The Renegade Billionaire Vlog: My Journey In Marketing, Music, And The Game Of Bidness

My Reaction To Sabri Suby On "Why Branding Is Not That Important"

It helps to consult with gurus that really know what they are doing. So in this case I went to check out Sabri Suby's take on an old age debate in marketing: brand vs direct response. This is a debate with committed proponents on either side... #directresponse #branding #marketingtips


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Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
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had their forks. So I thought I would weigh in and give my response okay to sub-resubis video on why brand is not that important, copywriting. And this is a video that you did a long while back but it weighs in on a very important debate in the marketing space, right? Like you have marketers that say that brand is the most important thing and then you have marketers that say direct response is the most important thing and you should neglect brand altogether and then you have the brand people saying no no no no you should focus on brand ignore the direct response that stuff is a spammy or doesn't work or is you know is tactical is not strategic and then you have the direct response people saying the brand stuff is junk it's uh it doesn't work it's wasteful it's flushing money down the toilet so the arguments on both sides all right are pretty pretty big pretty big claims so I thought I would weigh in. Now I'm very sympathetic to sub-resubis simply because my own background is as a direct response copywriter so I come from the direct response and a lot of the marketers that I look up to and you know have studied over the years tend to be direct response copywriters the same kinds of people that sub-resubis is such a big fan of but this is such a good question and the way that sub-read in his video actually went about answering this question made it very hard for him to be wrong because he was focused on the copywriting so he was technically correct in my view right this is my take my take is he was technically correct because this guy that he is responding to in the video is just asking him about the copywriting which is at a tactical level and sub-res response is we're not going to put a bunch of brand copy in there we're not going to talk like a big brand since this is a small company that's marketing this stuff this so we need to kind of take a colloquial language approach and kind of talk to people the way you would talk to your best friend and sell him something if you were talking to your best friend that kind of thing in that situation sub-res response I think is 100% correct because this is a tactical copywriting level where you're just writing some copy to promote a particular product so you want to take a direct response approach and actually be able to sell your product and he made another really important point he said a lot of the big brands that are doing brand advertising and using brand copy they actually got their start using direct response style copy anyhow that's how they got so big so those are two very compelling arguments and two very compelling angles of analysis and so seeing in that sense I would say that sub-re is correct that you do want to focus on direct response because that's how you get sales and money coming into your business rather than just running a generic brand advertising campaign however what I would point out is that there's a more general case not at the tactical level at the tactical level like I said it's perfectly fine you want to go with sub-res approach the direct response approach that's what I also recommend in a situation like that you're writing copy to promote your product but there is something that the brand market has got right which is how come Coca-Cola and PepsiCo can run these broad branding campaigns on TV and make billions off of them and part of that is that brand recognition brand awareness in and of itself is actually very powerful this is why like you can have like a big superstar like Taylor Swift makes so much more money than other musicians it's not that because he a direct response copy is better than theirs it's simply that hair brand has now grown so big and hair image name recognition is so much bigger kind of like how Michael Jackson was his team wasn't doing better direct response marketing so at a tactical level it's true that direct response will get you very far will get you further along towards making money big money with your marketing but at a strategic global level that's not what you want to do with all your money like if you got a budget and you're a small company I would put I would put about 50 percent into direct response marketing and I would kind of reserve 50 percent for long attempt brand now in the media in the short to medium term you might want to put more into direct response but you always want to keep an eye on that brand aspect if Taylor Swift hadn't developed hair brand the way that she has and built that name recognition brand image brand awareness she wouldn't be making the kind of money that she's making so just getting your brand name out into the market is very powerful and it pays off in a big way in the long run and and the really big companies like the Coca-Cola's the PepsiCo's the Airpoles the Amazons they know this stuff that's why they're advertising in the most expensive medium and they're advertising in a brand approach like on national TV they're advertising at the Super Bowl which cost a lot of money and unbelievable amount of money like you know I think some of the advertising at the Super Bowl is wasteful even I think that but I I agree that it's a correct move for them to be doing this for their brand just because they want to get as much brand exposure as they possibly can and so in conclusion what I would say is that Sabri got it right for the tactical case which is you want to sell a product tomorrow but for the long run you cannot just do direct response like it's good it gets you to a certain level but if you want to break through beyond that right like you're gonna eventually need some brand advertising brand marketing so in the particular case though Sabri was actually dealing with the tactical question the guy that asked him this was a tactical at the tactical level so I think I think he was I think he was absolutely spotter I think he was absolutely correct but if you look at Sabri himself like he's been getting out over the years he's been getting out the name of King Kong I think he's gotten a good deal of press about it like those are not direct response moves right like that's branding so he understands like you need direct response you also need brand so that's that's my response guys I hope you got some out of this and if you want some free resources to help you with growing your business you can check out my free book and my free boot camp links in the description