Jesse Kelly Show

Trust and how it relates to government

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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The Decono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaty! Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More! Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kids Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of D'Cono! Admission and parking are free! The Decono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of D'Cono. Go to for more information. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Cally Show! Let's have some fun! On a Tuesday, and man, oh man, you really can't tune out of politics for a single day right now or you miss all kinds of things. So what do we have? We're gonna talk some more about the Secret Service thing, Kim Cheetoh, head of the Secret Service resigned today. We'll talk about that. We're gonna talk about Dome, the fundraising, who she is, the poll numbers. We're gonna discuss the coup against Biden. I'm gonna do a bunch of emails because I'm way behind on that. All that's so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Cally Show. I wanna get to Dome in a little bit. I'm gonna have to put her on the back burner for a little bit because there is very clearly something on your mind and it's still on my mind. The assassination attempt of Donald Trump. It's very clearly on your mind because my email inbox is full of a bunch of things. Full of them. And so we're gonna go over a few and we're gonna play some more soundbites but first, I wanna discuss as we lead up to that. Let's discuss this concept of trust, trust. Trust, I know there are a million cliches and probably love books that written about this that say something along these lines of trust being the building block of every relationship or what, but set all that hippie stuff aside for a moment and let's just speak in real terms. Trust is what holds every relationship of every kind. It is the glue that holds it together. I didn't say it was the only necessary element, but without it, you don't have a relationship. It is a necessary element. You can argue, we could argue all day long, it's just semantics, whether or not it's the most important thing, but it is necessary or the relationship will not survive. And this goes for every relationship, not just talking about your spouses, your husband, your wife. This goes for business relationships. It goes for everything. Why does that matter? Well, look, let's just talk about the show. We'll make it about me right now. Who do I have? It's me. Should you wish producer Chris? It's producer Michael. There is a trust there every day and it's the only reason the show even gets on the air. I know. I know Michael is going to be cutting up all kinds of audio. He's going to be finding good articles. He's got, I know that and I have to trust that he will do that. When I sit down at this desk, there are going to be a bunch of articles, relevant things we might want to talk about today. If I couldn't trust that, if I was driving into work, oh gosh, I hope Michael, I hope Michael actually got some sound and stuff like that today. It wouldn't work. The show wouldn't work. Chris. Well, Chris doesn't ever actually do anything, but you understand what I mean along the same lines. If Chris contributed to the show in any way, I would have to, no seriously, I have to trust that Chris is. He's managing the suits, all the tactical stuff, all the different things Chris has to do is the big cheese producer on the show. He has to trust that I'm going to show up. He has to know, are you going to show up? Is he going to go get drunk and wrap his car around a tree? What is it? Trust is so critical in every relationship without it, whether it's business, personal, otherwise, without it, the relationship goes away on a personal level. If I'm on the way home tonight from work, I call the wife, tell her I'm on the way home and then I drive by my favorite gas station. And I'm in the mood for my favorite gas station snack, which is you take the flame and hot Cheetos and you pour them in the little nacho tray and then you pour the nacho cheese on the flame and hot Cheetos is wonderful and good for you. If I decide I'm going to take 10 minutes and stop in the gas station and eat some flame and hot Cheetos and I get home. I immediately get a, where were you? I bet you were out getting drunk somewhere. She would never do this, but if that's what it was, she picks up her phone, answer a call and I'm telling her, who are you texting? What is it, the mailman? How long would that relationship last if that's how it will go away? But there's another relationship where trust matters a lot. It matters in all of them. You see you, me, we normal people, civilians, citizens, I should say, we have a relationship with our government. Citizens throughout the whole history of the world have had relationships with their government. It is a relationship. We entrust government, whatever form of government it is from monarchies down to what we have a representative republic. We have an understanding in this relationship and the relationship is, hey, you're the government. Even if you're like me and think the government generally sucks anyway, you're the government. I am going to follow the law, which I do. I'm going to pay my taxes, which I do. I'm going to vote. I'm going to be a good citizen, whatever, however you want to qualify that. You, the federal government, I am going to entrust you with certain things, the defense of the nation. I'm going to entrust you with that, the currency maintaining a currency that has value. I'm going to trust you with that. Yeah, how's that going? When it comes to gigantic federal things that I can't do, I'm going to have to have some level of trust that my government is either doing or attempting to do those things the right way. And the trust goes the other way, too, from the federal government to us. There has to be a trust level of some kind there, or if there's not, or if that trust is slowly, but surely fading away, then what's going to happen is the relationship is going to end. Because a relationship without any trust, whether it be business, personal, government, it cannot go on. A relationship without trust cannot go on without end. It will end. And here's what we've gone through 10 days ago. Somebody tried to take Donald Trump's head off and did kill. Let's do remember him did kill and a totally innocent family man who was in the crowd just took his family to a rally. And since that moment, since that moment, theories have abounded. I'm sure you have yours. They've been all over the place. And here's the thing about theories. Well, I'll use the term that I don't like, but I'll use the term for my purposes tonight. Conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories generally, they don't last. They don't stand up to the test of time. Why? Because if someone tries to shoot Donald Trump in the head, and I come on the radio that night and I say it was space aliens from Neptune who came down and they took a shot at him from their spaceship because they were mad about Roe versus Wade being overturned. Well, ideally, you would live in a society where the government, the media, the people we rely on to inform us, they would eventually inform us to such a degree that you would listen to me blaming the space aliens from Neptune. And you would say, "What is this guy? Some kind of a wing nut?" He has to be a wing nut. I've seen the video. I've heard the audio. I've seen the timeline laid out. I've been given the truth. The media told me the truth. The FBI told me the truth. Congress told me the truth. Secret Service told me the truth. I have seen the truth because I have a trusting, healthy relationship with the powers that be. I have seen the truth, and Jesse Kelly's not so aliens from Neptune conspiracy theory very clearly is not grounded in any sense of reality. That guy's a nutball. I'm turning off the radio because time in a healthy society, time will reveal enough of the truth so wing nut conspiracy theories cannot stand the test of time. The reason you know the earth is round and not flat is because institutions you trust over a long enough period of time have revealed the actual truth to you, and now you know the world is actually a round place. But that brings us to where we are. And this is not only about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at all. This is for the time being, I hope this changes, but this is for the time being. This is where our relationship is, where our relationship is, yours in mind, our relationship with our government. We officially have the relationship where, hey, I want to know who you're texting. Hey, you were 20 minutes late on the way home. What were you doing? Making out with the secretary? Drinking somewhere? That is officially the kind of relationship we have with our government. And because they have violated our trust so many times, that's the kind of relationship we have to have with our government. A terrible place to be. Nevertheless, it's where we are. And we'll talk about this in a little more depth in a moment with the Secret Service, Kim Cheetah retires that in and of itself, maybe a problem. We'll get to all that in a moment before we get to that. Speaking of trust, I brought up currency earlier. Do you trust that the federal government is being a good steward with your money? With my money? Have you enjoyed watching the cost of everything in your life go through the roof over the past few years? It's time to start buying hard assets, putting your money into hard assets because you should not trust the people who run our monetary system. What does that mean? Real estate? They're the ones who help normal people begin acquiring real estate rental properties. You don't have to know the market. They know the markets. They'll find you the house. They'll find you the market. They'll get you the financing. They'll handle the closing. They handle the rental process. They handle it all. You? You'll have to have enough faith to reach out to and find out what they can do for you. They might just change your life. You might one day pass down five rental homes to your children. How's that for a legacy? Go. We'll be back. Fighting for your freedom every day. Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday reminding you you can email the show and you should email the show. Jesse at Jesse Kelly All right. Now let's dig into this trust. We're talking about trust. It's necessary to have trust in every relationship or the relationship will end period end of story. Right now we don't trust our government. We are 10 days away from an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. And the further we get from that day, the crazier and creepier it gets. Here's a little nugget for you. You may not have heard you ready for this one? And just so you know, I got this one from Senator Ron Johnson. I didn't plug this away from some crazy conspiracy theorist I found on YouTube. United States Senator Ron Johnson just confirmed this to me today. Right after the shooting, the killer was dead. Obviously he took a high powered rifle round to the face so they're not going to be using his dental records to identify him. And right after this shooting, a man with a suit allegedly it's a green suit or a gray suit. It doesn't matter what color his suit is. He got up on the roof and started looking at the killer. And he told local law enforcement to forward him all the pictures of the dead killer. We now know since they tracked down the number, that phone number belonged to an agent with the ATF and the ATF agent has since stopped responding to any inquiries about why he wanted it and what he was doing. I want to stress I didn't pull this off of some online chat room. This was confirmed to me by United States Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin today. How can we trust anything right now? I have email after email. Nutter butter, Jesse. That's not very nice. I used that nickname one time and I decided I didn't like it. I just had a new roof put on my house. Company owner used his $100 drone to monitor his crew and show me what was being done. If a South Mississippi roofer can monitor rooftops, why can't the US Secret Service? It's not looking good, Jesse. My name is Dave. Well, it's not looking good. And you know, you know what I would love? And I would genuinely, I really would love this for a variety of reasons. I would love for you to email me your suspicions and your theories. And I'd love to just scold you for it. First, I'd love to be able to say that's crazy. You wing nut. Don't be a don't be a nut job. I have seen nothing that would lead me to believe any theory can be disproven at this point in time. Why didn't they have a drone? Well, set that aside. Listen to this. This is Kim Cheeto again, head of the Secret Service. She resigned this morning. Listen, just listen to this. It's basic and it's ridiculous, but we're going to talk about it. Why was Crooks able to fly a drone over the entire area of the day of the rally and the day of his assassination attempt? To my knowledge, he did not fly the drone over the entire area. How did he fly a drone over the area period? Any part of the area? Again, I would have to go back and check the timeline of when that took place. Do you have a timeline at all from any of the day? I have a timeline that does not have specifics. I'm sorry. What would you say? Just the last part. Don't worry about the rest of it. You can. That's fine, but I have a timeline, but I don't have specifics. You've seen a timeline. I know you have. You know what a timeline is. You're not an idiot. I'm not going to act as if you're an idiot. A timeline is what? It's a line on a page, but why does it go from being a line on a page to being a timeline? How do you take a line on a page and turn it into a timeline? Well, it's pretty advanced stuff, but you put some times on there. So, at 10.30 a.m. this morning, the date is July 23rd, Jewish producer Chris sent me some kind of annoying text message at 11.15. Today, July 23rd, he sent me a follow-up text message that I ignored because I didn't want to talk to him at one o'clock today, July 23rd. He requested we get something kosher for lunch, and I said, no, you see, that's a timeline with dates and times and specifics. That's what makes it a timeline, but the director of the Secret Service, well, the former director of the Secret Service, I don't care whether or not she's a D, I hire. She expects me to believe that she has a timeline with no time. Why was Crooks able to fly a drone over the entire area of the day of the rally and the day of his assassination attempt? To my knowledge, he did not fly the drone over the entire area. How did he fly a drone over the area period? Any part of the area? Again, I would have to go back and check the timeline of when that took place. Do you have a timeline at all from any of the day? I have a timeline that does not have specifics. So, is she the dumbest human being in the history of the planet? Or is she lying? And if she's lying, why is she lying? And I don't trust anything. See the kind of problem we have? I'm not near done. I have a bunch of stuff I want to continue getting to. We got major problems here. You've got a major problem too. You haven't bought your queen size my pillow yet and they're going to sell out. Whatever they sell, these premium my pillows for these huge discounts right now, a queen size is $19.98. This happens every single time. I tell you about it. And then they sell out. And two weeks from now, you'll email me and be all, "Jassy, I tried to get one and they're sold out!" Whenever you can get a premium my pillow, a queen size for $19.98, you jump on that thing like Joy Behar on Little Debbie's. You jump on it now, immediately. And that's not the only deal right now. Six-piece towel sets, 25 bucks, and the mattress topper. Have you ever laid down on a my pillow mattress topper? It's like you've been given a brand new luxury mattress instead of costing $4,000 though. Right now, they're $69.98. You can get them as low as $69.98. Go to Click on the Radio Lister Special Square. Use the promo code "Jassy". Get your queen size. My pillow. Get your mattress topper. Get your towels. promo code "Jassy" or you can call them. 800-845-0544. We'll be back. It's the "Jassy Kelly Show" on a Tuesday. Remember, if you miss any part of the show, you can download a podcast, iHeartSpotify, iTunes. We're talking about trust. The government specifically, we're talking about the Secret Service, but it goes well beyond that. You remember during COVID. You remember how often did you hear me rant right here about trust, the trust that was disappearing, trust that our institutions is going away. And how many times do you remember me yelling and screaming about the problem being sometime in the future, we are going to need to trust these institutions. And if that trust is ruined now, then it creates huge problems in the future. Look, when I turn on the news and I hear things like this, I am suspicious. House Homeland Security Committee is holding the second congressional hearing looking into the attempted assassination of former President Trump. But for today's hearing, heads of the Secret Service, FBI and Homeland Security have all declined to testify. I'm sorry, what did you just say? 10 days ago, somebody tried to blow Donald Trump's head off. And the organizations who are heading up the investigation, organizations like the FBI, they are refusing to answer any questions and wrap your mind around this. After they're done with their investigation, when we are finally told the truth of this whole thing, it will be given to us by the FBI. And look, Chris, go ahead and write this one down, alone gunman, just write it down, etch it in stone. That's what we're going to be told. And maybe it was. Again, maybe it was. I don't know. Don't shake your head, Chris. You don't know. But I don't know. Was this a 20 year old kid who got radical eyes with online communism? Somehow on the dark web taught himself how to use detonators, how to shoot a weapon, acquire these things. It's possible. It is possible. I don't know. Is this a plot from Iran to take out the next president? I don't know. Was it the Russians or the Chai comms? I don't know. Was it the FBI? I don't know. CIA. I don't know. How would I know? Because I don't have anybody left in positions of authority who I can trust to give me the information. And so you get stuff like this. This is actually explainable, but it's understanding. Jesse CNN covered shows the sniper spotters going up and down many times before the shot. Popping in and out of the scope. Why would they wait? I feel so angry. So on and so forth. Okay, so let me explain this because we actually had Clay Martin on last week to explain this. There is, I forget what word exactly he used to describe it, mechanical something, mechanical separation. That was the word he used, the term he used. Why do you watch the counter snipers come out of their scopes? Because this is Clay's explanation, you know, long time, green brace sniper. The dude knows what he's talking about. He said, you can see things through your scope and it's a human nature thing. You won't necessarily trust what you're seeing, especially if it's something shocking. You won't really trust what you're seeing because you're looking at it through a scope. You will want to look out of your scope and look with your naked eye. A mechanical separation is the way he described it. And remember, we now know, and I got this one again from official sources today, we know those counter snipers you saw. They didn't have permission to shoot, which in and of itself is insane. But you see why you see why this is a totally legitimate question. Now that was a legitimate question that had a legitimate answer. But now do you see why it's a legitimate question? Who can refute anything? When the head of the Secret Service answers questions like this. Did he have a rangefinder? There were some reports that the individual had a rangefinder. That would, that would certainly raise my suspicion. Yes, he did. But may I explain that at a number of our sites, especially when you're at outdoor venues, a rangefinder is not a prohibited item. It is sometimes an item that is brought in by individuals who are going to be attacked. Did anybody, anybody confront them on that? Anybody asking questions? What are you doing with the rangefinder? So again, to my knowledge, I believe that that was the process that was taking place was to locate the individual. Did they confront him? And then, you know, Chris just brought up incompetence back to what we've talked about again. Are we dealing with just a bunch of morons? Maybe. Remember, that might be an answer. I was told today that everything wrong, they could have done. That's what was done that day by the people guarding Trump. You can look at that nefariously and I won't call you a cray. I won't call you a moron. You can look at that as if we're run by idiots and I won't call you a moron. All these are valid theories. But this, the point of this whole talk, and we're going to move on here in a minute, the point of this whole talk is this is why trust is so critical. And if you've lost it, which we very clearly have lost it, the honest is on them to earn it back. They don't have our trust anymore. They must earn that trust back. And there's only one way. There's only ever been one way to earn trust back. Open, honest and accountable. I don't care what it is. A personal relationship, business relationship, government, people relationship, being open, honest and accountable is the only chance you have at earning that trust back. And as of right now, they're being closed, dishonest and unaccountable. Therefore, that trust gap only expands every day. And that brings me to the freaking GOP. And I'm not going to last long on this because I'm worried my blood pressure is going to get up. But I got this one. Jesse, if the situation was reversed, Trump was president and Biden was almost assassinated. Trump would be under investigation by now soon to be impeached by Congress and possibly stay in trial for attempted first degree murder. That's the difference between Democrats and the GOP. Here's my frustration. As we have talked about again, many times before Congress holds the power of the purse. And it's the only power Congress really does have over all these various three letter agencies FBI pick your agency. Congress has told them time and time again, they will not use that power. Therefore, Congress is the GOP is in the end powerless. Because we all see the same thing every single time. It doesn't matter whether it's a secret service FBI DHS doesn't matter who it is. We see the House GOP drag these dirty communist scumbags in front of them, interrogate them, ask them hard questions. We see every single time Merrick Garland and Christopher Ray Kim Cheeto. It doesn't matter. We see they will stonewall every time. Well, I don't know. Well, I'll find out for you. Well, I can't comment on an ongoing investigation and the GOP gets super outraged. And they send us fundraising emails. Look at our question to her. And then after that, nothing happens. Oh, wait, wait, wait. That was inaccurate. I don't want to bring you fake news. Something does happen. The next time Congress has to vote on providing funding for these three letter organizations, Congress votes to fund them in full every single time. And in fact, most of the time they vote to give them raises. So why would things ever change? Until the GOP develops the stones to start defunding government agencies. Nothing ever changes because that's the only power the GOP has over these agencies. But instead, we get guys like Mike Johnson grabbing his ankles for them every single time he has to fund them. And these, this is what concerns me about another four years of Trump, not Trump specifically, but all of them. Are we going to get another four years? Well, I got, we have to fund the FBI. I mean, they seem like a good group of guys. I was given a security briefing and I got scared. So let's fund the FBI. If it's going to be another four years of that, then forget it. We're done. Get to some more emails here in a moment. I have a bunch of stuff I want to get to. I've got myself all salty there. I got to come out of it. I got to come out of it. You know what will make me feel better. Fred, Fred always makes me feel better. And I left the house today. She's working out. Of course she was wife her back. I left the house today. You know what she was doing? Laying on the floor, trying to get her back right. And guess what? That big fluffy 75 pound idiot came and just plopped down right on top of her. And she couldn't get him to leave because that's who he is. Just a big fluffy idiot. And we love him. And that's why we pour rough greens on his food. Rough greens is an all natural nutritional supplement created by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black. It fixed Fred's digestive problems, which he used to have after every meal. His coat looks better than it ever has. Does your dog have bad breath? Hyperactive? Or maybe too lethargic? Your dog doesn't get nutrition. Pour rough greens on your dog's food and watch differences happen in your dog. slash Jesse or call 83333 my dog. We'll be back. You're listening to the cheers. The Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Remember you can email the show Jesse at We're going to dig into dome. We're going to get knee deep in dome here shortly. What Chris? I mean, we're going to never mind Chris. Let's do some emails first. Hi, Jesse. Why doesn't Trump campaign's war chest pay for him to hire private security? So the horror of July 13th is less likely to happen again. Okay, so I want to I want to talk about this in a very frank way. Some of this stuff may be very hard to hear, but I'm going to give this to you straight. Okay, first. Former presidents. They don't have as much secret service protection as you think they should have as you imagine in your mind. They should have meaning. Look, I'll just tell you this before I learned about the ins and outs of it. If you told me it was that set Trump aside because he just they just tried to kill him. That's set him aside. If you asked me about George Bush, George Bush is still alive. George Bush is still protected by secret service. If you asked me how many secret service agents were assigned to protect George Bush, I would probably tell you, Oh, I guess 100 200. Remember, you have to secure large pieces of property. Remember what's involved in protection. It's not just the protection of the person wherever he is. You have to secure the grounds wherever he's on while securing the grounds. He's on. You have to send advanced teams forward to go scout where he's going. Oh, George Bush is going to Barbados next week. No, he's not. By the way, well, I guess he could be anyway. George Bush is going to Barbados next week. Well, you would send an advanced team out to three weeks ahead of time, especially when they're president, and you're going to go look at the locations where he's going to go. What are all security? What are our security vulnerabilities here? Oh, can someone crawl through the air conditioning vent? What's the security system like in the kitchen? Are we going to be able to protect this? These are the things done. So that's a whole new team. You know, it's not near as many people as you think. I will not go into any more detail there. I will just say it's not near as many as you think. So guys like Trump already supplement their secret service protection with other protection. Trump is not an idiot. Trump knows very well his life is being threatened. Trump has protection all over the place. Did the protection fail horribly that day? Whether it be accidental or maliciously? Yes. But this is the part you're probably not going to like. But it is true. Here's the truth. If someone is willing to die, it's almost impossible to keep somebody safe. Meaning if I'm an assassin and I want to kill somebody important and I'm totally fine with dying while I do it. That's probably it for whoever I want to kill. If I'm smart enough, if I have the funding, if I take my time for it and I'm willing to die, I can kill whoever I want. Professionals, the difference between real professional assassins, professional killers, and others is the escape. Professional assassins don't sign up for suicide missions. That's what patsies do or lone gunmen nutjobs do. Professional assassins don't do that. The hardest part is getting out. The hardest part is not the actual killing. With the invention of the gun, the firearm, that's just pulling a trigger. A child can do that. The hardest part is not the killing. The hardest part is escaping with your life before you are killed. If somebody is willing to die, even with perfect secret service protection and advanced teams and everything else, it's very, very, very, very difficult to stop that somebody from killing whoever it is they want to kill and on another note. And this part you're really not going to like, but it's something you should understand. There are a lot of professional killers on this planet. That is not something that only exists in the movies. There are a lot of professional killers on the planet. Do you know where the counter sniper was who took the shot that killed that dirtball assassin? He's roughly 450 yards away from Donald Trump. That would be kind of an outer perimeter. We're going to secure a 450 yard radius around Donald Trump, 450 yards away he took that shot. Now, it's not a common thing. It's not like I can do it and I'm not pretending like I can, but you have any idea how many men on this planet can put a bullseye in from 1000 meters, 1000 yards away. It's way more than you would think. The truth is, if very powerful, very evil entities want to kill you, whoever you are, you are in very serious trouble. This is how I respond to people all the time because they're worried about all the commies who hate me and want to kill me. And I understand that. And it's not that I don't appreciate your concern. I do. I appreciate your concern a great deal. And you know, I carry a weapon on me and I know how to use it and whatnot. But look, a private conversation I had with a green beret friend of mine not long ago when we were discussing this very thing. He was worried about me and we were just discussing about what are you doing here? What are you doing there? And in the end, he said it. I didn't. So I don't want you to think I'm just being cynical. He said, but in the end, if it's a pro and nothing you can do about it anyway. And that's really the truth. There are professionals out there, professional killers, professional organizations. And if you are in their crosshairs, if you're going to use a really heavy handed pun, if you were in their crosshairs, even if your name is Donald Trump, no matter what your name is, you are in very serious trouble, which brings us back to the failures. If we're going to use that term, failures and competence, maliciousness, I don't know how we want to put it, the failures of the secret service. We can't, we can't have this because right now it was a candidate and it would have been a big deal. Don't get me wrong. Today it was a candidate and they missed tomorrow. It's a president and they don't. The world we're entering into. And this is why we need these institutions restored or eliminated. This has been a podcast from WOR. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free. Live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and more. Enjoy a spirits competition. Kidzone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono. Admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to for more information.