The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

You Haven't Failed. You've Just Found 1,000 Things That Don't Work (Thomas Edison lesson)

In this video, I show you why failure is inevitable with any new thing. And I also show how you can also make success virtually inevitable as well, with this incredible lesson from Thomas Edison... #inventors #motivation #selfdevelopment

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Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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in this video i'm gonna show you why failure is pretty much inevitable with whatever big goal or whatever big thing you might be trying or starting for the first time but i'm also gonna review why if you approach things in a certain way then success with time becomes pretty much inevitable as well. So there's this great quote by Thomas Edison and you know one of the most brilliant men in history a guy i really really admire a great inventor one of our greatest inventors of all time and you know he went through a really tough time trying to create big inventions like the light bulb you know to get more than lighting and working with electricity with direct current and you know deciphering the the mysteries of electricity big then electricity wasn't this thing that we take for granted like we know how it works it's well documented you know you walk into any college university they got volumes and volumes on the subjects and they got learned professors that can tell you exactly how it works inside out but back then there wasn't nothing of the sort right this way the guy's on the cutting edge having to figure this stuff out on their own and if you made a silly mistake you got yourself electrocuted or some other thing that you didn't some other phenomena you didn't understand and you got yourself killed like this was working on the cutting edge and it was dangerous and you didn't know if you didn't work because you made a silly mistake or simply because it was completely impossible and would never work even if your name was Einstein right like this was this was a tough era to be involved in electricity and so Thomas Edison in trying to make the electric light bulb supposedly went through 10,000 attempts and they all failed you know and he's supposed to and you know I guess some reporters were like asking him like yo how do you feel about this like you've been trying this thing 10,000 times and you've been failing all this time how you know what what's your what's your view and Thomas Edison is supposed to have said I have not failed 10,000 times to make the light bulb the invention of the light bulb is a step is a process with 10,000 steps so something like that like so in the end he viewed the 10,000 failures or however many failures that was trying to invent that light bulb in the end he viewed them as just so many steps in a in a process that would take him eventually to the outcome he was looking for so you didn't see each of those steps is actually a fail I was like this is actually getting me closer with each one of them that I do because I just gotta go through the 10,000 and eventually I'm gonna get it so here's exactly why it's inevitable you're gonna fail guys if you're trying to do something super like innovative and ambitious at all which is kind of like inventing a light bulb right let's say you're trying to learn a new language but sometimes I'm doing by by the way like I'm learning greek at the moment right and you know when you go in and you start doing it inevitably you're gonna fail because when you enter a new space you don't know what you don't know like you you're not gonna like on the first day be talking greek uh smoothly flu and ly correctly on your very first day like I had to actually learn the alphabet right like the greek alphabet is not the uh phonetic alphabet that we use in the english language it's different it looks different if you spoke in spanish and you know spanish or french uh or jammin or those are actually easier to learn in the sense that greek uses a completely different alphabet like those letters that use in all those languages are not gonna help you they don't apply in the greek language it's completely different characters written differently and so to this day you know I'm not good at writing like those letters like it's actually easier for me just to type them on a computer than to actually write out the hand writing because I simply haven't had the same level of practice with those letters writing them out long form as I've had with you know like english characters so that's something to be aware of when you try something new um you you are inevitably gonna fail because there's just so many other things you don't know all right so failure is pretty much inevitable so what you need to do is you need to accept that it's inevitable if you if it surprises you and you expect you're gonna be perfect on day one that's where you're gonna get down on yourself because then you're gonna fail but if you understand failure is pretty much inevitable and like Thomas Edison you embrace failure uh you're gonna move along a lot faster because you want to have that hang up of like oh I feel now this means uh I suck I'm not good at this except failure is inevitable and like you know like Thomas Edison did uh accept each failure is just another step bringing me closer to my end goal and so now we actually get into why success is inevitable as well in the long run and therefore what you need to do to get success so the way that success becomes inevitable is if there are 10,000 steps that take you to your end goal all you gotta do is you gotta go through the steps as fast as you can so if you know like I'm gonna fail but if I fail enough times I'm gonna get to my result I'm gonna be successful then all you gotta do is just power through the failures as quickly as you can uh a good example with this is like with uh learning the skill of sales now sales can be scary to a lot of people right they don't want to get on a sales call uh and if you're in that situation the way to get through that and become a much better sales person which is also how I did it is to motivate you yourself as much as possible to go and as many sales calls as you possibly can fail if you must because you are going to fail remember failure is inevitable but after those first few failures you're gonna be like why did I fail and then you're gonna go study a sales book and you know next time you get on the call you are a little bit better you might still fail you fail on a smaller thing than you did last time you go study this thing you come back on the next call as you keep starting but you keep putting yourself through these failures now you're getting better and better faster and faster until you get to a stage where like you're having a lot more successes and your total success in that area so the faster you can go through the failures and you you never give up and you keep coming back and you keep on coming back and persisting and going on that makes success inevitable that's pretty much if you look at Thomas Edison and this approach with the invention of the light bulb that's literally what you was getting at was I'm gonna keep coming and coming and coming back at this and keep hammering at it until you know inevitably eventually I'm just gonna crack the code I'm just gonna get this electricity thing working and actually be able to invent the light bulb so that's how you do it guys that's how you make the inevitable failure actually a stepping stone to making success pretty much inevitable as well and you get yourself to your goal you know pretty much are in an inevitable way so that's what I had for you in this video and if you need some resources to help you with your product sales you can grab some of my free downloads the links will be in the description