The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

3 Shocking Secrets Of The Louis Vuitton Brand Empire: How Bernard Arnault Became World's Richest Man

What's really behind the rise of the man nicknamed "The Wolf In The Cashmere Coat?" This is the story of the world's richest man, Bernard Arnault... #billionaires #TodayILearned #wealth

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07 Jul 2024
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Hey there guys, so in this video, I'm going to break down and go behind the scenes of the business empire of the richest guy in the world, alright, Frenchman Banad Anal. But what I'm going to do is I'm not only going to do that, I'm going to reveal three of the secrets behind his rise to wealth and power. And they are quite shocking and the third one guys was a little bit sinister to be honest. When I discovered about this, I think my whole perception of Banad Anal kinda changed, okay? So this is, you want to watch out for this in your own life and I'm going to warn you guys that you don't want to emulate this type of behavior, at least not just secret number three, like that's what you want to avoid. You don't want any of that kind of controversy in your own life if you can possibly avoid it. The other two are okay, they are fair business practice, they are sound business practice. So let's get into the story. So Banad Anal over the last couple of years, right guys, has become the richest guy in the world. He's competing with Elon Musk, with Jeff Bezos and some other guys in like number four, number five. But those are your top three richest guys in the world. And I guess as happens with a lot of richest guys in the world, there's always some controversy swirling around them. I think you've seen this with Bill Gates, you've kinda seen this thing with some of the richest guys in the world. In a lot of cases, a lot of these guys just don't make it to top guy in the world just like that, right? Like there's always some drama behind the scenes. So I did a little bit digging to find out what the Banad Anal story is. And from what I had researched way back, I was a fan, you know? I thought like, wow, this is a guy who keeps his dealings clean, who does, he's a business in a legit way. And I still think for the most part, that's the impression I have of the guy, all right? He's seemed like a legit business guy, you know, he just happens to maybe not be nearly as public as someone like Elon Musk who is sharing his life on social media for us guys to see what he's up to, right? Like he just maybe happens to be a little bit quieter, more reclusive, you know? So, but the way he actually got his start was working way back when he began his professional life, he was actually working for his father, right? He did an engineering degree in school, finished with that, and then he started working in his father's construction company. And one of the things that he later on did was he got a bit of money and he got into business for himself and he bought a struggling business, a struggling company. And one of the, you know, and some other stuff, but one of those was Christian Dio, which was a struggling, like a fashion house, you know, there were a lot of these fashion houses out there, I think, in France and Italy and places like that. And some of these businesses had been around for years, right, like probably decades. But you know, so he was able to do that and he got into the fashion and luxury world. But he had, he seems to have had a real knack for business, right? And so he was able to actually keep expanding and growing his business empire from that small start to actually, you know, doing more and more acquisitions and acquiring more and more things and being able to kind of keep expanding his portfolio of businesses. And you know, over the years, he was then able to actually buy a controlling stake in an LV match, which is like, you know, he's, he's biggest company, he's biggest business, you know, and this is a business with a lot of other owners, but he was able to get in as to get in and over time build up a controlling stake. But he is a shrewd businessman, right, like he's been able to really build that up into a massive luxury powerhouse that's a worldwide brand that a lot of celebrities are into their buy their products all the time. And this has become a powerhouse, right, he's really put French luxury on the map. He's one of the guys behind doing basically that. Another thing he did, he got his own family into the business, he's got his sons, his daughters, they work in the business, they work for the business. And by all indications, they're gonna keep running the family business even after Banada Anno is gone, which is a smart move, right, like you want to have some continuity with that. And that actually brings us into the first of these secrets behind Banada Anno's rise to being the richest man in the world is this focus on continuity longevity. The first secret being that he focused on products and the brands that will last for a long, long time. He focused on products that are gonna last for a long time. So there's this story about him and Steve Jobs meeting, apparently the two of them were friends and the question that, you know, the question that Banada Anno asked Steve Jobs supposedly was, "Well, do you think the iPhone is gonna be around after 30 years? In the next 30 years, do you think the iPhone is gonna be around?" And Steve Jobs is supposed to have said, "Well, I don't know, I honestly don't know, right, like I don't know, like after 30 years, who knows with new phones coming out, new technology, new things, new stuff, who knows if the iPhone will exist in 30 years." And then suppose that Steve Jobs changed the question around and asked it back to Banada Anno and said, "What about Dom Perignon?" Like that's one of Banada Anno's brands was like, "What about your Dom Perignon?" You know, liquor, is that gonna be around in 30 years? And apparently, Banada Anno said, "Yes, it's gonna be around not just in 30 years, it's gonna be around for a long time." You know, so apparently he's focused with these brands, these luxury brands, he's on building and acquiring products that have been around for literally decades, not centuries, like some of the luxury fashion brands that he has, but will also be able to be around for literally the next 50 years, but more than that for literally the next century or couple centuries, which is a really different business philosophy, it's kind of focusing on these handbags, fashion, luxury, watches, jewelry, all kinds of super high-end, flashy things that the rich are always gonna be buying, but they don't just buy them to wear, they also buy them to store them in their locals and pass them down from generation to generation and kind of keep his household family goods, and these are the things that Banada Anno has really focused his attention on, because that means he can then, his companies will always be in business if he can just keep focusing on selling those kinds of products, which I think is a smart way of doing business. Now let's move on to secret number two. Number two, he was focused on buying up shares, so that's been his modus operandi, was getting into a new company, a new luxury brand, and trying to buy up as many shares of the company as he could. So he's been very patient and aggressive at buying up shares whenever he's got a chance you'll be buying up shares, so if he starts targeting a new brand that's out on the public market, he'll go in, if he sees this is a company I want for myself, he'll go in, he'll buy up whatever he can right now and kind of wait around and stick around for the long term, and over time whenever somebody is selling shares, Banada Anno acquires them, and you know over 10-15 years then he might be able to acquire 75% of a company, you know, and if it's a really good brand, the appreciation of the shares that he's already bought over time means that he's at the end of it all, he's going to be sitting on something with a lot more than he paid for it back in the day and you have made a ton of money and become very wealthy in the process. Now a lot of finance gurus have actually done this kind of thing as well, if you look at how Warren Buffett began, you know, he started out buying back share head away which was kind of like a junk business that wasn't worth a lot of money, but then they went around buying shares in valuable companies and acquiring valuable companies where possible it pennies on the dollar. So this kind of thing has been done before, it's a playbook of the super rich that's been done a lot of times before, and Banada Anno has apparently done this at a very high level and secret number three is where it gets a bit dark and sinister, right, is apparently to get control of LVMH, his biggest and most valuable company, his biggest and most valuable acquisition, apparently to get control of that, he backstepped, he pushed out his own top ally and his own top guy that was supporting him, you know, his own column, his best business friend or his best business buddy that had been helping him to get him to where he got, apparently he pushed that guy out so that he personally could acquire the critical moment so that he himself could benefit, which is very controversial in a sense because when you're doing business with people that's why I pointed out a warning at the start, like guys be careful who you're doing business with, some people are like that, they're gonna push you out, they're gonna throw you under the bus when they get a chance, and this is also, you know, it agrees with the nickname that apparently people in those business circles have for Banada Anno, that apparently they call him the wolf in a Kashmir court, like that's how they literally, you know, apparently that's his nickname, apparently that's how they name him, which is unpleasant to say the least, like that they see this guy as a wolf in a Kashmir court, like that's not how you want people to see you, so be careful who you do business with, apparently some of these guys will use you like that when they get a chance and then they get rid of you and use you as a stepping stone to get to where they think the grass is greener on the other side, so you really want to be careful, don't associate with people that are gonna treat you that way, and for yourself hopefully you never treat people like that, like that's a long move, right, like that's a cheap move and something that hopefully you won't do because it's just downright, you know, a short dollar, a belt, you don't want to do that kind of thing, so that's how it is guys, like I promise you, you know, I told you I would review the details and you know, these are some of the ugly details, right, so that's all I have for you and if you need some free resources to help you with growing your own business, you can grab them, the links will