FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 7-24-24

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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mhm. From Bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Port show. I don't think hang on it this way. Good morning and welcome to the Jeff Port show. What if I'm talking about those six five things should be in with us on this Wednesday morning. We do appreciate it. Text line would be a touch with the program to five one three four three zero one zero six. That's how you can touch with the show. Go up today here in about 30 minutes. Paul DeMarco, one of our regulars here to calm this well, primarily the trust will trim you. But his work shows up a lot of other places around Alabama. Joey Clark news talk 93 one will be with us. We'll hear from him as we do every Wednesday and then we'll wrap it up with Bradley Byrne. He is calling in for more will be calling in from Scotland. But we'll talk about Mobile Bay Keeper. I also talk about what's going on over there in Scotland. Everybody in elemental politics is like one of two places in Greenbrier, West Virginia, at the up at the SLC. So their legislative conference are there in Scotland right now. So that's what I am seeing out there. But obviously I think most of us are really laser focused on national politics. Netanyahu to address Congress today at one o'clock our time you're watching that. I'm watching right now Christopher Ray is a before the House Judiciary Committee. Our buddy Bradley Burns until that committee. I'm not Bradley Byrne. I'm Barry Moore Barry Moore will be on tomorrow, by the way, and we're getting to talk about this. So there's a lot of balls bouncing around up in the air. Joe Biden tonight. What do you think? I think Joe Biden was forced out. I mean, getting to see drip drip drip that they went to him. And you know, we talked about this for the last three and a half years. Why aren't they going after Joe Biden on Prisma? Why aren't they going after Joe Biden on China? Why aren't they going after Joe Biden on this as sun, etc. And so forth. And I think the deep state said, yeah, you're going to, you're going to exit gracefully, or we will proceed. We will proceed in prosecuting these crimes that that Republicans have been just talking about for the last three and a half years. It's a it's a dirty, dirty game that they play. I little breaking news here. I did hear from one lawmaker who is hard at work up at the, I assumed the state house up in Montgomery, just to be clear. But people spread out all over the, all over the state. I did see my lawmaker, Jennifer Fiddler last night at public. So I know she's probably in Silver Hill this morning. Text slide 2513430106 is the best way to get in touch with the program. If you so cheers, that's how we communicate on the show. So be sure to utilize the text slide to the best of your abilities. Let's see here. Well, yeah, yesterday, Yallhammer news with the story initially that the University of Alabama was shut down its DEI department. So and he's not just UAT University of Alabama Tuscaloosa was UAB, UAH. And they're just reassigning them different jobs. And my guess is it their jobs are just going to be roughly the same as they are now just not a formalized DEI program. But anyway, boy, look out the the AL.comers are not happy about this. They are and all a lot of them around the country are not happy about this. Hey, so you look at what they did this morning, One of their their stories this morning lead the way. They're taking a hard hard look at salaries at our state schools. They got a Alabama president. They got Joe Bonner from South Alabama. They got Auburn, they got UAB. They are who is the highest paid college president in Alabama? Hint. It's not UAB. And I think they got it to UAB and hit inside UA. They got Ray Watts at UAB with the highest Stuart Bell there, $775,000 a year to Sega highest. Christopher Roberts at Auburn, $750,000 a year. And then our good friend Joe Bonner at the University of South Alabama at $697,000 a year. Oh, by the way, UAB's Ray Watts tops out at $927,000 annually. And it also gets a performance bonus. So he made more than a million dollars running UAB UAB is the most liberal college right now in Alabama by far and away. The rest of them. Good news to the University of South Alabama. Now this is my understanding. I don't know, but and I y'all know how I feel about South Alabama and my experience there. Basically get told here's your diploma and you can tell out of here. Don't come back. They have the most scaled down of all of this DEI stuff of the attire throughout the the higher state higher ed fruited plane. So there's a little bit of a color for you this more where said is. Like I said, they're just mad at University of Alabama. Shut down the DEI program. And they get to shut down Taco Casa that we're cooking right? 2513430106. The Veep stage for the Democrats. I don't care. I should. Kamala Harris is going to be what people are voting on. They're trying to make JD vansel kind of archivalence. It's my gosh. See these people are shameless. A year ago Kamala Harris was problematic. And I mean, you heard like your usual. Um. The usual suspects. In our commentary. If you in Mississippi Sears, Bill Maher, talking about maybe buying out a look elsewhere. She does not pull well. Now they're going to they're going to try to save Kamala Harris. But I just I think in the eyes of a lot of people. I just it's hard to change that. It's going to be hard to fix that. This morning, the other pushback that you're seeing is that Kamala Harris never really was the borders are. She never really was a quote, unquote czar. There's a whole like piece about this in Axios. And then like it took like probably 30 seconds to Google Axios and borders are with the way Axios referring to Kamala Harris in 2021 and 2020. Well, 2021 primarily as the borders are in their own copy. The reinvention of Kamala Harris is kind of a fascinating thing to watch. And I don't think it worked. It didn't work what she ran in 2020. And now they're trying to Hillary Clinton slash Barack Obama defy her. And here we are running a hurry up offense. The media, the Democratic Party. Now what what bothers me about this? It's it's not that they're trying to do this. This is entirely predictable. It's entirely expected from the media. What what you don't want is Republicans buying into this Republicans have this this tendency. They do this all the time where they they get caught in the bubble and they listen to media. So so come on Republicans. Don't don't buy into this. Don't believe that what the media are saying about Kamala Harris's perception among Republic or among voters or whatever is what you have to accept as the adopted wisdom of the day. Because a lot of this is just engineered. A lot of this is smoking mirrors and it is the narrative that they need. They think that will lead to electoral success. I think she's got to get a big bounce guys. I think she's got to get a she she will this will be an improvement over Joe Biden. There's a question about it. I just don't think it's going to be enough right now. She probably saves a couple one two three. States from losing their congressional representation slash U.S. Senator. It still looks like Republicans get to Senate. They're pretty good shape there. The map just lines up really well for Republicans. The problem is going to be down the house and who knows. And like what we saw this last two years, it was just a it was dysfunction. Going through the speakers and going through all those votes and Republican Party is not there. They're unified in their support for Trump beyond that. Who knows what's going to happen to the Republican Party, but we don't have to fight that now. I think the clear divisions here. I think Democrats are very divided and we're going to see tonight with the state and Yahoo or this afternoon with the state now whose speech Kamal Harris will not be there. The fear that they will not select Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, the governor as a running mate because he's Jewish is just totally, totally strange. How's he probably? He probably gives Democrats, Pennsylvania. Well, at least gives him a much better shot. And that's a state they really need, but they're terrified. We're going to see what these protests look like today. I think these protests are going to be just a black mark on Democratic Party politics. They will distance themselves from it. They're not going to be able to. These are left of center protesters. And this is explaining this. Not really embracing the Israel issue. They're going to, you know, it's like Republicans and abortion right now. If I'm a strategist, I am just going to force. I think you've got to force Kamal Harris to start answering some hard questions about Israel and the Palestinians. She would comprehend that. And there's going to be a lot of this. They're going to try the identity politics. I don't. I think we're pretty much well divided on that. What will Joe Biden say tonight? This is something Dell Jackson on his show earlier and I were talking about. What's more authentic the the pro the professional wrestling matches that are going on that he's heading to tonight. I think they're going to Atlanta or something are Joe Biden's address to the nation. Would it be great? Joe Biden gets on TV tonight. And he says the deep state forced me out. I didn't want to go. They threatened to prosecute me and my son again and my wife or whatever. Whether that's what happened. And we're starting to see these reports about all of this. That Joe Biden was going to run. He's going to lose. But the power brokers. I would assume particularly Nancy Pelosi had the goods here and they said, Hey, you're getting out now. No, no more. Cause at 11 a.m. They have his surrogate. Our French got much appointed this out. They have a mind campaign circuit. Bines in it to win it. And then the 1 p.m. on Sunday. He's out. Text line 25134306. We shall return. This is the jump or show it up in talk. One of six five. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. We'll be back in the next one. 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Do you think they're going to do that at the Democratic Convention? No. No. It's night and day. I mean, we talk about, oh, it is going to be a night and day difference between the Republican Convention and the Democratic Convention. They're identity politics and the direction they're heading and kind of the cover-up of all the problems, the border, national security, the wars, the inflation, the failed energy policy. That won't be glossed over because of the hero worship of Kamala Harris. I just, I don't think that's going to work. I think probably what they'll try to do, I suspect, Paul, is try to treat her like she's some kind of blank slate. And we're starting all over, and you can't really tag her with the failures of the last four years of Joe Biden. She had nothing to do with this administration, which, in one sense, she didn't. They really didn't hand her much off because behind the scenes they were doing everything. But they did give her one job. She can't walk away from the border despite her interview with Lester Holt. That they had been to the border despite that she had not been to the border. So, you know, all of a sudden, she's going to be the borders on now that she's running for president. And she, like, avoided the border. Like, they, it was really kind of funny. Like, Joe Biden makes the announcement these tasks turn out to really look at the border. And the more Republicans push and push and push on that, I mean, the more she pushed back, it just refused to, like, you know, answer questions or go to the border. I don't know. I think the media will gloss over that. But I don't think she could escape it. She runs away from the tough issues, the border. Look, look at the war in the Middle East. She runs away from those issues. When we're looking for the President on stage, you've got to lead, even if it's unpopular. And you can't say that about Donald Trump, whether you agree or disagree, he's going to take a position. And if you look at what he did the past four years, it was the right position because there was more peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accord that the nerve been before. And you look at the economy before the pandemic. I mean, you can go on and on and on the border. And that's why this contract, but you've got to really look at the policy because the mainstream media are not going to tell the truth about her four years is part of this administration. Well, you know, and I think the media, the thing about Kamala Harris, she would be, she would be President right now as she had a, I think, is she a little bit better work ethic and just kind of worked on some tweaking, some small things even. But she, she had to lead in 2020 for about 15 minutes after that presidential debate where she really hit mine on the busing and the desegregation. And then like she's kind of squandered it. I don't think she's changed. I think her work ethic. I mean, had she been this like solid rock solid all-star, they're trying to make her out to be. She would have filled the void that a weak president, I would say, in this administration, has left. She just never really moved into assuming any of the power. Paul, I think the media, I think a lot of Democrats are going to be very underwhelmed, very let down by Kamala Harris as their standard bearer. Well, look, the term gaslighting is just overused, but it is apropos when you talk about, she's going to say, "I'm the prosecutor here against the convicted felon." She's for slashing police funds and for defunding the police. She was for letting out murderers and criminals during the whole summer of July 20 with the Black Lives Matters and the riots in protest. She's not worried about breaking the law at the board and all the criminals who have crossed the board and committed crime. So it is laughable that all of a sudden they want to put her on the perch as the pro and law enforcement candidate. What a joke. What a disgrace. And for anybody that falls about it, falls for that. You can look at evidence. You can look at her own words. She's not pro law enforcement. She's just the opposite. And we can look at the spiking crime across this country, across this state with the lack of respect for law enforcement. And you can put her as number one right up there as not being for law enforcement, for crime victims, for public safety. What do you think, as far as the Republican side, you know, that Trump's out there, Vance is out there, but I don't think they're overwhelming things. Like this new cycle, let it play itself out. And then maybe let the honeymoon in and then start rolling out your op. I mean, there's got to be just tons and tons of op-o and all of the past things. Kamala Harris has said everything she has done. She's a risky pick to me because that she pulls, doesn't pull that grade anyway. And I think just a very strategic approach to this really sets her up to have some struggles. Well, and if I'm the Trump administration, I've got to let this just two weeks ago that President Trump was almost assassinated. And every day there's more and more stories about the failure and then the Secret Service Director resigning yesterday. I mean, that does need to be at the top of the new cycle because we need to get to the truth of that failure. And then you're right. Then let's get on with this campaign cycle. The Democrats get ready for their convention, but that really does need to be the top story of the failures of how the top presidential candidate was almost assassinated. And people continue to talk about it, obviously with Joe Biden stepping down. And I guess he's speaking tonight. There are people going to be talking about it, but we really need to get to the bottom of this assassination attempt, the failures and how to keep it from happening again. And the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No cover up. Do you think they forced Joe Biden out? Absolutely. Yeah. Joe Biden has probably ate a lot of things, a lot of problems that could be used against him. And just, you know, the Republicans have been harping on for the last four years. But now here we are. And then like, you know, that morning of Sunday before he steps out, he has surrogates on Sunday show saying he's in it to win it. And then two hours later, he puts out that weird sign to letter, like it was more like a sort of hostage statement. And then he had signed it. So here we are. But I don't know. We'll probably never know the truth, will we? Well, look, Jeff, you and I had talked about this, I think earlier in June before the debate. I've never understood the rationale for having a debate in June before the convention, before people are really, you know, paying attention usually after Labor Day. I mean, most of the debates are for the presidential debate between the Democrat and the Republican are in it usually September and October. But having a debate this early, it feeds into the narrative that they knew what kind of performance he was going to be because they've seen him in the past three and a half years. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to ask the question. Why did Joe Biden's campaign push for a debate in June? What was the advantage of having that debate in June? How was that going to help him to have a debate in June? I don't get it. I don't understand it either and why he would have agreed to it. I mean, when have we ever done it that way? Never. Unless you were trying to showcase how feeble he was in this whole thing. I mean, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see, and then the way the media started. I mean, immediately that night, all the talking points had been sent to the CNN, to the MSNBC about how terrible. And then the domino began to fail. You know, let's just roll out all of these Congressmen who say he's not technical. Just like this week says, one afternoon they rolled out how Kamala Harris is the nominee, first the 50 states. And then we'll let Clinton, then we'll let Schumer, and then we'll let Barack Obama come be the final kingmaker by tapping his one and saying, yes, Kamala Harris is the nominee. I mean, this was written down in a backroom deal months ago. Again, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist. It's right in front of your face. Right. What exactly happened here? They knew that he couldn't be Donald Trump, and they said, well, but we can't move her out of the way because of identity politics. We can't shove her aside. She's got to be the nominee. We've got to go with her. It's just it's so astroturfed. And it's just, like I said, just so. I mean, like we see it, right? I sometimes get trapped inside my own head and I think, well, if I see it, the public sees it. But there's no way you could just, all of a sudden Kamala Harris is the greatest thing ever, right? Well, look, it is clear what has gone on here. And look, last fall, I was thinking, they were talking about some of the articles about achieving them. Is he going to keep her as the vice presidential pick? I mean, you saw those articles. Yeah. She lost all of her staff. I mean, it was bad headline after bad headline. And she went from, is she even going to be his pick, but he can't get rid of her because of any politics too. She's the nominee now. That's all. I mean, come on. Don't you wish. That Republicans would go all in like the, the Democrats go all in for their personal, what's, what's they decide? Like, well, this is how we got to do it now. Don't you wish that Republicans do that because look at the Republicans out there. My buddy, Quinn Hill, you're primarily in our listing audience, but others around. Oh, my gosh. Vance is, he, he's going to rescind the Constitution. He is so terrible. I just, I don't believe that for a second, but like you look at it and you think, guys, I mean, you look at the alternative over there on the other side as bad as you may. You, you may have wanted Nikki Haley or whatever squishy middle of the road, pro abortion Republican on the ticket, but here's the deal that didn't happen. So like, well, why are you doing this? Why would he think that any independents are going to not go with, would, would go with a Kamala Harris versus the Trump and Nikki Haley? I mean, that's laughable. Why would anybody think about, I mean, that you, you're just writing for just to try to poke, poke at people if you really believe. Yeah. Yeah. You just say if the chronic malcateds out there, the Jota Goldberg types who, the, the Trump can do no right. He probably could have picked Nikki Haley and they would have told us it was a wrong pick. I mean, like at some point, these people just got to like, I guess they could, they say whatever they want to say, but we just had to kind of concede that they're just never going to be happy with anything Trump does. No, because this is Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump. I mean, and again, they, they can pick Shapiro or Kelly or whatever, but it's really the top of the ticket. But when those two debate, I'm assuming in September or October, I mean, that's what people are going to be watching. Of course, most folks are going to have made up their mind, but I mean, are all these people who have just been tired of the gas prices and energy prices and you have to have a drive an electric car and your grocery bills and the border. I mean, Kamala Harris was part of this administration. It was the Biden Harris the past four years. That has not changed. There's not one thing in policy that she's going to change. She's actually going to time to everything that he's done the past four years to make the progressive wing of the party satisfy that she is the most liberal, progressive president that we've ever had. She's got to, she's got to do that. Joe Biden. I'm sure she will, but the reality, Paul, there's no reason to think that we're going to see things dramatically different than what we've seen from Joe Biden. It feels like the federal government's kind of autopilot or it's like what they call the administrative state or the deep state running things. And she's just kind of the figurehead. That's what it looks like to me. And I don't think there's going to be any deviation with that. Be it by Narcoma Harris. The difference between the two is one is not in a cognitive decline. Absolutely. What do you think any of these decisions have come from him? As a senator, he wasn't for all this stuff. All of a sudden he's president and it's all the background politics deciding all this energy policy, economic policy and foreign policy. So you're right. It's just going to be more the same. And so folks just need to sit down and say, okay, where do we want to see the next four years? Is it more of the same or is it different? I think the polling has said different. Yeah, I agree. Paul, folks will define you online and we'll see what you're working on. How can they do so? They can find me on X for my Twitter @paul_demarca. I'll check it out. Paul is very prolific out there writing about a lot of different things. So he's worth a follow-up. Paul, we appreciate it. Have a great day. All right, guys. We got to get a break here. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk. 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