The Dark Society Of War!

Do you Believe in Religon?

1h 10m
Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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Do you believe in religion?

(upbeat music) - Welcome for "The Word." I'm B random and he's the king of controversy. And we're your host, here to talk about whatever the fuck we want. It'll get loud, it'll get messy, and feelings will get hurt. Now it's time to pick the side, load up, and strap in. Let's go. (upbeat music) Welcome back to "The Word of the Words." We've got a topic to talk about today that probably gonna piss some people off. - Man, I can't wait for this. - King is ready to go. Controversy is his name, and that's what we're gonna get into. We've decided to take the plunge and talk about religion. One of the two topics never to be spoken of. We're gonna talk about religion. We're gonna talk about our feelings on religion, and we're gonna compare some religions, and we're gonna really get down in the nitty-gritty, and be like, "What, what are we doing here?" We're just got a huge grasp on the world. Some people believe in one thing, some people believe in another. Who's right, who's wrong? I'm ready. You ready? - Oh, okay. - Do you really wanna ask me that question? - I've been speaking for like over two hours, and I'm still ready to just drop fucking bombs on people today. - We have a lot to say. - We have different views on religion. Neither of us are religious, per se, but I had a very religious upbringing. You did not. And I have my beliefs, and then other people have beliefs. We'll talk about it. - Wait, you have never really officially told me if your parents were religious or nothing. - Yeah, yeah. I'm the church every Sunday growing up. - I want the Catholic school. - Did you go to CCD and stuff? - Yeah, Bible school, CCD, the whole nine yards. - You're one of those incognito religions over here. - Well, things have changed. 'Cause when you're growing up, you kind of follow your parents, and parents tell you this and that, this is where you should think, this is how you should feel, then they show you the books, the text, the Bible, the Quran, or whatever. And then it tells you how you should think and how you should feel, and then eventually you decide to make up your own damn mind, and you see the world for what it is. And that's where I'm at. How about you though? Have you ever stepped foot in the church? I mean, you're still alive, so I'm assuming no. - I have actually been in two churches in my life, yes. - Really? - Only two times though. - What? - What kind of a church was it? - It was a Catholic church, yeah. - Catholic church, okay. - Pull the curtain back a little bit. I used to go way back when I was young on holidays. No, my mom did not ever take me now. - Who took you? - It was me, my family, my uncle, and my grandmother, who I was close with at the time. Yeah, back in the day. - I was 16, 17-ish? Maybe 16, 17-ish? I was still young. But yeah, I have actually been into that church several times, and I went to another church with a girlfriend of mine back in that day. We're not gonna say her name because I don't need her in my DMs. - Yeah, you got enough problems with that already. - But she was over in my house this weekend, so I have nothing bad to say about her, so that's fine. But I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna talk about anything over the weekend 'cause I was for-- - You've been told, you've been told-- - I have been told, you'll lay off the weekend 'cause I heard you had a fun week. We'll get into that another day. We're gonna do a shenanigans part two. - Yeah. - And we'll talk about your other weekends. - So if you wanna hear the good stuff, I have a video of it just as done to you because the video alone will make you ask questions, so I'll just send you the video after we're done. - You just send it, I wanna see this. - No, you do not. - Back on topic. Are you, would you say, what are your beliefs? Do you believe, let's go right to the beginning. Do you believe in God or a deity or some sort of patriarchal, matriarchal figure? - Before I get into this, I'm gonna, this is gonna be the last time I've ever talked about this. If you're listening here, this is it for this competition. Do I believe in God? Per se, no. - Okay. - By the way, the chat just sent you the video. By the way, do I believe in a higher being? Yes, I do. But I don't believe everything in the Bible people preach all the time. Get that, answers your question. - I think that's a smart answer. Is it really smart? - So, I live in the Bible Belt, right now? - The Bible Belt? - The Bible Belt? It's called the Bible Belt. - What the fuck is that? - It's a long stretch of highway across many states that is just very religious, very religious, right? And that's kind of where I start, not, I mean, not here. I started to question religion after high school. When you start just hearing people say, you got to do this, you got to do that. If you want to go to heaven, you got to be this, you got to be that. You don't have any other choice, sinner. - I'm like, who the fuck told you that? - Let's be honest. Okay, this is where part of the ranch is gonna start. If I have to act a certain way to go somewhere, something tells me this place is gonna suck ass when I get to it. - I mean, I believe in being a good person, like acting as in a good way. But that's a, the term a good person is, you know, different for other people. Like a good person could be the guy that shoots a pedophile on the face, you know? - Wow. - Or is that a good person? If a guy's raping a kid, is he? Any fucking guy on the face? I'm like, that's a good person, right? - Whoa. - That's what I'm talking about. All right, let's go somewhere else. - Pump the brakes. - Pump the brakes. - What is your definition of a good person? - We're gonna get hate mail for you already. - I know, I'm going, I'm going all out today. - You've already pissed somebody off on abortion. Can we stop? - Abortions are absolutely necessary, okay? You all heard my stand on abortions already. - Not yet. - Stupid people do not need me having stupid children. - Nobody's heard it yet, it's not out yet. - I mean, it'll be out eventually and then you can get mad at it then. All right, but whoever decided, now, here we go, he's getting angry. This makes me mad. - Why does it make you mad? - Because people are stupid. Like, I, you know what makes me angry is when people don't use their own brain. You're given a brain, you've developed the brain over the years, don't be a fucking lemon and think for your goddamn selves, okay? Don't follow what someone tells you to do. Follow what your heart tells you to do. - You just described 98% of society. - 98% of society is stupid. - Fuck. - Okay, seriously, I'm sorry, but 98% of society who only follows something because they read it in a book. Needs to get a fucking clue. - I have a question about that book, by the way. - Okay. - So this book is so holy and everybody buys it by this book. - No, it's not. - In general. - Bullshit. - Everybody preaches to this book, right? How come, how come we don't have a part two of this book? That's why I want one of these books. I need a sequel here. - I know written once. - I need a sequel here. - You wanna know where the sequels were all cut out, okay? - We have a book, we're talking about the Bible here, everyone, okay, we'll just name it, the Bible. Damn, my biggest pet pee with the Bible is that in the Bible, in the book itself, it talks about the Council of Nicene, and the Council of Nicene happened twice. - You lost me. - I know, I'm wary of your head. - At the Council of Nicene, it says the book was changed to suit the needs of the people of that time. Okay, they took out some books that didn't say things that they liked, you know, and it got smaller. And then it happened again, at a different time of life where they thought of life differently in its deputy, we've lost a lot of the Bible. I mean, let's talk to the Catholics out there, the Christians out there. All right, Jesus' right hand guy was Peter, right? Where is his fucking book? Hey, was he too busy building churches? He didn't mind a fucking book. Everybody else wrote a book, that's all they did. They wrote it around, they listened to him, they wrote a book, okay? Like, why don't we see Peter's book? And why do we only see Jesus as a mythical figure and not as a human being? You know, because that's the way the Bible wants you to think of it. They want you to think of him as a mythical creature and not you or me. So is he like the Loch Ness monster, per se? No, it's not like we don't know if he existed or not. Like the belief is that he existed and that's fine. I believe he existed. I believe this guy will be walking around one time and this is what happened. It's fine. You actually think this motherfucker actually existed? Sure. This isn't a fake book, it's a real book. Okay, all right, what it says in the book is exaggerated greatly, but it's still a thing. It was still a historical document, it happened. So it's a book. Okay, so maybe this guy, what really happened, what he really did, we don't know, but we have belief, we have faith and that's fine. It's okay to have faith, it's okay to make up your own goddamn mind. All right, but if it's over there saying, "The Bible says do this." So say, "Yeah, well, how about the other 10 books that they took out of the Bible? What did they say?" We don't know, nobody knows. Okay, so is your tirade over? Listen, I've only just begun. - Okay, I'm kidding. - All right, go ahead. I know, I'm talking about-- - Can I insert my tirade? - Yes, hit me, hit me with your Bible. - I'm not gonna yell and get all animated. I'm just gonna talk softly because-- - That's my joke. - I'm just here to just put my point out here. Okay, Jesus, holier than now, we get it. But I want somebody in this religious world to explain a couple of things to me, that this guy that doesn't make anything, any bad decisions, according to some people, then why do we have kids that die at birth, kids that die of cancer, very, very, very young? And people out here still said that he works in mysterious ways. I'm like, but everybody believes in this dude, but he works in mysterious ways is one of the biggest things that I hear in life. But still, he doesn't make bad decisions. It's a cop-out. - It's a cop-out, yeah. - It's a way to justify something terrible happening. - So, one of the biggest stories that I have, I don't think I've told anybody, besides close people in my life, my uncle. My uncle was high up in the church. Well, he was. Now he's left field, but he cheated on his wife back in the day when I was still young. And he said after he cheated that he found Jesus in the bottom of a beer bottle that told him to correct his wife, his life, and go on a beaten path. - Shall I come to Jesus moment? - Come to Jesus moment. Not C-U-M to Jesus moment, but I come to Jesus in the whole-- - It's a rule, 34. - Whole package. And he went on a straight and narrow, and he basically went through a couple losses in his family, and now he's back to drinking, back to smoking, back to being a dickhead, back to being the person he was when he cheated on his wife. So the question I have in general is, what is different from then and now to make somebody change back to the way they were, because they went through a bunch of life-changing events? - Belief, that's my biggest thing. - Faith and belief is your answer. - Got it. - He went off the wagon, lived his life, decided he didn't like it, and climbed back on. And that's because his belief told him to, but that's a belief that he made up for himself. He chose that. - Well, my belief is somebody should tell me what the winning ladder numbers are. - All right, God is not going to tell you how to win the lottery. - Yeah, he hasn't put a Lamborghini in my driveway either. - Let's go back to the Godworks in mysterious ways. Don't keep me started, please, okay? - Personally, like I said, it's a cop-out. It's a way human beings do this all the time. We try to make ourselves feel better, okay? And that's fine, like it's okay. I have a telling you, I have no problem with the way people think. It's the way they act that pisses me off. But if you want to justify the Godworks in mysterious ways, it's fine, but personally, I think God made us, put us on a planet and said, have at it, I'm a watch, see what happens, you know? He's, I don't know, I don't know. I don't pretend to know what he's doing. I'm not going to go around telling you, this is how God thinks, and this is how you should act, 'cause that's what he told me. Like, no, it's bullshit, nobody knows for sure. - Who is this person that's actually speaking to him? 'Cause I would like to have a conversation with him. - Oh, man, you should see the videos of people talking to God. - Ooh, he don't even get me started. - I do have another story for later on this episode, because it's a good one. It's gonna make people laugh. - My biggest thing, and we're kind of segue a little bit here, is that I've studied religion in college. I studied like, I studied Catholicism my whole life. - Wait, they have class in religion? - What? - They have classes in college. - Oh yeah, compared to religion classes, yeah. - I have no idea. I never stepped foot in the college in my life either. - And I've been stepping foot in all of them for you. - Thank you, appreciate that one. - You're welcome. - Let's just say that comparative religions is a great topic, and I've always, always been fascinated by mythology, okay, which is essentially ancient religions. - Like Thor and stuff? - Norse mythology, Thor, Odin, Freyja. - I'm a huge fan of the Avengers, thank you. - But then there's Greek mythology, there's Roman mythology, there's Hindu, there's Jewish mythologies, Chinese, Japanese. But it's crazy if you really stop and look up these things. They all coexist. I mean, they all parallel each other. They have the same stories. - Pretty much. - So that idea is, kind of gives ground to like, something was something that's gotta be true. You know, somewhere down the line, something of this is true. For example, like take the idea of God, right? And omnipotent being the leader, the top dog, right? In Norse mythology, you have Odin. Now, Norse mythology and a lot of the ancient mythologies, they did not believe that one being could be in charge of so many aspects of their life. So they split it up, right? Like the Greeks had Zeus and Hera and Ares and you know, they all had something that they were in charge of, right? So you got like Zeus, you have Odin, are the leaders, right? Jupiter, if you're like Italian and Roman, same thing. And they're the leaders and they kind of, they'd always do the same thing. They're omnipotent, they are vengeful, they're angry, right? They have all the traits that all the other ones have and they're all from different time periods. And it works for every aspect. Like we were just talking offline about that image I keep seeing online about, they call it the dragon head, right, that's at the tip of South America and the tip of Antarctica come together. It looks like something pushed its way through and it's, you know, a long, long time ago that tip was connected, now it's broken, whatever. World changes, but it looks like a big-ass dragon head and like huge, right? And that was got me thinking that like North mythology has your man Gander, your man Gander to the world serpent, right? Wraps itself around the serpent, the world someday it'll come up and eat it. Japanese mythology had Antiboga, same thing. I believe Orboros was another version and then Shisha from Hindu mythology was another, they all did exactly the same thing. Big-ass serpent contains the universe, contains like when Hindu, Hindu from back in the day the world was the universe, they didn't know anything else. So yeah, same idea. It's all the same, it's like, it's all, so my real wonder is why are people out there so stuck on one religion when they're all saying the same thing? You know, they all religion, they tell you how to be a good person per se in their own versions. Like North mythology says, you know, do right by your brothers and sisters and your family, but if someone pisses you off fucking kill 'em and you're good. - Man, I'd get in trouble if I did that shit. - Right? If it's justified, you have nothing to worry about. Man steals your food or breaks into your home or whatever, you're justified to kill 'em. - Do I need a license for this? (laughing) - What do I apply? - Just change your, to pagan religion, no. - Yeah, and the Bible even tells you that, in many parts of the Bible, it tells you that, you know, here's the 10 commandments, but make sure that you're not just being a bitch. I mean, essentially, that's what it says. Like, don't be a bitch and let people walk on you, but turn the other cheek if it's not that big a deal. You know what I mean? - Are you okay over there? - I'm good. I got all kinds of stuff to talk about with religion, and I'm all over the place. I personally call my belief, it's called omnithism. Omnithism is the belief in the truth of many religions. And that's what I follow, that's who I am. - Omnithism. - I have a guide one for you. I have a good one for you, not a guide one for you. - Let me hear it. All right, I can't hear you. - So we have, how many religions do you think we have? - Oh, countless. - Okay. - There's a lot of main religions, but there's a lot of little things too. - Like, I'm talking about Scientologists. I'm talking about Christians. I'm talking about Catholics. I'm talking about Mormons. These to me are all the same, but just spun differently, right? - Yeah. - Like Buddha. - 100%. - Buddha, it looks like spry, paint and gold, we get it. But so all these religions are basically the same, right? My biggest thing is you have all these people saying, my religion is better. Basically, this world is full of, I often compare religion to small-minded people. - Right. - I often compare religion to politics because it's basically the same fucking thing. You know why it's the same fucking thing? Basically, everybody is saying, this person is better. Why is this person better than this person over here? When technically, y'all are preaching the same exact thing to a T. - Exactly. - But it's almost like an election race, if you think about it, because you're petitioning for this asshole to win, but you have this asshole over here that's just as big as an asshole as the other guy. So if your guy doesn't win, you're still both assholes and you're fucked, whoever wins. - I mean, if you look at religion that has played hand-in-hand with politics for centuries. - 1000%. - Centuries, like, you ready? I'm gonna piss them off again. You ready to piss them off? Let's go back to abortion, okay? - Can we not? - But it's such a simple thing. - Can we not? - Abortion is a religious issue. It has no place in politics. Why are we passing laws about religious beliefs? Not everybody believes the same thing. You can't force one religion over another. That's why they had separation of church and state. That's why we separated belief from politics. Because you're just alienating people, right? So abortion being made illegal is bullshit. - We are so-- - Don't, don't, I don't give a shit anymore. You made me do this, I didn't wanna do this. - I have other shows you can hop on and I got you, bro. - You told me we're doing this talk. I'm like, I don't wanna do this talk with you. - This is, this is-- - I love, it is what it is, right? - I love, technically speaking, we are spitting people's faces via audio. - And I love it. - It's fine. - Yeah, that's why I do it. - I use my brain, all right? I was raised on common sense. Might that it took ages to ring that into my head, common sense, but you can't beat it. Common sense tells you if dumb ass people are having baby after baby after baby, the baby can't be any smarter than the people that are teaching it, okay? - Is that marriage? - Huh? - Surprise marriage. - Surprise hasn't had any kids yet. Don't throw that on him. The minute that happens. - So I have another question for you. - Okay, got it. - One of my biggest hang ups in this relationship talk is, people tell me, people have told me in my life that piggybacking off of what you said, if you don't act a certain way, you don't get into heaven. And the biggest question I have is, how do you know what heaven is like? Nobody knows. - And how do you know you want to go there? - And let's be really fucking real here. My ass is not stepping foot anywhere near heaven because all this audio is going to come to bite us in the ass on the way out. I can hear it. - You could, have you heard about like the Norse version of heaven? Because obviously the Norse mythology, they were war-like people, right? They don't care. - Yes, you do care, 'cause you would absolutely love it. - I don't know. I know me, I don't like it. - I like it. - God, that's real. So, to be honest with people, I, there is two things in life I don't talk about. I don't talk about politics, I don't talk about religion. I'm not a registered voter, I don't care. - Here we are. - It's just different. This is entertainment, I'm an entertainer. - That's right. - So, I don't, to be honest, if I have to act a certain way to get in somewhere, I don't want to be there. If you had written proof and video evidence of what heaven was like, maybe I would change, maybe. But, to be honest, what place in this universe is going to be great if you have to change, act, be different from the person that you are being in life right now. - All right, so, what you're saying though, so that's the part where I'm trying to get people to understand, use your own fucking brain, okay? You're talking about what people are telling you. - That's not what these books are saying. Like what books all we got, like the Bible does not tell you you have to be this way, but it tells you this is a good way to be. - But people twist and bend and change to their fucking narrative. - Fuck them, nobody cares about what they have to say. - Okay, because here's the thing. - That's why I said make up your own mind. The Bible doesn't tell you you have to be one way or another. It says, this is what we suggest, all right? And there's nowhere in the Bible that says, this is exactly what you have to do to get into heaven. There are books that say things like that, but then there are other books that say the opposite. - I have a Justice League of America card that says I'm part of the Justice League. - Do you believe that? - People believe the Bible, so I'm part of the Justice League. - Do you believe you're part of the Justice League? - People think they're gonna get into heaven. - That's fine. - If you wanna believe that, then believe it. - It's the same thing, right? I mean, it's kind of the same idea. - Okay, I have a question for you. - I'm trying to watch Brandon's reactions over here. - He has no hair, he's pulling it all of an hour in it. - That's right, because that's not true, that's true. - His tomato cage is now catch up because he just smashed the shit out of it. - I wanted him to be on this chat. I don't wanna make him mad. - I'm trying to make him mad, he hasn't texted me yet, so I'm not doing a good job of it yet. - But, so, my biggest thing is, so if tomorrow came, right, and everybody announced that Jesus was never a person and he never existed, how do you think the world would act? - They would tell him they're wrong, 'cause like you said, 90% of the world believes the opposite. - Yeah, but now if someone said, tomorrow that, hey, we did a deep dive on this part of the Bible, and it says that that story really wasn't true, or another book of the Bible comes out, and they say, this is part of religion now, and it says this, and yeah, they will probably listen. - Uh oh. - To be honest with you, I don't, we could put out tomorrow that aliens exist and there's still people wouldn't believe it. (baby crying) - And we've already upset somebody, god damn it. - All right, give me a second. Plug our Facebook page and stuff, and I'll be right back. - Okay. - Let me be a minute. - Facebook, Facebook, the war of the words, what he says, this is awkward. He should have volume down to, I'm good. - Okay, I'm sorry, I'm bad. - I tried to entertain. - You know what I wanna do for future episodes? I want to write fake advertisements. - Turn the volume down of your baby monitor? - No, I wanna write fake advertisements to fill spaces. Like, normally you would have like ads that we would read an ad for someone. I want to make one up, make a few up. Read ads for something that we believe and something is going on, you know, just for the fun of it. It'd be a perfect space for an ad. What are we talking about? Where are we, I'm sorry, I'm back. (laughing) Did you plug our Facebook page? - I did. - Tell everybody to go to Facebook, make sure you, make sure you comment. We have every episode that's been aired is on there. I wanna know what you all think. Go listen to it and write down your words. I wanna know if I'm being stupid or if you think I'm a fucking genius, like you should. - There's gonna be a lot of quietness that I wanna have to edit out. (laughing) There's, I won't edit anything out. Y'all just, I'll just stick with this. - I'm going to have to edit it out 'cause I tried. - Now you're good. All right, long story short, use your own damn minds. Religion is there to be figured out on your own. You can listen to people, you can believe what other people tell you, but if something doesn't make sense, then stop and think about it. All right, don't take things for face value. You know, if it says in the Bible that God's gonna chop your dick off, if you act this way, it probably doesn't really mean that. But again, maybe it does. And then again, you'll find out one day. - I already know who's P.P. is being chopped off the first time. (laughing) Not gonna say no names. - I'm sure we've pissed enough people off. Brandon is the one that I wanted to see. He's in his own way. - He's in his own way. I missed a few things. You're not gonna make me mad. You should've had me in. I said, I said it. You should've been in. I would love to have a back and forth with you. - He said he was going to live, so that's why I didn't. - He said, send the link to Leah. - He doesn't want to hear what we have to say. (laughing) - Because I want to know what people have to say. I'm sure everyone in this area is we're gonna get a lot of, a lot of hate, but you know what? I want to know what you think. I want you to justify what you think. And not because this is what you were taught in school. - 'Cause that's the biggest culture I've ever told you. I want you to tell me why you think things. - I want you to believe yourself. - And you know what I mean. - Like I believe in God. I do. Let's get down to it. I believe in a being. I also believe, like I said earlier, that all these other religions, these other religions, they have the same God. It's the same thing, okay? I'm nipotent being or idea or whatever. God doesn't have to be a physical thing. God could be an idea. All right, and it still works. And they're all just different interpretations of what they saw. You know what I mean? So yeah, I don't, I believe that all religions are really the same. They're all based off of the same thing. They have the same stories. They have the same ideas. They tell you the same things in different ways, you know? Not sure about the whole 72 versions thing. That's a little far-fetched, but you know what? That's like a cult. - I was getting there. Who the fuck wants 72 versions? - I know, right? That's a lot of work. - That's a lot of teaching. - That's a lot of other stuff. But yeah, I believe, I believe that there is a God. I believe that, you know, I believe that Jesus could have been the Son of God. And that's fine. There's nothing saying he wasn't. I also think that he probably wasn't the only one. You know, let's get down to it. Let's say Buddha was probably some kind of a deity himself. I mean, obviously he's considered a deity now, but why couldn't he have been a Son of God? We don't know. It's a different time. Nobody recorded it the same way. Muhammad, he had some higher thinking. You know, who knows? - I want to know what religion people are, that they have kamikaze pilots driving, should end up in the buildings. - That wasn't about religion. That was about honor. That was doing what's right by your country to bring honor to your family. That was honestly a stupid idea. But, and in the whole, oh, oh. Everyone, all the phone. Brenda's coming into town. - Hold the train. - And he's pulling into the station. - He's loading. Now I can spit in his face to this face. - Ooh, game is on. - Sure, sure, you could spit in my face, that's fine. - Brenda is our favorite Bible Thumper. - He is our guy. - Favorite Bible Thumper? - Yeah. - Can you, do you have another Bible Thumper that you like better than him? - I had a Bible Thumper, but this motherfucker is not a Bible Thumper. He's a fucking purely fuck up, but we won't talk about him. - I want to know. You've been listening this whole time. I want to know. - Here we go. - All right, so you do not have to be perfect in the world. That's not. - Thank you. - That's the... - You just need to still have a chance. - Yeah, no, so as long as you believe in God, and you accept him, you can go to heaven. There is no-- - That's not very fucked up. - No, there is no that you have to live a certain way. You don't have to follow the... There is laws, yes, but there's not-- - It's ideals. - Yeah, it's not a, you have to follow this book. You have to-- - It's not like a speed learner, right? - It's not. Some people know about that speed limit thing. - Damn! - And she is listening, by the way. (laughing) - Where is she? - You're on this camera. - Oh, no, she's outside. - You literally been here for 30 seconds, and you were like, let's see if I can piss somebody off. - You already blocked the door so I think I'm smacking. - Let's drop this missile right now. - Nice, so like I said, there's things that you... I mean, you don't have to follow all the rules. You don't have to be 100% on it. You can just, like we go to church every Sunday. Me and my wife do. So, it's not that we believe in God, we follow our-- - Do you believe in God? - Yeah. - Do you? - Yeah, I do. - Why do you go to church? Here we go. - To celebrate your belief, right? - That's what we do, yeah. We go to church every week. - I used to go to church every week too, way back in the day. - Yeah. - I stopped when I started, when I went to the military. - Well, the military still has, do they have a church from base? - Of course they do, but what's the point? - What's the point? - So, here's my thing, and this was, I mean, this was my big come to Jesus moment. When I was in basic training, I had a hard time justifying my belief versus my duty. - Okay, and this is obviously duty is something that's in your own head. It's not like you have. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But I wanted to, I wanted to serve. I wanted to be a soldier, but that entails that you are required, okay, this is hard to say. You're not required to do anything, but if it comes up and someone's in front of you with a pew pew, you're gonna pew pew back, right? - Yes. - So-- - We just refer to it as pew pew. If you come down to it, and the Bible says like, "Hey, thou shall not kill." - That-- - We're a little screwed. - So that comes, that is a touchy situation because a lot of people bring that up to me as they're in the military, they bring that up to me. Like my brother-in-law brought it up to me. So he was big, you know, big religious person too, and they brought that up too, is that like, oh, if a person came up to you and you're in war, it says, "Thou shall not kill," in the Bible. So they're saying, what? So if a person comes up and tries to hurt you and harm you in a different way, you can harm them back. Now, I think that's a little-- - That comes down to interpretation. - Yeah, I think you can. - That was the nicest way possible saying religion is a double standard. - So again, it's not really a double standard, it's more of-- - So the Catholic religion and most of other religions-- - Yeah. - We're passed down by word of mouth. - Yes. - Okay. So my biggest thing is I don't trust people. And you shouldn't, which is why I say use your own brain. - Me too. - Because that word of mouth changes. That word of mouth has-- People are like, oh, I don't like this idea. I'm gonna twist it to say it my own way. And they're gonna have to believe me because it's been passed down, right? The books in the Bible are not all 100% the word of God. You know what I mean? The word of people who are greedy and want to do things their own way, right? Some of them are good. - So it depends on what kind of Bible you get. - I don't know about the apostles, we're fucking convicts. - Yeah. - You know? The tax collector is saying, do this. So like, why the fuck would I listen to him? - Well, there's-- - You know what I mean? - Okay, so. (laughs) - That's what I'm saying. But the point is is that it was, they were written by people. - Yeah, that walked with everything for face value. - No, that-- - Got to take it in that it could have been changed at some point. - So the closest to scripture is the, most people say it's the King James version. And then others say that it's the new King James. - It goes back to Greek. - Back to a different religion. - Yeah. - Wait, I have something to bring up here. - Sure. - Now I'm even more angry now. You just said-- - Join the club. - He just said, the King James version. Why are we speaking like this, like the Taylor Swift album? - No, that's-- - That's just what it's called. - That's what it's called. - It's called the King James or King James. - Says it on the title page. - The King James version sounds like Taylor's version. - Now let me ask you this. Why are there different versions? - Because-- - I was kidding. - Okay, so 'cause there's different people that read the original scriptures and they took different ways. - Different interpretations of the words. - Yes, yes. So-- - Bingo. - Yeah. - Can't take it for face value because this person says it sounded this way and this person says it sounded that way. You have to put them together and-- - And agree on one and go with that one. - And go with it. - Your own opinions. - Most people agree upon the new King James, which I read out of, or E-S-V. - Wait, LeBron James? - No, it's English standard version. So the these, the dals, the dolts, the things like that are out and it's more modern language than it is. - So it's a remaster is what you're saying. - Yes. - It's evolved over time. - Yes. - And that's good. - Okay, that's good. - It should evolve over time because it is not a book that says this is exactly how you should be. It's a book that insists that this is how you should be. - So this is basically the remastering movie, basically, if you're thinking-- - Let me throw this at you though. Go ahead. - That is a, that is human ego at its finest. Okay, if you have something that you believe so much in-- - 'Cause we can't-- - It should not have to be changed. - We can't agree on anything. - No, but that's the thing-- - That's a point. - We shouldn't have to agree on anything. - So there's, okay, so my sister-in-law, my one sister-in-law, was Evastolic, which they believed in that they weren't allowed to cut their hair. They weren't allowed to wear pants. They had to wear dresses. Yeah, they had to, so, and-- - I don't remember that. - Oh, that was in, let's see, that's a different-- - We're holding that. - That's different. - Is that a different bible that's holding that? - No, a different religion. - This is the no-pants version. - So this is the Epastolic, so they had to wear skirts. They can't wear, they gotta wear dresses, skirts, things like that, they can't cut their own hair, so they would burn their hair when it got too long. So they would burn the ends off. - If they can't cut their own hair, have someone else cut it for you. - They can't, can't. - Why, in that religion, they can't do. - But that's what I'm talking about. Like, that's somebody interpreted that and created a following. It's a cult. - Yeah, to a point, yes, it is. - Yeah, I recall. - I've seen a movie like this, it's called Midsommar. (laughing) - Like, what are the actual fucking movements? - And I'm not telling anybody that it's wrong. - Now it's different. - She wears pants and everything, 'cause she doesn't live in-- - I'm saying it. - I hope she wear pants. - Not dress, no, like dresses. That's what she wore, skirts, dresses, things like that. Now she wears jeans and-- - Cover that shit up. - She is one step away from being Amish. (laughing) - And see, even Amish don't, I mean, there's two different types of Amish now. It's a new version of Amish and an old version of Amish. - All right, all right. - And that's, and it's all because it evolves. - Yep. - Over time, but this is-- - The new Amish actually believe in driving cars, living in houses with air conditioning. - Oh, yeah. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - There's a new Amish now? - Yes. - Get the fuck out. - They're called something different. - They're called something different, but that's-- - You should watch American Gods. - No. - Let's just throw it out there. If you watch American Gods, it explains everything. - Two. - It explains all the different ideas of what's new. Like, there's a whole new set of American Gods and there's like the God of Technology. - So if you go by the original Amish, they don't believe in driving cars, they don't believe in having any kind of-- - The technology is a root of all evil. - Yeah, that's all you-- - That's always things easily does not benefit you. - Now the new ones are called something different. Mena, is it Mena Knight? - Mena Knight. - Mena Knight. - Mena Knight's are old school. And the new Amish is where they do not believe in, now the new Amish, they drive in cars. They use pickup trucks more so than cars. - So they're in Goebboudrehobes witnesses. - To a point, it means they can come to your house and they don't need a bicycle. - Yup, they didn't need the right horse and buggy anymore. Now I get to horse and buggy all the time a little more. - Because you can't find a fucking buggy anymore. - Hey, no God damn buggy. My guy, horse and buggy, still comes down my main street here. (laughing) - I wouldn't mind that. - Good guess. - Brandon number one, I have a question for you. - What? - Do you remember the guy the kid we used to fuck with in school, Chris? - Clats. - What were the two guys that came to the house every single day? - They were the, what the fuck would call those guys? The guys that knock on your door. - Do you have witnesses? - These, different version. - Oh, yeah. - They have a different name for it. - He wasn't a, he wasn't a Jehovah's Witness, they still had the guys that came around on bicycles and they would make dinner for them and they would have-- - They were the Meta nights weren't they? - No, no, no, no, the Meta nights are-- - No, no, they're very like omniscient. - Is she still alive? - I'd love to have him on the show to make fun of him even more. - I haven't talked to him in, since middle school. - Nope, but yeah, he don't know if he's still alive. - I haven't talked to him since I punched him in the face. - Nice, why have you got to punch him up? - I don't know, he likes punching people. - He deserves it. - Okay. - But this is great. So we've determined that-- - Religion is bullshit. - No, it's not bullshit. It's not. You do not have to live, there's, okay. So certain religion-- - It's your story straight, ma'am. - Certain religion actually says that you have to follow the book 100%. You cannot do anything that makes frown upon, so. - And that is written or believed by people who like things their way. - To a point. - Yes, I mean, essentially that was a group of people that said this is how we wanna live our lives and everyone is going to live their lives the same way so that we can be happy. - Yeah. - If you go down to the root of it, that's, 'cause there's nowhere that should have been a thing. - So like, I'm Baptist, so is my boss, but he believes in a different version of Baptist than I do. He believes that if you go accept, what's that? - Do you still do eight hour services on Sunday? - No, no, it's not eight hours. We do about an hour service. No, the Catholic is eight hours. - Oh, it's not, I was Catholic, I only did an hour. - Sit, Neil, stay-- - Wow, we had old school-- - We had Catholic. - Baptist come into our hotel back in the day, every Sunday, and they would be in there for eight, my entire shift, eight hours. - Oh, no. - Seen that. - Yeah, we're not eight hours. - Kids would be running a muck. - No. - They were good people though. - Yeah, they, they usually are, and most of them are. - You-- - They're just tired. - So, so Baptist is, their main thing is food. So we always have gatherings for food. - Okay. - We always, we have a, they could Thanksgiving dinner every year. I tried to invite Justin to church, but he, not going-- - We're gonna, you're gonna be our man in the field. Justin, we need you to go and do a report and come back and report to us. - I'd rather put a gun in my mouth and pull a trigger. - So, all right, I'm gonna, as King always says, I'm gonna pull the curtain back here, I'm gonna go back and throw a story here. - Here we go. - So when I was in eighth grade, there, I had appendicitis. In my appendix, ruptured. - You're just terrible, man. You just, you're falling apart, this is perfect. - Yeah. So my appendix, ruptured, when I was in eighth grade, pretty much all my deathbed went into the hospital and, you know, at this point, I'm thinking, all right, I never believed in God at this point. I didn't really, I was both ways, did not believe at one point, now I do. At this point, I kind of thought, okay, what's the point of this? Why did God, if there is a guy, why did he do this to me? - You didn't. - You did, we covered it. - Um. (laughing) - Man, oh. - I just threw him all off, I'm sorry. - Anyway, no, no, no, no, no, comment. Anyway. - Oh, what's up? - It's, uh-- - You have a way to go. - So anyway, I had appendicitis, went to the hospital, I was pretty much doing my deathbed, I had my appendix, ruptured. The infection from my appendix was traveling to my heart, so I had to have a pick line put in, I had to have a drains put in, I had to have all kinds of craziness going on. - Is that what-- - Was that your surgery later on? - Uh-- - Was that a, like, later on down the road part of it? - Well, that was the first surgery I ever had. So that had nothing to do with the heart surgery that we know of. - That's what I'm saying, like, do you think they could have been linked? - Could have been, but I was also born early, I was born a month early. - Your patient explains it all. - Yeah, I was born a month early, I had new fingernails, new eyebrows, new hair, new nothing. - I'll stop it right now. I can't handle all this information. - No fingernails or eyebrows. - What in the actual fuck is happening today? I'm picturing you with nothing right now, and it's-- - He looks like you. - No, no, I didn't-- - All you have are eyebrows. Stick your eyebrows off, you look just like him. - No, I didn't look like King. Anyway-- - Maybe no one can look this good. - Your head wasn't that shiny or pointy. - So anyway, so I had that happen. So I had antibiotics, the whole works got better, lived through it, got another surgery later on to get the stem taken out of my appendix, or that they would have grown back. A lot of people don't know that, but then I could have had another appendicitis and had them ruptured again. So that happened, the following year, the year later, I had a hernia from a sports hernia, which I was going out for the football team. And that was in 2009, 10? No. - He has had worse luck than me in one single year. - I feel like there's like a massive come to Jesus drop coming in here saying-- - Oh yeah, it is. - Oh, it's going to, it is going to be bigger than Will's drinking problem. - Let the beat drop. - All right, so anyway-- - I just destroyed him with that line. - Anyway, so I ended up having to have surgery on a hernia. I coughed during surgery because it was a local to my hernia ruptured. So the surgery, surgeon's running around, putting that all back together. I started waking up during surgery 'cause they had to put the tube down my throat and all that. Yeah. - I got it all my God. - I'm told stories of the ER is happening right now. - Yeah. - So that happened. - I'm sure we need it. - That happened. - I still, at that point, I still wonder, okay, why did this happen? Why did I have to have a hernia? (laughing) So-- - Why do you have to, 'cause your body, you were impatient and you came out early, so this should happen. - No, that didn't, well, necessarily not-- - Doesn't it really happen though sometimes? - That was a sports hernia. 'Cause I'm trying out for the football team, we ran so much, I ended up with a hernia. So then, okay, then I go, I was in the hospital after surgery. I go home, I ended up with H1N1, did not know it, ended up back at the hospital because I had an infection in my stomach. - At this point, they have a room named after you. - Yes. - This motherfucker has his own wing. - The normal room, Brando? Yes, please. Just take me on in. - Number one is to have a big one on the door. - I had to have surgery again to have drains put in, another pick line. - He's on the first day basis with the ambulance driver. - You have had more lines than you than Verizon has ran. - Yeah. - Can you go through a metal detector? - I can. - No. - We certainly can. - I go to the airport and you're like, "TSA, find you every time." - I don't know, I haven't flown since my heart surgery. - This motherfucker's back. - You're just tempting fate. - Yeah, I'm going next. - Should I fly somewhere? I'm going to fly to Vegas. - I'm flying next. - I'm leaving tomorrow, come with me, let's go. - Ah, I can't come that soon. Anyway, April, next April, I'm going to Vegas. Anyway. - Each one and one. - I'll be there. - You let me know when we'll be there. - All right. - Actually, yeah, each one and one. - We're PCS-ing in April, so I very well might be there. - Oh, there you go. - H1N1. - So, yeah. - You're the Madam Presidente, get on it. We're going to Vegas in April. - So, then I had to have another surgery pick line drains put in to drain the abscess that was in my stomach that was the size of a basketball. - Here comes the drop. - So, then, at that point, I still thought, okay, what's the point of all this mess? And then-- - Why me? - 'Cause again, why me, still, why me? - 'Cause come to Jesus moment is here. - In 2011, I met my wife. Again, I knew her in 2007, and then I met her again in 2000 and... - We had a whole talk. - Wait, wait, wait. - We were spry about, like, signs and karma and... - This was meant to be. You couldn't get it from the first three times that you ran into, but, you know, maybe you should stop and say something. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You met her, met her again, and ran into her again. - Yeah, met her left, met her again. - No, so I met, so I, no. We went to middle school together in 2007. - No shit, that's not getting lost. - Then we left, she moved. - Okay. - And then, she came back down. - Came back into your life. - In my area, yeah, where I lived. A friend of mine went to school with her. - That's why. - Green flag. - This sounds like a piss-poor version of the Wonder Years. - She's just coming back. - Nice, anyway. A friend of hers met, or a friend of mine, or a friend of hers went to my school, went and hung out with her at a youth group soccer game, and asked about me. Next thing we know, she's talking to me. We started dating again, and then she went to church. I didn't go to church. So she asked me, "Hey, do you want to go to church with me?" I was like, "No." - Is it date? - No, not at first. - So picked up the Eucharist and some wine. - Reasons why I did not go to church at first was because I still didn't believe in the whole God thing, and that was just the, okay. But I kept wondering-- - What was it? What was it that got you there? - God. - It's actually not-- - No, no, no, no. - How did that happen to God out there? - Let's be real here. The reason why he went to church was to impress this chick. - That's right. - To a point. - You don't believe in God because of what I saw you do. - To a point. - He just said this shit. - To a point. - No, but then I went to church, and I absolutely-- - I liked it. - I actually liked it. - And that's why we started going again. All right, that's why I started going. - I used to go with my cousin years ago, but that was a, I went as a youth group thing, and that was about it. - Some of my best memories growing up are from church. It's a good, if it's a good church with a good message, it's a good atmosphere. - I had a very-- - I started to believe at some points 'cause of the messages that we were listening to for church, and then I went and... Next thing you know, I started believing in God, and believed that, okay, all those surgeries and everything that I had done is to bring me to this point. - Make you stronger. - To make me stronger, that the God would protect. - You could fly to Vegas. - I honestly thought he was gonna say this. I thought he was gonna say, well, I was under the anesthesia. And God came with me, and sent me back and ruined people's lives. - No, he didn't send me back to ruin anybody's life. - Well, I thought it's your wife. (farting) (laughing) - 'Cause you definitely ruined her life. - No, I didn't. - No, she was just evening it out. She came into his life three times. He had to leave and come back three times. - So, she corrupted you, huh? - It's not corruption. - No, it's not corruption. We just started believing in the same thing. At first, I told her I'm not going to church because football is on Sunday, and that's what I believe. I watched football. - The Church of NFL. - Yeah. Then I started going to church every Sunday and missing some football games, which was fine. - But it's not fine. - No, it's a, it was a good though. It was really good, the reason why I went one Wednesday, started believing shortly after that. Went and got baptized, then the rest is history. And I won't, now I know that God brought me there for a reason. Do we have a little Brandon now? (laughing) - This is, this is kind of funny. (laughing) - The baby took the chair. - So, my son has got this insatiable need that if anyone in the house gets up, he has to go sit in their seat. - Nice. - Doesn't matter who it is. If you're sitting down and you get up, move your feet, lose your seat. He's every single time. Doesn't matter. He can be sitting in the corner and time out. He'll go sit there. - My time out. - So, I know we've been going for a minute and we've, you know, talked about different ideas. I have one last topic that I want to talk about. - Sure. - Now you're stuck now, man. You can't go anywhere. Do you believe, so in all religions, there's some version of angels, right? The Norse mythology had valkyries. - Yeah. - Right? That was their version of angels, right? I want 100% believe in a guiding force in the world, okay? There's just too many signs out there pointing to-- - It's called GPS, bro. - It's just pointing to like, hey, like get a clue. This is what's going on. - Yeah. - You know, I had a moment, and Justin might remember this. When I was living in Japa, Justin remember when I rolled the truck? - Oh my God. - You remember that story? - Yeah. - 19, on my way to school. - You rolled the truck? - I think I was 18, actually. I was on my way to the school in the morning and I, my truck hit black ice and it went. - I kid you not. Left, did not hit the median. I jerked it back, it went, turned around backwards across five lanes of traffic, into the side, into the ditch, and it did a somersault. Okay, my side of the truck, the driver's side of the truck was fine. Never touched the ground. - Okay. - The passenger's side of the truck, every last window was shattered. It was in bad shape, right? Landed on the passenger's side. When I was five, I was fine. Oh, I got it. - Shout out to you. - I know, I know. - My guardian angel worked over time. - Okay. - He's working for my kids now. - Hey, wait, wait, wait. - So, the angel thing, right? - He ran. - When I was getting out of the car, like it was on its side, big steel SUV, right? - Yeah. - It was a Chevy Blazer, right? I love that thing. The door's heavy, right? And now it's cooked with mud. - Yeah. I was having a hard time getting out, right? I was fine, not a scratch on me. It wasn't even shook it up. But then the door opens and there's a guy on top of my truck. There's actually a guy, there's another guy in front and then there's a woman, right? They all had stopped to help me. And he helps me out of the truck. I get down, right? And then as I get down, they said they already called the police over. And you can see them coming. In fact, they stopped at another accident in the same intersection that hit the black ice and had an accident. They stopped there first. By the way, the longer. But when they got there, I'd turn around and these three people who I distinctly, you know, were there helping me. They, I held their hands. They helped me out of the car. They were gone. - Yeah. - They were gone and nobody remembers them being there. Like I was the only one who interacted with them, I guess. And I've forever things believed in calling it guardian angel, call it a guiding force, whatever. Time traveler is, I don't know. - Yeah. - Somebody was there to help me out. - So can you have a-- - And it just has many signs in the world that not believe that. - You've had an accident back in the day, right, King? - We don't speak of this. - Oh, okay. - This is, he has, you can't, 'cause he'll go against what he's been saying all the time. - Yeah, I don't like the thing that made me look bad. - So I'm just gonna be quiet. - It's not gonna make you look bad. - Why are you on a podcast? - To make other people look bad. - No, it's not gonna make you look bad. It's just gonna, it's, I had a minor accident, maybe. - And then a couple hundred after that. - Couple of my urges. - I got a comment there. - Uh-oh, he doesn't scroll. I wanna see these comments. The fact that we have somebody in the background is hilarious. - Is he the major? - Yeah. - He already pulled all the books off my bookshelf. - Yeah, little man. - He fucked them books. - He's stuck in here, so now he's just fucking everything up. - If he pulls this bookshelf onto himself. - He's talking to you. - Don't you dare pull that down. - Here we go. - Oh no, now he's messing with the Star Wars stuff over there. - If he pulls his bookshelf on himself. - Uh-oh, he's trying to get to the Star Wars stuff up there. - If he pulls his bookshelf on himself. - He's looking at you. - You got caught. - If he pulls something onto himself, I'm exiting this episode. I will be no good. - 'Cause you don't wanna be seen. - I am not an accessory to this bookshelf smashing your son live on camera. I will publish this video later. - You want a lightsaber? Is that what you want like to see? - Okay, so you had a little accident. - Yeah. - I didn't see no angels and shit. - Well, no, I didn't either. - You weren't paying attention. You're right, 'cause I was too busy bleeding out of my head. - But I didn't need there. - Do you believe in angels? Yes or no? Call 'em what you want guiding force in your life. Do you believe that there's something out there helping you? - Oh, I believe there's something protecting you. - Guardian angels. - Thank you. - You know what my guardian angel is? - Your mother. - My mother. - Yes. - Yep. - And if you don't think that she's had a hand in what's been happening to you. - Yeah, you had something else about that too. - Personally. - I will not tell that story. - Okay, all right. - 'Cause that story is just, I'm not high enough for that story. - All right, all right. I get that. - No, bro. - That is really annoying. - Why did she put that in? Let me go on there, I'll tell it to you. No, absolutely not. - You had your chance, you went to work. - I think, I think we should leave it off here and we should do a part two. - We could, I can't do a part two. - Yeah, I like that. - I think we should do a part two. - I'll tell you what, let's leave it up to the viewers. Okay, when this one airs, again, there will be on Facebook and episode of the place where you leave your comments. If enough of you say that you want to hear us talk more, we want to know what you think and we want to talk about what you think. But it's not going to happen unless you leave in the comments. - Goddamn it. - Why does she have to go there? - That's why she's perfect. - That's why she's the boss lady. - That's why she's not a person. - Here's the thing, before we leave off, I'm going to, I'm going to say what I really want to say. - I'm tired of people that say they're religious and not religious at all. There's somebody, there's somebody that I'm talking to directly, who I'm going to send this episode to when I publish it, that they do. They preach by the book, they preach all this shit, thoughts, prayers, all that nonsense. Mysterious ways, blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. But this person- - Comments, madam President. - Of course he didn't, he doesn't answer me today. - He didn't answer me today. You want to, he answered me today. I'm going to, we're talking about that off the air. But this person I'm speaking of does all this church it, but then turns around and lives his life a certain way that people should not live. Like, square, drinking, and basically, opposite of a religious person. - We're not going to get into that. - We're not going to get into the drinking thing because you can drink, it just don't get drunk. - But what does he do? - You get drunk, just don't do anything stupid. - No, in the religion though, you can drink, it's okay to drink, just don't obsessively drink to where you're drunk all the time. - So this person-- - I want you to send that to me, I want to see it. - See why. - Sure thing. - I will, I will-- - This motherfucker. - Put it in the comments. - This motherfucker. - She's like, get my phone back. - This mother are going to go in his living room and magnify this for you and send it right to you. - Nah, I got a Bible app so. - Shut the fuck up. - Yes I do, I have a Bible app. - There's a Bible app. - Yes. - Is it the same category as Wendy's and Starbucks hats, it better be, or I don't want any part of it. - Hey, I just got word that somebody else wants to be in part two. - Bring it off. - It has to be a part two. - There has to be a part two now. - Yes. - We'll do a part two when they get in the comments and tell us two. - Oh, oh no. - So she just walked in and told me she wants to be in part two. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh god. - You want to be in part two? - I wonder how many people I could have on it. - Part two, we said part two. - Part two? - Part two? You want part two? - You want part two? - Two? - Two. - You want to do your fingers? - Two. - No. - No. - You said fuck your dad. - He said, I don't do what you tell me to do. - Part two. - That's how we roll. - Oh yeah. - All right, part two's coming. Don't forget. - Yeah. - Don't forget to find this on Facebook. War of the words, two words. - It is the links to our Spotify are there. - Apple says, I'm in, I'm in until a J story. - No. (laughing) We will do this episode when you have to work. - Find us on Facebook. Listen to us on Spotify and Apple. Make sure you check out new, Justin's new company. You want to reveal that? What'd you call it? - Drop it? - No, not yet. - It's not done yet. - It's coming. - It's coming. - It's coming. - And get in the comments. I can't tell you enough. We need to know what you think so we know what else to get doing. If you like it, we'll do it. If you don't like it, we'll probably still do it. - I have a comment. - We still have the King Kong versus... - I have. - Oh, it's in the works, don't worry. It's on the list. - I have a comment already. - You're wrong about it. Go ahead. - Go fuck yourselves. (upbeat music) - This has been War of the Words. We'd be random in the King. Thank you all for hanging in on with us and we hope you enjoyed the ride. Please stay seated until the ride has come to a complete stop. Make sure you grab all your belongings and get the hell out of here. Until next time.