FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Cameron Smith Biden steping down Now what - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 7-24-24

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24 Jul 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that, this is painful, and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high-stepper, no step too high for a high-stepper. That doesn't suck, if you don't like it, you're bad. I'm not sure. We'll be talking about the same phone numbers, the other shows, 2-343-0106-3430106 on the phone line, or the text line in a reminder too, if you're using the FMTalk 1065 app, you have yet a third way to get in touch using that microphone icon. It lets you do the talk back, record a message, emails it to the show, and we can play it back here on the air. All right, the lineup for today. Yes, busy, yes, that is for sure. We'll be talking in our number two to former Mobile Police Chief Paul Prine yesterday during the show. The letter from Mayor Stimson came out reacting to the investigation that was the City Council put on into what happened with the termination of former Chief Prine. A lot in there, a lot about Prine, the 321 Insights at Report out yesterday. We have it posted on our Facebook page as well, If you want to peruse the 232 pages of it, you can do it. There we can listen to us talk about it. Now we're number two when Paul Prine joins me here in the studio. Also at 1235, a bunch of discussion yesterday. You heard the discussion with Jeff and President of the Mobile Chamber, Bradley Byrne, former congressman about the lawsuit that was put in by Mobile Baykeeper to slow down halt, adjust the dredge spoil that will be coming up, continuing to come up with the deepening and widening of the ship channel. You heard from Congressman Byrne, President Byrne of the Chamber and others during the last three hours. You'll hear from William Strickland. He's the executive director of Baykeeper. He joins me at 1230. Then even to add into the mix to cause more chaos, when I think chaos, I picture this guy. He's with, the Triptych Foundation, and a film entrepreneur and bit actor. It is our buddy. It's Cameron Smith joining us now. Hey, Cameron. Oh, wait, I have to press another button. Sorry, Cameron. I caught in here. I can't even do the basic things as I get in here. Let me press this button. And there he is. Cameron Smith. Hey, man. And the crowd goes wild. They're going nuts. I'm running out of triggerfish. My boys have gone through our reserves, and so I'm due a visit down south because between the triggerfish and bee liners, my boys have gone through our stockpiled reserves, and we've got to come get us some more. Okay. I can help you. We can go get bee liners, but we can't retain triggers right now, but we can definitely go work on a still snapper, quoted out there for red snapper, and then we can get on some of those bee liners. So let's make that up. Oh, I'm okay with anything. Any part of the great meat exchange, it may shock you to learn this, but the four boys in my house are not real picky as far as what they eat. Well, but I mean, they've now tasted many times over their lunch since they were young. It's good to eat. And now they know, you know, they want fish from the Gulf. That's fair. That's fair. They like those fresh Gulf seafood. Yes. Yeah. It's a big, it's catching on. We'll get. Yeah. So we'll set that up. Let's get them down here and still more fishing to be done. Hey, you know, you can fish 12 months a year down here. So y'all come on down and do it. Before we get any further here to everybody, if you hadn't heard in the news update there, that you have the address coming from President Biden tonight, I guess that's where he's going to tell us why he decided not to run, why he suspended the campaign before I get it from the president. Let's find out from Cameron Smith. What? Well, you wrote about this over at Why is he out, man? Because he's not capable of running. I mean, this is not complicated. And I'm sure he's going to that the narrative is being constructed, Sean. It is Biden's bridge to the future. He is a gentleman and warrior poet stepping aside so that a historic candidate like Kamala Harris can take the reins and lead into a wonderful future, except for none of that's true. None of that is true at all. He wanted to run because he wanted to retain power. He his inner circle had clearly hidden his incapacity from, I don't know, pretty much all the Democrats, all the Republicans could see it. Democrats willfully ignored it. And now they're constructing a beautiful handoff and re-remembering all of history to suggest that really Biden, he's just a great guy who decided to put country before ego unlike President Trump. And wow, I mean, the fact that if any voters willing to look at this and look the other way and say, oh, this is this perfectly this makes tons of sense. They're not paying attention. And by the way, Democrats don't give me any more of this garbage about threats to democracy because, well, you kind of might be that. Hey, okay. So the narrative being painted here of doing it for the country, we shouldn't even get in the details of really what forced it out. And that's the money, right? And I talked about this yesterday with Robert Kennedy, a Democrat on it and he even admitted the donor class, the money dried up, right, the money dried up. And that's the, that's the real story here. Well, there was also a pivot. It was not just it dried up, but it was, let's move to the House and Senate races were abandoning the presidential race as lost irretrievably as long as Biden's the candidate. There were a lot of strong conversations that came into members of Congress that said, hey, if you don't call for him to step aside, we're going to stop funding you. And that does matter, but let's be frank, even if the money had kept flowing, Biden was such a just terrible candidate out the get go based on the issues, immigration, foreign affairs, inflation, we can go down the list. He was already struggling on the issues. And then you put in his physical and mental infirmities game over and so they had to make a change. And so the party elites did. Okay. So you just do the three things. So let's come. Let's do this class. Let's do compare and contrast. The first one here, immigration, the border. So you're handing the baton off to Vice President Kamala Harris, also known on the streets as the borders are. So tell me how she would do better on immigration than Biden and that's the, I mean, setting the bar pretty low. She wouldn't. I mean, she failed. She utterly failed at the one major policy initiative. The Biden administration handed her was engaging the southern border. Not only did she fail, but she didn't even really go down there. I think she's taken one trip. Right. She was there for like 15 minutes. I remember one time they said, well, what about you go on the border? She said, well, I'm here in Guatemala. I'm like, okay. Right. She is a failed from a policy perspective. In fact, she's failed from a political perspective. Democrat voters didn't want her. She didn't even make it to the last primary yet. She was not a darling of the Democratic party. She's simply, this is exactly what happened, Sean, is that they realized Biden was going to lose to Trump. The party elites decided to panic and they said, well, we have to, we have to redo this. We have to get somebody. They said, well, there's no way we can pass up the vice president. And so they all rallied around her as if this was some kind of good idea. She is a terrible politician. She is a terrible candidate governor Shapiro out of Pennsylvania as a better candidate. Heck, Joe Manchin's a better candidate. And they, they have all sort of bowed out and said, well, maybe, no. And the idea that the Democratic electors, and I understand what Democrats are saying, they say, well, Biden withdrew voluntarily. So there's no affront to democracy here. Right. If y'all believe that, just go ahead. But the idea of the electors will now pick, it's sort of a coronation for Harris at this point, without having an open contest, again, don't tell me about threats to democracy when very clearly the Republican primary, even with a past president in the field, was much more open and competitive than anything we're seeing over there. Yeah. And shutting it down the primary level. I mean, I talked to, you know, Robert about this yesterday, Democrat, he said, well, Democrats don't care. They just want to try to do something new. I don't know. I haven't had a chance to go interview every Democrat out there. If they care about this coronation or not. But he's saying they don't care. The other things you delineated in the other two, let's go foreign affairs for a second. So Benjamin Netanyahu in speaking to Congress today, I don't know how she's going to be any different or better with the mess in our response to the Israel, God, some more and Ukraine. Yeah. I think that she's ill prepared the idea of maybe I missed it, Sean, but have we sent her as a major negotiating ambassador for the United States on any of these fronts? And in fact, has she been deployed really at all? The answer is no. This was actually one of the critiques of the Biden administration of, well, if you're a bridge to the future, why aren't you given more responsibility to the vice president? They did. It was immigration. She failed. So basically she got the ball taken away from her. And so I don't think she gives you a lot on foreign affairs. And as far as economic policy goes, she's a tax and spin liberal. We know that. That's not anything hidden. And so you're not going to get major inflationary relief here either. And Trump is rightly going to tie her to the Biden administration's policies that led to inflation in the first place. So I don't see how she's a better option because for most of Biden's term, she's actually been the one politician who was less popular than her than him. And all of his gaffes and things like that can be blamed on his age. All of hers can't. Well, and now the spin is that there are polls out there that show she's much more competitive of, sorry, competitive against Trump than Biden was. I don't know. I've got to see those. And is it, you know, and also people say, well, it's inside motivating people come out for Democrats. She checks boxes demographically, right? She's a black woman. So that'll get people to vote who might have stayed home for Democrats before. Yeah, I don't see the level of enthusiasm. I see what what I see is Joe Biden is a step away from an old folks home. Let's be honest about where he is. And so the enthusiasm was completely lost. You're going to recapture some of that. But Democrats have, and I said this in my piece, Democrats have repeatedly talked about how beating Trump is so important and beating Trump is, is just it has to happen. Okay. Well, then why don't you pick somebody that has a competitive edge on Trump versus somebody who has demonstrated that they're failed on policy and failed on politics. I just don't think Democrats are serious at this point. I think they're kind of mailing this one in with Harris if she's ultimately the nominee. And I think Trump's got as good a chance as he's had to make a comeback. I think it was, and you mentioned earlier, a mansion. And I've thought about that. That's probably in Trump world, the second that he said he wasn't running, there was a sigh of relief because I think mansion, probably the most dangerous candidate to run for the Democrats against Trump. But you look at where the support has come and it took a little bit for some of the bigger power brokers, money brokers to come in and endorse Harris. Now you got on the political side, Hakeem Jeffries on the political and money signed. You got Pelosi. But still no endorsement unless something happened that I missed from the Obamas for Harris. That was very interesting to me that that hadn't come out yet. And do you read anything into that? No, I don't read much into that because I think if I'm the Obamas, I say, well, we're going into the convention. They're going to have to do their thing. And we don't want to put our hand on the scales and be accused of being elites that just hand select the next. But that's what they are. But that's what they are. Well, Michelle Obama is the one candidate if she entered the race, well, not only when the Democratic primary, but would ultimately win the election. There's a handful of candidates that could be more competitive. I mentioned in my piece mansion, Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro, the basically blue collar, competent old school Democrat types, they have a very good chance here because the truth is nobody likes to hear this in Republican land. The Trump is an old candidate that goes off message and is imminently beatable. He is not some kind of juggernaut that can't be stopped. I thought it was awesome watching him raise his fist and say, fight after being shot at. That was, hey, he's built differently, I'll admit that. But in a close race, you want somebody that has an edge. I don't think Harris really brings an edge because she's a California Democrat. You get more of what you already have. I think it'll be a tighter race because she's somewhat, she's more competent than Joe Biden right now. But I don't think that she's going to swing a lot of independent voters who want somebody who's pretty reasonable. Do you think she has effect down ballot better or worse than Biden did? I think she's better down ballot. I think having her on the ticket, Democratic voters will come out. Like you said, they love the demographic identity politics game. And so to have a black female running for president, a lot of Democrats will come out just for that. They'll support the Democratic ticket down ballot. I think Biden was so faded and enthusiasm was so down that I don't know whether it's enough to give them an edge to pick up the House, for example, but at least I think Democrats that stay competitive for the House and Senate, where if Biden had stayed in, I think all of it would have gone Republican pretty much as a lock. Do you see any shake out for AL2 specifically? If I had to guess, I think it probably favors Democrats slightly because I do believe when voters see somebody that looks like them on the ticket, it matters, right? And so the fact that she's a black candidate, I think some black voters will say, Hey, you know what, I'm going to go support her. I'm a Democrat already, but this is an opportunity. And I do think that matters, particularly in Democrat circles. And so I give it a slight bump on the Democrat side of the ticket, but I still think it's a competitive race. All right, Tom, and people want to further this conversation with you. Where do they go? You can go to You can look me up at D Cameron Smith on X. And I always like it when you all join the conversation and tell me where I got it right and where I'm full of it. Okay. And in addition to, if we have not told you before, I've recommended the man, obviously he does. He's part of it. But the ballad of David Crockett got a thumbs up from the Sullivan boys, myself and my son. People want to check that movie out. How do they find it now? You can go to Amazon Prime. You can go basically anywhere you rent or buy videos online. You can go check it out. Ballad of David Crockett. A lot of fun. All right. Get those boys ready. We'll get a fishing trip lined up soon. That's a good chance. All right. There goes Cameron Smith and we're coming right back. More of Midday Mobile. And coming up at 1230 William Strickland Executive Director of Mobile Paykeeper, you've heard conversation from Chamber President Byrne earlier. Get the other side of it. William Strickland, 1235 or should we go on? You're listening to Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk 10065. Call Sean now at 3430106. All right. 1226. FMTalk 10065 at Midday Mobile adds up. You got junk? Need the junk on? Right. You're not alone. This probably makes my man and trades business so successful. 1-800-GONE junk. He's been doing this for 16 plus years in Mobile and Baldwin County. Getting rid of junk in your house, storage unit, office, shop, wherever. You got the junk you want it gone. He's got the vehicles and the peoples to move that junk. And in addition to those things you think like boxes or couches, they can handle that obviously. They can handle much bigger items too. And it could be above ground pools, swing sets, could be storage, building in the backyard, whatever. You want the whole thing gone. They can handle those jobs as well with 1-800-GONE junk. And appointments? Yeah, they do it the old fashioned way. It's actually a specific time on a specific day. I've gotten crazy about this stuff, helping my mother with other people out there. I'm saying, "No, we'll be there sometime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. or something. Give me a break." 1-800-GONE junk, you go online to or pick up the phone and call them at 1-800-GONE-GONE. The name is the number. They work with you to find the day you want to do it, the time you want to do it, and they set the appointment. You're there. They're there. You point at the stuff you want gone. They quote you price right there on the spot. You say, "Yes, they get to work and get it done." So use the person that I've used several times personally with this radio station, so many of us around here have, so many of your friends and neighbors have, use my buddy Trey with 1-800-GONE-GONE. Right, a couple of texts here, and then we come back after the news. William Strickland, executive director for Mobile Baykeeper, will join me. Let's see. Jason says Trump only goes off message to those that don't like him, and he goes off me. I think what they're talking about is when he starts with me and/or some, but Jason said to Jeff earlier, he said, "How about the obvious conflict with Casey Calloway now employed by the city of Mobile?" We'll add to that that she is not anymore. She has moved on to a new job about six months ago, three months ago, something like that. Let's see here. The Adam says, "We keep hearing that Kamala is black. Is she really?" I mean, I think her mom is from the Indian, I think, or I think she's Indian. And then like Indian subcontinent, and then I think her dad's black guy, I think. I mean, listen, going, it's been a long time since I've railed about this, but don't even brought it up the other day. You know what I want to have happen is to bring in burkas into politics. Said this for years. I would love all candidates and all things to be assigned, like where you could just see their isolates, or maybe not even that. And their voice goes through one of those things they do on 60 minutes, where they do the voice synthesizer, make it, you can't tell if it's male or female, or whatever. So you have the voice synthesizer, you have the thing, and then they just give you their ideas. We don't know who is. And then you can have a big reveal. You may be like, "Oh, look, this is a black guy or a white woman or whoa." We just work off ideas and not amount of melanin or what's in your business department. All right, coming back, William Strickland, executive director, Mobile Baker, news is next. [music] [music] (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)