The Dark Society Of War!

Its a Conspiracy!

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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Its a Conspiracy!

(upbeat music) - Welcome for "The Word." I'm B random and he's the king of controversy. And we're your host, here to talk about whatever the fuck we want. It'll get loud, it'll get messy, and feelings will get hurt. Now it's time to pick the side, load up, and strap in. Let's go. Welcome back "The Word of the Words." I'm B random and he's the king. Do you ever know, do you ever think that the moon landing was fake? Do you think 9/11 was an inside job? What about the Bermuda Triangle? Well, we got a show for you today. Kings came to me and he says, I want to talk about conspiracy theories. There's a lot of shit out there that just doesn't add up. So we're going to get down and dirty and figure out what the hell's going on. King, you got a whole list of stuff for us to go over today. What are you talking about? Should we just put like an NDA out there and be like, we don't give a fuck what people think about this. We're just going to speak what we feel. Non-disclosure agreement, fuck off. This is our opinions and we will keep them. If you don't like it, go to the Facebook page and then tell us in the comments. We want to hear you. My house is going to be firebombed a more quicker than fucking Israel watch. - Speaking of the Facebook page, everyone we have started our own, we do have official Facebook page called War of the Words. Come and find us on there. Every episode that comes out, we put a post out so you can have somewhere to go and comment and tell us what you think. We want to know what you think. We don't really care, but we want to know. We might talk about it later. We might go back and revisit some things with some new information. You never know. I'm going to find this. Be our friend. We want to know who you are. Come in, the more people that come and see us, the bigger we get and the bigger we get, the more big our mouths get and more information we can put out in the world. - Or I'll just slide in and give you a little finger and just slide on out. - That's true. - And he will. - Oh, hi. - It's basically very, oh, oh, you got a sponsor. - Sponsor. - Oh, you want to talk about a sponsor? Has she named her company yet? - It's main made or main connection made of the company. - It is, right. - Whatever the fuck it is, go see her. - We have an unofficial sponsor. We will get to let you know more about her as she builds her company. She is doing all of our shirts and t-shirts and hats and stuff and stickers and whatever. Whatever the fuck you want, we'll make it. - And Coke, please sponsor me. - Fuck off, Coke. Give me Dr. Pepper any day. - Vanilla Coke is phenomenal. - Just realize I don't have my two cans of Dr. Pepper sitting here like I normally do. - Nice try. - So yeah, once our sponsor has a name, we will, oh, main made, there it is, made made. M-A-Y-N-E made. - It sounds like a minute made. - I know, it sounds like a cleaning service, doesn't it? - I don't like that. - A cleaning service in Maine. - Yeah, it is made in Maine. - People are gonna be like, why don't I get, why didn't I get my stickers? And there's people coming to clean my house. (laughing) It's okay, main made, we love you. Thank you for doing what you do. And we will work with you more in the future. All right, down with the pleasantries. What the hell are we talking about? - Let's hurt some fucking feelings. Let's start out with these flat earth people. Flat earth, flat earth conspiracy. Who out there thinks some earth is flat? - Well, you're fucking wrong. - Fucking vegans? - The roots just go through the world and they're just hanging out in space somewhere. - If I dig, I will come out in China, I swear. - Go right ahead. - Flat earth, Siri, there, no, you dig, you'll just fall off the planet. - Yeah, go right ahead, pal. - You're gonna suck. - Yeah, no, I am 100% no flat earth. Obviously it's been disproven. Go, you've seen pictures from space, we've seen the world, we know what it looks like. I've flown all the way around the damn thing. Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, I know you hate being on airplanes. Listen, 15 hour flights with an infant, okay? But I will say my daughter was a fantastic, fantastic fly, she loves flying. - I would throw my infant out the window. - That is a terrible thing to say, unless they had wings. - And I'm in it with everything about my being. - I'm assuming you're not a flat earth fan. - Fuck no, let's be honest. How, I want to find a flat earth person and have one to show just so I can just fucking blast the shit out of them. How can the earth be-- - Invitations out there, anyone who believes in flat earth comes from space. - You're stupid, but we want to talk to you. - Let me know who you are, send us a message and we will get you on the show. - 'Cause that is probably the biggest bullshit I've ever heard in my life. - The water just runs off the earth. - The water just falls off and just lands on people for no reason. - That's where the stars come from. - Don't even get me started on that. - What's next, give me no one. - Sure, September 11th, let's just go for a kill shot right now. - So you're going for the big one, September 11th. - September 11th was an inside job. - 1,000 percent. - You agree with this? - I wholeheartedly agree that it was an inside job. - Okay. If it was an inside job, why? What was the point? - Because here's the thing. You, it's this whole, to be honest, I don't think Osama bin Laden was an actual person. You don't want to lie? - The ham pictures of him. He was a real person. You can paint pictures of whoever the fuck you want, man. - So you're saying Osama bin Laden was like the Mandarin to the Marvel movies? - Correct. He's an actor playing a part. - I think Osama was just a random fucking Dunkin' Donuts owner, dude. - It is interesting how every time that we're attacked by a terrorist, it's somebody that's been, you know, proper, like, proper educated and gone all over and studied at the best places when they came back to be a terrorist. - My biggest thing, 'cause I've seen every documentary, I've seen every video, I've seen all the YouTube's about this, if a plane flew into the Pentagon, right? Why the fuck did they pull out a shell of a missile? I'm just asking. There was no plane in the Pentagon. - I don't remember that being a thing. I didn't know that they, I didn't know they hit the Pentagon. - Yeah, they hit the only wall that was closed off to the people that no way was hurt. - Really? - Yeah. - Really? - That's hard to refute. - It is hard to refute, isn't it? So this hit on an under-construction part of the Pentagon. Really? Out of all 12 sides of this motherfucker, you picked the one that was under-construction. - So what about the fucking view? - That's fucking weird. - The one down in Pennsylvania, where all those people were on board and they all say that there was people trying to crash this plane. - You don't think that-- - You think they were all paid actors? - I think it was all set up. - You think it was all set up? So I-- - This, okay, let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. They said these people took the plane over with box cutters. There's 30 people in this airplane, 30 plus one guy with two people with box cutters. I like them odds. - What? - Where'd they get a box cutter? - They said a lot. - Airable TSA. - Yeah. Who looks-- - There's a hell of a pocket on a plane. - If somebody's running at me with a box cutter, he's getting fucking drop kicked. Let's be real here. Will you give me a paper cut? - Is that, you think that's why they have the three ounce rule? - Yeah. - Anything over three ounces can be deadly, but three ounces of any poison in the world, they're gonna hurt you. - How many people can meet on a flight? What? 200? Is there at least 200? - That's a good number. - So, okay, so you had the max people, right? 200 people were safe, right? And two armed assailants, let's be honest. Armed assailants don't have a box cutter. - Everybody's gonna get out of their seat. People were scared of shitless out there. - Then they shouldn't be on an airplane then. - What? - Then they shouldn't be on an airplane then. - They're scared, no, they're not scared of flying. They're scared of being fucking killed. You can go to your local mall. - That's very true. - You can go to a local mall now and get shot at the park a lot. - That's very true. That's very true, the world we live in is changing and I don't like it. - Some dude ran to a bouncy place and shot at my house. Are you really, your head should be on a swivel this day and age anyway. So, if you're sitting on an airplane with two fucking Dunkin' Donuts guys with fucking boss cutters, they deserve to get their ass beat, let's be real. - Dunkin' Donuts guys. - Like, let's be real here. There's 200 to one. - Well, speaking of guys, he's never been caught. What happened to that shooting at the mall like a couple of weeks ago, they still haven't caught that guy, right? - No. - Nope. - Well, their police have done a real bang up job. - Because they were too busy trying to find Rachel Morin's fucking murderer. Let's be real here. She had like 12 kids. Like, who cares? - Well, there's a lot of, I looked online. There is a lot of support saying that 9/11 was an inside job for various reasons. A lot of it is to spur the people into a frenzy to support their campaigns for oil across the world. - Would you be shocked? - I wouldn't be. I know that a lot of the world in terror had to do with possessing resources. But I don't think that we would attack ourselves to do that, or at least not in such a grand scale. I mean, that was a lot of people that died in that. - Well, let's be real here. Let's be real here. If I wanted to hijack an airplane and fly it into a building, I didn't need to wait as long as I did. - You can't even get on an airplane. - I wasn't speaking for my behalf. I'm just saying Joe Schmo out there. - Joe Schmo, that asshole. - Joe Schmo, if I wanted to take an airplane and fly it into a gas station, right? - Do you think anybody would give a flying fuck? If that happened tomorrow? - Yeah, you'd be on the news for like a week. Dumb fuck flies into gas station. Gas prices skyrocket. But what would be the first question out of their mouth? - How did he get on an airplane? - What color and what nationality would he be? Because the first thing that-- - They can't tell you how much time it's hard to-- - If I was a brown, brownie guy. - You're unrecognizable. - And they were like, well, he was brown. And they'd be like, ooh, is he a terrorist? That would be the first question that they asked. Let's be real. Am I wrong? - No, I mean, not a random guess. - When our bridge went down, right? - If you put it in DC. - When our bridge went down, right? The first fucking thing on Facebook that I saw was was terrorism. - I saw that. That was stupid. I mean, you saw the video. The video shows that they were trying to get the word out there. Like shit isn't working. You saw the power quit twice. And then what are they gonna do? They're at the mercy of the river at that point. - Anything that throw an anchor overboard or don't work that way. - Anything bad happens is people are quick to throw out the race card, the nationality card, the terrorism card. - This guy's people like drama. The world revolves on greed and drama. If you don't have drama, they were bored. - 90% of the world have fucking bitch-ass Karens walking around. Am I wrong? - No, 90% of the world is bitch-ass Karens. - Or HOAs. - Fuck HOAs. - Yeah. I didn't tell you that one yet. I was hanging off the air. - There's a funny TikTok I'll show you about HOAs. - I love any HOAs because they're five old people that just walk around our community and just point fingers. - Oh no, I love it when they try to give you like tickets. And you say you owe us money. Oh, I got a story. I'll tell you a story about my mom. Speaking, speaking of the HOA thing. - I'll walk away. - Wait, wait, wait. You can't just skim over that one, pal. - I mean, not physically blue. She, she. - I heard was blue up and we're talking about September 11th. So you're just following, that was a bad, that was a bad. - My mom blew up the HOA. Fuck yes, I stopped her. - She let them have it, man. This HOA back in Arizona. They, you know, Arizona, you had, you don't have grass, you have what they call desert landscaping, which is maybe a cactus or something in your yard and it's covered in rocks, right? But the weeds still grow and you still gotta get the weeds. So they tried to send us like a $50 fine for having weeds in our front yard. So my mom went around the whole neighborhood, taking pictures of every fire hydrant that had three foot weed stalks surrounding it. And I kid you not, there was like three or four you could not see the hydrant from the weeds, all right? She sent that back to the HOA, like each one of those pictures separately in a letter that said, fuck you. The review, my money, do your own fucking job. And she just, she kept sending them. - I got a bad one. - They stopped asking for money after a while. - I got a better one for you. - I will, I will see that and raise you. - All right. I had HOAs in my community last week or week before last. I went outside to get a trash can and they're walking around with a clipboard and shit. They think they're the shit with clipboards around here. - And it's just by a clipboard or what? - They were on my property, measuring my grass. - Really? - That you need to cut your lawnmower. I said, Sarah, I'm physically handicapped. Well, you're not handicapped enough to go get a trash can, are you? I'm like, excuse me? - All right, I'll just start throwing my trash out the front door then. - And then he, he hands me his card. I'm like, I don't want your card help me like, or you're gonna get a ticket. I said, do you wanna know what I'm going to do with your ticket? I said, I will wait until you come back. I will take your ticket, take a shit and then stuff your ticket into my asshole and take a photo of it and send it to your business card. - I have no problem doing this. - Oh my God. I know, each way is annoying. I mean, I get it, like you want a nice neighborhood? But let's be honest, you don't live in a nice neighborhood. - Who? You? What goes on in my neighborhood besides the-- - Last time I was at your house. - Oh my God, the story is-- - There was, it was like a raid of the house and behind us in the next court over. Okay, there, 130 in the morning, every police, every policeman in like a three-town radius was in that neighborhood cracking down on a door. You could hear him with the megaphone. - Come out, come out, just come out. We're gonna get you anyway, come on out. - Right, 130 in the fucking morning and they had the wrong house. - I'm in the middle of the floor getting dressed for work and my hands are up, I'm like, uh-oh, they got me. 130 in the morning and they're at the wrong place. - Brandon comes out and goes, oh my God, what the fuck? - When I hear, are they, I'm like, God, I hope not. I'm getting ready to go outside. - I was like, what did we do last night? - Brandon was like-- - No, they were behind it, I could see him out the window. - It was in the court. Fuck off if you're trying to sleep. 'Cause it was like 130 in the morning on a megaphone. - Come out of the house. - Did I tell you-- - Can see you. - Did I tell you a few weeks ago, a kid got shot over here for steel and catalytic converters? - There you go, perfect. - Perfect example, you live in a great neighborhood. - And then the mother was on Facebook saying, why was he shot? Really? I can still-- - He's fucking stealing personal stuff, that's our shit. - Like-- - But don't steal from me. Don't come on my property and measure my grass, I'll shoot your ass. - And the dude got shot in both knees that like, that's some ultimate fuck you. - That was a service member right there. He said-- - He was a pro-- - He was a pro at the gang with nobody else. - Hell yeah, he was practiced with that weapon. He said, bang bang, now you don't need a catalytic converters, you can even walk. - He said, you know kneecap hasn't bit. - That's right, now you need a kneecap. - All right, you know what the biggest conspiracy theory I have is? - What's the next one? - Flight Malaysia, bro. - Oh, you said, you talked about this, I didn't hear about this. What was Flight Malaysia, what was going on with that? - It's like year 2000, 2001, I think it was. I don't remember that actual date. But Flight from Malaysia to somewhere disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. - I'm looking at it right now. Flight 370 disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. - Yeah, it was departing from Kuala Lumpur, going to Beijing. The Bermuda Triangle is an interesting conspiracy theorist on its own conspiracy theory on its own. I can speak today. - Me neither, sorry. - A lot of shit has happened there. Did you know, not to change this topic, but do you know we kind of have our own Bermuda Triangle in the Great Lakes? - Would you like to ask me if I give a fuck? - It's interesting, there's a lot, there's an area, I think it's Lake Superior. Hang on, let me look this up. - How about this? Anything with triangle in it, I am not going anywhere near. - It's not a Geometry fan, huh? Lake Michigan. - Nothing happens in a fucking triangle. - The Lake Michigan Triangle, the Lake Michigan Triangle is like our own personal Bermuda Triangle. There's so many airplanes and boats and things that are sunk in that area. It's first week, I don't know, I don't know why. Like people say maybe it's like an area where you're like an EMP kind of thing, where it was interference from all these things that are going on around it, it just creates a dead zone. - How about this? - The same thing in Bermuda, Bermuda Triangle, just don't come in there. - I would like to throw a few people in that triangle. - Just to see where they come out. - One rhymes with Bill. - What if you found out that the Bermuda Triangle was a portal and if you went in it, you could go into the future? - Only if I could see Godzilla. - Only if you could see him lose the Kong. - Here we go. - Godzilla is better than Kong. - Brandon, shut up. You're not a part of this. Godzilla is a big stupid fucking lizard. That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact. Here we go. - Stupid lizard who acts on instinct and has no give a fuck for anything else. - Why are you describing me? - I take offense to this. - Maybe I'll be your name on the next one. It'll be Godzilla. - Sold. That's all you had to say to me. That's all you had to say. You'll just be Godzilla, I'm like, all right, fine. - Go Godzilla. - And plus, they're making you a very own season of Monarch, which I will skip about Kong. Nobody cares about Kong, dude. - Listen, we're gonna have this out. It's scheduled, it's on the schedule. We're gonna do it. - I'm going to scream at you. You're going to be wrong. - How about this? How about this? We will make that episode a tag team one. - Okay, I got a guy. - If you got a guy, oh, I have a guy too. - I got a guy. I got a guy. - Okay. - Tag team turmoil, how about that? - The return of Brando. - The return of Brando and Sun. - He's in the comments right now, John. You're wrong. - It's all right, it's all right. Everybody's got a strap in for the Thursday episode. - Oh, I know. Thursday coming up is gonna be a personal episode. And I say Thursday coming up, but it'll air in like a couple of months. But it's a personal episode with a friend and we're gonna get down to dirty and figure out what the fuck was going through his head. - I'm just gonna be here to laugh. - Oh, you're gonna do more than laugh. I'll be impressed if you don't get punched in the face for the end of it. - All I gotta do is kick him over. - He won't get up. - Shamu. Anyway, caught him shoving him. - That's me, I'm sorry. - Dude, my Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all fucked up. Thursday, I got this shit. Friday, I have a screening to go to in Gay Three'sburg and then Saturday is the party and then Sunday is gonna be the death of somebody I'm not gonna say wrong here. But those couple days are gonna be lucky. - If you make it to that, your wife is gonna kill you today. - I haven't done shit, she's just cranky as fuck. - She's just grumpy. You should've heard it before we started recording it. - I gotta treat her like a twat, who'd be like, "Look, Bridgerton, Bridgerton." - You said, "You, go upstairs." - I said, "Okay." - I fucking pointed my finger at us, so you upstairs now. - You see her walk about doo-doo-doo, good. - 'Cause I just gave her to what people call on the street, the business. - You know what, though? You were smart to throw in the hole. Your ass looks great. - I ain't fucking stupid. - That's right, throw a little compliment in there on the way up so she forgets all about shit. - And then I won't talk about the people that got drunk over the weekend and walk directly into my patio door. - Oh, we'll talk about, look, we should, that's a good one. - That's how it's doing an episode on drunk people. - What do I begin? I have enough story from two people in my household. - We're getting off topic. We started talking about Bermuda. - But we were trying, quick and easy, don't go there. - Next! - I don't know if it's real or not, don't go there. - The northern Bermuda's about the other one. - The next one is going to piss a lot of people off. Again, I don't give a fuck. - That's what we do. - COVID-19 was man-made. - I think COVID-19 was man-made. - And it was deployed by us. - So the conspiracy theory is that COVID-19 was a means for population control. They said that they put it out there. It was man-made, it was made in China. And they put it out there in China as a way to control the population, the over booming population, mainly because they have a huge homeless society basically going on. They said that COVID-19 was made from bats or something or other. - It was made because people were eating shit they shouldn't be eating and it spread. And it wasn't able to be contained. But the conspiracy is that they did the same thing in the United States. They took the COVID that was in China and they brought it here and they let it out as a means of population control. And you know what? If that's true, it worked. Yeah, I mean, are we overpopulated? - Yes, I wish we could be more selective about who got COVID. - Let's be honest, if they wanted to really control the population, all I had to do was give them a list and they could just take these people out and it would have helped the situation a lot more, I think. - You know what they can do to control the population? Stop fucking banning abortion. Like we'll get into this in the religious talk but I have 100% for abortion. - God damn, here we go. Stupid people should not be having stupid children. We have, if they don't want to have a kid, they shouldn't have to have a kid. Okay, don't make them have a kid just so you can have another vote. 'Cause they have the people ain't voting anyway. You ain't getting votes 'cause you're too stupid. Nobody wants to be a part of your shit. We ain't voting. - No comment. - I didn't vote for the last three presidents. Why? Because I don't believe in anything that they talk about. - I mean, Trump wasn't terrible. He did a decent job. He didn't even learn how to fucking control his mouth. - Hey, hey, hey, stop, stop hating on Uncle T, man. That's Uncle T. - Uncle fucking T. Uncle T needs to meet Mr. T every time you're-- - Uncle, Uncle, Uncle T is better than-- - Mr. T needs to be his public relations manager and every time he wants to say something stupid to get punched in the face. - Uncle T is better than Joe Biden. - I will, I agree with that. - I agree with that. - Okay then. - Lisa didn't shit himself on stage. - Just saying. - Anyway, anyway, yeah. I forgot where we're going. I was on a tangent and I'll nod my mind as well. - You went from COVID-19 to abortion. - Before COVID-19, population control. Stop banning abortion so we can control population that way. And then we'll stop having stupid people. Maybe we can become a society of people who actually want to make a difference and not people who just listen to whatever anybody else has to say and goes with it. Enough said, done and done. What's next? - The Loch Ness Monster. - What the fuck's wrong with the Loch Ness Monster? - Does he exist? - Sure, why not? - Do you want him to exist? - The only Loch Ness Monster exists is my ex-wife. - Brenda, we're getting into this. Brenda doesn't want to talk about the Loch Ness Monster. What are you afraid of? - What are you afraid of? - What's wrong? Here's my thing, right? That's like a mythical thing, right? A mythical being. It's like believing in a legend. All right, a legends are, you know, do you want it to be real? Fine, let it be real. It makes your life better. If you don't want it to be real, don't believe in it. You can't prove it either way. If you watch River-- - Oh. - Fuckin' Sprite. - I can guarantee you right now, Sprite is high. Is that Sprite or the one that says the? - Yeah, could he buy one? - It's not high. - He only goes to Sprite. No, it's just the-- - No, he's at work, not mine. He's not high. Yeah, Loch Ness Monster, I love the idea of the Loch Ness Monster. People have seen it, people haven't seen it, they don't know what they've seen. No one can get a straight picture of it, so, you know. I guess cameras don't work in Scotland. - Okay, I have a good one there. - The COVID-19 vaccine has a 5G chip inside. - Nah, that's bullshit. - That's completely bullshit. - That's bullshit. - If it has a chip, it's made of metal, if it's made of metal, it wouldn't find out by now. - What about internet coverage? - I fly enough that somebody would've told me. - Internet routers can lead to harmful 5G radiation. - People don't seem to understand what 5G means. 5G only means fifth generation. It's not a thing, it's not like you're being radiated with a new car. It's the same fucking signal you've had since it was 1G, or whatever the hell we call it back then, it's just better equipment to be able to put it out there. If 5G was harmful for you, you'd be dead by now. And trust me, this is coming from a guy who was in the Signal Corps in the military, and I thought with a lot of radiation. All right, I used to work with a machine that you could put a Jiffy popcorn in front of, and it would pop your popcorn. I wouldn't need it, but it would do it. - So let's-- - I know the dangers of radiation in the Signal World, come on. - Let's talk about this one. This is gonna make everybody quiet, and I can't wait to-- - There's only two of us here. Who's gonna be quiet? And you know what's not mean? - No, I'm talking about the Facebook, as soon as we drop this episode. - All right. - The Sandy Hook shootings. - Again, I don't follow-- - The crowd is quiet. - I don't follow locals. What is Sandy Hook shootings? - The Sandy Hook shootings. - This is why I told you to give me this beforehand, so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. - Sandy Hook Elementary School, what's the conspiracy there? - So, I watched a documentary on this during my first interview. - Oh, I remember this. - Okay, and they said these kids were shot in debt. They were shot dead, right? So, this documentary had footage of these kids being taken out the back of the school. - For a bit. - And, huh? - For a bit. - Watch the fucking documentary. - What documentary? - There's a documentary on Netflix called Behind Sandy Hook. - All right, let's find it. (sniffles) - Literally behind Sandy Hook. (sniffles) - So, they're saying these kids were taken out behind Sandy Hook and have never been seen for again. - Correct. - It's seen for a bit. - What did we do with them? - His name is Jeffrey Epstein. (laughs) - Skye Mark Howett is the one who did the documentary. - Correct. - I'm gonna have to watch this. I don't know, what's the point of making a statement like that? - Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I don't care about this shooting. Let's be real here. I don't care. I just like stuff that has interesting stuff behind it. - Okay, literally behind it. - Because here's a thing. - We're making a lot of behind butt jokes right now. - This is my standpoint here, right? I watched the news. I watched the news for the weather and sports. Huge sports, Skye. - Have we talked about that? You still have cable television. - I have YouTube TV, you broke fuck. - Same damn thing. - So, why? - Why? - Listen. - Wait. - Listen, listen here, Dumbo Dad. - You know why I don't watch news for stupid shit like this? - Listen, I watch news just for the pure shit of it. You won't know why because the news is a scare tactic for one. Let's be real. - There's a conspiracy theory right there. The news is controlled by the government and it's a scare tactic. - It is. - We know. - I know, I did a report once for school and I found out that-- - Did school work? - Yes, I went to school. - I didn't. - I paid attention in school. - I didn't. - I did a report and it said it was, I forget what the report was really about, but I found out that it was like radio stations. And there are a handful, like maybe five companies out there that own all of the radio station frequencies that we use commonly across the country. So basically, there are five sources of information that are being put out. So anything that you hear on the radio is from a certain source. So say the radio stations that are linked to like CBS. Whatever CBS news puts out there, that's what you're gonna hear on those radio stations. And that is basically telling you that you can't believe everything you hear. 'Cause one radio station, you're gonna say this, the other one's gonna say that. - I have a question for you. - This one's saying that. And it's all, like comes down to like five people who own these stations. - So I have a question for you. - Okay. - If the Sandy Hook shooting was so monumental, right? - What is it? - When school kids getting killed in a shooting. - Let's be honest, half the kids weren't gonna do anything in life anyway. But here's the thing. - Hey, male, coming in hot. - Here's the thing. If it was that sad of an event, why isn't it talked about every year, like September 11th is? That's my biggest question. - Why don't they talk about Columbine anymore? - They do talk about Columbine. - Where? When's the last time you heard Columbine? - This is coming from somebody who doesn't watch the news. - Okay, for someone who does watch the news, when's the last time that Columbine was brought up in conversation? - Congress, I can't fucking talk today. - Do you need your doctor pepper? - I need, I know, my mouth is going dry. That's a problem. It's exactly what the problem is. - Okay, I like thinking outside the box with a lot of stuff. - Okay. - And when you can find your way out of the box. - Find my way out of the box. Unless it comes down to movie ratings and IMDB. - Shut the fuck up, why are you taking a tag on me? - And you are in the box and you can't see outside the box 'cause the box. - Last time I checked. Last time I checked, I have rotten tomatoes credentials. Where are your credentials? - It's exactly why I don't listen to rotten tomatoes 'cause people like you are the ones on there making ratings. - What was the last movie you seen? - Like in theaters or just seen in general? - The last new movie, I'm gonna tell you this and you're gonna be, I'm gonna hear it. - This coming from a guy who went to the theater to see the Phantom Menace again. - Yes. - It's the first Star Wars movie I ever saw in theaters. - And it's fucking got off again. - And with my daughter, it was her first Star Wars movie. She's ever seen theaters. - That's not true. - The last new movie that I watched was Godzilla minus one. - And you hid it for no reason. - It was a good movie. - Here we go. - I just don't like that in order to be relevant, Japan has to go back to the days when they were a superpower in order to have relevance. - So here's the thing, you ready? - Go to Japan nowadays, they're not a threat. - Nobody wants to go to Japan. - I wanna go to Japan. - And please don't come back. - Here's the thing, you wanna know why they did that? Because they can, they own the franchise, they can do whatever they want with it. - They don't own the franchise anymore. - They are trying to get back. - Okay, look up Toho Studios then. - What the fuck is that? - That is the creators of all the Godzilla movies. - Toho Studios in Japan. - Of all the Japanese Godzilla movies. - All of them, every Godzilla movie we put out. Every single movie that we have put up with Godzilla, we've had to give them credit. It's their franchise, it's their-- - Okay, so they own the term Godzilla? - They own the person, they own the character. - Right, that's what I'm saying, they own Godzilla. - Yeah. - But it just said. - And you wanna own King Kong, it's cool. - That's fine, King Kong's better anyway. - These King Kong's a Godzilla. - Yeah, he's a better friend than you. - Oh, he's got something around Tiny Apes in his hand and beating people with him. - Godzilla has style. - Godzilla is a better friend than you. - Godzilla will eat your ass and not think twice about it. - Okay. - He will, the fuck's in my room. - Sorry, something moved back there, excuse me. - Godzilla will step on you, not even notice and keep going, at least King Kong will look down and say, "What's on my foot?" - Hey, you OCD ridden fuck, you're off subject again. - Yeah, you're very true. - Yeah, so, Sandy Hook is a tragedy, but it's not talked about anymore because we get past it. As a nation, we thrive on-- - I'm glad you said that. - We thrive on drama. - You said-- - Past drama. - You said we move on, right? - Yeah, that's what we do. - And why do we bring extra number 11th every year? - Because it was the biggest drama that happened to this country in a hundred years. The last time we were attacked was Pearl Harbor, okay? Outside from Pearl Harbor to 9/11, there's the only two times that the United States has been directly attacked. - And what did we do about? - And we still remember Pearl Harbor every year, too. - In order to do we do about September 11th? - We blew up a country or two. - Did we? - We invaded, we blew 'em up, we stole their shit, and then we went home. - But what did we accomplish? - Lower gas prices. - And do you know what else was funny? September 11th happened in an election year? - Yeah. - That definitely was beneficial for somebody. - Just saying. - Why do all the big shit and bad shit happen in election years? - Well, let's talk about elections. I had the conspiracy theory that a friend of mine, I wish I could just call him real quick, 'cause he would light this up. But he says, and I'm not gonna do this justice, but he says that, and the way he says it is, is fantastic. George W. Bush, senior. Wise, it was a great president. He was behind the scenes controlling who became president for decades, all the way up to Obama. Obama was the last one before George W. Bush died. And when he died, and it wasn't, didn't have the influence anymore, obviously he's dead, and we started having shit presidents. - Ever since then, right? - Ever since, Obama was the last one that he had influence over, and that was, for some family relation, that Obama was a friend of the family or something, I don't know. - Are you registered? - Act by George W. Bush. Then we had Trump, then we had Biden. Listen, do you know the movie "Idiocracy"? - He asked what our government is based on. - "Idiocracy" is where we're headed, and it's scary how close we get to this fucking movie. I love this movie. It's probably one of my favorite movies in the world. It's the movie that launched "Crox", okay? "Crox" were not a thing before "Idiocracy." - Can we get rid of them also? - I hate "Crox", fuck "Crox", they smell so bad. - Same. - I was there, look, and you're gonna get me on the tangent again. - Okay. - Let me finish, "Idiocracy", they had a-- - They have a X wrestler as president, okay? - Is that a-- - You know who's been talking about running for president? - Jesse, the body of Ventura. - And Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. - I will vote for "The Rock", right? It's just, but we're headed there. Let's get "Brano", if the fucking term "Brano" shows up in society, I'm moving. I'm telling you, if "Brano" comes out and it's like Gatorade and Powerade put together and they name it "Brano", I'm moving because this country is going to shit. - I have a question for you. - How are my balls? - Are you registered to vote? - I am registered to vote. - I am not, you wanna know why I don't vote? - 'Cause there's no one to vote for. - Because, to be honest with you, if I vote-- - Are you talking to yourself? - No, I'm very, very serious right now because if I had to vote for somebody, I would walk-- - We're talking president votes, they're voting for president, we're talking for-- - Talking for-- - President vote. I would vote for my boy, Harambe. - Harambe has been on the ballot for many years. - Justice for Harambe. - That's how someone's going to get voted in is because someone's gonna be like, fuck these people, let's just write some random dude in and it's gonna catch on and then some fucking actor is gonna be our next, our next president. - But can we do any more damage with Biden's president though after that? - I mean, yes, the people behind Biden took control. I'm sure we can get a lot more trouble. Biden looks like Walter from Jeff Dunham's standup. Yeah, go ahead and answer that one. - If Jeff Dunham does a bit where Walter shits himself once-- - You cannot tell me Walter does not look like Joe Biden. - Oh, that's funny, now he does, you're right, that's funny. - I'm fucking hilarious, that's what I do. You know how many people in my other shows email has said how funny I am? - Let's plug your show, this is a good opportunity. Everyone, listen, King has another podcast. - I have two other podcasts, thank you so very much. - Yeah, this one and that one, you don't have two. - We have, I have another one premiering this week on iTunes. - You have just an immediate life. - You need to get a job. - You need to get a job. - You need to get a job. - I have, I'm a family man, I have kids. This is my job until we leave fucking Missouri. - So you're mooching off the government, that's great. - Damn straight, no, I'm not mooching off the government, we're mooching off the military. - But be sure to check out iTunes this week, the smoke sessions with Spry will be on there. - Oh God, that's why he's coming over on Thursday. - No, he's coming over Thursday to be on this show. - Smoke sessions with Spry, what is that one about? What's the premise? - You have to tune in to find out. - Okay, and what's the real podcast that's actually doing well right now? - Lights, camera reels. - Lights, camera reels found on iTunes and Spotify. - We may not have a host after this weekend. - They have gone through some recent changes in hosts, for good reason. But they're doing well, they talk about anything movie related, any topic that comes up between movies, they rate movies, they do top 10s. They do a good job, it's a lot of fun. I listen to them sometimes. Now that some of the points are gone. - Voice your displeasure for this person. But it's a good place to go, don't forget, I will eventually put it up on the Facebook page for this page, so you can go to that one. And we'll link the two, so look out for that. Coming in the future, Spotify, iTunes, same as the show. - I'm thinking about calling my new work. - Or the same person. - I'm thinking about calling my network the three piece back productions. - Just call it bad productions. - Brought to you by bad productions. - I kind of like that, bad productions. - I'm pretty sure it's taken. - I'm going to take that, just saying. All right, you wonder what the next conspiracy theory is? - How many more you got in your list? - I got a couple more. - All right, let's get it started. - We just hit 30 minutes, so I got plenty, I got plenty for 30 more minutes. - All right, I'm waiting, let's hear it. - All right, hold on, I'm checking the chat, it says, is that legitimate official? What is official? I would like to hear what his official is. - I tried doesn't scroll, I don't know why. - You gotta set it to scroll, you dumb fuck. - I don't, listen, I don't have controls like you do. You're the one-- - 'Cause I'm the man. - Oh, it's 'cause you're all involved in. - I am the fucking man, that's why. - Spy, let's go. - Spy is taking the chat over, and this week he's going to take over iTunes. War, did you really set it up like that? - I had to have a first and last name as a profile. - That may be the dumbest thing. - It's not my choice. Otherwise it has to be linked to a profile. I didn't want to link it to either one of our profiles and have a fucking bomb of hate mail coming in. I didn't want you to be like, I didn't want your profile to be bombed with hate mail. - You think I give a fuck? - You will when you can't search through Facebook without seeing bullshit. - My entire life is bullshit. Bro, this weekend a person tried to walk through my patio door because they were drunk. - Downstairs? - No, upstairs going outside. - Oh, they were in your house. - This person drank a whole bottle of wine herself. I'm not going to say no name. - But if you want to drink a whole bottle of wine herself. - But if you want to know, text me and I'll tell you off air. 'Cause I am not getting in trouble from down the avenue. - I'm not going to write you right now. - Huh? - Is it, is she going to come down the steps and I'll write you right now? - That's not her, it was not her. - Okay. - She has one of the people in that you come over. - Huh? - Was it one of the ones that told you how to give a blow job? - No. - Okay. - She's a weird people in your house. - Spry just said her name in the chat. So if you just check out the chat. - I don't know who that is. - You do know who that is because you had a crush on her. - You keep saying I have crushes on people. I don't know who they are. - You do know who this person is, you've met her. - Okay, now I know who that is. - Exactly, shut your fucking mouth. (laughing) - I, I didn't know you guys were still talking. - Who, who was still talking? - I don't know that she was still in the friends group. - I don't talk to anybody. - Not you, I'm saying the group, the proverbial you of the house. You, couple. - My house-- - I didn't know she was still in the friends group. - You would have to take that up with the boss. (laughing) - I will. We're getting on tangent. Do we have any more conspiracies to talk about? We have a topic, we try to stick to it, it never works. - The government killed John F. Kennedy. - Oh, you're just going down the list now. - I gotta hear your opinion. - Who cares? - Okay, who cares? - That's my opinion. I mean, it's, it's in the past. If it happened, it happened, it didn't, it didn't. It made changes, things happened because of it. - All right, all right, all right, all right. - The butterfly effect is huge. - That's a great movie, fuck off. - Here's a fantastic movie, and it's a real theory. Like the butterfly effect is a real thing. - Did the moon landing really happen? - That one's tough. - Yes, it is. - That one's tough because we absolutely have people in space. We absolutely have the ability to do that. Did we have it when it was supposedly done? I don't know. Could it be done or has it been done since? Absolutely. - The question I have for you is this. - What's if we have done this before, right? - Yeah, we've been to the moon. - Why haven't we done it again? - Well, that's, that's the real conspiracy. Why was NASA shut down? Speak, they've conspiracies that they found something on the moon and they never went back. That's why we've been focused on Mars for so long is that they went to the moon, found something, be it alive or man-made, I don't know, and they deemed that it should, we should never go there again. So they never went back. And then after that, they had no purpose and they shut down. - What do you think they found, COVID-19? - No, I think they found life. Personally, personally, I think they found some form of aggressive life, whether it be, now life is, I don't think a life is like you or me. Think of life as in like something alive. It could be a parasite, it could be a bacteria, it could be something, something on the moon that scared them shitless, right? We are not ready to face that. So we're not going back. - And there's been a lot of movies along those lines. You know, what was that one with? I think it was Jake Joan Hall and there was like this, I think it was Jake Joan Hall. It was like this oozy substance and it got into people's spacesuits and they had a name for it. I don't remember what it was. It was a great movie, it was a fantastic movie. Anybody knows that movie, let me know. - So I am both sides here. - Where do you stand? - I have two sides to this. - Okay, the non-waving flag, where do you stand? - The non-waving flag is what gets me. - Right. - Because why? - Well, there's no atmosphere on the moon. - There's no atmosphere, so there will be no wind, correct? - Right. - So why is the flag waving on the moon? That's the question, that's one of the questions I have. - That's a good question. - Okay, number two, this is pretty out there. I like to think outside, way outside the box. - How old is the moon landing footage? Very old, right? - Right. - Why haven't we remastered that? Why haven't we spruced it up or anything? - I think that kind of falls into the lines of like, if you go to somewhere historical, right? Would you fix up the site to be more modern or would you leave it in its historical state? - It honestly depends because here's the thing, I can go back to why do people want to restore pieces of the Titanic ship? They have so many pieces of the Titanic ship that has been remastered in museums. So you can go either way with that one. - Well, all right, so you've got to then ask yourself, are they the real pieces or are they replica? - Yeah. - And the real pieces have to be remastered 'cause you don't know what you're looking at. They're covered in barnacles and shit. - Okay. - In the bottom of the ocean forever. - That's another mass death event. So we want to, it's historical and we want to know what really happened. - Okay, the next question I have for you is, if do you think the moon landing is the biggest conspiracy theory we have? - You mean biggest or oldest? - Biggest and oldest, it's the most popular one, right? Do you think? - It is a popular one, yeah. - So if you have the biggest conspiracy theory on your hands, right? You would want to try to prove everybody, right? - Oh, wrong, right? - If you believe in it or you don't believe in it? - If you don't believe in the moon landing, right? - Okay, then you want to make sure that everybody knows that you don't believe in the moon landing. - Why isn't, why aren't we trying to prove everybody wrong? - Because we already done that. - Absolutely. - Yes, how-- - They've been talking about it for decades. We've been talking about the moon landing for decades. I mean, people have already put out information out there. It's old, it's just an old topic. - Okay, I'm going to steal one from the chat over here. Area 51. - I know, I knew you were going to go there. - I have a, I actually have a fun conspiracy about Area 51. - Oh, do I have to be under the influence to appreciate it? - I mean, you probably think it's boring. Anyway, I think I was born. - I know I've heard conspiracies where Area 51 is really a place where aliens live. It's like a community. - Independence Day style? - You ever heard of that? - No, no, not like, like just we've been kind of like men in black, yeah, like all the aliens are intermingling in that room and they're checking in costumes and stuff like that. Like Area 51 is just a safe space for aliens. I've heard that, I think it's stupid. - But-- - That's the dumbest one I've heard. - Right. I also have heard that Area 51 is fake, is a distraction and Area 52 is the real place. - Wait, there's an Area 52? - Yeah. - I don't know. - There it is. And my favorite one is that if you go to the Grand Canyon and you do, you know, you hike the Grand Canyon, you will find eventually some old native cliff dwellings where they built like whole communities into the cliff, so the grave canyon. And I heard if you find the right one and you go down the right staircase, there's a staircase at the bottom is a big door and two soldiers are posted there at all times. And that is the true entrance into Area 51 or 52 whichever one you wanna believe it is. That's the real way and that's how that's the back door. That's how you can actually get in there and see what's going on. - How do you get past a guard? - Carefully, 'cause they'll shoot your ass. You don't, I mean, or you bribe them or you shoot them, I don't know. - If you wanna get in, that's the way in. - Do you think it were ever gonna see what's inside the building? - There's more than one building. - I mean, Area 51 or two, do you think we're ever gonna see anything? - When the world turns to fall out and we're all spending caps, somebody will get in there and we'll figure out what is actually going on. But until then, probably not. - Why hasn't anybody shot the guards here yet? - Just a question. - Why, 'cause they replace them, that's why. - Why haven't people got a big gang of people and tried to storm this motherfucker and shoot all the guards? - They did like last year, remember? - No. - Or like a year or two ago, don't you remember that? They had a whole thing where all these people went out to Area 51 and they all-- - It was one dumb motherfucker doing the-- - Yeah, they had a whole thing on TV about it. They showed that all these people were camped out there but nobody was brave enough to actually go to the gates. - If somebody got through. - What? - Yeah, not very far. I'm pretty sure they probably let somebody through just have something to do. - To be honest, I think Area 51 is a big district. Ah, distraction. - Yeah. - Yeah, no, I agree. I don't think Area 51 is, I think it used to be. I mean, do you think that Area 51 is all about aliens or do you think that's like where we keep our government secrets? - Government secrets. - Like the Ark of the Covenant. - Here's the thing. Here's the thing. This is great movie. I want you to think, think like this for a minute. - It's hard to think like you, it hurts my head. - I didn't say think like me, I said think like this. - Okay. - Do you think the government is dumb enough to make a building and be like, this is where we keep our shit. Go there when I could walk down the street and go to DC and shoot up DC if I want. And I would have more, I would have more results in DC than going to Area 51. - I'll want up you. - Please. - Area, like I agree, Area 51 I believe is a distraction. It's not really, probably used to be back in the day, but then too many people heard about it. And now it's just a, you know, hey, look over here while things are going on over there. - Pretty much. - But I don't think our government has as much to hide as, so you have two places. You have the Smithsonian and you have the Vatican. And they're saying that the Vatican, the archives in the Vatican are next to impossible to get into and that the stuff that is in there, the information that is in there could be, could change the world forever. We're talking cures to cancer. We're talking shit that has been taken because it's valuable and never seen the light of day again. - Wait, do you believe that? - Absolutely. - Really? - Yeah, I mean, it's a proven fact that the archives have, they've got-- - This is the first Picasso paintings and shit. - This is the first, I'm hearing. - Everything of value, like the Vatican, the church over time, you know, 'cause we all know how shit the church used to be, you know, for the Crusades and Templars and all that stuff. - I am going to apologize before I say this because I just started this. And I really don't care, I'm not sorry. - How pissed off would you be if we, somebody stormed the Vatican and got into the archives, right? - And there's nothing there. - And there is a shoebox. - It's just a shoebox behind it. - You said, two legs. - Three volts, right? Three volts you had to get in, right? And it's a picture of a priest just bending over a kid. How upset would you be? - I wouldn't be upset because that means that it was there and that it was moved. But same concept, the Smithsonian, if you ever go to DC, the Smithsonian complex, it has like seven different museums. - Nobody wants to go to DC. - The underground archives of the Smithsonian is supposed to be the same thing they have, so much down there and it's impossible to get to. So like area 51 be damned. We got more shit hiding underneath the Smithsonian than we do out there, you know? And then the Vatican's like, fuck you, we can top you. We've got three times as much shit hiding underneath our steps and you're not allowed to get anywhere close to it. - All right, all right. I got a couple more things to have a religion talk one day and we're going to lose all of our subscribers. Brando's not going to be my friend anymore. - I am going to lose friendships that day. I'm just calling my shop there. So you ready for this? I have a couple of topics before we end this episode. This is probably my biggest one I save for last. - I don't know, I like going to Brando just put up. I don't know if that's where I just put up. - That's where I put up. Well, we will get to that in a minute. Do you think right here right now that the government has a cure for cancer? - Absolutely. I think they have a cure for diabetes. I think they have a cure for cancer. I think that the, I mean, obviously I can't say for sure, but I am 99% sure that these kinds of things have been found before and hidden because there's no money in cures. You can't continue to make money off of someone. I am 100% that the world runs on greed and that's obvious. If we could get rid of greed, the world would be a very different place. We would have no wars, we would have no problems. 'Cause the only reason to have war and to have problem is for greed. - Yeah, money. - We wouldn't have countries, we wouldn't have any differences for any groups of people. It's all greed, greed and money and power. Like greed meaning I want more than what I have. In whatever that war. - So you actually think we have all this shit just stand away somewhere? - I guarantee you that they have come up with a cure for cancer. - 100%. I guarantee you, anybody in the chat will tell you the same. I want, when this comes out, I want you all to get in the comments and say what you think. I, 120% believe that they have a cure for every incurable disease that we have come in contact with. - My biggest thing is I'm going to piggyback off of that. I'm be like, so you knew who Mada Johnson is right? - Magic Johnson, the basketball player? - Yes. - Yeah. - You know how long this motherfucker has lived with HIV and AIDS? And he's still alive with it. My biggest thing is for people to survive this stuff, do you just have to be rich? - So there's a difference between a cure and a treatment. All right, this stuff is treatable. There is medicines out there. - But if you're a multi-millionaire or a multi-billionaire? - It doesn't matter how much money you have. - I'm pretty sure if you have that kind of money, you can have access to anything. - What I'm saying though, is that's the whole point. They're not going to cure something if they can sell you a treatment. If you are going to continue to pay a treatment for the rest of your life, that's millions and billions of dollars that they're making off of this. What would have been a one-time payment? You know what I mean? - So yeah, I mean-- - But my biggest question is, he's had HIV for 30 years. - Yeah, and he's been treating it. - Why hasn't it been full-blown agent? - 'Cause he's been treating it. He's been taking the treatments and paying the money for him. - Yeah, but it should have been already been a youth by now. - No, it was only AIDS back in the day 'cause it didn't have a treatment. They didn't have a cure, what they call it, but they didn't have any way of treating it. - Oh my man, easy even, all right? They owe that man a cure for no reason, just slide that into like-- - Throw and share the content in there, are we? - Kinda have to, that man was taking far too long before his time. Back to what Spry said, how long do you think the government had AI before we knew about it? I think the government came up with AI. - Oh, I guarantee it was funded by the government. - I think it was funded and created by the government in-house. - 100% do not think it was created by the government. - I think that some nerd somewhere in the computer, just like weird science back in the day or whatever it was fucking called, created some sort of program that spoke to them. Basically said, "Hi, you know, I'm alive." And the government's like, "We'll take that." - I have to disagree with you. - You think the government made AI-- - I think, here's the thing, hear me out. - I think we're gonna make AI out. - Hear me out. Why the most powerful company in the world is the government right now? Who else would put out a program like AI just to be put out on everybody's cell phone now? The government wants to hear and know all, where else would you put AI in? Your phone? - Well, we didn't have the ability to have AI or to incorporate it until phones got better. Now the phones are able to use it. Now the government can use it to keep an eye on you. - You know what? - It's like the Alexa. Alexa was the first version of AI that we ever had, or whatever you wanna call the first version of Alexa. Anything you could talk to and can talk back to you? It's AI. - Damn it, Alexa. - I know, and she's been listening ever since. Did you hear it, Joe? - And you know what phone hasn't gotten better, Android. Fuck, Android. - Alexa, did you hear me? - I haven't heard anything in the last minute, but you can listen to all your requests and privacy. - This bitch is always listening. - Alexa doesn't listen to our podcast, apparently. - She better not. I don't want that bitch to be snitching. - But yeah, I think the government said AI for a while. Are we like full on Cortana? No. Are we working on fully automated soldier systems? Yes. Do you know that we are working on robotic soldiers? - Since you brought that up Cortana, right? - Cortana. - You know somebody just now found that Cortana was in Halo. The video game. - Are we talking about somebody that lives in your house? - No. I just thought it was thumbing through Facebook. And somebody went on a business tirade about, Cortana was in Halo. Why is it in Microsoft now? Microsoft made Halo, you dumb fuck. - You made Halo, you dumb fuck. - Oh, people are stupid. - And these are the people that should have been aborted. - Or shot in the senior hook shooting. - Stupid people can't raise smart people. It's you can't, a kid can't learn more than the people around them. Sorry. - And we're going to end this episode on this last topic. - Mr. Android. - Are you ready for this last topic? Because I kind of want to hear your opinion. - Yeah. - I saved the best for last because I just found that on a Google search. - Did he save the best for last? 'Cause you just found it on a Google search. - He didn't save the shit for last. - Listen, there was one that I couldn't fit. I couldn't put the words, but this is a good one. - What am I Googling? - Should every parent have their kids with the appropriate shots before sending them into schools. - You mean vaccines? - Vaccines. - I think vaccines should be mandatory. I think vaccines should be mandatory as a parent who has spent years having sick kids come back from school because other kids are sick and spreading shit around. Our vaccines, like 100% useful now, not really, but at least they do something. Like the flu shot, right? The flu shot at least gives you some kind of fight against the flu. The flu every season, of course you do. All right, but you're not getting it constantly. You know what I mean? But yeah, these other dirty-ass kids that are coming into a fucking classroom and getting everybody sick because their parents are too stupid to get them vaccinated. - Do you think vaccines make kids... How do I say this without you? How about this? Do vaccines make kids retarded? - No. - Okay. - Not having vaccines makes kids retarded. Kids are retarded because you get sick constantly and never go to school. - Because I cannot tell you how many times... - What happened to you? Did you get vaccinated? - I dropped my head at birth. It's different. - What's your excuse? - Did you know who my mother was? That was my issue. - Your mother sent you to school just to get you out of the damn house. - Because she knew I was a fucking asshole. - Am I wrong? No, I'm not wrong. - But here's the thing... - I think vaccines are important. - Do you think that vaccines should be given to all the kids before they go into schools? - Yeah. - Like if you were making a rule, would you make that a law? - I think all kids should have the proper vaccinations for going to school. Like they give you, they ask you for your vaccination records when you send a kid to school. - Actually, they don't do that up here in the world. - They did it when we sent our kids to school. - We knew we had to send them in with the proper vaccination records every year. - You live in bum fuck nowhere. Population 500. - They're trying to protect against stupid over here. - While they let you move in, that's gone. Listen, the military made us move in there, and they let me anywhere. They let you move in, I'm a fucker. - I will tell you though, that even in my daughter's elementary school, these kids are fucking stupid. Like there is a, I kid you not, she told me about a girl shoving letters down another kid's throat and then twirling him around by their hands and throwing them across the room. And this is in a second grade classroom. - There's a question I have to ask. - Something's wrong here. - I'm not gonna ask it on the mic, I'm just gonna point. Was they? - How am I supposed to know? - You gotta ask these questions. - I mean, I'm sure they weren't, that's probably why they're dumb. - Goddamn, all right. That's not nice. - Look, all I know is, these hillbilly motherfuckers out here need to stay away from my kid, 'cause they're absolutely- - Hillbilly motherfuckers. - Hillbilly motherfuckers are all over the place and doing stupid shit constantly. - You wanna know what? - My second grade, my now third grade daughter should not have to deal with fucking meth heads in her daily life. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - There's meth addicts everywhere around here, like the line around the dam, nevermind, I'm gonna go and do a tangent. - Tangent, I wanna hear this, this is great. - Oh, there's just dumb people everywhere and I shouldn't have to deal with them. You know why? If you would let them get aborted, I wouldn't have to deal with them. - Okay? - I am gonna sound like this. - Create the abortion. - I'm gonna sound clip this and put it on the main page. - Make a gift out of it. - This seems like a great podcast and then they listen to the sound and they're like, oh, nevermind. - Oh, I know, I hope my opinion's on. Send anybody back and give a shit. - I hope my opinion's on people. - I'm hoping there are people, I see, I can't see the chat, but everybody in the chat's gonna be behind me when I say stupid people should be aborted. - Have we said anything that's actually wrong? - Have we said anything that'd be proven? - Have we said anything that's not true? - That's our point, you can't prove anything we said. - Well, it's an audio, should I lose this audio clip? - No, definitely not. - 'Cause to be honest with you, I think this is some of our best shit. - Ah, I think we're gonna get in trouble if we continue, I think we should call it there. - Why? I haven't even said anything good. You know what the biggest conspiracy theory of them all is? Ready? Ready, you wanna hear this drop? Before I hit the audio button? - You're not gonna hit the audio, I gotta do our plugs at the end. - Biggest conspiracy theory? God is real. - We'll save that for the real-- - I said it. - We're gonna have a whole thing of religion, which is where we're gonna lose half of our followers. - And friends. - And friends, but that's fine. - Because-- - Brando, if you never talk to me again, that's fine, but I'll prove you wrong. - You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna point at somebody, as soon as I talk about them, because their name rhymes with Bill and he's the biggest hypocrite there is. - All right, everyone, this has been fun. We're talking about conspiracy theories. Next time, I believe we're gonna do a special episode, shout out to Spry. This will air in a few weeks, I guess, I don't know. I don't know what our schedule is. - I may drop on every week. - Don't forget to go to our Facebook page. It's called War of One Word, The Word is second word. And you could find every time that we have an episode drop, you can find it there, you can listen to it if you want. And then comment on it. I really wanna know what you guys have to say. But we will, we could have a whole return episode just reading comments from different other episodes. We're gonna be fine. - I honestly thought you were gonna say a retarded episode. - Yeah, well, they're all-- - I'm like, I got the one person for that. His name is Will. - I mean, we have, they're all retarded episodes. But don't forget to find us on Facebook. I will never, ever, ever say the words like and share because I think that's pandering and bullshit. - Don't fuck me on Facebook, please. - But come to Facebook, if you jump into the friends, then I can put out links so you all can be in our live chats. I would love to see more people in our live chats than Brando come and tell me that I'm wrong about Godzilla all the time. - I would love to see people in there letting us know how you feel. I wanna know, I really wanna know what people feel about this. Should we continue? Should we call it quits? Are we annoying you? If our great, we're doing our good job. And don't forget to check out Justin's other show, Lights Camera Reels, found on iTunes and Spotify, same as this show. It's a great show. It's about all opinions on movies and things that are coming out and the way movies are shot and cinematography. And they got a lot to say over there. So guys, check them out, Lights Camera Reels. And yeah, spread the word, okay? We're counting on you all to spread the word. We need more people to watch us so that we don't get booted off of iTunes and Spotify ourselves. So the more people you tell, the more people that come to listen, the more longer we can do this and annoy you guys and waste your time. And that's what we wanna do. We're here to waste your time. - We can't be thrown off. We have 20 episodes coming. (laughing) - We got plenty of content. - Go around here. - Until they turn around and say you guys are great and terrible and then we don't want you. - I have contracts. - So spread the word, get into the comments, hit the friends, I wanna see you there. Until next time. - Don't fucking add me on Facebook. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)