Ayahuasca Podcast

Ayahuasca - awakening and non duality with Salimeh Tabrizi. Ayahuasca Podcast

In this episode of Ayahuasca Podcast the host Sam Believ has a conversation with Salimeh Tabrizi   We touch upon subjects of Ayahuasca, non duality, awakening, Zoroastrianism, psychedelic history of religions and more.   If you would like to attend one of our Ayahuasca retreats go to You can find all podcast episodes and more at   Find more about Salimeh at

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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In this episode of Ayahuasca Podcast the host Sam Believ has a conversation with Salimeh Tabrizi


We touch upon subjects of Ayahuasca, non duality, awakening, Zoroastrianism, psychedelic history of religions and more.


If you would like to attend one of our Ayahuasca retreats go to

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you're listening to Again, we know from DMT it's released when we are born, it's released when we are passing, it's released in the mother of the baby, when the baby is born, around the hours of 2 to 4 a.m. in the morning. There's an increase of that, especially when we're in deep states at REM. And so, they call it the God Particle. There's a reason why there are so many plants that have it. And yeah, it's an incredible opportunity to allow your ego and your body to think that it's dying and to go into that transition point where, again, the Egyptians and the Buddhists, especially in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, that's what they were training for, to stay very calm and present and in the space of non-duality as they were going through that. But here we have a chance to die before we even die. And then we will see the gift that people, we see that end of life when they think everything is okay. And they're just, we see it in this incredible bliss and love. In this episode of ayahuasca podcast, I talk to Sally Mae Tabrizi. We talk about non-duality. ayahuasca. We talk about Zoroastrianism and psychedelic history of religions. We talk about awakening and how many people are now called to a different lifestyle. We talk about the change that is happening to Earth and much more. I am sure you will enjoy this episode. This episode is sponsored by lewaira ayahuasca retreat. At lewaira, we combine affordability, accessibility and authenticity. Lewaira, connect, heal, grow. Guys, I'm looking forward to hosting you. Hi, guys, and welcome to ayahuasca podcast. As always, with you, the host Sam Believ. Today, I'm interviewing Sally Mae Tabrizi. Sally Mae is a clinical counselor. She's a plant medicine facilitator, a founding member of Canadian Psychedelic Association. She used to organize cannabis hemp conference and Expo in the past. Sally Mae, welcome to the ayahuasca podcast. Thank you, Sam. Great to be on here and meet you. Sally Mae, talk to us a little bit about your background, the short story of your life and how your life brought you to work with plant medicines. Yeah, coupling. So, I'm originally Iranian. I was born in Tehran, and my family moved to Canada when I was nine. I definitely as an Iranian, we have these strong roots and deeply, actually, deep roots into plant medicine, which I realized a lot more as I was going through my journey with ayahuasca. I started my career in conventional therapy, and soon enough, I realized that talk therapy and just engaging with people on the trauma level without the energetic understanding was I was hitting walls, and my clients were hitting walls. When I was working with individuals in my internship as a therapist in training, I had to deal with a lot of individuals with anxiety and depression and sexual trauma, as well as bereavement, addictions, the whole gamut. And I was realizing that when I was working with them, I was starting to get autoimmune issues. And autoimmune issues now I know is like self-resistance, self-doubt, self-hatred, so a lot of my pieces were coming out as I was picking up other people's energies. So that kind of started me on my own awakening journey where I grabbed onto whatever I could get my hands on, whether it was acupuncture, ray tea, different kinds of energy work, and then I came across an article on ayahuasca and met with the author who was a dear friend and colleague of mine, and I asked him, I was like, "How do I do this? Where do I go?" And this was over 10 years ago now, so it wasn't as common, but he connected me with a wonderful group in Yalapha, Mexico, and I went down there around three months after by myself and sat with the group in Chapman, and my first experience with ayahuasca work through the Ashut people lineage. Great story. I have so many questions. Can you tell us about what is this Iranian-Iranian blood medicine? I've never heard about it. Yeah, great question. So in Iran, we actually, on a daily base, we use the seeds of Syrian root, which in Farsi is called esband, and esband is actually a cousin of ayahuasca. You can actually derive DMT from it, and so it's so interesting to me because growing up, we use esband as similar to sage. So you burn the seeds and you, you know, in a kind of metal container, you carry it around the house, and it's not only to ward off negative energy, but it's also just like sage is, it cleanses spaces of microbials and fungus and things like that. And so when I went back to Iran, because we usually go back, my mom was back every year, I go back every two years or so, and when I went back to Iran after having my experiences with ayahuasca, I started seeing the fractals and the flower patterns in the Persian carpets, in the mosques, in the calligraphy, in Iran is such a mystical country. And so I started just seeing the DMT patterns everywhere. And I thought, wow, this is, it's so interesting to me, again, how humans have been activated through DMT, through plant use, and the achievements in art and history and poetry that they have had access to because of, I think because of the connection to the DMT plants, the DMT-derived plants. Yeah, you hear about, you hear about the other DMT-containing plants, and but generally the, in ayahuasca, you have the vine, which is the MAOI inhibitor, and then you have the chakruna or chagro, that is a DMT plant. So if you were to eat that Syrian room, you wouldn't feel much, but if you burn the smoke and then you then inhale it, you should be able to feel something. So I'm just wondering if people, when they, you know, use the salmeria in the incense and burn the smoke if they maybe felt something. Reminds me with that story of a burning acacia bush in the Bible, right? It was also apparently DMT-containing psalm. Yeah, I think I'm beginning to believe that all religions and all spiritual practices have their roots in some form of a psychedelic experience, whether exogenous or endogenous, so I don't know if you have any opinion on that, but maybe talk to us about in Iran, they used to have a different religion, right? It was called Zoroastrianism. Have you ever studied it or maybe noticed any patterns between your newly discovered psychedelic work? Yeah, great question. So wait, with Syrian room with espan, I don't know if people are, I don't, I don't believe that you can have a psychoactive experience, but it's definitely something if it's still, we're still inviting it. And so I believe that they again, just like the chemistry of the plants, I believe you have to maybe cook it and add, I was reading around some of the recipes, like how to make a spanned psychoactive. And so there is a brew process for it. And yes, Zoroastrian is the first model, theistic religion, and that's been documented. And so when we think about where, you know, the different kinds of religions come from, Iran, Iraq, that area, like between the Tigris and the Phrades, it was the cradle of civilization. And it's really fascinating to me, what rituals and what concoctions, what elixirs, they were drinking in fact, to a stream religion. And such a Syrian religion is also, it's committed to the light. And so the fire element is really powerful in that religion. And of course, now we know through the different kinds of maybe our own experiences or the study of physics and, you know, modern understanding of this simulation or why we're even experiencing here is that it's all light. And it's a vibration of that light. And so yeah, it's really interesting. I'm still learning more and to come kind of full circle. I started reading about the lineages and where what initiations different cultures were going through. And this past eclipse, not the past eclipse, but the eclipse before in October, I actually went to Egypt for the first time. And I also went to Greece, I went to Athens, and I went to Elusis. And in the mortality key, the incredible author of that book writes about the, again, the initiations in those cultures. And, you know, Egypt, it's its own, it's its own thing. It's, you know, the access codes and all the downloads that individuals get walking through those temples is one thing. But in ancient Greek culture, they would actually have a pilgrimage from from the Parthenon in Athens all the way to Elusis. And in Elusis, the large temple that was dedicated to Demetra was a place where they would be drinking some sort of concoction. They don't necessarily know if it was Soma or if it was, you know, whether it was mushroom or it was cannabis or another mix, but they, it was, you know, the mystery schools, everything was hidden. It was not spoken about. And the individuals would walk and go through, you know, these kinds of, and it was only accessed by people that were training to increase increases. So, and here we are in this incredible time in our lives where we have access to the medicines to be able to connect with God, ultimately, in the deepest ways. Yeah, I wrote a, I read a book about it. I think it's called Road to Elusius and I believe the drink was called Kikion. And it's, it's incredible to kind of understand that people who created Western cultures, we know it, homers of the world, they were drinking a psychedelic brew. And there is also reasons to believe that it later on went on to become what we know now as Christianity. And like early Christianity might have been a psychedelic cult. We don't really know the answers, but it's pretty easy for me to believe that it's, they might have used the help from plant medicines to get all this information to them later on, put it in the book or books. So, talking about religion, I know you're a big fan of the topic of non duality as a complete newbie in this topic myself. Please talk to us a little bit about that. And how, what is the connection there between plant medicines and non dualistic states? Yeah, I'm definitely a newbie and a student on this path as well. So, you know, we're all learning together. And my, just my experience, very limited experience with the Vedic texts and Buddhist traditions of non attachment and full acceptance. And really ultimately what I received in my first experience of 5MEO DMT, which there, it was even beyond love, you know, that experience of complete expansion into what self's like. And, you know, in lack of other words, the majesty of the divine or what we could understand, what our limited mind can understand as God. And in that space, there was no good or bad or, you know, even up or down or self or other it just was. And I think, you know, a lot of the questions that the Eastern sages continuously ask is, who am I? And to continue to come back to that space of the essence of our beingness. And so that's, you know, as far as I've gotten and I continue to remember that moment when I went into the complete dissolution of itself. And a lot of people say it's love, but it was from me, it was there was not even the essence of love, because then the duality of love is fear or hate. It just, it was beyond all of that. And how did you achieve that state? It was through a 5MEO DMT experience. Talk to us a little bit about that 5MEO is, it's both all right. Yes, yeah, this is the synthetic version, but yes. And a lot of people ask us, you know, when they come to Loire, do we offer 5MEO DMT? We obviously, we don't, but because there is a word DMT in it, there is a lot of misconceptions that it might be something very similar or same, but in reality, even if you rewrite the psilocybin formula, you can also call it some kind of DMT. So as somebody very experienced with that, I was kind of tried 5MEO DMT. What similarities or differences have you noticed? And what is your belief system regarding, you know, the tradition of it or like, how did it feel? Yeah. Yeah. So the, of course, the beautiful experience is different. The secretion from the toads, from Sonoran desert, again, it's just wild, this light, you know, this toad species in, you know, in the desert has one of the strongest psychedelic secretions that we know of. And so my experience was with the synthetic because personally, I just, I'm even with Campbell, I'm very, very sensitive on how the medicine is received from the animal. I will kind of state they're going through as far as shock or, you know, so I went with the synthetic and it's, as a lot of people have mentioned, it's, it's a rocket ship into that space of a complete unity or oneness or the majesty of, of what this, you know, experience as a human is about. So of course, I can't really put any words to it, but if someone has experienced it, they, they can kind of understand and, and it's not that everyone always goes to that extent of, you know, complete unity with God or the hand of God on their back or, you know, feeling that essence. If there's, as you know, if there are blocks or other things that need to be released, then those things will be released as well. But yeah, I could, again, we know from DMT, it's released when we are born, it's released when we are passing, it's released in the mother, the baby, when the baby is born around the hours of 2 to 4 a.m. in the morning, there's an increase of that, especially when we're in like deep states at REM. And so it, you know, they call it the God particle. There's a reason why there are so many plants that have it. And yeah, it's, it's an incredible opportunity to allow your ego and your body to think that it's dying. And to go into that, you know, transition point where again, the Egyptians and the Buddhist, especially in the Tibetan book of the dead, that's what they were training for, to stay very calm and present and in the space of non duality as they were going through that. But here we have a chance to to die before we even die. And then we will see the gift that people we see that end up life when they think everything is okay. And they're just received in this incredible bliss and love. And we have the chance to feel that now, and while we're living. So how does that impact us? As we are going through our life and stressors come up, I always think it doesn't matter. If you die before you die, you don't die when you die. I think in this illusion, mysteries, this was the motto of the, of the, the, I don't know, what is it religion or a sector organization. Since we're talking about bad medicines or should we call them animal medicines or natural psychedelics? Obviously you work a lot with ayahuasca and can you talk to us how an ayahuasca experience resulted in you starting this big cannabis conference and why was it about cannabis? Yeah, definitely. You know, before we jumped on the call, we spoke a little bit about guidance and being open to the messages as many of us are that come through the plant medicine experience. And I would love to hear a little bit more of like what the how your inception story opened up with ayahuasca and why you are now, you know, the stored and the guardian of the largest retreat space in Colombia. And so for me, it was the same. It was, I, it wasn't like I consciously went for it. Where I was like, oh, I think I need to do a cannabis conference this year. It was no like that at all. I was already working in, in the ayahuasca and ceremonial spaces for two years in Vancouver. And during that time, similar to what you were experiencing, the medicine was telling me in the ceremony space, sit with this person, work with them in this kind of way. I'll show you how energy moves from the sacral to the third eye. Let me show you how the condominium lives through people and you know, support them in opening up their chests in the heart chakra. These kinds of things were happening in the, in the ceremonial space. And, and then it was just through a meditation without any medicine that I had the spirit of cannabis come in. Aaron, as I shared this on, you know, different podcasts, the spirit of medicine, the spirit of cannabis, which I referred to as Santa Maria, is, which is from the, the kind of the dye made traditions. And it came through as a feminine entity and said that she was very abused and feeling misunderstood. And even to the point of being constituted. And so from that point on, I started just engaging with different cannabis researchers and advocates and activists in the Vancouver community and started just asking them, I would tell them the story. And then I would tell them, ask them, would you like to come and speak at this conference? And so the first year was, it was very small, 200 people. It was at Simon Fraser University with three panels. And then the next year, it really grew to around 30 speakers, two-day conference, as well as an expo. And this was before, you know, cannabis was legalized in, in Canada, but it had a very strong influence and culture. And the third year we moved to University of British Columbia. And then the fourth year, it became the largest cannabis, largest plant medicine conference in Canada. And so the spirit of, like, you know, I always say similar to maybe you two is that I wasn't, it wasn't like Salome was doing things. It was one of my favorite video games when I was growing up with Zelda on Nintendo. And it just literally similar to what you were saying before. It's like I was being controlled or things, I was just the head and the mouth and the hands of the medicines talking. And it, you know, it was intense. It was like 17 hour days. It's something that I looked back on. And I think, wow, how was I so possessed to be able to, like, channel that energy. But it was incredible. And a lot of amazing people came together to, to make it happen. Thank you for sharing. And as you asked me that question, 17 hour days and the video game analogy that sounds very familiar to me. Because I think in the first days of the war, it was maybe even more than 17, it would be like, I'm kind of sleeping, but kind of working. And when right now our team is 23 people, but in the past, it would be just me, my wife and the Taita. So I would be at night facilitating in the ceremony, then trying to sleep a little bit, waking up in the morning. My wife would trip to breakfast. I would serve it. I would wash the buckets and then I would start to sauna for people and I was bad. So there was not much sleep involved, but a lot of passion, that's for sure. So talking about my story, as yeah, I told it to you before we started recording. But that's the side of me a lot of people don't know about. I don't generally talk about it a lot, because I'm afraid to scare some people away. Because I kind of think that medicine is for everyone, but a lot of people get scared by too much spiritual talk or too much wool with things as you can refer to them. But what I realized that when I first came to work with the medicine, I looked at it as a, here's the splat medicine and you take it and changes something in your brain and it heals you and you're good to go. That's about it and everything else is just noise. To then changing to, okay, there are some spiritual aspects to it. To now I would say it's probably equally so if not even more spiritual process than just the chemical process. But what started my journey as a somebody organized and I was intrigued synchronistically so was one specific experience where I went, said I was drinking, I was getting the jungle and I had an extremely deep experience where a few things happened. Number one medicine gave me my ikaros, meaning that I was chanting this indigenous chance that I don't, I never heard before, I never did before, I didn't even, it was almost as if I was just listening to myself making those noises. But it was clearly chanting. Then it showed me this vision of how the universe works. It was as if I lifted the bonnet on a car and I was looking at the engine but it was this but with like this reality and there were some moving sides to it which kind of reminded me of those, you know, these things with many eyes like angels, caravums, whatever it is. And there were entities there and they told me, feel free to look around but we're busy, I can't really engage with you but here's how it is. Then I started seeing many visions of me healing people with my hands and there were like very specific instructions. One of them was that I'm supposed to drink, I was supposed to give, I was get to the person and then one on the one and I clearly saw that my legs were, I was, I have to have bare feet and I have to stand on the grass and I have to touch the person and move the energies and it was all very bizarre to me because I'm an engineer by trade. I come from one of the least religious countries in the world and I can admit that I used to be zero spiritual. So for me it was very hard to accept but the same night there was a person in our group that had the headache and he was walking from hammock to hammock asking for somebody had pills for headache and he asked me and I said no, he came back to his hammock and I, medicine guided me as you're saying in this video game analogy, I just felt myself drawn to come next to his hammock. I then told him, I know this is weird but I'm getting instructed to help you with your headache. Is that okay with you? And he said yes, I could see in his head, I could see like a orange triangle that to me represented the pain that the medicine told me to put my hands on his head, one hand on his head and the other hand on the ground because in the jungle malochos have earth floors. And then I was doing this spiritual effort through which I was removing his pain, passing it through my body and putting it in the ground. And as I was doing so it was this weird spiritual effort and I could see like jagger patterns. That's what I recall so far. Surprisingly so his headache went away which was surprising for me because I still doubt some of those things. But then he also, he was not really connecting to the medicine. He would drink but he would be complaining that he's not seeing much visions. He stood up and as he was walking through the bathroom, he literally fell on the floor and got like so connected he couldn't walk anymore. And I think that was something, might have had something to do with the process that we did with them. Since then, I started after this experience which was extremely powerful and profound for me. I started asking all the titas, what is it? What do I do with it? And all they told me, "Drick more medicine and it will teach you." So I started drinking more medicine that led me into starting drinking a medicine from home that led me into starting an hour's retreat. And many synchronous cities later we ended up with the current version of the wire but I'm probably missing some parts of it. But since that I've been drinking medicine, you know, I drink at least once a month and maybe two or three times a year I get those instructions once again where medicine tells me go help that person. Normally I go sit next to them all their hand and it starts showing me things in their body like as weird as like I could be like flying around their body killing parasites and sort of removing something and putting it somewhere or taking something from somewhere else. I can't explain it because there's no words for it and it's something that I rarely talk about but it's obviously is a core part of Loira and I'm still heading towards that direction where maybe I can learn enough to be able to do it on demand or be like, "Yeah, here let me help you but right now I'm just waiting for instructions." So this is I think one of the reasons I don't mention to watch I wouldn't be I wouldn't want to be in position when somebody very sick comes to me and says like help me and I'm like, "Well, you know, I don't really know how to necessarily." So I feel like I'm on your podcast now and not the other way around. I don't generally spend so much time talking. So let's go back to you from the work that you're doing stuff that I'm mentioning. Does it sound familiar? Have you heard anything about that before and how your personal guidance looked like maybe a specific experience where it came to you. Thank you so much for sharing and I appreciate you because you have been really committed and devoted to this path and having three different retreats come in every month where you're holding against normal energy for individuals with all their, you know, anxieties and beliefs and traumas and ways of suffering to come through and you know I have so much respect for retreat spaces. Will we be doing it from the heart and then because I always say to like on this path we'll really get cake through love and sound like this is, you know, a way the mess and definitely has kept me in shock. Like this is not about an financial game. Like this this absolutely is about servants and yet we are so held and so taken care through that service. So it's a beautiful trusting synchronicity that happens and so much learning. So I agree that we, again we kind of come from me and you, like you're Eastern European, let me in, I'm Iranian so we have different roots but the levels of healing and like herbs has been, has been a part of my DNA in this lifetime. So I wasn't, maybe I wasn't as close off to it as you, you can, which is so interesting for you, right? Because you can speak to a different kind of population who is going through a similar awakening as you did and I think it's so important that different people share their experiences because you're going to touch different populations. But for me I was, I was psychically attuned and quite intuitive prior but all of those pieces kind of came online a lot more when I was going through the work with medicine. And that's where I support my clients now too. Like we all as students are multi-dimensional beings, we have access to all of these clairvoyant, clair sentient, you know, attunements. That's what we are. We're tuning in always to our environment, to each other, to ourselves, and hopefully more and more to our earth so we can start to live differently and feel differently. So I, for me it was definitely, there wasn't even a place that I couldn't trust. Like in those early ceremonies when the medicine said I have to go and sit with somebody and put my hand on their chest or on their womb because there was like a miscarriage energy that was being released. Like this has been in the Indigenous lineage just for no centuries. So we're just tapping into it now and I feel that my trust has increased. However, even before every ceremony where I'm sitting with somebody one on one or I'm working with a couple or I'm in a bigger group, I still have that like deep prayer of medicine please allow me to be the best conduit of this energy. And may I, and so sometimes I'll still sit there and meditation. I'm like, is it going to happen? Will it happen this time? Just like it's happened every time. So I love that it's not a, you know, a button that we can turn on. No, it's me retruling the leddy and through strength and like I have to be at a really good energetic level to be able to serve. And I don't take that work lightly. And I also think it's interesting because not a lot of people are working with ayahuasca in the way that I feel that I've been called to do, which is being attuned to what they're going through and speaking to them. It's a psychotherapy with ayahuasca, whereas with MDMA and psilocybin that has come online where individuals are, you know, asking, being asked questions or with LSD. But with ayahuasca, it was like that for me from the beginning. So when my clients come, they're not just left on their mat, which is beautiful as well. I think when individuals go into a group setting and the epos are being sung or the vocals or the songs and they're getting transmissions from and they're being worked up. But I remember when I was in groups, I felt that people were going through certain things and they weren't being supported. And they were just kind of like in the struggle. And the ceremony was lasting, you know, 10, 12 hours. And I remember like being like, just going over to them and telling somebody, hey, you've got to breathe right now. Like take a breath, circulate your energy. This is about your mom. Like this is a piece around your dad. Or this is the trauma that you had when you were six. When I could actually like engage with them in that moment, they felt like there was a relief that happened that, wow, somebody within this deep, deep space of healing is is feeling me and seeing me. And they're with me. And we are relational. We are relational individuals. And I think the time of like people doing things on their own, or being alone is maybe there is a transition. So, but bless, like again, I feel that there is so much transmission of Aya in so many different ways, you know, from the Judy B to the Santo Dina to the very Kenya churches, to you know, what we see in the Shapika tradition when it's dark, and they're like, you just left alone. And then the facilitators just step out. What's happening with the Tatas and Columbia, you know, and the Ecuadorian traditions. And so it's, for me, it's all so beautiful. And there are different paths to the ocean and the risks of the ocean. But you know, with my work, again, I go very deep with one person, we kind of clean up the whole house, internal house. And so usually each cup is a chapter. So, you know, I'll just share with you my client that's coming in next week. She, she fainted, she had a concussion in 2015, where her life got turned upside down. It was it was the start of her awakening experience, but she was never the same. And so it's really like slowed down her processing, but also has opened up her gift. So I have a sense that next week, when she does come here, it's going to be similar to what you said, a lot of work in the brain. And then opening up her and we're eating chakras and Floridians and chakras in her hands, because I have a feeling that she'll be working with people on one on one like that as well. And and also like sexual sexual careings and healing so that she can draw from her root up into the crown. So, you know, it's, it's just fascinating working with people in that way. And then the medicine said that it doesn't want to be wasted, because a lot of people will keep drinking and keep going back into that ceremony. And for me, I don't feel that unless, you know, you're like really, really on the path like someone like you was working with people and to be able to like have your maintenance. But otherwise, I feel like one or two or three ceremonies when done really deeply. That's all that people need. But that's just my sense. I always tell people don't believe anything I say. It's just my subjective experience. Yeah, there is many different ways to skin the cat many different methods. I think I was self regulating when it comes to drinking too much or too little, because if you drink too much, you will just tell you, why are you back so soon? And what about that whole work I gave you? And they give you a terrible trip so you don't come back for a while. Speaking about the awakening, you know, your your story, I never called mine the awakening, but it's definitely the beginning of it, because I don't feel like I have awakened completely this whole imposter syndrome, as we talked about, is not not an easy thing to deal with. But what about what about it? Like, I know you like talking about this change that's happening in the world now. What is what is happening? Why are so many people being put on that path and being yanked out of their normal life as an engineer, or as a lawyer, or as a storekeeper, and end up finding themselves in a jungle or in the mountain? What is going on with the world? Yeah, and I would love to hear your perspective because we're working with so many people all coming and receiving that support too. And then currently, one of my other populations that I work very deeply with is the this individuals from the US military that would have gone through multiple deployments and are in the special operations units of the military. So this is like the top one, 2% of the military, and they are actually going through my dear friends clinic, and BIO in Tijuana, and through an amazing organization called That Solutions. That's putting, you know, the special operation that's through an Ibogaine journey plus a five MBO journey, a week and four days of a retreat. And so me and my nine colleagues who are coaches, we see them two sessions before and three sessions after. Five of these wonderful individuals and their partners came down in May for an IWASFA retreat to just give you like to answer a question of like what's happening and why do I feel that someone who has been like deeply in the military complex is now completely aligned to the plant medicine path. And so you can imagine, you know, what they have gone through from TBIs, right, rage and anger towards their family because of the head injuries, because of the trauma that they've experienced, multiple deployments in war zone countries, as well as, you know, addictions to pharmaceuticals and you know, full on alcohol dependency. So they come in with a massive gamut of things that they're dealing with, and they're also really highly trained to repress and to just get through. That's the whole training, right? Keep it together, compartmentalize, don't talk about it. Suffering silence. And these are like epic men, incredibly strong, incredibly bright. So, you know, I feel like Aya is activating wisely who she's bringing in and who, you know, who's being called to the medicine. And obviously, there's been a complete misbalance of the masculine and feminine in our world. And so when these individuals came down, and they, you know, as couples also came down and sat in Ayahuasca ceremony. And, you know, we see more and more healing. Why do I feel that's happening is because each one of those individuals is going to go back to their own community and be a conduit of light and be a ripple of change. That's, you know, as you know, too, with all the people that, you know, you've held space for what they do in their world afterwards. Right now, me living in Costa Rica, and it's been, you know, three beautiful years, even from me, I knew that I was not regulated. I'm still working on being being nervous and having my nervous system be regulated. And I feel like from the Western cultures, we are in some of these addicted to anxiety. That's what my Ibogaine journey was all about. He's like, I am still like this in a lot of ways in my life. So when a trigger happens, my rational mind is like, whoa, be independent, be strong, push through it, work hard, you know, all of those stories of survival. But in actuality, I realized that that's not so viable. That's only going to get me to place a burnout. So extreme highs, extreme lows, extreme highs, extreme lows. And being in Costa Rica and really like being so held by the nature of here and also learning some of their Costa Ricans who've grown up here, they see life with equanimity. I don't see them going up and down through their days. If anything, our nervous system like the ex-fats and the travelers coming here, we're like, excuse me, where's the coffee place? And I need to get this done right now. And my car is not working. And they're just like, whoa, where would be that? Like, it's all okay. It's all happening. And they just have the essence of beingness that, you know, is really, I don't know, it's teaching me a lot just to say, just to say that. And I feel that what's happening in the Western culture is just a lot of people don't think they can't, they can't even live in that vibration anymore. So yeah, they come here, they drink, they come to you, they drink, they go into Amazon, they drink. They're doing all kinds of medicine work in the States and in Canada, and they're anchoring in you vibration in. And they're saying, no, I'm not gonna run around like a chicken. I'm sorry, with this head cut off anymore. I'm gonna pay attention to my meditation. I'm gonna take time with my partner. I'm gonna go and rest in the afternoon. So I feel that that's the only way we might be able to make it through this time of crisis on our planet. If we're not grounded, I don't feel like we're would sit off more than if we can even be peaceful. And that's where I think the new that new alternative that might come from. It's not gonna come from anxiety. It's gonna have to come from relaxation. Yeah, it's somewhat similar here in Colombia. There's not not as much stress, I guess, isn't in the Western world. But everything, everything is manana. So you can always, as I like to joke, don't postpone to tomorrow, what you can do the after tomorrow. But where do you think it's leading us? People getting awakened and then awakening more people? Because obviously, some people know my dream is to wake up in the world where yesterday, everyone that I was kept. Because I believe it would be pretty hard for people to be anxious or angry or aggressive after that. But I hear some people talking about like an ascension or a different dimension, different vibration. And I must admit, I don't think about it. I still somewhat, I guess, not criticize it, but I'm not ready to accept it. But maybe, maybe you can change my mind. What is happening? What is gonna happen to the planet? I don't know if you believe in that breathing. Yeah, and again, I would love to hear your feelings around it. You know, individuals will come and dream. Then, you know, what are they feeling? What do you feel that this whole journey, playground, life school is about? Well, what I'm gathering now from people having their processes and coming back and then telling us what they saw is that there's an overwhelming pattern that this life and this existence is a like a training place where the souls go to learn something to graduate or, you know, go to the next level, which is a good belief system, personally, for me, because it's better. I'd rather believe that we're a soul and we're gonna go somewhere else than, you know, there were just psychometer dyes and rots and nothing else happened. So that's what I'm gathering so far. But regarding like planet, then I've been afraid of being mentioned 5D. Generally, we really focus on the healing side of it. Some people come and they heal and everyone comes. But there's always two, three people in the group that talk about this other side of things, which is like something to do with aliens or maybe it has to do with like a very, very deep spiritual, but like new age spirituality, which I just don't understand it yet. I don't know much about it. So I don't know the things you mentioned sort of sound this way. Maybe you can explain to me what is going on. Maybe I can finally piece it together. Yeah, and I think we're on the journey together. I would love, you know, to one day have the absolute truth. But I feel like that really only happens when we do transition. And one of my friends, you know, this is kind of dark humor, but one of my friends once said this is probably like some alien show, like it's a really bad reality show that aliens are watching and they're like, let's see if these humans make it. And I don't know. And, you know, I oftentimes will talk about my one really Colton experience in Spain. It was during the world I wasca conference, which, you know, my dear friends from Iseers put on. And this was in in Spain in 2019. And different lineages would have different ceremonies every night. And so during the days, we would go and just like the cannabis conference, there would be speakers. And whether it was the research track or the therapeutic track or the the indigenous tracks in the evenings, you could go and experience different kinds of and ceremonies. And so I went to Alex Blarrie's ceremony was a dimay experience with around 50 people in this old fort building, old Spanish style fort building. And Alex Blarrie, like incredible gentleman, an elder, but so strong in the force of the medicine and it was singing and the, you know, the main and the central anchors were singing. And during that ceremony when the medicine started showing me a potential timeline where there were millions of deaths on the planet, you know, because of tsunamis and fires and earthquakes. And I was just really impacted as an empath. Like, really, really impacted and I would start crying and crying and I couldn't stop. And I just didn't understand why the medicine had to show this to me, such as stomp force. And I kept telling it that it was enough. And I didn't understand why I was being shown this. And so eventually I started to kind of come back into more grounding and the messages that I received. And again, take what resonates were that there will come a time on our planet, potentially. Again, it's a timeline. There will come a time where it doesn't matter what car you drive, what's family you're from, what your job is, you know, what you're doing. Doesn't matter. And none of that matters because there won't be anything to look onto and accept God and accept your connection to that sense of yourself unknowing. So that was one of the messages. The second message was that there will probably be a time where there will only be song and prayer. Like, there won't be much other activity on the planet, just people sitting together in song and prayer, which we are seeing more and more of that happen in the different lineages and communities. The third thing that I received in that ceremony was this phrase of enlightenment is survival and survival is enlightenment. And I would like to know on that and then you can see it more and more in my life. It's like, okay, if you want to live without disease, without trauma, without continuous tension in the body, without chronic, you know, any issues. That is highly correlated with how nonattached you are, how fully present you are, how attuned you are to the full acceptance that everything is perfect. And so, you know, the Buddhist traditions of equanimity, which are enlightenment, what is an enlightened being, a person who moves to life as love. And so that correlated very strongly to survival in this light tone, at least in the way that it was showing me. So I thought, oh, that's going to be interesting. Maybe as humans, we're going to go through massive crises. We are in some ways in the sixth extinction, you know, but as David Suzuki says, he's an incredible environmentalist and activist based out of Vancouver. And he says, we as a species are in a car going towards a brick wall. And we all can kind of see that this brick wall is there. And nobody's pulling the brakes. And so, you know, here we are again, a runaway culture, anxious, anxious humans. And what does it mean to be able to survive on the planet if we do face these crises? And that's one of the reasons why I got called to Costa Rica, you know, for me, it was a really big reason of like, fluid and water security, baseline, you know, mass those hierarchical needs, baseline of food and, you know, safety and shelter and water. And again, wherever we are on the planet is perfect. Our soul has agreed to be there. And I have a feeling that there probably will be some communities of the future, like more tribal living, that's going to start taking place. And people are already migrating out of cities in a lot of ways. People are already thinking about, you know, how do we set up systems where even in the coldest climates or if the grid systems go down in the United States, which are very old and very sensitive. If there are solar flares, which we just saw last month that created the aurora of Borealis as low as Vancouver, like this, you know, these these we are very vulnerable beings when it comes to these things. Let's say money gets like you can't take cash out of the bank account. You can't buy and we can't buy your food. And the electric system goes down because of a grid and your plumbing isn't working. Your fridge is not working. And I think about these things a lot. And I talk about it openly because I just feel that a lot of people are just like on their scrolling and in in that zone, you know, and they're like, okay, I don't I don't have the capacity to even feel this and look at this. But as we start to open up and expand and feel and really take in everything from our world, what does that mean? And, you know, how can we create these sanctuaries of light or sanctuaries of survival that other people can be brought into them as well. If there is a time period where, you know, this transition does happen. Again, sounds like a movie sounds like sci-fi. I don't feel like it's that strange to think about. And many many people have gone, you know, downloads around this. And I would love and I'll end on this, I would love, you know, for, and I think it is happening to your point of like why lawyers or people in tech or engineers such as yourself who were, you know, like very smart. If we can have a solution summit, you know, bring in the Silicon Valley that's being activated by LSD and suicide on micro-dosing right now, bring in like the top individual school that been activated by medicine and get them into a summit. And we start talking about, you know, ways that we can shift the wealth transfer, start to balance things out on the market and, you know, regenerative agriculture, bringing back the soil health, starting to get, you know, back into the coral reefs and reactivating. It's possible. I really feel as humans, we have creative energy that is an essence of God. And if you do channel it in the right way, I'm so excited to see what what can happen. I have a feeling we can reverse this. Is everyone going to physically make it on the planet? Maybe not. But even that is a, is a, is a, you know, we have to just trust the process. And I think that's where people are kind of losing their way is like they're, they're overreactive to things. Oh my God, that has happened. Oh my God, the fear aspect. And that was another piece with Aya that I thought to mention, Sarah Mooney, she said, you're either in laws or you're in fear, or even further than love, the equanimity that I spoke about. Right? It's actually, you just actually are nothing is affecting you, except being in the essence of your breath. So it's a, it's an incredible training time. I literally feel like the Egyptians and the, you know, the Buddhists that were in the Tibetan Book of the Dead that I spoke about that were training for death. We are training each day of our life is training for death. And how do we stay completely anchored and connected, no matter what is happening around us. That was a very long sharing. It's very, but I hope that it answered or at least brought some reflections that you can tune in with too as well. So yeah, guys, just in case, meanwhile, buy a cow, plant some fruit trees, moving there near to the water source. And, but yeah, hopefully we can prevent something bad from happening. I think the good way to do it would be if I could only get all those presidents here to drink ayahuasca. Maybe we could avoid the nuclear war or something like that. But yeah, there is definitely some frictions and tensions all over the place. But in the end of a day, as I did a podcast with Eilish Afer a few days ago, and she said, kill yourself first. And if everyone yells themselves said all of a sudden, everyone is healed. So then that on a positive note, if you're afraid, come live with Loira. We have plenty of water. We want light and static internet. So we'll be okay. I think fruit trees now and probably need to get fewer cows. I appreciate your humor and your positivity around it because and I love that the podcast speaker that you had previously spoke to that. And that's one of my favorite Lao Tzu quotes that, you know, to bring light into the world is just through our own self-transformation. So it's not like we're even what I said about the intention of a solution summit or, you know, all the different parts and minds of the planet or, you know, a lot of people have spoken to where you said of going to the UN and having the ceremony. And I lost the ceremony at the United Nations level. Like, if we can hold intentions of that, right, the manifesting can happen if more and more of us are feeling into that. However, it's not from a place of that needs to happen or all OK, that's the only solution. Absolutely not. I just think about some things or say it. And then I come back to myself and I'm like, what am I doing today? Exactly. As she said, and you said, I'm like, what is what is what am I doing to create transformation? And within myself, and from that case, divine inspiration happens just naturally. Thank you, Salome. Thank you for this episode. I think it was very interesting that people will enjoy it. Where can people find more about your work? Yeah, I really enjoyed our conversation too and enjoy your energy and how grounded you are. And for individuals who want to, you know, connect with me, my website is probably the best. So by brand life And otherwise, just through my name, and they'll be able to come across some other podcasts and places where they can learn more about my medicine. Thank you, Salome. Guys, check out Salome and her work and you've been listening to Iowasker podcasts and I will see you in the next episode. I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you'd like to support us and psychedelic renaissance at large, please follow us and leave us a like wherever it is you're listening. Share this episode with someone who will benefit from this information. Nothing in this podcast is intended as medical advice, and it is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This episode is sponsored by Loira, Iowasker retreat. At Loira, we combine affordability, accessibility, and authenticity. Loira, connect, heal, grow. Guys, I'm looking forward to hosting you.