Parallel Mike Podcast

#67- Stealth Nano Tech & Escaping FEMA with Celeste Solum

In episode number 67 we speak with Celeste Solum. Celeste is the daughter of a Naval Intelligence Operative who went on to work for FEMA, before becoming a whistleblower and researcher who devotes her time to studying hidden tech, man made pathogens and the history of cataclysms. Interestingly some of the things Celeste believes are occurring line up with past guests and episodes, albeit with her own unique spin. This is why I thought it would be great to chat to Celeste now, and in this episode we get into her past at FEMA, the weaponization of Nano technology and in part two we even discuss pole reversals and cataclysms. So lots in this one, and certainly one to get listeners thinking about the many bizarre agendas that seem to now be coalescing before our very eyes. To find out more about Celeste and her content check out the links below! Enjoy The Show?

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1h 2m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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In episode number 67 we speak with Celeste Solum. Celeste is the daughter of a Naval Intelligence Operative who went on to work for FEMA, before becoming a whistleblower and researcher who devotes her time to studying hidden tech, man made pathogens and the history of cataclysms.

Interestingly some of the things Celeste believes are occurring line up with past guests and episodes, albeit with her own unique spin. This is why I thought it would be great to chat to Celeste now, and in this episode we get into her past at FEMA, the weaponization of Nano technology and in part two we even discuss pole reversals and cataclysms.

So lots in this one, and certainly one to get listeners thinking about the many bizarre agendas that seem to now be coalescing before our very eyes. To find out more about Celeste and her content check out the links below!

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[Music] What you are basically. [Music] Deep, deep down, far, far in. [Music] Is simply. [Music] The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. Not merely peace in our time. Peace in all time. The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. Not merely peace in our time. Peace in all times. The fabric and structure of existence itself. Hi everybody, welcome to the parallel my podcast. I'm your host Mike and thank you so much for joining me for episode number 67. Tonight on the show we have a new guest. Her name is Celeste Solon. Celeste is a very interesting woman. She used to work for the federal emergency management agency otherwise known as FEMA. Now, you may have heard of FEMA. They are the source of many conspiracy. And that's because as a US governmental agency, they're some of the first people to be sent in when there is a crisis. Whether that's a terrorist attack like 9/11. Well, I say terrorist attack or whether that's natural disaster like the Maui fires. Well, I say natural disaster. You get my point. You can see why people would be a little bit dubious about them. But also they are the people who have all of those camps out there in the deserts and in hard to reach places. You may have heard of these FEMA camps. Again, if you haven't, you can find that more online. Or you can just listen to tonight's episode because I've got an ex-worker of FEMA in Celeste Solon joining me for this show. Now, we don't just talk about FEMA. I also get Celeste take on a range of other things. She has quite a broad scope when it comes to topics that she speaks on from transhumanism to hidden technologies to pull shifts and cataclysm. So there's a lot in this one. I think you're going to find it very interesting to say the least. So enjoy this one. Let me know your feedback in the comments section. If you are a member, I can leave a comment on your favorite podcast staff. In closing, hope you're all well-healthy and happy. Members, I look forward to seeing you over there for part one and part two. If you're not a member yet, please consider joining us. Take care of yourselves and I'll see each and everyone of you back here next week for episode number 68. [music] Hi, everybody. Welcome to the parallel mic podcast. We've got a new guest today. Her name is Celeste Solon. She is the writer of the Celeste Steel report. You can find it on her website. So if you enjoy what Celeste has to say today, please check it out. And can you just direct to Celeste? Celeste, where's best to find you online? So, of course, I'm all over the internet. You can't... If you type my name in, you're going to find the people that love me and the people that hate me, which are the globalists, of course. But my two places to support me really are where you can subscribe. We have a global community. I send out a weekly newsletter packed with news and details at my personal commentary. And then I have Shepherds and my news blog. And that's where my articles are and products. Although I'm getting a brand new website probably within the next month. And I'll be launching that. And then everything will be a one spot. Videos, articles, book, products. You name it. It'll be one spot and it will be censorship-free. Okay, Celeste, where do we begin? There's so many different things we're going to talk about today. I think because you've got a broad knowledge. Some of it's quite scary. So I will warn listeners that some of the things we're going to discuss are related to these big agendas. And you have some very unique takes on it, which is why I wanted to introduce listeners to you. But let's start at the beginning Celeste. You used to work for FEMA. And there's been a lot of conspiracy theories throughout the past two decades, at least around FEMA. So first, could you just describe who FEMA are? What is their official mandate? And how did you end up working for them? So let me start with your last question first. Can I put it in a chronological order? So my dad worked for a naval warfare and he sat me on his lap at five years old. And he said the next genocide is going to happen on your watch. And I knew, given the guests that came to our house. So let me give you some examples. I come home from school when I'm in third grade and Jacques Cousteau's submarine is in our yard or in my driveway. And then Walle Chirada, the astronaut taught me how to use chopsticks. And we had archaeologists that were bringing out advanced technologies from the megalithic civilizations. These are the ancient civilizations and a famous microbiologist. So basically, I knew my dad was very serious. He wasn't like, I believed him. I took to what he said to heart. At five years old, how could you conceptualize those words? Did you even understand what he meant when he said there's going to be some kind of depopulation on genocide? Yes, because my family was Jewish. And so most of my family being killed in the Holocaust. I was one of three lines that survived. So I knew, you know, from our early age, I became a Christian at five. Also that very same year. And so I did very well understand. I kind of have always been intellectual, even as a little pike. So I started my photojournalism career. Basically, I got my first camera. I was taking pictures at eight, but really in junior high, where I was actually trained. I was actually doing photojournalism for the local newspaper and National Geographic asked me to go on an expedition, but I had young children. And I signed up to be a mom, not travel the world. And so I declined their offer. But so my work, I've just continued it only in the niches. And I think it's more critical than, you know, just doing National Geographic. I get to really do journalism from a scientific point of view that impacts your life and my life and people around the world. And I don't do it from, yes, I go to scary places and scary stuff. But I do it very positive. And I really try to balance it with what are the solutions? As a matter of fact, that was my last collaborative work was a book on solutions. And so I really try and keep in the positive lane and balance it. So I'm not, you know, when you listen to me, you're not ready to jump off a bridge. As a matter of fact, the comment that I hear most often is you go to such dark places, but you're so at peace and you can do it with a smile. And so that gives them hope that they can do that too. So back to the career thing. So I went, I took nursing and I went into pediatrics and for various life reasons. I did a stint in dentistry, then I went to environmental medicine, which really has helped me grapple with the things that we're seeing now because we were dealing with EMF sensitivity, even way back when. And autism and chemical, chemical sensitivities, that type of thing. So it's really helped me. Today, you would probably, it's not known as environmental medicine. It's more integrative or functional medicine where you're actually using your food and your supplements for help. And then I did this left turn, which made my dad very happy into FEMA emergency management. And so basically it was a very pivotal time. It was the 90s. And then I was in there in the early 2000s, where our country was changing from the historical country more towards a fascist state. And I saw those changes happening right before my eyes. And so I was in plans, we cross trained. So basically, you trained for a little bit of everything. And that was very good because a lot of people don't know this, but on the day of, well, just a few days before 9/11, every single emergency manager and the right hand person from every county, every state. And of course, the feds were there for the, for the event, which everybody knew was going to happen. We didn't know the specifics, but we knew it was going to happen. And so that really crippled the United States. Those few first, that first week or so, I really still shudder when I think about the ramifications of that. But due to our cross training, we were able to, like I worked with the military and I was helping to coordinate the inspection of bridges, dams, malls, freeways, health institutions that are counter terrorism. One person of course went to do calmer terrorism, and my boss went with the policymakers so. And this has personal application that I really want to encourage all of you is that in a super disaster like 9/11 or a cat natural cataclysm, you will respond how you have trained or practiced. You do. And you know that times are a change in there's earthquakes, there's floods, there's climate change, there's you name it. We've got all sorts of it's, it's a disaster day type thing. And if you are just a couch potato and you don't do anything. You don't grow your food or you don't stock up some food if you don't grow food. If you're not preparing for certain things. You will be frozen with fear and panic at that time when something tragic, even like the wildfires that are happening around the world. So, I've got a perfect example so my husband was killed almost eight years ago. And he did not believe in cross training. And so it was one of the few things that we disagreed on. And by he never taught me things like where's the master shut off for the water valve for the house. So one day I'm out watering the garden watering the garden. And all of a sudden the water is just disappears. And then I listen in the house and I hear water in the house I go I don't leave the water on so I go into house and by that time. There was already five inches of water and I had hardwood floors and I'm like oh my gosh, I had no idea where the shut off valve was because it had broken the line broke below the shut up turn off valve. So I had to literally know where that shut off file for the whole house was. And it took about that was a 730 in the morning at about 10 o'clock, a bunch of men because I put telephone calls out to everybody, but they were all going to work or not available. And so I get deluge by all these men that come in and they should be for the shut off valve was, but that's just one example. I mean, even though you're a woman you should know where the shut off valves for gas and water. In case you have to deal with it or how if if you're oven catches on fire I want to have a bread maker, and it caught on fire. Well, you can't just spray it with water because it's electrical fire so you there's a special fire extinguisher. And you have one of those available everybody should have one near the kitchen because you never know when it's going to happen. I didn't plan on my bread maker. And I mean it literally have flames that I didn't have one readily available so I'm like running out of my house with flames like I think I got some hair sing. And, and I threw it out and they out in the gravel so I didn't do any damage. But what if I hadn't been home what if I was at work. When it caught fire. So we really all need to be cross trained and so here's a cute one that everybody can try for week. You won't have the advantage I threw this out to my campaign community. So, okay, for this week, I want you to put everything that you're going to need for the rest of your life in one pillow sack. That's a real that challenges your mind challenges your organization at home. What is important to you. I mean maybe to you your family pictures are the most important thing. Maybe another to another person foods the most important thing another person might be medical supplies. But you only get one pillow sack because in most instances of a disaster you literally have 10 minutes. And you have to go. So that's about how much time this in this exercise you can use as much time and think it through, but you're really not going to be able to take many things with you. There were some fires I was just listening to this morning, and they literally just grabbed some pictures and left with clothes on their back. So it is good to have a go bag. And have it ready with a little bit of food, maybe some first aid, maybe one of those life straws with water filtration that you can drink water from any source, that type of thing just so that you're prepared. I always say to people get your documents ready your passports, maybe a few thousand dollars in cash. And then it satisfies one thing you don't have to worry about it in a crisis, but think I might have brought you off topic. So I saw get your back on was talking about your past to female and you mentioned that you decided to go there. And when you made that decision, I'm guessing your father would have said to you, this is a good agency or be a good career for you and you thought you was doing the right thing. Well, actually, my dad actually got out of military government service after he did the military stand, then he went any managed public lands for both the state of California and Washington state. And he actually he was not a moral man, he was not an ethical man, but he got out of government because it was so corrupt. So I knew, I knew, and this is way back in the day. He just, I mean he was happy that I went into FEMA, because I got to serve my country, and it was at this pivotal time I did Y2K, I did 911, I did Hurricane Katrina, all the natural disasters terrorism that. So it was a very pivotal time and we were kind of easing into what we're seeing now. So I knew going into it, but it was a place that I'm a person of faith. So I could pray with somebody that had just lost everything, where if I would have gone into something like the Red Cross, you're forbidden from wearing any religious item, and you may not pray you may not give anybody hope. It's, it's, and you sign like a 30 page document to that effect so I didn't want to go that way I wanted a place that I could help people in always had more of a holistic approach. And at the time, that was, that was allowed at FEMA so. There's actually some huge conspiracies around FEMA because what FEMA's tasked with is to take care of, well, natural disasters, but also anything like a terrorist attack or some kind of major pandemic and they bring FEMA in but there's also lots of these camps in America. I've been told there's over 800 and I'd love to get your take on whether that's true or not, but I'll just lay out for listeners what people often discuss the 800 FEMA camps they can house up to 2 million people collectively. The worry is, people in America will one day be pushed into these camps due to a false flag or some disaster and these camps will be used to essentially lock up people with dissidents or people who are opposing the next fake disaster. What's the truth or less do you think that they are going to be used in a future scenario to lock up dissidents in the US. So long ago, the DoD had some documents like at the, like in the late 90s. FEMA pretty much was disaster oriented. Once the terrorism came on to the scene. Then the Department of Homeland Security came into being and really they were the ones tasked with the terrorism and FEMA was just a support. So there's something called the National Emergency Framework. And in it, there's these emergency support functions. One might be mass casualty. One might be health. One might be agriculture. You know, they break down into all different categories. You can look it up if you want. And most countries have this as well, because this is really a globalist type. So then once the health stuff started coming, which really was 1999, there was a health conference, very interesting and provocative. It was held in Key West Florida, and it was by the Tropical Disease Association, and it was control in the context of the New World Order. So they were getting their ducks in a row to bring in the New World Order through new diseases and pandemics and that type of thing. They used the theme for this conference. The theme song was Jimmy Buffett changes in attitude changes in latitude. And if you look at the lyrics of that song, it is almost prophetic. You think about the migrants. You think about the diseases crossing borders. All this type of stuff. It's, it's thinking about the good old days. I just think like when my husband was killed, you know, he didn't have to experience COVID or any of these weird things that we're having to feel, deal with now. So it is the good old days. And remember when you could walk somebody on to an airplane, like if your grandma came to visit, you could actually walk her to the first seat on the airplane. Now, you know, you can't get past the in America's TSA. I don't know what it is where you are, but these guards and all the imaging equipment that you have to go through. The lyrics in front of me so last I'm just going to read out the last. It's quite interesting. With these changes in latitudes changes in attitudes. Nothing remains quite the same. With all of my running and all of my cunning. If I couldn't laugh, I would just go insane. If we couldn't laugh, we would just go insane. If we went all crazy, we would go insane. That's quite interesting because it does kind of feel right now like the things we are speaking about are insane and the things we're living through, they are certainly insane. So it's quite interesting lyrics to put on for that conference. And you have to keep a sense of humor. I mean, you do not want to go down the path of depression and darkness. I actually worked with a person. He was an engineer, and he wanted to get to the bottom of evil. And, you know, engineers are so meticulous, you know, diagrams and, you know, he just spent all this time and it consumed him to the point that he lost his job, his wife, his health, his home, and eventually his life. And so it can, if we take it too seriously. I mean, we're all going to die. You know, that's just a fact of life. So there's no sense to really get all wound up about it. Some people in World War II. I know this one lady. She was five years old, and she made it through the whole Holocaust. She was sent to Siberia, walked half way back to Europe. And at that point, she was 10, but she lost all of her family at five and she goes, I learned to make myself invisible. I got a piece of bread. Somebody gave me an apple. I met somebody important that could hide me. And you just think, that's kind of where we're at now. So we have to know, and we can't micromanage everything. Micromanaging is never very good. So, just have some faith that it is going to work out. And, you know, if we make it, we make it. And if we don't, we've, hopefully you've lived a good life. And you're not sorry for any of the things that you've done. And, and whatever the next next life brings, you know, we enter it boldly, and not, you know, just all stressed out. And just. So we do have to laugh about it. And it is crazy. It is like, I listened to a space weather guy every morning and he goes, it's crazy world. And it is crazy world right now. It is. Yeah. And I think that's part of it. It's to make us feel like we are going crazy. That's what they want us all to feel like. And then they gaslight is continuously. I think they've overplayed their hand in so many areas recently over the past five years. They've overplayed their hand with Israel. They've overplayed their hand with COVID. And every time they do this, it just leads to a whole new influx of people joining our side and saying, no, we see what you're doing. And we understand where this is going. So there is certainly a lot that hangs in the balance. I don't think anything is destined one way or another, although I do think the certain wheels that are in motion, let's say, that can't be stopped. And it's a case now of how do we manage that? How do we come out of that in the best shape possible? So, so let's kind of move this one on then. You mentioned you worked for FEMA. You said that, you know, you thought you was doing the right thing when you worked there, but at some point you left. So what was that transition to leaving? So I did you all of a sudden find out that it wasn't what you hoped for, because I'm guessing FEMA do some pretty important work as well. Right. I mean, there must be a lot of good people like yourself who worked there. And they are genuinely trying to help people in disasters. So what led to you actually changing your opinion on FEMA? So I kind of was asked to participate in something that I couldn't participate in morally ethically or spiritually. And so, and they weren't taking no for an answer, because they invested quite a bit in me. And I just packed my suitcases one day. I disappeared with two suitcases and my car and my car was destroyed the next day. And I started a new life. And I remarried. And I said, did you destroy the car or was it destroyed suspiciously? No, somebody destroyed it. Wow. They knew my situation. The person that was hired to find me a safe place was the person that I ended up falling in love with and Mary. And so we started this new life and about six months after. I mean, I was really quiet. I would not go anyplace where there was a camera or anything because the hunt was still on. And continuous. I've had five assassination attempts on my life since 2020. And to be this response would not be for a normal member of staff for FEMA like it must have been directed towards you. Was it because of your background? Well, I think that one, they really did want, they figured, it was like a conscription. They were viewing it as a conscription, hoping that I would just take it as a job offer, and they were convinced that I would. I did not realize that I'm very strong to my ideology, even though they, they teach this, this one algorithm that everybody should know. That's 3% of people will hold to their ideology, no matter what, they will stand firm. 7% of people will do something once or twice, write their Senator, take part in a protest, go to church or whatever faith organization you're in. It is startling fact and the governments around the world know this, it's not just the United States is that 90% of people will do nothing, even if it means their death and the death of their loved ones. And we saw that play out with the whole COVID scenario that 90% of people did nothing actually probably 97% of people did nothing, and only 3% of people really stood firm and said, you know, I'm the juries out, maybe they didn't know all the details yet. But they said, I'm going to wait till I get more details on this before I just jump in and do lockstep with what I'm told. Unfortunately, yeah, there is a big mass of people who are willing to just go along with whatever they're told, despite their own intuition telling them otherwise. But it seems like you did go with that when you left FEMA and you started a new life, and then you started to speak out. So yeah, I knew I'd already been chased by a black hawk so it was, I'm bold and courageous. It has been my calling. I have no one since I was a young girl, that I had this special calling, especially I had a near death experience when I was in my early 20s like 20 or 21. And I was basically kicked out of heaven. And I was told, I have this really important job to do. And it was reiterated when the sheriff came to tell me that my husband had been killed that I turned around in a circle. And then I heard the words game on. And so I knew that whatever this calling was that I had wondered about all my life. I mean, I knew I was doing good writing articles and forming and educating and empowering people. But really at that point, I knew it was going to get exciting and that's when I started community and I went in front of the camera because as a photojournalist you're behind the camera. And I said, Oh, I'm not really comfortable with this, but I did it. And after three months, I was just fine with it. I was took to it like a duck to water. And now, of course, I really enjoy it. Yes, there are a lot of risks. And that's why there's a code of honor in all the military and government, and that you don't step out of the ranks you keep in the fold. The sheep pin. And if you dare go out. They consider you a trader. And so, and not only that I am very articulate, and I am bold. And so I will talk. There's no sacred cows. So I'll talk about anything and call us bait us bait and I actually show the documentation so that you all know you see the URLs, a few studies or sources I won't give but that's only because if all of you blob on. They're going to know where it originated from and then they'll cut my cut my access, which has happened. And so there's a few sources that I don't give not because I don't want you to know the source. I don't have any screenshots and all the document, you know, backup documentation. But I need to keep protect that source so that I can keep it as a source, because you wouldn't, if they play hidey hole, which is they're very good at the shell game. None of us might not have any of the information so it's better to sacrifice a tiny tiny bit, but most of the time I give URLs and pictures screenshots, whatever documentation that you need. Yeah, I've had that myself. I released some documents on my YouTube channel at one point when I was discussing a very controversial subject at the time. And by the end of the week, having released that video and took some screenshots of some documents, they were gone. They'd been memory hold. You couldn't find them unless you went to the way back machine, then you could find them. So somebody somewhere knew that I'd shown some documents that they didn't want to be seen and they were taken down. So what's going on Celeste, do they have people constantly looking out for these things that they have people monitoring all channels everywhere it seems kind of upset to think they would do that but my channel was tiny. So when was this about a year. Yeah. Okay, so, yeah, so at first it was algorithms that would pick up keywords in whatever you were producing with his video or an article or a book. And now we've got AI, and AI, there's no secrets. I mean, even in your own home if you've got smart devices, your crockpot can be transmitting. And even with the nano particles in the smart dust, they've infiltrated us so we all have IP addresses. We have nano particles which have receivers and transmitters, and they work as an integrated weapon system. And we cannot. And we must realize we can't just get focused on. COVID, or the bird flu, or a nuclear disaster or synthetic biology. We have to realize that they're all it's the system is designed. Like dovetailed parts in the old days when people, they may dovetail furniture. The parts just integrate together. And we can look at just one, yes, for one article we could look at one part of it. But to get overly focused that's another algorithm that I talk about in my community that FEMA did is they distract us. And we are cognition. We can do five people five events. That are brain degrades. So if you find yourself in that situation where you're managing five people, maybe there's five people in your household. And there's a number of different events going on. There's lack of food. There's a war. There's geoengineering. There's political upheaval or whatever else. Then you have to start calling in reinforcements and start delegating in your own house or within your own community to, because your brain is not going to be able to sustain that intense it could for a day or two, like in emergency activities. But even then it's the long haul that you have to go through at this point. We're all going to have to go through the long haul. So we need to learn the art of delegation and have trust and and cultivate and curate people in your wife that you can trust and manage everything. Yeah, it's really smart. I keep talking this year about the sentiment as well, because a lot of the things that they are throwing out as actual bluffs and they don't matter. So it's about also being descending and not panicking over every single bit of news and fear based news that's out to just get a rise out of you because if you do that, you'll be in a constant state of fear and that actually makes you very weak and vulnerable and will probably take you down that road where you feel depressed and down all the time. So I always say to people most of it is just noise and it's up to you to get a really good compass so that you know when it's important and you know when it's not. But you said quite a few things there, Celeste, you spoke about IP addresses about synthetic biology and these are all topics that you've covered. So I think for listings, we need to start now by saying or me asking you what is your 10,000 foot view Celeste as to where we are in this and what's happening and what's coming down the pipeline. Maybe if you just give us that overview, then we can get into some specifics. It's a terrifying thought. I did saw so in 2021, the world economic forum seven January that the entire commercial food supply around the world would be vaccinated food. And it would happen by the end of 2021 and they came on in December of 2021 and they said yes in fact the whole food supply is now vast. But anytime you buy anything at the grocery store. I don't care big little. I don't care what it is. It can be vegetables. It can be meat. It can be processed food. It is got vaccinations in it. So you need to realize that and. And why did they say Celeste, was it they said this. The world economic forum. They they had their. They have a meeting in January like an annual meeting. So they said it at that meeting and I don't remember I remember seeing the news that we've completed the project. But when you see, I don't go with one source like if I see one study, I don't bring it to people. I wait till there's a deluge and then I go this is important so we got to get it out and then you start seeing it. It's like saying to somebody I got a red VW and you've never seen a red VW but all of a sudden you. It's triggered in your mind red VW so you're going down you got to take a two hour drive somewhere to the city or whatever and all of a sudden you're seeing all these red VWs you never saw them before. So it's kind of like that. So I kept waiting for one of the doctors to handle the tricky elephant in the room synthetic biology and nobody did and I said, all right, I give up by this thing is going to hit everybody. So in January of 2022, or was it 2023, 23, I think I did my, my covert thing. And then it was synthetic biology it took me six months to wrap my head totally 100% immersing in into it. And then I did a webinar on it, which you can still access. But what does what is synthetic biology so they want these and saying people want a synthetic virtual twin, and I went public with that in 2019. They want to break all matter down to its elemental form, and then to engineer it into their own likeness what they want. And we all know that they're crazy lunatics, we know that they what they want is not in our best interest. I mean like they want every cell in your body, every organ in your body, they want a synthetic blood, they want synthetic brain, they want synthetic skin. Basically, and why did they want that. They wanted because the UN put out a mandate you can't take anything from nature. And what does that actually mean and I always forget my prop, I need to get a pop around here. No props around here. So imagine that you're going to go to a birthday party or an anniversary party and you got a present and you wrap it up with paper. And that is what a protein envelope is. And that's what they're changing and that protein envelope is oftentimes now pathogenic. It's a change it's synthetic proteins, it's synthetic everything it might contain hydrogel in it, might contain genetic material from Neanderthals to. Tarter grades, which are little water bears. And so they wrap the present that they wrap yourself up with this packaging. Now for each country they are beta testing. This is under the. Guys of directed evolution and experimental evolution so they're kicking the tires. Or old people, middle age people, young people, animals, plants, there's no off limits. So like the Israelis got a rabies protein envelope. The Italians got a gorilla feces envelope. And what does this envelope do. It wraps around your DNA. Or your RNA your your genetic expression or your proteins cages it. It cages it like an animal. And it does not let you take anything from nature or give anything from nature. That means you cannot breathe. Or you no longer need to breathe you no longer need to drink water you no longer need to eat food. I find it provocative that the newest drug on the market is ozemic. Or and it's, you know, it's generic counterparts. And basically it's a starvation. It's a starvation injection. So that basically the people that are taking it say I don't need this stuff anymore and pretty soon there will be I just saw it was it. Three days ago that they're going to give cows injections so that they don't. They're going to give them a vaccine that is going to do the same thing that ozemic does it's going to stop their digestive system. Yes, you have a digestive system, but it will no longer work. And that's what they're finding with ozemic that it paralyzes the intestinal system. And then they're also going to do it with air. That's the reason that they want to genetically alter you with the target grades, because they live in austere environments. Why are they doing this so that we don't need water we don't eat air we don't eat food, and we can go to the stars and live on Mars or an exoplanet without all the benefits of earth and they can have the earth for themselves for a paradise or whatever they're planning for us. So, in a nutshell what synthetic biology overall a very simple way to wrap your head around it is, there was an original function for your proteins, you know, some did this some made hair some, you know, digestive food, some, you know, it all sorts of things. But it now. So that's original design, you become a bio hybrid with all these infiltrates that we're getting chemical smart does synthetic biology. Hydrogen, faxes, all these types of things, and it changes the function literally changes the function it rewrites the function of your sales down to the molecular level. It can even rewrite your brain, it can rewrite everything about you. And that's, that is terrifying, honestly. Have you ever watched black near. Yeah, sadly, actually, I was at a military conference during the unveiling of transhumanism, and they told the commanders that if they wanted to inform the troops on what they were going to see an experience in the days to come to watch black danger phase, because they knew it was going to come to pass. I think that's kind of what it's about making us believe it's going to happen, but how likely do you think it is that these things actually succeed. I mean, we know that they have plans for transhumanism and to take control over nature and all of biology, but how likely is it they actually succeed, because when we look at what they did with the mRNAs, it was pathetic. It led to lots of people dying. Clearly, it didn't achieve the stated aims, but it's kind of irrelevant because I don't think that was ever the intention. But it seems to me they don't have a mastery over anything that they're discussing, whether it's AI or mRNA or any of these things, we're in a testing phase. Is that how you see it? Celeste, or do you think they're slow balling us and there's actually much greater advanced technologies out there already. And they could be using them now. I don't know why they would do a theater and make it look so bad, because if I was going to convince people to take mRNA drugs, I'd have made the first batch really awesome, unless I couldn't do it. So I just want to hand that back to you Celeste. What's your thoughts on this? So it's very real, and they do have that more advanced technology. The whole thing was depopulation. At the time, transhumanism was launched. They said that they wanted to depopulate the whole entire original design. That's every man, woman, child, every animal, every plant, every microbe, every bacteria. They wanted to turn it into synthetic biology by 2025. Can they achieve that? I think that they almost certainly have. And, of course, it's not, like I said, there's that integrated weapon system. We can't just look at the mRNA VACs. We have to look at it in context. There's PSYOPS. There's a lot. There's government Band-Ace. There's all these different other layers in that weapon system. So people that take those VACs, even though they have terrible side effects unto death, they go back for their next booster. Because of all of the preconditioning and how it changes, like I said, it rewires you. It changes the function of your brain. So you accept all their agenda. And just think about maybe somebody that is a drunk or a drug addict, even though they may know that it's not good for them and that they're losing your body. They still crave it and they still go a whole hog unto death with it. And that's kind of the same situation. It takes courage. It takes guts and it takes work. And they don't want to, you know, mankind pretty much is lazy. And they just don't like to work at things. So I think it's more easy to go with the flow. And there's no big, huge consequences. They're not going to come knocking on your door. They're not going to drag you away. You did ask about the camps and I, so that was really transferred to health and human services in the United States, which in 2016, very interesting document in the federal register on 88 pages on communicable diseases. And it basically goes into quarantine camps, forcible exams, who's going to pay, but what was really provocative about it is the two examples that they give is coronavirus. This is in 2016 and Ebola. And that will be the next, that that will be the blood sacrifice. When we get the Ebola, it is not going to be a pathogen. You will be told it's a pathogen, but it is not a pathogen. It is a malicious code that goes in, it connects with the electronics installed in our bodies. And then we'll tell your body to bleed out as you go to the hospital. If you choose that the whole Internet will be going down. And then to participate, if you survive this next, that event, you will have to be totally 100% compliant with the system. You'll have to do whatever they say, or you'll be banned. Have you ever seen the movie The Last Enemy? No, not seen that one. I'm not sure if it's PBS or BBC. I would highly recommend it is five episodes. And it talks about many of these things. And it's about a mathematician and his brother gets blown up in a refugee camp because of all the facts and all this mystery of acts that have tags in them. And, but then he, in the midpoint, I won't give too many spoilers, but he becomes part of the total information awareness, TIA. And of course that was supposedly on the outside defeated in America, but really it was passed quietly behind closed doors. And then he becomes an enemy. He flips. He can't get into his apartment. There's no power. He can't even sell. He wants to pawn this clock, so he can go stay in a hotel. And he can't even do it without government ID. So, I mean, it's really a good movie to watch. It is tiny dated, but not bad. And it really does speak to what we will soon be seeing. Let me just reflect on what you said, Celeste, just so I can make it clear as to what I think you're saying, you believe that there's going to be another one of these events, and this time it's going to be far more deadly. And that whether you took the VACs or not, you've got things inside of you that will interact with whatever it is they do next time. So we've already got some kind of technology as in as from geoengineering and you mentioned the food. Did I get that right? So less as I laid it out. And is that why you think it's going to be some survivors. The whole purpose of if you caught what I said a little bit earlier than as I prefaced it, is that there is a depopulation by 2025. Now, I don't know if it's January 1st or January 1st or January 31st. I don't have a specific date, but that is their goal and they're very much on target. And if you're not going to go one way, they're going to catch another way because there's direct energy weapons. It, and that's what encourages me is that we have so many weapon arrays aimed at each one of us. Like, did you know that in the 1960s they scanned all of our brains. And so all they have to do is type in their computer. I want Celeste, and they just go with all their imaging equipment up there in the satellites and stuff, or drones or whatever, and they just find Celeste brainprint, and then just hit you with direct energy weapons. So, one way or another, they want a massive depopulation and when you talk about the Deagle report, or the Georgia Guidestones at all said the same thing, ancient religious texts also talk about a massive die off. So this is very much in the works, and that's what they're working towards because they don't want any original design they want it. They only want the earth for themselves. These few people that think that they deserve it. And who are they Celeste? Who is it that is enacting this because surely if you was going to go through with something so catastrophic, you'd need so many people involved. And a lot of those people would have families and would have other people that they cared for and participants so who actually is ordering it from the very top. It must be a both government right it must be above the female above the military. Oh, definitely. It's the people that we never see the invisible people that run the planet, and probably have for millennia. I've been really diving into this. There's so many new and provocative things, information coming about about these advanced technologies in these ancient civilizations. And we live in such this. Of course I did archaeology in the Middle East, and it is very corrupt it's very political it's very cutthroat. And I just found out, I was watching one, I think it's by Jimmy Cressetti but I'm not positive about Gulbecki Tepi. And so the you saw the archaeologists the German archaeologist was murdered, then the UN UNESCO got in it made a World Heritage site and then they put up this fancy thing and they put orchards. And basically they that now the World Economic Forum is in there, and they just made the announcement that we're not going to do any more excavation at Gulbecki Tepi to find out the origins of humans. And we are going to leave it for future generations. And who are those future generations. If you listen to the military with the transhumanism thing they brought were bringing the new humans on in 2020 through ex-parents, and these have expedited growth, they can talk, they can walk very early, super intelligence and these will be the super soldiers that the military believes are going to be around in 2040 2050. If that happens, how many people do you think are left and why will they then engage with whatever's left, you know, what's going to be their driver after that because if they see lots of their family and friends die because of some kind of false flag. Or maybe they'll believe it's real, I'm not sure which one they would believe, but let's just imagine that they believe it like what will make them engage with the new system because it would look pretty dystopian I think if that happened, people would say there's not a lot left to live for if everyone's died and we've got empty cities and empty towns and a wild future for the people who do survive. Yeah, the ancient texts talk about survivors during end times. And so I think that there are people already preparing for a parallel or breakaway civilization that would live apart and face it once they get rid of the masses of people. It will be easier to live because those few I don't like to call them elite powers that be are not going to be able to control the people because everything will be manual or it will be extremely difficult. I've heard some stories from people who have worked for some of these high ranking people I'm talking like royalties and royalty and blue bloods, and they say that these people they don't even put their own toothpaste on their toothbrush. And they have a it's got to be to the micro millimeter perfect they don't run their own bath it has to be at a precise temperature. So, I just think those people are actually the most vulnerable people like they literally have zero skills so I just don't understand how they would survive in a future, like the one way of discussing I could survive I don't think they would survive. So how they were going to survive is Have you ever been to I've never had of it. Okay, it's a website, it's a URL, and they have developed two types of humanoid robots. One looks like RT due to, I don't I get my Star Wars robots confused but you know it's a computer looking thing. Or a robot looking thing. The other that they started out with in, let's see about in the mid 2000s were human noise they look just like you and me, and they have millions of them. Millions and millions that's why they're not really worried about the shortage they're not really worried about this migration problem or work or anything they're trying to implode the system. And when this whole blood sacrifice Ebola thing happens it could be any hemorrhagic fever. It doesn't have to be Ebola there's many in that group. They will just unleash the robots and many of them are out there and you really don't even know they if you shook their hand their hands are warm they think like you. It's but it's all synthetic they have synthetic blood, synthetic organs it's crazy. And many of the people that we see that are just figureheads they're not really the people running the show. They're not the person behind the curtain by any sense of the word. They have a genetic they've uploaded to a synth. They're called synths or their clone. Like we in America, we have the bumbling idiot Biden, and we have the super sharp critical that everyone's in a while he comes out and he just bam, bam, bam nails it. That's true with Hillary during that 2016 election she was so sick and she was passing out she couldn't walk she couldn't talk. And then she go into a little medical mobile and then she come out articulate and perfect hair perfect dress perfect speech. I mean it's it's so many of them are a clone or not just like actors have you know stunt people and a double body double many of these people have body doubles. Wow okay well I'm going to leave it there part one select because I think we're okay quite a lot so I just want to give you another opportunity so less to direct listen to your platforms and then we'll start part two. Okay, you can find and subscribe at celestial and find my articles and products at shepherds my blog and just knows around and if you have any questions, you can contact me at Celeste at celestial Okay thank you so much for joining us Celeste it's been a pleasure speaking with you and I'm looking forward to part two so let's get to it. So part number one if one I think that's a great place to leave it thank you all so much for listening members please head over to to listen to part number two and in part two so let's give some fantastic advice as to what members can do to get themselves ready for the coming crisis how they can keep themselves mentally and physically well and get prepared for harder times no matter what they are similarly we also talk about Celeste childhood growing up the daughter of a naval intelligence officer. So Celeste has these links to these agencies not just through FEMA but through her father too which is very open about it she even talks about the time when he took hair and hair sisters to an occult ritual they sat in the cab I have father engaged in it. We also talk about cataclysms we talk about black magic and how that's been weaponized against us so it's a fascinating part two for members you're going to enjoy this one we touch on all of the key topics and Celeste gives his hair take on it and some of those takes are pretty unique so you're going to enjoy that one I'm sure look forward to seeing you all over there in the member section if you're not a member yet please consider joining us and supporting the show that way not only do you get to listen to part two but it helps me keep the lights on over here in parallel my studio I'm closing up to all having a fantastic summer take care of yourselves and I'll hopefully see you back to you next week for episode number 68 what you are basic deep deep down far far in is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself peace for all men and women not merely peace in our time the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all times the fabric and structure of existence peace in all men and women not merely peace in our time peace in all times (music)