Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse reacts to Joe Biden's speech

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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The Decono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaty! Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More! Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kids Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of D'Cono! Admission and parking are free! The Decono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of D'Cono. Go to for more information. This is a podcast from WOR. But a lot of the television you see, they have big teleprompters beside the camera. And they'll scroll down the teleprompter, for instance. Lots of the TV shows you see if there's an opening monologue. They wrote that ahead of time. They have writers, they wrote it, and they read it. I personally don't do that. I think it's better if it's authentic with mistakes. But that's just a personal philosophy. I have no judgment against people who do. But that's what you saw. They put the teleprompter too far from the camera, and Joe Biden read all that. Of course, it was standard Joe Biden, full of unbelievable black and white outright lies about how secure the border is now, much better than Trump did. Per the pretty standard Joe Biden, it also contained all kinds of really subtle things, indicating everyone who votes against him as a threat to democracy. January six was worse than Pearl Harbor. And the reason he brought up dictators several times by my recollection, that was all just petty digs at Trump. And of course, he made sure he eluded that if you didn't vote for dome this November, that of course you wanted to end the country and earned democracy in these kinds of things. It was standard, despicable, the testable Joe Biden, who threw in a couple ridiculous things like reforming the Supreme Court, which is just their way of saying they want to begin kicking out the conservative judges. They don't have the votes for that and curing cancer, which is so ridiculous. It's laughable on its face. But that's what it was. What you did not hear, which I did find interesting, you didn't hear there the endorsement of dome. We never brought that up. That's an interesting little thing. It's already in writing that ship has sailed. Don't get me wrong. It's not going to matter in the end because the system has chosen dome, but he didn't bring her up. I wonder if there's not some bad blood there. I wonder if she wasn't pretty involved in the coup that shipped Joe Biden out the door and we can all assume she was. So it looks like it's off to Delaware for Joe Biden. He can go with his 85 dogs who bid all the secret service agents and Joe Biden and everyone else. I wonder if Joe Biden gives his dogs rough greens? Probably not. When you have a dog whose behavior is that poor, it tells you right away that the dog has not received the love and training it needs. And honestly, it probably says the dog isn't getting proper nutrition. Joe Biden's dogs, they probably just get dog food, which is brown and dead and there's no nutrition in it. But he could be giving his dogs rough greens and then they'd be happier and healthier. Their coat would be shinier. Breath would be better. Energy levels where they should be and they'd live for a lot longer. They could continue biting people for years. If he would just give his dogs rough greens, pour rough greens on your dog's food, slash Jesse or call 83333 my dog. Also, I want to address here before we get to some other things, some emails. I did see what happened today in the Capitol. Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in a bunch of the street animals. Well, they vandalized, burned American flags, vandalized the liberty belt did all kinds of things and people are angry about them. And I understand that I'm angry as well. But remember, those are street animals. Those are street communists. They can only do what they do in places like Washington, DC, because it is allowed and oftentimes encouraged by elite communists. The true enemy is the elites who allow and encourage these things to happen. Something like that would never happen in rural Wyoming. It simply wouldn't. Everyone would immediately be arrested. They'd be tried. They'd be convicted. They'd be thrown in prison. And the next group who was thinking about doing that wouldn't end up doing it because of the example that was set. But these horrible things constantly happen in these blue hellholes and these places like Washington, DC, where the communists from top to bottom, the judges, they even have the freaking cops in DC, the judges, the cops, the DA, everybody, they're all committed communists. And these street animals, no, they know full well. They can act like the animals. They are there and the elite communists will provide them legal protection. So don't do don't even bother sending me an email. And for us, Dr. Jesse Friday tomorrow that says, Jesse, look at all this hypocrisy. Look what they did. The January six protesters, but they let these people go. Yes, yes, this is, this is all very obvious. These people believe in using the forces of government against their political opponents. And they believe in using the forces of government to protect their political allies to protect their political friends. They have brought this system into place in blue city after blue city across the United States of America. What will it take to fix it? As I've said, many times, you will know this country is on the right track when government people are arrested and imprisoned. A lot of them don't just arrest the street animals. That's fine. Go find every politician, every judge, every everyone who facilitates and encourages this lawlessness and throw them in prison right beside them. That's the problem gets solved. All right. All right. We have some emails and other things. It's the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Do not forget tomorrow is an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. In fact, we're going to dig into some emails now to try to clear things out and make room for tomorrow. Before I do that, I did want to play this for you. I thought it was so sad. Elon Musk, obviously, he's that billionaire. He's the guy who keeps going out outer space and doing things like that. And he purchased the social media company Twitter. He has since changed the name to X or something. And then anyway, but he kind of came out of nowhere. I would say a couple years ago as I don't want to say someone on the right, but maybe that's fair. Someone attacking the left. Somebody who started to speak really loudly about the evils of the left, the lies of the, excuse me, the lies of the left, the things they've done. Sorry, I'm losing my voice here. But he started speaking really loudly about it. And I, I really have been suspicious and I remain suspicious because you know, I'm suspicious of everybody. That's not just politicians, everybody. I'm naturally suspicious, especially when people kind of come out of nowhere and they're, they changed their tune. But Elon Musk sat down with a reporter and talked about what, you know, why the change? I thought this was so sad, but at the same time, really, really revealed. I was actually tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This is before I had really any understanding of what was going on. And we had COVID going on. And so there was a lot of confusion. And, you know, I was told, oh, you know, Xavier might commit suicide. I was tricked into doing this. And, you know, it wasn't explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs. So anyway, and so I lost my son, essentially. So, you know, they, they call it dead naming for a reason. All right. All right. So that the reason it's called dead naming is because your son is dead. So my son is Xavier is dead. Killed by the walk mind virus. My son Xavier is dead. He's a human being who had to experience some in human loss. Just I couldn't even imagine. And it woke him up to just how truly evil these people are. We are dealing with evil. I want to remind you of that. It is evil. What these people do. These people, this, this endless quest for revolution is evil. It is Dr. Dong, some braro oracle. Well, crap. Here you are being right about something annoying. Anyways, I've heard you say, just go to the office so many times it haunts me when I tell myself I'm just going to skip and work from home. I'm lucky enough to have a job with the mega corporation where we employed underlings only have to where we employed underlings only have to be in the office a couple days a week. Most of the time that's optional. Anyways, due to your incessant pestering, I go a lot. Today, I was approached by my boss's boss, who asked if I wanted to play in a golf tournament with him and a few others. He even told my boss to clear my schedule to make it happen. Thanks for the advice headed to the driving range. Love the show despise commies. Listen, I understand that I am a jerk. I've never pretended otherwise. Shut up, Chris. I understand that I am rough around the edges enrude and offensive. Honestly, most of the time I don't really try to be. But I really do have your best interest at heart when I tell you things like this. And I tell you things like this because oftentimes I have failed in some area. And I wish I'd known and other times, other times when I tell you things, I show up at the office when you don't have to. I tell you that because my dad my entire life has told me things I didn't want to hear and things that sounded just way too hardcore. And he's been right about these things every single time. It's annoying, but it's true. And that's why I tell you, I'm not your mommy. I'm your daddy and I'm telling you, there are some basics in life that doesn't matter how namby pamby society gets some things don't change. I realize there are jobs that are exclusively remote jobs. Now I get that doesn't apply to you don't apply it to you. But if you are in a situation where you are given the option to show up for work or work from home and you're Superman jammies, get up, take a freaking shower, make yourself presentable and go into the office. Be seen there. You never know what just might come of it. But if you're not seen there, you know this guy, this guy's story. You know what I guarantee you did not happen cross my heart hope to die. I've never talked to this guy once. I guarantee it. I bet my mortgage on it. You know what didn't happen? You know how the guy said he was approached by his boss's boss to play in a golf tournament. I guarantee the boss's boss didn't send out a meeting reminder and zoom invite everybody who was working remotely that day inviting them to the golf tournament. Guarantee that did not happen. Speaking of me being right, remember, remember back when I said this, I say this is my theory. I say marching orders have gone out and they're officially sick and tired of Joe Biden. Go ahead and write it down, fellas. He'll resign your medical reasons or something like that. They'll be carton poor Joe out the back of the White House and shipping him off to Delaware. Oh, that was just me a couple years ago. Anyway, back to the emails, my fellow vertically gifted, but less handsome friend. I'm truly sick of hearing patriots and anti communists say back the blue. These are the same mindless drones that have guided Trump supporters into gangs of commie street animals, lured us into the capital of January 6 and stand by while our cities and towns are destroyed. I say these will be the same jack booted thugs that will be on the front line of tyranny when it comes for us. Through the blue. And that's not what he said. Now tell me there are great cops out there. Well, okay, first there are cops and then there are cops don't indict every cop out there. Everyone in law enforcement out there because of what some do now that said, I think any universal claims of back the blue are ridiculous because of this. The Capitol police, the DC Capitol police, that's a despicable police department, packed full of dirty commies. And they did despicable things on January 6. They don't have to back them at all. But as I pointed out many times, especially today, there is a grand Canyon's worth of difference between some scumbag communist cop in Washington, DC, beaten January sixers to death and some state trooper out there right now in Eastern Washington, tracking down people. It's totally different. I know a ton of cops. Yes, I know. There are a bunch of cops who are dirtballs. You've never come on here. You never once heard me come on here and say back to blue, no matter who it's never once said that. And you're right. The cops were the ones, especially in the big blue cities. They were the ones on the front lines of enforcing all the COVID fields. I remember the cops here in Texas sending an m wrap that sending an armored vehicle out to a freaking bar because they were serving beers when they would quote word allowed to during COVID. So I don't support that. And I don't support anyone who took part in that. But don't think that it's all of them. Now to your point, you make a decent point. Who's going to be on the front lines of all this stuff? Of who's going to be following orders? All history says that's going to be it. Just don't accept don't accept generalities. Don't expect except these blanket statements about anything. All right, we'll do I want to talk about the what the DOJ is talking about when it comes to the Supreme Court, assassinations, things along that those lines before we get to that I want to do this. I want to make sure we're making preparations. Preparations for a future that is going to be different and possibly rough. You see what's happening with the dollar with the food source and you see what's happening out there. You don't need me to try to talk you into anything. There's a reason millions of people, millions of American families. They've used my patriot supply to help make preparations. You need an emergency food kit of non perishable food. My patriot supply has partnered with the show. They have three month emergency food kits, two hundred dollars off per kit. I know we love. Look, I love it too. Stock it up on ammo and all the sexy stuff. None of that matters if you're starving to death. This is two thousand calories a day, keeping you and your family alive. Everyone in your home needs one. Prepare with is where you go. Prepare with We'll be back. He doesn't care. It's the Jessie Kelly show final segment of the Jessie Kelly show on a Wednesday. I still just can't just ban Elizabeth Warren. What do you think has been her biggest accomplishment since she's been vice president? Oh, I have to say, since the Dobbs opinion, the way that she has rallied women and friends of women, also called men, around this country on the issue of abortion and just taken at home. First vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic. Man, what a place we're at as a country, huh? Oh, and this this one. This is quite a thing. And just breaking moments ago, Brett, I want to tell you that the Secret Service is apparently now telling or asking the Trump campaign to stop doing their rallies outdoors. This is reporting from the Washington Post just breaking in the last couple of minutes here. I can tell you that I asked Don Jr about that at the RNC last week. If he was going to encourage his father to stop holding rallies outdoors, he said that his father would not like that at all. He let me see if I understand this correctly. The Secret Service, they completely screw the pooch on protecting Donald Trump. They don't secure the area. They don't lock down all the rooftops. They allow a 20 year old to get within 148 yards of the president of the United States of America, former president, the shooter misses by two inches. And the Secret Service's solution to all that is just don't do any more rallies outside. Maybe a better solution would be you could, I don't know, do your job. Like, like, I hate to speak out of turn. I don't want to act crazy here, but maybe a good solution would be do your job. Trump not kept off the stage. We don't know the answer to that, but I want to be clear. And this is important because I think it goes to questions that I can and cannot answer. Our investigation, the FBI's mandate is focused on the shooter. There are two separate after action reviews that the DHS Inspector General and the outside independent panel have been convened that are focused on that. Everybody understands it. Everybody understands it. Here's the problem. We're out 13 days. And you say we've been disclosing, you know, we had the director of the colonel from the Pennsylvania State Police in front of Homeland yesterday. He was quite candid. He disclosed to us that Butler Emergency Services Unit personnel were posted into the windows on the second floor of the AGR building that they left there to go pursue the person that they spotted crooks, that they texted a photo of crooks to the PSP representative in the command center. That information was relayed to the United States Secret Service. They asked it to be texted to someone else. That was many minutes before President Trump took the stand. What we don't know is why did he not -- why were they not keeping him off the stand? And to the extent -- you know, I know we always hear when there's a criminal investigation, you've got to wait for that to develop. But the -- do you have any reason to -- do you have any other target of your criminal investigation other than crooks? Who's dead? We are -- The Secret Service even had a picture of the dude before Trump took the stage and didn't tell him to stay back. And their solution is, "Hey, don't do any more of those rallies outdoors." Yeah. Anyway, Jesse, you should have been more obnoxious on Monday. I've been waiting for two years for that show. Look, it's not like me. I don't want to draw attention to myself and any predictions the Oracle may have made. It turned out to be correct. Listen, Mr. Producer, write this one down, please. Joe Biden is not running for reelection. I am very, very sure about that. Joe Biden's not running for office again. The system is going to come to Joe Biden and they're going to tap him on the shoulder and they're going to say, "Joe, we need you to go. Can't run." The system is going to force Joe Biden. Maybe not to resign, but to not run again. They're going to force him to not run again because the system only has one purpose. You and I have talked about this a million times. What is that purpose? The system's only job is to protect itself. That guy is super sharp, though. That guy is -- really remember? Remember when I said this? It is frightening the things the system can do and will do to you and your family. Let's do keep in mind something we've brought up on the show by Hunter Biden's own admission. There are other laptops and he believes hostile foreign actors are in possession of those laptops. What can the system do? I would ask the Bidens if they think this is as bad as it can get. Take a long, hard look at what Donald Trump has gone through for the past few years and ask yourself if you're ready for that. It's going to be more than just Grandma vodka on TV talking to you like you're a big boy who needs to decide to eat his green beans. To decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. This is the asking phase, Joe. I suggest you make the right decision now because after the asking phase comes the telling phase and that I don't think you will enjoy quite as much. And he did not enjoy it. You don't enjoy the daily pain you go through and you don't have to go through that pain. You know that. You don't have to live with pain every single day. This is a lie. People tell themselves. You live with this pain in your joints and your muscles, my back hurts, my neck hurts all my arm. Instead of helping your body. You live with it. Try to fight through it. You don't have to do that. Your body is trying to fight that inflammation. You try to give your body something that will support its response to inflammation drug free. That's what relief factor is. It's drug free. You take it every single day. We're not talking about masking the pain for 15 minutes. This is eliminating it or in the very least reducing it. Doesn't that sound wonderful to you? Three weeks. Give me three weeks. Call one 800 the number four relief. Take it for three weeks and tell me how you feel. One 800 the number four relief or go to relief Stop living with it. You don't have to live with it. All right. All right. And now go you know the thing headlines. We didn't get to you. House Judiciary Committee probes DOJ on Supreme Court justices safety after assassination attempt on Trump. You would think they kind of dug into that after somebody tried to blow a Brett Kavanaugh's head off. But I guess maybe now we'll get some of that unless of course unless of course the DOJ doesn't want the Supreme Court justices safe. Something to think about. We do not have room sanctuary state to offer plane tickets for migrants to leave. Of course they are. That's Massachusetts. You do have room, Massachusetts. Stop being unwelcome. We're a nation of immigrants after all. Isn't that what you love to say? So you take each and every one of them and enjoy it. All right. This has been a podcast from W O R the Dakono music and spirits festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free live music from the war and treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and more. Enjoy a spirits competition. Kids zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono admission and parking are free. The Dakono music and spirits festival brought to you by Breckenrich Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to the city of Dakono dot com for more information.