The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

How Tai Lopez Made Millions Selling Info Products With YouTube

The man who created "Here In My Garage" is one of the internet's best info product sellers, and I would argue, one of the best coaches in his space. Let's break down how the best info product sellers have sold millions and hundreds of millions of product... #infoproducts #coaching #socialmediamarketing


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21 Jun 2024
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I thought I would break down for you like one of the success stories of one of the absolute masters and legends in the world of infoproducts and in the world of gurus and infomarketing in general. So, if your business in any way sells infoproducts online, this is something that you want to pay attention to and you want to study this guy, and of course I'm talking about Thai Lopez. This is absolutely one of the guys that I personally also study because I know there's a lot to learn from him, and I found that he's material, he's videos, he's stuff, everything. He's stuff he's just so useful and helpful, like I've jumped on several of his free trainings that he does, and he actually streams them out on YouTube and things like that, like he's webinars, but the nice thing I like about a Thai Lopez webinar is, I like other guys that just sell you stuff and just try to get you to buy regardless of if the product is right for you or not, on a Thai Lopez webinar, like I've almost never been disappointed that, hey, I didn't learn anything, this guy just wasted my time. It seems like Thai is actually just out there to teach you stuff, and then if you buy, you know, that's great, or you cannot buy, but of course, you know, his stuff is useful, and if it's right for you, then you know, if you buy it, I think it's highly relevant. So let's break down kind of like his model for how he's been able to actually make millions selling in for products. And so, you know, I think if you look at his history, you discover he was actually doing a bunch of offline businesses, like operating nightclubs, operating clubs, and having farms and things like that, he's done a bunch of things before he went into the online space kind of sharing his stories, sharing his lifestyle, living in Beverly Hills at the time. And you know, and then he had this big breakout video, right, like the here in my garage, which I've talked about before, and kind of broke it down exactly kind of some of the elements that go into something like that. And you actually discovered that, so he kind of started teaching the stuff that he'd been doing in his own life as a businessman, the business moves, he was making the kinds of books that he found useful for himself. And so the first big industry that he kind of had that big breakout success with teaching online was in the personal development space, and that's with his 67 steps program. This was like a 67 steps to the good life, like, you know, how to fix your health, your money, your relationships, you know, kind of how to have a successful life. So it was more like a self-development success. Those are the general categories into which he had put that. And according to him, it actually turned out to be like one of the biggest programs of all time in that space that was sold online, like he said, like maybe Turner Robbins might have a program that may be sold as much. It's not clear. But in terms of the amount of sales for a self-help product, for a self-development product, and to me that tricks, that makes a lot of sense. I would take this program, I'd really like to look at the sales returns for this, and you compare it to, you know, what Turner Robbins, some of this stuff that he sold online is done, and maybe you look at some of Brian Trace's products. You know, I'm sure these other guys have sold a lot online, but it did be interesting. I think it'd be really close up with what Ty did, and Ty's not actually like, that's not actually like his kind of like cool kind of thing. That's like, it's almost like a side hobby to him, like developing yourself, that's kind of like just his lifestyle, right, like that's how he leaves his life reading these books. But it's not like his business is about like, just books and self-development. You know, it's more about like building businesses, and so I think the other products that came after that are actually much more typical Ty, typical of him. And so that's why this self-development success was so interesting because like, it's not actually like the main dish, but it was just so successful, which is really remarkable. And so let's look at what came after the breakout success of 67 Steps. Ty was continuing to build his audience, right, like on YouTube or Instagram, and he said how Instagram is kind of like, probably his favorite social media, just because of how versatile it is and how you can use it well. And if you look at that, you can kind of see that because he is heavily invested in both of these, but he's been on a lot of platforms, right, like he's on TikTok, he's probably on LinkedIn, Snapchat, all these other platforms, but he got in early and he really understood the power of building a strong following online. So you're seeing a master at work when you look at Ty Lopez. And so the next, I mean, he launched a bunch of other things, but kind of the next big breakout thing was his SMMA program, which is Social Media Marketing Agency. And this really had a lot of impact on the market. And if you look at, that's why it's so interesting to study Ty Lopez stuff, like a lot of people have literally become millionaires from following Ty Lopez courses and implementing them. And with SMMA, there are some people that I personally look up to and have gotten a lot of value from their materials. And their stuff, they actually say like how they learned this stuff from Ty Lopez SMMA course way back in the day, which is really remarkable. I mean, it speaks to just how valuable Ty's stuff was that his students are still popping up in the woodwork and being so incredibly successful. And so there's a lot of street cred just from that alone. This SMMA program probably created even more of an economic impact just in terms of the number of entrepreneurs that learned this stuff from Ty and actually had breakout success probably even more so than the 67 steps program, which don't get me wrong was probably really good. I haven't taken that program, right? So I can't speak to the actual materials, but I know it was very successful. But SMMA, you know, apparently it probably created an even bigger impact in terms of the number of people that got really outstanding, unbelievable results with it. And it's partly why to this day you have such a big surge in SMMA circles, like it's why there are a lot of young people, teenagers and people like that that are all about SMMA. But a lot of them don't even realize and recognize that Ty Lopez was the OG, the original gangster of SMMA. So but that's what you can do. If you are really good at what you do, you can create like a whole big movement with your influence that lasts long after you've moved on and doing other things and that should inspire every info product, marketer, every info product, business owner, like are you playing for the long run or are you just in this to, you know, make some quick catch, you know? If you really want to make an impact, really help people and really create a movement that lasts long beyond yourself, you know, it takes a different approach, right? And then the other big thing that he's, you know, he saw this kind of like his personal branding accelerated, personal branding kind of, you know, kind of like his courses and his mentoring around that. And if you're going to learn about personal brand, where would you rather learn it from anywhere? I mean, a lot of the people that are being gone like YouTube or Instagram, Facebook, these are people that, you know, have consulted with Thai or have, you know, tuned into his materials or have taken his courses, you know, and so that's interesting, right? It's a good reflection of this and for example, myself, I've certainly gained a lot from just from watching his webinars on personal branding, even if I haven't bought a course, you know, there's at the point of this recording, you know, but I've certainly benefited just from the free material that he's put out there. So he's had a lot of impact on a lot of people, like his teachings, his materials, they've really spread like wildfire. And I think the personal brand, accelerator, personal brand mastery, attack teaching, those kinds of courses that he did. I think that was kind of like the thick, big breakout cluster of things that he did. And you know, he's got other things going on all the time, like right now he's got his e-commerce like super big with that and he's probably going to teach some good programs on that. Like if you want to get into e-commerce, that's probably a good bunch of things to look and see if he puts out anything e-commerce related. That's kind of what he's doing right now with his e-commerce. So that gives you guys an overview of just how he's been able to sell millions and millions of info products at scale and make an unbelievable impact. And so if you go out there to pay social media with your info product business, you can have unbelievable impact in the market guys, and that's really the formula, right? Like that's really the template. I also have some free resources that you can grab to grow your info products business and the links will be in the description.