FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Secret Service Failure - Jeff Poor - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 7-23-24

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24 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic info from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. [MUSIC PLAYING] What is Dan and Dalton? Just about seven minutes after eight o'clock on mobile morning, so on FM Talk 106.5. And thanks again to everybody at Land Yap. We'll be talking with Rob Holber from Land Yap tomorrow, also going to have Chris Callahan on. He's the attorney for Levy, who was relieved of his position at the Gulf Coast Technology Center yesterday, after the findings from the Birmingham firm on the charges and the assertions by Chief Prine. Prine's going to be on with Sean today, 1 p.m. So you got all that. Yes, and nationally, and we have so much going on locally, of course, which is our top focus. Nationally, though, we'll have Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, set to address Congress at 1 p.m. today, and then 7 p.m. tonight will be Biden from, I believe, the Oval Office, addressing his stepping out of the race. And as much as I'm just consuming all of this news, sometimes I forget Biden is still president. And that can be concerning in itself. And according to Corinne Jean-Pierre, who I don't think has she given a real presser in the last week? I'm not sure, but she was on the view yesterday, and she said that the fire there. She said he's still president. We're still doing things. Obviously, he stepped down from running and being the nominee, but he's very much still the president. He still has the job, and we have a lot more to get done on behalf of the American people. He wants to zero in and focus on that. And so Kamala Harris, the vice president, who is now the top nominee for the Democrats, and likely the nominee. I guess is it official now or not? I guess we have to wait until the roll call there before the convention, but she, I believe, is set to meet with Netanyahu either today or at some point before he leaves back for Israel, but she will not be in attendance at his congressional speech today. And House Speaker Mike Johnson said that's a problem. You say you want to be the leader of the free world, and yet you can't bring yourself to sit behind our most important strategic ally in this moment. And I know a lot of progressive Democrats have already said they won't attend BB's speech, including Rashida Tlaib. I don't think that's much of a surprise to anyone, but he's going to be speaking at, I think 1 p.m. Central time today, and then 7 p.m. tonight Biden from the Oval Office. All right, I'm going to try to sort this out, and if you go along with me here, we could probably take this, take this down in about a minute. But just looking over the last couple of weeks, Trump is shot. - Right. - Secret Service Kimberly Cheetall, suddenly on the hot seat, and then we find out about this very cozy relationship with the Bidens, so much so. She had detail at a Jill Biden event in Pittsburgh an hour south, more detail there than at the Trump outdoor event. - That's right, and we reported that earlier this week, that Jill Biden, I think it was an Italian-American fundraising event for the campaign in Pittsburgh, and I believe she decided a week of that she would hold this event while Trump was in Butler. And she received basically three times the way I understand it, three times the Secret Service protection for a much smaller, and I think indoor event, than Trump got for the larger outdoor event. - And did it cost Trump? Yeah, he was shot. Biden is defiant, remember that? Remember that Biden? I'm not going anywhere. Biden disappears. - Yes. - He is going somewhere. - Well, yeah, after many calls for him to step out, but not as many as, you had several house, you had several from Congress, then Senate started jumping in, and then he had a couple of slip-ups, including the BET interview, and then he's sick with COVID, and it disappears. - Sick with COVID disappears. So now he disappears. Now Biden tweets out that he's getting out of the race. Tweets out, no pictures, no video, no anything. - Well, the picture, it was a document. - Yeah, a document, right. But everyone says it wasn't on official White House letterhead or something like that, which they said was strange, I don't know. - Biden backs Harris to replace him in the campaign. Not sure that that was on the script for the Democrats. It just happened. - Some of the initial leaks before he dropped out that said when he would drop out, said he would not endorse Kamala, and instead would endorse an open convention, an open primary, basically. - Black Lives Matter says the same thing, right? Ironically, black lives matter upset that they went directly with Harris, rather than opening it up. - And black lives matter wears all that money, but anyway, we'll get back to that. Harris emerges, now we get back to Cheetah and everything from what happened at the Trump rally. - Yeah, after the RNC last week, Congress finally comes back this week and have the oversight committee grilling Cheetah on Monday. - She testifies on Monday. She is not forthcoming with nearly anything. And then she is forced to resign. And I think that's where we, oh, oh, right here, Biden writes a little note to Cheetah. - Yeah, I missed this. - Okay, so here it is, Jill. No, Jill and I are grateful to Director Kim, she was on her duty allowed Trump to get shot. So why would you put out anything she's resigning in disgrace? - Yes, and yet this statement is what it is. It's not necessarily a note. Jill and I are grateful to Director Kim Cheetah for her decades of public service. She has selflessly dedicated and risked her life to protect our nation throughout her career in the United States Secret Service. We especially thank her for answering the call to lead the Secret Service during our administration. And we are grateful for her service to our family. - Wow. - I mean, was that really, I mean, that tone deaf, stupid or what? - Well, is that protocol like you? - She's leaving in disgrace. - Yes. - I think you just kind of leave it alone. You don't have to, it's like she's graduating college. - And right, it's tough to get past that, but it just kind of shows that what we've known, especially now what so many more people know, is that Biden's allegiance is more to the people close to him. And the hangers on, he's gained over the last five decades. He's, it seems he has more allegiance to them than he does to the country, which he's supposed to be leading. - That's, that appears to be true and, and them to him. - Right. And I didn't put this together until you pointed towards, pointed me towards a tweet last night. And I need to find this tweet and pull it back up. But it's from a guy from the Center for Foundation for Democracy or something like that, pretty conservative group. - So the reports that, that it was Team Jill that had Cheetah made the Secret Service Director that Jill's Chief of Staff pushed hard for Kimberly Cheetah to be named Secret Service Director. - And you have this, this narrative again, you have the first ever woman leading the Secret Service. Joe Biden loved all that stuff, right? It was a, remember when he was, and the people that are saying that Kamala Harris wasn't chosen as VP because of her sex or race, you're completely discounting the entire discussion during that time. I mean, he went on with, is it Sharpton who's on, on MSNBC and Sharpton was outright lobbying for him to choose a black female as his vice presidential candidate. And that's exactly what he did. And now, Democrats are saying, no, it had nothing to do with that. This was all based on her record as a Senator and her record in politics in California, but regardless. So yeah, the Cheetah hiring fit right in line with that, which made sense, I was like, okay, so the Biden's, they just hired someone they like a lot. That's what they do over well. - And a DEI kind of spin to it too. - And they had the female hiring aspect. I didn't take it far enough to think, well, with this tweet pointed out that Cheetah or whoever is Secret Service Director probably has more close contact with the President than just about anyone, almost anyone. - He was asserting that Cheetah was part of her job was there was to cover it all up, cover it, cover Biden up, protect him from being exposed as someone who was losing his marbles. And then if you have to go now to say, I want to do it for more years, which pushed a lot of people like that. I don't let's ease up. - Yeah, let's ease up. So it's absolutely wild. And Cheetah, you know, she was supposed to be in front of Congress again yesterday testifying. And this time they had some Pennsylvania law enforcement officials that were there as well. Well, Cheetah no showed. And then of course, resigns. We saw that happen yesterday. And we'll get into some of this audio, maybe here in this next break. - It's even more disgraceful that she didn't show and then resigns. She could have testified and resigned as she was testifying, whatever. But to just like not even show up, when you're due in. - And I thought, you know, Sean had Robert Kennedy Jr., our Robert Kennedy Jr., not the one who's run for president. He had him on yesterday for the official Midday Mobile Democrat response to everything that's going on. And what he had to say about what Cheetah should have done, going into Monday's hearing made perfect sense. And it's unbelievable that they didn't have people telling her, "Here's what you need to do." - When you get in there, as much as you can, lay your cards out on the table. And admit that this was a massive security oversight, breach, whatever. And really kind of take the venom out of the members of Congress who each get five minutes to just light you up. If she would have come out in an opening statement, which Nancy may store her up for leaking the opening statement to several different publications before it even made its way over to the House Oversight Committee. But if she would have just said, yeah, this was a massive screw up. We left that building unattended this and that, this and that. Then I think that if she would have just been more forthcoming, I guess this is the most obvious thing in the world, then Congress wouldn't have had, they wouldn't have been yelling at her like they were Monday. Or maybe they would have anyway, I don't know. - It was amazing because we were watching it in our beautifully appointed office. And we were watching that thing live. Usually, Dalton has golf on it. I'll be honest with you. And I'm watching it too, but so we were watching that. And what happened was it was this kind of like momentum in reverse or just kind of the more she stonewalled, the next Congressman or a Congresswoman was a little more angry than the one before him or her, because it's like, hey, I'm not really appreciating what I'm seeing here. By the time they got to mace, she was ready to cage fight the lady, basically. But it was just interesting that you watch that thing going down. And we looked at each other as she was answering these questions with non-answers pretty much. And we were like, I can't believe what I'm saying. How many times have we seen something in the last month, 12 days, that where it's like, I can't believe what I'm seeing? But Biden debate, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Trump getting shot on live TV, I can't believe what I'm seeing. - And one of the questions she was asked during that hearing Monday was, is there a second shooter? And so many of the questions she was asked that she should have been able to answer. How many shots did the shooter get off? - Amazing. - I don't know if anyone asked what caliber, any specifics about the weapon, which we've seen. - She didn't give it anything. - But even by not answering whether there was a second shooter, I mean, pretty much everyone with common sense, and we said this very early on, based on people who are very much in the know of how secret service works or how sniper teams work, Eric Prince being one of them, he's not secret service, but obviously with black water and military and being in the Navy SEALs. And he said, this is one of two things, either massive incompetence from secret service, or worse, or it was allowed to happen. And you heard it when I brought it up with Quinn, or whenever you bring it up to certain people, they act like you're the most crazy person in the world to say this is so fishy, and this was such a breakdown from secret service and other law enforcement, that if you're not wondering if there was something else in the works, then you're not really looking at all the different possibilities. And so many people that text us, and I'm right there with you, say, how do we know this isn't an inside job? Well, Cheetol didn't give anyone any reason to not think that it was, that that was a possibility. - And when finding out more about Cheetol's cozy relationship, appointed by the Bidens, basically, Jill Biden's, her top-- - She's the chief of staff. So her chief of staff is pushing for Cheetol to become the secret service director, first woman ever, hooray. She said she's gonna make sure the secret service is 30% women by 2030. Hooray, you know, all this kind of Biden, pepperally stuff, and she's got more people at an affair where Jill Biden is safe as a teddy bear in the arms of a six-year-old. She's got more secret service detailed there in an indoor event with friendly Italian Americans drinking wine, and then she does at an outdoor event for Donald Trump, why wouldn't you wonder, at least, that guy from the democracy, that foundation. He says, man, I'm wondering. And, of course, now, secret service asking Trump to not hold any more outdoor rallies, which are his biggest rallies. They say it's a security issue, but four months before the election, I think he's gonna keep all, he should keep holding these outdoor rallies. How could they keep him safe for as long as they did, and then this one breakdown? No more rallies for you in the final turn here as we head towards the November election. - It's incredible. If this was happening in Brazil, we'd say, wow, what a crazy country. - It's happening here, right here. Okay, so now Kamala is the choice. How does the GOP move forward against her? That's on the way. What if I'm Dan Adulton, if I'm talking 106, 5, 8, 25, and coming up this hour, you're a chance to win, to see Sticks and Forner at the Wharf. This is a Friday, August 16th show. Together Live, for the last time ever, it's the Renegades and Jukebox Heroes tour. Some great songs from those two bands, Sticks and Forner. We'll give you a chance to win pair of tickets coming up this hour, or along with the rest of the week, so stay tuned for that. - All right. For hearings yesterday in Washington. - Yeah, and so as we continue to talk about this complete, well, failure of Secret Service a couple of Saturdays ago, and we'll get to these texts here in a minute, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Yesterday, Pennsylvania law enforcement officials testified on Capitol Hill, and they did shoulder some blame for the near assassination attempt of former President Trump, but they said that Secret Service chief, Kimberly Chidl, and her agency were, quote, ultimately responsible for the catastrophic security lapses. And this testimony yesterday coming just minutes before she resigned. He had Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner, Colonel Christopher Paris, and Fraternal Order of Police, National President Patrick Yoes, who told members of the House Homeland Security Committee that the Secret Service was the primary agency test with securing the Butler PA campaign event. Here is some of that from Colonel Ferris. - Prior to the shooting, our role was to support the Secret Service with personnel and assets that they requested. Our operation plan completed to fulfill this responsibility consisted of 32 members, and we had two main responsibilities. A motorcade operation for the transportation with the Secret Service of former President Trump, as well as manning and staffing security posts inside the secure area of the Butler County Farm Show. Additionally, we provided two marked cars with uniform troopers outside of the secure perimeter to provide roving duties, as the name implies, responding to incidents that may occur as a large gathering of people were moving to the venue. - And the Commissioner, Colonel Ferris there, they testified that to the best of his knowledge, there were two Butler officers staged inside the AGR building with a direct site to where Crooks eventually climbed up onto the roof, and you could see some of that footage of what this looked like on the scene from the Congressman that I retweeted yesterday at Dalton Orwick on Twitter. But before the shooting, the officers were told to move to search for Crooks, and in that time he climbed up on the roof, and then-- - He'd been right in front of him. - Yeah, he would have been right in front of him. They had left that post to go look for him. Is that what you're saying? - My understanding is, yes. - I think that's revelatory. - And was that related to the Secret Service, the team that surrounds the president himself? - I can't answer that. - Well, if it wasn't, that's another big mess up. - So there, that was some more from yesterday. Also, they released a video. We don't have time for it today, maybe not this morning. You should check it out. Body cam footage that shows the Trump gunman dead on the roof right after the assassination attempt, but you have some of the local law enforcement and I think some local snipers on that roof with a Secret Service agent who's trying to kind of get his ducks in a row and figure out exactly what's happening. They're asking about the bike. They had detained a few of the people who were out there recording. Remember these videos that came out first? They said he's on the roof, and then they'd show Secret Service, and then he's up there, and so they detained those people to get some more information from them. Totally chaotic situation right afterwards. I encourage you to check that video out. If we have time today, we'll play some more of that audio. - So the failures in the setup, like in the strategy session, look, I don't know nothing about all this. I'm learning as you all are, right? A little, but not like this, but evidently the failures in the strategy session, here's what we're gonna do. Here's how we're gonna put our players on the field in this way to stop any kind of gunment or any kind of problem bomb or whatever. The failure there in the lead up to it, like this is what we're gonna do. And then the lack of communication between local authorities and the Secret Service, it appears that they are the two main problems here. - Yeah, to you two, that's the way it seems. And there was a report that came out. I don't know if it was ever confirmed that Secret Service wasn't a part of the meeting that morning as they were planning how they were gonna cover this thing. - Amazing. - 8.30, Dan and Dalton. (upbeat music) - 8.34 FM Talk 106.5, mobile mornings on a Wednesday. Right now it's time to head to McConnell Automotive where we talk with Louis Arrata. Hey Louis. - How you good morning guys, how are you? - We are great and let us know how are things going over at McConnell Automotive. I know last time we talked, you said, y'all are shopping this week, just like you do every week, but that's how you get so many great vehicles on the ground there. - That's right, I'm trying to buy some stuff in Dallas today and in Nashville. So we're just, we're gonna be sitting here trying to buy a few cars. We wanna appreciate everybody that came in and bought some cars last week. We got a good week and got a few trades, but we did a little more used cars. So we're gonna go buy a few and got a great selection of new trucks. I mean, they're coming in here left and right. Got the first invoice on a 25 encore. So General Motors is getting the 25s of rolling so if y'all wanna order one of those, just come on by and talk to them about our new car, sell people and they'll hook you up. And like I said, it looks like it's gonna be a great day this morning. So come on by and see us. - All right, good stuff. Thank you, Louis. - Hey, thank y'all. - Louis Arata, you'll find him at McConnell Automotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65 and the website, Morning from Dan and Dalton FM Talk, 10-0-6-5 at 8-36. We've been hitting a lot on the well, everything that's transpired in the last - Two and a half weeks, two weeks. - Mind-blowing and like I said, this sounds like it's going on in another country. It is going on in our country right in front of us and we're trying to understand it all. - Yeah, I guess the shooting was still only 11 days ago, which is hard to believe 'cause there's been so much that's gone on since then. - I would say take it back to the debate. That was mind-blowing, mind-numbing. It was mind-numbing to know that the president of the United States has a numb mind. So we were all kind of shocked by that and from that point on, all the things that have happened. Now, Kamala is going to be the Democrat that's going to run against Donald Trump. Came across these comments, actually it was a podcast, Bill Crystal, he's Democrat, CNN contributor, you would know him if you saw him. He's been around a long time. And Doug Sosnick, you may not know as well because he's more of a behind-the-scenes guy, but they got together on Crystal's podcast and Sosnick talked about, yeah, go ahead. - These two not fans of Trump. - No, not fans of Trump, but Sosnick I thought was interesting, but Sosnick is a political operative and he has worked with Clinton. He was Clinton's speech writer. Well, no, he was his campaign manager. - Okay. - In '96, when he won the second term. And he just kind of lays it out. He was talking about, he thought that the Trump campaign, just talking politics now. He said, "They're doing a good job." And the campaign is actually humming along pretty well. The message is good. So he's kind of, you know, he's a Democrat. He's a Democrat, but he gives props what he sees. And also he mentioned, and I've been talking about this a long time too, just like, just keep him under control. Just keep Trump from being-- - Stay as on message as possible. - On message and as low energy rather than, you know, crazy uncles and the driveway raising hell, you know? So here is Sosnick laying it out now. What the GOP strategy should be now that it's not, anymore it's not in doubt, it's gonna be Kamala Harris. - The first thing they're gonna do is try to drive a narrative about how she aided and abandoned Biden being president when he clearly wasn't qualified to be based on his health. And I think she's gonna try to make her own that as the first, you know, out of the gate. The second thing I think they're gonna do is pin immigration around her neck. And then I think they're gonna wanna create the best of both worlds in the sense that they'll be able to define her through the negatives parts of the Biden-Harris administration, which gets not only into immigration, but also into the economy. And lastly, I think they're gonna make her an unconstructive California liberal, which I think will be important for these swing voters. - Swing voters, so there's the recipe he laid it out there. What do you think? - I think that's already begun. I saw a minute and a half long ad from the Trump campaign last night, and they're just playing clips of Kamala over the years talking about she wants to ban fracking, which of course, folks in the Rust Belt wanna hear, well, you know, Pennsylvania and all kinds of states don't wanna hear that. I talk about how bad she was on crime and different instances. And then of course, being named the borders are, and they have clips of her talking about giving social welfare to illegals that come across the border. And many other, you know, things that she failed at as far as the border is concerned. I mean, we had the report yesterday that she hasn't even met with the current border patrol chief. And I think the last border patrol chief said that he hadn't met with her or Biden, which I find that hard to believe, it almost sounds fake that they haven't met. But how have you not met with the border patrol chief? It's insane, so they have a lot to work on with her. I do think Kamala has and will get an immediate bump in the polling with all of this democratic excitement after her, well, after she became the nominee. If you missed it yesterday, so Chuck Schumer and Hakim Jeffries finally jumped on board. Obama still has not unless he has this morning while we've been on air. But Schumer had his own, was it Jeb Bush? You did the police clap a few years ago, but that was in front of an audience. This was a presser where Schumer kind of did the same thing. So now that the process is played out from the grassroots bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. I'm clapping, you don't have to. - So that was a part of that yesterday. I think this is gonna be a tight race, tight general election. I think it'll come down to six swing states or so, just like we saw in the last one, and probably the one before that as well. I think Kamala has a much better chance at winning than Biden does. But if the Republicans play it right, they should be able to win this. - I think that the right play for the Republicans would be to do the things that Sausen talked about, attribute those things all negative to Kamala Harris, all true, all negative. So you do that, you painter in this picture. And, but Trump's gotta be very careful. His messaging has gotta be more about positivity, bringing the nation back together, rather than bashing Harris. Harris is a, well, I don't know that she always declared herself black, but she certainly did when she was running for Vice President. And also she is obviously a woman. So there's some history there. There's some feelings there. Often the democratic views are more on feelings than they are on facts. So you have a, hey, don't, do not step here. Don't bully, basically. - Don't bully a woman, don't, you know. So I think Trump's gotta be, he's gotta be on his game. - He's gotta be on his game. - And there's people saying, well, he won't even debate her. Some people saying he's scared to debate her. Some people saying he has no incentive to debate her. And then he should just wipe forward during the debate in the election anyway. But Trump said he will debate her. Here's part of that Trump audio. - If Kamala Harris does end up being the Democrat nominee, will you commit to debating her at least one time? - Oh yes, absolutely. I'd want to, I think it's important. I would be willing to do more than one debate, actually. - So he's saying he'd be willing to do more than one debate. - And here's what he said, too. It's important. Not I'm gonna wipe the floor with her. Not she's lying, Kamala. Not she's laughing, Kamala, which has already happened now, I guess. He's just gotta keep his cool if he wants to win this election. Because the messaging on Harris is gonna be so devastating, so negative, I think it'd be hard for her to overcome it. Also, we're talking about, like I said, if Riley Leonard left Fairhold High School and went straight to the NFL, this is what she's doing. She's not, she may not be completely emotionally ready for any of this. Think about that, too. - And I think she's gonna be well protected, though. - Well, that's why I think maybe a debate would be one of the best chances for Trump to make her look like a bad politician. 'Cause I think the media, she's gonna, they talk about the money she's raised. It's nothing compared to how much the media will help her along the MSNBCs and CNNs. - It should definitely do that. And also, is the fact that Murdoch's not really pleased with Trump choosing Vance, is that gonna have any play or is that gonna be any, kind of a factor in terms of what Fox News does during this election cycle? - I guess we'll have to see. - I'm not sure. Wanna go through some text here? - Sure. - Textor here says Dan and Dalton, if the Secret Service Director had testified that President Biden had ordered her to reduce force and leave the rooftop open, he could not be legally prosecuted because of his immunity, right? I guess, I have trouble believing that Biden has been ordering anything. Anyone to do anything these last few weeks? - He's rather a grub-up. - Maybe, maybe that. Dan Manki says these recent events should really paint a good picture of the disaster of the Biden administration. Another texture here. Harris will get Trump back on the wild side. He'll shoot himself in the foot. Texture here, good morning buddies. Hey, good morning, buddy. This is U-Haul, man. And agencies such as the Secret Service displaying failures/incompetence to me is the same as knowing/allowing the assassination attempt to proceed. Thanks, and y'all do a great job. Captain Doug says no one seems to be talking about that person, do they? Oh, I'm sorry, I need to read, it's a two-part text. In regards to the failure of the Secret Service coverage of the Trump rally, who was the agent in charge on site and where is his testimony and all of this? No one seems to talk about that person, do they? No, actually, it's a great point, Captain Doug, and I don't know if he's the one that's in that video that came out yesterday, body cam footage of them on the roof after the shooter had been eliminated talking about what all had gone down and the suspects bicycle sitting right outside of that building and who may or may not have seen him before he got onto the roof. - So strange. Let's see, Textor says Julia Pearson was the first female director of the Secret Service. So it wasn't, I guess, was the first. Let's see, one reason, this is Dave, one reason Democrats want a woman leading the Secret Service. The U.S. Secret Service prostitution scandal involved as many as 20 women, 11 American agents in some military personnel. I'd forgotten about that. - He said the boys are a little too frisky, huh? - Yeah, was that down in, was that Cuba or? - I can't remember exactly where all that happened. - South America? - Maybe down there. That was a few years back, said, and of course it was a Republican president. I get that the Democrats in Biden make mistakes. I'm just reminding folks plenty of mistakes in Washington. It's what they do. There's no doubt, mistakes are bipartisan in Washington. David says, I'm gonna call my shot now. Biden is in a comatose state in Delaware. The speech you will see tonight will be AI generated video. Well, they have video, they recorded Biden getting off the plane yesterday in D.C. as he made his way over to the White House. - Yeah, and it was also talked that phone call that interrupted or was part of the campaign event that Congress was doing was actually, wasn't live. It was recorded. - That's the conspiracy theory that was a recorded phone call. How would we ever know? I don't know. Is her name, cheat, this is John, is her name, cheat a descriptor of Biden election? And don't you think that the media will help Trump also? Jean says, please make an educated guess as to how many agents are used by the Trump extended family. And at Monday hearing, I believe either Cheetah or someone else said that Secret Service has, I think 37 protectees right now that they're keeping an eye on. And of course, the Biden family is pretty large. Trump family is pretty large. You have VP family, Harris and her husband and child. So there's a lot of people that have to cover, but that's not new, that's not, the Kennedys were not, well, that's probably a bad, bad one to bring up as far as Secret Service protection, but they've had to cover a lot of people a lot of different times. And as far as placing your agents where they're needed, I would say an outdoor rally for Trump, the former president and leading candidate right now to be the next president, probably takes precedence over a lot of the other people, especially if they weren't out and about, doing campaign events. - I would like to see an actual report, 'cause I haven't seen the number, I've heard more just kind of the chatter or rumor about it, but Jill Biden's event that same day, where she got at least the Secret Service attention that Donald Trump did and some reports say much more. - That's insane. - Yeah, that's insane. - For a much smaller indoor event. - Yeah, it's sanity, it doesn't make sense. Chris says, "Can you get a legal expert on the show "that can share information on the passenger bill of rights, "seeing how troubled the airlines have been lately?" Yeah, we'll try to do something like that. I'm working on getting someone on to talk about the AT&T issues with their phone service dropping out that day and a couple other things, but yeah, the Delta thing, which now the Department of Transportation, looking into the Delta failures, the other airlines that were affected by that crowd strike flub are back online, but Delta just keeps missing flights and it looks like they're gonna be in trouble for the rest of the week, but that's a big national story as well. - The US Department of Transportation is probing Delta after Delta canceled and delayed flights that was reported yesterday in a social media post on Tuesday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who probably has got Secret Service all around him right now. Anyway, he had this to say, Buttigieg said the USO DOT has opened an investigation into Delta Airlines to ensure the airline is following the law and taking care of its passengers. You're right, to this point, it looks like these people have been treated pretty lousyly, I guess you would say, and they're mad about it. Now that investigation's underway, we could see some law action as well, court action. Let's do this, pair of tickets to see Sticks and Forner, the Renegades and Jukebox Heroes Tour at the Worf Friday, August 16th, right now, caller number four, the 2513430106, caller number four, pair of ticks to see Sticks and Forner at the Worf August the 16th, and tickets on sale at and the Worf box office. - Morning from, Dan and Dalton 854, the Textline 251340106. Congratulations, Vicki, picking up a pair of tickets to see Sticks and Forner and the Renegades and Jukebox Heroes Tour. Decided not to go with the Dirty White Boy Tour, but Renegades and Jukebox, that's fine, but should be a great show. Sticks and Forner, that is the Worf August 16th, the Friday night show, tickets on sale, and the Worf box office. And it is Wednesday, coming up next, the Jeff Poor Show, but because it's Wednesday, he joins us early right here on Mobile Morning's. - Good morning, Jeff. - Good morning, guys, thanks for having me on. - Yeah, glad to have you. - So, your guest list today, and well, you've had some great guests. How about opening the show with Tupperville yesterday? That was fantastic, but looking forward to, well, all of your interviews per usual, but you'll have Bradley Byrne on in hour number three, and this is off the news that Mobile Bay keep pursuing the US Army Corps of Engineers. I saw Bradley Byrne and the Mobile Chamber put out a press statement last night saying, while lawsuits like this one are adept at generating headlines, they're not exactly known for building bridges, or in this case, shipping channels towards a better future. And Jeff, I know the Bay Keeper, they have an issue with this dredging project to open the port, make it deeper and wider at some points, but Bay Keeper saying this, you have protected Gulf Sturgeon who are affected by this, along with a lot of other sea life. I wanted to read a couple of texts to you real quick on both sides of this. One said, "When are we going to stop letting unelected officials like Mobile Bay Keeper stop delegating what our government does? We all know this has nothing to do with Sturgeon and everything to do. Nothing more than a guy with a power trip in the name of the environment." Another textor said, "It's all about quality of life. Do you think people would be flocking to Fair Hope in Baldwin County if it was as filthy as New York City? I'm shocked and appalled that the Corps of Engineers is going to dump the dredge waste in the bay. You know, constantly have scientists from the Sea Lab talking about how the levels of floating sediment keep the grasses and oysters from growing." So this is a pretty big deal, Jeff. - Yeah, and then it's always like, and I say this all the time about what goes on. Yeah, people I think with like, who would be like MAGA Republicans and that live over here at Eastern Shore and that we start talking about that, or particularly the coal ash stuff, they become like tree hugger environmentalists on this one thing. It's always kind of a, also contradiction and conventional wisdom. - Yeah, but it's true. And it's because of where we are and the way that they enjoy the outdoors, right? It's part of their life. - It's just part of the life property value. Don't wanna see this impact their life. I mean, yeah, there's just, there's a lot of different things going on here, I think. - I wanted to get your opinion on some of the national stuff and with Kamala, now the Democrat nominee, I guess all eyes turn to who she'll choose as her vice presidential candidate. And I think I haven't checked the odds, but I would guess Mark Kelly is probably near the top of that being swing state. He has a military record, which can match JD Vance. And well, a number of other reasons the assassination attempt on his wife, Gavin Giffords. What are your thoughts on him possibly being the nominee or does it really even matter? - I think you saw number one or number two, Roy Cooper, North Carolina, I would watch the weird vibe on Josh Shapiro and media figures openly talking about his faith, being a Jewish religion, a problematic for a Democratic vice presidential nominee, he's very bizarre to me. But Mark Kelly, I don't know. Maybe he's exactly why they need to balance things out. What person there will be is Alabama's former U.S. Senator Doug Jones, I believe. - Isn't it funny that they've got to find a white dude? (laughs) They have to find, you know, the enemy of the state is the white, you know, male politician. - Well, they're talking Whitmer too. I don't think so, I think she's got high negatives. I don't think it'll be her. But there's been a female or two mentioned as well. - That'd be very risky. - Yeah, well, Jeff, looking forward to your show. Also coming on today, you have Paul DeMarco, now we're number one and Joey Clark in hour number two. So looking forward to it. - Hey, thanks for having me out, guys. - Thank you, Jeff. Jeff, poor show, straight ahead. Mobile morning's going to wrap it up right now. - Yes, and remember your chance to win tickets all week long to see sticks and forener. And we'll be back, right in early tomorrow morning at six. By the way, backstrap stacker, I missed this. He said municipal parks sending two teams to the Dixie youth world series tournaments. Their ozone team and coach pitch teams both won the Alabama state tournaments. We're talking about the Sims 12 and under team going to the World Series in Branson. A congratulations to all these local teams.