The Dark Society Of War!

Out With The Old

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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We Take a stroll down memory lane of nostalgia.

[music] Welcome to We Are The Words. I'm B random and he's the king of controversy. And we're your host, here to talk about whatever the fuck we want. It'll get loud, it'll get messy, and feelings will get hurt. Now it's time to pick the side, load up, and strap in. Let's go. Welcome back to We Are The Words. I'm B random and he's the king. Today it's just us, no special guests, just the main two. Coming to you, we want to talk, we're a little bit nostalgic today. We want to talk about something older. We wanted to talk to you about old movie rental stores. You know, I missed the old days. Go out, go to the movie rental, grab a couple of movies. Be kind, rewind. I missed that shit. Yeah, we're old too, by the way. There could be a lot of listeners coming on here going, what the fuck are they talking about? Be kind, rewind, what are we supposed to rewind? What's a movie, so everything was on a disc. No, not in the beginning. Everybody, the kids, we had, everyone had Blockbuster, everyone remembers Blockbuster. Blockbuster video, full on Blockbuster left out in the world, it's in Oregon. Yup, you want to know why there's one left? For the nostalgia? Because they don't have internet service, because they have a one so hard. They said that, in that, there was a TV show, I can't remember what it's called, but it was about basically Blockbuster video. It's that failed Netflix show, I tried watching them on the front. Yeah, it had all these big names on it, but it was a shit show, but it was funny, and they mentioned the fact that they were the last Blockbuster, they were set in Oregon. Because there's no Wi-Fi, they can't get a signal up there. Nope. Which kind of makes me want to go there? I think, I want to go, I want to go just to rent a movie. I'll go to a hotel, get a hotel room, go to the store and rent a movie, watch it, return it, and then go home. You just want to be that guy, right? Just to go to Blockbuster, the nostalgia, one more time. You just want to give them five or six bucks and be like, here's my $5 or $6. I have to do it. Get the card, got to get my membership card. Okay, got to have the old, I probably still have an old membership card somewhere. Do you remember each video store we had up here? I remember each one. There were so many. We had like, from our house to Belair, there was six. So we had, where Unfortunately Brothers is now, we had a video tonight. They were the last one to go out of business, out of everybody. And then in the festival where the pet smart is now, because that's fucking wild, it started out as a video plus. You're going way back. I'm going way back here. Was this before or when Best Buy just opened up? Best Buy didn't exist yet. Yeah, because Best Buy is next to where that pet smart was now. Yeah. It's still there. You don't know. I know. At this time, it wasn't. Yeah, it was. There was nothing back here besides it was just the mall. Yeah. And then there was this. No one's getting shot. Damn. Already off to him. By the way, it'd be a seven o'clock. I guess. Oh, God. So it was, it was video plus, which was video and then it was just a check mark. And then after, after that, they got bought up by a company called Cranbrook video. Cranbrook. Yeah. Cranbrook video. That was the one I was trying to find. Cranbrook video was probably the longest one that was there. I think it was. I think that lasted like nine years. Nine or 10 years, because that's the, that's the place you rented Grand Theft Auto Vice City from. Right. And then you called me up. You know, I still remember your old phone number, by the way. My home phone number. Your home phone number. There's only three numbers. I know. It was 515. Well, what was the rest? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't do it. Cause someone's going to call it in some portion. No. I'm a huge fan. It's going to answer that damn photo. Hello. I still remember mine. 515. 2253. I, I thought about trying to get that number back. Are you serious? Yeah. Yeah. I love that over. So that's why I don't want you to put it out there. I thought about maybe trying to get that number back. Yeah. It was. Yeah. I remember this day because it was the easiest because you without the number and it was. Yep. I still remember that shit. I still remember the day you called me. You like, Hey, come over. I just got Grand Theft Auto. Cause you had your dad rent it for you, your asshole. Yeah. But then he snapped it in half. Cause he saw what we were playing. You know what it was? He didn't know what it was when he rounded it. And he saw it. Was this bullshit? You, you, you went into the strip joint and you should have saw your dad's face, man. It was like, he just found a million dollars. Yep. He went, what did I do? He went, snap. And I, and I was like, sir, that belonged to the actual video store. Yeah. He's like, I'll give a fuck. I'm like, you're right. Neither. He was not happy with that. He, he was so nice. And that was tame compared to the other granddad thought. That was, I think that's the only time I have ever seen your dad get that red in my life. Your mom wasn't even mad. He was. No. No. I've, I've seen him get red in the face quite often. You would never have seen that. He doesn't do that around people that often. Just goes to show you how mad it was. I guarantee you, he doesn't remember though. Probably not. Not something important enough to keep in the memory banks. And I agree. Like, I still, do you remember the two blackbusters we had? We did have two. Because we had the one by Gabriel brothers, which is no longer Gabriel brothers now. It's, it's all we know. Right. And we had good memory for history. I'm fucking weird, man. Leave me alone. You know, it's great. I'm not. I'm. So keep going. So we had the blockbuster, which was next to the arcade, which was replay. And then that got turned into a Sherwin Williams, which is now. They're still Sherwin Williams. We're spraying a fire drum. And next to that was a lot of scissors. Do you remember that? I do remember that. Just so you know, the boss is in the comments and she's ragging on you. She is not. She's actually going to call that is her friend Lindsey. Hi. Like she is actually. He's been outed. She's walked away from the tablet. That's what you get. She is a very cool person. So that's funny. Little shout out to her in the comments. So let me ask you this. What do you miss most about a video store? Going in on a Friday night. Friday night after school. New releases. Right. Just. I never had a video store that had the adults only section. Did we? I don't remember. No, we don't have an adults only section. No. We had some wholesome video stores. We had the family friendly. Do you remember the price tags on VHSs when you bought new releases back in the day? Oh God. It was cheap. I remember you released for a new release or a VHS. There is one memory I have. It's like. And it's still hard. I said box maybe not even. No. No, I bought Mortal Kombat the very first one VHS when it came out. It was $40. $40. That was a crap ton of money back then. And this was in 1992. That was a lot of chores. The entire chat hasn't even been conceived yet. And they're like $40. Not before you or mom. Their parents didn't have Kordis yet. You watch Big Bang Theory just so you can learn where Kordis did. I can't even spell it well. It's pointless. But I thought I'd make his BMA from Blockbuster videos. I like going in there and just going to the shelf and smelling the atmosphere. It's kind of like Netflix where you could just scroll through random everything. But it was a better feeling. It was like you're in a store and you know the other people in the store just like you. They're all cinephiles looking for a movie. Right? And you could talk to people. What do you think of this? What do you think of that? It was like a community in the store. But you're just like the same idea as Netflix. Everything's there in front of you. At least Netflix you can watch a little snippet before you decide you want to watch a thing. But you know what I've missed though? Uh oh. My favorite thing about movie stores. This is the fat ass in me talking. Oh here we go. Was the candy. It had the same like candies that you got in the movie theater. How the fuck did I know you better say candy? It's the only place that you could go. I mean yeah you could buy candy at a grocery store. That's not the same thing. Here's a movie store. You got a movie. You get your movie candy. You take it all home and you got movies the rest of the night. See here's the thing. You want to know what I realized? You got an inch screen. You just brought something up and I'm just mad about it even more now. Was that? So the candies that were in blockbuster and stuff. Yeah. Or a dollar now in Walmart. Yeah. This shows you how much. And they were selling it for five and six dollars. They were ripping us off. Inflation. They were predicting inflation. Movie theaters are the same thing. You get a thing of Reese's and a movie theater. Gosh you like seven dollars. You want to talk about all of these theaters. You want to talk about movie theaters now? If I had a gun I would shoot up a movie theater concession stand first. That's where all the money is at. Because here's the thing. Their movies now are a fucking code that they type into the liberal fucking machines. But they're gouging us for thirty dollars for like a value needle. At a fucking movie theater. I'm shooting that dude in the face first. I don't care about anybody else. I'm tired of being lied to you by the convenience. See. I know people got it wrong. It's because I had a friend. You want to make some money go rather movie theater. I had a friend that worked at Regal. And they hold me. Regal rest in peace because you're the next one to go out. They're all told me. Most of them are gone. He told me the theaters were paid to show the movies. Whatever movie it was. And then it was like twelve dollars. And that was why the movie. It was twelve dollars that they paid the show. They paid the business to show the movies. Right. And it came on like. Do you remember the old Voodoo things that came in Blu-ray's? The Voodoo things? Yeah. Say you bought a Blu-ray right? Yeah. And it was in the very back. Yeah. That is what movies are printable now that they get to the theaters. Yeah. They just digital copies. It's just a digital copy now. He said that every time they show the movie, the business which Regal got twelve dollars. That is why the popcorn, the candy, the sodas are so much money because they're trying to get their money back. This chick is going nuts. She's hilarious, man. She's on Candy Mountain. She is just like us. It's fucking hilarious. She is Candy Mountain, Charlie. And she is a very, very good friend. So props to her. So you're dragged on in this show. So basically they were gouging us back then to... Of course they were. They had to make money. They had to make money where the world runs on greed. The world runs on money. They can't do anything in this world without having to spend money. That's why everyone's poor. Why is it so much money to live? It's really not. I just got to know how to do it. But that's a whole other show. Let's talk a little bit about you had your new release wall. Okay. The wall that I died on every Friday. It's always the back wall. It's got all the new releases. And then you've got all the shelves of... I don't want to call it old stuff, but the stuff that has been around for a minute. Where did you go? You went straight to the new releases. I do releases. I perused the lines. Because I knew those new releases were going to be on that shelf sooner or later. You know what really got me out of everything in the blockbuster, whatever it was. The new releases was always had 45 copies of one movie. Right. Always had 45 copies of one movie. That's how they made their money. That's what the people came in for, like you. How was weird, man? I wanted the new shit. I need to see the new shit. Now, let's take a second to talk about the copies. If you were lucky and you were smart enough to check that the actual movie was in the sleeve, it's how many times that you go to the movie theater to get a movie and somebody had put some random shit in the sleeve and you didn't notice. Dude, you know how many times I pulled weird shit out of red boxes? Oh, my God. Oh, red boxes. Red boxes were easy to scam. You just had to cut off a barcode. Red boxes were the beginning of the end for movie stores. Once Netflix and digital content came out, movie stores are on the down. So the question I got for you is what killed blockbuster? Was it Netflix? All right. So blockbuster started going out when we were like college age. At the beginning of college age. I was, I think, 18 or 19. So I was 19. Netflix wasn't a thing yet. I was 19 when blockbuster had their inversion on the red box still. I think what killed the DVD stores is exactly what you said earlier. It's the digital downloads. Once the digital downloads went out there, people started pirating. And then nobody needed to go to the stores anymore. And that's exactly what happened. Somebody had a digital download. They put it online for people to copy. And then they would be free. And then they started cracking down that. That's like the whole Napster thing with music. Napster, the same exact thing. Once the digital digital music went out, nobody needed CDs anymore. I fucking look, Napster. Man, I ain't going to lie. Now we're really going back. But it's the same concept. So yeah, digital, the digital age obviously killed physical media. Oh, sure. Yep. All that. And then that's obviously they cracked down on the app. And now they had the idea that now this is out there. Let's make a compendium. All right. Let's put all these movies. Yeah, they get the rights to them. And that's what Netflix was. In the beginning. Netflix was the only one in the beginning. And then all these other ones came out. Now you pay $50 a month for eight different services. I don't pay for shit. I'll fuck her. I'll put that out there. The world's listening. Nope. Nine people listening. Hey, we had seven last week. So we're going to bring it up there. So if I were to get a sponsor by anybody. Please sponsor me. Please. I love your shit. Dr. Pepper. Feel. Feel the fat. That's what I want to call it. Did I gladly get actually sent me a shirt? Well, it actually sent me a shirt last month. It was kind of wild. Why? I don't fucking know. Probably for your other podcast. Put a plug out. Plug your other podcast. Go for it. Lights, camera reels. Lights, camera reels. It's the same recording schedule. The same release schedule as this show. Come for us. Listen to them. Come for them. Listen to us. Listen to me. Run down the movies. Like my before Christmas. Hope is focused. You know the original that everybody likes it. I don't like it. Speaking of someone in the chat. We only know the chat. Said the horror section in the movies. The horror section in the story. That was always the biggest section. There's so many horror movies. That's a whole other. We're going to have a whole show. My wife wants to come on the show and do a whole show about the evolution of horror movies. They're shit now. That's what we didn't talk about. We didn't talk. What happened? Why did it happen and how to make it better? Tune in another time for that. Yeah. We'll do that in a week or two. That episode is called Fuck and My Shamline and Fuck Blumhouse. Tell me how you really feel. Okay. I will. Fuck and My Shamline and Fuck Blumhouse. Oh, and five, and five, that's afraid he's fucking two. Just saying. So, do you remember? Oh, do you remember? So, obviously, in the dawn of movie rental stores was, you know, before our time. But as they evolved, was during the evolution of video games. Okay. And then you remember starting to see video games on the shelves of the movie rental stores. At that point, I remember distinctly when N64 started taking over the shelves of blockbuster. That whole section just for video games. At that time, were you more likely to go in for a movie or a video game? Both. I was walking out with both. I remember walking out with Donkey Kong. What's that? That I can't remember. Donkey Kong 64. That's what it was. I remember going in for getting Donkey Kong 64 multiple times because I never finished the damn thing. Have you still finished it today? No. I don't think I've ever really finished a video game. I can't remember one game of it. I never finished Sonic. The original Sonic, right? Couldn't get past the first level of Echo the Dolphin. We were, we were ranting about that game the other day. I'm glad you brought that up. Oh my God. Terrible. Her brother came over and there's never heard of this game. So I put gameplay up on the TV. He said, what is the fucking point of the game? There was nobody knows. The point was to get past the first level. That was the point because no one could do it. That nobody could do because the stupid fucking dolphin wouldn't talk to the other fucking animals. It wouldn't do it. You're supposed to jump over a wall. That's it. We could never jump high enough. So I've gotten past the first level and that was it. You had to talk to the other animals and that opens up the door. Talk to one animal. You did was no option to talk. It was there an option to talk. When you shut out the solar rays and that was talking to the animals. Yeah, the echo location. Fucking stupid. Fuck you Sega Genesis. But there was no, there was no like, this is what you do. It was just figured out on your own. There's like the first of the many games that came out over the years where it's like, just fuck you. Figure it out. And there was no. There was no gameplay book that that game came out with a book that said you're on your own. That's right. Figure it out. Oh my God. It had it had like deeper caverns to go down into for no reason. And they wonder why that that game came with the Sega Genesis because you were going to break it as soon as you came. It brought up a box. Right. But I will say this. I think Sega Genesis had the best box art of all game systems. Box art. Box art. I don't know. And 64 had some good stuff. N64 had good box. But the actual box art to Sega was actually like laminated pictures. Well, that's because it was before the digital age. This is the exact same thing we talked about earlier. The digital age of move of video game box art. Why are you shitting on my parade? The digital 64 came out at the beginning of the digital age. And their pictures were digital images. Whereas the other ones were actual images. Sega Atari. They all had actual images in there. What is the best N64 game ever? N64 game. Yeah. It's a toss up. Between you. If I'm feeling social, golden eye. 100%. You better said that. If I don't want to fuck with anybody or deal with anybody's bullshit. Mario 64. Both. Yeah. Both are left here. Right. N64 came out with hundreds of games. I may have played 12 of them. What is the most successful game system you think? Game systems. Game systems. Well. It's. All right. Are you talking about systems or companies? Systems. All right. Because you talk about PlayStation. But if you talk in system, you have to be specific to which one. What conflict do you think has sold the most? Probably the new PlayStation. No. Not the new one. The one before. Four. Sega fucking Genesis. See, that doesn't count. It doesn't count. It doesn't count. Because there was nothing else. It was just Sega. Because there was no competition. Sega came out with two heavy hitters. It was Sega Dreamcast. Sega Dreamcast. I've never owned. I will never know. Sega Dreamcast. Never once played a Dreamcast. But that was it. It was just Sega. That's what I'm saying. There was nothing else to buy. I think Sega should come out with a new system. You know what came out shortly after Sega? It's only competition. Game Boy. We know below maybe. I love my Game Boy. Now, like, if you want to talk about what evolution of system is the best, I hate to say it. But PlayStation is probably one from PlayStation one to five or whatever it is now. 502. Right? The PlayStation system has been great. I personally am a Nintendo fan. I started with Game Boy. I started with Sega. But my first Nintendo was a Game Boy. And I've followed the evolution of Nintendo all the way until now. Not a big fan of where they're going, but that's a whole other story. We'll have a whole... There's another guy. We're going to have a horror movie, nay. We're going to have a game with the evolution of gameplay. Start writing these down. I'm going to send you a virtual boy just to fuck with you. I mean, PlayStation even went into the handheld at one point with their PSP. Yeah, and we saw how great that worked out. We have... Oh, we always go on tangents. We're going to have to do a title that's going to stay from blockbuster to video games. Because we always start with one topic and end with another one. So, yeah, this all came about because you started seeing video games at movie rental stores. And they took over. And that right there is the beginning of GameStop. We've separated movie rentals and games and created GameStop. How are they still around? Let's be honest. Well, so have you noticed... Here we go again. We're still talking with games. Walmart and Target and all those stores have taken digital media off the shelves. It used to be able to go same as a video rental store. It used to be able to go to Target and surf through aisles and aisles of CDs. You know, we used to search... We used to flip through CDs for hours. Right? Same concept. GameStop, which I don't think it was GameStop beginning, but GameStop, as you know now, is... E.B. Games. E.B. Games, yeah! E.B. Games, man. Man, what was the store in Hartford Mall? It was called Walden Books. Walden Books. Walden was a bookstore, but it had... But it had computer shit in it and it had games in it. So it was like a modern-day Barney Nobles. Yes. Oh, I love Barney Nobles. I... Listen, everyone, I'm in the middle of nowhere. I am close to nothing. I don't have a Barney Nobles near me. You know what's happening on Sunday? You know what's happening on Sunday? Chick-fil-A. Oh, that's funny. I just got it. Chick-fil-A put out an ad that said "Free Chick-fil-A for Father's on Father's Day." But Chick-fil-A is closed on Sunday. Do you believe that shit? They got your ass holding it loud and sinker. You got it. I got it. As I was saying, it was like, wait a minute. You are literally... That's fantastic. No! Well, I won't even reason to bring it up because I don't have a Chick-fil-A within... 100 miles of me. Like, I can't go to Chick-fil-A. You just proved how dumb you were live on camera. Shut up. Shut up. You were like, "I'm getting Chick-fil-A on Sunday." It was a good ad. Fuck! That was fantastic ad placement. I love it. Good job, Chick-fil-A, you got me. They were like, not only is Brandon not giving you anything. Nobody's giving you anything. Fuck you, dads. No, I'm not near anything, but I would give anything to be near an old Walden books. Walden books was the ship. If you could bring back anything from when we were kids, what would it be? Oh, Discovery Zone. Do you remember? DZ? Remember? DZ is the amount of business we've ever done. Discovery Zone. You can do it on my own. I can jump, swing, crawl, a mountain fly. Do you remember family fun jungle? Same thing. It was. They went out of business because they found fucking needles in the ball pits. That's why there's no more ball pits at McDonald's. I'm not doing this real thing. You want to hear something funny? You want to hear something funny? How fun it hasn't changed? That's going to be... You know what? The festival also has been on my house. You ready for this? The festival, though. Chunky fucking cheese. Hell yeah, chunky cheese. Not the same chunky cheese we used to know. There's no live people on stage dancing around anymore. Our chunky cheese had malaria in the ball pits. That's all we are. It's smallpox. Smallpox, chickenpox. They had anywhere from the green balls. They were a black leg. Kids were putting the balls in their mouths and shit. Being in the middle of it and just fucking a wild time back then. But yeah, I would love a place, a safe place like Discovery Zone. You have a place like TZ now. You have Sky Zone. What the hell is a Sky Zone? I'm in the middle of nowhere. You don't know what a Sky Zone is? What the fuck is a Sky Zone? What are you modern people doing? I'm back in the caveman days back here. You're back here a wrong turn eight over here and we're like-- We have one light in our town. Okay. You want to know what we have in Washington? We have an indoor skydiving place. That's cool. I would do that. We have an indoor skydiving place and then right down the road is a fucking Sky Zone. Which is a trampoline. What is Sky Zone? A trampoline park. It's a trampoline park. It's an indoor trampoline park. Oh, that's cool. I've been to one of those in Washington. It's like 12 hours for an all day dump. Yeah. All day you couldn't jump all day. I know exactly how far 12 dollars is going. That's like an hour. You're there for an hour before you are passed out. There is two things I would bring back. Ready? You ready? I'm at the dig deep here. We're going to call this episode nostalgia. Number one. The Toys are Us. Toys are Us. Toys are Us. I want an original Toys are Us. I want to smell the plastic in that motherfucker. I want to just a place like that I can take my kids to. Doesn't it hurt you feeling that you can't bring the kids to one of them now? There's no toy stores. There are stores that have toys but there are no toy stores. Part of me doesn't want to have a kid anymore because I can't bring them to a toy store so they can scream at me and call me a bad dad. Why can't I get anything because it's too expensive? I want, I want my kid to point at me in the face and go fuck you dad right in the middle of Christmas. I'm going to laugh. I'm going to post mark that moment and we're going to laugh in five years. Because you know what brought me joy? It brought me joy going to a mall right on Christmas time just to see these kids act up. Because these kids are going to get the exactly what they want because they're parents. Because they're not Santa Claus on Christmas day. And then they'd be like well I felt like a fucking asshole. They don't know the mall on that day. Just throw that out there. Just claim or don't show this episode to your kids. If there's a 10 year old just make up some excuse why you can't afford presents or something. I don't know. The other thing was the other thing was I would bring back. And I'm about to look right at you because you remember this very, very, very well sir. What is the one thing made you did at the mall when we were younger? At the mall at Harvard mall? There was the arcade. There was the food court. There was, I don't know, there's a whole bunch of stuff. Friendly. Bring back arcades, man. Arcade, yeah. First thing I said, arcades. Bring back arcades. And not like the super expensive ones where you got to have a card. You know, you got to load up a card with points every five minutes. Fuck you, Dave and busters. Right? Ruin the sense of an arcade. I want to go in there with a pocket full of quarters. I want to, I want my kids to want to save their money. Or they can waste it at an arcade. I want to, I want to go into an actual arcade with a whole handful of quarters and just throw them at a kid's face. Just make it air. You're so violent because that was, here's the thing. Your wife is listening. I'm mad as fuck. You want to know why? Because these kids would cram into their fucking mom's minivans and stand over fucking new releases of fucking arcades. And not let me play the new Mortal Kombat game because you're fucking slapper and all the fucking joysticks. Right. And then all the time. They got a stack of quarters there. And you got your stupid fucking mezel kids playing dance dance revolution. And not getting off that motherfucker either. Like how many kids were in the middle of the arcade just standing there? Because you couldn't get there. So answer me this. Because we're on the nostalgia. This is an nostalgia episode. What is better? Playing a game in the arcade with the joysticks and the buttons versus playing the exact same game at home on a playstation with a controller. 100 times out of 100. 100 times out of 100. I am going to arcades and playing with that lipstick. I agree. On that tiny, what is it? 15 inch screen. Because you couldn't duplicate when you woke their ass at a fighting game how mad and sad they were. And as they walked away because they ran out of coffee. Your greatest memories are causing pain and suffering to other people. Fuck. I still have these kids that thought they could hang with somebody in Mortal Kombat. And now I have always choosing the same character. Don't you have one in the basement? I have a Mortal Kombat machine in my basement. That's right. We're turning your basement to an old arcade. We'll turn it to an old arcade. We'll get one of those old school quarter machines and all your friends can come over and spend money. And you can use all the money that they spend on their Christmas gifts that year. They're a gift depends on how much they play in the arcade. I love it. So what was your go-to game in an arcade? All right. Well, you've got to be specific as to a timeframe. Because we're talking about all the kids. Well, there was the evolution. If we're talking about games like Mortal Kombat on a stand up system with a joystick, I like the Ninja Turtles. I know which one I have on my Xbox now. The fourth player join? Yeah, yeah. You could choose which turtle you are and all the foot soldiers coming on. But as the arcade developed. I have that in my basement too. I know. I know you do. I am well aware. I have the... We'll have the high score on there at some point. I can see it now. Just beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. I'll come into town just to play in the basement. The other thing that I really enjoyed was the Jurassic Park. The one we sat in with the gun. As the arcade... The original one from the first movie? Yeah. Where the electricity was the actual yellow Jeep that they were driving? Yeah. And it was a screen and you had a little gun. You had to shoot. Yes. Yes, please. And then what was the other one? The time cop or something? Time cop. There were just two guns. One was red. One was blue. And you had to shoot like the... Or what? Or was it virtual cop? I don't remember. It was a time cop. It was a time cop. Virtual cop came up first and then time cop came afterwards. No, I think it was time cop. It was a time cop? Because it came out with like one, two, three, four, five. And the story continued. But you were in there and the camera would move as you moved and you could duck. Me? Me? Me? I had three go-to games. It was more complicated than machine wasn't taking a bean slapper all over. Two was Terminator 2 Judgment Day. You and the Terminator 2. Terminator 2 because they'd actually... Where you were actually shooting the Terminator's. I want this podcast to get so big that when they make Terminator 2 they will send you an invitation to be an extra. You could be a Terminator in the background. I'll be John Connor. You're not going to get top billing. You're going to be the biker dude in the bar that he fucking punches and takes his shit from. Okay. That'll be your claim to fame. And the third one is very old school. I don't think anybody has ever been here in this game. It's called NARC. NARC? It's called NARC. Who was NARC? NARC was a... Police game. Without narcotics. I know it's NARC. You remember it if you see it. I probably would. It's... So the middle of it. Yeah, Google it because it's old school. It's like 89, 90 maybe. NARC? NARC is an old arcade machine. I think... I think it was phenomenal. It was a lot lighter across it. Yes. Yeah. Side-scroller. Same style as the old... Yeah. Like the Simpsons. Remember the Simpsons? That's another one man. We're part would be whipping people with escape. With skateboard? Yeah. This is nostalgia baby. All right. Let's go bring out the A-tracts next. Right. Listen, how about that old? I never had an A-tract. All right. I had cassettes. I used to wait on the radio to record on a cassette. You remember doing that? Oh yeah. We're going way back now. So listen to the radio just to wait for that one song to come on that you would then record onto a cassette tape and make your mix tapes. Mix tapes. That was a huge... I had a bunch of those. DVD or CDs. CDs came out. And then once CDs came out and DVDs came out. You know, digital age. Again, coming through, ruin everything for everyone. No, not A-tracts. Okay. A-tract was for cars. It was like a big-ass cassette thing. We're talking cassette tapes. Young-in. So you weren't yourself funny? Damn. Chads too young for us. And when I moved into this house, my dad tried to give me his A-tract. I said, "The fuck do you want me to do with this?" Right? Stop giving me junk. Like your parents do that. You know how it is. They'll get you a gift. This is a gift for you. Like, no, it's not. You're just getting rid of junk. My dad probably just bought this away away from 1986. Right. And he was like, "Here." And then when he dies, I'm going to put it in his grave. He was like, "Here, take it with you." Nobody's still nobody wants this thing. Nobody wants this. Chat says, "Don't free about records." I definitely still have 300 records in my garage. I have six. In my inbox is stacked up in my garage right now. I have Memphis Make Fire on vinyl. I have... I just gave away the original thriller. I have a slip knot. It's probably worth a shit ton of money, but I gave it to a friend of mine. Wow. She didn't own a CD until she was in the seventh grade. How old are you? Fucking hell. Don't judge. Was that by choice or was that because they weren't available? Could you not afford them? How old is this woman? She's got to be like hours. So she's got to be 2025. I mean, if you think about it, we didn't have... Seva broke. That makes sense. All right. That tracks. We didn't have CDs until we were in middle school. So I actually said that's all through. So I have to ask you, what do you have on vinyl? I have six vinyl records. I don't know. I have 300 vinyl records in a garage. I only know I have 300 because I put them there. I have... I have my favorite slip knot album on vinyl. I have... See, you're getting vinyl for nostalgia. No, I do not... These are not vinyls that were... That was the only thing available at the time. These were somebody put it on vinyl because of nostalgia. The fuck do you think I have? Jim, you have this greatest hit on vinyl? I probably have that. I have all the original Rush albums. Most of these are my dads. I have... Dad and my mom. Look, everything. I have Charlie Brown's Christmas album. Oh, fucking course you will be rude. I have two of those, okay? How about this? You know what I'm going to buy you for your birthday? I have the original Star Wars on vinyl. The Star Wars... Listen, I always bring it back to Star Wars. The Star Wars... A New Hope soundtrack on vinyl. The fuck is where she would. It's sitting in here somewhere. I'm going to... I'm going to slit your throat with a vinyl record. Hold on! Hold on! This motherfucker just got up from his microphone just to... Boom! There it is right there. Star Wars vinyl. A new hope. Right there. Boom! First one that came out. Look at that. I am going to... I am going to slit your throat with that record. Look at the original pictures. Look at that. I don't give a fuck because I'm about 12. How about this? When is your birthday? You're just jealous. When is your birthday? You're jealous that I have class and style. You know, classes in Star Wars you fuck. When is your birthday? I'm not telling you. You should know what my birthday is. That's trying to say for you. Says the person that works three days after my birthday and posts on my Facebook. Happy birthday! I forgot! No, I put it on there because I know you wouldn't see it if I did it on your birthday. Because there's a million of father happy birthdays on your Facebook. I am going to buy you the ultimate birthday gift. Which is? I'm going to get you a band that I really love on vinyl. I want you to listen to it from the back. I mean, I got the machines out in the living room. Did I ask? Yes? No. What's the ultimate? I'm going to tell you, you're going to get me an ICP album. No, I'm going to throw it out the window. How many get you bad omens on vinyl? Bad omens? Bad omens on vinyl. Why does that sound intriguing? It does sound intriguing because they're fucking phenomenal. I'll listen to it. Have you sent it to me? I'll listen to it. It's fine. Bad omens is fantastic. Your wife would love bad omens. That's why your wife... Oh, the one. She was definitely in the grunge punk era. Nirvana. What is this nightmare before Christmas? What are you talking about? Nobody cares about nightmare before Christmas. You're talking about vinyl records. You're talking about vinyl records. She's like never before Christmas is great. Catch up. What's going on? Catch up. Catch up to the conversation. We're getting on all kinds of tangents. This is all about nostalgia. All right. We've covered nostalgia in a lot of areas. Let's talk about food. Because nobody likes food better than me. If you could bring back one restaurant. From back in the day. Fuck! I think the boss is back on the keyboard over here. I feel like they switched again. I don't like the fact that I don't know who's typing. I know, right? You gotta figure out who the hell's talking to you. All right. It's hard to say. I have like this connection to Ponderosa. Do you remember Ponderosa? It was a buffet place that was, I think it was in Bel Air. You ready for this? I already got mine. You just googled it. Do you remember Ponderosa? I remember Ponderosa. Right. And we used to, in elementary school, you and me. We used to get free meals from Ponderosa certificates for being good. I never got home. I got them. You never got them. You never got them. I had always guessed at home for no reason. For no reason. We got sent home for punching people on the face. They fucking deserved it. This is not no reason. Do you remember what happened during kickball when they told me to run home when I ran home? You're the reason they're not allowed to play dodgeball anymore. You're right. You're right. And people to the hospital with broken nose is just 'cause you're too big for your own damn good. The fucking court was just bloody for no reason. It was like Hunger Games before Hunger Games. We used to get the two place restaurants. Two places I would take. Okay. You're ready for this? You're ready for this? I think I'm not good with nothing. I saw you on your phone. I'm not good with nothing. All right. What do you got? Horn and horn. Horn and horn? Horn and horn. Horn and horn. Do you remember that muffler? Yeah. Good food. And cactus wheelies. Cactus wheelies. I remember cactus wheelies, but why? That shit was good. I miss Bertucci's. Hey, you can't play favorites here. We have to tell that story real fast. Take it away because I hate you for this muffler. Okay. Take it away. Bertucci. We were 16 years old. I was, I think I was 16 because I worked at the, I worked at the clinic when I was 15. I worked at the animal clinic when I was 15. But then I got, when I turned 16, I got a new job. I went, went to work at Bertucci's in, in the, the dish room, which is nothing over here. Needed money. So I said, well, what if I talk of any given you a job? He's like, all right, cool. He walks in, you know, first day. Hi, how are you? This is what you're going to be doing. All you had to do was take the dishes and put them, you know, where are they? Other people could get to them. All right. I did all the washing and put them through the machine and all that. He gets an hour into this job and he's like, I'm not doing this. He said, the dishes are too hot. I'm not doing this shit. And he literally walks out and never steps foot in the building again. It's like, I put my, you know, I went out there and I said. Oh, sorry. I went over there and I said, like, did he be good for the job? Yeah, he's great. Lasted one hour. This is all true. Quickest, higher fire I've ever seen in my life. I've hired myself for the reason. But I used to love Bertucci. Bertucci's is the place that taught me how to do, um, how to, how to play with pasta. Because there was a, there was a chef there. And I can't remember his name as anymore, but he used to on my lunch breaks. How about the chef, Berti? Not chef, Bert. When my lunch breaks, I would go behind the line and he would show me how to, how to toss the pasta and cook it, make the cheese. Dude, you know, I used to make macaroni. Little flourish here, little flourish there. Right? You told me how to, how to play with it, decide what I wanted it to be. You know, and he used to show me how to do it. And then the pizzas, we used to just make our pizzas at lunchtime. Real quick, more from shit on it, throw it in the oven and that will be our lunch. It was fantastic. The pizzas were good. Question. And you get to play with the dough beforehand. Kids would all be like doughy fingers until the pizzas came up. How many jobs have you had? I had a lot of jobs. You have had more jobs than I have, I have had wives. That means more than two. Yes. I worked at a clinic, I worked for Tuchy's, I worked for Pep Boys. And then I went to, I worked for Disney. And I went back and managed to Pep Boys. And then I worked for three different hotels. And left all these, I don't think like one of these jobs was I fired from. Which one were you fired from? One of the hotels. What? I don't remember to be honest. It was, I used to leave the front desk all the time and talk to the guests. And like, I was more like a concierge than a front desk clerk. They were tired of me leaving the desk all the time. Were you sniffing around when you shouldn't have been? No, we used to have like manager socials, but none of the managers would be there. Like they would be there for five minutes and go home. So all the guests would be like asking questions and stuff. So I used to just go mingle, answer questions when I needed to. I was a good concierge. I was a bad front desk agent. And you were a bad friend. Shut your mouth. I'm your best friend. But I, after the, after the hotels, I joined the army. I think I worked for a car watch place at one point just to make some extra money. You did for like a month, man. Yeah. It was like right before I left for the army. You know how many jobs I've had, I've had? Three. Three. Three. Are you counting boutoches? Yeah. You're counting. You're counting the hour that you worked for. You believe that I was my resume? Yes. I would like you to leave that off your resume because it looks terrible. Okay, too. Makes me look better. Did they send you a paycheck of any kind? Yeah. It was for like 50 bucks. No, it wasn't. It was like $12. No. It was for 50 bucks. I laughed. It wasn't for 50 bucks. See, it was like 50 bucks an hour. No, here's the thing. I was calculated. I stayed for four and a half hours. Bullshit. That is. You did not stay for four. I'm telling you. I remember an hour. Max. You weren't even back there, motherfucker. I was back there. You were working with me. You were out there talking to people. Well, I did. You were what? What were your purposes? What? I didn't know it would work. I know. I was a dishwasher, but I used to bust tables for them when I wasn't busy. Yeah, and left me by myself. I wonder why I was so mad. You couldn't handle putting dishes on a tray, putting them through a machine, and then putting them back? You can, you can barely handle being a father. I don't want to hear it. I am the world's greatest father you can ask my kids. They're impartial because their real dad hasn't came back for me. You're an asshole. I don't listen to him, everyone. All right. All right. All right. So we got food. Is there anything else we want to talk about? How long have we been doing today? It's our longest video recording yet. 45 minutes. We can do better than that. All right. We talked about food. We talked about bring back these stores of them all. We talked about video rentals, where we started, and places of the sort. Media. What's next? Movie theaters? I have a good movie theater in town. It's the one thing we do have here. It's a nice, modern pop movie theater. And who makes the movie theater? Who makes the movie theater? It's got to be a chain theater. It's what? It's called B&B theaters. It's talking to the chain. There's three of them, as far as I know. B. A chain is not three, fucker. B&B. A chain is one company. A chain is more than 500. No. Bullshit. A chain is not only the chain. It's not only the chain. Owning more than one place. Bullshit. It's a franchise. You're right. AMC is a chain. AMC is a chain. And I liked AMC over Regal. Myself. Did you really? I did. AMC was a larger, cleaner theater. Regal had just a good feeling about it. Because it was what we were used to growing up. It was the only thing around. But then A, they opened AMC in the avenue. Which was around the time that we started being able to drive. And I used to love going. Maybe it was just because we were at the avenue. The avenue was awesome. You were there this weekend. I was. It has changed dramatically since you grew up. Do you want that? Because that's the only movie theater around me. Do you remember the old? I remember the old AMC that was by the college. No, I remember the drive-in that was over by the college. It's the drive-in. So now we had a off-brand AMC. Which was the cheap theaters. Right. So that closed down and it now got bought out by cinema. So cinema. Are you talking about the one that was? It was kind of the shopping center over across from Hartford Mall. And then the other side of it, like the lower down was another little shopping center. Yeah, but that is the only theater. That's not it. That was the cheap theaters back in the day. So that moved to the colleges. And AMC had achieved theater for like six or seven dollars. And they went bankrupt. Because AMC wasn't the primary holder of it, so they got bought out by cinema franchise. So they went, so cinema went in and gutted the place, upgraded to a luxury theater, which opens October. So it's, oh, there's another theater coming. Another theater coming. So we are actually going to have a cinema up here now. Because the closest cinema is Towson. I've never heard a cinema. You've never heard a cinema? No. Cinema was the juggernaut next to Riegel when real first came out. Cinema where I've been before here. It's Korea. They ain't got no cinema in Korea. Well, they do have our couple seats though. Those are kind of cool. They have little, they're booths. And it's just made for two people. It's a little booth. And there's like four or five of them in a row. It gives you a little bit of privacy in the movie theaters. Is that the same ones I had a bed and shit that keeps me on my Facebook? No, they never bed. Which is a booth. Where is? You couldn't recall. There's something like that in Vegas. That's real? I've never been to one of these. But I always wanted to go to one of the theaters where they take your order and bring you food in the theater. Where you have like a table in between two seats. We have those. We have a cinema D box in Towson now. I've never seen nor been to one of these. And I always wanted to. Well, take a trip here, sir. You pay for me to come out there again. Don't have me. Make it a yearly thing. When seriously when when can you come? No, we're not talking about this one there. We'll talk about that. We'll talk about doing sitting in the same room and having a broadcast at another date. There's no time like the president. No, we're talking about nostalgia. All right. We're talking about missing the old field of movie theater. I miss I miss the previews. You know what? That's something. If today's day and age we don't have movie theaters. We have Netflix. We have stuff. We have other kinds of digital media. We should have the ability to do previews. I want to go on Netflix. Kids movies, horror movies. And it just be previews of what's coming up. Stuff to come. Same thing like you had in the movie theater. I used to love the previews. That's how we knew what we wanted to see. Go fuck yourself a woman. Shut up. You used to know. We had something so free of you just called fucking YouTube trailers. No, I don't want to go on YouTube. I want to sit on Netflix on the couch and click on a series. They'll have like 10 videos and it'll be previous. I'm fucking trying to buy a TV without commercials over here. Leave me alone. You have commercials? Wait, you don't have commercials? No, you pay for the subscription. It doesn't have ads. I'm talking about live TV commercials, fucker. There's no such thing. That's the only way they make money. That's how the live TV's out of here. It's inconvenient to shit. Well, they're not going to not have commercials. Do you know how long I wait for commercials now? It is fucking useless. Well, then do you think watching live TV? Okay, how about this? Do you think-- How old are you? Do you think 10 minutes of a Domino's commercial is going to make me buy their pizza? Eventually. Oh, a Friday maybe. Yes. I know you. A Friday maybe. They may have you on a Friday, but only like a Sunday fuck off now. No, you better-- No, hold the phone. Hold the phone. Hold the phone. Here we go. Here we go. Talk about nostalgia. You better not be buying Domino's pizza when you got Box Hill pizzeria right down the damn street. That was by far the best pizzeria I've ever been to. Their pizza is trash, though. You go buy your Domino. Fortune Notter Brothers over Box Hill. Fortune No! Box Hill is a stand-alone. It's its own thing. This is kind of the same guy. This is coming from the same guy that came in on an airplane the same day and said, "I want Fortune Notter Brothers." And then looked me and I said, "This is wrong. I want the other place." Yes, because I was thinking of Box Hill when I said, "Fortune Notter Brothers." I will tell you, I haven't seen a Fortune Notter Brothers since I lived back there. And they have damn good pizza. Because we have good pizza. You know we have three of those now? You and I used to go to Box Hill together. Sit down and eat. Yeah? Yeah. You and I used to-- That was right behind your house. We would go over the tiny little hill behind your house, walk down the street for two seconds or ride our bikes and go eat lunch at Box Hill. That was the last time you and your wife were here at the same time. I know. No, it wasn't. It was just the last time my wife and I was there with you at the same time. Because we've been there a few times or we didn't have time to come and hang up. Yeah, you fucking asshole. No, that's a good friend. I had a fun time for you. My grandmother takes priority. Thank you. Ah, this shit I could say. I'm not going to say that today. All right, we're going to off topic again. Any more nostalgia? Yeah, what else are you nostalgic about? Anything? We'll wrap this up. You know what I would bring back. Ready? Ready. I'm going to end this on a high note. I would bring back 90s cartoons. Oh, I show my kids that all the time. Go on YouTube and search 90s-- like Saturday morning cartoons. And they'll have five hours stints of just 90s cartoons. I want five hours stints of that every day. You can. Go on, go online, go on YouTube and search 90s cartoons, Saturday morning cartoons. One Saturday morning from Disney, whatever. All right, let's end this fucking dumpster fire. All right, nostalgia's ending. Goodbye, everyone. This has been War of the Words. We'd be random in the King. Thank you all for having an old with us and we hope you enjoyed the ride. Please stay seated until the ride has come to a complete stop. Make sure you grab all your belongings and get the hell out of here. Until next time. [MUSIC PLAYING]