Parallel Mike Podcast

#71- Saturn's Bankers Pt 2: Oligarchy & The Most Serene Republic of Venice

We are back for the second installment of our series Saturn's Bankers, in which we are uncovering the hidden history of occult banking and issuance of debt as 'money'. In part 2 we are heading to the swampy lagoons of Venice to discuss the mysterious faction of families who created an almost impenetrable outpost within the failing Roman Empire. From here they essentially turned themselves into a fifth column, not just for the Byzantine Empire, but for every nation in Europe by creating a vast intelligence network. One that in a very literal sense would go on to inform the tactics used by modern day intelligence services. But that is not the only thing that was born out of Venice. For Venice and Italy moreover is actually the birthplace of both central banking and the horrific idea of a permanent oligarchy. That is, the decision by a small group of families to band together and create a system of commerce, finance and intelligence that served them and them alone. No common good. No greater project for the human species, and certainly no eye towards the heavens. No, this was the pursuit of wealth and power in its most raw and despicable form. As such, no lengths were so far to go to and no treachery so great that it would not be enacted where it to bring rewards to this secretive cabal known today by some as the Venetian Nobility. Which is why in understanding Venice, we can also go some way towards understanding the system that we have today, and who might really sit atop of it. Enjoy The Show?

Part 2 for Members - Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – Consult with Mike 1-2-1 -

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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We are back for the second installment of our series Saturn's Bankers, in which we are uncovering the hidden history of occult banking and issuance of debt as 'money'. In part 2 we are heading to the swampy lagoons of Venice to discuss the mysterious faction of families who created an almost impenetrable outpost within the failing Roman Empire. From here they essentially turned themselves into a fifth column, not just for the Byzantine Empire, but for every nation in Europe by creating a vast intelligence network. One that in a very literal sense would go on to inform the tactics used by modern day intelligence services.

But that is not the only thing that was born out of Venice. For Venice and Italy moreover is actually the birthplace of both central banking and the horrific idea of a permanent oligarchy. That is, the decision by a small group of families to band together and create a system of commerce, finance and intelligence that served them and them alone. No common good. No greater project for the human species, and certainly no eye towards the heavens. No, this was the pursuit of wealth and power in its most raw and despicable form.

As such, no lengths were so far to go to and no treachery so great that it would not be enacted where it to bring rewards to this secretive cabal known today by some as the Venetian Nobility. Which is why in understanding Venice, we can also go some way towards understanding the system that we have today, and who might really sit atop of it.

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[Music] What you are basically. [Music] Deep deep down, far far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. That merely peace in our time. Peace in all times. The fabric and structure of existence itself. Hi everybody, welcome to the Parallomite Podcast. I'm your host Mike and today is episode number two in our series called Saturn's Bankers in which we are looking back over the hidden history of financial alchemy, going back all the way to ancient Babylon and then right up to the creation of the modern day Federal Reserve System. In the first episode in the series which was actually episode number 65 of the podcast titled Russia, Ross Childs and the Cazerines Revenge we discussed the rise of the Byzantine Empire and how they helped wipe Cazeria off the map with the help of the Kiaven Rus before themselves being overthrown through successive raids on Constantinople which had become the new capital, modern day Istanbul and that led to a migration north into what we now call modern day Russia which in turn led to the eventual rise of the Romanov family also known if you understand the origins of the name Roma Nova which means in Latin new Rome. Very interesting linkups that we came up with then in part two of that episode we discussed how Russia was attacked continuously because of their overthrowing of the Cazerines potentially. That's a theory that I put out there and of course we also discussed how when Vladimir Putin came into power he kicked out the Ross Childs and he also kicked out the IMF by paying back the loans to the IMF which they never want you to do but he did it in just four years so that was a very fascinating episode and if you haven't listened to it yet I would suggest you go back check out that episode first like I said it's number 65 because it will tie in very closely with tonight's episode and all episodes in the series called Saturn's Bankers that I'm creating will weave together and it's a very complex tale there's lots of interlocking narratives so it's very important that you go through them step by step now today we're going to be discussing the secretive oligarchy who were actually responsible for the sacking of Constantinople and inevitably the end of the Byzantine Empire and that was the Venetian nobility a relatively small group of families who would go on to infiltrate and eventually co-opt pretty much every single royal house in Europe becoming the most powerful entity in the world for quite some time but this didn't happen overnight it's a long story and that's why we're going to get into it tonight I'm going to start to lay out the details but we're going to come back to it again in future episodes so that's going to be it for our introduction members please head over to to listen to the full episode if you're not a member yet but you do enjoy part number one please consider joining us it would be great to have you there and it supports me my content and my research in closing hope you're all well healthy and reasonably happy and like always I'll see you in the next one okay everyone let's get straight into it our story begins with the failing Roman Empire which was in decline when Emperor Constantine came to power and he moved the locus of power east to modern day Turkey Constantinople today known as Eastern Bull where the Empire actually had another thousand years ahead of it now it became the new capital over there in Constantinople which I mentioned in part one the original name before Constantinople was actually Nova Roma which of course means new Rome and then we discussed in part number two how a family arose much later in Russia called the Roma Nova family so Nova Roma the new Rome or Roma nova also meaning the new Rome the only difference was the order of the word so from nova Roma to Roma nova but of course in Slavic languages they often flip the order of words so whereas in for example English you might say good day or good morning in a country like Poland you will say Jindobra which means day good so this was very fascinating and it certainly stands out as an example of how this Roman Empire moved across not just to the Byzantine Empire but then also northwards towards Russia now that feeds right into this narrative around the Caesareans because of course it was the Kevin Rus along with the Eastern Roman Empire who actually wiped out the Caesareans many of who then fled westwards some towards Venice and that's something that we're going to be getting into in tonight's episode however let's begin by discussing who were the Venetians well to begin with let's take ourselves back to the end of the Western Roman Empire and when I say that you have to understand people at the time didn't see a Western Roman Empire and an Eastern Roman Empire it was all just the Roman Empire what we're talking about here is how the western part of the Roman Empire started to fracture and there was many incursions happening by the Vice-Goths and the Huns so what happened was many of the elites seeing what was happening decided to try and find higher ground to rebuild from to restart from and they decided that they would go towards the water understanding that by land they were very vulnerable but by water they could insulate themselves and that's why Constantinople became a great choice for Emperor Constantine he saw that by putting himself right up there on the Bosphorus Strait he could create a capital that would be impervious to attack or at least so he thought and he was correct for a long time but not for all of the time which we're going to get into later when we discuss the sacking of Constantinople because this one is key to understanding how the Venetians became the premier power not just in terms of commerce and finance but also in terms of actual influence globally we're talking across the world so that really sets the scene and I'm going to use the expression the western Roman Empire just so you understand which part of the Roman Empire I'm talking about and as that was collapsing lots of wealthy families started to flee and these were senatorial families these were the elites of the old Rome let's call it but they understood they was in grave danger if they stayed where they was in Rome so they decided to expand outwards now many of them went across to Constantinople but not all of them some of them wound up in Florence some of them wound up in Milan some of them wound up in the Lombard region and some of them went across Venice now if we transport ourselves back to 200 300 AD Venice was really just a backwater it was a swamp a tiny acapella of islands that was connected to the Adriatic Sea but it was a very inhospitable place to be and it was certainly not a choice for somebody who wanted to go and be self-sufficient there's no farmland, there's no resources, no fresh water so not the first choice however the fact that people did go settle there showed you what their intentions were it was defense because of the nature of this acapella go it made it very easy to defend via the waterways because you could control those waterways and who had access to them and you could set up an impenetrable set of islands of course there was also drawbacks to that like I just mentioned so the people who resided there had to really focus on maritime trade and commerce because that was the only way they were going to get the resources they needed to survive in this inhospitable place but if they could do that then they could certainly expand from that place because it had fantastic access to the Adriatic and therefore they could go across to the east and bring back all kinds of goods that they could then sell in Europe so it was certainly a gamble for the farmers that went there in the beginning but by the time we got to 600 700 AD there was already a thriving and bustling community that had embedded itself in Venice these were very wealthy families but also there was other families, peasant families that had come to reside there likely recognizing that it was going to be a safe location for them and their families because let's face it they needed to be protected by somebody and this place was extremely hard to penetrate militarily it was extremely well defended because of all of the legumes so many people were attracted to moving there particularly people who saw what was happening in the old empire and decided you know what we need to jump ship but we need to go somewhere where we can be protected now what's very interesting is this mass exodus from the old Roman Empire two places like Venice and Constantinople is very much like what we're seeing in the west right now there are striking parallels the gates have been left open across Europe for migrants to come in migrants who we know are responsible for lots of crime because they are culturally alien and they haven't got the same set of rules and ideological assumptions as people who were raised in the west that's a fact there's no denying it that's what's happened well the precise same thing was happening during the end of the Western Roman Empire and that is what caused people who had the foresight and also the financial means or simply had an escape route to say you know what I'm going to get out of here before this ship actually sinks now if you look at what people in the west are doing right now you've got many people fleeing America to go to places like Mexico to Latin America South America some people are going towards Asia some people are even going towards Eastern Europe to places where they feel like they're going to be insulated for a little bit longer from the collapse of the western system which we can all see right now we're seeing it not just in terms of internal conflict and crime but also economically through currency debasement and massive debt levels very much like what was happening in the western Roman Empire so the parallels are striking and I think that's something that listeners should bear in mind as we go through this story because actually history is rhyming here so these wealthy families that decided not to go on to Constantinople and preferred to try and establish their own little dynasties they moved out into Italy and created these city states now of course Italy was not a united country at that time meaning it became a case of might is right now a lot of these families were super wealthy so they could hire mercenaries they could build small little fiefdoms but really this kicked off a period of history that was a true game of thrones and again the parallels are striking because as the American Empire and the western empire that preceded it collapses today what are we seeing globally we are seeing a new game of thrones emerging which everybody is fighting for a bigger slice of the cake and that's why I think this series is going to be so instructive because the parallels we can draw from it are absolutely huge and it really is going to feed into our own understanding of where we are in history and what's happening right now and will continue to happen in the coming 10, 20 and 30 years now I imagine at this time many of the elite families who let's face it probably had zero allegiance to Rome they were simply riding the coattails of Rome decided to band together recognizing that not only did they have to worry about incursions from outsiders but also that the roman state itself heavily indebted as it were and debasing the currency at an increasingly rapid rate might come for their wealth it might start to tax them heavily and try and loot them for what they have accumulated during the good times so I think that's another reason why these families would have headed north rather than east of course they also understood that they were not powerful enough to be completely vulnerable and against Constantinople so I think they tried to manage themselves while still retaining a degree of distance and autonomy and nobody excelled at this more than the Venetians now Venice's great wealth came primarily from trade not from conquest which had been the case with the Roman Empire now make no mistake this certainly didn't mean that the Venetian Republic was in any way benign they certainly was not they was extremely dangerous they had a robust inner system that maintained a strict internal order while simultaneously creating disorder and chaos amongst all of their powerful so-called allies but it's fair to say the Venetians exemplified the quote that Henry Kissinger made about the US which is "to be an enemy of the US is dangerous but to be an ally is fatal" well the same was true and perhaps more true of Venice they saw themselves as complete outsiders and they never cared for a single one of their allies and at any point they could switch allegiances simply to serve the benefits of the Venetian nobility of course on top of this they had many enemies too who they had to maintain diplomatic ties with but again at any point they could seek to destroy an enemy oftentimes through manipulation of a greater power than them by creating false flags using a network of spies through blackmail and manipulation many of the things that we today associate with modern intelligence were actually originally devised by the Venetian nobility not only to keep itself safe because let's remember it was a tiny small little republic that was surrounded by great powers not just the Byzantine Empire as we now call it but also eventually the Holy Roman Empire too and all of the monarchies of Europe so how did they survive well they certainly couldn't go head to head with these powers but what they could do was become masters of intelligence ensuring that their opponents were never quite sure as to who their enemy truly was oftentimes it would have been the Venetians pulling the strings pitting powers against one another because of their intricate and complex network of intelligence and operatives that were embedded within these different power structures outside of Venice now of course they also had a very powerful commercial enterprise that spanned across Europe and this helped them enforce their will too using economic warfare the manipulation of currencies and so forth also of course they eventually went into banking and this became another means of controlling larger empires by getting them indebted and then when they defaulted on their debts or couldn't pay because they just so happened to get themselves in another war of course the Venetians were master puppet masters so they also would control nations through debt and if the nation defaulted they would then ask for preferential trading rights such as tax free locations bases that they could put on the estuaries or on the borders of a country so they could use it as an outpost so they were extremely clever expert strategicians but let's take ourselves back to the formation of the Venetian Republic and then we'll get into the details as to how it expanded from there the most serene republic of Venice Serenistemma, the Republica de Venetia was an Italian state originating from the city of Venice today in north-eastern Italy it existed for over a millennium from the late 7th century until the late 18th century 1797 it is often referred to as "La Selinissima" in reference to its title in Venetian, the most serene republic it is also referred to as the Republica Venice or the Venetian Republic the city of Venice originated as a collection of lagoon communities banded together for mutual defence from the Lombards, Huns and other steep people as the power of the Byzantine Empire dwindled in northern Italy sometime in the first decades of the 8th century the people of the lagoon elected their first leader, Ursus, who was confirmed by Byzantium and given the titles of Hippatus and Dux Dux meaning Duke or leader, he was the first historical doge of Venice tradition, however, states that the Venetians first proclaimed one Anafestus Paulicius, Duke in 697 AD though this story dates to no earlier than the Chronicle of John the Deacon however the case the first dolks had their power base in Heraclier now Heraclier was one of the islands there that was the original base for the Venetian nobility and where the doge would reside but this eventually changed in 742 by the doge also a Pato and he changed the capital to Malamocco on the leader which was thought to be more easily defended and then finally in 1810 AD, doge Agnello Patisipazio moved the city of government from the island of Malamocco on the leader to what we now call modern day Venice and a place within Venice called the Rialto and that's where the doge's palace was built the infamous doge's palace which you can still go see the beautiful one that is there now is not the original one that was destroyed and then the doge's palace that we see today was built in 1340 and that's worth pointing out that during the early years from let's say the 7th, 8th and 9th century Venice was heavily dependent on the Byzantine Empire they were completely subordinate to them although because of the proximity or lack of proximity they also enjoyed a degree of autonomy and that's why the doge was originally called in Latin Dux Venetarium Provencia which means doge of the province of Venice meaning a province of the Byzantine Empire but it was around 1840 when things started to change and you see that because the doge from that point on was simply called doge Venetichordum meaning doge of the Venetians now this followed something called the Pactum Lothari which was an agreement signed on the 23rd of February 1840 between the Republic of Venice and the Carolinian Empire now this is a good example of Venetian diplomacy because for those that don't know the Carolinian Empire was the Frankish dominated empire in western and central Europe this is the empire that was really rising up against the Byzantine Empire and around the year 800 the Frankish king the infamous Charlemagne was crowned Emperor in Rome by Pope Leo III and this was an attempt to try and wrestle power back from the Byzantine Empire and towards Rome and that is who the Venetians were now working with and they created this pact Pactum Lothari and this was between the doge of Venice called Pietro Tladonitso and Lothair the first and Lothair the first was a Carolinian emperor and king of Italy drawing the Middle Ages now this document was one of the first acts that essentially gave the Republic of Venice some form of official independence from the Byzantine Empire it was the very first time the doge was now able to make agreements with the western world without the emperors say so and I've got to quote here the treaty included a commitment on the part of the Venetians to help the empire in its campaign against the Slavic tribes in return it guaranteed Venice's neutrality as well as its security from the mainland however the treaty did not end the Slavic plundering since by 1846 the Slavs were still recorded menacing cities such as the fortress of Carolia this underscored the way the pact was more symbolic because it merely reiterated the agreements that had already been made in the past between the two empires it considered the rights of land use and administration of justice the pactum was renewed by kings Charles the first Beringa the first Guy Rudolf Hugh Otto the first and Otto the third in 983 AD now the political structure of Venice was essentially that of a republic but hold your horses this is not the same kind of republic that we saw created in America Venice was actually to become an oligarchy republic which was a sophisticated political structure that developed around a core group of extremely wealthy and powerful noble families who in turn traced their lineages back to the senatorial families of old Rome so make no mistake this was an oligarchy it was certainly not a democratic republic which is what people often think of today when they hear the expression of republic now during the early years of Venice there was three clear factions that were at work trying to direct and steer the future of the most serene republic and they were trying to take it in a particular direction there was the pro Byzantine faction who sought to institute a strong doge and retain as closely as possible political relations with the Byzantine empire there was the pro Frankish party who supported moving closer to the new Carolinian dynasty who we just mentioned and we mentioned also the pact that allowed them to do that so this was drawing the time when Venice was still choosing its destiny then there was also the republican party who simply wished to assert as much independence as possible and remain a complete outsider from any larger powers sphere of influence so these were the three roads that were open to Venice in the early days and they courted all three of them for a time but this led to lots of internal conflict and a number of the early doges were either assassinated or made an example of there was lots of conflict between these families as they tried to essentially decide which direction Venice was going to go in now just listen to this I'm going to tell you the fates of the earliest doges so this is what happened to them and how they met their demise Paolucio and Efesto 697AD to 717AD Fates meted at Heracleia during a revolt also Ipato 72737 meted Turdato Ipato blinded Galalopaneo blinded Dominizo Menagario blinded Maurizio Gallabeo natural death in office Giovanni Gallabeo fled to Mantova where he probably died Doge number 9 Oblerio Antonio executed the next two died of natural death by the time we get to Doge number 12 forced to join a monastery in Grado Doge number 13 Pietro Tzadonizo meted so out of the first 13 doges only three of them actually had a natural death there was three who were blinded there was multiple meted some exiled so this gives you an example of just how hot Venice was to begin with it was a very dangerous place and that continued right up until let's say around 1,000 AD but then what you find is after around 1,000 1,100 AD almost all of the doges actually died in office so they died natural deaths now this was partly because they chose very old people to be doges but it's also because they quite simply had formed a very robust political structure there in which these oligarch families had all agreed how they were going to rule, how power was going to be divided and what their agenda was as a republic which direction did they want to head and of course that was option number 3 which was to be its own entity and as independent as possible neither under the wing of the Byzantine Empire or of the Carolinian Empire and that's what enabled them to enact trade even with the Muslims who were the sworn enemies of the Byzantine Empire but for the Venetians it didn't matter they could sell and trade with the Byzantine Empire with the Carolinian Empire and the Holy Roman Empire that would form all the Muslims to the east it simply didn't matter their goal was to enhance their power and their wealth and they understood that if they could ensure this internal strength and that they had a really robust structure whereby they didn't disagree a lot and if they did they handled it in a way that didn't involve poisoning and murder or a good old blinding then they would be able to continue forward as oligarchs increasing their power and wealth and again this actually is really useful in terms of trying to understand how the world works today how is it that all of these people agree on the same things at the same time? well it's because oligarchs understand that if they want to remain powerful and wealthy they have to get along even if they don't like each other and I think the Venetians understood this now also one thing that you notice when you go through the names of the doges is that the same names come up again and again and again indicating that these families are oligarchs and that the power retained itself in a very small number of hands so for example the Patis of Piazo family comes up again and again the Candiano family comes up again and again the famous Italian noble house of Osceola comes up again and again and they actually came from the Epato family so there's many names that come up again and again over a 1000 year period and even if you go to the later doges towards the 16 and 1700s many of these families actually stem from the original families of the early doges but of course Venice is just one piece of the chessboard because also across Italy there was many other families that were rising there was the Medicis in Florence there was the Visconti in Milan the Shporzers, the Massimos many of these names from aristocrat noble families and they were all into Marion with other aristocrat families as well as later on the European nobility and royal houses and oftentimes these were diplomatic marriages so it was two families that had been enemies for a long time then marrying off their sons and daughters with one another to create allegiances that's how they would steal it so the further you go down the timeline and the further you get towards Renaissance Italy and into the modern day you find all of these families were at some point married with one another and you can trace people back to all kinds of origins so for example our royal family today they actually go back to the infamous Esther family, one of the most powerful and rich families in Renaissance Italy and of course they trace their lineage back to the Roman senatorial families so it's an extremely complex history to piece together and if you're going to try and do it you have to be prepared for this extremely tangled web of names that you will come across as you do so so let's go to another quote the Venetian Partriciate was one of the three social bodies in the entirety of the Republic of Venice was divided together with citizens and foreigners Patricia was the noble title of the members of the aristocracy ruling the city of Venice and the Republic the title was abbreviated in front of the name by the initials N-H Noblis homo or nobliomo together with the feminine variant N-D noblis domina holding the title of a Venetian patrician was a great honor for the kings and princes as well as foreign noble families are known to have asked for and obtained the prestigious title the patrician houses formerly recorded in the golden book were primarily divided into old houses Casa Verhi and new houses Casa Nuevo with the former being noted for traditionally electing the first doge in 697 A.D. the new houses were no less significant in the Republic of Venice the families were further more divided into several other categories including ducal houses Casa Dukali whose members had become doges newest houses Casa Nuevo Vissima raised to the patricia in 1381 non-Vanishian patrician families and houses made for money Casa Fata Pasaldo usually wealthy landowning or bourgeoisie families although they were numerous noble houses across Venice's mainland dominions and the state of the sea the republic was in fact ruled as an aristocratic oligarchy by about 20 to 30 families of Venice's urban nobility who elected the doge of Venice held political and military offices and directly participated in the daily governing of the state they were predominantly merchants with their main source of income being traded with the east as a result of politics on which they became incredibly wealthy some of the most important families who dominated the politics and history of the state included those such as the cantorini, conaro, dandello, joustian, Loreren, mochenigo, morocini, and the veneer nobles were forbidden by law to marry outside of the nobility so the families intermarried within themselves and from a young age followed the kelces honorum of Venetian noblemen training in the army, the naval fleet, the law, and the affairs of the state so this is really interesting because what you see in the structure of the republic of Venice is not just an oligarchy but an oligarchy that understands that to retain its power there had to be strict rules in terms of who could enter the highest echelons of power and who could not and that is why the bloodline became so important and you had the old houses and the new houses now both of them could actually be powerful and wealthy and the new houses were sometimes wealthy however, there was something special about having a bloodline that had the longest legacy so if you could trace yours back further than your neighbors that was something money couldn't buy and families would seek to marry into those families or have their sons and daughters marry into them should I say to bring more prestige to their unbloodline now this is something that has always been seen as extremely important in history that is why you have the monarchs and you have the one from Genghis Khan to Count Dracula it's kind of insane when you look at the bloodlines these families claim to because that is ultimately where their power is supposedly derived from it's that they have some divine right to rule because of their special bloodline now there's actually quite a funny story when Napoleon was negotiating the Treaty of Tolentina with the palpal states in the 1500s he famously asked their negotiator Prince Massimo the oldest bloodline of all the noble families going all the way back to 200 BC to a man called Quintus Fabius Maximus who was a Republican of Rome he was a very famous general involved in the Punic Wars so when Napoleon met his supposed descendant Prince Massimo at the signing of this treaty Napoleon asked him is it really true that your family descended from Fabius Maximus to which Prince Massimo replied well I cannot actually prove it it's a rumor that's only been running in the family for around 1200 years so that was quite a funny response that he gave him as though to say yes we are that famous family and yes we did go back that far and this helps highlight just how important bloodlines are to the super elite because if you don't have a great bloodline going back at least a thousand years you're a nobody you're a new blood and you'll only ever be new blood there's no way you can get yourself to the top of the hierarchy it's essentially people who get together and say we are going to enshrine our power collectively and nobody will be able to enter the fold you can have lesser powers you can have people beneath us but there is a rigidity to it there is a certain level a certain tier of the hierarchy that can never be entered because it's based around bloodlines and heritage and that's why I think today people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk they can come along they're a tier person they're not even really a power because they don't come from one of these super elite bloodlines that goes back thousands of years so they get to play the richest people on earth but essentially they're just agents of higher powers that's how it works and I think that's how it's always work and you see this very clearly in the Venetian Republic you can see how they enacted a very rigid hierarchy that was based best and foremost on bloodlines and then there was people beneath that who could be wealthy and powerful as mentioned however they would never be a part of the true ruling class at the very top that was an impenetrable oligarchy which was static and could never be assert now interestingly if you look at the symbol of Venice is the wind lion of Saint Mark which was a challenge to the city of Saint Peter in Rome however the wind lion of Saint Mark as they called it has a striking resemblance to the wind lion now here's a clue because if these families were truly obsessed with bloodline and if they chose not to go to Constantinople and band together up there in the lagoons of Venice could it be that they actually believed their own lineage to not be of Roman origin but to actually have come from even further back something even more ancient I'm talking ancient Babylon of course given the very strange coincidence that they chose the symbol of the wind lion which looks strikingly like the wing blind of Babylon now there are other clues on top of this one of them would be the architecture chosen in Venice it didn't look that Hellenistic there's certainly some elements of that but there's also strong elements of some Eastern tradition that you could say was Persian or goes back to Iran but I would say the strongest evidence of this is always found in the traditions the occult traditions especially because of course there was the exoteric belief structures that you could see such as their adoption of Catholicism but oftentimes what you find is there was also an esoteric structure of beliefs that underlined all of that something much more subversive and in that you can often find lineages that go back way way further but it's worth pointing out that the symbol of Venice was actually in my opinion the winged line of Babylon and not the winged line of St Mark as it is often referred to so going back to the rough timeline that were tracing out like I said for many years Venice was subordinate to the Byzantine Emperor however from around 1000 BC onwards the power and wealth of Venice had grown to such degree that they were a contender to all and they really appeared to have shaken free from the control of the Emperor at this point and they had a sort of autonomy within the Empire itself and for me the biggest game changer for the Venetians was surely the Byzantine Venetian Treaty of 1082 often called the Golden Bull and that was issued by Emperor Alexius Kamninos and Alexius was really one of those emperors that was inheriting a bad Empire at the time it was collapsing there was constant warfare drawing his own reign and one of the reasons why he made this Golden Bull which I'll explain in a second but it gave extremely advantageous concessions and rights to the Venetian Empire was simply because his own empire was so under threat and therefore he needed allies and support and by this point the Venetians had become excellent in terms of their military stratagem and also they were master shipbuilders and had a great fleet and the ability to build more ships very quickly so they invested a lot in their military technology does that sound familiar? Does it sound a little bit like what we've got today? well yes it was much the same back then so they really did understand how to repel enemies over the waterways and that is why Alexius came to them for support the Byzantine Empire made a large number of trade concessions to the Republican Venice in exchange for military support against the Normans who were invading and conquering various Byzantine holdings in and outside of the Empire according to the treaty the Byzantines would allow the Venetians the right to trade throughout the empire without the imposition of taxes the Venetians would also be allowed control of the main cyber facilities of Byzantium Constantinople along with control of several key public offices the treaty also granted various honors to the Doge of Venice along with an income finally the Venetians were granted their own district within Byzantium with shops a church and a bakery which could be compared with the concessions of 19th century colonialism in exchange for these trade concessions the Byzantine Empire requested military support from the Venetians especially in the form of ships since the Empire had no real navy to speak of. The military aid promised by the Republic of Venice didn't in fact arrive in the form of a naval blockade of the Normans at Diracium which forced the Normans to engage in battle with the Romans however the Venetians gained largely outweighed those of the Romans as they reached great benefits from the new trade advantages that they enjoyed by the treaty. The Byzantine Empire's ability to recuperate after losses significantly reduced because of the immense revenue that the Empire had given up when it allowed the Venetians to trade freely without the imposition of taxes. The stifled Empire's power of recuperation and ultimately started its terminal decline so it's fair to say from around 1,100 AD onwards you saw a simultaneous decline and a simultaneous rise to supremacy between the Byzantine Empire which was of course the declining empire and the Venetian Republic which was now entering its meteoric rise phase but this treaty the Golden Bull from Alexios that is really what supercharged them because this gave them a part right there on the Bosphorus in Constantinople it gave them tax-free trade so much like today where it's all about trade routes and military might well it was just the same and once the Venetians got this free trade and a port right there on the Bosphorus well now they were kind of unstoppable and this led to a massive loss of revenue for Constantinople but it would take many many years for the Empire to truly crumble because of course there was still a lot of power within the Empire it was just rapidly waning and I would actually liken this to when the US in the 1980s started to transfer a lot of their industry over to China they destroyed their domestic industry gave China intellectual property and started to buy really cheap goods from them and simultaneously saw this rise of China and the decline of the US Empire gradually gradually and then very suddenly which is where we are today we're in that suddenly phase but the original sin that it can be traced back to is all the way back to the 80s and 90s when the US destroyed its own manufacturing base and gave their closest contender a huge advantage over them by giving them all of their industry and trade and then having to buy goods off of them and trying to have massive amounts of wealth while the same thing happened with Venice it was Alexius and his golden bull that allowed them to amass huge amounts of wealth to the detriment of Constantinople because they received no taxes for it so you had this already extremely wealthy republic that had no real allies and was certainly a belligerent to Constantinople but they simply had no choice but to accept them because they were very good at playing all sides of all arguments and playing off of another they were already masters of maritime commerce they were building warships that were very effective and in this moment they came up with essentially a deal that they knew was very unlikely to be refused but they also knew that over time this deal would accrue so many benefits to the Venetian republic and greatly weakened the Byzantine Empire due to the massive loss in trade revenue that they were going to have it would also give them a base inside Constantinople itself which would allow them to corrupt Constantinople from within by filling it and flooding it with their spies and their agents which was instrumental in the sacking of Constantinople which came much later so they were playing the long game and they understood that this deal would be massively advantageous to them but on the outset just looking at it in this period of hardship the Byzantine Empire would say yes to from around the year 1000 AD from a 700 years Venice became one of the most prosperous places on the planet the city's great wealth came not from conquest but from trade and the vast intelligence network in which they formulated and excelled in a range of subversion tactics from mass surveillance and cryptography to bribery and blackmail from political assassination and falls flags to the rigging and manipulation of currencies and financial markets along with this they employed an incomprehensible network of spies and insiders who they would use to gather mass data intelligence on all of their political opponents which changed as frequently as the weather given the republic sought to pit larger and more dangerous powers against one another cementing war and discord across Europe as part of their greater project to increase their own fortunes and the power ultimately of the elite families who sat atop of the most serene republic of Venice now in part two we're going to discuss the infamous council of ten which is how the Venetian republic organized its noble families into a faction that would sit atop of the republic itself then of course there would be the doge at the very top but make no mistake this wasn't an autocratic ruler that was more of a ceremonial post the doge would be a revolving door of different elite families and there was many failsaves put in place to ensure that nobody managed to accept power from the other oligarchal families although it's true that one did try and if you look at the doge's palace if you go inside there you'll find this opulent room it was extremely exquisite and it had all of these frescoes and paintings and there was also a portrait of each and every doge all but one of them one of them was removed his name mario phaliero the 55th doge of Venice who just so happened to have been appointed doge on september the 11th 1354 now the council of ten had only been created just a few years earlier in response to another conspiracy by the man by jimonti tiopolo who was a Venetian noble and also great grandson of doge jacopo tiopolo who was grandson of doge Lorenzo tiopolo. So him and a group of other leading families of the old aristocracy who were unhappy with the raining doge at the time pietro glagenigo they decided to form a conspiracy which they put into effect on the 15th of june 1310 the feast of st vietas and they tried to overthrow the doge in the great council however their plot failed there was somebody on the inside who told on them and there wasn't enough popular support the night they tried to do it on apparently it was really bad weather and they were ambushed by a set of forces faithful to the doge and tiopolo was banished for life because of his role in the conspiracy now going back to the missing portrait the name of the man who is missing is doge number 55 marina phalliero while he was actually responsible for helping to deal with the previous conspiracy he was the chief inquisitor who actually helped bring in the sentences of death for two of the lead conspirators topiero and quarini so that's what he was responsible for but then later on when the council of 10 became a permanent function and he became doge you know what i'm going to do away with the council of 10 and he formulated his own conspiracy to get rid of them and become a dictator now this was drawing a really precarious time for Venice they'd just lost a few battles with junoa who had risen up to be a competitor of Venice and at this point was their key competitor and a very dangerous threat they would later actually merge with junoa but that's a long story like i said it's quite a complex one to look at this story in its entirety of you the highlights for now in part one but Faliero devised this plot to murder the chief patricians on the 15th of April and proclaim himself the prince of all of Venice and i've got a quote here describing what happened it was badly organized with poor communication between the conspirators and was quickly discovered thanks to some of the conspirators having made revelations the council of 10 proceeded to arrest the ringleaders and to place armed guards all over the town all of the conspirators were condemned to death and others to various terms of imprisonment Faliero pleaded guilty to all charges and was beheaded on the 17th of April his body was mutilated and 10 additional ringleaders were hanged on display from the doji's palace in Piazzo San Marco so now you know the reason why there is a portrait missing in the doji's palace that's because Faliero was condemned to something called "damnatio memoria" which is a Latin phrase meaning "condemnation of memory" which is where a person is excluded from all public records and made to appear as though they never even existed and that's what happened to this man Faliero it could also happen to somebody who committed a lesser crime that could be exiled and then also be condemned to "damnatio memoria" now this is interesting to me because i often think of civil death which is something that the Romans had civil death is essentially the same thing is where a person lost their legal identity and therefore could not enact anything that they needed to do within the empire or within the state now this is something that i think of in relation to digital IDs and central bank digital currencies that will essentially bring back the ability to tend somebody into "damnatio memoria" or to enact civil death upon them because if you don't engage with the system you will essentially be excluded from engaging with any part of modern day life whether that's banking, travel going to the cinema whatever it is you want to do without your digital ID you will not be able to do it hence it will be a form of civil death but i am digressing now a very important part of this story is also the Jewish faction that set up shop in Venice because we know after the end of the Kazarian Empire which was destroyed by a coalition of the Kiaven Rus and the Byzantine Empire who both had adopted Christianity and they abandoned together and they kicked out the Kazaz who were causing an awful lot of problems they were doing human trafficking, slavery and all kinds of illicit activities that were causing problems for both empires so they got kicked out and we know the Kazaz had actually converted to Judaism because there was a point in the history where all of the surrounding empires said you better choose something whether that's Islam form of Babylonian magic or so the story goes and we covered this in part one because they essentially chose Judaism because it was the most politically expedient religion to choose because it gave them autonomy they wasn't now attached to the Kiaven Rus and the Byzantine Empire they didn't have the same religion also they were not choosing Islam to attach themselves to the Ottoman Empire so they could now continue trading with all sides but the nations used they wanted to be in the middle and control all sides and have the most autonomy possible so we're starting to see a pattern here so the question is where did the Khadarians go when their empire was disbanded? well many of them fled west they went into different nations of Europe into Germany, into Switzerland but many of them found their way to Venice and a set-up shop there now this was very useful not allowed to enact usury but the Jews could and that made them very useful to have around particularly if you was a band of oligarchs with an awful lot of money and you wanted to get lots of other nations into debt well you needed some bank heirs and that's what the Jews were for the Venetians so they brought the Jews across they allowed them to set up shop however what we know from the official history is that in 1516 the first ever Jewish getter was created in Venice so the history often negates to say is that the Jews were actually in Venice for hundreds of years prior to this and when I say Jews remember I'm inferring here but they were actually Khadarians so let's just stop and examine this part of the story for a second we're told that in 1516 the 75th Doge Leonardo Loredon created the world's first ghetto for the Jews in Venice essentially locking them down to a certain part of the city and then the formation one is that the Jews were in Venice prior to this and the second and more important one that is missing from the history is the year 1516 was actually a very important year it was the year that the war of the League of Cambrai ended the war of the League of Cambrai was an existential war that almost wiped Venice off the face of the map so is it a coincidence that in 1516 as the war ended that the Doge decided to create this ghetto for the Jews I don't think it is I think those dates probably line up for some reason and I might posit that that reason is because those people had become a fifth column within the Venetian Empire and the Doge recognized this because by this point they had been there for a long time and they had amassed great wealth and power themselves but the Venetians were based around oligarchy meaning it didn't matter how much wealth you got you couldn't enter their oligarchy unless you came from one of the bloodline families so it seems to me somebody was playing the same game that the Venetians had played for many years in fact when we discussed the sacking of Constantinople you'll see that the Venetians themselves were experts at becoming a fifth column in a nation or in an empire and we do know that when Napoleon eventually conquered Venice in the late 1700s by this point many of the noble families had already gone north and had created the Bank of England and the Bank of Amsterdam but symbolically it was still a very important place to conquer it he essentially removed all of the restrictions on the Jews similarly this is what he did in France so he removed the expulsion orders in France that kept the Jews out also this happened in the UK as well under Oliver Cromwell so you can see that during this period of history it seems like the Jews had been selected as the chosen religion that was going to be the vehicle for these banking factions to expand outwards so I would posit that certainly the Venetian nobility would have themselves selected Judaism as their front going forward but we don't really have time to flesh that out much further we're getting a little bit too speculative but I wanted to draw in this narrative because it really links up to part number one of the series and also don't forget we've actually got some plays and novels that were written by famous authors and playwrights like Shakespeare and Dante who discussed Venice because this was around the time of Venice's ascendancy and in the mention of Venice you've actually got the character the Jewish money lender called Shylock a despicable man who is so greedy that he actually makes a loan to somebody under the terms that if he doesn't pay he gets to extract an ounce of flesh from him now interestingly in the play it's Shylock who is shown to be the despicable one is the money lender but the Venetian doge in the play is actually shown to be contracts very precisely and again this is going to come back in part two when we discussed the contracts with the palpable states as they went on the false crusade it's a very interesting story but the Venetians were known for sticking to their contracts and never breaking it and that's one of the reasons they were so successful because people trusted that if you made a deal with them then that deal would be followed now that didn't mean they trusted the Venetians they were extremely cunning and ruthless however if a financial contract was made with them if you lent money from them or they lent money from you they would always stick to the contract so that's something that comes out in the play the match in a Venice in which the doge has to go over this loan contract with Shylock and say well you made the deal so they have to get out of the contract by being very cunning themselves and there's a great scene in the play where they're trying to essentially get Shylock instead of taking a pound of flesh to take some money they say listen you double the amount of money and this man's so greedy and nasty that he says no I want my pound of flesh so then you have this legal wrangling where they say well the contract says a pound of flesh therefore if you don't take a pound of flesh precisely when we put it on the scales if it's not one pound precisely then you have broken the contract and we will punish you by taking away all of your wealth and all of your assets so they make many arguments that basically traps Shylock in a situation where he has to accept the financial compensation rather then the pound of flesh which he was so intent on getting now this is a really interesting insight into how people saw these money lenders coming out of Venice and I'm not able to say whether those money lenders were a separate faction within Venice or whether they were talking about the Venetians also however what I would say is in this play is actually separated the money lenders Shylock was actually the faction that had resided in Venice but had come from elsewhere now another literary great who visited Venice was actually Dante Algiri he visited Venice in 1321 as an ambassador this was after Dante had been kicked out of Florence he had been put into exile because he had been writing about all of the terrible things these you serious banking farmers were doing and all of the popes too so he wasn't making friends but he was making a lot of enemies then in 1321 he went to visit Venice and on the way back he mysteriously collapsed and died and it's often said that the Venetians were part of a plot to get rid of him so they were likely paid off and of course they would have had the intelligence network to do this pretty easily so it said historically that Dante died of malaria but many people feel he was poisoned by the Venetians now that would be small fry for the Venetians because they were implicated in all manner of things including the Black Death which wiped out over 60% of the European population and some people believe was actually a reset moment in which thousands of years were added to the calendar we discussed that a little bit more in part 2 but I just wanted to put it out there that this is nothing for the Venetians they were known for enacting all kinds of treacherous acts assassinations, bribery blackmail of course they excelled at that today we've got things like the Epstein scandal while all of these methods are Venetian methods they were the ones who created them and excelled in them because they understood that you don't have to go around the world and conquer territories you just have to conquer the minds of people you just have to control people in positions of power and therefore you can create a massive pyramid structure in which a very small number of people at the top the oligarchs can control a mass of people underneath them and this goes to John Commons book The Committee of 300 which was really discussing how he understood the power structure back in the 1980s now it evolved from Venice into what he thought was a committee of 300 so I've got a quote here from the book The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class which includes the Queen of England the Queen of the Netherlands the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe these aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria the matriarch of the Venetian black wealths that in order to gain worldwide control it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to go into business with the non aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as the commoners so I guess what he's getting at there is that just like the Venetians the modern day iteration they continue this legacy of believing that the bloodline is what matters the most and that they have a right to rule because they have these ancient bloodlines but also at some point they decided to open the door to new blood and that's where you get people like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who came along and also became very powerful because they understood that ultimately if they wanted to take this to the next iteration and enact another reset further down the line that they would need support of more people and also to have a more expansive network and I think that's where we are today I think the iteration we're seeing right now is another reset transhumanism and this goal of total human subjugation that is the end point that they seek it's the modern day terror of Babel seeking to become like God once more and all of the people who are involved in this have agreement on that they all agree that that is the way they want to take us and this really began in Venice because that's where this idea of permanent oligarchy was created of course they co-opted other people along the way as John Comne mentioned in his book but ultimately it goes back to a small number of people believing that their blood is somehow special because it goes all the way back to the very beginning to the Canaanites in ancient Babylon and perhaps it does perhaps that is true however I don't think that gives anybody a right to subjugate other people and what we saw over the past few years was essentially a mass attempt to poison the blood of other people almost to try and make it true that their blood was better because they didn't take the you know what now I think I'm going to leave it there for part one I think I've laid out who the Venetians were I think I've given you enough of a flavour as to what they did and how their empire formed but bearing in mind this is just our introduction there will be other episodes where we go much deeper into this one but in terms of the modern era pretty much everything that we have today emanated from Italy not just from Venice from the many other regions of Italy too where you had these banking clans of course you had the infamous Medici Bank coming out of Florence beyond them you had the Body Bank, the Peruzzi but what really set the Venetians apart and what led people like Webster Tar plea to give such a damning evaluation of the Venetian Empire is that they truly were an oligarchy unto themselves zero interest in a common good all means justified the ends no matter how catastrophic and cruel if it increased the power or wealth of the family sitting atop the Venetian nobility it was considered good didn't matter if it was through slavery if it was through artificial and engineered wars if it was through selling weapons or human trafficking across nations none of that actually mattered to the Venetians and it's fair to say that you cannot really truly understand the system as it exists today without understanding its origins and its two origins in my opinion are in Renaissance Italy and that build up period going into that so everything we have today is an emanation of Venice of course it has to sit in its broader context of the Italian city states because there was many other elements too which we don't have time to get into in this episode but I'm sure we will in future episodes now going into part two we're going to expand on this we're going to talk about some of the occultism we're also going to talk about how the Venetians ultimately brought down the Byzantine Empire with the sacking of Constantinople which is a story that reveals just how cunning and ruthless the Venetians actually were and so I think I'll end with one final quote it's a short one and it goes like this in international affairs oligarchs recommend such methods as geopolitics understood as the method of divide and conquer which lets one power prevail by playing its adversaries off against one another oligarchical policy strives to maintain a balance of power among such adversaries for its own benefits but this attempt always fails in the long run and leads to new wars the essence of oligarchism is summed up in the idea of the empire in which an elite identifying itself as a master race rules over a degraded mass of slaves or other oppressed victims if oligarchical methods are allowed to dominate human affairs they always create a breakdown crisis of civilization with economic depression war, famine plague and pestilence and with that we're going to end part one so members please head over to if you haven't already to sign in and listen to the full episode if you enjoyed part one and please consider becoming a member to listen to part number two of this and every other episode in closing hope you're all well healthy and reasonably happy to take care of yourselves and hopefully I'll see you back here next week for our latest episode what you are basic deep deep down far far in is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself peace for all men and women peace for all men and women not merely peace in our time peace in our time peace in all time honesty can express themselves peace for all men and women not merely peace in our time peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence the fabric of existence peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace in the 17th chakrops and look at the strip the kingdom of God is within man not one man nor a group of men but in all men in you you the people have the power peace for all men and women and women. The fabric and the structure of the system is not honestly expressing yourself. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. I'm feeling peace in our time. Peace in all time. Peace in all time. Peace in all time. Peace for all men and women. I'm feeling peace in our time. Peace in all time. Peace in all time.