The Dark Society Of War!

Pinky And The Brains

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Another Topic And Another Conversation with a very special guest tune in to find out who!

[music] Welcome to War of the Words, I'm B random, and he's the king of controversy, and we're your host to be able to talk about whatever the fuck we want. It'll get loud, it'll get messy, and feelings will get hurt. Now it's time to pick the side, load up, and strap in. Let's go. Welcome back to War of the Words, I'm B random, he's the king, and today we have a special guest, my little girl, Pinkalicious over here, Pinky's going to help us answer a few questions on the media side, but before we get there, I've been told we have a few life updates that we need to get through. All right, King, tell us what we got in store today. But we got to talk about our best friend's fry first. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know I've never given any beforehand knowledge of what's going to happen on these shows, so I'm hearing this for the first time, same as you. So they have been officially married for two and a half weeks now, two and a half weeks. Oh, I hadn't noticed. And they are officially getting divorced. Oh, fucking ready. Two weeks. Though his. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Is she pregnant? She is not pregnant. She she got mad at him and officially wrote up a document that they are officially right now separated. Wow. So normally you have to wait till the baby comes and she could start playing these games, but apparently she's jumping the gun. Would you want to reproduce with him? Oh, my God. He called up Ashley and basically said this is what's going on. And then he immediately tells on speakerphone, please do not talk about this. What am I going to do every single time? I am going to talk about this. If I know something, I am going to talk about it, but they are officially separated as of right now. Two and a half weeks, they last you longer than I gave them credit for. To be honest, I didn't even give them a week, you know what, this is, this is a blessing in disguise. Spry is getting out scot free. Yeah. I hope now listen, here's my is my prediction. Okay. I can get it two weeks. Still going to try to get whatever you get when you divorce alimony, whatever it's called. She can't even spell alimony. I mean, honestly, after two, if it's a two week thing, you can go back and get it. You can get an annulment. Yeah. Right. Which is what he'll do. But here's the thing, neither of them can spell annulment correctly. So you're right. We're going to be recording this show, and I'm going to see that door open behind you and the big hulk of a man, come waddling in, come over here. You can hear him from like five miles away. You hear him huffing when he comes up the steps. Are you ready for story number two? Hi, Henry. What's story number two? So, so I had an impromptu visitor. We're going to call him C because I'm not going to say his name, C came to visit. And I, I was telling him about last game night where everybody was aware of what happened in that game. I didn't know all the DMs that were sent out and so I showed C the person that W was talking to. Okay. And he started scrolling through the profile photos because this is what C does. C loves rock climbing. He calls it rock climbing because if you double tap on the picture, it shows you the person that's been looking at you. He calls it rock climbing. So that's another episode. You know, exactly who she is. He went back into this person's profile photos from 2020, which was four years ago for people listening. COVID. And this other person in the friend group started hearting her profile photos from 2020 from 2020. When this person, when this person was already in a relationship with somebody else, well, what I'm hearing is that he went way back and he went way back. He's like looking at herself from ages ago. He, he was hungry and he wanted to find something and he found something. So this other person liked her profile photos come to find out these two people were in the same room on Game Night. When this person walked through my door, she got up and left. I wonder why. Hmm. Is there something going on that people aren't speaking about? We're going to have a segment called drama a game night. I'm all for it because we're going to have a whole, we can have whole episodes called drama at game night, take one, take two, take whatever I'll even record the intro today. But now until your regular schedule episode, wow, thank you for the updates. Not surprised with update number one, definitely not surprised. And we hope actually sister dies a horrible death or just throw that in there. What I have a question for you. What is the prime time to call somebody? The best time to call somebody before dinner. So would 1245 in the morning be a great way to call somebody? Anyone called me at 1245 in the morning. One I wouldn't answer and two the next day they would hear it. You're right. I shouldn't have answered the phone. That was your own fault. And guess who turned their phone on? She's actually sisters in the hospital because she refuses to take showers. You see? And she won't talk about you got to take a shower. Why? Because you get sick from stink. Sick from stink. She's got stinky six syndrome stinky and she wonders why her leg is going to fall off. Right? Oh, yeah, called me. Why do you call you? Because I shouldn't answer the phone because she's smarter than you. No, she's she was sleeping. She worked 13 hours. So she was in bed by 930. So she calls me 17 fucking times. Because she's in the hospital. I pick up the phone because I don't have her sister's number in my in my phone. It came up Columbia. I'm like, I don't know anybody from Columbia. So I picked up I go, who I go, who the fuck is this is is is actually home? Where else would she be? Jogging. It's all morning. In the morning. No, she's she's at the gym. She goes, can you wake her up? No, I will not. I said, Joy, get on a diet and take a shower. You'll be fine. She goes, no, it's it's really important. I'm like, Oh, shit, it's her grandmother or something. This fat waste of space calls me. And then her as she's talking to me, her mom's in the background calling 911. This is the this is the family I married into. You know what I'm hearing? I am hearing bullshit. More and more reasons for you not to be there. To move away. To move with us. How about that? We were co located doing this show. How about this? I will move with you if you're within the United States, of course, we were within the United States. I'm not going to live outside of the country. If you move to Germany, you can fuck yourself. Germany would be a station. We're not moving to Germany. Okay, good. Now on to the questions I have sent you. All right. That's what we're going to do. We have been presented with some questions that have you answered these questions? So you got your own answers for anything, right? I have not. Well, you're going to make them up as we go along. I am going to make it up. My questions about media. I have sat down with Pinky over here and we have come up with answers. Pinky's going to give her answers. I'll give you my answers. Josh will give you his terrible answers because he hasn't done any homework and we'll discuss. I barely graduated high school. You really think I'm going to do homework now? Let's be honest. You're going to have to answer these seven questions too much. You are six and a half too many. All right. All right. All right. You're going to read the questions. All right. Hold on. Let me pull up my brand new. Hold on. Let me pull up my brand new. My brand new Samsung phone over here. Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, he has joined the dark side. That was very new. Boom. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Put that back up. I swear, it looked like your screen was cracked already. Your background looks like a cracked screen. The only thing cracked over here is prize marriage. Here's my brain. Question number one. All right. You ready? If given a chance to redo any movie, what would it be? All right. All right. This is a hard one. We actually came back to this one. This is the last one we have. You know I'm a Star Wars fan, right? Unfortunately. Is it hard to tell that I'm a Star Wars fan? No. Why? Because half of the things in your room are Star Wars. Some suffer Harry Potter. There's a little bit of Harry Potter in here. There's one look. There he is right there. It screams. The room is covered in Harry. It screams nerd. It screams fantastic series of movies. So my answer is I got a two-party answer brought that to do with Star Wars. First, E.T. was officially brought into the Star Wars universe because we know that Spielberg and Lucas are both good friends. So I want to redo E.T. to have more subtle hints of Star Wars. I want there to be a light saber in the background of a scene somewhere. I want him to actually speak. That would be nice, right? More Star Wars. E.T. New version of E.T. I think we could do a really good job with today's graphics and CGI abilities that make E.T. awesome fucking movie. Second one, real, real easy answer, Star Wars attack of the clones, okay? Second movie. No hate in Christensen. I hate that guy. If he's listening, I'm sorry. I could not—I don't—you're a great person, I could not stand you in the movie. Why are you hating on that man for? Because he's terrible. I just—oh, he sounds like he's whining every time he opens his mouth. I want there to be less hate in Christensen and more Darth Maul because we all know Darth Maul did not die. His story needs to be told. We need to go back in and this will come up again later, trust me, at least two more times. We will come back in. So that's my opinion. How about you, Pinky? If you had the—what was the question again? If you had the ability to change a movie? To redo a movie. Redo a movie. What movie would you redo? I don't really want to redo any movie. No movies. No movies. You're a movie buff. You're a movie fan. You like all movies for what they are. Yes. Yes, Rowan is moving. You'd be quiet over there. Okay. All right. No movie. What about Justin? Justin, come on now. Two. I have two. Reach into your mind. My brain is fuming. Your brain—I could see the steam coming out of your headphones. My first one. Avengers Endgame. Okay. We kind of tied into that a little bit later. Yeah. God awful. I want 100%. God. What would you change? Well, the first five minutes, you don't kill your villain in the first five minutes. Then jump timelines and pull back another one. Stupid. I mean, it kind of worked. All right. I give it to you. What else? What's your favorite? But it's lazy though. That movie was lazy. It wasn't lazy. It was just dragging on and on and on. They blew their load with the video work. Let's be honest. They really did. All right. What's number two? I would redo Terminator 2 Judgment Day with our technology today. I think a Terminator movie—I mean, they kind of did Terminator movies, but I agree. Like, go back to the original storylines that were really good and redo them. Yeah. I 100% agree. We're supposed to argue on this show and you're giving me good answers. What the hell? I'm sorry. I was waiting for something to do with Godzilla. No. Godzilla is not my life homie. Come on now. Godzilla is terrible. Question number two, if given a chance to do a movie that didn't have a sequel, what would it be? I already got mine. Oh, that was easy. And they're actually this bit in talks redoing it for so long, so I don't have anything. Ready player one. I want a ready player two. It's already in post-production. It is. It is. I want a ready player two that's not with the same cast. But I want a series of movies from the ready player one universe. You know what I mean? Not connected. Maybe you see the characters in the background. You know, things happening from other movies in the background of things, but from the perspective of other people during that time. Okay. Ready player. Whoever. Two, three, four, five. Two, ready player, 18 and a half, mine or a house moving castle number two, I like mine has to be inception because they dropped that movie off a cliff. You really don't know what was real and what was fake. So where is the sequel to that movie? No, no. Don't tell me no. No, no. See, there are some movies that don't need a sequel. Yes, this one does. You're alone. Fantastic movies. I don't need a sequel. It's a fantastic movie. But I want more. I get it. That's why I said the same thing. All right. All right. I have another one for you. I just thought of V for Vendetta. Okay. I'll give you that one. I would love to see a V two, but he died. She didn't die. Technically, technically you don't see him die. I mean, it's implied that he died. You. It was implied. A lot of people have died. What about you, Pinky? What do you want to see a second one of? Zootopia. Zootopia? Why? I want to see a new mayor. Okay. I want Judy to be the new mayor. You want to see a Zootopia too, where Judy is running from there? Yes. Okay. I kind of like that, but she's gotten big now in the life. Maybe all the hundreds of little brothers and sisters are showing up here and there. Do you hear that Disney? Nick hope you too. I'm a precinct now. What are you like? Yeah. It's a good idea. Good thinking. You got to speak up. I can't hear you. Speak up. We can't hear you. Or a babysitter for all the rabbits. All right. That could be like a short spin off the babysitter. All right. That'd be number three. If given a chance to change anything in the Marvel universe, what would it be? You already know mine. Very easy. I want a better Adam Warlock story. Adam Warlock was the only entity. I don't want to call him like a person because he was created, but the only thing that Thanos was afraid of, and they never showed that in the movies, Adam Warlock could have come in so much sooner and been a huge turn of events, right? That and I want to see, did you see X-Men 97? Yeah. Okay. Awesome show. You saw the little, they had like scenes where you see Captain America and Spider-Man. I want to see the X-Men put into the Marvel universe. They need to be interspersed in whatever ways they, there's so much happened in the X-Men storyline that coincided with the rest. Wolverine and Captain America were war buddies. Like those whole stories about their, their campaigns together as war buddies, right? Never once talked to. We need X-Men in the Marvel universe. Where about you, baby? What, what do you want to see changed about the Marvel universe? So there's like a cartoon Spider-Man. You see a lot of the, of like the Marvel characters, but you never see one of them with a Captain America. Captain America. Is he your favorite? Yeah. Yeah. So you want to see a Spider-Man Captain America movie? Yes. Does it have to be animated or can it be like real life? Usually in the real life ones, they do have Captain America, but in the cartoon version of Spider-Man, they never have Captain America. All right, then we need an animated Spider-Man meets Captain America Marvel movie. Yes. Okay. The rest are Spider-Man's. I like it. All right, big boy. What do you got? Mine is going to ruffle some feathers. More and your Garfield Spider-Man movies. Why? He is better than Tom Holland. Fuck you. He's like a whiny slap. Get out of here. So are you. But we love you. There's nothing whiny about me. I ain't whining. You just pissing me off. Good. Andrew Garfield. Andrew Garfield. Over Tom Holland. Every day. No, no, no. And and I will take more Toby McWhire Spider-Man before I want to see Andrew Garfield. I want you to drink bleach, sir. I want you to get some tan. You look like you already have drank bleach. Leave me alone. You're a pale as a ghost. I'm doing this show in a freaking ghost. And you know what else I would change? You ran him in the ghost. You know what I would change? Get some hair. I would. You're going to die. I am going to fly to your house and cut your breaks, just to be. I was going to take for you to fly anywhere. I'll get a helicopter. You're going to come visit. I would have integrated Venom into the Marvel Universe ready. I didn't mind the mashup that they did with all three of them together. And they were like, your webs come out of your arms. That's creepy. You know, that whole that whole scene, that whole bit on that Spider-Man movie, that was okay. I don't mind that. Bits of pieces. But I don't want more Andrew Garfield by himself. Andrew Garfield is the better Spider-Man Shadow. See now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm looking in the chat, and I'm waiting for B to excuse himself because I know that he's not listening to this frat. You are only picking this because you know it's going to pitch me off. I am not picking this. It's one of my hills. I'm going to die. Oh, sir. You're going to die on it. It's going to be going to die on the Godzilla Hill. That's what's going to happen. That's going to be, in my will, more Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, please. I like Andrew Garfield. I can't help it. Moving on. Moving on. Number four, please. I've already pissed him off. What makes Marvel better than DC? It's not. Marvel. Okay. I don't take a side when it comes to this. Marvel. Hey, I just saw that. We're going to have work later. What did he say? I didn't see it. He said I don't blame him. See, this is why this man will be in your corner. He thinks he's the better Brandon. I'm spitting facts, sir. Marvel is not better. You said marble. Marvel kind of tops it better than anything. Marvel is a better material. Yeah. No. Again, you're going to, you're going to not like this. DC makes better movies. Marvel tells a better story. The DC movie, the DC movies, because they're not owned by Disney and they have to follow a certain program. The Marvel movies are great. They tell a great story and you know I'm ready to see anybody really get hurt or die. The DC movies are like, heck that, we're going to chop a head off of your there. You know, like they're gritty, they're dark, which is exactly what DC was. Supposed to be gritty and dark and controversial, they have great movies. It stand alone. Marvel tells a better story between all their movies. Yes. Marvel does. Yes. Yes. But DC doesn't know how to write a movie if they're left dependent on it. Pretendantly, their movies are absolutely fine. There's nothing wrong with them. They follow them. Yes, there is. Yes, there is. And here's the problem, Marvel. Marvel can tell a story for over the 10 years with Thanos. Yes. He tell a better story. DC gets the biggest heart on halfway through it and they give you everything you want in like 30 minutes. That's right. Because they are making standalone movies. They're not trying to make movies that connect together down the line. Marvel for 12, 15 years now have been making movies so that they can connect it to another movie. All right. All right. I will give you that. Okay. Yeah. And Gus is lead the extended cut. Yeah. Yeah. Tell me. Explain to me why the epilogue of that movie was better than the actual fucking movie. Explain to me that one. It wasn't. It was. You got more dark side. You got more dark side in the epilogue than the entire DC fucking films. All right. So they are. This is this is the problem. Okay. They have been influenced by Marvel's 12, 15 year span. So now they're starting to try to do the same thing, hinting at what's coming next. They're not following their own script. I won't say the epilogue was better. I said it. I will say that it was there's more to look forward to like it gives you more, makes you want to come back during that small part of the movie. The movie itself was fine. And I love the fact that they went back and they showed the original cut of the movie because that movie was meant to be long. It should have been a Netflix series. I would rather be trapped in a room with Will saying so every 30 seconds and to ever watch a DC film ever again. You would go insane because here's the thing. You had dark side, but you whispered his name the entire Justice League movie. Why? Because you had to show him in the last 30 seconds in the movie. And then James Gunn takes everything over and says we're not doing anything with dark side now. Well, that probably was I don't know the politics behind it, but I'm sure that he had plans and they were shot down. But here's the thing. If you want to contend with Thanos with Marvel, you have to bring your big bad out to. And dark side is the big bad years for Marvel's big bad to come out. He was only in after after credit snippets here and there because they know how to write movies that lead to a story which is DC blows their load in 35 minutes of of a two hour movie. Okay, the D's is trying to the same exact thing. They're giving you a little hint, a little piece. I know you want more and they'll give you more later. I will give DC it's kudos on one thing. They're animated. Just top notch. They're animated. They're animated series. What do you mean back in the day? No, they're animated now. What do you do? They just put out a three part movie with Ruby, the anime series. Phenomenal. What do you mean? The Ruby's not even DC. Ruby is still an animated series though. I know. Ruby is Rooster Teef. You're right. All themselves now. But DC has to team up with somebody. Who wants to see Teen Titans go to the movies again? Not me, but the best DC animated film they've ever done will always be under the red hood. Under the red hood was good. The killing joke was good too. The killing joke was phenomenal. Those two movies can warp on Marvel any day. See, I told you. I'm just saying. They make better movies. Animated movies, correct. See, they not even animated movies. You know? All right. Let me, let me re say this. DC's content makes four better movies. How about that? Correct. Okay. The content that DC's put out over the same span that Marvel has. The content makes for a better movie. Correct. Okay. I got no problem with the movies that have been put out now. I agree. Some of them probably could have been better, but I still like them. If DC took their animated film writers and moved them to live action, their shit would be good. Yeah. I'm just saying. What's that? I agree. Okay. We got off on a tangent here. Let's get that on track. I told you. This is only going to get worse. It is going to get worse. I can't wait. Number five was a question for me. You wrote this for me. I did write this for you. I had to do something for you. You had to give me something, right? All right. Hit me. Number five. Number five, if given a chance to change anything in the Star Wars universe, what would it be? And I can already tell what is going to be. Wait a minute. Hang on a second. What does Marvel Force say? Yeah. What does it say? You think you didn't get to say number four. She wants to put a number four to say. All right. Reverse reverse. All right. We're back. Number four. What was number four? Read it again. What makes Marvel better than DC? It's, I'm sorry. I'm not going to get into that. Go ahead. What's number four? I answer it. What do you like better? Marvel or DC? Marvel. Marvel. Of course you do. Why? Because she's your kid because I like Marvel characters better. You like the Marvel characters better? Yes. All right. Let's pop quiz. Captain America versus Batman, which was better. Batman. Okay. How about Ironman versus. Ironman. Didn't he give me a versus? Ironman versus anybody. All right. How about Spiderman versus. Spiderman. Okay. Enough said. Doesn't matter who is versus Spiderman wins. She's like, I don't know. Spiderman. Spiderman. Woo. I'll give you Spiderman. I like Spiderman. I like the Spiderman movies, especially the ones by Tom Holland. We will put the videos out for these some day and you guys will see the reactions on his face. Tom Holland sucks. You don't like anything that everyone else likes. That's the problem. Popular opinion does not weigh into your decision making. I don't like popular opinion. Popular opinion sucks. Right. But that's the thing. If popular opinion is right, you're going to say it's wrong. It's not right. All right. Number five. I've been told to move on. If you could change anything in Star Wars, what would it be? And I already know your answer. What's my answer? More Darth Maul. More Darth Maul. See, I know, I know you for far too long. Darth Maul had a whole storyline, which they hinted at in solo with his shadow collective. They could do a whole series on the rise of Darth Maul, the origin of the shadow collective, the Mandalore Civil War, all of it. Darth Maul is one of the best characters, and he had 10 seconds of glory in a movie. It was ridiculous. That we need to give it a mini-chlorians, which everyone knows that was a mistake. They named it in the first movie, never ever came up again. They called them M particles in the bad batch at one point. All right. And then my biggest one, and I just saw a post on this, okay? And I was so happy to see this. Let's all post them this the other day. Bring in the young Jedi Knights, okay? It was never made canon as a whole series of books. They were fantastic about Luke, who had opened a temple on Yavin, and Jason and Janus Solo, which were Han Solo and Princess Leia's kids were there. There was a Wookiee kid who was a Jedi. There was everyone. It was a fantastic series. It wasn't canon. Who fucking cares? Okay. The young Jedi Knight series needs to be brought to the big screen. Or at least a TV series. I'll take a Disney+ series if I have to. I don't care. I want to see the young Jedi Knights. Bring them up. What about you? What do you do? If you could see, if you could change anything in Star Wars, then be careful because you live here and I know how to make your life miserable. Being her father is making her miserable enough. You're not a joker. What did you say? I said, what would you change in Star Wars? It was number five. I want more of Darth Vader's story. Darth Vader's story. From the point he becomes Darth Vader to the point that Luke and Leia start making a appearance in the show. I 100% agree with that. Yeah, a lot of the time they show what the good guys are doing. They never show what the bad guys are doing at that time. Right. You want to see a Star Wars movie from the point of view of the bad side, the bad guys, focusing on Darth Vader and his antics leading up to a new hope. I am 100% agreement. They never talk about his suit and all the shit that it can do. They never talk about the birth of the inquisitors. Like, come on, there's a whole series of movies that can be made there. You're not going to like what I'm about to say. You're going to say I get rid of Star Wars altogether. No. Get rid of race, Skywalker, period. I am not okay. I know it's his design for us to argue with each other, but I am not going to disagree with you. I don't like Ray. I like Ray. He is the absolute fucking worst. Yes. Daisy Ridley, I'm sorry. As an actress, you're great. Hot. But wait, wait, wait, wait. You can't skip over that. You think she's hot? Yeah. Of course she's hot. She's in the same category. She's in the same category as Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence for me. She's playing face with no emotion. Tell me I'm wrong. You're wrong. Watch any, any else that she's done. So if she was back in your backyard, naked doing jumping jacks, you would go out there? Yeah, absolutely not. I would go out and do jumping jacks with her. Your tits would hit you in the face. My stomach would fall out of it. No. All right. I liked the idea of the last three movies. I liked how they were trying to start something new, but I, again, did not like her portrayal of the character and I did not like Finn either. I can't remember his name as him. He didn't. What does it mean? I didn't like his characters. He was, I just thought it was unnecessary. He really didn't do much. What is this crumpled face you got going on here? I didn't mind Finn. I think, I think Finn is terrible too, but you, you really have to. You could have just gone with Poe and who is more terrible? Daisy or Irfan? Daisy. Daisy hands down. Right. No. I'd follow BB-8 to the desert before. Do you think she wrecked the last three movies? Because of her. She wrecked the movies. I think she wrecked them. If they would have done the exact same movies with a different actor, they probably would have had a lot better. Bring Natalie Portman back. Why not? I wouldn't mind that. Yeah. I think she would have done a great job. I could have casted Daisy really better. Or Keir Knightley. She was in Star Wars. You know who I would have made Daisy release part? Who you would have given it to? Job of the Hut. Leave Ashley's dad out of this. Ready? Yeah. I set this in front of my friend's own on Sunday. I almost got stabbed, but I'm going to say it again. Dale Godot. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Why don't you hold for one? She is too old for that part. This is supposed to be the dawn of a new Jedi Order. Okay. At least she looks. She's too. Gal Gadot is beautiful. Okay. She is obviously well put together. And that was the point. Daisy Ridley's character was not supposed to be well put together. She was a scrounger. She was living on her own, making what making do with what she's got. You know what I mean? No. I would have loved to see Keir Knightley do it again. Do you remember Keir Knightley in Star Wars? I remember Keir Knightley in Fucking Pirates of Caribbean. Right. But do you remember her in Star Wars? No. I don't want to either. She was Queen Amidala's stand in. In the first movie, whenever Natalie Portman was the handmaiden and she was the queen. Did you know that? Unfortunately. Uh oh. You are wrong justice. Are we... Who is just... Mispelling things on purpose or are you trying to be funny? I would change nothing. He's talking. Ah. He's a Ridley fan. All right. All right. I have another one. Okay. This is going to make you pull your hair up. Listen. But listen, I have... I don't have to worry about that. I have... I have too good one for you. Two! What about... What about Brie Larson? In the Ray Skywalker role? Or maybe. Or... Energy is wrong, but they could have worked with that. Or Elizabeth Olsen. No. No. As with all the Olsen's sisters, the look is the same concept, like it's... I think... I would take Brie Larson. I wouldn't mind. I think they could have worked with Brie Larson. Her energy is different. I'm playing it. I think they could have worked with it. Playing in a whole lot of face. All right. Moving on. Yay. You can chime in whenever you want. You can chime in, slap your father. I can't hear you. What? The only thing I've been waiting for is the next question. She said moving on. She said, screw both of you, we're going to the next one. Moving on. Moving on. Let me... Number six. What is the most underrated movie you have watched? Same answer as number two, Ready Player One. Absolutely loved that movie. Absolutely think it's got so much potential. That movie, like I said, from different points of view would be an absolute fantastic series. Ready Player Whatever. From whatever point of view, all I would want to see is the events, like the Ready Player One's character, like Percival walking into the library thing. You can see that happening in the background while your new characters are talking and walking around, or maybe what they did in the events of the big war at the end from their point of view. You know what I mean? Right. I think Ready Player One has so much potential. What are you going to think about Ready Player Two? I'm ready for Ready Player Two. I am. I want to see it. I don't have high hopes. I'm not trying to get myself hyped up for it because I don't want to be let down. I like Ready Player One. You do like Ready Player One? What was your answer to number six? Um. Most underrated movie. What does that mean? That means it was a good movie and not a lot of people really realized it. Finding, finding Dory. Finding Dory. I agree. That is definitely an underrated movie. Why was finding Dory so such a good movie? It made me really happy at the end when she challenged her parents. When she, okay. So it just made you, it made you happy. Yeah. You know what? It made you head for a bad movie that makes you happy. I agree. I agree. Anything, anything that gets you like a good feeling at the end, even if it's a terrible movie. I'll give you. Why did Dory smell the terrible movie? I'll give you. Wait a shit on your children's dreams. Way to go. Dad of the year. I try to show Pinky all the old stuff. Barbie. I'm a Barbie. You look like a Barbie. Except Barbie wears pink and she has blonde hair. And you have pink hair and you wear pink. So pinky it is. Pinky. Pinky it is. Now that Justin didn't get a chance to answer the question, man, she said screw the other guy on the screen. Let's hear his terrible opinion. My terrible opinion. Yes. It's underrated movie. I'm a huge, huge underrated movie guy. You love underrated movies. I like original movies. So why would I would, what'd you say? What? He's going to say Oppenheimer. Absolutely not. It's a movie I just recently seen. Was Oppenheimer? Yeah. Boy Kills World. What do I know this? With Bill Scarsgard. Why do I know this? I never watched it. I saw it. It was on Netflix I think. It is phenomenal. Boy Kills World. Oh, that's the one where, that's the one where he's, he's deaf and mute. Yep. And his, who, who was his, the voice in his head was the guy from Bob's Burgers. Yep. That does sound like a fantastic movie. Just, just to hear Bob's Burgers narrated. It is probably the most very, very underrated. It was only, I'll give you that. A week in theaters. But the end of the movie where the story comes together is phenomenal. The fact that it made it to theaters is phenomenal. Because that sounds like such a stupid concept. I would have, I would have put my own money up to, to make that movie. It was great. Okay. I'm going to have to watch it now. You're going to have to watch it. It's very good. I thought for you for, you were going to say Godzilla minus one. That's over. That's over. You're not going to even go into that shit show of a movie. Absolute garbage. Hey, hey. Is this such a shit show? How come it won five awards? Because people are stupid. That's why. Speaking from follow ratings from people who think it's funny to give bad movies good ratings. That movie was terrible. I would have gave your life a bad review. We're going to get into this. We're not doing it. We have one more question to answer before I get pissed off. Even the chat says the movie was good. Fuck you. We'll agree with anything that you say because there's only one person in it and he's like up your butt. Okay. He's like your little puppet master. Hey Brandon, tell me when I'm telling lies. You're telling lies. The only lies you. That doesn't make any sense. See don't. Move on to number seven. So I hate. I know. Yeah. Fuck you. Hater. What is the worst movie you've ever seen Brandon's life? My life is a fantastic movie for a little while. With no ending. Then it got bored. All right. I'm going to let Pinky take this one first because she's got a good answer to this. What is the worst movies ever made? Old Disney Princesses. Old Disney Princesses movies. So you don't like Cinderella. I don't like any of the ones I made like a long time ago. I really like Rapunzel and like Anna Elsa. Those are really good and they're more action in them. Okay. So you like a movie that actually has something going on. Yes. So why? I like Brandon's life. They're boring. They're boring. He thinks Old Disney Princess movies are boring. Okay. That's what I have to say. Okay. I agree with you. My, you want to my answer? My answer is a movie that you will never see because it is so god awful. I will never ever let you watch this movie. Here we go. Record Ralph's a good one. Record Ralph's a great movie. Napoleon Dynamite. The Pauline Dynamite was the worst movie I have ever seen. I hated it from the moment it started with his stupid tater tots, right? Vote for Pedro. All of it. There was no point. The whole movie was just garbage. It was an hour and a half of garbage. This is nothing happening. You'll point to it? This is the best around ever created. It was absolutely the worst movie. It's got a cult following of absolute dumbasses. I hate that movie. There's the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life and you will never ever ever understand what I'm talking about because you will not ever watch that. You know what's funny about that? What? I went and I went on the exact tirade on the other, on the other show. What show? My movie. Oh, what's yours? I was going to say Napoleon Dynamite too. Did you? I was going to. But I got to change it up now. No. You don't change it up. We can agree. So, Pauline Dynamite. I would say Napoleon Dynamite, but there's another one that I hate and I'm going to get a lot of bullshit for you. Ready for this one? This is a lot coming for your movie file. Movie file, whatever they call you. You love movies. Can you just call me a movie file? That's what it's called. It's some term for people who like it. It is like the nicest way of saying you have a life and you're a borderline pedophile. For no reason. Don't be afraid of the word file. It just means that you're whatever. What's your movie? Nobody ever says movie file. They got a pedophile. It's like a video. It's a term. Look it up. You ready? Yes. Nightmare before Christmas. You're an idiot. What? He doesn't like Nightmare before Christmas. I hate them. Jack Skellington and Sally and a kidnap the Easter Bunny by accident. Oogie Boogie. No. I like that one too. I wouldn't watch it with your eyes. I spend your nickname for a long time. Oogie Boogie. I have another one. Hocus Pocus. Trash. Okay. Everyone. This is the end of this podcast. We will never ever make another episode because this is absolutely the stupidest ever heard in my life. They're putting it wrong with Hocus Pocus. Everything. Everything. That's not an answer. I'm going to hold you to an answer. What is wrong with Hocus Pocus? Okay. I understand it's like a Halloween necessity that everybody's going to watch it. Your wife is going to come and like hit you. She agrees. I'm she doesn't. She does. She does. Hocus Pocus. I know. And the second one. You're favorite. Your favorite Halloween movie. It is her favorite Halloween movie. You're right. I'm over here crushing kids dreams. You're not crushing anything because we know you're dumbass. I'm just speaking for sure. Hey, Uncle Justin, you're a big. Look at you. We're looking at you, Pinky. I'll give you Napoleon Dynamite, but the rest of your opinions are valid. I have another question to add to the list. Oh, we got a question. We haven't. Haven't heard yet. What is what is your favorite movie of all time? That's a hard question. That is a very hard question. There are only a handful of. So you need to understand that there's no term for it, but I have a photographic memory for movies. I cannot watch a movie twice in the span of like 10 years. I know my favorite movie. You got one? Yes. What is it? Mnemonic. Mnemonic. Mnemonic was a good movie. What is Mnemonic? What is Mnemonic? Mnemonic is a Disney movie. How dare you? Right? God. It's so left behind. I'm 37. I don't watch children shows. Yes, you do. Your plex says otherwise. What do I watch? Shape-shifting. You have every Disney movie known to man on your plex account. Pika. Yes. Mnemonic was a. Shape-shifting kid. There's a kid that could shape shift. She's very old. She looks like she's like a teenager. She looks 10 years old. Real pumped. Which is actually 1000 years old. Right. She's 1000. She's more than 1000. That's right. But she was a little pumped. A lot of attitude. She acts like a kid. Very cute movie. Very cute movie. I'll give you Mnemonic. I'll take your word for it. But I look, there's very few movies that I've been able to watch more than once. I loved Dr. Strange when it came out. I watched that maybe like 80 times. Ready Player One. I've watched a million times. Let's go old school. Monty Python. The Quest for the Holy Grail. You know what? That's probably going to be my answer. Monty Python Quest for Liger. My dad and I can sit and quote that movie from start to finish. And I kid you not. You can watch it 100 times and find something new you didn't see every single time. I've tried to watch it. It's not funny. It's fantastic. If you don't know what the moose means or about the cat, then you need to watch it again because you missed something. Thank you. What about you? Favorite movie of all time? That's a very hard question. Terminator 2 Judgment Day. And here you go saying that you want to see it redone. I do. Such a good movie. And you want to see it? Because here's the thing. That movie basically revolutionized CGI. But I want to see that movie redone, same revolutionized CGI. Like they have the best CGI for the time period. It was like early 90s that he was doing that shit. But I want to see that movie done with CGI now. Just a second. Cinephile. I looked it up. You are the cinephile. That is not as bad as pedophile so I'll take him. That is the term for someone who loves movies and TV. I do. I can't help it. We're both cinephiles. I see how it is. Go out and get a snack. You don't bring me nothing? Damn. You see that you see the love in this house? These are my muffins. Keep your hands up. You didn't ask for anything. Damn. Given you the bittiness. She gives it from her mother. This is a little bloop over here. Okay. I like Terminator too. That's a good answer. Don't think it's the best movie ever made. I think you can reach way back and find something better. Everybody has their own opinion. They have like an asshole and may stink but everybody has opinions. All right. Do we need to get into how long have we been going right now? 54 minutes. Okay. So this sounds like a good place to stop. I want to. All right. Let's talk real quick. Let's talk for a second. You have put together, you can now find our podcast on Spotify under the words. We are on Spotify. We are on Apple, right? Have they published yet? Yeah. Okay. So you can now find our podcast on Apple and Spotify. We're working on a Facebook page because I really want to know what you people think. All right. I know that we have a few people in the comments while we're doing this but our listeners, I want to know what our listeners think of what we had to say. I want to hear you all tell King over here how stupid his opinions are. I want to know how many people are on my side. If you're not on my side, I don't give a crap. These comments are going to be lonely. Oh, so lonely. And let me know if you enjoyed a little pinky commentary over here. If you want to see her come back again, we'll see. Well, we're going to put your hands in the hands of the comments to be honest. She lives in the same house. She will be back. I'll lock that door. I have a little thing about my door that says on air. On that note, this has been War of the Word to be random in the King. Thank you all for having an old with us and we hope you enjoyed the ride. Please stay seated until the ride has come to a complete stop. Make sure you grab all your belongings and get the hell out of here. Until next time.