The B.R.O.S

Episode 049: The Making of a Ministry w/Lee Turner

Jose and Lee discuss the creation of Turner Family Band, as well as how a ministry is created and cultivated to God's will. If you enjoyed this episode, leave feedback at  Watch the video on our Facebook page

1h 24m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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Jose and Lee discuss the creation of Turner Family Band, as well as how a ministry is created and cultivated to God's will.

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[music] Hey guys, welcome back to The Bros. We're in the backroom in the sanctuary, where the conversation happens. It's a little bit of a different episode today, but while you're at it, please hit the follow button and the like button while you're watching this video or listening to it on your audio content. Different sources we have, Apple Podcasts, Google Music, and all the other, you know, Spotify. Wherever you're listening to us from, hit the follow button. That way you'll never miss another episode from us. Sitting here next to me is Sister Lee Greer Turner. She is the, I would say, founder of the Turner Funny Band and does different ministries for the church and so be it. You guys know me as the host, Jose, and this will be Sister Lee, which you want to go ahead and give us a little bit of rundown of who you are for our podcast audience. I mean, they probably already know who you are because a lot of the audience comes from the Turner Funny Band and the church. Great, great. And we're so thankful for that. There's a lot that has led us to get to this point. And Jose and I thought that maybe what we would do is just kind of explain from the beginnings and then work in. How do we get here? How are you guys in the back room of the sanctuary having conversations and 49 episodes of it? What happened to lead to this and a bunch has if we talk about like from the very beginning. I was a kid that always grew up with music in the house and I loved it. I played the drums in church as probably eight, nine, ten. And then took piano lessons and didn't really take to the reading the music part, but definitely took to play. So that was a blessing. And I grew up in an old fashioned Pentecostal church that if they said do you want to sing it really was a rhetorical question. It meant answers, yes, every time. And so that's what I think that boisterous churches like that prepare young people to be out in front of people without shame, without fear. I see that in your children. And because we're like you all want to sing and it is your right a rhetorical question. We hand them a mic and they go or they ask to. At their school programs they're going to be the kids that are the ones that are trusted to be able to speak into that microphone. Look at the audience and say what needs to be said, sing it or whatever they have to do. That's what my upbringing instilled in me also. So my grandmother on my mother's side sang. My mother of course played the piano and sang. My grandmother on my dad's side played the guitar and sang. And my dad, you know, he played the guitar and he sang. So plenty of people in your family were musicians. Right. I mean to be growing up around music, I mean my family is part of a lot of different instruments. My cousin played trumpet, I played trumpet, my dad played trumpet. So we got a whole lineage of people that played trumpet. Because of that we all aspire to be musicians in that light. And in that kind of way you would see that your whole church for your whole family also musicians. But not just musical but also religiously into music for the glory of God that you would be playing in a way to glorify God. Right. It was a way to show your emotions and your excitement and that's where that carried on from. That's why I know it wasn't an answer. And I think, you know, knowing the family that you have, you know, guitars are all over the family. And I'm going to let you speak more about that. But I mean just knowing that music is part of your family is something that drives you into wanting to be a musician. I think that is where we go from. Yes. And if you, if it's around you as a child, it will interest you. As far as I remember my husband Don has a box. I guess how you say it, but a trumpet. And when the kids were little, I was like, hey, we got to put this trumpet around so they want to pick it up. Well, it got a dent in it and it got put up because it's a beautiful trumpet. We've repaired it and you can't tell. But the truth was, is it was too early. Right. But Laney wanted to play because Don could and you could. And you know, she had seen the family play that. So she picked up the trumpet. But, but really I sang. I played the piano. I played the organ as a kid. I played the drums. It was an anomaly a little bit for me to be a female drummer. There weren't a lot of this. And so that was attention, grabbing as a teenager, which I didn't mind because I'm not real shy about getting out in front and doing because it was always expected to do. And I think that's a though, even with Shire people, if you give them the opportunity and it's just part of a natural environment, then they gain independence and they gain the ability to have stage presence without saying. So you should, you know, do this, that and the other. No, they just have confidence to do it. And that's what's beautiful, I think. Train up a child. Yes, amen. There you go. That's the truth. So when I was a kid, music was just a huge part of everything. If we had a family get together, somebody had a guitar. Somebody was on the piano. Somebody was singing. And I appreciate that because I didn't pick up the guitar. I picked up the piano. I didn't pick it up. Literally. But, you know, I, there were things that I can only play the drums in the piano where my children can play almost every instrument. The only one we found, Laney, can't do is the flute and that's because she doesn't want to change the way her mouth moves for the trumpet. Yeah, I'm sure. Bill can pretty much play anything but just wants to play the bass a lot and he prefers that. But anyway, so when all this really started is Brother Michael got saved when I was 14. My mom had been saved since I was one. I was always in church. And then after daddy got saved, we were going to a church and the beliefs didn't really line up with what we believed. And mom and dad believed. And so they started church in their living room of their home on 10th Street in Highland City. And here we are. There was a garage apartment next door that eventually we moved over into that and that's our church. Right. To this day. To this day. Right. And we've been on 10th Street for almost 35, 36 years and I'm going to turn 50 this year. I know that some of the people that are in our church, Sister Annie has been there. I think she said 33 years. So that means we've been in this location doing this work for over 30 years. Right. And it's always been very small. We did some outreach. So nursing homes and jails. Right. We did some, we'd do VBSs like vacation Bible schools. We would, you know, we had community outreach, but it wasn't really accepted very much. And so we were used to being very small. Three rows, you know, and not a whole lot of people getting involved with it. Right. People would come and go. It was a contrary, contrary way of having church. Nobody wanted to be in a loud church or nobody wanted to be in a church that believed the way we believed, you know. Agreed. Or it's too small. I mean, some people just really would rather have more space because everybody's up on, you know, feels up on each other. Right. And especially when we were in the living room. Mm-hmm. I mean, that was, we had a piano in there and people would fill the stairs and the two stories. Right. You know, they would sit up on the stairs. There's some good memories, but the Lord just never really grew the building sizes. We had a tent and we're actually the fellowship Paul is now. We, like I said, we moved over to the garage apartment. That's the church now. So I guess when this ministry of Turner Family Band presented itself, it was a little bit of a surprise. I, before that had, once I got saved, I had run from the Lord from 17, age 17 to 21 and then he saved me. If you haven't seen my testimony, you can find that. It's on some of our outlets where it says how I ran from the Lord. But when I got saved and came back to him, I had a cousin that asked if I would work with a ministry that worked with homeless people. Right. I played in saying in a band that fed homeless people in Tampa for 10 years and you can find some of those. It's on foot soldiers, Lee Turner, Lee Turner, you can find some of those old videos under tents and, you know, that, that really strengthened me, Jose, to be able to be in front of. They recorded it. They sent them all over the world. They, you know, we were doing it every single Saturday night. Right. Different band members, different people, different places. I just, that confidence that had been started in me, the Lord knew what I'd need now. I think that's how, I don't, honestly, I think that's how you got people to know you from different churches because of that ministry. They saw you playing the piano and they saw how, when you were, I've come in to, I've come to Florida in 2004 and started visiting y'all in 2005. I don't know how close that was to you deciding to do foot soldiers, ministries, but that's when I've seen y'all actually doing that out in the tents. Right. But people seen you in different churches and they saw you recognize you from the tents and it wasn't even turning from your band yet. No. It was Lee Turner. Right. And I didn't really have a whole band that, I mean, we did go a couple of places and we sang in downtown Bartow with dear friends that, you know, the members that played down there at some time, my dear friend, Tony Hobby and some that have gone to heaven even who passed away. So I was really blessed though because there was a point that I went ahead and made a CD of my songs that I had written when I was 15, 14, 15, 16, real angsty teenage years in and out with the Lord, not really able to find him, but I could write songs that felt that way. Right. They weren't all, hey, I've got the victory, they're Lord, I want to run away. And people relate to that because sometimes we do. And so I went ahead and made that album, that's, you know, 12, 12 years ago, I guess, somewhere around there, but then foot soldiers ministries kind of went a different direction. They're actually doing huge missionary work in the Philippines and thousands are getting saved and brother Jim Hobby, who runs foot soldiers, he sent me a globe and told me how I could get over to him and it's a lot of flights and a long time. So it was really funny though, but one day, if the Lord says to go to the Philippines, I'm going to go. But for now, that's what I was saying about our church being small and our walls being very small. And so foot soldiers kind of ended, I was still working in the church. We had, I had gotten married to Don and Bill and Laney were my children that were at home. And of course, I had your wife, your dear wife that is my daughter, she went to college. So it was a lot of just raising kids for a little bit. And neither one of them, Bill or Laney were quite old enough to be musicians at the time. So we were doing the same thing that was done to me as just putting them in there, saying you're going to sing, you're going to play, you're going to. And so they started getting to that point. But when COVID started, I guess is when the real change for this ministry happened, it was a catalyst. And I don't know if you remember, but Sister Linda, Mother Michael, Granny and Pat Paul, they preached against having too much to do with the Internet. Oh, yeah. I remember specifically when Mother Michael would take out his flip phone and it was only the phone he ever had and if he ever broke it, he had another one. Yes, I ordered those from eBay. He had the flip phone and he would preach about just his flip phone being a device. Right. And be careful. And we had smartphones. Right. Relatively smart. I think they're not as smart as they are now, but yes. Well, but they were. They had a bigger screen. Right. They had a whole touch screen and they had a whole lot more capabilities where you can go on different outlets and stuff like that. And he would talk about the phones being a distraction and he said, one of the things I remember him saying is, why is it that we'll always put the box in front of you? And it's a TV screen, it's a phone. Movie screen. It's always a square-shaped thing that is looking funny. Yeah. And that always stuck with me about that. And then I don't know if I'm going to go too far ahead of what you're saying. That's okay. Go back. But we, when COVID started, the church was very attacked all over the world. And I'm saying they were people that they said churches, you can't go to churches. Right. You weren't allowed to drive in the streets unless you were a, where I forget what the word they said for employee, you were medical and professional going to work or whatever. Yeah. You had to be one of those people. Yeah. The lockdown was terrible. Right. And nobody was willing to go out there and go to their church. But we continued to open our doors, but we wanted to give people a way to visit the church without having to be in church, which to be honest was a different thing because we had to open up the device that the Michael preached against. Right. Right. And it was a little slow at first, but we started, I don't know if Marco Polo is still a thing or not, but when we started doing our services live, which Marco Polo isn't live, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a video app, it's like texting. You send the video, they, you send the, you record the video, you send it, they watch the video and they send the video back, it's kind of like texting, but people would watch it that way. And it was a little bit different and that started a whole, a whole thing. I think, I went on to Facebook and I did it out of, I don't know if I did it in the right heart or in the right mind, but I started a Facebook page for the church, for the church family, for the church page. And it was a, it was a while ago before even hovid started. And it was mainly a advertising that we were in the area for people to, if they were looking for a church that can go on Facebook and find a church that they, that believes the same way they believe. And, um, you know, later on, they said, you wanted to post these videos so people can see them. And I said, you know, I felt like maybe the Lord showed me this then to have a Facebook page so that we can put those videos up and people can see that. To this day, I think it's five or five or six years ago that we did that. Yes. Which was a couple of years before COVID. Right. And it was planned out, I guess the Lord had it planned out. And, um, so all to say that we were using a device to stream something that wasn't really well thought of and or great quality or great quality, but I mean, as far as like, as far as the Christian aspect of, should we be on Facebook or should we be on YouTube or something like that? That was the, that was the question and we were doing that out of the, out of the, um, you know, trying to help people that weren't able to visit churches because of how the church was being attacked. Right. No one was willing to go out into the thing because cops would pull you over. Are you, are you going to work? Are you a doctor? Are you a nurse? Are you a dentist? Where's your mask? Exactly. All that kind of stuff. So we tried to avoid all that mask, but then here we go using that technology to minister our church page and then I don't know, I think we're going to, we're going to go somewhere else with that. Well, the thing that happened is, um, I remember the day that, I mean, we were, people were watching and we had 30 or 40 people that were watching our YouTube, you know, our Marco Polo services. Right. And so, um, there was the day that when we were completely locked down, the kids had gone to Bill and Laney were in a fine arts school, I guess Loria was too. She was real little, but, um, so they were in a fine arts Friday school. We did homeschooling and then they did that for fine arts. Right. So they had shut that down and we found out that one of the teachers who's a dear friend, um, Miss Tina, um, had cancer and I thought, I can't even make you chicken soup. Not that it would have been good because I can't cook, but, uh, very well, but, um, you know, we couldn't go see her. There's nothing we could do. She was going to go to treatments, trying to avoid have COVID, all of that. And so I just, I said, I'm going to sing you a song every day. And so I sent her a song on Marco Polo, the first song that we did, it was Laney and me and, um, Nala jumped up in the middle of it. And, um, if we had a drum track on any of them because you couldn't come near us, we were all being very careful, not just legally, but at that point, pepal was fighting. Very sick. Yes, he was sick. So he had congestive heart failure and that's kind of where things change too. His sickness, which, which we see the Lord working all things for good. His sickness led to where there were times that he had to even watch the services from the house. Right. At that point, we had been in the house and we moved to the garage apartment that was turned into a church. And so he, on the times he couldn't even walk over, then he watched from there and we would do the church services. When he got very, very sick, we just kept him at the house and it was usually me, mom and him. Right. But, um, and that's really where at the beginning, it was, um, the beginning of a me singing is when daddy got saved, it was the Greer family and the three of us saying, I got married to Don, Don came and played the drums. We made a CD of that, um, the Greer family, old time religion and, um, then, so we had those. Right. But they weren't videos, but they, you know, we had those songs and so with Brother Michael being sick, all of us had to contemplate and pray about Lord, what do you want us to do about the internet? I used the internet for the kids in education. I felt like that the Lord had showed me for education, for business, those kind of things that it was safe. We had filters on it and what, what it came down to is COVID shut down and shut down and shut down more, um, and I was praying one day, we, we hadn't put our services on your Facebook page. But I was praying it had been a day or two and I had done a couple of songs to send a teen of it. Really, it was the first song that I felt like, should I put this on the internet? Should I put this on Facebook? And I didn't know what to do. And I was praying about it at the same time that my aunt sent me a message and said, you need to put this song and these songs that I had shared on Marco Polo to the church. They need to be on social media. And at the very same minute, I was asking God, what do you want me to do? So my Aunt Virginia texts me out of the blue, yes, you need to do this. And I'm like, all right, Lord, I'll try it. I was, I did not want, you know, we have seen social media rip apart marriages. We had seen it rip apart churches. We've seen, I mean, you can list all kinds of bad things. Families. Yes. Ruin families. Facebook. Don't get on it. Don't, don't be. What was it? It used to be, it's not what's that, but yes, my space, I mean, people were, you heard all the bad things. So I had to tell Brother Michael and Sister Linda, well, I'm putting it on the internet. I felt like the Lord showed me too. So it was separate at that point from the church. And still is in ways. We do some things maybe a little differently as far as I'm kind of over the Turner family band part and Sister Linda is completely over the church once Brother Michael passed away. Right. You know, she took over the church and the church services and what she does with them. And, you know, that's under her discretion and then Turner family band under mind, usually complete agreements. So it doesn't matter. But at that point, neither one of them were quite ready, Brother Michael's sister Linda weren't quite ready to put stuff on because we didn't know what was going to happen. Right. There was still a, there was still a hedge of, I don't know if this is right or not. Right. And I remember and it was the song, "Ain't No Grave" and Laurie. Oh my goodness. I was going to tell you about that. Yes. Oh my goodness. That song, I remember that day, that same as that day. Right. We were sitting in the couch and you came in and said this song, it's about to hit a million views. Like. It was crazy. Or was it a thousand views? It was ten thousand. That was the most we had ever had. Right. Going, going, going. We're going to get ice cream. That's what it was. I'm like, okay, we're going to order pizza and get ice cream. Yeah. And you know, you had to order it and have a mask on and all that. Yeah. It was still crazy. But so all of a sudden people started hearing our song and it started getting bigger. I remember then that was, that was about when Brother Michael and sister Linda realized people were not being cruel. We didn't know how people would receive it. Or if people, you know, because people can be trolls or people can be terrible. So or vice versa, where people are from the church community who are seeing it on a social media and tell you how right, why are you on social media? You said you weren't ever going to do it. Wait a minute. Why are you social media? Right. I'm going to say. Right. How did you know? Right. They had to change their minds and show them that the Lord can use anything he wants. Any avenue, I believe, I believe that you can get saved in a backyard as easily as you can get saved under a tent and a church on a, on a street anywhere, you can get saved. And if a song is ministering to you from social media, I can't tell you how many people say that that's, we happen to run across you. We happen to see this. This is the way I grew up. This is the songs that I grew up in. Because at that point, a lot of the contemporary churches that are around now, we're singing praise and worship songs that were, you know, they put them up on the wall with the words. You didn't use the hymn book. You didn't, you know, just different than what our church was. Our church was still what I grew up in with, you know, bunch of tambourines, drums, organ, piano, any instrument anybody could play, bellowing, didn't matter if you could sing or couldn't, you know, march around, shout, whatever the Lord showed you to do. So we were still doing that. Our songs were very fast sometimes and we were still, we're singing victory in Jesus and it's so fast, we were having to catch our breath, but people loved it because they saw that we had something that a lot of these churches and it's no offense to them, but a lot of them have put the hymn books up because it's an old song. We sang those. These praise and worship songs are very sweet and they are. There's some beautiful ones, but what we primarily stuck with are the hymnals, the red back hymnal and the yellow back hymnal and, you know, the older songs that really had the blood in them, had anointing in them, had the ability to reach sinner's hearts. And I'm appreciative for that. I really thank the Lord for hymn showing us how to sing those songs to catch people's interest. One thing I remember, and this is what you talked, you talked to me about and it still stays in my mind to this day, is there are some songs out there that just have emotion. It's like set of fire down in my soul, that song can go on and on and on and on and there's a point where that song just becomes emotional. But then when you sing the songs that have scripture in it, that have power, it's no more an emotional song, it's a song of great power, it's a song of virtue, it's something that the Lord blesses through, and I think that is what carries on through the ministry. It's not the emotion of the song, it's the power that God gives through the song. The anointing. The anointing. I agree. Right. I agree. Not that a lot of praise and worship, I mean, we sing some of them that have anointing, great anointing. But we should, to me, we can't throw away all those old hymns from the 1800s that people who didn't have it as easy as we have it now, wrote in worshiping God and how he was going to bring him through. And so by the way, this is Cola, who's not sure she wants to hang out with us the whole time, she keeps scratching at me. But anyway, Cola's a rescue dog, they threw her out in Highland City and we're so grateful that we had our neighbors that reached out to Sister Tammy, which will be another episode that we'll be talking to her. But so we ended up with this lovely Shoshu. And so she's not sure if she's content, stay in here. I may have to put her down a little bit, but, but I think that's where, I mean, you put her on the floor, right? You mean you put her on the floor, right? Yes. We're not putting her down. That's a different, that's a different meaning. Cola, you're safe. I'm so sorry. We're going to put you somewhere else to flop about because you're flopping and flapping. In the direction of the floor, not in the direction of a gas chamber. All right. So anyways, no, so this is Cola and she's maybe thirsty or maybe I think she just sometimes likes to have attention, but maybe she's anyway. So the church had to make a decision then because it was obvious that people were seeing us and it was a beautiful thing when that song went to 10,000. I remember looking at Bill and Laney and Loria and saying, you know, if we get pretty famous or if something happens and this goes viral or we're, you know, I don't know what's going to happen with this. And what do you believe should happen as far as how are we going to react to it? And all three children said it won't matter. We won't change. It's just going to be reaching more people for God. And that's what I think the miracle of this ministry has been. When COVID happened and we began posting songs, those songs began drawing people when brother Michael and sister Linda said, yes, put that on your Facebook page and people began finding our church services and sending us messages about how the Lord drew them back to him because of what they grew up in was the same type of church and they can't find it anywhere. Thank you so much. I have come back to the Lord. I was running away. I wish I could tell you the amount of people I can't because I don't know how many people even don't comment. Right. As many as I've seen this people that everywhere, every continent has heard somebody sing from Turner family band and article every single place that let us know. That's not because of our great talent. I don't say we're not talented, but that's what the Lord gave us to project his message onto an audience that needs the Lord. Right. And right before it was a little while before football passed away, there was a time when he said, and this is while we're doing the Facebook ministry, and he said he's been praying so many times about building the church bigger, going, taking the tent down and building it further back, or buying out the church across the street that was vacant at some points. And the Lord kept telling him where I want you to be doing what I want you to do. And later on, he felt like the Lord showed him that these four walls aren't what's keeping the ministry down. These four walls are just the beginning that the church is not just in the four walls, it's beyond the four walls. And for the Lord to show him that realization helped us to continue going, to give us faith to keep going, right? And to hear it from his mouth, which is what's amazing. It was. Well, and the Lord showed them that this is what I want you to do now. And of course, shortly after that, we had a lot of services that Mom would start, and I would trade in and out because we were sitting with Daddy, especially towards the end. He passed away in April of 2020. And so he didn't really get to see all that has happened from what the Lord showed me at first to put it on social media. And then showed brother Michael and sister Linda, okay, put the church services on your Facebook page, okay, let's do our YouTube page, okay, from that then what all other things have happened has been just astounding. I feel like we can have beliefs that stand strong. And if the Lord knows that there's a point in time that he wants you to do something a different way, it's okay for him to show you that. And with convictions, now if it's black and white in the word of God, you better listen. But if it is a conviction or like the internet was, they didn't have the internet in their house. We were having to use hotspots and all kinds of stuff. And finally sister Linda said, Mama said, why don't we just put the internet in here? And I was like, oh, I feel like it's culture shock or something for her to say that, but it's what needed to happen. And do people use the internet for bad? Absolutely. Yes, they do. Do we, are we standing against that by being on the internet? Yes. Are there Pentecostal holiness, um, Trinitarians that still believe that the internet isn't to be used at all? Yes. Are they incorrect? No, I won't say that. If God hasn't given them the ministry he gave us, then you do the ministry the Lord shows you to do. The only reason we've done this is because first papal got sick, we started putting on Marco Polo, then COVID happened, we started putting up the songs, then the Lord showed them to get it in the church, get the internet. So it's able to be the church services are able to go out and then put it on YouTube, then, um, you know, move forward. The other thing that's happened is sister Linda's able to say, you know, um, even if I'm not here during the week, because she would sing at the nursing homes when she could go back after COVID, um, we have all these services. You can turn them on for the residents. We have all these songs. You can turn them on for the residents and people do it. Such a blessing. It is. And we have over 1500 songs that we have sang. I need to do a song today, I was listening, um, but we have over 1500 songs. We had, and I could probably, I should have calculated it out, but, um, we had, we started March 25th, 2020 and, um, we haven't missed a day. Right. Uh, there was one time I think that it uploaded a little, at least to Facebook. It uploaded at like 12.05 because Facebook was running slowly, but other than that, now we haven't sang, um, a completely different song every time you'll find maybe, um, how great there are several different times, several, yeah, different ways, Bill playing the guitar and granny singing, an acapella version, uh, piano version, I mean, uh, instrumental. The truth is people listen to it and hear differently. Yes. So if someone hears the instrument, it might speak differently than hearing the full band with singing. Right. Because the Lord speaks to them through the music of it, not just the words of it. Right. You know? And the thing is that's changed. And I don't want to say that it's, it's, um, it's just what's going on right now. I've, I've seen it. When COVID was rampant, I had more of Bill Laney me, Loria, um, sometimes Don, but we couldn't have you. We had that drum track that would keep going and somebody had to walk around. I didn't even know how to edit the video. I didn't even know how to put it up. I mean, we just didn't know, but then, um, once we got free enough to where we could all be back together again, then we had quite a bit of group singing, now what's going on as far as life, life kind of changes some, um, Bill and you and John are so involved with this. Bill works on this. I mean, I see him working on this all through the week. This is what he does just about, um, for his ministry. Right. So every once in a while, we'll pull him to play, especially if it's after church. But really the song a day has kind of turned into Sister Linda and I, Granny and I, uh, Granny, who's my mother, who's Linda, who's, you know, people sometimes they'll see her and they're like, it's Granny time. She's got many hats. Yes. But she's Granny Greer and she, um, uh, it was very funny. She went to the Golden Crow this week and said two different tables recognized her and they, they weren't holiness people. They were people who just wanted pictures and knew her. And, you know, um, I have a hilarious story about that, but I'll tell it in a minute. But right now what the ministry is doing is we cut some songs from the church services. We do some songs afterwards or it's primarily me singing and solo, Sister Linda singing and solo, us singing to do it. Every once in a while, Loria, when Laney comes home from college, Laney got scholarships because the, um, instructors at a New York college saw the videos of her playing and they gave her, how can we get you here? And the Lord's provided that. So she, because of this ministry, though it was tough and I don't always want her to be gone, um, she, I'm not sure who's out there, but Cola's going to show how tough she is. But, um, she went to New York on scholarship and lived with our daughter Olivia and this year, Olivia third year and, um, she'll be a, uh, sophomore, she'll be a junior and she'll be living on campus and she's going to go into playing trumpet professionally, um, in orchestras is what she's, is her goal. Right. And so she's, you know, moving towards grad school and things like that, but, um, and Bill of course is working on this and he plays in a, um, a different band that he practices in that they haven't began playing out yet, but they're just, um, getting ready. And then, um, of course, Jose, you're working full time. You're helping with the church. You're doing this, um, podcast and, and so the, the look of Turner family band isn't always the same, but I don't think that that's negative because I think that there will be times that more will come in and less and that's what we'll talk about, um, hopefully next time about how the Lord sent us someone to help us with social media and to sing and saved her. I mean, so she's going to tell her testimony, sister Tammy, but, but the truth is, is Turner family band, you can go to the scroll down to the bottom of YouTube and look up and you'll see my children grow up. Right. Well, basically, yeah. And we'll see the grandchildren be born and sing and talk and the church services the same way. Right. And people feel like they know us exactly. And then we've had people from all over drive and fly and come to be a part of our church. Oh, yes. And they, the ones that after COVID, their churches didn't open up fully or after COVID, they weren't strong anymore. Mm hmm. Um, a lot of people are still suffering from long term COVID, uh, some, you know, somebody in our church got it this past week. It's still around. Right. Um, and so are other things. They're able to have church. They're able to have a church. And they counted as theirs faithfully. Every single service there, they're telling us they're there. Every single song we put on there that we put on Turner family band, um, they're commenting how they're still around. And there's thousands of people. I don't know what a million people look like. But sister Linda's granny songs can go to the millions because people saw her in her grief. Right. Papal and granny were married for almost 50 years. They were together 50 and she got on. I said, mom, do you want to sing with us because she hadn't sang with us until he passed away. Right. And she said, yes. And so the song she sang, I'll leave it all behind that became a big song. Yeah. It did. Nala is barking at the end of it. We're laughing. The lighting's terrible. You can barely tell who I mean, people are like, who is that in the background? I looked Laney's age, which is very virtually impossible because I don't anymore. Speaking of your son today, we're playing. I spy. I had the kids today. I had Nehemiah, Monie, and Cila, well, Netta went for a girls' day with her sister, so Laney and Elizabeth. So we're riding along and everybody gets a turn at I spy. And so I say, I spy something gray and you're hosing Nehemiah says, you're hair. Without the shame at all. No shame. And you know what? It's OK. My hair is gray now. It's singing a whole lot. I have some more that I had, but it was so cute. But those kids are doing songs. You know, I look back and the one song that I was singing with a Monie and a Monie was singing with me and I'm holding Cila before we even showed her face. Yeah. And now, Cila is just 100% wide open and wants to sing too. It is, we're changing, it's shifting in some ways. But people are still counting themselves as ours. Right. And I appreciate that. I didn't quite know what to do with it when people started coming and some people act like we're stars. Yeah. Sorry, we're normal. I mean, we say all the time, we're just normal people. Right. Yeah. We're real. Yeah. We're real people. We're real people. Um, two weeks ago, somebody, um, two weeks ago on a Wednesday night, uh, Bill was gone to a youth camp. Y'all were gone to youth camp. Yeah, we were gone yet. So you need to turn the air conditioner on if you're going to have church on Wednesday night. And I'm like, you know what? It's so hot. We can't even have church. Up pulls some guests. Oh my word. Yeah. I got a call. Okay. So you probably don't know. How do we do anything? So we were in the middle of getting ready for church at youth camp. It was a Wednesday night and I had to get, I was getting the kids settled. I'm a junior counselor at the camp and as I'm getting the kids settled down, Brother Matney calls me up and said, I need to pay the drums for church. So this is, this, this is the day he calls me and says the only day on the day, the only day I get to play on the drums, he wants me up there. I'm, I'm getting ready to go up there in the drum set and my phone's ringing. And I'm just like, what is going on? So I get my phone out and it's, and it's Tammy, I'm just like, what's going on? And I answered the phone and she's just like, you know, the air's not working and where's the phones and how do we get this thing on? I'm just like, I don't want it working that night. Oh my word. None of us know how to do these things except Jose and Bill and Tammy, but if it falls apart, we need. If we have to have at least two of us there, Bill and Tammy can do it. Me and Bill can do it, me and Tammy can do it. But if just one of us is there, it's, and the internet goes out. What do we do? Right. So the, we started the service in the living room, not, and so those lovely people sat and sat on the couch for a little bit. And then I'm like, you know what, I think it's cooler in the church. So we went in the church and it was because I had turned it down, don't freeze. So anyways, it was, it was a lovely service at the end. But they left feeling like, I'm sure I don't, they didn't say this, but I'm sure they felt like, you know what, flops happen, mistakes happen, not knowing how, why on earth do I not know how to turn on those cameras? You know why? I don't want to know. That's y'all's job. Y'all do it because I'm going to mess it up. But Noah, actually I have turned it on and it was upside down the whole time. So after that, I was like, well, it doesn't beat the fact that one time I had the camera on and it was watching the ceiling fan dole service. That wasn't two years ago, that was like three weeks ago. Couple weeks ago. Yeah. It was watching. Somebody finally says, history Annie. Yeah. Calling said, hey, the phone is on the ceiling fan and we can hear everything, but we don't see y'all. So funny. We make flops and I was just, you know, but we're real people. Right. And that's why when people see us and they say can we take our picture or whatever, we're just like, hey, yes, but I sweat, I'm normal. My voice sometimes is crazy. I might be silly. The craziest recognition that we've had besides a laundromat when I pulled my mask down during COVID. And she said, do you sing on the Facebook and I'm like, yes, Sam, I was washing off her bed. I don't know. I don't know. I don't think so. So, but anyway, Laney and I last year when we were driving home from college, she comes home for the summer. So Don and I take turns who gets to take her back and ride up with bringing her car back and forth during the summer. So we stopped by this very unexpected. We didn't have any plans. We were just fly by the seat and we have a skirt. And so we go to this waterfall and there's nobody there. It looks like. And there's these ladies coming out and they say, make sure you go to the third waterfall. You think that there's three, but keep going. So we don't pass anybody. It's just Laney and I and she's down in kind of the water part where the creek was that leads up to these waterfalls. And I'm up kind of on the mountainous part, climbing. You know, I don't know why I thought I could do that because it's kind of Laney's much more suited for that as I get older, I realize, who I probably should have been more careful. However, we finally get to the like, we can see the third waterfall. It's gorgeous. And we haven't seen a soul and all of a sudden these two gentlemen come up over the waterfall and are coming down towards us because they are coming down, you know, they go back. I supposed all of a sudden I realized how silly this was, how dangerous it was. What am I doing? I'm the mom. How on earth no one knows where we're at. No one knows what we're doing. No one knows how to find us. You probably didn't even have a service. So I, oh my word, Lord, you just got to help me. So I start going down to the rocks, to the water because they're going to have to come get me. And I'm going to start. We're going to go to the other side or something. I'm going to figure it out. Laney and I are going to figure it out because I think we're in danger. All of a sudden it hit me. We could be. So I, you know, I'm friendly. I never, I'm like, hello, I'm trying to get down to the safety where I can at least have a rock. Right. But, um. Speaking of rock. We're right. See you last night's service. Um, but the, he said something and I'm like, did he say he wants money and I'm terrified. And I'm like, but, you know, I'm a southern and so my manners kicked in. I'm like, sir, I can't hear you by the water. Do you sing on the Facebook? We're in the middle of nowhere. My dad watches y'all. So I climb up and I do a picture and I shake his hand and say, God bless you. And yes, we do. Please give this picture to your dad and it was really sweet. Right. And I'm like, Laney, go to the top of that waterfall and we're following those gentlemen out because we know that we're safe. Come on. Let's go. They're saved. We're out of here. Right. The severity of what I could, you know, you got to be careful too, you just can't be like roaming around in the wilderness and not think they get through. But what that did for me, and I think you did it for Laney too, is it made it tangible. Mm. That we're out there. Right. And the Lord has kept us safe. We haven't had very many cuckoo things, very, very mean things. We block some things that happen, so there's not arguments about beliefs, especially on Turner Family Band and Don and the Turner's. The way that happened, by the way, is Don's Facebook page, we started posting on that. Right. Instead of posting on Turner Family Band. Mm-hmm. So we didn't know it. But we blew out his page pretty quickly with 5,000 people. Mm-hmm. So then we had to make a new page and we did Turner Family Band, and that point we're trying to figure it all out. Yeah. You were helping us. And that was before Tammy came, before we knew really knew anything much. We just were, throw a song up there and if we're barefoot and a dog licks us in the middle of it, well, that's just what happened. But anyway, so that's what happened, why it became Don and the Turner's, which is so confusing. Mm-hmm. But we can't really go from no Don and the Turner's to only Turner Family Band because not some of our people are older and may not know how to find things. Right. It's a trademark kind of thing. It is. And so we just let it go. Mm-hmm. And we did it so much and put them on both and hope that everybody's seeing them. Sometimes I think the algorithms go crazy and people are like, "Hey, I'm so glad you're singing again." Yeah. I'm like, "Singin' again? We sang yesterday." Yeah. And I got to sing today. Right. You know, but the algorithms get wacky. Mm-hmm. Sometimes people, even though they're following us, don't get notifications of it. And that's why it's so important to like, subscribe, whatever it is. So, and check on it every once in a while. Right. And-- Get the yell notification, too. Yeah. You'll always get an notification. And I want-- we have tried to allow the bros to be kind of a separate entity. Mm-hmm. Sometimes the things you talk about may not be all the things that our church agrees or teaches or whatever. Right. I mean, you all have some pointed discussions. So we've kept it a little separate from the church and from the family band. Right. However, I feel like now it's becoming its own identity and I really want it to be shared everywhere. Right. I think everyone needs to hear what you guys are saying, especially-- Especially. By the way, the bros branched off of the journey from the family band. And that's-- yeah. That's where we're going to go. So we have Don and the Turner's, which was Don Turner to begin with. Mm-hmm. Then we had Turner Family Band. And somehow we had a Turner Family Band page, too, that I turned into Lee Turner music. Well, see, what happened there-- Okay, tell me that. --was Don and the Turner's because y'all blew out the French thing and y'all got to-- Okay. --5,001 friends and you couldn't get any more. Okay. Facebook noticed that y'all's friends group was getting bigger and bigger. Mm-hmm. So they made a brand page for your Facebook page that way you can have more people-- Okay. --like and follow you. Because you can't get as many people as you could on a brand page as you could on your personal page. Okay. And that's what happened. They made that. And then that became confusing because you had Turner Family Band group. Yeah. And you had Don and the Turner's, and you had the Turner Family Band page. Right. And we were just like, there's too many things. Right. It was-- It really was a lot. Because we were-- Very confusing. The Highland City Church page. Yeah. Don and the Turner's and all that kind of stuff. We had so many different outlets going on that it was too much to look over. Right. And make sure that we saw comments. Right. We were trying to like every single comment even if it was shared on another page of somebody's. Right. And people would ask questions about it, where are these people from? So we tried to-- we got to where we couldn't answer everything. Right. And we had to go through some messages and ways to message us that we can't even see sometimes because it's blocked or spammed. Right. So if you don't get our-- if you send us a message and don't hear from us, find another outlet, a church phone, send a text on that. It's there. A lot of people have prayer requests, and we'll pray for them. But that's where it kind of went. So then I thought, you know what? I feel like I need to teach. People were asking over and over, can you teach piano lessons? So there are 11 lessons on that page that turned into Lee Turner music. Right. And then Sister Linda felt the Lord show her, Granny, that she should not throw the Bible in the trash. In other words, what she knows, when she goes off this earth, we may not all know. Right. So she began recording that, and she kind of believes that the Lord maybe not let her die till she gets done with the Bible, which was very reassuring for all of us. By the way, Granny was not thinking about throwing the Bible in the trash. That was a vision that she got from the Lord. Thank you for their fun. She was dreaming about that. Right. And when she dreamt that, she felt horrible. And then she prayed about it, and the Lord showed her to teach to what you know so that it's not left behind if you were to leave. Right. So people were going to get what you know. Right. And she's done that, and that, too, has become a branch. Right. So all of these branches, and I don't know that there won't become more. I physically, I had to step back a little bit from teaching all the piano lessons. I want to get back to that. In fact, I even had a student, and we've lost touch a little bit, because she was very busy and life gets busy. I wasn't going to take any students to teach. I don't read music. That's part of what happened, too. Right. Sister Linda can read music. You know, you can read Brother Don can read music. Everybody can read music, but I cannot. Right. And I could, but I have to sit and go, "All cows eat grass." If you know music, and Lainey is so extraordinary, my daughter is extraordinarily gifted in music theory. And I'm like, "All cows eat grass." That's a G, but I can't play it and do it, so I can't read music. I wonder if that has anything to do with how Bill got dysgraphia. Maybe if you have-- "All cows eat grass," right? I'm saying when you see music, it becomes harder to read it. I know it's a tangent, but-- That is a tangent, but I have wondered if there's some issues with me reading it. Yeah. It is much more difficult to me. And I haven't chased that down that rabbit hole of why I can't and refuse, but really sometimes when you refuse to do something, it's because you really know you probably are having some more difficulty than you want to admit. Right. So you just kind of let it go. Never mind. Don't even want to miss one. I'll just play how I want to. Yeah. Well, that's what I did for the poor piano teacher. I'd be like, "I didn't practice this, but I can play you this." Yeah. And she finally-- I mean, she tried, but anyways, I did this piano lessons because people are like, "How do you play by ear?" And everybody will teach you how to play by music, but some people will teach you how to play by ear, but not everybody. So I have 11 lessons on that, only turn your music. The other thing that I want to say about this is that we were very nervous. I know we're probably going along, but we were very nervous about money. We didn't want to come across, nor do we ever want to come across that we are doing this for money. Right. Influencers are-- But the last thing we want to do is ask for money. Right, and influencers, we didn't know how to do it. By not setting up Turner Family Band on the right type of page, we can't monetize on that. That's okay. Don and the Turner's, I think we can, but there's not a lot of traffic compared to Turner Family Band, but I didn't even want to turn on ads because we can't always control it. And so on YouTube, we have monetized some. I don't think we monetize the church services, but the music we have, but then also I want to make sure that the people who, we don't sing only our own music, that the people get royalties that they deserve for us singing their song. Right. But we've just tried to be very careful. In the church, we don't really take up offerings unless there's needs. Right, exactly. And do we want the Lord to bless this ministry? Yes. If he chooses and people have sent offerings and tithes, and if they count us as their church, they do that. Right. And that blesses to keep the light bills on and by lights for, and black curtains and, you know, I mean, those kinds of things that we need, but the truth is, is that I was very afraid that it would look like we were money hungry. And when ministries start getting that way, it gets some, unfortunately to me, not that it's wrong to say, here's my PayPal. It's not. Normally, what's the other one, patreon or cash app or things like that. It's not wrong, but I just wanted people to have something that they could get the benefit of it without having to give anything except their ears, their mind, and it would bless them. Right. I think the biggest, the biggest take from that is that, you know, although the church doesn't take up, I mean, our church doesn't take up an offering unless there's a need, I think the biggest thing is that we are providing them something that we think is a blessing for us to them. And because it's a blessing to them, it becomes a blessing for us. Right. The money thing is, I don't even know, I'd rather stay away from the money aspect just because people get hurt. Yes. There's lots of, you can look it up, different people that see these mega churches that take up four or five offering in a service, and you'll see a preacher say, I feel the Lord tell me the kicking offering, and then taking offering, and then the guys have a million dollars in that one service. And then people say, well, that pastor just, that took up five offerings is driving in a Lamborghini, you know. So far above the people that are giving, they're all. But also on the other side of the coin, there are people that want to be a blessing to the ministry. Yes. And I've seen and witnessed some people that say, please don't rob me of my blessing. Right. Where they say, I want to bless your ministry. Yes. So that if I bless your ministry, the Lord will bless me. Right. And I don't want to, I don't want to be the one that robs people from that. So I think turning on the, what do you call it, the revenue that Facebook gives you or YouTube gives you, turning that on so that people can watch and then we can have the money to do that would be a blessing that they give in return so that we can offer something. And if it ends up being that, you know, we can't keep going because of the money issue, I mean, the Lord's going to provide. Right. No matter what. However, the, we got asked if we would come as a multi-generational, multi-racial family band and they wanted to fly us all to California. If it was legit, I don't know, we didn't do it, but fly us to California, pay us five or six hundred dollars a day to record just sitting around a campfire playing music. It was just going to be instrumental. We told them, you know, hey, listen, we dress modestly. I mean, I was able to really witness to the woman about, yes, we are what you're requiring as far as you want multi-generational. So then you've got several generations. You want multi-racial net is my beautiful Tootsie world brown girl. She calls herself. And then of course, your family who's tannish, so, you know, Puerto Rican. And so we do have different shades of people. But when it came to saying that they could use that advertisement anywhere they wanted, with anything, we felt the Lord check it and say, no, you can't do it because we would not be able to control it and we would not be able to say that we weren't doing something for money. Right. And so the Lord checked me and several of you, you know, yeah, you felt checked. And so checked meaning something in your soul just didn't feel right about it. We just call it a check like stop. And so, Check yourself. Right. Yeah. Right. And I've learned to listen to those leading of the spirit of God, the Holy Ghost doesn't want us to go in a wrong direction with this. And so he often has fine tuned some things. And so this is what I asked the Lord. And we figured it up. We figured that each family member, they were going to pay $500 a day for several days. When I figured it up, I was like, I asked the Lord this, Lord, would you bless each one of us with what that was? Because we didn't soon after you guys had a wonderful blessing come your way. We've had financial blessings come our way, not because we've asked for them, but because all of a sudden the Lord kept his word. Yes. If you won't go do that, I'm going to meet the need. Right. And he has. He is faithful. And so is it hard sometimes to think about the little sisters that are on a fixed income that send us mail us a $20 and know that that $20 is their tithes and that they probably could have used it and I'd like to send it back to them, not because I don't appreciate it, but because it probably was the some of the widows last might giving it, but that's what the Lord wants. And it's not really just to go to us. It is just to be obedient. And so you're right. You can't take people's blessings. You've got to allow people to give, but I just can't beg it. And I'm appreciate the Lord for us never having to do that. Right. And I think that's the biggest thing for me is we never had to, never had to ask anybody for that. Right. And the Lord's been so faithful for us. But yeah, the whole bros thing coming from the, from the turning from a band, we did, we did a short little excerpt kind of thing, podcast, whatever you call it, our first ever, our first every podcast episode, because you wanted us to, it was sort of lead turner music thing. Yeah. Yeah. We wanted to do. Everybody was going to do. Teach the drums. Yeah. Yeah. So me and Bill said, Hey, why don't we just talk about our history of drums and literally how we feel about it. And me and him sat down with a microphone and got in front of a camera and we started talking and me and him just like, dude, two years ago, I felt the Lord showed me to do this. And I think this is a good answer for us. Yeah. And he said, you know what, I think we're ready for this because he recently just got saved. Right. And the Lord showed him to be obedient to him. Yes. You know, he wasn't ready to be in the podcast field when I asked him two years before that. You know, and he said, you know, I'm not, I'm not sure if I'm ready because his mind wasn't in the right place. Because he would, he, if he wanted to say something, whether it was vile or not, you know, or Christian or not, he, his mouth would just utter those words and say it. Sarcasm. Hatefulness. Whatever. Mocking. Do not cuss words or anything like that. But you know, he would just do it without a thought of the consequences of it. But now he's more, the Lord, more spirit led as far as that's concerned and he said, you know what, I think we're ready and we're at 49 episodes because of it. You know, it's been such a blessing that the Lord's used, you know, your ministry to help us kick off our ministry. And it's, you know, look at this here right now talking about it, you know, it's been, it's been such a blessing. I think the Lord continually blessing us in that because I wouldn't know, if we didn't do this, I don't know what ministry we would be wanting to do, you know, because the Lord spoke through you to us at youth camp that he was going to bless this ministry. And I think we've been, since two, three episodes back, I felt the Lord really show us that we're maturing in this podcast field and so sweet and I'm appreciative of it. I am really grateful for what the Lord's doing for it. But not, not because, not, not this episode for this, but this episode for showing what you're, you know, turning from the band, how that came about and all that kind of stuff. It's been a really good episode. I couldn't ask for anything more, any different, you know. Right. Well, then the Lord knows the timing and he also knows that Bill needed some direction. Right. And Laney is in school, and she works some up there for some, you know, whatever she needs to do. But Bill is working for the church right now. And he looked for jobs, it's not really hiring, nothing really that struck, you know, stuck out to him. He tried maybe doing some delivery driving and things like that. And then when he really got saved, the Lord has been just leading him with music and with the podcast. And he's learning a whole lot. He's... Responsibility. Right. It is. And you've had to daddy him some with that. Like, because you've helped him to stay up with what he needs to do. And I think that's a wonderful thing. I'll tell you this. And this is the absolute truth is when, and you know this because you, you and Netta and the babies have stayed with us some, you know that when Bill got saved, he stopped fighting with me. Yes. We fought from 18 months old till he was 18 years old. I mean, everything. He was right. And he thought he was right. And he's talked about his just graphia. I was unaware of it. I expected things maybe that I shouldn't have. I didn't know how to handle a twice exceptional kid. I had Laney who was just, you know, run of the mill, extremely gifted. And he was extremely gifted, but he had a disability with just graphia. And so I was homeschooling them at the same time and Bill really sometimes got the short end of the stick. But he definitely would stand up with sarcasm and I'm right and you're wrong. And I mean, we just fought. When I knew he was saved, there was two things that happened. The first one was that we quit fighting. If he said something and it came out quickly and it was sharp, he would come and call me or text me and say, "Mom, I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry I said it that way." The first time he did that, it was so shocking. Not that I haven't failed. I have to apologize when I've lost the victory to him. But I don't lose the victory anymore with him because he doesn't try to push the buttons to get me off his case and make me mad. So then I'm, forget it, I'll do it myself. Or forget it, you can't, you know, we've stopped all that business. Right. And I've seen the Lord physically and like changed him spiritually as well. It's a complete turnaround. Right. Is he perfect? No. But neither am I. Right. But I can tell you this, that I see growth and when the Holy Ghost gave that message at youth camp about what he's going to do and y'all, I'm very excited. Me too. Let's see where it's going to go. I don't know where Turner Family Band is going to continue to go Highland City Refuge. I don't have the control of it. I don't. I don't think God wanted us to when we knew somebody was in the waters of an article listening to our songs. I mean, they were not swimming, but they were on a boat. We personally knew somebody's sister Tammy did. I was like, we've been on every continent everywhere. All right, Lord. That's the way you wanted to do it. So when people come and visit us back to keeping the small walls all the way around and I'm about done. Full circle here. Full circle here. When you walk in and it's a, I don't know, what is it, 12 by 12 building or something? Probably somewhat. Yeah. Yeah. So it's little two, three rows, couple there and our music on the front. People walk in and are shocked because we only show the front usually. And so it's like, wow, how are they doing this? What are they doing? And it's tiny and there's no shouting room. No, you have to go side to shout. But I mean, you can shout, but you're going to, you're definitely get hit a chair, but or a camera. Yes, we have taken cameras down before we put them up. But the truth is this is that the Lord didn't care about the size here in Highland City. We haven't grown exponentially in numbers. People come visit us, but they go back home and they watch us. People are like, can you tour? No. I mean, we just can't right now. I have a kid in school. You have kids in school. We have all kinds of work. We have things that we're doing, but the Lord is using the internet that if first he said stay away from it isn't wrong that we listen to him when he said, now is the time. And now is the time that people during COVID were looking for help and now they've developed relationship with us, even if it's just by text or message or phone or or just watching. Now is the time for such a time as this, just like Esther. And I'm so thankful that through this, the Lord is moving on my children. He's moving on my mother and he's moving in me and brother Don. It's a miracle. It's an imaginal world where an avenue is made in every avenue. There might be an avenue that's made for the devil worship or whatever or looking for worldly things. Every avenue around there, but if you walk down every avenue, but you never met God in either avenue, you know, God places his people right there so that you can meet him where you're going. Granny has a song called, I met Jesus on the road to nowhere and quite literally, just like Paul on the road to Damascus, met Jesus on the road to nowhere, turned your life around wherever you were going, because of the ministry that he's placed on those avenues. It could have been Twitter, could have been Twitch, it could have been Facebook, could have been Instagram, could have been YouTube. It could have been whatever avenue there is for worldliness, because God's place, a Christian person in that avenue, podcasts, yes, there's so many podcasts that are leading to so many different avenues of worldliness. If there wasn't a Christian podcast that you can stumble across and be blinded by the light of God to turn yourself around, where will this world be? And that's where this podcast episode is talking about, because we've made the avenues in those specific places for people like you who are listening and watching. That way, if you're thinking about something that you shouldn't be doing in this podcast or turn it from the band, play a song that made you think about your life decisions and where you are, you know, you can turn yourself around because of that. God's place someone in that avenue. I think that was, I was Spirit led. Yes. But I'm grateful for that, because the Lord showed me to say that. Yes. Well, and the truth is this, is that if today you are looking for people who are real and have sinned and have a past that's been washed by the blood of Jesus, people look at us sometimes and think that while they're watching us, they're like, they would have no idea what I've gone through. And then they'll send a message and say, I saw your testimony, I heard your podcast testimony and I realized you grew up just like I did in rebelled for me. They'll send that. I had no idea that you did some of the same things, but yet the Lord brought you back. And then for you, okay, so the Lord, it took time for the Lord to fill you with the Holy Ghost, for those that are seeking the Holy Ghost that are saved and live and sanctified, but don't know why. You have a wonderful testimony of, I had to wait a long time and I don't understand it exactly, but it was for today. It was just for today. Right. And it will go on and it's for any of you that God shall call such were some of us that did not live for God and are living for Him now and you can too. Jesus is calling and He will accept you. You're not too far gone. You just have to repent and ask Him to save you. Believe that He died, believe You rose again, believe He's in heaven making intercession. He's praying for you right now to love Jesus and to worship God and to follow Him. And because you do that, if you do that, you receive the benefit of Jesus Christ, being in your heart, leading and guiding you, you're never alone again, never. Do you face trials? Do you face depression? You face trials? Face sadness? Do you face death? Do you face grief? Do you face, yes, we face it all, but we don't face it alone. That's right. It isn't just our spouse that's next to us or our dog. It's the very creator of this world. And you're welcome to come to him at the end of this podcast if you'd like to. If you're listening to this and you want to know more, send a message. If you want prayer, send a message and we'll pray for you. So appreciate it to be able to be here, Jose. Thank you. Well, thank you for even coming and thinking about doing this. It's amazing. Now, you know, I cannot let you go without asking you to question that Bill would be upset if I didn't ask you. All right, ask it. So, if you would be able to talk to any person in the Bible, besides Jesus and Paul, new or Old Testament, it doesn't matter, who would you talk to and why? Wow. Then you have to know why we took those two out because yeah, that would be it. We've got some easy answer, easy answer. Right. I mean, if you're not talking to Jesus every day, there's something's wrong. We're right. I'm already talking to him and I'm reading the books of Paul. And Paul is always, oh, yes, always the one people talk to or want to talk to because of his, he's the second right below Jesus as far as his ministry goes. I think so too. But there's someone else that you might want to talk to if you had the chance to. Wow. I'm wondering who would it be and why would you want to talk to that person? I'm glad you can edit out silence because I've got to think about it for a minute. Oh, you're fine. I mean, think about something. I got so I could tell you while we were, while we were doing other questions, I've had people talk about Elijah because of how he never died and all the miracles that he did we talked about David being the king and having to go through what he went through as a human. One of the most human person that you can think about because he's went through highs and lows, never been perfect. But yet God still, he still called him a man after his own heart. We've had people talk about, you know, plenty of others, I mean, can't think of them all right now. Right. I don't know if you've had very many women from the Bible, but I think I would want to meet a woman. So I've tried to think of some of the ones that I, that aren't even named, some of them that are tremendous, but I often think of the woman who had the alabaster box of ointment and she went into the house where Jesus was. She was not invited. She was not a godly woman. Is that Martha? Well, they say that it could have been Mary or Mary Magdalene, but she, whoever she was, if she was Mary, she broke this glass, beautiful, very expensive thing and over Jesus. She washed his feet with her tears, wiped them dry with her hair. I think I'd want to know what did you feel like, you know, what was that like when he, you know, they disciples even were like, she could have, Judas was like, you should have sold that given the money to poor. And Jesus says, but you have the poor with you always, you don't have, you don't have me all the time. And that woman was anointing him for his burial. Right. Wow. Middle did anybody else know? Right. Jesus knew. Yes. Yes. My question is, was this before or after Jesus was washing their feet? Before, I believe. So before? She got to wash his, well, did an anointment, anointing out of her on him and dried it with her hair. Right. She even decided to wash their feet. Right. Right. It was, and it was beautiful. Yeah. And she had to sneak in because she wasn't accepted really and it was a rich person he was eating with. Right. She. Anybody just get away. Right. Right. You're nasty. Yeah. But the other woman that I would want to, and this one is the one that he met her at the well. The woman at the well. Five husbands. Yeah. And I'm going to leave us probably with something that could be controversial. Sorry. But that's Jesus called her to go and tell everyone in that Samaritan community. She was a woman preacher. I said it on the podcast. Who had been divorced? Yeah. Five times. Right. Living with somebody else. But when she got saved, she was very capable to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Right. I, all sins are forgiven and if it's under the blood, it's been forgiven. Right. I mean, that what sin is not forgivable besides blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Right. There isn't, there isn't everything else is covered. I hit that chord, but everything else is covered under the blood if you request it. And she was immediately cleansed when she knew he was the savior. She ran it and the men of the city came out. Right. Right. She gave me, who had a meeting face to face, foot to face with, you know, she wiped her hair, but she, um, that, those two women were never the same. No. And I was similar to both of those women, I'd say. I wasn't the perfect non rebellious person. I mean, I didn't have five husbands, but I didn't live right and the Lord still rescued me. And I didn't know it when he did, but he called me to minister and sometimes that's loud and shouting and preaching. Sometimes that's talking like I am. Sometimes it's talking to the church and I feel like that's what the Lord has given us in the past year is the ability for our adults to have discussions and, and teach each other, right, that I'm just a facilitator, not really the pastor or vice pastor. I don't know. Assistant pastor. Vice pastor. Oh, I'm not. But, um, I think I, the Lord is helping me learn how to facilitate people to be able to do things like you're doing. Mm hmm. Yeah. If you heard our service Wednesday night, sister, Annie, just about was preaching more said this. That was a 10th, right? Mm hmm. July 10th. Yeah. I don't know if that's the leader that you post this, but, um, you know, we had a discussion and all of a sudden when she started feeling the Lord, she got louder and louder and I'm like, who was she about to preach? Mm hmm. That's what the Holy Ghost will do to you. And that is the truth. So those two women, I think, if I can pick two, the top one, if I had to pick between them would probably be the woman at the well because I feel very similar to her. Yeah. That she is the one I feel like that the Lord called to preach. And the, and she feels least deserving of it. Of course. She's found out her sin hurts. He knew everything. Exactly. Right. Well, amazing. I mean, that's a great episode. A great way to wrap this one up. I agree. Um, appreciate every single person that you, anyone of you guys that are watching, thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. Uh, remember to hit the follow button if you're watching on Facebook and hit the like button so that you can get notifications because we drop an episode every Wednesday and we, you don't want to miss one, especially since the Holy Ghost has spoken through for us about this podcast. We don't know what's coming up for the podcast. We don't know what's going on, but don't miss one. Right. Um, follow, listen to us on our audio platforms and, you know, hit the like button on those as well. So you don't miss any of those. Uh, follow sister Lee on her turn for me band and lead Turner Music on Facebook. Um, and listen to her music every day. If you're looking for the Lord to bless you, sometimes those songs can really do it for you. Um, and her YouTube page also can, if you need a song, a specific song, scroll all the way down. You'll find all the way from 2020 and you're sure to be blessed. Amen. Thank you for watching and we will see you on the next episode. God bless you. Bye bye. Bye. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]