The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

An Anonymous Millionaire Showed Him How To Get Rich - Lessons From The Laptop Millionaire

Ever wondered what goes on in the secret underground of internet marketers? This is the fascinating story of Mark Anastasi in the book, The Laptop Millionaire. Here are some of the key lessons I took away from the book... #sidehustle #bidness #internetmarketing

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08 Jul 2024
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Are you stuck and not able to find a way to grow a business on the internet? In this video, I'm going to give you some powerful, three powerful lessons that I learned from reading my way through the book The Laptop Millionaire by Mark Anastasi. And the third secret, guys, is gonna show you exactly where the problem is. If you are not able to find a way to actually be making money with your passions and the things you are passionate about, and it's gonna show you the way out, right? I'm literally gonna give you the way out of that. When you get stuck and, you know, just you're not able to make anything work, how to actually solve that and what the way out of that is. So, Mark Anastasi's book, The Laptop Millionaire, I mean, it's had a big impact on me, really loved the book. It's one of my favorite books. Mark Anastasi, I think he started out just, you know, he was actually, when you read the book, you know, he said he was actually homeless, and I think it was in London, or in the UK somewhere. And, you know, being a homeless guy out on the street broke. And he was looking for any kind of way that he could to make money. And this is where it gets very interesting. And so this book, a big inspiration on me, right? Like, I really, the book really taught me a lot, really resonated with the book. It's taught in a unique, fascinating storytelling style. But what happens is in the book, he runs into this guy who turns out to be what's called in the book later on, The Laptop Millionaire. This guy turns out to be the actual character after whom the book is named, right? The Laptop Millionaire. So they run into each other at like a business conference. And Mark is asking the dude, okay, so what do you do? And the guy is like sitting, you know, like probably sitting at the conference, like in front of his laptop with his laptop in front of him, pushing a few buttons and, you know, kind of doing his thing. And they strike up a friendship. And, you know, Mark then over the course of the next few weeks, Mark visits the Laptop Millionaire at his house, you know, and goes in and this super successful guy. And the Laptop Millionaire starts teaching Mark Anastasi what making money on the internet and building an online business is really all about. And he starts out with fundamental lessons. So he teaches Mark how to write an ebook, how to sell an ebook. That's like chapter one. Chapter two, chapter three is more advanced stuff. He goes into a different kind of social media platforms. He goes into YouTube, he goes into Twitter, he goes into different ways of making money, running paid traffic, more advanced ways of making money. So the book is really like, if you want a textbook of internet marketing and making money on the internet, like it was an amazing book for me to read. Really inspiring, really amazing book that I really loved reading. And so the first big lesson right guys is that that I got from the book and that you will find in the book is that, yes, you can actually become a millionaire businessman running a business on the internet, running a business that's mostly online. So you do this with all kinds of things in the book, you find people selling ebooks, info products, this kind of thing. That's something that I'm personally that's an industry. I've been a part of and am part of to this day, the info products business like I've helped people in that industry. I've also helped e-commerce people. And some of the companies I've managed to collaborate with have also been set. So those are the other different kinds of products you can sell on the internet, info products in e-commerce products, like you can sell fashion items, you can sell household equipment, you can sell golfing, gear in an e-commerce store, all kinds of products, but you can sell all of it on the internet, right? You can also sell software as a service. So with all those business models on the internet, you can literally build up a million dollar business like that's something that a lot of people have done, very possible, very doable. Now, to be clear, I haven't done this myself personally for my own business, you know, I'm nowhere near that level of success at the time of this recording, right? But the business models are well proven, well, well documented. So that's something you can do. Lesson number two, a really big lesson in the book is where the laptop millionaire reveals to Mark Anastasia that financial independence begins at 100 clicks per day. And so this is a big lesson for your own side hustle or your own online businesses. You want to get that business to 100 clicks a day. Once you do that, there's a certain momentum of sales that begins to happen where you're getting sales predictably, because you're getting 100 sales per day, I mean, 100 clicks per day to your website, whether that's an e-commerce store, a software as I said, it's a demo or landing page, or, you know, an e-commerce, I mean, an info product, e-mail, opt-in or online store, storefront, cart, checkout. You want to get to 100 clicks per day and keep on building from there. Big lesson from the book. So if you check nothing else away, at least you want to build up your traffic. A lot of launches, as I've documented in my videos, that's one of the most critical mistakes in product launches. I say this in my seven-figure product launches process is the biggest mistake product owners, product people make is they never drive enough traffic. And so that's something you really want to watch out for. And now we come to lesson number three, which is the way to get yourself unstuck when you're finding yourself in that position where nothing you're doing apparently is working. And all the things you're doing are not working. You're not able to find a way to monetize your passions or the things that you care about. Maybe you care about go for, you care about working out or you care about, you have an idea for a product, but you're simply not able to sell it. Like I was in that situation, when I started out what turned me into a marketer, I wrote a novel was never able to actually sell it. And then, you know, I kind of transitioned into marketing because I learned this lesson. And the lesson is, if you're finding yourself stuck in online marketing and you're unable to get your product, turn it into a business and get it on the parts to being able to sell and sell, well, the problem is that you are lacking one important skill. You are lacking some kind of very important skill. You're lacking some kind of skill in your business skillset, in your internet business skillset. This happens to a lot of beginner internet marketers, by the way, it's nothing new, nothing unique. This happens to everyone. Happened to me, happened to Mark. This is why he was stuck. Almost everybody that gets into this field runs into this and you won't know because you simply don't have enough experience in the field to know why it's happening to you. It's literally because you are lacking one important skill set. Now, when you are beginning, there are certain skill sets you will need, but it varies from person to person. If your previous job before you started to decide also as being a salesman, your lacking skill is not going to be sales. But for some other young dude that started out as a software developer like I did made their missing skill is sales. They've got the products making, they've got the other stuff, but they don't have sales. But then for some other guy that was maybe like a product manager, he's got the product knowledge and the skills skills, but maybe his missing skill is the guy is an awful copywriter and so his sales page sucks. That's why nobody wants to buy. It's going to vary from person to person. Fix that one skill that you are missing and you break through to the next level. You literally break through to the next level. So learning precedes earning and what you want to do when you find yourself stuck is you want to do like a skills inventory. Look at all these key skills of marketing and sales and say how is my cooperating? How is my sales closing skills? How is my traffic driving skills? How is my personal brand? How is my social media marketing? Look at all the core skills of sales and marketing. If you are really honest with yourself, you can spot it. If you are unable to do it, then just read very widely. Like read some of these books like The Laptop Millionaire. Read some of these books like Jen Henry's book Digital Millionaire Secrets or my own book, Celebrenure Profit Machines or Jordan Barefoot book The Wolf of Wall Street and you will see certain lessons come up that will highlight some skills that you might be lacking and that's how you can zero in on where exactly your business game is falling short and where you need to focus because literally what you need to do is you need to go on the learning trail and refuse to stay mediocre, refuse to stay stuck and the way you refuse and the way you get yourself unstuck is you need to learn that one new skill. Don't just speak some random skill that is unrelated to business. Like I'm gonna go learn how to paint. Like learn a business skill. And I'm not talking about Excel and accounting. I'm talking about business generation skills, cooperating, marketing, sales, sales closing, code calling, code email, you know, personal brand, video marketing, Twitter, LinkedIn, whatever the skill might be, you know, that's gonna help with business generation, lead generation, business development. That's literally how you do it is you gotta learn that one skill that you're missing. So you can brag through to the next level. And in closing, I have some free resources. If you need help growing sales of your own product, you can grab these links will be in the description.