - I'm not certain. All right, here we go. I'm not certain, I don't know. Let me ask a different question. Have you been in communication with the FBI? - Yes, I have. - With whom? - I speak with the director and the deputy director. Okay, and what have they shared with you about this investigation? So I'll give you an opportunity to answer again. Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof? - They have shared with me the-- - Did they share with you? How many shell casing were on the roof? - Yes. - Okay, how many were there? - I would refer to the FBI for as many were there. - And their information that they need to share in their investigation. - So they've shared the information with you. You just don't want to share the information with us. Correct? - We have concurrent investigations that are going on. - So they have shared this information with you. You know the answer to the question. You just refuse to answer the question from the member of Congress who has subpoenaed you to be here. Is there a different answer to that question? - I was always willing to come here and testify before this oversight hearing. - Beautiful, then let's do that. Let's for once have your actions match your words. So you've been in communication with the FBI. You know the answers and you refuse to tell us the answers. So I will ask you again. You know how many shell casings were on that roof. What is the answer to that question? - I think it's pertinent to talk about-- - What is the answer to that question? - I think it's pertinent to talk to you about the information that the Secret Service has and that the Secret Service knows really-- - I'm asking you an answer to the question. If you're supposed to be in charge, if the buck stops with you-- - How come you can't share the answers? What are you covering up? And what are you hiding, my friend? - I'm not covering anything. - Then why can't you answer a simple question? - When he retarded? So he, I know you're not retarded. But what are you down syndrome? - I mean, for real with these people, like what part of the investigation, all that does is to confess to the committee yesterday, Director Cheadle that there were eight, maybe more casings by the FBI recovered at the scene. Makes her job look even worse. The job that she didn't do last weekend up in Butler, Pennsylvania. It makes her inept, incapable, and DEI hiredness. It confirms it to America, that this is someone who served as part of a detail to Dick Cheney, parlayed that service into a nice, cush, executive job for a major industry leader with Frito-Lay and PepsiCo. And then when Joe Biden became president in 2021 and was hiring anybody off the street with, well, experience in matter with pronouns, they ushered her back in and threw her at the top of the agency that's tasked with protecting him, which is fucking wild. You know what I'm saying? The attempt on Donald Trump's life happened. But this is something that could have happened to Joe Biden or Kamal Harris, former Vice President Pence, or those closest to any of those entities. And you know, it's so cliche and even in bad taste to say how much we dodged a bullet 10 days ago, both literally and figuratively. But what else, and what other way is there to explain it? You know, and she had mentioned her communication with the FBI director and the assistant, listen, in the fallout and in the wake of this, day of, day after, as it starts to cycle through the news and this tsunami builds up against her bi-partisanly. Couldn't imagine the conversation she was having with her coworkers. And she was actually asked about this. You know, do you talk about, let's say, these investigations with other pie-ranking officials, agency leaders, et cetera. Do you use encrypted apps to communicate with them? Do you use your personal or government phones to do so? Yes. Listen, at the end of the day, I think, outside of Bleach bit, and we all know who's the queen of that one. What difference at this point does it make? Those phones are gonna be subpoenaed and they're gonna be forensically broken down and we're gonna see exactly what the communications were behind the scenes during the fallout of this assassination attempt on Donald Trump. I was glad to hear a member of Congress bringing it up. Yes, yes, check it out. Representative Bober asked earlier about using encrypted apps that you said you have not used, I guess, signal. Have you used any encrypted app to communicate from your personal device? I do, on occasion, use encrypted apps to communicate. So you use some form of an adapted app to communicate with people within the federal government, with local law enforcement. Whom are you communicating using encrypted apps? Many times it's with colleagues and associates. So you're communicating with colleagues on a personal device? There are times that the Secret Service, when we work internationally, with some of our partners, that they don't have the same texting capability. And you're not able to do that with your government issue device? Recently, we have been able to install some of those apps on government devices. OK, let's talk about some of the things that we can get access to. I'm actually shocked that you are using your personal device and encrypted communication tools. I think that that might be the most shocking thing that I've heard today. I didn't expect that you'd just be free to say that. I don't think a lot of people did. And at some point, sooner or later, outside of whichever Congress person had their laptop connected to the audio or visual sharing device there and had notifications on for something. It's absolutely wild. Just imagine what the text message is in the moments after. When this is hitting the wire, when Elon Musk is endorsing Donald Trump four minutes after the story broke, in the mainstream media. And people are saying, what the hell is going on? Sending her the videos, sending her the tweets, talking to people on the ground. Maybe painting a picture that she hasn't presented to the American public yet? Well, that's the conclusion of the hearing yesterday. There was a letter that came out from the chairman, James Comer, and ranking member, Jamie Raskin. It's very short, I'm gonna read it for you, dated yesterday. On July 13, 2024, the United States Secret Service under your leadership failed to protect former president, Donald Trump, from an assassination attempt that took the life of Corey, Compertory and seriously injured at least two other people. Today, you failed to provide answers to a basic question regarding stunning operational failure and to reassure the American people that the Secret Service has learned its lessons and begun to correct its systematic blunders and failures. In the middle of a presidential election, the committee and the American people demand serious institutional accountability and transparency that you are not providing. We will call on you to resign as director as a first step to allowing new leadership to swiftly address the crisis and to rebuild the trust of a truly concerned Congress and the American people. Sincerely, Chairman Comer and ranking member Raskin. That letter wouldn't have been signed by partisanly if majorities of both sides of the aisle in the committee didn't agree to it. And then you come to see today, which is Tuesday, director Cheetah will tender to her resignation and outside of congressional subpoena and getting her back up, getting Mayorkas in, getting Ray in, et cetera. It's going to take a while to figure out what the next steps are. Nancy Mays who was pivotal in leading the bombardment honoree yesterday, quickly took to the media to provide some commentary on what she felt is not enough for the American people. Let's check it out. - Well, there has to be. The American people want to be able to trust our leaders and trust that our president, vice president, presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate is that regardless of political affiliation or party, that we will protect them. And that's very important. And also, we know that there have been issues with the Secret Service for a very long time now, regardless of who's in the White House. And so it's time to reset and ensure that we have properly trained individuals. That morale is better than it's ever been and ensure that we are protecting those running for president and that this never, ever happens again. - Not bad. We also heard from the House Speaker who has quite a task ahead of him setting up the assassination inquiry task force, which is going to be taking a little bit harder look at this situation and all the players involved outside of oversight and judiciary and homeland committees. Let's hear him. - I see that she has heated the call of both Republicans and Democrats. Now we have to pick up the pieces. We have to rebuild the American people's faith and trust in the Secret Service as an agency. It has an incredibly important responsibility in protecting presidents, former presidents and other officials in the executive branch. And we've got a lot of work to do. The task force that we'll be putting together is going to be very important. As I said, they have three responsibilities to investigate what happened, the debacle that happened two Saturdays ago to hold those accountable. It certainly was the director, Cheetah, but there may be others in the line of authority who are also culpable in what happened and the errors and mistakes there. And finally, to ensure that those mistakes do not happen again, the stakes are too high. It's a very dangerous time. We need the Secret Service to be acting, to be performing at the top of their game. And we'll ensure that that happens. I hope that the interim director or whomever is appointed to replace director Cheetah will be very sober-minded about the responsibility and take into account the very dangerous times in which we live. We'll do everything we can in the house to ensure that that's true. And I think our task forces work just got even more important. Has anything changed? Probably not, will it? Not if they can cover it up. And that's the truth. You know, and I'm looking at the congressional calendar and the kicking off of this task force that Johnson's putting together. Well, apparently, because of the funeral for the Congresswoman from the other side of the aisle who passed last week, Sheila Jackson Lee, doesn't even look like they're gonna be in session next week. So maybe next week is when like, formal requests can go out, they start putting their heads together, getting together a timeline, writing up the important questions that number one have been answered, number two that still need to be answered, and then filling in the gaps. And then following that week, which would be, what, the first week of August, getting back up to Capitol Hill and making sure that this task force, number one, gets off on the right foot and number two, sprints out of the gate. We don't have time. I mean, the FBI wanted to put a 60 day wait period on them getting a conclusion, which then could be delivered to Congress. Who knows how much of it would be classified or not? Then they have to, you know, bigger and be all finicky over that stuff before it's dripped out to the American people. That's unacceptable. America saw what happened. This isn't like one of those things where there's accusations of this, that and the other thing behind closed doors or behind the scenes. And they have to build a narrative to paint a picture. The picture was painted before the American public for all the world to see. And now what we have to do is deconstruct that narrative so we can have the facts. I think we're gonna leave it at that as we're getting ready to jump in with Congresswoman, Victoria Spartz right now. But before we do, another check in with one of our partners. It's an unpleasant truth that 42% of Americans are obese and 79% of Americans are overweight. That's practically one in every two Americans living day to day with every minute counting down to the end of an unhealthy existence. It's time to change that and make Americans healthy again. 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Thank you for having me. - Of course, Congresswoman, we've got so much stuff to talk about. Listen, you know, we don't have to talk about what's going on in committee right now. We don't have to worry about, you know, getting budgets approved at this point. I mean, it's always big items that are going on behind the scenes and appropriations and stuff like that. But we have had a couple monumental and historical events take place over the course of the just, I guess, the last half month now. We could start off in Butler, Pennsylvania, a couple of weeks ago. I know House Republicans are doing as best a job as they can and to the extent of their ability, investigating what happened in the assassination attempt on President Trump's life up in Pennsylvania. Congresswoman, I just kind of want to get your commentary. You know, you guys had the hearing yesterday up on the hill. The Secret Service Director was absolutely defiant. It's, you know, everybody pretty much expected just that as she's someone who answers to Alejandro Mayorkas. But the fact of the matter is, is that the American people are clamoring and essentially demanding for answers. And it doesn't seem like we're getting anywhere, except beating our heads against the wall and trying to get to the bottom of what happened regarding the operational failures up at the Trump rally. - Well, listen, this is unbelievable what has happened in our country. But I hate to, I hate to disappoint you in some ways to say that you're not what unfortunately, you know, these hearings that we have haven't been very effective. And nobody's has the accountability because only matters when we deal with money, how the fund agents is what they do. And if you notice, I highlighted a lot of this, you know, a lot of people like five minutes of fame to presentation, but we're dealing with serious issues. The country is in trouble. We have our agencies really in a terrible shape. Some of them become tyrannical. The failures like that is unbelievable. And all they do is a roadmap that I said, they say, "Oh, Everson is under investigation. "Everson is under investigation. "They never respond to us. "We never follow through with the real actions "of accountability." And then sexual imitation expired, nothing happens, and we move on. They know that, you know, these agencies, and this, you know, they learned that. And I think Congress is unfortunately not doing its job overseeing the money. This is the only thing that matters. Our lattice, committee hearings, all of these things, it's all great presentations. It's all, you know, get to energize the voters. But it really doesn't go to real issues. What's happening, how such a, I mean, colossal failure could happen with a leading presidential candidate, former president of the country. I mean, it's unbelievable, you know, how could we still never really investigate it? What's happened on January 6th? Why proper security was not provided? And how many lives are gonna be destroyed because of that? No one held investigation on that. What's happening with our agencies, and what they're doing and not doing. So it should be really, you know, bipartisan even in discussion. But hopefully we'll have some false reactions, but I think if we don't follow through on this, you know, it's really unbelievable. And then they know they can't get away with that. And that's what happened again. And they're doing the same, the same, the same. They all say, well, see, you know, we'll have FBI coming up. First of all, we'll be saying all this thing. Or it's a lot of investigation. We cannot talk about this. We put a special counsel here. And then we can prolong this investigation and have a special counsel telling us how it's done and investigation and have a worthless report. At the end, it's almost like unbelievable. And then we'll put another committee, just started this committee on commission. And then let's put another this. And then all this BS and then, you know, harass people, you know, they're truly trying to do something but do not seem effective. So I'm very disappointed in some of the ways how we handle in it. But I think it's just really serious issues. And if Republicans are not able to get to the bottom of it and have some serious, you know, consequences to this, what's happened, then, you know, I think people will write the very frustrated with all of us and maybe just, you know, that's why Carter's has lower approval rate. And then, you know, president that pretty much senile, you know, we have even lower approval rate than him. - You know, that's a really good point you make though. And while it's not, you know, sexy to talk about things like the appropriations process, if instead of just grandstanding sometimes in some of these committee works or going on Fox News or Newsmax to kind of pontificate about it in the evening and you went and slashed, let's just say hypothetically, a third of the budget from the FBI or the Secret Service or the Department of Homeland Security and get that to the floor for a vote. And then the heads of those agencies come out and say, what the hell are you doing? You're cutting a third of the budget to Homeland Security? How are we supposed to protect the homeland? Well, you've led in 20 million illegals and then can't come to Congress to answer questions about how the former president and the Republican nominee almost got assassinated two weeks ago. So why should we pay you any more money? You think this would get answers to the American people a lot more quickly than it would just for going into investigations and starting task force and things of that nature? Of course, and listen, and we just have to follow the process that is prescribed by law. Most of these agencies haven't been authorized by Congress for decades. All we need to do is say, we are not gonna be vain in authorization because the committee of jurisdiction, in case there's judicial committee, I am on, you know, Jim Jordan should be doing authorizations. You should say, no FBI, no DOJ funding, you know, until we go on to sit down and authorize here. We're not gonna be vain through appropriations. We're not going to have. And we have people in rules committee who will stand with us. And actually, we'll not waive that. You know, we need just to have leadership to willing to do that. And then let's say, now these agencies have to come to the committee and justify and explain. Then it will get their attention and I say, you know what? I want to know what you're doing in this program. I need to understand what is this. We're not going to fund this, but not this. We are not going to give you just this blank chat. And that's what we've been doing and continue doing. And they just get larger and larger. Why should they care? And that is what the committees need to do the job. But I noticed issues and that's why it was forcing us to have a task force on authorization and pick some big agencies because it's been neglected for decades now. So there are like thousands, over 3,000 programs have not been authorized forever. You know, so I think it's very hard to start tackling all of them, but we can pick some big ones, big ticketized, dealing with border secure, dealing with the Department of Justice. And that really have a proper stuff that understands finances, that understand how stuff works, not little kids, young kids and attorneys are clueless about understanding what it is. Have a proper professionals help us to understand what's happening in these agencies and how we can force some accountability from them. That is a serious, so we put that, I was trying to force, we put the task force together with skilies, they didn't want to do anything last year, I said, okay, then we sent the government accountability means skilies, you know, and Erranton sandalare, we haven't heard that from them. But that is really government accountability office. That's really, that's not their job to do. That's a congressional job. And we don't have a system to do that. And until we start doing our job and overseas spending, nothing is going to change with this institution and with the country because it's really gone too far now and it's hard to do that. But that's only to matters. Now we're passing again, appropriations in totals. We're looking at totals, moving things around, have a couple of messages items over there and continue well, but we are not increasing as much. Well, we took COVID inflated budget as the baseline, okay? But it was a huge increase and now we're baseline based on COVID spending, that is crazy. I mean, this level of debt and inflation is off to border security, maybe with it. The biggest national security crisis that our country is facing and calamity coming up. And we're not willing to have this discussion because we're all afraid. There's just a lot of money made in Washington DC and not for the people. And I think this is, we need to grow the backbone and I spent some time actually last week talking some of the good people on Trump team and how let's have a serious conversation because we need to be ready, we need to start governing. But that's a problem is that when till we start governing as an institution, nothing is going to change here. - No, that's an excellent angle and a point you make and I think it's ones that would really resonate with middle class America and especially a wider electorate. You talk about how to get the answers to these questions. It's not about who you watch on the news every night. It's what's going on behind the scenes to regulate the spending. I mean, getting back to pre-COVID levels is something that we're going to at some point have to do. And then when you talk about all the national security issues, it's going to be harder and harder to defend ourselves if we're not financially sustaining our republic because we're going to wind up tripping over our own legs and you get into so much debt at some point, the rest of the world is going to realize if a couple of us gang up together, America's not going to get back up. I do kind of want to segue, I know you had mentioned talking to the Trump team last week, I do want to touch on the RNC. I think it was an outstanding event for the most part. It was one of the most diverse presentations. I think that the Republican party has ever done in totality. You heard from so many different people, people who were affected by Joe Biden's open border policies. You heard about people who lost their son and daughter at the withdrawal from Afghanistan. You saw so many different characters, everyone from the president of the Teamsters Union, someone who hasn't really had a seat at the table at the Republican National Convention in over 40 years to people like Dana White and Hulk Hogan. I mean, you couldn't ask for more personalities to be there, to kind of stump on the messaging that resonates with the widest of tents across the board and across the country. Donald Trump also reiterated in his speech at the RNC that he was not running for the president of the Republican party. He was running to be the president of all Americans. I just kind of want your commentary and how you thought the week went down and kind of ramped up to President Trump and how strong they look coming out now with JD Vance as the completion of the Republican ticket. - Well, listen, that was very inspirational convention and I actually was supposed to be delegate the last time we canceled, this was my first time. But I talked to some other people that didn't many conventionists said, that is probably the most inspirational convention they've experienced. People were very energized with even all of the terrible things that happened or things could have happened much worse. People were very energized and it was a good day out of the regime, very positive. I'll tell you, it's funny because one of my daughters was, the young delegate there, she just turned 18 and my young daughter, who wasn't a delegate, but she says she was listening to speech from mobile to battery and then she's like, "Oh, I now want to go to military academy." And she got like, "You guys have mom, I got so inspired." You know, it was really inspirational, I actually would encourage, you know, my fellow Americans, you know, if they ever tend to bring their children with, I just do it by necessity, you know, but I think it's such a good experience for young generation to see that and really experience and all of that and what's happening because a lot of them, they don't get that information, especially when they're doing TikTok and all other things. So I think it's very, you know, and I think it truly was a good energy. And I think, you know, I think that the message of the president, Trump bringing in the message that we really need to start, get them together and govern the country, countries to destroy it was the right message. You know, I think he's really good shaken up was what's happened in any person would, you know, and sometimes it went like that, maybe, you know, try to maybe sometimes sort of think, you know, we're doing a lot of campaign and we're doing a lot of, this is just part of politics, you have to do that stuff, but it's also we need to like think how we can bring unity to the country, how we can strengthen the country and we can still debate and disagree on the issue. That's healthy democratic societies are about, but we need to still find common ground and government. And I think President Trump wants to do it. I think he truly wants to be president for all Americans and do something good because he is. And I think a lot of things people might not like his, you know, tweets or personality and none of us are perfect, okay, we all have, but he wants to do good for the country. And he was accomplished and a lot of people agree with his policy because they were good for all Americans. You know, just very few in Washington, D.C. - You know, I do want to talk about the other side of the aisle and, you know, you've mentioned it so many times, whether it's on this show and kind of explaining how things work behind the scene, Congresswoman, you know, how the Democrats kind of operate in their overall, just the games that they play, but or whether you're talking about some of your committee work and how you stare down the face of what real corruption and real intimidation and living in a police state or coming from someplace like that is actually like, I mean, without being, you know, getting too deep into presenting it to you, the deep state came for Joe Biden and they got their scalp. I mean, everybody knows that there were certain things that Joe Biden wasn't able to do, that he was able to do 20 years ago. But when you saw how fast this kind of wound down, someone who supposedly got over 81 million votes just three and a half years ago, now didn't have enough political capital to run for re-election in the exact next cycle. You know, when you talk about what's going on and then the disenfranchisement of the entire Democrat electorate and everyone that was considering voting for the other side of the ticket and the fact that they're going to have a nominee now that everyone's going to say is fine and awesome, even though she's not and she wasn't in 2020, she hasn't done anything throughout the course of Joe Biden's term in office. And now without anyone casting a single vote for her is going to be at the top of the ticket in every state. What does it say for the state of the Democrat party right now? And, you know, with how strong Republicans look coming out of the convention, they should be able to capitalize on this big time. - Sure, I mean, I think Dave Axelrod did some interview, he said, we're going to have a coronation, you know? I think that first they had coronation for Biden, which was like a perfect person for, you know, you have like a working corpse present and that doesn't, you know, I just said what's going on and you have pretty much telling what to do. I mean, they deep say this machine loves, you know, they don't want someone who actually can think and tell them, oh, no, this is not going to work like that. So he was like a perfect, you know, they just couldn't hide. I mean, they think people are so stupid, but people are not, you know, stupid, okay? And they see that they were hiding that, but I think American people woke up and said, oh, I'm gee, this is embarrassing. It was interesting that, you know, I went to Europe, I'm a commissioner for European security, which isn't different, it's much to be desired about Europe, but anyway, so it was interesting because they're always like attacking all you, like a Trump for you, this and this and this. You know, and I said, look, how would you think about the debate? And all of this reappearance that hate him, he said, well, that was really embarrassing, you know, so it's really embarrassing if you remember, people used to make fun of Yeltsin coming drunk to think, places and kind of, you know, that, you know, that this was like terrible. So now people kind of making fun of us. And it's really not good for our national security, it's actually a national security issue. And people think that America is weak because we have weak leadership, you know, then, you know, you have a lot of aggressors over there, adversaries that are moving around the world and taking opportunities to take an advantage of the situation. So it's actually a very dangerous situation. But I think, you know, obviously, we can see that they couldn't hide it anymore. Now they're going to have coronated Kamala, who was the biggest job was secure at the border and she's really succeeded on that. You know, I was really like a border czar, you know, they sent her to Europe to talk about some, you know, and then the war started in Ukraine and she was sitting in fancy hotel with all this UN people, you know, and never even stepped the foot outside of that hotel and were still where, you know, next door like people were, you know, getting pretty much kidnapped and human traffic on the train station. The situation was terrible. There shouldn't have been got out and said some teachers and people were like rolling ice, what in the house was talking about it? People are like, so I think it's a big problem for them. But now they put themselves in situation, you know, because I think it shouldn't be about women or men black or white, it should be about competency capability in someone who can govern. You know, I think Democrats was not really, you know, you know, trying to have the best and brightest to run the country. This is a tough job. They feel that Congress is a tough job. Being president is a real difficult job. And if you want to have someone to accomplish and country badly needs some government, you have someone very capable, strong, smart intelligence. There's a lot of experience, not as this political machine grown people. They put so many political machine grown people that they don't know how to govern. They govern by polls and they see how the polls are moving and how is this and the media's that spin in the polls. This is so bad, you know. So I think, you know, they shoot themselves in the food in some ways. And now, you know, no one can, a lot of Democrats don't think that she's really, you know, have competencies to do this job, you know, but she wants to do it. And now they're coordinating her. So that's fine. We'll have a real debate, but I think, you know, people will wake up and I think Republicans have an opportunity to win the selection and take both houses, but then we need to show that we can govern. If we fail this time, the American people, if they give us a trust in us to govern, you know, that if we fail, then there is no excuse. They should have a clean slate, get rid of all of us, put all new people, all of us, you know, 100% all of us, you know. And I think, but I truly believe that there is things that change and a lot of my colleagues now understand with my side that we need to do something and I'll do my part, believe me. You know what you are fighting and we really appreciate the fact that you laid out for our listenership. They're so easy to come on and you see these two, three minute hits on, you know, cable news. And for as much as we like for you guys to all get out there and do them whatever you can to kind of inform the American people, when we could do a little bit more of this long form and kind of lay out what exactly is going on and what the solutions are and what we need to do to get there. Even though a lot of people may be reluctant, it's going to take a lot of hard work and listen for as much as Republicans are going to be under the microscope in an election year with President Trump at the top of the ticket for the next four months. You have to be able to explain what the plan is and the methodology moving forward and what the success looks like for the rest of the Americans out there who are absolutely getting crushed by what was Joe Biden's and has now probably Kamala Harris's or Barack Obama's policies over the course of the last four years. Congresswoman, this has been great catching up with you today as always we've got your congressional website live linked in the show description. If you want anybody to check you out on social media and see all the great work you're doing, where can they find you? - All right, it's a threat spark. We do some posts on X and sign up to our newsletter. F-P-A-R-T-Z and just please stay tight and I appreciate what you do and I appreciate you having this conversation because it's very hard just to do, it's easy to do like messages and talking points but it's much harder to govern but really people need to understand because this place only be fixed if we have the American people with us putting pressure on the swamp, that's the only way. It's not going to be fixing to see unless American people put pressure and I think people are waking up and I think we have a good opportunity to really have the greatest sense ahead of us. With innovation and things just happening, we just need to have ingenuity, innovation, prevail, not oligarchs and oligopolists in DC and politicians that want to be a role in the class. Thank you for having me. - Always a pleasure and I'll be looking forward to having you again. This is the Congresswoman who represents Indiana Five, Representative Victoria Sparks. Thanks for joining us on the show, have a great rest of your week. - Thank you, you too. - President Trump asked me to be his running mate. I really had no idea what was coming. What happened is I left my home in Cincinnati, so we lived not too far from here, about a 35 minute drive, 45 minutes, depending on traffic. We went to Milwaukee on Monday morning and I had no idea. I thought maybe he was going to ask me, but I thought I might ask somebody else. There were a lot of good guys running. Marco Rubio, dear friend of mine, really great public servant, a number of other folks as well. So I had no idea what was coming and when the president called me and asked me, he said, "Would you like to run "as my vice presidents to a running mate?" I said, "Well, yeah, of course." Right, when he come all this way to say no, but he did something that was really amazing afterwards. He said, "What do you think about this statement "I'm about to put out?" Of course he put it out on social media. It's one of the things I love about President Trump is that he speaks directly to people. He doesn't allow a bunch of consultants to filter him. He is who he is, and that's why a lot of us love him. (audience applauds) But he's talking about this statement that I've got him on speaker phone and my kids in the background, my seven-year-old son, we've got three kids and our seven-year-old is our oldest. His name is Ewan, and Ewan is talking to the background of Pokemon or some other God-forbidden subject. I'm like, "Son, I love you, but for, could you please?" It's the most important phone conversation I've ever gotten. So please stop talking about Pikachu for one second. Let me take his phone call and my son comes over to the phone and the president hears him and President Trump says, "Who is that?" Let's answer my seven-year-old son and he says, "Well, put him on the phone." I'm like, "Oh God, here it is." He's gonna offer it and take it back 'cause my seven-year-old's gonna say something really weird right now. And he reads off the statement. He reads where he talks about my military service and my business background, he says, he says, "Young man, what do you think about that? "Do you like what I said about your dad "and my son goes, "You're a girl?" And that's it. And that was the endorsement he needed. The statement went out three minutes later. And that is the kind of guy that Donald Trump is, and that's the guy that the media doesn't let you see. He actually cares about people's families. He cares about my family, but he cares about your family too. And he wants to believe that his generation left this country off in a better place than when they found it. - All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here. Last news segment on the back end of two big Tuesday editions of "Stake for Breakfast." I think we've nailed it thus far, rounding third and heading home. I think we're gonna have a little league home run by the end of the show. And don't you worry, we still gotta catch up with New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax. He'll be rounding out the back end of this edition of the podcast today. And that is the vice presidential nominee, J.D. Vance, on the ticket with Donald Trump. Who held a rally at his former high school in Middletown, Ohio yesterday. He would jet set to Virginia and from the city of Radford have another. Rally style event, same day, seems like the energy level that Donald Trump tapped when he selected J.D. Vance as his ticket completion artist is paying off dividends because it seems like the Ohio Senator and vice presidential nominee is in it to win it for America first. And you know, part of the job on this show, in making you aware just what we're up against and what are the best weapons that we have, obviously Donald Trump is the silver bullet, but you know, it's reintroducing or introducing familiarizing you with J.D. Vance. You know, it's great to see him jump on Fox News and talk about border security and, you know, items like Ukraine, things that Donald Trump probably all took into heavy consideration when selecting him as the vice presidential nominee. But to get in that personal side that Donald Trump does at a rally and the job we're able to do with that and some of the things we bring you from a lot of the committee work we cover in both the upper and lower chamber as well, highlights or lack thereof from speaking events depending on which candidate or politician we're featuring is part of the delivery system here that State of Breakfast really takes pride in. So as we kind of tracked J.D. Vance as he jet said across two states and had two rallies yesterday, we're gonna bring you the best of everything that he was serving on the campaign trail. You know, he was talking about families and a specific situation with his, but it's how Donald Trump really is there for everyone's family. It's as something that resonates with J.D. Vance. We're going to hear a clip right now talking about just that. Let's take it out. - That is the kind of guy that Donald Trump is and that's the guy that the media doesn't let you see. He actually cares about people's families. He cares about my family, but he cares about your family too. And he wants to believe that his generation left this country off in a better place than when they found it. That's why he's done this. I mean, talk about myself all day, but let's talk about the man who was a business leader who had billions of dollars, who didn't need any of the sacrifices that public service created. And yet he went out there and he did it anyway. That's the type of people we want to become public servants. And thank God he served for four years present in the United States. (audience applauds) And now, ladies and gentlemen, after four years of Joe Biden's presidency or whoever actually is calling the shots in Joe Biden's White House, are we ready to re-elect President Donald J. Trump again? (audience applauds) (audience cheers) You know, you need to hear the biggest talking points from agenda 47. You need to hear J.D. Vance echo where him and Donald Trump aligned on the same page policy-wise. You also need to hear J.D. Vance's perspective of how this is all shaping up and how he's navigating the waters being the Republican vice presidential nominee. You know, the biggest thing about Donald Trump that resonates with the voters is that, regardless if he was a building mogul, a Hollywood superstar, a billionaire, and a former president, is that he can have a conversation or deliver remarks at a speaking event and hit the heartstrings of every man, woman, and child in the building. They all can't do that. And they pretend to do other stuff as actors for a living. So take that into consideration. It's the genuine nature of Donald Trump. Once you get to know him. I mean, J.D. Vance became a fan, like he said. He was a never-trumper until he saw how America prospered under Donald Trump's first term in office, but getting to know the man and their families coming together now. That's something that you really can't separate from just about every other political figure out there. You know, that Donald Trump is the cream of the crop. He is the gold standard. He is a once-in-a-lifetime political icon. They resonate this way. And J.D. Vance is learning that in real time. He would quickly segue to hinting and hammering Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, calling them liars and quitters. Let's hear it. - Now, we gotta talk about the news of the day here, right? I was swimming with my kids yesterday, and my wife told me that Joe Biden had decided to withdraw from the presidential race. (audience cheering) Now, see, you guys are excited about that. I don't know. I was looking forward to debating Kamala Harris, actually. (audience cheering) So, to the Democrats who are watching, please find some way to make Kamala vice president. I was promised a debate with Kamala Harris, and that's what I planned again. (audience cheering) Now, here's to you remember Joe Biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst presidents in the United States of America. But my friends, Kamala Harris is a million times worse, and everybody knows it. (audience cheering) She signed up for every single one of Joe Biden's failures, and she lied about his middle capacity to serve as president. Our country has been saddled for three and a half years with a president who cannot do the job, and that is all because Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democrats lied about his ability to be our president. I think we're gonna kick 'em all out come November and replace them with some people who care about this country. (audience cheering) - The fans in both venues yesterday were loving it up as I was watching in in real time. And, you know, JD Vance has got off to a very good start in his role as the completion of Donald Trump's presidential ticket. You know, in his ability to really point out policy failures, individual failures, critical mishaps, the lack of footing in geopolitical standing, et cetera, and tying Kamala Harris's, I guess now, candidacy to Joe Biden's legacy is what's going to be critical in messaging to Americans as they get ready to vote in November. And continuing to attack Kamala Harris's, he had just spoke on Joe Biden getting out of the race. You know, it was one of those things where when Donald Trump first announced that JD Vance was going to be his running mate at the Republican National Convention last week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Kamala Harris put out a statement via her social media account saying that, you know, he was essentially a part of the problem, Donald Trump cloned a speaker box for, you know, insurrections and threats to democracy in that JD Vance, a combat war veteran, had no loyalty to the United States of America in accepting and being asked to be the vice president for Donald Trump. - Well, he was ready to respond and responded yesterday, let's hear it. - That's such an incredible of last week. What a cool thing it was to be asked by President Trump to serve as his running mate and to get out there on the campaign trail, but there's some bad news, actually. The vice president, Kamala Harris, she doesn't like me. (crowd cheering) Kamala Harris said something to the effect that I have no loyalty to this country. (crowd cheering) - Well, I don't know, Kamala. I did serve in the United States Marine Corps and built a business. What the hell have you done? Other than collect the check. (crowd cheering) What? (crowd cheering) What has she done? Other than collect the check from her political offices and we have to give her credit, my friends. She did serve as boarders as our, during the biggest disaster open border that we've ever had in this country. Let's get President Trump back there, close down that border and bring some common sense of security to this country. (crowd cheering) - You know, I don't know if anybody's noticed, but J.D. Vance just happens to be one of the absolute biggest trolls on social media. There have been so many people who have taken some of his posts on Twitter out of context and hasn't realized like the finesse level that he puts on just dragging people online. And if Kamala Harris wants to come out and be like, "Well, he's got no loyalty to America." No loyalty whatsoever. (laughing) - You're gonna have statements from J.D. Vance like that and also be here in a whole lot of this. - Gotcha, bitch! (crowd laughing) - Yes, you most certainly did. I think that's another thing that Donald Trump took into account when he was betting J.D. Vance, the fact that he did have a social media presence in that context and he knew how to navigate those waters. When you talk about getting the messaging out directly to the American people, it's not always just policy-driven. It's opinionative. It's what the common man and woman in this country is feeling. And when Donald Trump was out of banger and it just hits home. And now you have J.D. Vance who's done it in the past as part of this ticket. It just adds another caliber to the weaponry that we're using here. And I absolutely love it. Like I absolutely love this podcast. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, no matter what platform it's on, you can find us on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Samsung, Amazon, et cetera. Make sure you're downloading and subscribe to you Steak for Records. Our show is always free. We'll always ask for $0 from you. All we ask is that you go to whatever podcasting platform you listen to us on. Hit the follow button, the plus follow button on Apple Podcast or subscribe. And make sure the show is downloading to your electronic device in addition. Find us on social media, Twitter, get our true social, Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts. Find them, follow them, hit the notification bell and you'll never miss out. And all the great stuff we've got going on down here at Steak for Breakfast. Move it along. There is going to be a call to arms figuratively as we have to get out physically between now and November. Not with arms, with our votes. And get every single person you know involved. And every single person you know out to vote on November 5th. JD Vance gave a little insight to this on what people can do to help. Let's hear it. - The next four months, we've got to do everything that we can. And I'd ask you, all of you, if you can find something to do to get involved, please do it. There are doors that we can knock on. There are people that we need to deliver to the polls. There are people who are going to vote for President Trump and Vice President Vance and for Bernie Marino, but we've got to get him to the polls. All right? So that's one thing you can do. Is remind your friends to get out there and vote and make sure they get to the polls. The second thing that we have to do is push back on every channel that we can. The media is never going to be fair to President Donald J. Trump, but you're going to be fair. So use the voice that you have. Use it on Facebook and Instagram. Go on social media and actually make the case for President Trump and Vice President Vance. That is the thing that every single one of you can do. And if you take the people in this room and you magnify it by a hundred, which you can do with your own platforms and your own voices, that is way more powerful than the lion media and the corrupt democratic establishment. Let's get to work, ladies and gentlemen. Let's win this thing. - Listen, we tell you it here multiple times a week. Be a four different episodes of every single one of our shows. Being a Trump voter is not enough. Being America first is not enough. Having your opinions and knowing they're correct is not enough. It's what you do to widen the tent and broaden the diversity of the party. There are a lot of Democrats who are feeling left out, especially after what transpired over the course of the last 72 hours again. Kamala Harris is going to be the de facto Democrat nominee without one vote being cast for her in this country. The party that is the only thing that could save democracy is running a communist takeover and coup in this country in real time in front of everybody and are not being held to account by anyone. This is going to be allowed to pass. She's already gobbled up the delegates. She's already got the money pouring back in. She's already got the endorsements of the Obamas and the Clintons and the Schumers and the Jeffries and the Plosies. The Hollywood stars are coming out of the woodwork to endorse her, the Disney Princess, George Clooney, the Incredible Hulk, Andrew Yang. The list keeps growing. There's nothing that can stop this now. They will figure out a way to get her on ballots in states where it's now illegal to have her on the ballots. And they will have her run in a race. These pollsters and people in the mainstream media will tell you that this race is closed just so they could stay within the margin of stealing up to and through Election Day. And it's up to us to do what we did in the last election cycle. Donald Trump went from 63 million votes to 75 million votes. We need to have a bigger turnout this time. I don't buy into the narrative that America is uninterested in this ticket, is uninterested in either candidate. And I see it every time Donald Trump goes out in public or fills up a venue or gets up after almost getting assassinated and puts his fist up and tells people to fight. But the way labor unions are coming back around, Hollywood stars are coming back around. Big tech billionaires are coming back around. It's bigger than they want you to think it is. Meanwhile, the same media will allow for what happened today. Kamala Harris delivered remarks the first time since becoming the Democrat candidate for president in a high school gym that was filled to about 1/4 capacity. And that same media refuses to turn the cameras around and show the American public that nobody cares about her or her candidacy or her messaging. And that is the most important thing and tasks that we have here to show you exactly what's going on in real time and hope with your listenership and the fact that you help share us with people that more ears will get on it and therefore eyes will be opened. It's the only goal here. Listen, if we were in it for the money, we wouldn't be doing it in the fashion we would be doing it in. Without any financial backing, without any corporate sponsors, this that or the other thing. I mean, we're always working on stuff in the background, but it's so minute in the big scheme of things. It's not important or relevant, so we don't talk about it. Because all we want to do is win back the White House, retain and expand the House majority and flip the Senate to Republican control. After that, we can talk about all bunch of different shit and all the winning that we're not tired of as well. Well, let's just keep in mind and in perspective what's important and what we need to do. And that's everything in our power to make sure more people get out and vote for Donald Trump in November. First close out that we're covering of JD Vance as he wraps up his second rally in Virginia yesterday. Let's check it out. - Of course, called Joe Biden a racist and then ran with him two months later. And I think my friends, because I was critical of President Trump in 2016, I realized two things. One, the media lies about this guy nonstop. They really do, it's unreal. He's a good husband, he's a good father, good grandfather, all of his family from Melania on down. They love the guy. And that's why by the way, it's so scared last Saturday when an assassin almost took him from us. But he cares about human beings. He is not the caricature or the lie that the media has told you that he is. He is a person who believes this very simple thing and they call him a radical for it, but it happens just to become incense. His radical idea is that America should make more stuff in its own country for its own citizens. And that the American nation belongs to the American people. Let's re-elect Donald J. Trump. Let's get this country back on track. Middletown, I love ya. I wouldn't be here without ya. And I will never forget where I came from. Go Middies and God bless you guys. Thank you. (audience cheering) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Wrapping it up there, JD Vance, not bad. Give him high eight, eight, seven, eight, eight. Getting his footing, getting his material down. And before you know it, he'll be rivaling Donald Trump in these speaking events at some of these. Rally is that he's holding across the country now. YMCA, former Trump rally conclusion song from the last cycle, JD Vance has picked this as outro. Consequently, his intro song, America First by Murrell Haggard. You might think it's new, or has something to do with Donald Trump. Actually, the song came out in 2005. And it must be one that either JD Vance thought, met the moment, or he just happened to like. But I like what he's got going on right now, and where I didn't see him as maybe a surefire bet. Now having to deconstruct the candidate himself, his career, his background, his family build up, and how that kind of intertwines with what Donald Trump has going on. Absolutely brilliant move by the president. But again, JD Vance points out at the end of his rally. The mainstream media always lies about him, meaning Donald Trump. Those close to the president, those people in Congress who have accessibility to Donald Trump, you need to continue to push them to push out the narrative. The mainstream media is lying about Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden, and all of these Democrats who can't fill anything. You guys need to start sending people out to these locations. You know, counter rally cameramen, or we're gonna show you that on TV with a tight shot, and with crowd noise pumped in, or you know, elevated acoustics, et cetera, it looks like there's 11 billion people at these speaking events when there's a couple hundred. You know, the bathroom line at Trump rallies are longer than the amount of people who was at Kamala Harris' speaking event today in Wisconsin, battleground Wisconsin. They filled up a fourth of a gym. The back sides of the bleachers close to the stage and some of the floor. But the mainstream press makes it seem like it's just the same thing as a Trump rally, it's bullshit. That's how they scam the votes. They make you think that they're equal. These polls will come out. No, Donald Trump 46, Kamala Harris 44, Donald Trump 43, Kamala Harris 41. Donald Trump 40, Kamala Harris 39, a quarter of the electorate undecided bullshit. Don't listen to any of it. Pet a little floor, eyes on the prize. We ain't taking any dates off between now and November 5th. I got one more clip before we jump in with New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax. You know, Donald Trump and JD Vance sat down together, which I thought was kind of cool. I watched part one yesterday. I believe part two's tonight with Fox News's host, Jesse Waters for, I guess, a waters world exclusive. And, you know, they were playing pretty well off of each other. But one of the best clips I thought out of all the ones they talked about was the deteriorating or lack of relationship, existing anymore between Obama and Joe Biden, how I think that eventually led to Joe Biden's presidential reelection aspirations and demise. Figuratively, not literally, I saw him on TV today. So as our last audio clip of the day, let's check it out. Barack Obama still plotting against you, trying to take you out. - They get some big problems over there. First of all, Obama hates Biden. - Okay, first of all, Jesse Waters, too soon. Take care. - And when Obama walked Biden out a couple of weeks ago off the stage, he didn't have to do that. He could have let him wave to the people a little bit longer. I don't know if Joe knew who he was waving to, but he was waving. And all of a sudden, Obama comes along, grabs him. Come on, Joe. Like he was a child. It made him look so bad. And I know people with Biden. I know people with Obama. And they were not happy about that. It made him look really bad, like a child. Like a child. They don't like each other. And I think that it's pretty tough. This guy got, what, 14, 15 million votes, delegates, he had the votes. So he goes through a process, he gets him. And the whole thing has been a con. Look, when they kept him in the basement in the first, those people should be looked at, because they lied to the American public. So many people are complicit in the cover-up, which is Joe Biden. And I'm starting to look at some of these polls right now. Let's just jump into a couple of these before we jump in with Gavin Wax. Presidential election winners came out today from Polymarket. Donald Trump's 64, Kamala Harris, 29%. That's favorability to win the presidency. And then also from Polymarket, there's swing state chances of winning. Trump 55, Harris 45, Pennsylvania. Trump 55, Harris 45 Wisconsin. Trump 53, Harris 47, Michigan. Trump 65, Harris 35, Arizona. Trump 65, Harris 35, Nevada. Trump 70, Harris 30, Georgia. Trump 71, Harris 29, North Carolina. Again, those aren't the poll numbers. Those are the chances of winning the favorability rating. Who the money is going on to win the head-to-head match-up and some of the battleground states in the upcoming election. Here's another one. She likes Venn diagram. This is out of a possible 10 out of 10. Electability Kamala Harris 4.6 out of 10. Exciting or enticing to the voter 5.8 out of 10. That's awful. Let's see. Anything else poll-wise that I got? Here we go, some actual swing state numbers here. This one's in Forbes and via Harris X, not Kamala Harris. Trump 50, Harris 41, undecided 9, general election. With leans, Trump 53, Harris 47, independence as of today. Trump 56, Harris 44, with leans. And I think that's all I got poll-wise. You know, we're going to see a lot more of these coming out now that Kamala Harris has made it official. RNC money though, we got to talk about that. I remember Donald Trump was not only unelectable and can never get over the 50th percentile. He also wouldn't be able to fundraise as the top of a ticket candidate for those below him. Cash on hand at the end of each month. January 9,000,000 February, 11,000,000 March, 22,000,000 April, 39,000,000 May, 54,000,000 June, 102,000,000. The RNC's cash on hand has almost doubled in the month of June, and since Donald Trump, Christopher Watley, and Laura Trump reigned in the RNC. So as we're getting ready to cut now and jump in with New York Young Republican Club president, Gavin Wax, we are going to take one more check-in with one of our partners. This episode of the podcast is brought to you as always by Manrubs. Rubs, barbecue tools, blowtorches, t-shirts, coffee cups, and all around barbecue-related gear for you to make barbecue great again. You can be found at on Instagram, manrubs. You can go to stake 15% to 15% off your order. - All right, joining us next on the show today, he's the 76th president of the New York Young Republican Club. Always excited to sit down and welcome back, author, commentator, friend, Mr. Gavin Wax. Thanks for coming on the show. - It's great to be back on stake for breakfast. Thank you for having me. - You know, there's a lot of stuff going on right now. It did just the whirlwind of the news and the way that the cycle has been. What happened with President Trump just 10 days ago up in Butler, Pennsylvania seems like last year, because the man's already done, what, two rallies since, end the RNC. In addition to that, we have, well, as always with the Biden administration, the next phase of the constitutional crisis, which has been his presidency. I guess starting with the fallout from the assassination attempt, Gavin, which is, you know, before the last time we talked to you and then heading up and through the RNC, which I thought was a magnificent way to promote the America First Messaging to America and promote it in a way that showed probably the most diverse lineup in the history of Republican politics. Just how you kind of watched it all unfold and how you see President Trump coming out of it right now. - Listen, I think President Trump is in a great position electorally. Obviously, God was on his side on that fateful day where he managed to survive less than an inch, within less than an inch of his life. I think the phrase is within an inch of his life, you know, it's far less than an inch. I think millimeters we're talking here. And listen, I think he had a great moment at the Republican National Convention, definitely one for the history books, probably one of the most electric and vibrant conventions ever, frankly, based on the speakers, the crowd, the production, just the whole history and the making feel of it all. So listen, I think he's coming off of a very crazy week. I think we're all coming off of a crazy week or so in politics, so many different things have been happening. And I think right now, given the state of the electoral landscape, President Trump is in a very strong position. He's completely dominating Kamala, Kamala, still don't know how to say her name and all the major swing states and in the national polling. There is chaos in the Democrat side, regardless of how they're trying to gaslight and frame it. This is clearly a messy situation for them. This is what winning looks like, you know, switching out their contender for the presidency, this close to the election, has never been done before in US history and they're replacing their incumbent with a historically weak candidate, a candidate who barely won statewide in California when she ran for attorney general, a candidate who got destroyed in the last Democrat primary, and a candidate who has no charisma, no redeeming qualities, and is going to be basically another Hillary Clinton, but even more unlikable on the campaign trail. So a lot of reasons to be hopeful as a Republican going in to this election, but, you know, who knows what else is in store for us. We've had a crazy week. I'm sure crazier weeks are to come and maybe some more black swan events leading up to the election, particularly in October. - Yeah, you know, there's a little bit that I want to unpack there starting off with the RNC. You know, when you talk about leading this populist movement, you guys are obviously at the forefront of that and making nationalism great against something President Trump has, you know, hyped up. You know, since he came down the golden escalator and when you talk about the lineup of people who address the nation and talked about them being victims of Joe Biden's failed policies across the board, whether it's people who lost loved ones due to the open border policies of the Biden administration or family members who lost loved ones and the withdrawal from Afghanistan. And then you talk about, you know, the manufacturing, the auto worker industry, the blue collar, hardworking middle class families who were under attack by Joe Biden and the inflation that's just crushed everyone. You have the president of the Teamsters there. You've got, you know, Dana White, which opens up a new demographic, a voter base, especially when you talk about younger voters. And then if you want to talk about older voters and getting a little bit of that nostalgia, you have Hulk Hogan there. And everyone in between, you know, there were so many guests that spoke who are frequent guests and speakers at the, you know, New Yorker Republican Club Gala every year. I think Matt Gates had one of the best speech of the entire week. And then the selection of JD Vance, I kind of want to get your take on how the messaging there kind of was really targeted at the average everyday American. And then some of the guests and how their drawing power kind of makes it seem like, you know, I don't know what, I'm not really too into politics, but I saw somebody that I would think, you know, does something that either entertained me or resonates in my life. And they were out there talking about why President Trump's the choice. And I just think that was a great way for him kind of to broaden the tent a little bit more. - No, absolutely, I fully agree with you. I think the speakers were very strategic, definitely in terms of growing the Republican Party tent. I mean, you mentioned the Teamsters are also the steam fitters. You know, you had two major unions present giving speeches from their leadership. I think that's massive, particularly in the Rust Belt where this election is going to be won. And I think again, it just goes to show between the unions and the picking of JD Vance and some of the other speakers that we are really cementing ourselves as a new Republican Party, a populist Republican Party. This is going to be a populist party now going forward. I think President Trump is cementing that and making that basically the official policy and platform of the party going forward in terms of our messaging, our rhetoric, our branding, et cetera. And listen, you had Hulk Hogan, you had Dana White, you had a lot of speakers there that are really targeting individuals that are not really necessarily political but they're people that should be voting for us. People that kind of lean our way are sympathetic to our views but haven't really been engaged or targeted by the Republican Party and by the Democrat Party. So what we're seeing is again, expanding the tent, finding these low propensity voters. That's how President Trump won in 2016. That's how he reshaped the electoral map. It's getting these low propensity voters, these individuals that are maybe culturally aligned with us but are just not motivated to come out. They're not organized, they're not activated and turning this Republican National Convention into a pop culture sort of event and scene I think was brilliant and I think it just goes to show the marketing brilliance of President Trump and his team. - You know, and I am gonna come back to that low propensity voter point that you made 'cause I think it's something that kind of encapsulates the entirety of what we're talking about today. But before we do, let's kind of set that up with what happened to Joe Biden over the weekend. You know, there's a lot of reports in reverse sworn around that he had some kind of a medical emergency or you know, he just is mentally, physically or maybe a combination of both unfit to serve. You could kind of frame it any way that you think is more accurate than the next person who's trying to report on and here's the way we're looking at it on the show. Joe Biden is the most unsuccessful and least favorable president probably in modern history, if not ever in the history of the United States. You know, he hasn't had one policy that has done anything for anyone that lives in this country outside of the elite class. And I think that he's been an empty suit that's been told what to do, whether he likes it or not. And when that kind of ran out of it's value, the deep state came for Joe Biden and they're walking away with a scalp. We haven't seen something like this in decades in our country, especially when it's someone involving the chief executive of essentially the free world. And what we're looking at now is people call it a coup, I call it a constitutional crisis as well, to see that we're gonna head into an election season and go to the ballot box in four months. And there's half of the entire electorate in our country who are going to have to be forced to vote for someone without actually doing anything in regards to voting for that person in the primary season. We see this stuff happen in other countries all the time. Donald Trump calls them Third World countries and Banana Republics. But Gavin, in this digital age and how everybody knows everything now, I mean, it's kind of impossible to say that Joe Biden being forced out isn't what the deep state does when they're done with you. And for his alarming as it is, that he was allowed to get to this point, I think it's even more alarming that they weren't allowed to let him finish the race and make it to the ballot box in November. - Yeah, listen, I think it just goes to show that these are very ruthless people. I don't know if they're the smartest people, but they're certainly very ruthless and they're willing to do whatever it takes to maintain power, to expand their power and to crush their enemies. And I think they saw President Biden as an obstacle to that. We don't really know what's happening. There's a lot of fog of war right now. Is he even alive? Who knows? You know, there's certainly a lot of questions that are being asked and there's certainly many machinations happening behind the scenes. I think many Americans are waking up that we don't really live in this sort of fairy tale, you know, good government, you know, they're looking out for you. We can trust all the institutions type of fairy tale that we were fed for many, many years. I think that's over. I think many Americans are becoming increasingly cynical about our institutions, about our government and about the individuals leading it. I think there's a lot of corruption, a lot of incompetence and a lot of malevolence that's on display for the entire world to see. And we have tons of questions about the attempted assassination. We have tons of questions about this very strange way in which President Biden dropped out of the race, you know, not even signing an official letterhead, not following up with a televised address, not even a picture of him. And all of a sudden he's delegating authority to other individuals. So it's very clear something is a miss, something is wrong, and we're not being told the full picture. A lot of things are being hidden from us, there's a lack of transparency. But regardless of what we know and what we don't know, one thing is for sure, we all feel that something's wrong, we feel that something's off, and we're not in a good place as a country right now. And I think all of these things are going to add up in President Trump's favor, 'cause he's promising a return to normalcy, he's promising transparency, he's promising a government that fights for the people, not for these, you know, shadowy elites and globalists. But again, we're on the cusp of a lot of things right now, you know, it could go either way, it could certainly, you know, double down and move full speed ahead with its sort of totalitarian left-wing regime under Kamala Harris, or we can have an attempt at a return to normalcy under President Trump and Vice President Vance. So big decisions coming up in November for sure. - Yeah, I know I agree with you. And then we'll get a lot of answers tomorrow night on which version of Joe Biden shows up when he addresses the nation at 8 p.m. tomorrow. So, but you know, getting back to that point you made about the low propensity voters, the people who have been left behind by the Democrat party, I'm thinking a lot in African-American, Latino voters, obviously the middle-class hardworking families in this country, Asian-Americans, Jewish-Americans, and how the Democrats have, you know, kind of segue to propping up things like the trans community and illegal aliens and the elite class when it talks about how they see their version of America and people who have benefited over the last three plus years. But here's the deal. You know, you take the person who might have be wound up the worst president in the history of modern politics in Joe Biden, if not ever, and then you're replacing him with the worst candidate in the history of modern politics ever. I mean, Kamala Harris was scheduled to finish fifth in her own state, she got out way before that, obviously before the Iowa primary for the Democrats, which is, you know, their second one as well, where she was favored to, I think, finish third, she had, like, no delegates, she had no resonation with the messaging, and now they're gonna try and say that, you know, we're gonna run the prosecutor against the convicted felon, like, is that really what America is looking for when they can't even put food on their table or a roof over their head? They get assaulted when they go outside of the house. The education system and healthcare system is broke, and there's wars breaking out all over the planet? - Yeah, listen, less than 1% Kamala, Kamala. That's what you have to call them, call her, less than 1%, that's what she got the last time she actually ran in the 2020 primary before she dropped out. I mean, this is a historically unpopular candidate and figure, the polling coming out is already showing that. She'll probably get some kind of a boost as many would on the announcement and on the news, and maybe if she actually becomes president, you know, before the election, which is certainly a possibility, but let's not pretend that she's charismatic, let's not pretend she's popular, she was put in that position by Clyburn and Co, and part of Backroom deals. She was never, you know, this popular Democrat party official. I mean, honestly, I don't think the Democrats have had, I mean, a real primary since, what, 2012 maybe? I mean, they've really been railroading a lot of their candidates, you know, Bernie being one of them and others. I mean, their super delegate system and all that. So they're certainly not a Democratic party, despite the name, but I think this is gonna come back and bite them in the ass. I mean, you need candidates that are going through the primary process. You need candidates that are truly vetted. You need candidates that are willing and able to fight through a real election, not just be selected, anointed and nominated. That's not how you, you know, create the best potential candidate to run in these cycles and these elections. I mean, you know, there's tons of statistics that show candidates that go through tough primaries do better in general. So I think, you know, looking at Kamala Harris, you know, she's in for a rude awakening this November if all things hold steady. And again, this is not something that's an easy transition. I mean, there's a lot of infrastructure that has to change. There's a lot of money that needs to, you know, be spent. She needs a lot of, you know, work effectively done to really elevate her candidacy and she doesn't have necessarily a lot of time. And I also think, frankly, she's one of these candidates that the more they're in the spotlight, the more they're on TV, the more they're on center stage, the less people like them. We saw that with Ron DeSantis in the primary. So more exposure is actually going to be a big negative for her. And I think President Trump's team was again, making a very smart tactical and strategic decision when they, you know, held back on doing a ton of TV ad spends in many of these swing states, 'cause they had no idea who they were running against. So, you know, why waste all your money and all your reserves on hitting a candidate that's not going to be a candidate in a few weeks. And that's exactly what happened with President Biden dropping out of the race. So crazy times ahead, but I'm still confident we have to, again, you know, we can't rest our laurels. We have to be diligent, but there's a lot of reasons to be hopeful, and I think that we're getting a taste or a smell of what a winning is. That's something rare for Republicans and conservatives where we're getting a taste of victory and a taste of a series of political wins. So we should certainly enjoy it, but not get too overly confident. - Oh, I completely agree with you there. And then, you know, I heard you'd mentioned Ron DeSantis. America did not fall in love with those epic Ron, but Fat Ron was back at the RNC. And I have to admit, he did have a pretty good speaking event. He actually made me smile a couple of times. And I said, "Man, if they would have just let this man eat "and get out there, he probably could have got "a few more points." Obviously wasn't gonna do anything to be president Trump, but, you know, Jolly Ron is a lot better than Ozemphic Ron, and he was on full display at the RNC last week. All right, Gavin, let's rap today by talking about, you know, listen, four months. It's not a lot of time. There's a lot of people who still might be caught on their convictions, having reservations, don't know what to do and like want to get involved. Just tell our listenership right now as someone like, listen, if there's something going on up in New York and it's very political and it's something that calls for action when you need boots on the ground, you can't turn on the TV without seeing you right at the front of one of those things. I mean, it's a very difficult thing to do. You're a young man, you're starting a young family. And, you know, people want to be able to get involved in the same context that people like you and the New York Young Republicans often do. But the fact of the matter is, they might not know how to do it. Give our listenership a little bit of insight on like whether it's in their community, whether it's phone banking, whether it's online, things that they could do to help to make sure we have a massive victory coming this November for President Trump. - Listen, I think there's a ton you could do. You mentioned phone banking. I mean, our club is going to be engaged in a lot of phone banking operations, helping the Trump team out. It doesn't matter if you're in a swing state or you're in a deep blue state, deep red state. There's always things you could do virtually. And listen, I think getting involved at the local level with your local Republican club, with your local Republican county, getting on to either be a precinct committee member or a county committee member, each state has a different name. But winning political office in your Republican party, that's how you start to create change. You start to change leadership. You start to change platforms and change the direction of the party, getting rid of the incompetent people, getting rid of the corrupt people. You could do a ton at the local level. It doesn't matter where you are. We're in deep blue New York and we're certainly making a big difference. So a lot of stuff that can be done from a volunteer perspective and from a grassroots perspective, there's organizations you can join. And if there are organizations, you can start your own organization and start finding like-minded people. We have to be evangelizing all the time for our movement, for our party. We need to be growing our registration numbers. Like people like Scott Pressler are doing. We need to make sure people are registered to vote, getting them out to vote. We're up against a machine, several machines, several institutions dominated by the left. So it's an uphill fight. It's not an easy fight. But we can win small battles here and there and those add up and those are cumulative. And what we're doing with the club can be replicated elsewhere. So get involved, get organized, build communities, build parallel structures, and we'll be in good shape. - I tell you what, Gavin, for the last, nearly a decade of work that you guys have put in up there in New York. It's resonating at a national level. International level, you've spoken at CPAC in different countries. You've met with world leaders from across the globe. You've, you know, addressed the European Union. And it all comes on willing to take those risks, those, make those hard decisions that are gonna pay benefits for. And I'm not gonna even try to, you know, mineralize it for generations to come. We can't appreciate the hard work that you do enough and we can't appreciate our listenership, the ones that are continuing to get active in their community. Listen, this is great catching up with you today. As it always is, Gavin. We've got your website linked in the show description. It's also got a link to your book, which is an absolutely fantastic read. We also got a link to the club, 'cause we want as many people to reach out if they're in the tri-state area, especially in New York. Obviously get involved if you've got questions, et cetera. But anyway, I want to find out on social media and check out all the great work you're doing. Where can they find it? You can follow me @gavinwax, G-A-V-I-N-W-A-X, And you can follow the New York and Republican club @nyyrc and And thank you again for having me on. It's always a pleasure every time we can catch up with the president of the New York and Republican club, Mr. Gavin Wax. Thanks for joining us on the show today, sir, have a great rest of your week. Thank you, you too. Another two big additions to the podcast and the books, and I know we absolutely nailed it, if you enjoyed this episode of the show and wanna hear the now over 420, other additions to steak for breakfast, pretty simple. Just be downloading us across every downloadable podcasting platform. Find us on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, Amazon, or wherever you listen to your shows. In addition, check us out on social media. Twitter, gather, true social, Instagram, and TikTok is where we have accounts. Find 'em, follow 'em, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at Steak for Breakfast. We wanna thank all of our guests for coming in and sharing with us today. Florida Congressman, Greg Stooby, Georgia Congressman, Andrew Clyde, Tennessee Congressman, Tim Burchit, Indiana Congresswoman, Victoria Sparts, and New York Young Republican President, Gavin Wax. You guys all helped make Steak great again. Guys, we're heading into what looks like a busy week, but don't you worry. We've got you covered and we'll be back with two all new Friday editions of the show, already featured and scheduled to appear. Colorado Representative, Lauren Bobert, Newsmax, opinion editor at large, Josh Hammer, retired, Army Colonel, Rob Manus, and whoever else we can get to jump in the show before then. So on behalf of the pod team, I'm Ron. Thanks for listening. Have a great rest of your week, and take care. ♪ Don't you close up, you're gonna walk in line ♪ ♪ You're gonna hit and take the first shot ♪ ♪ You got it, you got it, you got it ♪ Hey, who are y'all? What's your wallet, mister? We wanna help you, Mr. Valentine. My brother and I are on a privately funded program to rehabilitate culturally-disadvantaged people. We'd like to support you for the whole year on a car, a generous bank account, and a private black company. We're gonna start you with $80,000 a year. Eight of thousands, not a million. Let's give it. You're right, you can do it, you're right, right, right? And he's doing a couple of things here, huh? Who wants my next move, man? Thank you, you've been hustling. What about the fleet to the payroll? We've had the charges dropped. You're a free man on the team. (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]