Parallel Mike Podcast

#68- World War Three & The Occultocracy with Hrvoje Moric

In episode 68 we invite back onto the podcast host of Geopolitics and Empire Hrvoje Moric, to discuss global conflict and the continued revealing of what appears to be an occultocracy. That is, an elite faction that is bound together not by political ideology or even wealth, but instead by their adherence to a Satanic belief structure. As part of our conversation we discuss BRICS and get Hrvoje's take on whether or not there is an authentic conflict taking place behind the scenes between different elite factions or if in fact most of what we are seeing is one grand deception. In which all sides bat for the same team. Mike and Hrvoje also get into the spiritual war that is taking place right now. Discussing everything from demonic visitations and the Nephilim, to the weaponization of drugs and the coming false messiah.   Enjoy The Show?

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Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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In episode 68 we invite back onto the podcast host of Geopolitics and Empire Hrvoje Moric, to discuss global conflict and the continued revealing of what appears to be an occultocracy. That is, an elite faction that is bound together not by political ideology or even wealth, but instead by their adherence to a Satanic belief structure.

As part of our conversation we discuss BRICS and get Hrvoje's take on whether or not there is an authentic conflict taking place behind the scenes between different elite factions or if in fact most of what we are seeing is one grand deception. In which all sides bat for the same team. Mike and Hrvoje also get into the spiritual war that is taking place right now. Discussing everything from demonic visitations and the Nephilim, to the weaponization of drugs and the coming false messiah.


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[Music] What you are basically. [Music] Deep deep down, far far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] [Music] Hi everybody, welcome to the parallel mic podcast. Tonight we have a returning guest on the show. His name is Hervoy Morich and he hosts the very popular Geopolitics and Empire podcast. Now Hervoy's show is actually one of my personal favorite shows. We all have a top five list of podcasts that we listen to while Geopolitics and Empire is certainly in my top five and I am a supporter of the show too. I donate to the show each year. So I thought it'd be really awesome to get Hervoy back on the show to find out what he's thinking and how he's thinking might have changed over the past few years. I also wanted to get Hervoy's take on this whole bricks narrative, east versus west, Russia being the enemy of the west because as you all know this is an area that I am very interested in and I am exploring in depth in my own work including in a recent episode The Fest in the series of Saturn's Bankers where we explored the history of Russia and the Caesareans. So if you enjoy that series you'll like some of these interviews that I'm doing in the coming weeks because I'm getting on guests who can actually add to that narrative and I'm going to be asking them about bricks and about Russia and about what they've learnt in their own research and I've got another great guest lined up for next week. Paul Kudinek who has done a ton of research on bricks in Russia. So lots of interesting episodes to come up. Also Saturn's Bankers part two will be coming up in two weeks so look out for that one. But without further ado let's get to tonight's episode. Members please head over to to sign in to listen to the full episode in part two. We speak a lot about spirituality, spiritual warfare, demons, angels. It's a very fascinating conversation in part one. It's more the geopolitics. So members please head over to the website to sign in to listen to the full episode. If you're not a member yet please consider joining us and supporting the show. In closing I hope you're all well healthy and happy. Take care of yourselves and I'll see you all back here next week for our next episode. Hey everybody welcome to the paralomide podcast. We are joined today by Heroy Morich host of geopolitics and Empire and former TNT radio host which we was just speaking about before we got started. Heroy you joined us back on episode number six. So pretty much when the podcast very first started we're now pushing towards episode number 70. So I thought this would be a great opportunity to get you back on and just to compare notes and to see how your thinking's evolved, how mine is evolved and just to talk about geopolitics and how it actually fits into this whole matrix. But before we get started welcome back to the show. All right it's nice to see you again. Vlad and I are ready to rock and roll and I feel like an OG. Now I was the sixth. All right I'm very long Mike. Pretty cool. Yeah he was number six and yeah I actually I think I'd started the podcast but I'd been on your geopolitics and Empire already which was really cool to be on because your show has become one of my favorite shows since then. I know I actually heard about the time which I don't know how about because you was an OG yourself. You was going all the way back to when was it the year 2010. Was that when you got started with Distant Thinker. 2012 2012 2012. Now Distant Thinker that must be the answer to a pop quiz question by now Charlie. I only wish yeah but it's funny I just realized I'm number six then. Prison the Patrick McGuhan the prisoner there's symbolism here. Number six. I am not a number no. Well so far as I can tell we're not in the algorithm ghetto yet which is what we spoke about then although actually maybe me and you might be I know that if you Google your show and my show nothing comes up on Google so we potentially have but the listeners are still out there free. So let's maybe go back to the beginning Hawaii. You started like you said 2012 was this part of your academic career. It was just a hobby so I was just teaching and I just have this urge within me this passion to I need to know what's happening and you know I was never content to be mediocre right. Just nine to five. I'm just like I was thinking reading books I want to know about what's the truth of the metaphysical I became a Christian what's the truth about the political the economical. All this stuff and I needed more and everyone I think you know how it is wherever you are in whatever country most people are mediocre. I'm sorry that's the truth most people are just let's talk about sports to whether to get drunk go to the bar and just be mediocre and I my way of being able to to create a vehicle to speak to smart people was this didn't think you know skyping I needed an excuse to get some of these fancy people to talk to me. If you go to distant thinker you see you know Laura Christopher Moncton dr. Paul Craig Roberts CAA Ray McGovern he his job was to brief seven presidents. And so I just created YouTube channels I thought hey I'll invite them into my class. We can talk about deep politics with my students and then the recording will be up online for the public and so that would hopefully convince these people to to talk to me and that's just basically how it started it was just moonlighting you know as a hobby. I teach my classes I'd work when I have time I would edit and you know in the midnight hours literally you know moonlighting throw it up on the Internet and then around 2015 I decided I should do a proper podcast and so geopolitics and I was born 2015 and then really you know it's only been since like twenty twenty one that I've been focusing on at more full time. You know it's kind of crazy as well because back in 2012 it wasn't really the done thing to have a podcast I was listening to podcast back then. I remember because I was still a runner I started listening to podcast about 2010 maybe which was when I was kind of doing my running career so I'd listened to a lot of running podcasts. But if I ever said to somebody I'm listening to a podcast their eyes would glaze over they had no idea whereas today it's kind of the thing that everyone does like everyone listens to podcast so not only was you part of that original alternative media crowd it was also one of the first people to actually do a podcast. It's interesting you brought that up because one of my favorite podcasts is Art of Manliness and they just did their thousandth episode and Bretton K was explaining how he had started you know I think in there in the 2000s he started Art of Manliness maybe 2008 or something I can't recall and he had started the podcast and around 2013 2012 I think 2012 he said that he stopped the podcast of Art of Manliness because he felt people just weren't listening kind of like what you say the podcasting really wasn't as much a thing at that time so he stopped it and then he started getting messages of people saying hey bring it back and then he did a year later like 2013 he brought back Art of Manliness and now it's absolutely massive and you know and back in those days I can't even recall if I was exactly listening to podcasts or just broadcasts but in general you know I probably you and I we were both consuming video content audio content online from different channels you know in full wars you know wherever you can find interviews you know YouTube and that sort of stuff. Yeah I think back then for sure I've kind of taken a break from the whole narrative or let's call it conspiracy I think I got into that stuff when I was in my teenage years and back then it was the Wild West you could find documentaries on YouTube even and there was loads of websites like if you did a Google search it wasn't curated at all you'd just get all kinds of wackos and their websites that had all kinds of flashing things and spirals. Which is great which is great right? Well it was awesome yeah you could find it like I found out a lot but by the time I got to 2010 I was kind of into my running career into my work career doing social work so I was a bit more serious in that I didn't really have time to do anything but I was so like you I've always been somebody who's hyper focused and at that point it was running so if I wasn't working I was running I was listening to podcasts about reading or reading about it but yeah it's kind of interesting when I look back at your old titles I was going back to the least ones I could find on geopolitics and I've got a few here to reel off to you've got the dollar collapse and the money bubble, birth of the new Russia, China rising and the new Eurasian century, World War 3, Israeli settlements in Palestine, USA is ready to nuke China and Russia Hawaii if I put these out in front of somebody they would think they were all from last month so that's crazy that eight years on nine years on was still having these same discussions and all of these narratives are actually continuing and unfolding before our eyes how do you feel about that? I don't know I don't know how to feel about it it's just kind of the thing that I like I said it's just I am earnestly interested in these topics and you know just when you're really when you approach something with you know honesty and humility and truth it's just like you know you kind of get pretty good at it but my thing has always been to lean on my ex the experts are my guests you know for the early longest time I didn't have my name on the on my podcast until people were telling me who are you and I'm like okay I mean in this DNA day and age you don't know you need to you need to kind of know that you know this is a subject there's controlled opposition around us and there's all sorts of intelligence counter intelligence counter counter intelligence and so you kind of want to know more about the people you're listening to but you know how do I feel it's it's on the one hand it's insane to be alive at this time in a good way but on the other it's it's it's you know it can be frightening you know I always used to think as a child I studied history and I was always fascinated with history I thought what would it be like to live through World War II and then it's like be careful what you ask for right as we're now living through World War III and the algorithm ghetto and the world the government again that same cycle because those were the topics back in World War II and World War World government League of Nations UN and the algorithm ghetto right Nazi IBM eugenics and all that so it's it's it's the same thing that they keep trying to do to us so fun times it can be fun times it's certainly interesting times speaking about things that I was learning 20 years ago and some reason enables you to speak to people who maybe just found out like five years ago and you're like oh yeah it's fine don't worry this will keep going on and you'll live through it and it'll be fine because I think a lot of people are very worried they're very scared because even those titles that I just said World War III and US ready to new China and Russia but what you just said was like even if you went back to like say 1940 1950 you could still have had all those same conversations we are just living through a continual re-imergence of the same cycle of war and monetary reset totalitarianism and the desire to control people is it's like a slow-moving ship the World War III one I'm not so sure about I think maybe that one could explode at any point do you think we need to see something to crystallize that to make it World War III and events such as the German invasion of Wester Plater in Poland something that actually says right now it's really began I think we are in it but I think we also did there there it is necessary an event to crystallize it and some of my recent guests have also been bringing this up and again I I don't often get my mind blown these days but there's a guy called Mark Passio who's a former Satanist occultist and he gave a great eight-hour lecture which I watched in four hours double two-time speed on how Nazism and communism are basically you know six satanic occult ideologies and that basically were run by this occultocracy right he calls it dark cultists because he was in he was a cultist with the secret society and he left you know he grew a conscience and he explains in absolute brutal detail the names you've never heard of that were behind marks they you know they approached marks the society to write this garbage that was you know communist manifesto and and and Hitler and the Nazi group and I'm still even to this day on my telegram this morning I don't honestly I don't know if they're feds or they're true believers in this white supremacy Nazi stuff I'm just so sick and tired of these people with these stupid sick twisted ideologies but anyways he points out that these dark powers you know my him and like my last guest Matt Nielsen from Sweden said he was talking about World War one and the hidden hand the book the hidden hand I'm not sure if you're familiar with it I haven't read it but I'm familiar with it it's been on my wish list how these wars were artificially created they didn't need to happen and so what the these this occultocracy what they did before World War one and I'm sure before World War two is that they had to create a momentum an artificial momentum for these wars because most countries are people don't want to go to war and so these dark forces it's like it took them energy to try to create you know false flag here this event there this economic collapse here and then in the media to build up this you know vibe energy momentum for war and so I'm just going back to your question I think that's what the West is trying to do now so again it's the same thing this this occultocracy is trying you we see it everywhere you I mean you see it every day right that all of the cremaa bridge the culture the Kurtz bridge the Nord streams the assassination attempts Daria Dugan Robert FICO or about this week right his motorcade a car drove into his motorcade and killed one of his security guards and then it's like they're trying to get the party started they're provoking they keep revoking Russia to react yesterday the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Pentagon is they said that they're preparing a by another biological false flag or something and so I think they're trying to get this started so I think that's what's what's happening so we're not there yet and I think that we are gonna have a third world war you know I don't think it's gonna be I don't buy into the nuclear winter theory as some people do you know so I don't think it would be destructive maybe it'll kill a billion people but hey there's eight billion of us so it's pretty good chance you know depending where you live I feel safe for Mexico so I don't think again I've stood in the ground zero and the Soviet nuclear test sign or he's to live nearby in Kazakhstan and so you know I've seen some of that experience some of that stuff but I don't believe nuclear winter theory so you know if if nukes are used maybe they're tactical nukes or you know they will kill a whole bunch of people in those areas but I don't think it's gonna be like forever radioactive I mean look at Japan you know I so I think we would be able to rebuild we'd be able to rebuild so it wouldn't be the end of the world it would definitely suck but yeah I think that's that's where they're they're pushing things toward yeah 100% agree with that I think we're in that same stage that momentum building phases you called it whether trying to drum up in the subconscious mind almost an inevitability that there's wall which is why I'm very concerned about speaking about it that way because I do understand there is an occult and alchemical process that's happening we're all being processed so that we adopt the idea that world watery is inevitable that it's gonna happen and I think that's very dangerous to and yet I can't help but think if I'm honest with myself that I do think there is something that's gonna happen like it's very hard for me to tell that line between saying to myself it might happen it might not happen and then also just what I'm seeing around me which is the constant push for world watery I mean look at Rishish Sunag the Prime Minister I mean so I was talking about this many many months ago again just extrapolating look in the patterns pattern recognition right trends countries calling for conscription Croatia Serbia the Baltic countries in the US now selective service now for women also and then all these different modernizations of of the the militaries all around the world NATO trying to build out Asian NATO the many defense packs are that are being upgraded between like Japan and Philippines and the West saying South Korea should have nukes and then you have Rishish Sunag coming out this week right so all of a sudden he wants the snap elections and then conscription UK is bringing in a conscription day you might it Mike you might have to be you might have to go die for Zelensky and the oligarchs they're gonna go to find me have I like a little to find old parallel he's out in the wilderness but the thing is though I mean here's the kicker again going to the algorithm ghetto like we saw what they did with COVID and this is interesting because I had on the Canadian scientist Denny Rancor who said this was like 20 2021 22 and he said COVID was like a war simulation like a war simulation for war with China and you think about it had a lot of the ticked off a lot of the boxes you know rationing sense total censorship I mean locked into your homes that's the kind of stuff that goes on you know under the duress of war and Sunak you probably saw this he just came out and said look if you don't want to be conscripted we're gonna take away your driver's license we're gonna freeze your bank account and it's just like whoa yeah yeah you can't escape it either you let us kill you or we will make your life impossible which one do you want this the algorithm ghetto or it's the literal world war frontline cannon fodder you choose and I do think there's a third choice but I think you have to be extremely aware of what's happening you know you really have to really think hard about where you are what's happening and see things before they arrive because nobody nobody can force you to go kill yourself in a war unless you live in Ukraine actually they are throwing people into vans but even then there is a choice you know you can flee you can hide I just think you have to be very very responsible for yourself right now in the world don't expect anyone to fix this for you and come up with plan ABC DE and you never know you might need them because things are gonna change fast and you know we speak often about our place in the world where should we be I mean in Mexico that's where you are you feel safer over there you do have now an Israeli president yeah basically people have to be you know like Jews in the 1930s this is you have to be smart enough to see the future again what I was saying earlier to extrapolate to differentiate yourself from your mediocre peers like in COVID times again who was I listening to the other day where you know the the tyranny that happened in you know the Nazi or Soviet or Italian regimes it's it's the same that happened with the COVID like those people were no better or worse than the people today around us and COVID COVID approved that you know you I got the book by Milton Meyer they thought they were free which it's you know he interviews a dozen average Germans to figure out how they went along with the tyranny and it's literally you can it's the same you can apply to COVID and you can apply to the next thing that they're gonna do to us but yeah I would always I was wondering about the Ukraine soldiers I saw a video recently like you know they either first you go to war do they have an option like I would say put me in jail I don't care put me in jail forever I'm I'm the fact I'm not going to fight for this stupid wars I'd rather go to jail so you get the three options you know go fight I guess go to jail or be the smartest figure this all out and get out of Dodge do you know those Ukrainian soldiers do they go to jail then if they don't want to fight well so far as I've been told but I can't know this for myself but so far as I've been told they're actually just being sent to frontline like you literally put in a combat military uniform and they send you there so they're not going to jail they're actually being sent to fight and if you don't fight then who knows I mean in the first world war I know in the UK if you refuse to fight they would shoot you you know even in Britain this was happening they were just killing people and I can't imagine Ukraine in 2024 is any more humane or more humane than Britain in 1915 16 so I don't know you know I had a grandparent a great-grandparent who fought in World War 1 and World War 2 like he went to fight as a boy he lied about his age thinking he was doing something patriotic he was the only person to survive out of his company and that was because he was the youngest because he was the youngest they used him to go get a light so he was in the trench and they sent him over the top at night to go to another trench to get a cigarette light which he did because he was the youngest and when he got back the whole thing was done martyred everyone dead but him and then he went back to World War 2 as a retiree so he was probably in his mid-fauties then he didn't have to go back because he was a veteran and he chose to probably thinking well I'm definitely gonna die this time you know I was so looking to survive the fest and he didn't he survived again but when I think about that boy I just think they were lied to and if they had known what they were actually fighting for and who they were fighting for they would never have gone and we do know you know we understand this we see this we're talking about it so there's no way on planet earth I will go fight for in any of these wars you know and like you said in World War 2 I think it was a little bit better if you refuse to going in the UK if you refuse to go to war during World War 2 they put you in prison for the territory of the war or like a concentration camp and I don't think it was pretty I think a lot of people were starved they came out super thin but they didn't go get slaughtered some bankers so it's a win for them yeah and you're great-gramps I guess he survived God saved them so parallel Mike could be here today doing what he's doing but yeah I guess the greatest danger would be for the people you know like in the US now who are of the age of being conscripted or in Europe or Ukraine and I just simply get out of Dodge now you know I'm here in Mexico and so I can't I don't think I can be conscripted so well you know I was gonna ask you who you fighting for you've got US you've got Mexico and you've got Croatia I think I'm taking Mexico this way I'm gonna stay in Mexico and hope that I'm conscripted to their army definitely not Croatia yeah well you know again the defense depends even that becomes difficult you know the war in Croatia was more of a national type issue right but now you know if your creation creation Croatia would be pulled to fight for this international war so there's a slight difference right between like the 1990s war which was more national and this Ukraine thing which is full on globalist so yeah I don't want to fight in any war it's all a scam exactly it is all a scam and like you said I think when you go back and actually right through the history it's actually obscene just how much for scam it always every wall you know I might even the Cold War if you look at the Cold War you had Ford motors in Russia producing vehicles for the Russians and you know the whole thing our whole history is fraudulent and I know and y'all show you focus on present topics and geopolitics and on my show I actually focus more on the history so I think between our two shows it's actually quite useful he get a good picture of both of them and I actually do have some fans her boy who say that y'all shows in their top five and so is my show so we're brothers over there buddy and actually y'all show is in my top five so yeah yours is one of the few that I watch although not every episode because y'all show you do actually have a much broader range of people that you bring on to it and sometimes I'll listen to maybe ten minutes of someone and just be like nah not for me that guy yeah and I'm sure y'all are the same you know we always do that with our players but our times precious of all we have to be descending on your guests but otherwise yeah every every every every episode of your show I'm gonna check out and take on a run with me yeah I'm like that too sometimes with the guests for like ten minutes in and I'm like oh okay well you know it can it can happen but you know that's just how it is I'm the thing when I consume other people's podcasts it's based on the topic right and then the guests right that that interests you the most and you know you might you go through the list of this topic is maybe not so interesting this one is let's go with that and so you know when I listen to Art of Manliness I'm like you know you look at the topics and it's just it's fair everyone you know what kind of ice cream you're like some people like chocolate and and and whatever and others like vanilla and whatever and so yeah well I think the thing with your show and I think this is what makes it such a great show is that you are quite open to having anyone and everyone on the show so long as they fit broadly within the kind of themes of it you're not gonna be oh no this guy used to be CIA I'm not having him on oh this guy's book discusses something that looks a little bit too establishment he's not coming on you're quite happy to have people from the entire spectrum and I think that gives people a very honest take because you're not really weeding out too many people no offense I don't mean that you're bringing on low quality guests I mean that you are happy to entertain any possible guests and yeah on my show I would say for sure I'm certainly much more and limited in the scope of people that I bring on because the themes are more and niche I think but yeah I like that about your show I know that I'm gonna get to hear something that I'll probably miss myself because I don't really listen to many mainstream voices at all ever I think as I get older and and grumpier I'm going to be narrowing things a bit more and playing more to my own interests of how I think the world really works and more Christian tinged so I think that's where I'll be going in the near future but just as a recent example I got I was able to interview a guy called Ambassador Stuart's Eisenstock and you know he wrote a book I read it I mean it was okay not bad and you know he's he's full on you know Washington globalist there's photos of him hanging out with Joe Biden Victoria Newland you know and so he's in the lead and having him on it's like there's a few handful of idiots on my chats that don't understand that like they did understand like I'm presented an opportunity to talk to this globalist elite first of all to turn that down is stupid you know he's not gonna admit anything to you if you press him on it right but you sort of get a glimpse you can sort of you know you get up close to these people and you can sort of if you read a little bit between the lines you know he might say the same thing or he might give a few give off a few nuggets you know that are very fascinating or useful so you can always learn from whether it's the the conspiracist on our side or the globalist or this person I always that's what I'm looking for that little nugget that you know I didn't think of that that you can get from these people and it's you know I would assume people who listen to geopolitics and Empire understand that I and I mentioned it from time to time I'm Christian I'm anti-globalist I'm anti-war so when I have someone on I'm anti-communist I'm anti-Nazi so I'll have a Marxist on it should be understood that I'm not pro Marxist you know or pro-globalist but again the masses sometimes yeah I don't know but anyways that that's that that's the way I I do it well I think that's a good point to make as well I want to say I struggle with that I'm kind of somebody will keep it maybe 95% of the people that I get on I'll have some kind of affinity towards already I'll say okay their message is hopeful usually we'll have some kind of spiritual bent because I find it hard to connect with people who are more nihilistic I'll see the world as just materialism I think no there's more to it than that and I think that's important and also I also have to think about listeners too because mine is a paid for podcast so people do support me and pay for the second part so the quality is always really important and I certainly would want to give people anything that's gonna be toxic however having said that if somebody has a particularly dark take I'm not there to babysit people I think we should listen to all takes I think it's just important to kind of weed out the voices that give those red flags off like okay maybe something else is going on here and thus far I've been fine I did have a podcast recently where a few listeners messaged me afterwards and said mmm won't sure about that one and I said yeah neither was I but you know I wanted to keep it out there and I'm actually glad that they messaged me that because I said you know that shows that we've all kind of tuned into the same kind of thinking I thought that you thought that that's good it means that our our compasses are kind of lined up which is useful and but also yeah I'm sure I'm gonna disagree with my listeners at times and they'll disagree with me and I think it's useful to have those experiences it kind of cements your own thinking right if you have someone on that's diametrically opposed to you it can help you understand what you really think about subject yeah and like I said I'm more like you as I'm getting older now like like you know 12 years I've been doing this and I'm just gonna focus more on because hours getting late in in in many ways you know in the material sense you know world war the algorithm ghetto approaches world government yeah I'm for me spiritually the the end times you know whether the end times come or whether each of our individual end time comes you know when when you die everyone got a die in a sense that is like the end times you know if you don't accept Christ before you pass well you didn't make it you know but I hear what you're saying and I think going forward you know I'm talking with friends we might be creating a conference a Christian conference this year in Latin America that will be sort of like the theme of what you and I are doing anti-world order and all that stuff but from a Christian perspective and so that's just an example of I'm being more firmer in my conviction but I've I've just because I've lived all around the world and I've got different passports I'm very multicultural I just have always been fascinated with speaking to people from all walks you know in Geneva I had a classmate he was some really he was this rushing guy who had been he had been like a Nazi initially like he goes to extremes from what I understood he had been like a white like a nationalist and then he became a Muslim and then he we'd have discussion like he wouldn't full-on hardcore Muslim and he tried to convert me to Islam and I tried to convert him to Christianity then I had another professor who was hardcore atheist married to a Muslim again fascinating world out there and he tried to convert me to atheism and I'm talking about Christianity but all of it was done in a very mutually respectful way and so that's kind of how I grew up around the world I want to talk to all these people from all you know all these wacky again I respect I'm speaking respectfully but from all these different cultures and views and that's sort of what's carried over to my style of the podcast yeah when you say that it makes you realize just how much the world has changed because that did actually used to be a thing like I remember when I was at university and when I was doing my master's degree like I would get on with everyone and anyone you know didn't matter which country they was from I absolutely had no idea what politics they followed or who they slept with like it really wasn't a thing back then we didn't even care right it's just yeah we'd go for a beer with watch boxing together whatever like there was never a political discussion I just don't remember it happening whereas today I think it would actually be impossible to go to university and not have daily political discussions and to find out who someone sleeps with which is wild that shows you just how fast and how quickly they've divided us it's this this mind control you know I'm reading the book now that I've left T&T I've got more time but I'm reading the book by Dave McGowan weird scenes inside the canyon about Laurel Canyon Mountain and it's just I've had it sitting on my Kindle for years and like finally reading these books now I got stacks of books now and it's just absolutely mind-blowing you know I was obsessed one of my you know from a biblical perspective the Bible says we all we have idolatry is a sin and idolatry can be anything you know whether you're literally worshiping a statue is some people still do like literally worship statues I've seen it or whether you worship different vices and you know one of my things was I was obsessed with music I had like 500 to a thousand CDs I went to so many concerts I just too obsessed with music and so Laurel Canyon he explains how rock and roll you know the sex drugs rock and roll all that stuff was artificially created by the same occultocracy the global it's whatever you want to call them how in the 60s like there were no clubs there was none of this rock music and you have people coming from all over the US to Laurel Canyon California the doors the birds all these different musicians they don't even know how play music like Jim Morrison couldn't play any music and all of their parents were military intelligence and then you know you read the book it's just and so then you realize that rock music with all of the the technology that you know the frequency the sonic you know the sonic frequencies and and it's it's it's these are weapons and it was being used it's still unclear exactly for what how what and how purposes but I think it was being used to to control us and when you talk about people today who they've been indoctrinated by all of this stuff the arts and entertainment that's controlled the the internet social media especially the last few years I've seen people who in the US were more conservative unless the cared less about these things and they did it 180 I'm like are my talking to the same person like they become NPCs they're like it's like the two minutes of hate in Orwell they're like oh putting bad like I'm no fan of Putin okay I picked this up in St. Petersburg just for fun you know you go to a foreign if I went to North Korea I'd pick up a Kim Jong-un if I went to any foreign country I'd pick up a coffee cup of the I'd get a Biden coffee cup right you know I don't care so it was St. Petersburg 2017 so but my point was that these some of these people that I met today they're like Putin that the news says Putin bad Putin bad Trump that Trump bad Biden Biden good you know it's like well this is literally the people I'm coming across and so I think especially in the last you know decade the technology they've they've they've gotten into a level where it's just working wonders yeah I mean like you said that stuff in the sixth well it actually goes back much further we've had three episodes on this on the podcast with a guy called Matt Sergio and he's been a repeat guest and he's done a lot of research into what happened in Laurel Canyon and he went back even further he was like right if this was happening in the 70s and 80s it must have been happening further back so he went to the Fabian society and yeah he's dove deep on that we've had some great episodes on it and Theodore Darno who studied how the Nazis would use rhythmic music to get people into a frenzy or ideas different frequencies even to get them hyped up before Hitler would come out on stage I mean this has all been tested and I think like you said what we've got now is that times a million like it's all pervasive it's everywhere and we've got towers giving out god knows what frequencies and they've made it very sophisticated and these little devices that we carry around that's like your personal CIA agent it's just beaming stuff into your life constantly listening in following you with GPS taking data on you constantly listening to you have sex if you keep it in your bedroom yes listeners that's what it's doing so what how did we get this by it feels like we have become extremely naive to how this all works or maybe we just understand how it works and we're too lazy maybe we're just too lazy to actually do anything about it and that's that's the worry for me is that people are not going to become a little bit more militant when it comes to actually purifying their lives of all of these entry points you know because I think that's how they win is all of the data they take from us they know what we're doing at all times it's really difficult to extract yourself from this and I've believed me I've tried you know a decade ago I bought the black phone which is created by a silent circle founded by a former US Navy SEAL and Phil I think was Phil Zimmerman the creator of PGP encryption and I'm not sure if it was Wozniak or not but it was a dot you know I bought two of them 500 bucks a pop one for me one for my wife and then I bought the first iteration where they had a deal with some guy in Spain who developed the black OS Android and then they had it falling out and then it was never updated so I was basically left with a brick I'm like thanks guys they just spent a grand and now you guys you're not your black phone version one is just garbage and awesome you know and I've got a de-Google phone now but even that you know it it does you're never gonna solve these issues you just gonna maybe buy some time or peel back a few layers of privacy for yourself I was looking at video the other day you know the Wi-Fi routers they explained I've seen this before but again I think watching it again this week where they explained with all this new technology that the Wi-Fi routers now they can through the frequencies of the bodies and you know thermal activity and human beings they can map out the bodies in the room in the house so you know I've got the ability I've got ethernet so I have Wi-Fi still on I've I've tried to go days or weeks where I shut off the Wi-Fi and just we can plug our phones into the ethernet cable right so we have no Wi-Fi but you know first of all even that is difficult for my my wife's needs and then even if I do that my neighbors we live close and so all the neighbors have Wi-Fi routers so even if I shut my Wi-Fi off they could you know the the the elites the system through the internet would be able to figure out where we are what if we're at home if we're not and then so it's becoming very difficult and then I guess you know one of the answers is to go get more rural but even then you know there are issues as the technology gets better the drones the 24 hour a high-resolution you know satellite they're recording everything and then you that they can go back in time they can say you know it's to 2024 let's go back to 2021 zoom in at 1 30 p.m. into you know parallel Mike's garden and see what he was doing and it's just it's just mind boggling the tech that they have and you know what one Tesla engineer tweeted this week and he basically was depicting the sky nets black black mirror metalhead scenario saying where all of this was going with all of the AI that's being developed the autonomous technology drone swarms you know yesterday was reported again made all this mainstream news the Chinese and the Russians Americans the the robo dogs they're sticking on the robo dogs rifles and all kinds of stuff and it's it's black mirror you know I think that's the biggest threat going into the future again it goes back to the algorithm ghetto and we're all in it you said listeners are but I think we're all in it it just hasn't been fully activated yet and so yeah yeah I think it's hard as well because a lot of the narratives I see I think well I don't believe it I don't believe that exists yet but a lot of the things you're talking about I know do exist because GPS and satellite imagery like you can go back and look at images from the 1960s and see that they were able to get pretty good pictures back then which was geez we're talking 70 years ago and yeah it is worrying is frightful and I think you know as far as I can see the best solution is to go backwards to find a place that is back in time and as the future comes forward you run backwards and that means trying to escape technology I mean where we live we are the only house in the village where you can get a telephone signal so our neighbors often park outside of ours because that's the first kind of internet signal you can get on the phone but if you go just a few dollars down there's only six houses if you go a few dollars down there's no internet signal which is pretty cool that shows you that we're kind of still a few steps behind and you know my neighbor tried to do a solar farm on his land and he just laughed at him it's like there's no way the electricity infrastructure could handle a solar farm here so that's cool as well we know we're still a little bit behind but it's always catching up to your body like it doesn't it's not like I'm living out in you know the middle of nowhere I was just kind of remote but yeah I think to try and outrun this one I think you need to give yourself probably I would say about 20 years that gives you the best chance of this actually collapsing in on itself which I think is quite likely and I think in part two which is where we're going to go to I'd really like to discuss how your understanding of multi-polarity has evolved and if you think there is a genuine antagonism and conflict taking place or whether it is just one giant homogenous blob and yes it's a one party system already so before we leave for right just send listeners to your and website and your content was best to find you geopolitics and geopolitics and people can become paid subscribers five dollars or more a month fifty dollars or more a year if you're if you become a founding member for a hundred fifty bucks a year there's a throw in a free consultation you can chat with me I also offer from consultation sixty dollars for an hour we can chat about expatriating geopolitics or the meaning of life whatever you want to talk about and then I do weekly calls with members only where we just treat the breeze talking about these things every week or two and then I'm very active on my geopolitics and Empire Telegram channel which is public and my Twitter I post a lot of stuff that I think are the most interesting news of the day and a lot of people get a lot of value out of that as well awesome well I appreciate you a lot have I appreciate everything that you put out there you're a one of my favorite shows like I said so listeners I will leave the links in the description although I'm sure you can find them yourself and thanks for joining us again have I look forward to part two okay everyone that's it for part number one I hope you enjoyed it but we are just getting started and in part two we really take this one up a gear as we get into the metaphysics we speak about the spiritual realm we speak about angels demons the Nephilim and we even share some experiences that we both had with the monic entities ourselves so members I look forward to seeing you over there on parallel my dot com and I also look forward to your comments underneath the episode it's always fantastic to hear what you thought about it and have some dialogue around it so I look forward to that too if you're not a member yet but you'd like to join us please consider doing so that's how I fund my work and ensure that I can keep the lights on over here it does take a long time to put some of these episodes together particularly the deep dive episodes which I've got plenty more up my sleeve coming as you know I am a researcher myself so that's what I love to do I love to pick about history is thread things together that people haven't done before and everything that I do is original research so I'm not just taking something somebody else has said and regurgitating it in my own words no I actually do the research first hand myself but that does take a lot of time so supporting the show by becoming a member is not only good for you because you get to listen to the full episodes and to my in-depth research but it's good for me too because it allows me to continue doing this a big thank you to all of my members and in closing I hope you're well healthy and reasonably happy thank you so much for listening I hope to see you all back here next week for our latest episode what you are basic deep deep down far far in here simply the fabric and structure of existence itself peace for all men and women not merely peace in our time peace for all men and women not merely peace in our time the fabric and structure of existence [Music] [Music] in the 17th chakrups and look at the script the kingdom of God is within man not one man nor a group of men but in all men if you you the people have the power peace for all men and women the fabric and structure of existence is not honestly expressed in your time [Music] peace for all men and women not merely peace in our time peace in our time [Music]