The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

3 Ecommerce Secrets Of The Kardashians

Did you know that Kylie Cosmetics is not the only ecommerce brand to come from the Kardashians? Follow their moves (not all of them) to build your own ecommerce empire...

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Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Okay, so what do you guys think is the most important secret to E-commerce success? And, you know, that's something that we're going to look into as I'm going to be breaking down some of the E-commerce moves of the Kardashians, you know, the Kardashians and the Jannas. And there's a bunch of E-commerce secrets that you can learn here and you can take and run with these and hopefully they produce a lot of E-commerce success for you as well. So, let's look at, let's jump right into the first E-commerce secret, which is a personal brand. You know, think of the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian, Khloe, Kourtney, or any of the Kardashian clan and something that they have done really well pretty much across the board is, you know, they've built these powerful personal brands on TV with keeping up with the Kardashians. In popular culture, you know, being in magazines and, you know, being featured in all kinds of places and being celebrity, you know, being kind of celebrity lifestyle brands, but also really heavy on social media, right, with like Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, all the Kardashians and, you know, their related families, you just kind of see that they've really gone in heavy on building personal brands. And in a sense, without that personal brand or this E-commerce success that we are talking about wouldn't happen, right, like Kylie Cosmetics or Skims or Kai or Drink 818, you know, any of these are big brands that they've been able to build, the big E-commerce brands, probably wouldn't even happen without that personal brand. Because without that personal brand, you'd need a lot of money for marketing alone to get rich and to get customers, which is really hard to do, you know, if you don't actually have, you know, funding or, which is why you got to build a personal brand. So that's big secret number one. Build a personal brand, build a huge personal brand, don't just want to put up an E-commerce store and think that's it, you know. Okay, let's jump into secret number two, which is keep it simple and run on a trusty E-commerce platform that makes it super easy. Something like Shopify or WooCommerce, something like that. If you look at a lot of these Kardashian, Jenna, E-commerce stores, you realize that they're actually running off Shopify, which is really smart in a sense because a Shopify store, super simple to set up, you can set it up literally within half an hour, you can have, you can create your store, pick a template, you know, have set ups and be ready to actually list products and actually be selling your products literally within a couple of hours. You don't have to go out there and try to develop this super costume store and things like that. So like if you're running an E-commerce store, don't complicate your own life by trying to do too much technology wise, like go really as simple as you can, minimalistic, run on a platform that's established, WooCommerce, Shopify, something like that. And don't try to build up a store from scratch with like your own coding and all that, like that would just complicate your life and make everything take much longer than it should. So they've kept it simple. They probably realize they are not coders, right? They're not going to build the next great American E-commerce platform. But they can't build the next great American E-commerce store and you know, go talk to it with Jeff Bezos or the Amazon is still winning the E-commerce game, right? But that's a different, that's a different world. Anyhow, for yourself, keep it simple and go with a platform that makes it easy and brainless. So you don't have to spend a lot of time hustling around with technology, like keep it really simple. Okay, and now we arrive at secret number three, which is something that they've done really well is when you look at their products and their brands is they've gone with really mass market, consumer brands that operate in really big markets, really big broad markets with a lot of demand. So things like you see with Kylie, Jenna and Kylie Cosmetics, she's gone into makeup, right? Like makeup, that's a super big industry with like billions and billions and billions just of orders every year like there's billions and billions of dollars, countless that are in that industry. But it's a really good industry to play and because you're working in an industry where there's a lot of demand already, you're just channeling existing demand and working with it. You're not creating some new, like I'm creating some new type of gadgets, some new type of device that nobody ever heard of. You know, something like the iPhone, when it came out, that was a revolutionary product. People are either going to love it and go with it or in a lot of cases with things like that, they flop, right? Because you're creating something totally new, nobody has seen this kind of thing before. So that's not what the Kardashians and the Germans have done is they are literally creating products that in categories that already exist like there's already a lipstick, there's already, this type of makeup is already there in the market, we're just creating our own spin on it, our own line, our own unique taste around that thing. That's really smart. And you see this also with drink 818, a tequila brand by one of the family, tequila is a big market. Like, there's a lot of tequila that's drunk and sold every year, right? A lot of tequila. So the alcoholic beverage market, that's a huge mass market. You see this again with Kim Kardashian's Skims, which is a fashion brand, O'Kylie Janice Kai, another fashion brand, so fashion clothing apparel, I mean, that's hundreds of billions. If you look at it worldwide, fashion and clothing in general, that's a big, big market, right? So they are not looking to create a revolutionary new category of products, they are working and playing in existing mass markets where there's a lot of demand, a lot of existing customers and they're just introducing their own unique products in there, and doing business, that way it means they can get in the market quickly, you can literally start selling a product, literally within a week you can get your first orders, because you're not trying to persuade people to try something that's completely strange and untested, they're just buying a different thing that's a different spin on an existing product, a different brand of a well-known product, like a shoe or a t-shirt or a dress or a skincare kind of solution, things like that. So that's the third and final big secret and I would like you to think for a second, like which of these do you think is the biggest secret to your own income and success? And personal app would say you gotta combine all three, but if you had to rank them, I would say number one and number three are most important, but it's really hard to ever even get to number three if you don't have number one, so you gotta kind of work in sequence, right? And if you need some help with promoting your own e-commerce products or making more sales of your products, you can grab some of my free downloads, the links are in the description.