Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Tully Banta-Cain Is Making Winnie Try Out For His New Football League!

We're halfway through the show now! We had Greg, who was on the boat that got hit by the whale, call into the show to give us his story! Weird stories covered nipples falling off, a fish falling from the sky and a Miss Kansas shoutout! Then we had Tully Banta-Cain in the studio to tell us all about his new Beach Football League! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

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24 Jul 2024
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The Takono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaties! ♪ Live music to me ♪ Chris Daniels and The Kings is Callie and More. Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kid Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakota. Admission and parking are free. The Takono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakota. Go to for more information. Alright, here we go. Here we go. We've got a pair of tickets. See, Avril Levine, caller 25, at 617-931-1108. And producer Riley, the key word this time around. Listen very carefully, producer Riley. The key word will be "wail". Hey guys. Did anybody else think of Billy's boat yesterday when they saw the wheel on top of a boat in Portsmouth? Because that's the first thing you're thought of, that this would totally happen to Billy's boat. No, it wasn't me, but the guy it happened to is actually... This is really incredible. I think a lot of people have seen this video. Greg Paquette was on board and boy was he sent flying. Greg, are you there? I am here. Good morning. So Greg, you're out there. I think was it... Was it a whaler you were in? No, it wasn't a whaler, but that joke has been made a couple of times. So, to see the video, now this whale was massive and you're out there minding your own business and the whale suddenly breached out of nowhere and came crashing down on the stern of your boat. You went flying. It's actually my buddy Riley who went flying. There were two of us on the boat and you can't quite see me in the video. I'm a little forward of him, but Riley, once the boat started to go over, he knew he had to get clear of the teatop on the boat, you know, the roof that's on there. Oh yeah. But he had to get clear of that or it would have hit him as it was rolling. But it was a good thing he did his little Superman jump or else you might have got whacked. Oh man, but did you end up in the water as well, Greg? I did. I was sort of... I was toward the front of the boat and when it started to come over, I was like getting under it as it was capsizing it. So as soon as my life jacket inflated, I was able to kind of use my hands to crawl out, you know, pushing on the deck of the boat as it was coming over my head. Now this was in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, right? Yeah, we're about two miles off of Rhine, New Hampshire, but yeah, we had come right out of Portsmouth, Harbor. Now suffice it to say, Greg, you and Riley, you were not out fishing for whale. We were not out fishing. I don't know. I just want to bring him in for a quick measurement in the selfie and then send him on his way. Okay, so walk us through it when you're in the water and you've already seen this massive whale and the whale is now swimming around you. What are you thinking? At that point, the whole thing had happened so fast. You know, the back of the boat had gone underwater. I thought we were going to sink before we actually capsized. Thankfully capsizing was the better thing. So once we were in the water, I just wanted to find Riley because I wasn't sure if, you know, he was still underwater, but I had to swim around, got to him pretty quickly. Then you're just hoping that one of the boats had already seen it, you know, obviously they did. But at the time, you're in the water, you know, quite know what's happening. Yep, in a couple of those fellas, Colin and Wyatt Yeager took the video. They would zoom right over as fast as they could and they plucked this out of the water. Yeah, because if you look at the video, the first people you see are Wyatt and Colin, and they're just a couple of teenagers, and they just happen to be out fishing. And they really had a good view of what was going on. And they stayed calm. Yeah. Yeah, they were terrific. They couldn't have been better. I mean, the way they reacted, how quickly they got there, just dropped everything and went. You know, they didn't sit there and stunned silence just trying to process. They jumped into action. They were great. So they managed to pluck the two of you out of the water, right? They brought the boat over and shut the motor off. You know, make sure they get the swim ladder down as quick as they could. Yeah. You know, we were able to climb aboard before we said that water was pretty cold. So it was pretty key to not be in it for too long. I don't think we were in the water in a minute. I got to ask, was your boat totaled? I don't know that yet, but they did manage to get the boat upright, Tobo US, when I went to the ocean, they found the boat. They rited it, pumped it out, and then towed it back to the marina. It's up on a trailer now, but we saw it. I know the engine cowling just crushed and just like bits of whale skin and blubber in it. Oh, wow. Oh boy. Why did the whale game hurt? I hope not. You know what? We saw the way we actually were back out on a friend's boat, like 20 minutes later, because we wanted to see the creation of horses. You guys are hardy, man. Right back on the horse. What about whale in this case? We had a lot of adrenaline there. And we went back out there. We checked it out. But the whale was feeding still in the air. I think all the whale got this a little bit of rash in his chin, and that was about it. Because we had, I know he was still out like that couple hours later, still feeding amongst the bait schools there. I don't think there was anything wrong with it. Wow. Now, Greg, you're getting a lot of attention. You are. Good morning, America. Anything else? Oh, we've been, I did a number of interviews. I think we're on CBS World News, the Today Show, all the local news outlets here in Boston and New Hampshire. Yeah, it's been quite an experience. I'm not used to this kind of attention. Well, I got to tell you, Greg, you don't really make it until you come on the bill, Italy. It's a morning show. Now, I reached the peak now. Well, now you've got yourself some real bragging rights. Well, the most important thing is I want my daughter to be listening. So this is, this is key right now. There you go. So the teen guys, while in calling, did they shoot the video? Because the video is really the story. Yeah, it really is. It is. So that whale had been feeding in the area for a bit. You know, you try and stay away from them, but the whole system is dynamic out there. The fish are moving, the water's moving, boats are moving. But, but he had gone off maybe a hundred yards off to the side. So we weren't too worried about him. He sounded a ways away. We didn't see him for a few minutes. And then he just popped up and landed on the transom. So we just, we did not see that coming. And Greg, I don't know if you've heard this on the Billion Lisa Morning Show, but we predicted they are rising up the animals and the mammals. They are, they want the earth back. Yeah, Greg, people on the internet I see are saying that the whale was provoked. Or that, you know, the whale did it on purpose. Like none of that is true, right? No, no, I spent a lot of time in the water for years on the water. And I lived out west in Alaska, then around Wales, especially humpbacks, like a good portion of my life. The whale wasn't being aggressive. So he was coming up through a thick bait school. He just didn't see us. I'm just, I'm certain of that. He was, there was no aggressive nature. Had his mouth open, coming up to get a mouthful of fish and just happen to land in the wrong spot. So Greg, did you actually catch anything that day after all this? You know, that may be one of the worst parts of this. It was a spectacular day of fishing before, before the whale popped up. And the fish went back into the sea, I'm guessing. Well, it was funny. All the guys who were fishing around this continued to fish after that. Dedicated. And your boat's being hauled in upside down. Well, the good news is Greg, you're the one that gets the book deal. Woo hoo. Greg, thanks so much for checking in with us. Okay. Thanks a lot for having me on. I appreciate it. What a great story. I love it. I love it. I love it. So chill about it, right? Oh, yeah. He went back out 20 minutes later. Almost lost his life. Can you guys imagine if that was Bill Costa? Oh, we wouldn't see him for a year. Oh, I never, I will never go back. Moby dick over here. Let's go to Shayna. Hey, Shayna. Good morning. Good morning. Shayna, your color 25. You have a keyword for us? I do well. Well, have you seen that video we just talked about? Yes. Yes. It's wild. Yeah, it's crazy. Shayna, listen, you're going to see Avril Lavigne. She's going to put on a good show, but can you hold on? And producer, you'll get to know producer Riley. She's very friendly. Wonderful. Thank you. Okay, Shayna. Congratulations. And we have weird stories coming up next. And to continue on the animal's rising topic, that whale isn't the only animal that's going up and coming down weird stories next. Kiss 108 seems a little weird to me. Oh, my God. It's time for weird stories. I'm pretty creepy with Billy and Lisa in the morning. All right, so if you were thinking about getting breast surgery, we recommend that you stick to the United States because a woman recently, a bride-to-be, went all the way to Turkey for breast surgery. But what happened next was really terrible. It got infected and her nipple fell off. My body just rejected the new nipple that I was given. So it got infected. And now because it's infected, it's fallen off. Oh, my God. This is a bizarre medical issue. So it's very common to go to places like Turkey for these things. I was actually debating on, you know, at some point getting my hair, that something done with my hair in Turkey. This makes me a little nervous. Yeah, it's much cheaper to go there. You can get your teeth done, your hair done, things like that. But if something goes wrong, then you're very far from home. That's right. Yeah. That's right, poor thing. He says she ain't had no nipples. I can't even imagine. You don't want to be sitting there at lunch, all of a sudden your nipple's on the table. No, no, no. You know? It's awful. Oh, boy. Oh, my God. Hey, a lot of you listening and a lot of us have heard the phrase, "It's raining cats and dogs." Yeah. Right? We've all heard that one. Mm-hmm. Well, how about a random fish? I'm not making this up. This couple says this is out of New Jersey, and apparently they came out to get into their car, and there was a smashed fish that basically shattered their windshield, and apparently the fish came from the sky. The car started honking when crazy honking, which we never heard, and I didn't know how to turn it off. I kind of went out, and he was in the yard somewhere. He heard the crash and everything, but ignored it. Mm-hmm. And then they saw the damage to their car. We were like, "Holy crap, look at this." And I said to him, "It looks like fish scales and blood on the windshield." Mm-hmm. It must have been a seagull, right? Yeah, a bird was carrying the fish and dropped it. And dropped it. I don't need to veer off for weird stories, but did you guys hear that story in New Jersey when the man decapitated the seagull last week? No. Is this a bonus weird story? If a bonus read story, it happened in the Jersey Shore, a guy decapitated a seagull because he stole his kid's food. Oh, you're kidding me. That's horrible. Really? Wait, how did he catch the seagull? I don't know if they were fighting for it, but it was to happen. Did you do this thing, Billy, when you're at Eliso and your kids are young, you go to the beach, you say to the kids, "If you catch a seagull, I'll give you some crazy prize." 'Cause you never can catch them. No. Wow. And this guy, not only caught it down. What's the wrong with this movie? I don't know if he meant to, but it did happen. Oh, God. What have you got, Winnie? This comes straight out of Lynn. Lynn Lynn, the city is there. Oh, of course it does. Never come out the way you went in. No. Okay. This is a very strange story to me. It made national news, but Lynn is now putting in a curfew for the ice cream man that he cannot sell ice cream after 8 p.m. because the noise is noise pollution from the truck. A new ice cream truck curfew at some Massachusetts residents heated. The city of Lynn. This is the today show, by the way. Hold it out, pop beat. This is just north of Boston. Just passed an ordinance banning ice cream truck sales after 8 p.m. at night. This comes after numerous complaints about noisy music coming from the trucks late at night. But not everybody's happy about the rules. A lot of residents are taking to social media calling it, quote, nonsense and just plain weird. Okay. Okay. Eight o'clock is not late at night. It's not late at night. It's ice cream man. Especially in the summer, the kids don't have school. It's still light out. Right. And I listen, I know shade to Lynn and we love Lynn. They have other problems besides the ice cream truck. A lot of problems. Before they get to the ice cream truck. Can I ask you one question about the today show? Are they doing a weird story segment? Oh. Yeah. Someone else's. Well, paying attention to the Billy and Lisa morning show. They do have a similar segment. Yeah. But I'm going to be honest, when the ice cream truck sound comes in my neighborhood, I get annoyed. Why? Because then my son has to come in and ask for money. And it's always like great at dinner time. It's always dinner time. But it's such a tradition in the summer. Yeah. You've got to let them do it. It doesn't matter when the ice cream truck comes. How did they get the SpongeBob pop? Like that was really his favorite. Oh, the Ninja Turtle? Oh, yeah. I mean, it's three months out of the year. We're not in California. Yeah. You're going to let them be the only kid on the street that didn't get the ice cream. You always get the ice cream. Yeah. Justin's wife is like a yes, mom. Oh, I love that. All right, you won't believe this one either. You know those virtual reality glasses that people are getting? Well, VR players are suffering real life injuries like lacerations, contusions, strains, sprains. Oh, while playing a VR game, you know, they didn't see the wall was there in front of them. They were, you know, lashing out at something. They hit the wall with their hand and broke one of the bones in their hand. They also saw a large number of injuries to the face. And those were not just the participants themselves, the injuries to other people. I mean, I give them very specific tips. Stay away from stairs. Stay away from balconies. Stay away from the windows. Yeah. I mean, I can see this. We have a quest, you know, the meta quest heads. Yeah. And it can be dangerous if you don't pay attention. They give you a boundary that you create in the headset. So it kind of tells you where to stay in, but it's very easy when you're playing games to talk about, and fall down a flight steps. Yeah. Can you imagine if Justin gets injured using the VR glasses? Well, you guys know. You guys do know that he used, he used it for more explicit things. Oh, for sex. Can you, can you, Billy, reach out and turn her microphone off? Why is she speaking? He's watching everything in 3D. Oh, my God. Yeah. That's another injury. 3D. You ain't seen it. Oh. Oh. Oh. Move on, Bill. I don't know. I don't know if this is weird. I think this is more tragic. This lady out of Philadelphia accused now of shooting a baby in the leg over a $100 drug death. Yeah. The baby is okay, but this is horrifying. So that seven-month-old boy is shot in the leg, the thigh, and we know the shooting took place in the 4,000 block of Meridian. On the sidewalk, we found two spent shell casings from a semi-automatic weapon. I mean, not only should this person go to prison for life, right, obviously, but this should be like an eye for an eye thing. She should get shot. Yeah. Like on her way into the prison. Boom. You have her little leg wound. How do you shoot a seven-month-old baby with a heading on a managed monster? A monster. Oh, my God. She should get it, you know, in Bill's favorite spot, the kneecap. Oh. Right in the center of the cap. Right down. Go ahead, Winnie. Wrap it up. This is weird, but a pretty good story. Miss Kansas was on stage and they asked her a question, you know, during the question round of the pageant, and her abuser was in the audience, an abusive relationship, the guy that I'm assuming it was a man that abused her, and she calls him out on stage. Whoa. My vision as the next Miss Kansas is to eliminate unhealthy and abusive relationships. Matter of fact, some of you out in this audience saw me very emotional because my abuser is here today. But that's not going to stop me from being on this Miss Kansas stage and from Rutgers City. Oh, my God. I just got chills. Oh, I've got the chills right now so that they pull the guy out of the crowd and they're not saying if they got him or who it was or they, I don't know who it was. Oh, my God. I know. I don't want to assume it's a man, but yeah. That was the vibe of God. It's a man. Yeah. It's crazy. I watched the video on this and yeah. Wow. Calls him right out. And in the middle of the pageant, too, talk about a distraction. Well, look at me. They're doing there. Well, I think that's the one. He was. He's an abuser. Yeah. Yeah. See, people have real problems going on. Right. Lynne. Ice cream truck. I know. Yeah. Jeff, the kids have the ice cream. Yeah. I don't care if it's 10 at night. Let them get an ice cream. Yeah. I'm going to rocket pop. Of course. Oh, my God. Anyway, what are you coming up, Billy? Oh, entertainment. We get a big one. Big one. Olympic Games kicking off at this Friday. Don't forget. I heart is a big part of the Olympic Games this year. We are the audio partner, so hourly will have updates from the Olympic Games in Paris, France. But, but, but, the big story coming out of Paris, Celine Dion, will perform this coming Friday. We'll talk about it next. Hey, it's Jackson. You're waking up with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. What? Wake up. Wake up. Ah, Justin, I think we can squeeze in one talk backer. Let's squeeze it in now. We love follow-ups on the Billy and Lisa show, especially from the talk back. So real quick yesterday, we had a guy wanted us to wish his, his girl, his wife, Beth, a happy birthday so he could get lucky last night. Turns out he hit us up today. He did have a great night celebrating her birthday. He said, all went well and Beth wanted to send her two cents. Hi, this is Beth. I just wanted to say thank you for the birthday wishes. It is true. I have been listening to you for over 30 years. Every single morning, what I don't catch in the morning, I listen to in the podcast. After it's been released. So you are definitely a staple in my every day. As far as yesterday goes, your wishes were definitely the highlight of my day. All right. You go boy. Come on. No, no, you guys don't get what she's saying. Yeah. Our wishes were the highlight of her day. Right. Not the kid. Not not her man. Oh. That's hilarious. Nice. Such men. Oh, he was a flat tire. He said he was pretty good. That's what he thinks. That's why he's getting both sides of the story. Oh, boy. We've got a little confusion here. I knew I needed to hear from Beth. I knew I needed to buy Beth. Oh, boy. Where did they go here? No, no. No. Not so much. Yeah. It was, you know what? It was good for him. Yeah. It always is. Right. Now the entertainment update with the Billy Colton. So anyway, you heard it first right here on the Billy and Lisa morning show earlier this week. Billy on will, in fact, now perform at the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games coming up Friday. She's going to do one song and the one song performance by Celine will cost the Olympic Games two million dollars. Hello. This is Celine Dionka, the world's greatest singer. I'm feeling much better and I will be singing at the Olympic opening ceremonies. And if I have enough energy, I'll be performing a gymnastic floor exercise routine. I've been practicing, so I should be good. That's just not fair. No. It's just not fair. This is going to be her first performance since being diagnosed with that stiff person syndrome. Yeah. I'm telling you, I mentioned it earlier. I'll mention it again. I saw the documentary on Celine Dion. You have to see it. She has gone through so much. But she is, I think she is, you know, doing better, so obviously if she's going to sing. Yeah. Well, it's so funny when she's not funny, but it was sad when she was talking about how it's affected her singing with the breathing and all that. I can't, I'm even surprised she's able to do this. So, I mean, amazing. I can't wait to hear it. Don't forget she did the Atlanta games back in 1996. We have a clip. Yeah. Oh, thank you. Celine and Whitney, probably the two greatest female voices. Do you think? Would that be the proper two? I think so. The most powerful voices. Yeah. Yeah. I actually have the list right here. Oh. Coincidentally. And yes, it's Whitney at number one. Celine at number two. Yeah. That list. Yeah. Mariah Kelly Clarkson and Adele. That's actually a very good list. What about Ariana? Ariana is number 16. Oh, really? How about 20? Who beat her? Um, so six. Everybody apparently. Alicia Keys, Dolly Parton, Lady Gaga, Stevie Nicks, Aretha Franklin, top 10. Wow. Yeah. The Dacono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from two to 10 p.m. and it's free live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More. Enjoy a spirits competition, Kid Zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dacono. Admission and parking are free. The Dacono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dacono. Go to the City of for more information. Hey. Yep. The top five was on point though, I think. Definitely. Well, just singing, then yeah. Anyway, Selena's already arrived in Paris and so has Snoop Dogg because he's going to be part of the NBC coverage and he will be one of the people getting to carry the Olympic tour. Very excited about that. And I'm excited about the competition that the world is bringing as far as when it comes to the Olympics. So in every sport, how global, you know, love is communicated through the Olympics. That's a piece off from where the whole world is all about camaraderie and no matter who wears or loses, it's all about peace and love. So I'm so happy that they let me be a part of it considering that that's what I am like a bridge to a lot of people. So to be able to be there is a great move for me. Peace and love. Peace and love. And you know who else is bringing it to you? I Heart. I Heart is part of the Olympic Games, the audio partner. So they'll do hourly updates on all I heart stations from Paris, including right here in Kiss one away. I think that's pretty cool. It is cool. And you know what else is cool? I'm going to be there, too. You can meet the Donovan's at the Olympic Games in Paris, right? You're going to take the famous general, right? Yeah, we're going to be in London. It's a two hour train ride, basically. It brings you right in. And there are some events like right in the city near the Eiffel Tower, like the beach volleyball. And you can buy tickets to it. Oh, yeah. You can. Are you going to go on like a weekday? You sure? I got a Monday. Call into McCabe show. He needs content. Okay. Well, it's... Well, McCabe sick today. He's out sick. You know that? No, how'd you know that? Yeah, he let me know. He has no voice. He can't speak. Uh oh. You know why he went to 75 concerts? Yeah, he's out every single night. Yeah. So, Tiff is going to be covering. We love Tiff. Oh, but I'm sad you can't do a little feet sound. Yeah. Tiff can come in. She's got little feet. No. Well, let's not start that. Anyway, have a great time in Paris, Lisa. Look at him. Hey, Lisa, I wanted to ask you, aren't they shooting a movie in Quincy right now? Yes. And actually, this is on the Daily Mail. This morning, Amy Adams, who we love, is in town. They've been shooting all over the South Shore, like Duxbury, Marshfield. We think they were in Quincy yesterday. They were on docks on a boat. We don't know if it was Marina Bay. But the guy that was in White Lotus that played the hotel manager in the first season. He's in the movie. Dan Levy's in the movie. Rain Wilson was seen yesterday. I like the guy who played the hotel gentleman. He was my favorite guy. He was blasting up. By far, Jenny Slade. Yeah. So, look for them. They're all around. Who was the kid who's now a famous actor who was in the White Lotus? One of the kids the general manager was fooling around with. Lucas. Yeah. He married Ken Kardashian's hairdresser for like two months. Yeah. I wouldn't even watch the White Lotus, right? No, I have to. Yeah. The end of season one with the manager when he hit the hotel room and the body. You got to watch it. It's a great shot. It's hilarious. His name is Murray Bartlett. Yeah. I think I recognized the boat they were getting on at Marina Bay. Yeah. Anyway, we had Broadway star Kristen Chenoweth on this show Monday and today is Kristen Chenoweth Day in the city of Boston. Declared yesterday by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and it's her birthday, too. And don't forget, Queen of Versailles, the show she's in it, the Emerson Colonial Theater is world's premiering right here in Boston, and she's happy it is. When I found out that Boston could be on the docket, like as a possibility, I was like, oh, please, can we just go there? Because every time I come here, y'all, I go in, I sing, and then I go home and I never get to real, spend real time here and I've fallen in love with it over the years. So it was just kind of a dream come true to get to do it here. You know what I mean? Kristen Chenoweth Day in Boston today. So it's official now. Sabrina Carpenter tickets are harder to get than Taylor Swift tickets for the Erestore. I mean, I don't know how they decide on that. Well, because it's a much smaller venue. Yeah. I mean, the garden only holds a quarter of what Gillette holds. She's coming to the garden October 3rd. And speaking of Taylor Swift, this is such a cool story. And you know what? It's blowing up on social. Oh, is it, Bill? I love saying that. It's blowing up on social. So there is a Taylor Swift show out at Canoughby Lake Park of all places. It's a Taylor Lookalike show. It's a tribute to Taylor Swift and the show is blowing up. I'm talking millions of views and the Lookalike's name is June. And here she is. We put on an incredible show and I'm glad that people can really see it for what it is. So I'm really grateful. I can't believe how many people from literally all over the world have been reaching out in response to it, and as I said, I'm just humbled and honored. It's amazing how spot on she is. Yeah. You think it's Taylor? She's the same outfit that Taylor is wearing on the Aeros door. I know. I heard she makes them ourselves. It's incredible. Yeah. And the Hock Tour Girl has a new collaboration. You remember Jax? Yes. She actually did one of our jingle balls. We love her. She's so creative. Victoria's Secret Song. She did a social media collaboration with the Hock Tour Girl in the background. Both of them are singing, but you really have to listen. Here it comes. This is Haley. She went to the University of Northern Alabama, but she had to drop out to pay the bills and take care of my grandma and that she went viral so she made some cash, but Granny keeps asking her what Hock Tour means. So we wrote this song for Haley's grandma to explain myself to the elderly. Here it comes. To a means. Hock Tour is another word for hard work. Roll in up your sleeves. And tie in back your hair. Hock Tour means love and affection. Hock Tour means. Wait a recession, grandma. Stop asking so many questions. I love the Hock Tour Girl. She's more entertained by herself than anyone else. She just is who she is. That's why I like her. Right? I like to deal with a trading card company and she's selling, um, creating cards of herself for a hundred dollars. You think my son, Chris, card vault is going to have Hock Tour Girl? You should ask me. I hope not. Listen, if there's a profit to be made, your son is going to buy a card. Absolutely. He'll suck up any, yeah, any, every single penny, uh, what are the cards going for? A hundred bucks. Yeah, I don't think that's big enough for him. And Dave, Dave Portnoy, otherwise known as Captain Dave, is he still wearing the little captains hat? He did a video about the boat as Captain Dave. Uh, he's in Quincy and he checked out a slice at, uh, bravo pizza. Additional football pulled weather pizza, seven four, like, but I'm going to have more bites because I'm hungry and it's good. Good. Classic neighborhood spot. You'll never have to leave here. You'll always be happy with your pizza. It's not going to be like the Hall of Fame, but good enough that you'll never leave. Seven four, uh, bravo. I don't know why so many people name their place as bravo. That's confusing. It gets a seven four. You want a 10.0 on your pizza? Try bravo, Manchester by the sea, my buddy, Allen Ghibli, sister, Beth Rowan. Yeah, bravo. I feel like I want to go try it now. Yeah. Well, you're bravo and Quincy. Yeah. It's on Washington. Yeah, it's in the point and I don't really venture to the point unless I'm going to frozen Fridays for ice cream. What's wrong with the point? The point is like, if you're a point person, you're a point person. If you're not, you're not. Why? Yeah. I'm hoping. I'm okay with the point for frozen Fridays, but I will go for bravo. Hey, we're brought to you by the 99 restaurant summer is here. And so are the seasonal flavors you're going to love at your local 99 restaurant. You can try the new fresh strawberry chicken salad jumbo shrimp, scampi or the fried seafood platter. You've got to love the nines. And there you go. Jackson, you're waking up with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. What? From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 Studios, we're back with a Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. Yeah, we're back. And I don't think this was a coincidence at all. We've got former Patriot telebanticane in studio with us. And it so happens today is the first day of training camp for your New England Patriots. Hey, buddy. Hey, how are we doing? It's your boy. GBC in the place to be. There we go. What you just happen to be passing by on your way to training camp. Well, you're not on the team anymore, but you're going to go to camp right this week. Yes, I'm making a couple appearances. I'll be there Friday on 26 and then also on the 29th. Now I got to tell you, Telly, you happen to hold the single game sack record. I'm thinking the past could you shoot this? I mean, you know, yeah, not happening, but yeah, yeah, yeah, two place. I got two plays in me. Now the record is four and a half sacks. Does that mean you have tackled somebody? Yeah. Yeah, I had a little help getting the guy. Oh, there you go. That's my college dad. Right? Where were we looking at? Man. Yeah, you're the real one. You got two Super Bowl rings, right? Yes, sir. How come you don't wear the most of the guys wear them? I lose them all the time. Yeah. I lost one in a bathroom in Providence, play small, got it back the next day. And then I lost another one bowling, funny enough, my hands, I guess, were a little clammy that day. When you, when you threw the ball, the ring went with it, the ring went and never came back. Oh, you lost it? I lost it. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Wow. Yeah. Good thing it was insured. I'm sure. So the ring went all the way down to the end and then into the machine that gathers the pins and everything? Yeah. Allegedly. Oh, OK. The guy said he, the guy who went to look for it said he couldn't find it. So it's probably melted down and makes it go somewhere. That's a smart guy right there. Oh, boy. So Patriots, an interesting training camp, and I know you've got the beach football league. You're kicking off, and that's why you're here. The Patriots, interesting story, the training camp starts today with a new coach and, well, a new quarterback. Yeah. I mean, I'm excited for this season. It's the new look Patriots and I think it's good they start a little earlier and try to get guys acclimated and adapted to the new regime of Mayo. So yeah, good things to look forward to. Now, do you know Coach Mayo at all? I play with Coach Mayo, Gerard. He was my middle linebacker, so we were really we were comrades in the locker room for sure. Oh, there you go. You know, I've got an interesting connection to a Gerard Mayo. It turns out we both go to Boston vision. Oh. Oh, OK. Yeah, he got his lysic surgery there blindly in the blind. No, I'm actually the voice of Boston vision, but he actually got his lysic. Oh, that's cool. One stop shop for all your I care needs anything with the eyes you go to Boston vision. OK, beach football league. This isn't the first year, is it? This is the first year. OK. Yeah, we've been working on this for a couple of years now, but like anything you got to organize, you got to reshuffle the deck here and there. And we finally got to a point where we can launch this year. So August 31st, Labor Day weekend, you go on You can sign up to try out and register to be in the beach football league, which will officially launch next year. Now, this is all happening on Hampton Beach, Hampton Beach, ocean drive right in front of Bernie's Beach bar. I got to tell you, Hampton Beach is coming to life again. I mean, isn't it Benson Boon is performing at the casino, they have one of them, somebody like that Teddy swims. Teddy swims. Same guy. And Shabuzzi. And Shabuzzi. Oh, yeah. Shabuzzi will be there. How about that? Teddy swims are each at different clubs on Hampton Beach on the same night. Oh, it's going to be a riot. Bring your boots. You should get them become a performance beach volleyball try out scouting it now. I'm starting that. I'm trying to get winning to come out there. I'm telling you, so men and women can try out men and women can try out. There'll be a workout in the morning tryouts, run your 40, run your three yard dash. I mean, your three agility drill cone, and then the afternoon will pick the best 40 to play in an exhibition that day. You should put yourself out there. Come on, wins. What are you spending all that time in the gym for you wasting your time? I know. Okay, I'll think about it. Come on. I'm pushing up about 300 now. I'm tackle of easy. I'll tackle a guy. I don't care. Hey, so when are the tryouts for the beach football? So August 31st at 9 a.m. is checking. If you go, like I said, if you go to beach football or follow us at BFL USA on Instagram, it'll take you right to our registration page for August 31st Hampton Beach. Now, are there age restrictions at all? What kind of people are you getting that come out and try out? Well, it's 18 plus, but you can't be in an NFL team, obviously, and you can't be on a collegiate team that's playing this year, either other than that, anything goes. And how many teams you're going to be in the league? So the league will start with eight teams, and we're going to travel to six cities and play tournaments in six different. Oh my gosh. Wow. Real deal. Yeah. So if you, if you try out, you can play in a game that day if you're selected, but you'll automatically be put into our draft pool for 2025. So you're traveling to multiple cities. You must have some good sponsors. Oh, man. You want to give them a shot? I mean, I mean, shout out to Brooks Casino, shout out to Affleck, shout out to Bernie's Beach bar, which is where we're doing this seat at. You and Shabuzzi are coming around. Congratulations, Jerry, Jamie, Georgio, our guys, I was just with George. I mean, George, I was just with Greg Hill the other day. He said he's coming through. Awesome. I hear Billy's going to be our designated streak or so if you wanted these vision dental across the bat. And so happens. Hampton Beach is the only beach I haven't struck. Oh, you get that? That's past 10. Yes. I get it. Throw it out. Yeah. Mikey V is hosting. Mikey V will be there in the flesh. The ones in two, spinning all day. So you know, he brings a party. Oh, yeah, he does. You see that, Winnie? What? He said the ones and twos. I said, are they still doing ones in two? She told me no. He said, oh, you're old, Billy. They don't say ones and twos anymore. Tell the bent again. Okay. Those are the turntables. Yes, we know. Yeah. Yeah. We got him. God, remember those. Yeah. Look at Riley. He said, what are you talking about? The ones in two? Well, prior to the ones and twos, it was the wheels of steel. Okay, Bill. They're turntables. I'm just saying. Yeah. I'm talking about. It's all good. Mikey V. Mikey V will be there. A lot of Patriot players will be there. I can't name all names, but guys like Ty Law, myself, Max Lane, Jamie Collins will be in the building with some with some other surprises and we're going to have some NFL players actually competing in the exhibition and combine tryout, but they won't be in the league. They'll be in the league, too. Really? Yeah. This is a full and complex. Wow. Up against some real pros. Oh, yeah. You could be lined up against Jamie Collins. Wow. Okay. Now that's a rough and tough player right there, Jamie Collins. Yeah, he is. Yeah, you know, but if you're rough and tough and you think you got it, what are you scared of? Right. How'd you come up with this idea? Living on the beach. You know, I lived in Manhattan Beach, California for about 10 years and it's going to the beach every day, playing volleyball, surfing or trying to stand up on a surfboard. And I just said, you know what? I see people throwing the ball around, but no one's really playing the game. And I googled it like anyone else, Google something and see if it exists. Oh, yeah. And I saw there was no beach football leagues, at least tackle football leagues. And so I just started making phone calls and went for it. Yeah. When you think about it, every single time you're at the beach, people are throwing the football around. Yeah. Yeah. And we've seen the movies like Top Gun and Point Break and Count leaves and here out there throwing the football, make you know, tackling each other. So it's a thing actually, even remember, Rocky, when he was running down on the beach with Apollo, right? Yeah. There's a lot of iconic things that happen for training and football on the beach. So it's the only missing sport. I would say that's really relevant. Yeah. Now the actual game is a tackle or flag? It's full tackle, baby. Really? Come on. Come on. Come on. We will sponsor you. Yeah. Look at this. You sponsor me, though. I'm charging you. We get a few extra bucks from Affleck. We really have Affleck. That's so cool. I love those. Affleck. Oh, we need the insurance for sure. Yeah. Yeah. You definitely do. Tell me about it came bringing beach football to Hampton Beach for the tryouts. And again, they start winning, Tully. August 31st. Make sure you go to Sign up is free right now until July 30th. And then there'll be a charge. But right now, if you sign up, also, if you want to sponsor the league, you can also go on beach football league. And we'll have a huge vendor pop up village available about a quarter mile of beach. There'll be about 50,000 or more people on Hampton Beach Labor Day weekend. There you go. It's going to be crazy. So a great opportunity to get your brand out. Sponsors. I think Nurse Fiona should jump on. I'm just saying. Tully, you buy Affleck. It's 108. It's the morning wrap up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. Oh, man, I feel like every day we say, what a busy show, but today has been especially busy. Lots to catch up on the podcast. Let's start with the winning on the Billy and Lisa show. You know, we give away stuff on the tens like Megan trainer tickets. Hi, Billy. Good morning, everybody. Come on. Good morning to you, Michelle. You in the car or something driving. Where are you? I'm driving to work. I teach summer school. I teach an art camp. Nice. I love that. Heading there. I love that. Very busy listening to us and winning. It's going to be a great show. More tickets for Megan trainer tomorrow morning. Also, Avril Levine coming to the expenditure of the center. Congratulations to Shayna. Shayna, you're calling 25. You have a keyword for us? I do well. Well, have you seen that video we just talked about? Yes, it's wild. So that video of the whale capsizing the fishing boat in Portsmouth, New Hampshire has gone viral. It is everywhere. Everyone is talking about it. The owner, the captain of the boat, who is OK, Greg was on the show this morning. Thank God he's all right. The engine cowling just crushed and it's like bits of whale skin and blubber in it. We actually were back out on a friend's boat like 20 minutes later because we wanted to see the creation of the horse. You guys are hardy, man. Right back on the horse. Well, in this case. Yeah. Unbelievable. Went right back out. Said the fishing was great. Yeah. And I got to give a shout out to my friend Dan, Dan Diadotti and his wife, Molly, who are big listeners of this show. He is good friends with Greg. He's the one that hooked that up. Awesome. Yeah. Good guy, Greg. Yeah. Good guy, Greg. And there's a pickleball controversy going on because of the noise from pickleball. We talked about that as well. Yeah. A lot of people not happy. Someone bought me a coffee mug that says I wish I was an octopus so I could slap eight people at once. And whenever I drive by pickleballers, that's exactly what I'm thinking. Yeah, that sounds really, really loud, crazy. So we talked about dating. You know, we talk about dating a lot on the Billion Lisa show because it's hard. People struggle, especially in the dating apps, but there's running clubs in New York City for singles, which are blowing up your run three miles and then you get a drink. Okay. So the only way I'm running three miles is if it's to save my life, not to meet somebody. Well, it's not for everybody, but, you know, it's for most. Yeah. And, you know, we talked about the running club, but also anything of interest that you like doing. I think it's a great idea, like when he was saying doing like a painting, like singles painting club or the pottery club, I think doesn't market for getting out and doing stuff with single people and meeting new people in person. I think that's great. The struggle is real people. Yeah. Any time I think about pottery, I think about that scene and the movie ghost, oh yeah, with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze. Yeah. You know, they do it. Yeah. They're right. If pottery wheel in real pottery classes, it's not like that. What are you? A pottery expert? He did it one time on the kit. Oh, no. I want to have been here. And all you need to do is pitch about it. Great scene, by the way. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I remember. That was very, very well. Yeah. It was very sexual. Yeah. It was very sick. As a young boy. I remember watching it. Very. Things are growing. Well, in the right. In the right. In the right with the right people, Billy, it could be sexual. I guess. You know. Yeah. Yeah. We got a lot of good calls and talk packs on that topic. And finally, we just had Tully Bantikain, and he's won two Super Bowls with the Patriots. He has a cool beach football league that is starting. The tryouts are August 31st on Hampton Beach in Winnie. It's men and women. Men and women can try out. There'll be a workout in the morning tryouts. Run your 40, run your three yard dash, three ability drill cone. And then the afternoon will pick the best 40 to play in an exhibition that day. Justin, I just had this visual of Winnie in the game running with the ball, getting completely closed lines. I think that would be defense. I give like tackle by whatever you got. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like Lyman. I could be a lineman. You know. Lyman. Let me tell you. There's been times when Winnie and I have like just playfully playing around, you know, gotten a little physical. She like gives me a little push. Yeah. You got some strength. Oh, yeah. I'm a tough bitch. So yeah, I don't know. Well, think about it. I mean, I work out a lot. Yeah. My trainer down the street saying that we better you. And if I told him I want to do this, I'm sure he would get we get right into it. They say you need to get down low. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. August 31st, Hampton Beach, the beach football league and Mikey V will be there on the ones in twos. There he goes. Yeah. Hey, this is Ayanna Grande. And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on kiss one. Hey, Billy. Well, hey, right back at you. It's the Billy and Lisa morning show. So what do you know in less than a half hour from now, Patriots training camp actually kicks off. And it's going to be an interesting season. A lot of changes. Lord knows Bill Belichick, not there anymore. So Gerard Mayo is the new coach and he said this this week, we're going to go to work each and every day and we're going to get better and we're going to put a good product a good team out there on the field that you'll be proud of. Now whether that's tomorrow or next year, like I don't know, but I will say that this team, I like the way that I like the way they're coming together. I didn't like that. What do you mean next year? Well, it's almost like he's admitting this is going to be a rebuilding year. They've been rebuilding since Brady left. Wow. This is a complete rebuild. Another rebuild. Like across the board. It's like they started building a new apartment complex and then they knocked it down and they're going to rebuild it again and they never finished the first one. Well, I do like that they learned from their mistake with Mac Jones and they're not just going to put Drake May out there. You know, he is a first round pit. Yeah. You know, they're going to go with Brissette. Right. It's sound and start him off slow. I'm excited for them. I think we have to be positive. Of course. You're so cute, Lisa. No. But we do. And a positive note. I think some of the guys at training camp starting today could very well wound up in Telly Bantikain's beach football. [laughter] I'm sure he'll welcome them with open arms. [laughter] No, we had Telly Bantikain listen, he's got two Super Bowl rings with the Patriots and yeah, he's doing this big project. He was in a couple of minutes ago. And yes, some of the Patriots, former Patriots, the Patriots are going to show up at the tryouts like Tyler beach. Yeah. Exactly. But yeah, it looks like Jacoby Brissette is going to be the guy, right? Yeah, yes. Yeah. I mean, Drake's going to be like under him unless something happens or maybe Drake may well, well, while everybody who knows, but yeah, Brissette. I mean, I think it's clear that Jacoby is the most pro ready guy we have and play a lot of football. The goal for Drake is just to get better each and every day. If he comes out here and he takes full advantage and lights it up like he could be the, they won quarterback. But like I said, coming out of the spring, I think it's Jacoby. Is there any chance at all Bailey Zappi could end up back on top? Number one top of the practice squad. That was a weird time with Bailey Zappi. Do you remember people were chanting his name and games and he had, he had the fan base's attention for sure for a very short time. He had some good, he had some good games. And where's Mack Jones now? Campa Jacksonville. Jacksonville. He's home. Yeah. That's where he's from. Yeah. You think he'll start? You think he'll play? No, he's behind Trevor. What's the, Trevor? What's his name? He's a backup. Yeah. But yeah, but I mean. Trevor Lawrence. The star gets injured and all of a sudden Mack Jones time again. Oh, well, then that would be very sad for the John Lawrence. See, I've always said and thought that Mack Jones was a much better quarterback than he was with the Patriots. I, I don't think the Patriots really, it wasn't a good fit. Yeah, that's it. But now, but now that we're a couple of years in, can he now start to develop and become a starter? I don't know. I don't know. He's got a positive mindset. There's a little bit of a mountain that you have to go up and you might have to stop or go down to get some air, but you better be able to shoot back up. Yeah. Well, I don't think there are any mountains in Jacksonville. No, no. It's very flat. Yeah. A lot of strip malls. Yeah. Yeah. I've never been a jack. Strip malls and strip joints. Yeah. Yeah. Jacksonville. I think I passed through, I landed in Jacksonville once on my way to, what was that place I went to in Florida? Whatever. Any Asian spa that Bob Kraft went to? No, no, no. Billy goes to those up here. He's a little Florida for that. Yeah. Jacksonville is kind of a nod place. Well, we don't have to worry about Mack Jones. We have to worry about our Patriots and Jacobi Brissette. Yeah. I actually don't mind it. Jacobi is seasoned. He's a good player. I mean, he might not be like super well caliber, but he'll be all right. But you know what? It's still going to be football season. That's it. Yeah. Football season. That's all the matters. It's all about the football. That's all that matters. You know what? Hopefully they can put together the crumbs and make their lives. It's just a crumb and just keep picking up those crumbs and eventually you have a whole whole loaf of bread. Hey, this is table great and we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. Hey, Lisa, big book club news. You've got Nantucket this weekend. We are Nantucket bound on Saturday for the book club with Ellen Hildibrand. We have a small group of winners at the Dreamland Theater. We want to thank them for hosting us. Also 90 plus Sellers will be pouring their fabulous rosé at the event. Nantucket is all about rosé and I want to thank Remy who owns a boutique on Charles Street. She also has one in Nantucket women's clothing. She will be doing a pop up of her famous shark sweaters that she sells. Really? Really cute. If you want like a little taste of Nantucket, you got to get a Remy shark sweater. She will also be there on the deck. Selling the sweaters. We're going to have a fabulous bar set up by 90 plus Sellers and obviously Ellen Hildibrand will be there with us. We will be live streaming on the Kiss Facebook page starting at around 3.45 ish. You're talking the beach, the book and the bottle. Yep. So you can get it all going on. You can watch it live. Well, that's awesome. That's this coming Saturday. We have sad news this morning on The Billion Lisa Morning Show. The mighty one is not in today. He apparently suffered a groin injury in the molasses wrestling championships last night. He did make it to the final. He's sick. He's sick. He can't come in. He has a bad cough. He has no voice and we told him pretty much stay home. If you get a cough, please leave the room. So we kicked him out. He's at home. TIFF will be covering for him next. Oh, my girl TIFF. We left TIFF. He's got a cough. Yeah. And it's Wednesday. All right. Good morning. It is Wednesday. Excuse me. Okay. I've got a little. So not the mighty one, but your girl TIFF is in next. It's going to be awesome. We'll see you in the morning. Bye now. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free live music from the Warren Treaty. ♪ I ran off the baby ♪ Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More. Enjoy a spirits competition. Kidzone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono. Admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to for more information.