The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

Behind NVidia's $3 Trillion Dollar Success: How They Became The World's Most Valuable Company

NVidia and its rise as the world's most valuable company is a landmark moment illustrating the tectonic shifts in industry. Cloud computing, virtual worlds, and artificial intelligence all make the future more dependent on who has the best processors and chips. Nvidia has the answer... #business #nvidia #tech


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Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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all right guys i got a special excerpt to you again and what i'm going to do i'm going to break down an immediate success story and how they've become not just a free trillion dollar company but also the most successful and the most financially valuable company in the world with a 3.3 trillion dollar market cap and you know just a few years ago i wouldn't even have imagined that we would have like a 3 trillion dollar company in 2024 this is unbelievable unprecedented and you guys want to pay attention to this there's a big story behind how Envidea has done it but the CEO of Envidea has come out and said you know like this is not just based on us having a great deal of foresight for sure they've had a lot of foresight he's actually credited this to the serendipity of just how events happen but as you will see uh by being really good at a high technology thing kind of living on the cutting edge over the years they've always been a company that was on the cutting edge even when they were the number two or number three guy in their industry or in the processor industry in the processor market as a wall where you've got other players like Intel that have been you know leaders for a long time and so Envidea was kind of like somewhere out in the back but they were always on the cutting edge um right through those years they were not working on marginal stuff they kept working on ground breaking uh kind of cutting edge stuff even if the market didn't value it uh or that highly at the time and now you know the market is just catching up and events have shaped themselves in just such a way that according to Envidea themselves by the sheer lack of it now the market is realizing uh this technology is very valuable and the market is literally in a gold rush to get this technology and you know the market is complaining about a shortage of Envidea chips which is very interesting and so to get us into this space in the right way I'm gonna pause to you guys a trillion dollar puzzle okay so here is the question and I want you to choose just one of the two options and based on that we're gonna see if you win or you lose so if you were to go into a gold rush suppose we've got the biggest gold rush of all time happening in uh you know in your country or wherever you happen to leave we've got the biggest gold rush uh of our lifetimes gold has been discovered and everyone is rushing into mine for gold now you are a business man or a merchant which of these two products do you want to go into uh selling one shovels to dig for gold or two gold itself that's the question so what's your what's your answer there which which product did you choose to sell gold or shovels now as the Envidea story actually shows in a gold rush the thing you want to sell the product that makes the most money apparently is when you actually sell not the actual gold but you actually sell shovels to all the countless masses that are going out there to start mining for gold and that's what Envidea is done because behind its big rise right is the rise of AI official intelligence and so what has happened is Envidea is not itself making like the the AI models and the AI applications and the AI and this like that stuff is being done by companies like OpenAI by companies like OpenAI with like chat GPT and things like that and Tesla with self-driving cars and Google with a lot of their AI stuff Google bot um you know all this stuff and Apple with integrating AI into their products as well Amazon you've got all kinds of players in in the tech space everybody's in an AI race right everyone everyone is making official intelligence that's like the gold rush the gold is official intelligence AI but in order to get to the AI to get to the gold what you need is you need some kind of processing chip that's the shovel and what Envidea is actually done is they are not making and selling the AI models that like that they are living that to OpenAI and Apple and Tesla and Google and all these companies that want to race in that gold rush and and they are saying hey you can win too and here are the shovels you need and they are busy selling these AI chips to everyone that wants to make some kind of AI and that wants to uh mine for the official intelligence gold and they are saying hey uh good for you here are the chips and good luck and you know uh there you go and they've made a lot of money doing it so now Envidea's chips have been used by virtually every major tech company you can think of whether it's Google or it's Amazon or it's Apple actually in Teslas apparently all of Tesla's self-driving cars use Envidea chips as part of their makeup so they are literally embedded in all that stuff like without Envidea's chips like you know that technology wouldn't work probably nearly as well and the reason why Envidea is for long been the leader in this kind of you know high output and highly advanced chip that that's suitable for AI tasks and AI is computationally intensive like this is super high demand stuff that's on the cutting edge and so Envidea has been working on this stuff for literally years even before AI was a thing even before AI was cool because Envidea played in the um market space for GPUs graphical processing units and that's a different kind of space than what Intel and other CPU manufacturers were doing which was focusing on a central processing unit chips which is a different less computationally intensive thing but kind of more like a workhorse for normal everyday laptops and computers and really has a lot of kind of like really broad much much broader applications but this GPUs that Envidea are specializing in where kind of Monish was an area that's most suited for like video gaming like video game computers need GPUs just because of the load and demand is much much higher but not every computer needed that kind of stuff and so that was kind of like an overlooked area but one way Envidea was constantly innovating to provide just the best possible product to the market you know and so their product was really good and so what happened was a convergence of factors that you know all of a sudden you had first of all like you know you had a need for more data centers with you know just like after the the COVID you know the COVID era and there was a lot of like remote working companies needed to needed more data centers because of work was moving online so you had a lot of need for like cloud computing you had a lot of need for video conferencing for video purposes those kinds of heavy tasks are well suited you know kind of in video products in video chips are needed to power all those data centers and so you just kind of had a conference of events where that became a big thing and the video gaming market itself has been growing and so that also added demand and then you had the fourth element affecting demand which was the rise of artificial intelligence now artificial intelligence has a computationally crazy loads that just could not be handled or normal CPUs like just it just doesn't work or effectively it's too slow and not performant enough like it doesn't it doesn't work so you need that these advanced NVIDIA chips that they always had and have been developing that can handle the computations required and so what happened is because AI adoption just kind of became a breakthrough technology so these companies that needed this technology they were all lining up in videos doors and demanding more and more of this technology and more and more of these chips and you know demand went through the roof and NVIDIA has been selling out of these things like crazy and you know you've got players in the market actually saying they can't get all the chips that they need like and NVIDIA has been playing hard to catch up with all the you know to catch up with all the demand but still it's probably not enough for just one company to supply the market with everything it needs for AI GPUs and AI you know processes so like there's a lot of demand you're probably going to have some competitors that pop up that are also going to become successful but NVIDIA just happens to have a big lead in terms of their technology like they have supply lines supply chains they have all the technology the innovations like they're sitting on a treasure trove of technology that happens to be just very valuable for the world at this particular point in time and you know that's how come they've and they're selling like literally around I think it was 25 billion dollars in a quarter which is like pacing around like a hundred billion dollars annual revenue and so there there are three trillion dollar market cap I think is actually pre-affee and if you look at just how cutting edge this stuff is they probably deserve to be valued even higher they already are the most valuable company in the world right now but they are most likely going to be for quite a while to come just because you know these elements of demand are not going away and so there are a lot of checkaways for therefore for you guys just like if you're playing in a certain market and you know you stay on the cutting edge you're innovating that's a good thing don't be distracted by feds that come and go like keep to your needing and hopefully eventually the world is gonna catch up with where you are but another big lesson is you know if all the world goes in for a gold rush then you want to be the guy on the street selling shovels to everybody don't leave what you are doing to you know start mining for gold like everyone else like don't be distracted by these trends that come and go okay so that's what I have for you and the Nvidia story it's really fascinating and if you need some more free resources to help you with growing your own business you can grab some of my free resources links will be in the description