FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Paul Prine responds to Mobile City Council investigation and Mayor Stimpson's statement - July 24 2024

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24 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. You know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the video we got? I mean the deal we got pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? Last question. Were you high on drugs? Right, where we go? FM Talk 1065 and midday mobile on this Wednesday. Glad to have you a long phone number. Same as it ever was. 3430106 also works for a text. 3430106 and a reminder. If you had the FM Talk 1065 app a third way to get in touch you can always leave a message by using the talk back feature. That microphone on the front page lets you record a message and send it into the show and we can play it back. All right, this man back in studio, good to see him back in studio former police chief of the city of Mobile. Paul Prine joins us on midday mobile. Thanks for coming in. Yeah thank you for the invite. It's been, I think the first time you came on with me in this capacity because it was, I know that I like to tell the story. You were in like, let's say it's a week and a half before, I don't have it in front of me. And we're going through the crime stats for the city of Mobile and where these historical changes to crime stats, actually even hear a story now that we can't get grant money in the city of Mobile because violent crime is down. That's right and that's a good reason not to get grant money. I mean I want all the grant money we can get. Well 40% down and gun crimes this time compared to last year and double digits last year compared to the year before. That didn't just start. That's been happening over the last two and a half years. So you were sitting here, we'd gone through these stats and then, I don't know Paul, it was a week later or something like that, that you're now on, I don't know, on leave or whatever they called the term administrative leave. City of Mobile and I was like it left me scratching my head. You came in and we started talking about it back then. So it's been a long road to get to here. Yeah it has but thank you for them by and give me an opportunity to kind of rebuttal some of the remarks or even the report that was put out. Yeah and I want to talk about the report that's out. Of course yesterday on the show, during the show I received the email from the executive from Mayor Stimson's office and it had, he had said I think in there, hey I read the report yesterday evening, here's my thoughts and I read through this yesterday on there but I'm going to read some with you sitting right here. Some highlighted portions here. It says, as Mayor, I'm responsible for my staff and leadership I put in place over city departments. I made the decision to hire Paul Prime. I made the decision to fire him. I regret that I didn't do it sooner. Had I done so it would have saved thousands of taxpayer dollars and saved countless wasted hours defending our staff against his false allegations. I'm angry about the time wasted and the money expended. So your response to that? Well you know if you've seen on my rally page or my concern citizens page for Chief Prime back in February I released an email letter from the mayor that was simply congratulating me on my leadership and the department's leadership for a successful Mardi Gras and that was in February of 2023. After I filed my grievance verbally on the Chief of Staff back in October of 2023 I also put on that same Facebook post the mayor's text where he wanted me to come see him and you know in essence stated that you know I'm not asking for your resignation and if you offer one I'm not getting it. I think it's just another veiled attempt for Sandy to separate with me to again once again defame and disparage my leadership right. What else do you do when you try to get rid of a guy that's certainly in public service and in the position that I was in? The regret that I have is that I trusted a 29 year law enforcement career with an administration that I thought wanted to lower attrition and reduce crime and unfortunately that was not the case and you know when things got a little tough last year with some of the officer involved incidences in the summer of 2023 they just wasn't up to the pressure and of course we can get into it but you know we had the situation when this broke news that I believe it was CJ Smalls one of the counselors says hey this investigation with the Kenan Brown report was not meant to oust the chief but if you've read that investigation the mayor statement actually confirmed that several council members said it was time for the chief to go. It doesn't name those counselors that were in there but again it confirms my suspicion that the Kenan Brown report certainly to 321z insight peer review and all the things the mayor have said is nothing more but attempt to disparage me and my leadership and a just calls to terminate me when the truth is he didn't need one but yeah I was going to say because you serve at the pleasure of serving the pleasure of the mayor in Alabama as an appointee in at-will position so he could have fired you even without so the Kenan Brown report you're saying is is cover for the firing but he could have fired you without that literally and in fact during that text exchange with the mayor I told him look if you want me to part ways of the administration there's a cordial way to do it and I have that text maybe I'll post it today and that gives a little context in my conversation with the chief of staff barber and this whole no vote of confidence let me say something before we get in any further into the report I'm not going to get sidetracked by these four scopes and investigations in the truth is 321z the power struggle of the breakdown between me and the tech center the communication between me and the administration and the two grievances that I found listen some of these were allegations the third one the the breakdown the communication between men the administration sandy Stimson is the one that made that allegation not me be mindful that the council's the one that narrowed the scope of investigation I had no input no one from the council called me they did not collude with me ask me hey what's the underlying real issue of your allegations and to prove my point on the grievances you heard where the the special attorney said that for the most part he didn't investigate the verbal grievance with barber because it said it's outside the scope well he was actually correct because the scope was narrow down to say that they would only investigate written grievances so and that was lost on a lot of us going into it because I was asking hey let's just make sure that if we're going to pay the citizens are going to pay for this investigation the council had to make sure every question answered so we don't have to come back and say well listen you're saying that it was specifically well verbal was left out well how else do you take it listen you know over the last couple of months you've got the chief of staff trying to make point of clarity for Ben Reynolds and when they were trying to narrow the scope down on the investigation why does the chief of staff have to make a point of clarity for a councilman the point the councilman can make his own points if his appoints are independent of anybody you only make a point of clarity is if someone's trying to pass a narrative or information and they don't do a good enough job the catalyst of what you saying that they were telling the council member what to say well I believe there was collusion there's no doubt and then you've got this this whole thing over you know the last couple of weeks where you've got the city attorney Ricardo Woods reaching out to the council requesting to go speak to the special investigator because he needed to remind the investigator of his duty to the city as an employee of the city through this contract as if somehow or another the council attorneys uh uh what incompetent enough to do that you've got the mayor sending a letter to the council requesting not to send subpoenas to the administration although I had been subpoenaed and already subsequently done my interview um you know and then you start looking at the fact and we can get into it but the city's uh appointed attorney for all of the mayor's administrators with the exception of mr. Levy was in every single meeting by the council by the special investigator now I'm not saying that that attorney did anything nefarious but let me let me explain this my attorney wasn't able to be in all of the interviews I'm sure mr. Levy's attorney will say the same thing that he wasn't invited to be in there so I'm not saying that there's anything nefarious but if you read the report uh there's a lot of inferences made from the special investigator that somehow or another Jim Barber was this uh peacemaker and that he was going to be the mediator when in fact he's the reason we're here to begin with and it all started back in October when he made the phone call to me when he said I need you to uh be a second source to one of the local media companies and I've already released the results I've got to change the narrative in the community and uh this was in the Joanne Dallas case yeah it is in the Dallas case and it's unfortunate I mean you know we can argue whether or not it was criminal or unethical uh him and his position you know that argument can be made uh but there's no doubt the argument is true that when you say you get the chief of police to do that and he's under uh subpoena from the grand jury with the district attorney's office and I'd do that and I released material evidence for the grand jury it becomes a criminal problem for me so I was placed in a position that was a no-win situation you think that was pre-planned absolutely it was either a plan to get me to do this thing that they thought then would put you in a position it compromises I think it compromises me and you hold it over my head and when you look at all the things that they've done it's about power and control and unfortunately I made uh well I guess fortunately and unfortunately I made the decision to be true to my character and my integrity and I didn't do a thing but that also created this slippery slope in the future that ultimately ended up where we are today yeah folks are saying too that uh that I guess chief was not under uh subject to grand jury secrecy well I you know I think you can make the argument because he wasn't necessarily a police officer you know but but that's going to be for another authority to make that determination uh at some point uh but nonetheless the grand jury in that particular case had not been heard uh and so you know you compromise an investigation you compromise the jury pool of the people that receive or get that information if that material evidence is released to the public my point is simply this this all started and even before that phone call there was there was the talk of the no vote of confidence uh about me and my position only to find out that that never happened I will concede that uh the report was lengthy uh but I don't know that many people are going to read a 288 page report what I would suggest read the first 60 pages of it and I think in the first 60 pages you will find out uh and I think you found out yesterday with the firing of commander Levy uh I think you're gonna find out that commander Levy and the administration were all on the same team but when commander Levy gave his interviews he told the truth he told the truth about my grievance and about how the director came to him and gave him what I described was a fill of the blank presentation subsequently through this investigation I found out as a power point but nonetheless that's exactly what happened this report validates and substantiates every allegation that I've made we're going to come right back to that uh more with former mobile police chief Paul pryne right here on mid-day mobile this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1065 right now welcome back mid-day mobile glad to have you along phone number 3430106 also works on the very busy text line you check in with my friend David McCraery at LC and motor cars and inventory man you've just been bringing it in right and left what's it looking like this week well we got a couple other vehicles coming in today Sean we got a um 17 ram um half ton truck with a him in it got another traverse coming in every time we'll get a traverse they sell um and we've got a great inventory that we we've had you know we got a regular cab port f152 with a short bed which is kind of a rare bird anybody's like something like that jeeps whatever you want all right how's finance and looking good ever the rates are um the rates are steady I mean we've had good rates um all year uh secondary financing is um really good right now so if you you've had some issues you know some might've had some issues um don't be afraid to come see us all right give folks direction to come see you we're highway 19 implantation in Theodore it's one mile south of ITN exit 15a he gives a call at 251-3750068 or go to website lcn motor thanks David thank you all right David McCraery checking in from LCN motor cars a continue our conversation with former mobile police chief Paul prawn what you mentioned you mentioned this at the before we went to the news and I want to come back to this uh the you said commender leave him uh he goes in and spilled the beans I think is the words you said he was in the in the report and now the subsequent action of firing him said to have and I maybe I don't understand it completely but to have signed his name or he shouldn't on a contract or something like right so one of the four scopes is the 321z insight this was the peer review that that's more really my grievance on the the director because I thought this is insight into shot spotter right into the shot spotter program you're absolutely spot on and if you go in there and read it uh mr. Levy actually um says that hey you know the director came to me and for several weeks he stated him and the director being being uh lasky Robert Lasky and Robert Lasky went to uh Kevin Levy and to Curtis Graves who also was a subordinate of mine at the time and who is now the deputy director of public safety not sure you know how that happened but nonetheless um it went to them according to the investigation and wanted information about me and how I was not supporting their team and made allegations that you know there was tensions between me and the tech center and Kevin Levy there was no tensions uh it was a long-standing issue not under my reign uh as the chief of police but under Lawrence Batiste that we had no control and autonomy over the intelligence unit um the unfortunate part of that you know I'll be honest with you I I read the entire report last night I'm not really sure there's any criminal case there or not you know was was there impropriety certainly I think there's some impropriety as it appears today but nonetheless I think the reality really comes down to is Kevin Levy uh gave the information he told the truth and as a result of telling the truth the administration turned all of their weaponry on him and let let me say this so they so you weren't so it was this kind of telephone game you're saying that lasky wasn't coming to you and talking to you he was coming and asking yeah so apparently what's wrong with sure according to Levy you know barber wanted this peer review and tasked um uh lasky with coming to find out according this investigation uh what was the tension between me and the tech center well I find it ironic because nobody came to me I told no one did come to you and say hey what gives yeah what what's the issue I'm the chief of police these guys are subordinate to me right well they could not give no information because it would have been untruthful and you know I have to give mr. Levy some credit because of his honesty when I call in and asking to validate um you know that this thing happened with with uh Robert Lasky trying to create this report on me that shined me on a negative light with my leadership to the mayor he admitted he said yeah and he says something to the effect that I'm not going to be involved in that well he goes verbatim that's the only time I've talked to him about grievance I subsequently filed the grievance I have not taught with Kevin Levy since March and in that report he verbatim stated exactly what I suggested in my grievance that this was a hit piece to take me out and that's why he was not going to be involved and he said he made it very clear that Jim Barber and Lasky was aware of it they were complicit and they changed the rules on him to move the go post after he submitted this report so this is why it let me ask you just believe this is why he was fired well I was why yes well according to the investigation it was because he tampered surprisingly that's what it says that's what I say because it says here you know that it was he uh something about the drafting process of the contract or something like that but are you saying that because he said those things in that report uh a theness is why he's fired today I do uh that's my opinion of it now they're saying that he tampered with evidence forage documents whatever the case may be but let me tell you something uh Jim Barber is in that approval process the buck stops with the mayor this uh listen mr. Athanas was very professional and he did a very good report I don't know that it was a thorough report and we can get into that you're saying the scope you had said earlier that the scope was limited I think the scope locked him in okay on a lot of things but there's still some things that I think if he had went a little further he would have got to the truth so the 321z contracts um the the statement was and and by the way I wholeheartedly disagree with the the statement with the council and mr. Athanas and the mayor because it made it look like he was favoring and siding with the administration but to his credit that's with the letter well that's what it says but to his credit he actually said I encourage everybody to read the report what it surmised to is it validated every allegation and grievance I made the only thing mr. Athanas said is that he it that my grievance was not substantiated with the director with lasky because it didn't violate code of conduct with opr Jim barber and lasky and the opr director went into this investigation and said that opr is not applicable to code of conduct it's only applicable to merit system employees and not appointees mr. Athanas did not apparently go and look at the opr he says there was a distinct difference between appointees and merit system only when it comes to the discipline portion of it or the grievance portion however when you read the code of conduct and the violations it starts off that says in essence and i'm paraphrasing that all city employees are subject to the code of conduct so either it's all employees or it's not all employees if it's only merit then it should be stated in the code of conduct doesn't doesn't say that it does not say that that there's a distinction it only says that there is all employees so when i made my grievance it should have been addressed now that being said it's unfortunate for mr. Levy he chose not to lie he chose to tell the truth and i find it hard that mr. Athanas decided that he would side on the the side of lasky barber and the administration and not believe me and not believe the guy that's telling the truth you're saying when nothing about my grievance other than the institutional inside knowledge that he had about what they were trying to do and he had the mocks he encouraged to stand up and says i'm not doing that to the chief and he says it in the investigation because they were going to use it to somehow another terminate his position and that's the and and in coming about full circle you're saying that's why leavy i believe that's why commander leavy was terminated because they were all on the same team up until this investigation started and then they turned their weaponry coming right back more with uh paul pine right here on bidet mobile yeah this is mid-day mobile with shawn selvan on fm talk one oh six five all right so welcome back mid-day mobile fm talk one oh six five and uh continuing conversation the full vermobile police chief fall prime the investigation that was put out through the city council uh which the firm from up in berbingham a thetus uh that report coming back in now and uh you said yeah it's if you don't want to sit down and read 260 something pages you said read the first at least 50 or 60 pages and you you'll get what you need to get out of that report okay i want to get some text here too uh john texting uh what about the grievance a corporal filed against lasky so when i followed my grievance that was the only grievance uh that the scope would allow to be investigated and so although my grievance was verified and substantiated by commander leavy in this investigation they found that it was not sustained because you know that we all have a difference of opinion or whether or not a point ease or covered under the opr code of conduct back to the scene but you said in the beginning of that it's a place listen it's a ploy and it's a play on words is what it is and it's a distraction okay and but you know some fortunate mr athane should have come out in the thing and says yeah the you know he should have been more of the middle of the road because that's what the investigation chose but to the grievance the same month i filed a grievance um you know we had a a corporal that filed a grievance uh that that was again under my command and he was just demanding information uh from that particular officer and put it in in a very physical hostile situation and we were able to confirm that happened although the administration says it was a misunderstanding nonetheless it was the bully tactics and the intimidation tactics that he used he did the same thing if you read that investigation he did the same exact thing to uh commander leavy and so commander leavy took it upon himself to write this third party review right he says that the administration knew now he didn't i don't believe he put the mayor in it but he said jim barber knew it jim barber was wanting the report sooner than he could get it to him and that last he was aware of it but they changed the the the rules of the game so to speak but he didn't give them the report they wanted he gave them what was called a white report which was kind of a data analysis report or the peer review that he's done before and it was his way of trying to get along with the balls without being disobedient but according to his testimony last he demanded that he give him things about me that would disparage my leadership now a thannis goes on to say that it wasn't a conspiracy and there was a misunderstanding between what last he wanted in that report and what my faults were but it validates everything that i've stated in the report and there's no way commander leavy would have had knowledge of that grievance short of seeing the grievance and the truth of the matter is he was telling the truth it was mr a thannis that decided that he would go along and back last key and barber on the situation the reality of it is that uh uh uh leavy goes in and even and we didn't know this uh but apparently says there was tensions between uh Lawrence petiste and jim barber so if it would have been a thorough investigation in the way that we go another stepfather uh you go to this second uh point where it says what was the communication breakdown between me and the tech center i never made that allegation i made the allegation that it was a power struggle it was a lust of power jim barber was running the mobile police department's intelligence unit and that the police chief did not have control over his own intelligence unit uh mr a thannis didn't interview the sheriff paul birch went on tv and after he was confronted with the media and confirmed part of my allegations that my investigators were having to go to the sheriff's department because we couldn't get our information in a timely manner and the truth is i didn't have a design or was that just uh it wasn't working correct well uh barber goes in the investigation says he wasn't quite sure if i knew all the technological capabilities and i didn't know because i it was a hands-off approach let me tell you this every org chart and and it's unfortunate mr a thannis didn't give it because we had extensive conversation about the city's organizational chart and the city of mobile police department's org chart the police department's organizational chart up until april may of this year showed that not only was kevin leavy subordinate to the chief of police but he also answered directly to the chief of staff in what real world organization does that have to keep now you've got a political bureaucrat that's running sensitive information through the tech center but yet the chief of police can't even call and inquire the chief of please don't approve contracts he don't approve purchases capital purchases that's why we got to this position they blamed kevin leavy was the budget separate from yours well no it was a part of the police department's budget but if you read the investigation mr a thannis makes the unfortunate assertion that there was a power struggle and uh you know he didn't really quite understand it but said it was it was highly unusual but the truth of the matter is it there had never been a power struggle had jim barber done chief of staff business and not still try to be the chief of police and run the department if you don't mind i'll also say this sandy steps and came out and use that report is when and and for your listeners go back and read the report and you will find out the mayor used it as opportunity to defame and disparage me once again he's hostile what is he mad about there's no reason to be upset and mad if you haven't done anything or been exposed my argument that wouldn't read this so one thing since tonight yesterday in that in that email i was coming from air stemson said it's unfortunate that the special counsel characterized the situation with an mpd leadership is dysfunctional that unfairly cast dispersions on the incredible group of men and women in the department and its leadership positions spot on thank you for asking me that because that's exactly the point that i was going to make is this administration including obviously the mayor you will not find that in this report that mr a thannis said that what you will find is he says that there are there are always uh palace intrigues or power struggles between the leadership of police departments and local government he said this was unusual and what he said was is that it was a defunct administration he wasn't talking about the police department the mayor used that as an as an a reason to go out because he knows people are not most people are not going to read a 288 page report and he twisted the narrative and said he said that the police department's administration and the staff would defunct and that's why they got rid of me and it's nothing more but lies and manipulation of the truth and it's so unfortunate because the people are listening the people are watching and when you read that report you're not going to find that in there it's a complete bold facelime all right then by the way too just self-promotion here that report is linked through on her facebook page facebook dot com slash fm talk one of six five let's go to the text line here uh at this one from uh a name texture uh do you believe there is a correlation to gossip of batiste so large batiste running for mayor in 25 his jumping to juvenile court before the public announcement of this investigation one would be led to suggest there's a far left conspiracy against the current conservative local administration and your issues are just another distraction caused by insider agitation has your pride been played in this plot that's from lighthouse diver yeah great great question uh there's multiple things there let's let's start with my pride um no if you've seen the text that i sent to sandy about uh what departing from the administration i simply told him there's a cordial way to do it unfortunately i'm wired as a man of integrity and character in my my life and my professional career has always dictated and most people will tell you that i will simply tell you this was it prideful that i just didn't walk out yeah it was probably a little bit of pride but my character wouldn't because you threatened go back listen go back to the severance letter boat options hey you can leave with your reputation intact i'm sorry that's a threat or you cannot leave and we're going to do all these things and now we know in the support of that severance what are the what are the the letter say the letter says that we're going to take it to a council vote and the votes are there well now that gets back to cj small says the brown report wasn't used to as a hip piece and now this investigation according to the mayor's you believe you said it earlier but once again you believe that uh the getting kenny and brown to do that report was specifically for a tool to fire you for a tool to fire me and i i believe that it was a combination of things but it started in october with a no vote of confidence i'll give you another example uh with mr athanis and the report uh you know it was obvious that he was biased with jim barber jim barber made an allegation that i called him a liar and a meeting in march but that he never asked me about that statement did you i called him a liar but it wasn't in march it was in uh october when i confronted him correction it was in november when i confronted him on the grievance it was the same day the same evening he called me trying to justify his behavior and why he's done what he's done or how he was trying to protect me in my position and i called him a liar because of what he told the mayor look go back on my page and read what he said i said well uh you know i said mayor i didn't offer a resignation i said if that's what jimmy's telling you i said he's wrong and so what it happened because you did say this because you said that the mayor said hey i'm not going to take your resignation right i said i never offered a resignation so where did he get it well oh it's so jim barber after i had confronted jim barber about my grievance jim barber went to him instead of telling him the truth jim barber went to him and said oh primes you know it's too much pressure for him and i think he's trying to formulate his exit strategy absolutely never have it never happened absolutely didn't so you know there there's a lot of uh twisting and manipulation of the truth but unfortunately that's not the case i think there was a first part to that question wasn't it yeah uh well yeah we were talking about so this is i've talked about the crime do you believe do you believe there's a with lauren correlation so yes the lighthouse diver said do you believe there's a correlation to gossip of batiste running for mayor in 25 his jumped to the juvenile court before the public announcement of this investigation well listen i don't know why Lawrence batiste left he left suddenly i i confronted Lawrence and asked him was he running for mayor he just laughed it off but i a good source has told me that he is planning on running for mayor but now during this investigation uh now that kind of clouds of suspicion and maybe he is but why did you leave the administration you could surmise there were tensions between he and jim bar before he did you ask him why he left the administration no i never asked him why but before he left i asked him was he running for the mayor's position and he just kind of laughed it off so i don't know why he left but according that investigation mr leavy says there was tension between he and uh and uh a jim barber this from tim says shawn when you have this independent investigation and when each witness or persons called in and you've got the city's attorney sitting in on the interviews that is unethical and you will not get the true answers of the questions the committee asked because of fear of retaliation you seem to be a pretty smart person i don't know i can't believe that the mayor is letting this happen he can't be this stupid well listen excellent question and that was my point uh i've not suggested that the city's uh attorney for all these city employees have done anything but it does cloud the suspicion that you've allowed this gentleman to sit in here with all these interviews under under oath and each one of them give you know give their own uh line of answers to the questioning one could surmise that you know uh that gives the that side or the team if you will a strategy to prepare uh if there is misconduct on their part and uh it just seem like mr fan escaped a lot of support to rob lasky to the mayor and to jim barber but do you okay but without substantiating their comments it's just by uh by a biobition or commission i mean well i said earlier the i think his scope was narrow so he couldn't ask certain questions i said this got certain questions but let's get to the questions that he did ask he asked uh levi about the 321z peer review when you talk about that peer review kevin levi says listen he wanted information that i was not willing to give him personally for a personal conviction and professionally and i felt like the information he wanted he was going to use for uh ousting the chief then he goes into a further into his uh uh interview and and he says it multiple times that unfortunately i tried to do a thing write the peer review they knew what it was about and it was a way for me to give the administration jim and lasky what they wanted about me but without him directly criticizing me in fact uh lasky goes in the interview and has to recant maybe uh his testimony because uh he was asked do you think you know pryan said that that review was critical of him and his leadership do you think it was and ultimately he says nobody comes to the conclusion and the investigation says well yeah it was critical of course the mayor flip flops back and forth like he always does unfortunately but um you know it's unfortunate but i i think that the read was is that my allegations had no merit and in fact if you read it my allegations were actually confirmed the the decision the the discrepancy over whether or not lasky's uh grievance was uh supposed to be fabricated as i stated or whether it was to be negative uh is a nuance to me the point is it was substantiated that he did give uh a power point where they fill in the blank presentation in any time how do you take that if you if somebody gives you a fill in the blank presentations i just fill it in the narrative is already painted on whatever it is you're trying to state you just need that person to put that information in there so it came from them coming right back more midday mobile with uh former chief pryan this is mid-day mobile with sean celibate on fm talk one oh six five right uh back it's mid-day mobile fm talk one oh six five and uh wrapping up our conversation for now with former mobile police chief paul pryan you know a few more of these texts in here these questions that i might have a few months of my own this one fair enough uh text says can can um paul provide the page numbers of the report on his facebook page along with the allegations to show where he's vindicated like he said people won't read it all so a list of pages highlighted would help that signed a taxpayer right so it's going to be hard to put uh you know 60 pages on there but over those 60 pages if you'll just download the report the first 60 pages is going to get into levies testimony what they accused him of doing and what the plot was to else me i may try to get some information on my facebook page concerned citizens for chief pryan feel free to join you do have to answer a question in order to be accepted but i i put time those things up there from time to time to kind of prove the point you know uh and kind of rebuttal some of the things that are being said adam mass saying this is a messy complex and unfortunate situation but this hasn't been mentioned what would the chief have to gain by making the allegations that he made i think the only answer would be resounding nothing so you he's absolutely spot on the only reason i went public with it is because the whole uh putting the administrator chief of police on administrative leave uh creates a narrative that the chief has done something wrong and i've seen it far too often where people are walked out of the door and they're shamed and when your hands are clean and mine are um you don't have to do that and it's unfortunate i'm a very private person uh but unfortunately i had to get out in front of it and i've been playing offense every since okay in reminder too i mean from back when you first started talking to me about this you said what was offered you've referenced it kind of but what was offered is choice a you leave with your reputation i'm paraphrasing here correct me wrong and a severance right yeah so they were going to give me 18 months of severance of sandy went back and what is that 18 months of salary 18 months yeah 18 months of my current salary benefits nothing changed i just go home they call me a consultant i go home okay i wasn't good enough to be the chief but i'm good enough to pay uh that kind of money for 18 months or two years if sandy went back in office if sandy but of course i had to sign an on disparaging agreement and uh you know this whole thing that i demanded six hundred thousand dollars that that's absolutely not true we were in negotiations that was a part of the y'all for i had asked if you have been given six hundred thousand would you have done the same thing oh no i mean listen i've said from day one everybody says oh he didn't take the money no i was willing to take the money that's why i was given the severance on march the 27th and it was april the 9th when this went public i had 21 days according to federal law to accept deny or or change or make a recommendation to the the settlement according to federal law the truth of the matter is is they were tired they wanted me out the door and then they used this whole thing all the media is calling and my p.o at the time confirmed there was no media calling it was intentionally leaked to the media and that goes back to my grievance jim barber uses the media i can't prove that he leaked uh the the separation with me uh but it stands the chance that you know that's his modus operandi when he told me that's exactly what he does when he wants to change an narrative of something and it's unfortunate uh i will say this if i can real just just real quick um the reason i and i don't know if i touched on it the reason why i said that i didn't think the mr thennis's report was wholeheartedly transparent or at least uh thorough as they all gloated it to be is because there's a cloud of suspicion my grievance is not only were confirmed by kevin leavy and lasky with their participation in it but my grievance was also confirmed uh because mr thennis didn't see the need to go talk with 15 members of the staff that signed the peer review rebuttal that i sent to the mayor with them agreeing with me voluntarily that that kevin leavy or at least that peer review was wrong was he told not to or he just decided not to who the thennis did not to talk to this well i don't know but but i don't know but that scope but no it but it wasn't a bend it was inside the scope when you say what's the power struggle between the chief the pd and with uh the the tech center it could have been explained the other one is is i gave mr thennis not only the first time but the follow-up interview i gave mr thennis uh and reminded him that he had yet to interview the witnesses i provided on both grievances and yet i have confirmed that they've never been interviewed and that would further substantiate exactly what everything mr leavy had said all right time we will uh sit down to reading at least the first 60 pages of the report so many of us out there and we'll talk to you again soon yeah and if you don't mind let me just simply say to all the supporters out there for me i appreciate the prayers tags the facebook messages uh it has really helped uh it's been a huge blessing to me and uh continue that support i thank you and feel free to reach out if you have any personal questions of your own hall find bomb show on the way next The Home Service Club sponsors this paid advertising.