FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 7-23-24 Biden hands off election bid, Netanyahu visits the US, joint session speech

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24 Jul 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information, sharing his thoughts on today's politics, and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone out there in Radio Land. I am George Williams, your host, and this is the George Williams Show. Our number here is 251-343-0106, you can send us a text if you have a question of us, send us a text at that number, and you can also give us a call. Now if you know anybody who is outside our listen area, we are on the Internet at That's All right, folks, I am back. I am back from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, and we'll be talking about that. We'll give you some insight as to what happened, and let you know that we had a very good time. It was a very important, very enthusiastic, enthusiastic convention, folks. It was my fourth convention. My first one was in 2008 in St. Peter's, Minnesota, St. Paul's Minnesota, excuse me, and in 2012, it was at Tampa, Florida, 2016, it was at Cleveland, Ohio, it was in Cleveland, Ohio, and that's when Trump was elected President 2020, they didn't have one due to the COVID scare, and then here in Milwaukee, very nice, very nice. This was the most enthusiastic one, other than the four, for me, folks, because after the attempt assassination of President Trump, we Republicans really gelled, and I'll tell you what, some Democrats and independents are gelling with us. And that's important, folks. They are gelling with us, and President Trump chose a Marine, did he advance, was a Marine. Since I was a Marine, I am a Marine, well, what's a Marine always a Marine, okay? So we're going to give him, and all the support we can, folks, even some Democrats are going to vote for him, okay? So it's going to be a real good race, and we're going to be getting into that. And also Miss Mrs. Vice President, okay? To me, it's nothing but a bowl of confusion, it will be a bowl of confusion in Chicago. For those of us who are old enough to remember, the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968, oh my God, I hope this one is not like that, folks. That was a bad one, 1968, the Democratic National Convention, okay? All right, before we go any further, we're going to listen to what Dick Morris have to say, and then we're going to get right back to the Convention. The Assassin's bullet that was intended to Donald Trump's head, and God diverted to his ear, didn't knock Trump out of the race, but he is knocking Biden out of the race. Before the Assassin fired, Democrats were marbling and mumbling about the importance of replacing Biden on the ticket, but only a handful had dared to speak out in public. Then came Adam Schiff, the congressman from California, who's the Democrats candidate for Senate next year. When Schiff overtly and publicly called on Biden to withdraw, it said it motioned shock waves in the Democratic Party. It brought to the fore what every Democrat was thinking, but afraid to say, everybody knew Schiff would not have spoken without Pelosi's blessing or even suggestion. Biden will not resign as president and will suffer at the rest of his term, twisting slowly in the wind while it events moved past him as they should have long ago. The Democrats will have to accept Kamala Harris as their candidate, and will have to look forward to the prospect of losing more than 40 states and conceivably setting any national record for the size of a defeat. It is not just that an Assassin shot Trump. It is that with the wounds still fresh, Trump raised his fist dramatically and showed America that he was determined to fight on. That iconic moment has defined Donald Trump in history and will forever be the caption under his presidency. They brought up some very important points there. Biden did not resign the presidency, folks. He just dropped out of the Democratic presidential race. That's yourself that question, why didn't he resign as a president? What is he going to be doing from now until January when his term is up and we will have a new president? And that will be Donald J. Trump, because I don't think any of these Democrats who are being minted as a Democratic candidate against Donald Trump is going to win. I really don't. I do believe that the Republicans will take the Democratic Senate away from the Democrat and they will maintain their lead in Congress as well as taking the White House. I really believe that and that's the frightening part that the Democrats are worried about. That's why they held that coup against Biden, believe it or not, folks, in my mind that was a coup. It was definitely a coup. Those who are running on that Democratic ticket did not want to run with Joe Biden being the front runner. That is my belief and numerous other folks, not only Republicans, but Democrats, too, and independent. They did not want to be associated with Biden being the leader of the ticket. So they held the coup. And someone told me the other day this story about Biden having COVID is probably made up so that he could gratefully buy out of the presidential race. And I believe that. I don't think he has COVID. I think they're using it so that he could buy out, bow out, and Harris could run. Now, the big question is she's going to run. She's not the nominee, folks. She's just a candidate who has been endorsed by Biden. They still have between August 19th and August 22nd, they're going to have the Democratic Convention in Chicago. What they're trying to do now is get those delegates, 2,000-some delegates, to support Harris. And definitely all - or I don't know how many, I can't tell you - but they're not in support of her. Remember, this lady did not even - four years ago, three and a half years ago. She didn't even get one point when she was running for president. She was the first one to drop out of the presidential race on the Democratic side, the first one. And when Biden won the primary, they wanted to choose a black female as vice president. And that's what they did, Kamel Harris. And someone told me the other day that was a DEI decision, just like DEI with the colleges of preference, okay, and that's what she was. In other words, the Manjurian candidate, the Manjurian candidate. So that's what we're looking at with Harris. Remember, folks, she's not the nominee, she's just a candidate. That will be determined in August between August 19th and 22nd, in Chicago at the DNC convention where we're at back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back, welcome back everybody, this is George Williams, our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Feel free to give us a call. All right, let's get back to the Biden-Harris situation. Now the big question, who is going to be the vice presidential candidate? And also, who's going to be the presidential candidate? Remember, Harris is only a candidate, she is not the nominee. The nominee is determined at the convention, okay? We just went through that in Milwaukee, where the floor was open and Trump was the only nominee. And then we voted on it. And then, for the vice president, we did the same thing, okay? That's what's going to happen at the DNC, that's the way it should happen. But I don't know, folks, you can't trust these Democrats. They will lie. Look what they did to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he was running as a Democrat. Do you know what they did? I mean, he was on, the liberal stations weren't laid them on. They weren't laid them on. But he was on Fox, he was on News Mac, and he told his story of how they kept him off of the ticket when he was running, and when they announced he was going to run as a Democrat for president, how they freeze them out, they freeze them out. This is the Democratic Party for you, folks. This is the Democratic Party. And then after they made sure that no one was on the ticket by Biden, then what did they do? They set them up to debate Trump. He messed up badly, and it wasn't his fault, folks, because the man is sick, he's sick. He is very sick. And some of the neurology, the doctors said that he's got dementia. Now, they knew this way back in 2021, they, the Democrat and the media, the media. They knew it. But for some reason, they wanted to keep him in there. And after he had that debate with Trump, there was a coup. They wanted to get rid of him because those candidates who were running on the same ticket and the donors, they said, we're not going to give him any more money if he's on the top of the Democratic ticket. So they come up with this phony, COVID, and he's in Delaware, or he may be, we don't know where the hell he's at, okay, and all of a sudden, we haven't seen him yet. But he sent a press release that he was canceling his campaign, and he endorsed Kamala Harris. So he is still the president, and he will be the president unless he decides to leave prior to January. We don't know. One thing we do know, you cannot trust the word of Democrats. I call them demon-crats, folks, you cannot trust the word. And you don't know what's happening. And really, we don't know what will happen between August 19th and August 22nd in Chicago doing the Democratic Convention. Now what I've heard, like the chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party announced that all of the Alabama delegates would be for Kamala Harris. Now if that's true, we don't know it. I would like to know how does he know that all of the delegates, this or her, Harris, unless he called everybody individually. And he also said that they had conference calls with other Germans and heads of delegation who are going to be in Chicago, that they're agreeing that it's going to be Harris. Folks, we should know our lesson that you never believe a Democrat, because the day after Biden announced that he was suspending his campaign, all of a sudden, Harris has raised $40 million, you know that's impossible. She didn't even set up an account yet, okay? And now it's $80 million. If it is, it's not her money, she can't use it until she becomes the nominee. And that will only happen in August 19th to 22nd. So they have these phony ads going out and statement. And I just read something early that Trump is only leading Harris by two points. That's a joke. That's a joke. This record is worse than Biden's, folks, worse than Joe Biden. I've heard a lot of black folks talk about her record as a district attorney and as the California Attorney General, how she went after a lot of blacks, both male and female. That's going to haunt her and other cases, that's going to haunt her. And then look at, she's the voters are. She's never went to the border and the border is open. She's got to live that down. And she supported Joe Biden in every aspect of all of his decision. And when she say she's going to campaign on the accomplishments that they've made since he became president, are you kidding me? You going to campaign on that? What I really want to see is if she takes the nomination, if she's nominated, I want to see her debate Donald Trump. If you remember three and a half years ago doing the democratic campaign, she was in the race for president. She was horrible. And she dropped out before the first primary. That's how bad she was. And Joe chose her not on a merit. He chose her because she was a black female and that's what he needed, a black female to attract the black votes. That's why she was chosen not on her merit on a merit. She didn't have any merit. She didn't have any. So you wait until the convention is over in Chicago next month. And things start coming out regarding Mrs. Harris. They're not going to be good for her. See everything is out on Donald Trump. Everything is out on Joe Biden because we've been talking about his mental capacity since 2021. Now, it's come on Harris. And from what I heard from those California voters, black California voters, she's going to have a hard time campaigning against Donald Trump. If she becomes denomity, very, very, very hard time. And I can't wait. And all we have to do is Republicans just sit back, Trump, and Vance, or going into those primary states where, you know, it's back and forth, back and forth. When I spoke with a lot of delegates from New Jersey, as you know, I left Daphne when I was 10, my mother and father, and her eight children, and we migrated to Madison, New Jersey. So I grew up in Madison, New Jersey. And I spoke to people from Pennsylvania. I have a lot of relatives in Pennsylvania, a lot of them in New Jersey. In New York, all of these so-called swing state folks, right now, Trump is ahead, in just about all of them. Or I think, too, he's side, okay? These people are tired of the Democrats. They're sick of the Democrats. And they're wondering why in this world can you keep doing the same thing and you're hurting the people. I mean, you're really hurting them, financially, economically, criminally. One of my buddies, when we went to Milwaukee, he made this statement, he said, "You know what? Beautiful city, Milwaukee." And we've done this all over the U.S. We built these cities, Republicans built these cities, and the Democrats take them over and bring them down. Think about that. All these Democratic cities. They were built by Republicans. And now they're full of crime. They've been taken over by Democrats. Think about that. Do you want that to continue? And we'll give you some examples after these breaks, we're very back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. All right. Welcome back. Welcome back, folks. I'm George Williams, your host. Our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. All right. So how was my trip to Milwaukee? Well, folks, it was really outstanding. And Milwaukee is a nice city, very nice city, a nice city that the Republicans built, okay? That the Republicans built, and the Democrats took over. And that I didn't like, and look at New York was the same way, Baltimore, Los Angeles. These Democratic cities are just filled with crime and poverty, filled, unbelievable. But other than that, it was very nice. I really liked the city, and they had a lot of different buildings that, to me, were outstanding, folks, really outstanding building, and we went to the stadium. We had lunch there, and the baseball stadium, really, really, really nice. And I'll tell you, I was impressed with some of the individuals in our delegation. Really impressed by Senator Taborville, and he's going to be our guest on the show in the near future. Katie Britt, I was impressed by her. Jerry Call, he's going to be giving up the chairmanship, not chairmanship, he's a congressional seat. He's going to be giving that up. So we need to find something for Jerry Call in Mobile in Baldwin County, okay? And I told Jerry, we're going to talk about that because you cannot leave politics. You're definitely can't leave politics. And also there, and I was very, very nice to see her, Ms. Colleen Dobson. She's writing for congressional district two, okay, Congresswoman. And she was there, and she's getting a lot of support. And folks, we have to take that seat. That seat was created by the judges to take away a seat from the Republicans and give it to the Democrats. Guess what? You judges? We Republicans are going to take that seat. And Ms. Dobson is going to be Congresswoman Dobson, okay? And so she was there, and she made contact with a lot of folks, and they really enjoyed her. And she really cares about her district in Alabama, and I'm supporting her. She's been a guest a couple of times on this show. We're going to have her on some more. And I just saw a poll that she's ahead in the district, the district two raised. So folks tell all your friends, all your friends. Get out and vote. We need Ms. Dobson in Congress. We don't need figures, okay? We don't need him. In fact, he was in DC working for the Biden administration. Now what the hell do we want somebody like that represent us in district two? No way, folks. No way. He's working for the Biden administration. He came here to run, okay? Now Vivian figures it's a zero, she's been a state senator for all these years. What have she done for folks in her district? What has she done? Except put her son up to run for Congress. We can't allow that, folks. We cannot allow that. We need Ms. Dobson to win that race and represent us, represent us in Congress so we can get some work done. Those folks in the bluegrass area, they need help. They need help. And believe me, the figures are not going to do it. The Democrats are not going to do it, folks. Believe me, I used to be a Democrat. I came over when President Reagan was elected because Jimmy Carter was so weak, so weak. That's why the Iranians did what they did to us when they got rid of the Shah and they attacked the embassy and they held the embassy personnel, the American embassy personnel, for 440-some days, and you know what happened? While Reagan was running against Carter, Reagan told the Iranians, "If I win, those American hostages better be released." So he did the primary and he won the election, he won the election, and guess what? Soon after he won that election, the Iranians released all the hostages. The reason I said that, folks, is because the Iranians knew that Reagan was going to do what he said he was going to do. He was going to go in and get all of those hostages released. They knew it, so they released them all. But now, folks, look, I'd spent 14 years, I was 15 years overseas. When I was overseas, of course, Vietnam, there was a war, so we didn't take no crap. I was a Marine. I was a Marine then, a Grot, oh, 311. Then in the '80s, I was in South America, in Brazil. In the '90s, I was in Africa for six years. Each time. When I was overseas, people respected us. We had to respect. I said, "Walk around with the USA cap on." Nobody bothered me. I was a DEA agent then, they didn't know it, they didn't know who it was. All they know is I was working at the embassy and I was in America. They didn't dare, they didn't dare. But look at the difference now. They have no respect for American. And all of those Americans who are overseas, they're on pens and needles because they don't know what these idiots in those countries are going to do to. Now things change. Now with Obama, it was the same way. They knew we were weak. But Trump, no, things change, folks. They knew that Trump was another Ronald Reagan and he met what he was saying and he was going to do what he said. Look at the border. How he secured that border and Obama opened it up. I worked the border for three years, okay, when I was stationed in New Mexico. Obama opened the border and Biden, Trump closed it and Trump was building the wall. And guess who? Guess why only part of that wall was not built, was not built due to the Democrats fighting them on every front. They fought him. If he would have gotten the corporation from the Democrats, the wall would be completed. And he had stopped Mexico from allowing those 12, 15, 20 million illegals from coming into America. Obama opened the floodgates and Biden made it worse. He continued it. And the borders are, was who? Kamala Harris. She'd never gone down to the border. She didn't give a darn about the border. And she's going to run on her and Biden's record. Are you kidding me? She didn't give a darn. And she's going to run on that record. Look, any Democrats out there, if you vote for those idiots, you're an idiot, okay? Knowing what they've done and what they plan on doing, because she will continue buying policies. She will continue them. And you're going to vote for her? You voting for Biden? You've got to be joking. You've got to be joking. So I got off the track there, what Ms. Dobson is running in Congressional District 2, which is part of Mobile, part of Mobile, Washington County, all over the bluegrass. So if you've got relatives there, tell them, get out, get out and vote. And if you know anybody that needs help getting to the polls, help them out, folks, or help them get absentee ballot. This election is very important. This election will determine the life of America, because as you know, with Obama's eight years and Biden three and a half years, it has gone down. It is a dangerous situation in America right now. They've let so many illegals in. And don't let them fool you. You may see them walking around innocent looking. They're not innocent. They're not innocent. I could recall in '85 when I was stationed in Brazil, they killed one of our agents. These cartels, folks, are dangerous, and these cartels are here in America. They're coming across the border. And they're bringing a lot of money with them, because they're bringing the dope and they're getting the money for the dope. So what do they do? What are they doing with that money? They have to linger it. They have to clean it. How are they laundering? How are they cleaning it? They're making a legit. They're buying buildings, they're building restaurants, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. That's what they're doing. They're laundering the money, pretending to be business folks. Look at the Chinese when they come across the border. They all have money. They're not coming broke. You can look at the Mexican border, the New Mexico, Arizona, and California. And you go south, 50 to 100 miles, the government is not there. They don't control that. The cartels control that. The bandits, the murderers, they control that. And if you want to come across, you're coming from Mexico and you want to come into Texas or Arizona or California, you've got to do what they tell you to do. They give you a package and they say bring it across. You bring it across and they tell you where to put it at. And their colleagues and the U.S. and America will go and get those packages. And guess what they're going to do with them? Those are drug packages. They're going to sell those drugs to our kids and adults. That's why we have hundreds of thousands of Americans dying each year from drug overdose, especially fentanyl, especially. It's coming from China, going into Mexico. It's coming from China, going into Canada. Remember folks, Canada's border is more porous than the south. So we're bringing in. They're bringing in them from the northern border and they're bringing in them from the southern border. One is just as guilty as the other. But this is what my children, my grandchildren have to look forward to. There's a lot of blood, and I really mean this and also inherited a lot of blood on the democratic's hands. A lot of blood for what they're doing to this country and allowing those idiots and criminals, drug dealers, and spies to come into America will be right back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back folks, we are here at the station, our number is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. All right, other matters that we have to cover tonight. The Israeli Prime Minister is in Washington, D.C., and he's going to be here for a week. When he is going to be meeting with a lot of folks, I know he wants to meet with Trump, President Trump, so he won't be meeting with him, and he will be meeting, I think, with President Biden. I don't know about Harris, he's gone Wednesday, he's going to give a speech to a joint section of Congress, and Harris won't be there, and she doesn't plan on being there. There are going to be thousands of demonstrators in Washington tomorrow, and guess who they are? They're Muslims. Some demonstrators, okay, pro-Hamas, pro-Hamas, pro-Hesblad, pro-Muslim demonstrators. Now, it was Hamas who attacked Israel, Israel did not attack them, it was Hamas who matted, massacred around 1,400 Israeli citizens, babies, women, young boys, young girls, old men, old women, and kidnapped over 250. Hamas did that, Israel is retaliating, and trying to get the rest of the hostages back. But this administration has not been on Israel's side. The UN is pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, pro-Hesblad, and we wonder about Washington. Are they pro-Hesblad, are they pro-Palestinian? This is a very dangerous situation, folks. Very dangerous. And now we see the Houthis of firing Iranian-made rockets into Israel, but the Israelis put a women on their behind, okay? Just like when Iran fired all those rockets into Israel, and missiles, Israel put a women on them just to show them how vulnerable they are, and they did the same thing to the Houthis in Yemen, okay? So America should back Israel a million percent, folks, a million percent. But White House is playing this game, they're trying to appease the Muslim voters in the United States, especially in Michigan and Minnesota, Wisconsin, and some of those states. All right, we got to call it, let's see what to call it, who the south call is, call it, welcome. Hey, George, are you where your live stream is not working properly? My what? Your live stream of the show is not working properly. All it's doing is replaying like a minute or so from the Paul Feibam show over and over. So it's very strange. The station was, had a power outage earlier today, and there's a lot of unexpected things to need to be looking at, and that's one of them, thanks for telling us. Thanks for calling. I want to, George, hold on a second, you know, I really was looking forward to hearing your show in light of what's happened over the last few days, so could you kind of give me just a quick recap as to what you've said? I kind of have an idea probably, but I know you're probably as upset as I am and millions of Americans that we're not getting the whole story, and the fact that this woman was forced to resign, is head of Secret Service, is not going to really solve much of anything, because they've got a problem that goes even much deeper, apparently, you know, at the top of that organization. So what do you think is going to be done? Well, I spoke with a lot of Secret Service agents when I was at the convention, and they are not happy with her leadership. And the same way with DEA, the female who's in charge of DEA, the agents are very upset with her leadership. So these are political appointees, and you can't do that. Look at the FBI, okay? So the agents are not happy. The rank and file are not happy with the leadership of all of those agencies. The rank and file members, I think they, for the most part, do a fantastic job. But you know, there's a rot at the top of these organizations. You know, let's face it, we still have not gotten the complete, unfiltered story as to what happened with the JFK assassination. And you know, the government, they know what happened, and yet they've been stonewalling that for over 60 years, and they're going to wait until every one of us is dead before it's ever released. And I'll say, you know, and we are government off for and by the people supposedly, but we, the people are being kept in the dark. That is very true. But I think when Trump get into office, all of that will be released. I really believe that. When he gets in, now if he gets in, because you know what, I do not put any level of treachery and cheating beyond what the Democrats are capable of doing. So I hope he gets in, he looked like he had a much closer chance while Biden was still in the picture, but, but you know, they're going to pull out all the stops and they're going to cheat, cheat, cheat, just like we have to fight, fight, fight what they're doing is cheat, cheat, cheat. And you know, unless it's a very close election, they'll probably steal it like they did the last one. Well, and I believe that that's why we're putting up roadblocks, okay, and we're telling our people, don't wait until last minute to vote. If they have early elections, get out and vote. If you can't get out and vote, then get absentee ballot. And George, on one of these talk shows today, I heard a clip from Kamala herself from several years ago where she said what we need to do is go back to paper ballots. Now that was in the big previous election because, you know, the Dems were claiming Russian interference and collusion and all that kind of stuff. And she said, and she was right about this, the only way to keep that from happening through electronic voting and manipulation of the votes is to go back to paper ballots. That's the clearest and most safe way to tally election votes. And of course, that can still, you know, be corrupted too. But I wish we would go back to the paper ballot. I don't care if we have to wait a day or two to get the results. I want the correct results. Well, look at what happened last week with the technical glitch. It was a worldwide situation. Oh, my, my. Okay. You know, if you were unfortunate to be at an airport, you were just standing there for hours. I mean, it's ridiculous. We're too dependent on the worldwide web and all this electronic stuff. You know, before they got computerized, I took my first flight on an airplane across country back in the 60s, and they didn't have all these computer systems, and guess what? It worked fine, and we didn't have to wait long. We need to go back, at least have a backup system that can be manually operated because I guarantee you the rushes, the Chinese and other assorted malcontents are going to hack into our web, and they are going to cause us to come to a complete standstill. Right, well, we had folks who took a flight, took flights up to Milwaukee, and they just got home yesterday, okay? I drove. So I'm glad I drove because I got home on Saturday, but we have people that got home yesterday. I know. All right. Well, George, are you going to replay this show since, for those of us who have to listen, you know, on your live dream, can you replay it sometimes? Well, it's going to be on the website starting tomorrow morning, and it's going to be broadcast, so you'll be able to go in and listen, okay? Wonderful. George, listen, you are one of the rare guys who tells it like it is, and you've got experience in law enforcement and on the border and everything else, and, you know, I don't know what your, your listenership is, it's probably fairly small, unfortunately, but more people need to listen to this show because it's one of the few places you can get the facts, and that's what I want, the facts. All right. And, and believe it or not, we have a lot of listeners, okay? Well, I hope so. Anyway, George, thank you so much. You have a great week. All right. Thank you. All right, folks, that's about it. Until next week, we'll be back, same time, same channel, same station until then, folks. Viacon dales. All right.