The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

372 | Tea for the Soul | TUC Reviews: Don's Herbal Teas, Lotion, Wonder Butter, Hair Growth, Tooth Powder

Don's Products: https://store.theunexpectedcosmology.... Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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Don's Products: https://store.theunexpectedcosmology.... Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

welcome everybody my name is no josh away Hadley and this is the unexpected cosmology this is the first episode of what i hope to be a series of reviews showcasing the different products we put out into our store now of course the unexpected cosmology isn't just a youtube channel we're much more than that we are first and foremost a ministry and we're also a publishing company putting out original work every single month we're publishing new books we're publishing old books that have to do with religiosity spirituality and the greater realm but also putting out a lot of health products now with me is don don is an instrumental individual in this community if you don't know who don is you need to get to know him of course for those of you who are in our discord the tuck discord community he is there all the time and you could talk with him there but welcome don and i'm hoping today we can go through the different products that you offer and you can just take us through it and explain to everybody so we can all become more familiar with it good morning all how you doing yeah let me great let's go through some items all right so everybody could see i'm on the front page of the unexpected cosmology of course i linked this into all my videos and it's as simple as coming right up here to now the the website's kind of smushed together so the store button is kind of in the the tuck logo up there if it's stretched out it shouldn't be but you can just click on this right here let's jump over there to the store now immediately it's going to go slow loading but immediately it's going to go to books all you have to do is go to health all right so there's our health and wellness option over here and at this point in time all of this stuff don is yours so why don't you start taking us through it and we could jump around in different orders but i'd like to go over everything you have to offer sure i guess the first item is the activated colloidal facial spritz first one there on the item if you want to click on that and show the uh ingredients i started looking around a lot of the major cosmetic places and i saw they were using a lot of colloidal silver and colloidal gold and they were quite expensive so i put this one together and you can spritz it on your face or your neck or anywhere you want but uh the algae instantly feel just like it was refreshing burst from the aloe vera and the colloidials but this is one of the products i made that's meant to be used in conjunction with my hyaluronic acid serum so when we get to that one i'll explain a little more but this is one of the products and i use the practically every day it's just the aloe vera it's just incredible too so that's all i have to say about that one for now the next thing we have here is your dons of course you you could see that each of these products are his because we call them dons so this is dons collodial silver you want to look at that next yeah did you do that um we'll just gloss over that one briefly i think everybody knows the colloidal silver is um okay which one do you want to look at next uh comfrey says good all right here we are no problem comfrey herb actually the nickname of that is nip bone you can use a comfrey herb compress if you have a broken bone it helps mend it more quickly but i made this for myself okay yep beeswax and comfrey infused olive oil i infuse it for four to five weeks in olive oil and strain it put it in the beeswax to create it um i put it on burns uh cuts anything like that it just seems to really heal it a lot quicker for me anyway that's the next one all right hair growth capsules okay yeah i i had been at a small bald spot on the top of my head right here it was getting thinner and thinner through the years and i started using my uh hair regrowth serum and it actually started to grow and fill in the spot and then all of a sudden it just stopped growing it was there you know and oh maybe that tall and it quit and i go well maybe it's uh d-h-t dihydro testosterone which causes male pop male pattern baldness and i ran across this popular uh i don't know at the top of the screen says compare with oh compares neutrophil yes i found the ingredients are in neutrophil and i formulated my own ingredients in it and put it in capsules so uh after uh i don't know maybe two or three weeks i started noticing it started to grow again and i also listened to other things you know like uh using the restroom was a lot easier because when you put on a few years that's usually something that goes on with males and i think it was basically a salt palmata that was doing that and uh so i just i just take it every day just for the heck of it and i've had some really good results with it so i'm going to stick with it okay good stuff what's next on our list what is that what is that right there hyaluronic acid all right yeah this is a hyaluronic acid is a major ingredient uh major cosmetic company so what it does it absorbs 500 times the amount of water that it possesses so when you put it on your face just put two or three droppers on your hands rub it together and smear it all over and let it dry and it takes water moisture from the air and puts it in your skin and a lot of the cosmetic companies describe it as a plumping of the skin uh some people being put on their lips when i'm put on their lips and it makes them a little fuller now this is where i use the colloidal spritz spray i spray it on my face and neck first and then you have the aloe vera and the collodals then you put the hyaluronic acid on your face and uh spritz again and then you put the mitel elotion on after that that seals it all in and outside a lot i got a lot of sun my skin is really dry so when i first use that combo like that morning of the third day i looked in the mirror and i go who's skin is this i didn't recognize my skin if it's such a difference so uh yeah i probably don't use it every day i really don't see the need for it but uh when i when i do it's it's it's beneficial all right now we have dawn's lip balm a three pack yeah i was using the uh commercial black and white lip balm won't mention names and uh i know simple people that use it they keep it in their car they put it in their bathroom it's always in their pocket because you gotta put it on like 10 times a day and that's what i was doing and i think they make it that way for a reason but anyway i wanted to use natural ingredients so we got beeswax, shea butter, olive oil and coconut oil and we gave it a citrus aroma to it also and uh i find i only put this on once or twice a day moisturizer lips way more than any commercial that i've used so people that have used it say it's the best they've ever tried of anything so i keep it around and i'll keep making it and people want it yeah i should i should point out that dawn's products are probably our biggest sellers on our on our website and people just keep coming back with them over and over and over again so now we'll break into some of the teas and then we can get back to the others we're just going in order here so we have your lucid dream enhancing herbal tea yeah yeah which i and i i love your teas big fan of routines yeah this is a really unique tea is people or women that order it is for when they have get togethers with their friends and other functions but the mug work has been known for centuries for causing lucid dreams and it also has from the butterfly pea flowers it's most unique blue color anytime you drink something that's blue you just go oh wow this is uh quite different uh it tastes fantastic you can see what uh what i put in it uh the first time i used it after i formulated it i drank it for two days straight and then the third night i woke up in the middle of the night twelve one o'clock morning and uh wow that was really cool dream but here's the best part i go i'm sure i like to have finished it because it it stopped in the middle and i got so i fell back to sleep and i actually finished the dream that has never happened in my life i think it's going boy this is really something to that mug work and a lot of people tell me that it increases their dreams uh frequencies they remember them more but it's just a really it's it's a fun tea and it's fun to look at fun to drink tastes great all right i'll rise forward flavors yeah now we have a lymphatic cleanse herbal tea okay when i started looking at about how important your lymphatic system is in the body you know your lymph nodes are just like filters similar to a liver for your blood so i started researching uh natural herbs that cleanse that kind of thing you can research the urge yourself um i was just one of the things i just looked at with a stinging metal there's a vitamin c in stinging metal that's 500 times per weight more than an orange uh it's just one of the things you can look at it and i had taken something that made my floaters in my eyes go away but they turned into these shadows that were floating around instead like a while your eyeballs full of lymph fluid uh let's see if we can cleanse that up so i started drinking this tea and they eventually went away and uh really happy to taste great too all right turning to the next oh no we got more on this page so which one of these do you want to look at we have the magnesium spray the natural deodorants the hair regrowth serum you know we can go through all three of those if you'd like pardon me all right magnesium spray yeah this is uh you know that magnesium uh there's 300 processes in your body that uses magnesium and there's really a deficiency of that in all of us what i've done is i come up with the correct percentages to a lot of times people put magnesium spray magnesium fluoride and it kind of burns but with the percentage i use 31 percent magnesium and the carrier oil that i use keeps it from burning people just say this is the greatest thing i've noticed when i use it i don't even need deodorant anymore you still sweat you know but you just don't have that oh it's it's really quite amazing in balladleina times all right and then we have your let's see let's go at the natural hair regrowth serum we didn't talk about that one right not yet we i kind of touched on it briefly but this is the one i use to start my hair growing and uh even with the minoxidil it takes four months of taking it you know whether you put it on topically or different foam or liquid but i started you putting this together and basically it started doing the same thing to me there were some women here on on discord that started using it and i even have before and after pictures of it it was just like spots in their hair on the hairline just like bald spots there i don't know what causing it but they've used that too and totally fixed it and i have two and i would say this is a really good product i had a dms o2 which helps the ingredients absorb faster into your skin and uh yeah i was baffled just put it together and tried it and it worked did we cover the magnesium spray yes okay all right now we're on dawn's one a day herbal tea okay this is actually one of my favorites uh that i use every day it tastes fantastic the ingredients in or you can research the urge yourself but one thing i've noticed is several other people that notice it let's say like after lunchtime uh you get this sleepiness around two o'clock you know you might be drowning for an hour and when you're at work or whatever um if i have a cup of this in the morning i don't feel like that at all after then and several other people that use it every day have mentioned the same thing and like i said if you're researching ingredients they're powering us all right yeah dandelion roots stinging nettle what's that last one there echinacea you know people use that uh they buy echinacea pills at the store for when they're when they or their child catches the first hints of a cold or flu and it really knocks it out quick but it's also has a bunch of other properties that are very detrimental to your health and uh all right like i said research on your own you'll find out all right don's oregano oil let's tell us about this one yeah if i was going to be stuck on a desert island and i could only have uh one remedy to take with me it would oregano oil would want to be one of the ones that i would choose it's uh anti-inflammatory uh antibacterial uh slightly anti-fungal it's just a wonderful thing you got to try it yourself to experience and see what you do you notice with it okay good very powerful too with extra virgin olive oil all right so then we got the organic fresh bay leaves oh yeah i've got this huge bay laurel tree in my yard and uh i think it was Rebecca she goes oh why don't you put them in the store you know because i look at on Etsy and they're cheesy things are way expensive you know i want to rather than cut the thing down to the skinny so huge i'm going to need a landscape to cut it and it realizes to put a competitive price that Etsy has even cheaper than that and uh i use them all the time and stews and the thing i really noticed with bay leaves is uh you know when you make a pot or something that has meat and some fat in it and you finish eating and you put the leftovers into the fridge and then the fat solidifies and floats all the way up to the top when you use bay leaves that doesn't happen because somehow it incorporates with the juices and uh every time i cook the stew or something like that i put it in the fridge there's no fat on the top it's all incorporated inside there and just makes a flavor so much better that's fascinating okay all right then we have oh this one looks fun dawn's peppermint shampoo bar yeah i was in pursuit of course i was in pursuit of getting hair held and uh i started reading more and more about what rosemary does uh what tallow does castor oil is one one of the things i formulated in this one because i've never taken my tallow soap and washed my hair with it and once in a while it would kind of uh i get a little itchy and that's because uh you need to restore the pH back into your hair or on the tallow if you use it on your head so with the castor oil the first time you use this uh you might feel like oh my hair looks a little dry but what it does it it strips away all the uh chemicals that you've been using on your hair for maybe years and it just makes it leaves it down to just the bare essential of hair and uh use it two or three times the castor oil starts to stick inside the hair just uh the peppermint essential oil doesn't never make your scalp tingle increasing blood flow just a wonderful bar i have the most hardest water probably in the state where i live and hardly any soap really sometimes even commercial and so it's don't fall it's it's ridiculous because of the hard water this bar is so sudsy and foamy and creamy it's just i love it people even use it on on their skin when they shower it's a really good product i'd come up with all right the next is dawn's remineralizing tooth powder this is probably the first thing i ever made it's all i found out that uh fluoride and toothpaste probably is not the best thing for you it's like i'm going to make some natural stuff what to use a hundred years you've got 200 years ago you know i came up with these ingredients and looked at some other things that natural tooth powder used and uh put this all together you know it's got activated carbon vet night play calcium carbonate baking soda, tea tree oil, clove oil i've been using them for about two years now and uh what is the result what has the result been for you in the last two years probably the first thing i noticed was the tea and coffee stains were gone pretty much in the first month everything is due to the activated charcoal is in it um i haven't had any cavities in two years you know it's since i stopped using commercial products they make they make that happen but my dental health is fine i love it good all right now we're going back to the teas really quickly here dawn's respiratory herbal tea nice packaging all right tell us about it um i use uh maulin leaf and long wort uh maulin leaf this is for anything you have respiratory problems uh maulin's been used for centuries for that in long wort maybe even a thousand years or so i don't have any concrete stuff in there but it's used quite a bit i mixed it too with the right ratio together i can have a prepare a cup of this and if i'm congested and i need a productive cough sometimes even when i finish half a cup of this not even the whole cup i have a productive cough and this stuff is great to me is the epitome of what an herbal tea tastes like too so you can kind of gauge what the other ones are from this but this is a very good product dawn's rest and repair night serum okay this is an answer to when you use the colloidal facial spritz and then your hyaluronic acid let's say i'd forget to use it in the morning and i go well let me figure something out that it'll up with your face face and neck overnight so if i skipped it in the morning i can just use this just a couple of droppers put on your uh of your face and just wake up and it it's uh quite refreshing and the frankstance oil i don't have any documentation but i just read things that people comment on it and uh it's beneficial somehow i don't know quite what it does but uh people that use it seem to like it okay good oh your shalom herbal team yeah this is uh quite interesting uh for somebody that has uh people's anxious all the time or like that at least i have noticed i've tried it uh it it does have a common effect and like even a say if you're on uh any depressance or something like that they'll even tell you on the label do not take if you're using St. John's wort that's a very powerful word um so i've put together some herbs for calming effects again you can research each one of these on your own and uh of course i have a sample of all the different teas in one pack i think they're like uh it'll make you four cups of each one you can try them out if you'd like um it takes like two weeks to make St. John's wort dominate your body but when i drink it i do i do feel a little calming effect so i'm sure there's some people out there that could use it all right second page we have uh your sleep herbal tea your is that a talo lavender soap and lotion so let's start with the tea okay now what's different from this from your lucid tea the shalom tea which is a calming tea this is a sleep tea um it has two different ingredients than the other one this one has kawakawa which makes a lot of people sleepy too and it has hops so those two have been added compared to the shalom tea i started investigating the hops because my sister would go to a party something like that and she likes oh duels beer which is not alcoholic but it does have the hops in there so she started noticing when she does drink that she goes like at home and i'm more sleepy than i usually am so i started researching the hops more and i go wow there's there's more to this than meets the eye and uh so first i ordered dry hops leaves it's not enough oil in these so i ordered fresh hop leaves from this hops grower in Oregon and uh i let a few people dry that me go oh boy this makes me sleepy and that's that's what i wanted it for i have one time i had trouble sleeping and uh i wish i had had this back down it's a good it's a good product of somebody needs it it tastes pretty decent too good all right lavender soap okay this is probably the second thing i made it's just uh tallow soap i think it's got coconut oil in it too coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil made it a lavender scent uh tallow is really one of the original things like from hundreds of years ago you can see our actual the vitamin a dk e b12 that's in tallow is actually the same that that your skin oil protrudes through your skin so putting that on it's just helping your body to assist receiving all those uh vitamins uh it's everybody i talked to and i sold it to you they just this is the bomb i don't find this in the stores at all uh back this is the first product i think i just got i put a picture of my soap that was drying after i made it and then i got email from you going hey would you like to sell this on the stores this is the first thing i put on the store actually was this was this the one huh all right this is the one it all started with this bar so yeah expanded from there and uh tallow lotion yeah it's looking at the lotion that i use like i use uh after i get in from the sun and stuff like that and i just look at the list of chemicals and i go mmm i don't know if i like these i want something natural so i started i was on a tallow kick now i wanted a true lotion you know just like out of a pump bottle you get from a store and after taking the formula and tweaking it a little bit i finally came up with this and i'm totally satisfied you're putting tallow into your skin after your sun just if you're dry it's uh this is one of one of my favorite products i don't think i could do without it anymore this reasonably priced here or so all right and let's see okay don's use Nia T oh a 10 pack now which of these do you want to cover right here we got the uh use Nia T 10 pack the wonder butter we should cover the wonder butter definitely the wonder butter but all right let's cover the wonder butter okay all right there's a very very interesting story with this excuse me i was uh playing around because i was i knew eventually i'd want to make a tallow lotion so i was just playing with tallow recipes and ingredients to go in it and i made this one that i called uh overnight face cream just it was the first thing i ever jarred so i made a label for it i go wow okay i'm just i'm just starting my whole learning process and so um everything is for sale in store i send Rebecca your editor and store administrator i'd say uh a piece of everything that's on the store so she can try it out and see if she wants to put it on the store so she goes this uh face cream is incredible and i even gave it to another person on discord in texas and she goes this is great i put it on my kids for feastings and she just goes on and on there's raving about it i go she goes i want more i go okay i look around either i threw the recipe out or it got lost somewhere and i so she goes you gotta try to duplicate this you have to so actually seven attempts later i i knew what the ingredients were and they're listed right here but i could remember the ratios of each so i'd make a a batch with different ratios i'd mail it to her in idaho she sent me an email back hmm now now failure so i do reformulated it mail it to her in idaho nope didn't work right finally i came up with the right ratios and she goes it's in fact it's even better than the first one and then i started giving free samples out to people on discord and i couldn't believe what they were using it for one lady had a dermatitis or something on her eyelids that she'd been treated with the doctor for two weeks and she goes it wasn't doing anything she goes i put your wonder butter on it just as the last ditch effort she goes two days it was gone i just put it on a burn i got from taking my bread out of 500 degree oven it was like in between a first and second degree burn i put it on for about three five days in a row it doesn't even look like it's going to leave a scar i just can't believe the people are saying they're using for and they're just having great results i would say if anything i have made and i'm going to go commercial this would be it this would be it very proud of this product and the people that help me any weather all right now here we see the herbal tea assortment sampler we've gone over a lot of those the shalom the the respiratory so on and so forth so there's that option there's also this mood enhancing herbal tea did we go over the this is a ten-pack right so herbal tea let's go over this mood enhancing herbal tea all right yeah this is very similar to the mood enhancing tea kind of gives you a little calming effect to it where they use kava kava in the sleep tea i also put it in this one also so it's almost the exact ingredients as the shalom tea except i've added kava kava to it and it just kind of gives you a little more calming effect to it of course just like any other herb you know some people are more sensitive to its effects than others um yeah try it for yourself that's why we offer the sample pack of all the teas that i offer just so you get a taste for it um see how it affects you so i'm really happy with this one good stuff done now i think that's the last that we have so i think we went over all the stuff in the store there's a lot to choose from so somebody watching this for the first time maybe they feel a little overwhelmed maybe there was something that sparks their interest or maybe they're feeling a little overwhelmed what is your recommendation if you had a pick and you did cover like the the the the wonder butter i think maybe if i had a guess maybe the tooth powder i'm not really sure but if you had a guess say a few items from here that was like a good starter pack for people what would you go with definitely the wonder butter the hyaluronic acid and the facial spritz and i would go with the peppermint shampoo bar just for regular use even if you have all your hair it's it's an incredible thing all right well we covered everything did i miss anything gone i don't think so all right well thank you for coming on and see that was that was easy and i hope to do this more often we're going to be bringing on rebecca and other individuals to talk their way through various products how they came up with it and just get everyone more acquainted with what we provide and you know it's been my goal when the idea came up to start our own store four or five years ago at this point what i didn't want to do was just you know slap some tuck logo onto shirts and mugs and that kind of stuff and just you know put that out there i wanted original unique items and so you could definitely see that don has been an amazing contribution to this community don i'm very thankful for you that you came along and that you stuck with us and that and i'm looking forward to whatever else you bring out so that's it everybody thank you for watching thanks a lot