Jesse Kelly Show

Kamala Harris has a confusing background and believes in nothing but her own ambition

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24 Jul 2024
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The Decono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaty! Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More! Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kids Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of D'Cono! Admission and parking are free! The Decono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of D'Cono. Go to for more information. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. It's time to have a long talk about dome. We're going to get back to the emails and all kinds of things in a little bit. But Kamala Harris is going to be the Democrat nominee, as I've told you many times. And before I get to a couple of different things about her fundraising and her VP list, and I'm going to get to those in a moment. I'm going to do just a couple quick things. First of all about who she is. Who she really is at her core. People get confused by this because she seems to have worn so many different faces. When she first started out, obviously I've made the Willy Brown joke many times before, but when she first started out as Willy Brown's side piece in San Francisco, she was trying to get her foot in the door as a prosecutor, a DA, a local prosecutor. And she was selling herself at the time, stop, I'm not going to make any jokes about that. She was selling herself at the time as being tougher on crime than the one they had. They had one of these nutballs back there who was letting the city go to crap. And she was selling herself as tough on crime. And then she gets promoted and works her way up through the system becomes the AG of California. That's a really, really, really big deal. If you're a state AG anywhere, it's honestly as powerful as the governor. That's a big deal to be a state AG. She's the California AG. And even then, really was tough on crime. She's famous for chucking weed dealers in prison, really almost too tough on some things. But she moves from that office into the United States Senate. She gets elected to the United States Senate in California. And I'm looking at an article right here, 2019 ranking service, rated Kamala Harris, the most liberal senator further left than even Bernie Sanders. And that's how she campaigned in California as this nutball lefty radical and she gets elected to the Senate and she goes full blown, nutball lefty radical and it's not the only thing that's confusing about her past. She claimed to be an Indian American for the longest time, then started running nationally as a Democrat and decided she was an African American. Now she had to do the black thing. She went from playing the I'm a goody two. She's looking me Kamala thing to going on podcasts, talking about how she used to smoke weed, listening to Tupac, even though when she claims she was doing that Tupac wasn't even making music. What do you make of all this? What do you make of? Well, she just did it again. The constant endless mind numbing after who is she? What are you looking at? Well, I have jokes many times, but it's only half joking. She's not self aware enough to do this anyway, but she should write a book and title it naked ambition. That should be the title of her book. Why? Because that's all she is. This is a human being, not that she's far left, not that she's in the middle, not that she's a black Indian woman, but this is a human being with no belief system at all. Zero zip, Zilch, Barack Obama was a committed communist who hated America. Joe Biden's just the daughtering old fool who handed the presidency over to the communists surrounding him. Kamala Harris believes in nothing. If you somehow magically took her out of the White House, you took her out of the VP spot and you had her running as a county sheriff in rural Oklahoma. Kamala Harris tomorrow would be running campaign ads that would sound to the right of me. This human being believes in absolutely nothing. And I realize you could say that in many ways about a lot of politicians, how politicians tend to be kind of. I was about to say flexible, but that's probably putting it nicely. The politicians, they'll bend here and bend there and bend this. But at their core, mostly you'll see they believe in something, whether or not you believe it or not, is Bernie Sanders, what Rush Limbaugh used to call a Learjet liberal? Yes, of course he is. I'm a socialist. Help the working man. I've got three houses. Of course he is. At his core, remember Bernie Sanders, honeymooned in the Soviet Union at his core, he is a committed believing communist. That's his belief system. On the other side, Donald Trump does Donald Trump bend a little bit here and bend a little bit there. The first time he's running, he kind of has to be a little more pro life than he really is. And then this time, of course he does politician, but Donald Trump has been speaking about things like trade, illegal immigration. The dangers of China, he's been speaking about these things on camera for 30 years, 40 years for my entire life. He was on Oprah talking about these things. He has a central belief system. Kamala Harris does not and you can never, ever, ever understand her and understand what you're seeing until you understand this human being believes in nothing except for the next promotion. It's why one day she can be top cop and the next day she can be left of Bernie and the next day she's an Indian and the next day she's black and the next day she's this and the next day she's that she stands for nothing believes in nothing. That's another reason she's so unpopular because if there's one thing people can smell out, the voting public in general, we're talking about the people in mass, the voting public in general can be unbelievably stupid and naive and ignorant. But people in mass have always been able to spot a phony. If you're, if you're in school, I know we have a bunch of kids who listen, maybe you're one of the kids you listen. Have you ever had a teacher who hated their job and didn't want to be there? Did you know it? Of course you did. Course you did. Stands in front of 20, 30 people every day. Kids aren't stupid. They know who wants to be there who doesn't want to be there. You ever have a coach who wasn't really into it? You knew it. People, when it comes to anything, especially their politicians, they can spot a phony. And that's why her personal popularity numbers have been lower than even Joe Biden's for the entirety of his presidency. She just comes across like a piece of slime that believes in nothing and frankly, that's what she is. I'm, I'm fascinated. Not that we'll ever get real answers because you can't get real answers once I start running for president. I'm actually fascinated by her childhood. I'm fascinated what her upbringing was like to bring her to that place because I have known people like this. In fact, I can think of him. I'm not, I was clearly not going to name him. I was selling RVs as you remember right before I did this. I've done a lot of things, but I was selling RVs before I did this. And I was in RV sales with a guy who was just like this, this human being. It didn't matter who he was talking to. He could be talking to some redneck from rural Texas. He would adjust his accent. He'd adjust his entire family life. He would study that. Oh, if the guys got a family, oh, I've got a wife, the dude wasn't even married. Oh, yeah, I got three kids. If he was talking to a football player, the guy would act like he used to play football. If he was talking to a city boy, he'd spruce himself up and use a little better English. He would use whatever he did. He was a human being without a genuine bone in his body. And if he had the opportunity, I was a sales manager at the time, he was underneath me. If he had the opportunity to bad mouth any other salesman in the RV lot, he would do it without hesitation. If he saw one of the other salesmen spit on the sidewalk out in front of the RV dealership, he would find a way in random conversation to bring this horrible sin up to me. Oh, and you just see, Bobby, he's so crazy. He flicked the cigarette out of the RV the other day. That Bob's crazy. Very clearly just what was he? A nakedly ambitious human being who would say anything to anything, knife anybody for the next deal, the next promotion, the next whatever. You've probably worked with people like that. God forbid, but maybe you're working with someone like that right now. They are office poison. And that again, it's Kamala Harris. Here's a stat for you 92% of Kamala Harris's staff left her in the first three years. You understand what it is on a resume to work for the vice president? You understand what it means if they can't get out the door fast enough? That's what it's like working for the nakedly ambitious. All right. Let's get to some emails after we'll go over a couple of fundraising things and some concerns in a moment. Before we do that, I want to get to this. I want to talk about our basic health. I neglect mine from time to time. As you know, I just told you about the hot Cheetos in the first hour. I neglect mine from time to time. And so I have to do things to maintain where I am and make sure I'm improving. I just had my 43rd birthday and I told my wife and kids, I'm going to try to make this the healthiest year I've had in years and a male vitality stack from chalk is a central part of that for me. This has become a routine. It's now part of my day every single day. Why I'm getting everything I need, everything I need and I'm making sure my T levels are through the roof at all times because I know we're drinking estrogens. It's in the waters. It's in the plastics. Whatever you're looking for, female vitality, sex, male vitality, stacks, pre workout stuff, just a morning powder for your for your smoothie that's packed full of vitamins and minerals, whatever you're looking for, the anti-communists at chalk have something that will make your life better, your whole life. Call them or text them, five zero chalk that's C-H-O-Q, three thousand, five zero chalk, three thousand. We'll be back. Is he smarter than everyone? Who knows? Does he? It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Remember, if you missed any part of the show, download the whole thing. I hard spotify iTunes. All right. So a couple of things that you're going to see and you're already seeing, you're seeing the system line up behind or line up behind behind around. However, way you want to put whatever way you want to put it, they're gathering around and don't come all the Harris. It's obvious everywhere you look, they're already out there saying incredibly embarrassing things. This is Senator Chris Coons. What do you think has been Vice President Harris's biggest accomplishment as Vice President? Well, look, I think she's done remarkable work across several important areas. Something that I think hasn't gotten much coverage is her passion for entrepreneurship, for wealth creation, for securing and stabilizing the middle class. She's traveled around the country to meet with small businesses and to talk with them about what it takes. Yeah, so it's embarrassing Chuck Schumer is out there talking about Joe Biden's demise. He's never personally asked him not to run for reelection. Look, what I would say is that the president, it's done an amazing, amazing job as president, one of the best we've ever had. And he put his country first and made the right decision. Thank you, everybody. So they ran him out the door. They decided dome was the one. That's why she raised $81 million within 24 hours. We talked about that last night. And that's why she's already requesting VP vetting materials from all the names you would think Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly. Those are the two leaders, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz and North Carolina's Governor Roy Cooper. Those are also ones in case you're paying attention. Those are all states that are considered swing states. So look, they're putting in the work. The deal is done. It's been decided. Let's get to some emails. Jesse. I love the indoor sunglasses. Look, it was only a matter of time. Oh, I forgot my shades. I have a question. Are you able to relate to a movie, relate a movie to the present time we're living in fiction or non nonfiction? You ever seen the Matrix? Have you ever seen it? Chris, did you just scoff at the Matrix? Have you even seen the Matrix? Yes, it is a good movie. Yes, it is. Okay. Chris is stupid. Michael, it's a good movie. Isn't it? That's Michael the first one that obviously I know they made 19 of them and they were garbage at the end. Okay. So the Matrix, if you haven't seen it, this is going to come back to where we are today in politics. This is where it is. This is the idea. So you have this world that you and I live in. Only the world itself, the concept of the movie is the world itself is not real. You see, it's entirely a world of make believe. I, this is the movie concept is that I'm not really me. I am plugged in somewhere. I'm in a coma. They've basically put me in a coma, I'm in a pod and they've plugged my brain into this big machine somewhere and the big machine is using my brain to project this reality that I know. So the streets I walk on, the food I eat, the people I talk to, nothing is real. And then the concept of the movie is people start to realize this and they do things to wake up and then they wake up from this slumber and they look around and they see everything and they realize, wait a minute, not only is everything fake. Almost everyone I know doesn't know it. They think it's real. That is how I feel. And I know I get your emails. I know that's how you feel a lot too. Now, once you realize what the system is, once you realize the communism behind all this, the evil nature of all this, once you realize the destruction is intentional, once, once your eyes are finally opened, once you have finally been unplugged from the matrix, everything you see makes perfect sense to you. You could explain it. You don't need me to come on the air and tell you the why of every, every story you see now, because you already know, once you see the matrix, you already know our frustration is all the people surrounding us who don't know. And I, I go back and forth between being angry at them, why won't you wake up and feeling bad for them? Oh, I feel bad. You're not awake yet. I hope to help you, but whatever emotions you feel towards all the people around us, these are even the people, a lot of the people who feel like they're political or they know what's going on. So many people around us don't have a clue. They're plugged in their world, the world that has been created for them by the education system, the media, the Democrats, Republican leadership, Hollywood, the world people live in is a world entirely of make believe. And if they would just unplug, if they would just wake up and choose to unplug, then they could see the truth. And another central theme of the movie is a lot of people, most people they don't want to. When you unplug from the matrix and see it for what it is, it's ugly. You see it in the movie. An ugly dark world, a lot of people would rather live in a comfortable world of lies than an uncomfortable world of truth. You go through this when you're trying to wake up the norm, the norm in your life. That is a movie. Every time I watch it now, I see it and I think I know that's probably nerdy. I see it. I tie it right back to where we are. All right. We're going to talk about communist John Denver, also known as Randy Wine Garden and some more emails next. It is the Jesse Kelly show and that's a little too on the nose. Don't you think Chris? Because I'm about to play some audio of one Randy Wine Garden. She's, you know, the head of the teachers union, a despicable human being. And she's affectionately known on this show as communist John Denver because when you look at Randy Wine Garden, she, she looks like John Denver and, you know, I hope she doesn't fly as much, but either way, Randy Wine Garden. Now, I'm going to play something for you and it's not as much an anti-Randy Wine Garden or anti-teachers union thing. You already know I hate both of those things, but I want you to listen to something. This is her. She's speaking at this convention. I want you to listen. We, the people united, mobilized and voted down this existential threat to democracy and freedom that we continue the march for progress, that we laid the foundation for our better future and that we sought to create a more perfect union, progress is possible. Marching, you know, public speaking isn't for everybody. A lot of people struggle with it. It's a huge fear for people. So I thought once again, I should offer some helpful tips as someone who's had to do this a couple of times. What Chris, I'm helping people out. Most of all, you're not going to cover up your speaking flaws by raising or lowering the volume of your voice. You realize that you'll see people, a very common thing is people will start to mumble like this. If they're really uncomfortable, they'll try to, they'll try to lower their voice. That doesn't cover for anything. In fact, it makes it worse on the other side of this, as in this communist, John Denver clip, raising the volume of your voice can oftentimes reveal said for us, the people united, mobilized and voted down this existential threat to democracy and freedom that we continue the march for progress that we laid the foundation for our better future. And that we thought, whoa, I had to turn it off. I'm getting the wheelies over here. I just want to once again tell everybody an important, an important path to contentment in this life is knowing and embracing your strengths, knowing and embracing your weaknesses as well. You know, my weaknesses, I talk to you for three hours a day. I'm good at some things. I'm bad at some other things. I can order food better than anyone else on the planet. What Chris, I can't dress. I know this. I own it. It's who I am. My hair is falling out, but I'm still one of the best nappers on planet earth. I'm good at some things. I'm bad at some things. Because know your strengths, know your weaknesses. And when you're speaking in front of people, because this is part of life, whether it's a small boardroom, your classroom, or maybe a stadium full of people one day, I want you to remember to slow down, speak up a non C eight and talk with your hands. You don't have to go all Italian like that and do the sign language thing. You can do that if you'd like, but don't don't jam your hands in your pocket. Don't sit and play with a pen or something like that. Don't hold them behind your back. It looks stiff. It looks awkward. Speak up, slow down, a non C eight. And if it's not your forte, try to avoid shouting the people united, mobilized and voted down this existential threat to democracy and freedom that we continue the march for progress that we laid the foundation for a better future. Jesse Ruth, first one to drink a 40 out of a brown paper bag and the hood wins the election. What? Oh, okay. Trump's already got street cred from being rich and getting shot in the head. He should be out there right now in a dice game in Detroit. The only way to connect with people is to hang out with them, gets a picture of him playing dice with the 40. Okay. Let me, let me just say this and you know, I'm, I'm not the most sensitive human being when it comes to really any subject whatsoever. One of the things that I just, I can't wrap my mind around it is why people think being more of a dirt ball in a criminal is the way you relate to black people. I don't know where this came from, but you do, you understand that Hollywood and the media and a bunch of entities have done a lot to create this image in the minds of everybody that every black person just got out of prison and they're shooting dice with a 40 in Harlem somewhere. I realize the urban black community has many, many, many problems. We've spoken extensively about the disaster that is urban black culture on this show and it is a disaster. You understand that it's something like 5% of black people even live in the city. There are, there are normal black people all over the place and yet people on the left and on the right, they always think black outreach has to do with drugs or imprisonment or something like that. You know, you could just talk to people normally, gosh, hey, messy Jesse, you think one of these reporters could ask Joe why he resigned from the race and kind of ask some more follow-up questions to the answer to that, but he's not going to answer anything. We did have proof of life today. There's a video, there was no audio, so there's nothing for me to play you, but the rumors going around is Joe Biden even still alive. They decided to tamp those things down and Joe Biden was seen today walking to the helicopter and he looks, he looks horrible. He looks absolutely horrible, now everyone's saying it was a body double, which is kind of hilarious. That does remind me a little programming note for tomorrow. Joe Biden is scheduled, I want to stress this, they changed this all the time, especially when you're dealing with the dementia ridden president who's heavily medicated. He is scheduled to have an 8 p.m. Eastern time presser, not presser, a statement, he's going to sit down. I'm sure he'll be behind the resolute desk, he's going to give a statement about why he's not running tomorrow. Our intention is to carry that live for you on this show so you don't have to miss it. It won't be an hour. It's not going to be like that stupid press conference. I guarantee he's not going to take questions. He's already canceling events. He's canceled something like nine events. Joe Biden's done. He's checked out. He's done with the political thing. It's all over for him. So he's done with that. He's not going to take any questions. Joe Biden probably won't take another question for the duration of his presidency, really the duration of his life. I would venture to say he's probably going to retire and just walk away, but you don't have to change the channel. I'm guessing it'll be five minutes max. It's way past his bedtime. Five, 10 minutes will carry it for you live tomorrow, but look, he got run out of office. He got run out of office. Did you see this from the New York Post? Let it where it's due New York Post ran this today, exclusive top Dems threatened to forcibly remove Biden from office unless he dropped out, set him up to fail at the Trump debate. I had heard in Milwaukee that the 25th amendment was not outside of the realm of possibility. Remember the 25th amendment is president can't serve. You can remove him from office. So it would have taken Democrats. Republicans can't do that. That has to be done by the president's cabinet. The president has cabinet members that has to be done by his cabinet. And what that tells you is they got to Joe Biden's own cabinet. They got to his own cabinet and he was going to be 25th amendment right out the back of the White House if he didn't step down. That's how these things happen. All right. All right. There's a bunch of emails other stuff. I want to talk to you about something first though about putting your money where your morals are and I am going to get to a ton of these emails. I really genuinely am but your cell phone bill is one of those bills. Sadly, there are a lot of these now, but one of those bills you pay automatically. You put in your credit card, your bank account info and they just take the money out at the end of every month, right? Well, who do you pay for that service? And a lot of people think that they have to have AT&T or T mobile Verizon. No, Jesse, I'm in this field. I can't afford to drop calls. Jesse, I'm a pure talk is on the same 5G network. Well, Jesse, how do they save so much money then because your bill gets cut in half. My bill got cut in half. They save so much money because they don't pay for all these stupid stores that are on every street corner. That's where all the money savings comes in. You want to switch to pure talk? Do it. It takes 10 minutes on the phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly pound two five zero say Jesse Kelly, switch to peer talk. We'll be back. It's the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Remember, you can email the show and you should love. Hey, death threats asked Dr. Jesse questions for Thursday. All those can be sent to heard this one out of Zelensky today in Ukraine. This is a new one. I think all of us understand that we have to finish the work as soon as possible. Of course, not to lose people people lives finish the war as soon as possible. I wonder if this election isn't uniquely on the mind of those people in Ukraine over there. All right. I'm going to go to the emails oracle. My brother was a bureaucrat computer geek with the ATF for 20 plus years and is completely indoctrinated. Is there anything I might say to him to convert him to sanity? No, absolutely not. No, he's gone. He's gone 20 plus years with the most evil agency in the government. No, he's finished. He's absolutely finished. Jesse and Chris, our family loves the show. Can you give us a food review of your trip to Milwaukee? All right, here it is. What Chris? I have to be honest. Okay. Here's the deal. When you show up at these conventions, especially after they try to take the president's head off, Trump's head off, the security is unreal. They, and it has to be. I'm not, I'm not complaining about the level of security or how they ran the convention. I'm not complaining about Milwaukee either. They, they really ran the convention well. The security was done well. They stopped several, several threats. It was done well, but for instance, there will be, I'll, I'll, I'll put it to you this way. I want you to picture a street. Let's say the main street in your town, right? You're on main street in your town or city, wherever you happen to live. You're in the middle of the road, okay? You have along the right hand side and left hand side. What do you have? hotels, restaurants, shops, of course. You can picture all this in your mind. That's how it was in Milwaukee. However, just because you were on the street and you were standing right beside a hotel or restaurant, doesn't mean you could get to it because they had barriers in fencing, aligning the road on both sides of the road. So even if there was an exit where I could get out and say, there was this little pizza place that I wanted to, I wanted to go try a little pizza place. It was right there. Even if I could find an exit to get out just because I exited from a place, you enter from a different place than you exit. So I, if I got lucky and found a door that allowed me to exit the perimeter and walk into this restaurant, I would then have to walk oftentimes two or three blocks around the security corridor before you got to an entrance where you could go back into the convention. So there was a, I was staying at the Hilton in Milwaukee here. I'll tell you, I was staying at the Hilton in Milwaukee. It was a fine place. It was old, but it was fine. Can't complain. Free room and friggin Hilton. Bad and there was a capital grill, that nice steakhouse between me and the convention. Now it was just lunch. I'm not going to get a fancy steak. I'm just going to go to go to cheeseburger, right? Capital grill is good burger. I would walk from my hotel. I would walk two blocks from my hotel to get into the security perimeter. Once in the security perimeter, once I went through security, there was an exit right there. I had to pop out that exit to go to capital grill, but then exiting capital grill, I had to walk another two blocks around the security perimeter to go back through and try to get to the convey- I'm trying to lay out for you as clearly as I can. Jesse did not get to get some kind of a food tour of Milwaukee and I want to thank every single person who's either visited Milwaukee or lived in Milwaukee who sent me all these wonderful recommendations. Jesse, you have to try this diner. I remember the one dude said, you have to try this special spy bar called the safe house and I wanted to do all these things. All these things were on my agenda, but me, Clay, Buck, the fellas. Once we got inside the security perimeter, you didn't want to leave because it was such a nightmare to stop on the way there on the way to the convention. I made the cabbie pull over and let me out because to wait in the vehicle line to enter the security perimeter was probably an hour, I would guess. If he just let me out, which I made him do, I had to walk about five or six blocks, but it allowed me to walk through in 20 minutes, but those were the kind of decisions you had to make and I'm not talking anyone out of going to a convention. If you get yourself tickets or or you're inspired to go to a convention, especially there'll be another one in four years, you know, there'll be another nomination process. If you're inspired to go to a convention, I always encourage you to go surround yourself with like minded people, go to events, go to concerts, make friends with people. This is we have to our future is community, right? Our future is each other. Our future is community, family and community. So I want you to go to these events, but I am trying to prepare you that just because the convention is what's another one I went to. I went to one in Tampa two years ago, just because a convention is in Tampa, shout out WFLA love you just because the convention is in Tampa. That doesn't mean you get to go live it up in Tampa and you're going to go enjoy all the sights and sounds of Tampa. You're going to go enjoy about a three or four block walled off area in Tampa. And that's that. Okay. I don't know why I just talked to you about that for 10 minutes and said to get, I had to get that off my chest. This has been a podcast from WOR, the Dacono music and spirits festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from two to 10 p.m. And it's free live music from the war and treaty. Daniels and the Kings is Cali and more, enjoy a spirits competition, kids zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dacono admission and parking are free. The Dacono music and spirits festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dacono. Go to the city of for more information.