The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

How Elon Musk Built An Understated Trillion Dollar Product Empire

Add up the valuations of Elon Musk's many businesses, and you get a veritable trillion dollar product empire. But what ties it all together, and how did one man go from zero to creating such unbelievable world impact with brands like Tesla, Solar City, SpaceX, and more... #elonmusk #tesla #bidness

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Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
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Guys I got a great video for you today. I'm going to walk you through how Elon Musk was able over the space of literally a couple of decades build up a portfolio of business assets worth over a trillion dollars, okay, which is highly unusual. It's something that hardly anybody on the planet has been able to do. Yet one guy was able to build not just one business but multiple groundbreaking businesses and the total value of these businesses is well, you know, worth over a trillion dollars and so how was one guy able to do this? And I'm actually going to reveal later on in this video the one most important asset, the one most valuable asset out of all the assets that he was able to build and how this one most important most valuable asset was actually the key to getting all of this done. So if you're in business at all and you want to build a big business for yourself, you better pay attention because we're talking about Elon Musk and Elon Musk has become, you know, more than just a businessman, he's become a legend, right? This is a guy that presidents listen to. He's been tight, I think with President Barack Obama, he's been big in the clean energy, renewable energy space and some of his businesses, you know, like with solar city and him being able to go into renewables and, you know, the way he went into like electrifying homes with solar power that was clean and, you know, affordable and easy to use the way he went deep into the industry to provide electricity powered electric vehicles and the way that he, you know, has come out with, you know, just a lot of ground breaking technologies. He's not afraid to think big. So let's look at how he actually got started because he actually got started building a startup. I believe he was thinking about doing like a graduate degree or something like that and he and his brother actually started a startup company instead, right? Like, so if you've been thinking about doing a startup, you know, just on the web, that's where a lot of people get their start and that's literally how Elon Musk got started as well. It was him and his brother that were actually doing like a FinTech financial technology startup and the whole idea was to innovating the financial space and leverage the internet which was a new medium back in those days and what they founded later actually became PayPal. They merged with another startup led by Peter Thiel and some other dudes and what they built was what became known as PayPal and it was actually facilitating peer-to-peer payments through email, basically through email. And this was ground breaking back then because you have to remember in the early days of the web, none of this technology existed and so PayPal was actually a ground-breaking technology to be able to facilitate that movement of money and that became a big success was later brought out by eBay, I believe, for probably a billion or a couple billion dollars. This was back in the day. The company would probably be with a lot more than that two billion or whatever they got but due to circumstances they didn't really believe that they would be able to keep operating the company profitably for a long time on their own and so the executive team made the decision that hey it's better to sell out to eBay right now whilst we got something valuable because if we keep going our company might crash and so they actually sold out and eBay bought them and you know the company has become much much more valuable like way beyond that since so you make the call but that's how they got their start you know so Elon made some money with that but he wasn't satisfied obviously he wasn't like that's it I'm done I'm gonna retire go play go golf every day of the year now or go relax on the beach like that wasn't his style and so he actually came out with two new startups two new companies and this way Tesla, a car company and SpaceX which was humongous to say a humongous idea to say the least because I mean you need a lot of capital to to do space exploration and space travel let alone to provide those services to the government your stuff is to be really good right because you're going up against NASA you're going up against space agencies from governments around the world and so you're playing literally with the sharks with the whales actually because these are really massive government agencies with humongous budgets and how are you going to be able to provide any kind of worthwhile service that would compete with those kinds of agencies but Elon Musk was indebted right and you know so he came out with SpaceX this was really a business to make space travel space exploration all those services that go into that to make them more efficient faster quicker safer cheaper and better for primarily the US government but I'll imagine at this point that that service has probably been leveraged by more than just the US government it's probably been leveraged by other governments as well as a lot of other corporations and companies that have a need for like a satellite technology that won a launch a satellite you know and so they can leverage some of the infrastructure that Elon Musk was able to build with SpaceX like that became a really big massive massive business and it's actually valued and I believe it's valued at somewhere north of 200 billion dollars today you're talking really really big business this is not even his main business or his biggest business it's one of them but it's not even the biggest one this is just one of them at this point probably valued it you know way way more than 200 200 not million billion dollars so that's a huge success so you look at PayPal a billion to a billion back then a long time ago SpaceX now 200 something billion dollars like that's massive but it's not even the biggest business so the other business that became even bigger was Tesla and Tesla as we all know it's an electric car company and very popular with young people today because it's all about being environmentally conscious you know eco-friendly consumers that kind of thing and so it's got a lot of super funds that want to drive nothing but Tesla are willing to put up with the inconveniences of like maybe you don't have a charging station nearby and you have to travel a long way to get a charge they're willing to put up with that maybe you have to wait on a wait list to get a Tesla the new model when it comes out because supply can't keep up with demand but you know super funds they're willing to put up with that so when you build a powerful brand you know you can you get those kinds of loyal funds and and Tesla is one of the probably one of the most powerful brands on the planet in that respect you see this also with like airport and the iPhone they got a lot of super funds uh die hard funds that you know love the product so much they are willing to queue up for a long time maybe days if they have to in order to get a crack at the new product from Apple you know like so that's that's just you know that's just incredible that's and if you are launching and marketing a product and a brand by the way you want to build that kind of brand image brand aura that kind of brand desirable brand that your funds really love right like that's that's the goal guys like that's that's what you want to aim for so Tesla became so so powerful a brand so successful and today it's valued at over 800 billion dollars you know you ended up with SpaceX you ended up with Solar CD you ended up with Twitter X that Elon Musk also went ahead and bought you you add up everything that he's got in his portfolio all those businesses well over a trillion dollars and it's incredible to think that one guy was able to do this but none of those individual companies were actually the single most important asset that Elon Musk built which made everything else possible because you didn't have those brands and those companies to begin with so what was the brand that he actually built up over the years that made him able to do all these things and that one most valuable most important brand thing that he came out with the most important asset that he built was none of these actual brand companies you know the thing that made it all possible it was actually his own personal brand when you look at Elon's Elon sub personal brand it's really incredible he's the number one followed person on Twitter he's got like 185 million followers which is incredible for comparison Mr. Beast who is possibly the biggest personal brand on the internet right bigger than the Kardashians bigger than you know the rock bigger than Kanye West bigger than you name the celebrity Mr. Beast is bigger than you know all these guys on the internet as a personal brand but for comparison Mr. Beast on Twitter only has only right only has 30 million followers which is huge by by by the way that's like one of the most followed channels on Twitter is the Mr. Beast's Twitter but it fails in comparison with Elon Musk 185 million followers on on Twitter so when Elon Musk speaks the world listens right like literally like there are people tuning in from everywhere around the world when Elon Musk is is tweeting and sharing and updating but you look back over the years you see his personal brand has been built on showing a passion for technology when being visionary about the future of humanity and you know creating alternative technologies for cars for clean energy alternative technologies for human space civilization you know this is the kind of stuff that he's built up as stories around his personal brand and that really resonates with a lot of people especially young people that are more tuned into technology and you know he's also built his personal brand by being associated with presidents like we talked about the Obama administration as well as also being associated with during the Trump years probably more so after the Trump years the Trump administration and you know being influential even in the Biden administration so he somehow managed to associate himself with presidents and presidential administration which is really a big move for any personal brand I think you see this also with Kim Kardashian being influential with presidential administration so when a celebrity goes out of their way to quote the attention of you know the the most powerful office in the in the country like the presidency that's huge for a personal brand and you see that with Elon Musk so he's got a lot of tricks obviously and these are some of the ways that he's been able to build literally probably just the single most valuable personal brand in the world today the Elon Musk personal brand and that's made him the world's richest man in the world at times the number two richest man in the world or number three but somewhere there top three richest guy in the world today with an unbelievable business empire with over a trillion dollars and the personal brand that's been responsible for creating and making everything possible so that's what I had for you today and you can also grab some of my free downloads that will help you with your own product sales the links will be in the description