The Movies & A Meal Podcast

TV Talk: Season 4

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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Is it worth staying with "The Boys?" Maybe, says Ben.

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of Movies in a Meal, a podcast where we talk about movies and other things while we eat. I'm your co-host, Ben. In this TV talk episode, I'm going to answer the question, "Should you watch season four of The Boys?" If you're not familiar with the show, it's been on Amazon Prime for the last four years. It's based on the comic book series from Garth Innes and Derek Robertson about a bunch of people who keep an eye on corporate created superheroes who aren't so very nice in real life. You know, behind the scenes, Garth Innes is one of my favorite comic book writers of all time. He created Preacher, one of my favorite comics of all time, but I think it's pretty clear he doesn't like regular superheroes, and his series was basically a way for him to kind of let off some steam and just show people that superheroes probably in real life aren't good people. The TV series captured this as in spirit, even though they do make some changes from the original comic book storylines, but I think for the most part, for the better. As we wrap up season four, I think we're still careening to almost the same kind of finish we had in the comic book. You know, as season four started, it was announced that season five will be the final season of The Boys. And you know, it's probably about time, you know, we've spent the last few years with the likes of Carl Urban's butcher and, you know, Jack Quaid's Huey Campbell, and of course, probably the breakout store is Antony Star, who plays Homelander, the superhero, at least in this universe, equivalent of Superman, but very, very insecure and very violent. If you watched The Boys in previous seasons, you know that this series kind of revels in the goryness of things, you know, there are a lot of episodes where characters are frequently covered in blood and some of the most horrific and, you know, kind of traumatizing ways possible. You know, I thought that season three, when the guest star and one of the main villains was Jensen Ackles that felt like kind of a high point. Season four really just seems like the prequel, I guess it is, but like really a building block into what's going to become season five ends on a cliffhanger that I won't describe. Even though my overall interest in The Boys is waiting a little bit, just because I feel like there aren't a lot of stakes and this season kind of has some weird fits and starts and some things that I thought would be great plot elements to run up four or five episodes or are introduced in the second to the last episode and kind of just have a smaller payoff in the finale. But I'm interested to see what's going to happen in season five, I'm going to stick it through. If you like The Boys already, just go ahead and stay on the train and we'll see where it takes us. If you're just curious, give the first couple episodes of season one, a shot, that's the tone setter and if you can survive through that, then you can probably watch the entire series. Let me wrap it up. You can always reach us at or moviesandmeal on Twitter/x or on most platforms. That podcast, so it's not hard to look us up, but for this episode of Movies to Meal, I'm Ben. [music]