Kindeiser Podcast

Golf Talk w/ Tony P

Today we have co host Tony P on the show and talk some golf and Slim Shady

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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All righty then, let's get after it. Welcome to the Kindizer Podcast, joined by Tony P, semi-pro golfer, just competed in his local town's golf tournament this past weekend, and let's dive right into it. Yeah, let's. So it was a two-weekend tournament. This was the first weekend. First weekend, you just, you know, shoot your score, everybody plays the same T's and everything. And went pretty well for me, I shot 85 the first day, 79 the second day, and so now after this first weekend, they'll put you in your groups with people that played about the same as you, and that's when you actually play for the hardware, so to say. All right, so yeah, I think I played pretty good for my averages. Giving you a rundown of like how you deal for this, like how you deal with something like this, you know, how do you like shake the dust off because it's completely different vibe I'd imagine. And like when you're playing with the boys, when you're playing with the boys, you're completely chill, you know, like, you know, when you come through well with the group that you're with. So like, how do you deal with like playing with in front of a bunch of like people that you don't know? And is there like a crowd too that comes with this, like, obviously again, it's just like a local tournament. The only, no, there's not really a crowd for me. There might be a couple people following you. The only people that really have a crowd are like the best guys that are shooting actually like under par and stuff. They'll have some people following them, especially on the last day. But yeah, I mean, it is, it's completely different than when you're, you know, playing with the boys and drinking and having a good time music bumping and stuff. Personally, my golf game kind of transforms. Normally I'd just be swinging driver trying to hit it real far. But like I only hit driver five times per round. I was taking iron off the tee most of the time just to try and keep it in play. And it did work. And that's your two iron, right? Like your driving iron, which I've seen you hit and it's quite the sight to see. Yeah. Yeah. That's that one. It did me well this weekend. Hopefully it keeps up. So it's a two weekend tournament. So you have to run it back this upcoming weekend? Yeah. And I'll be playing with new people that are, that I'm actually playing like against this time because it's kind of just like pool play, the first weekend you just go out and do what you shoot and the first weekend doesn't really matter that much unless you're playing for like the fucking top spots, you know, yeah, 100%. So going back to the original question, I guess like not really original, but the first one I asked, so how do you prep yourself or how do you get in the zone, like get loose? You know, I was just putting more practice in the short game, chipping, putting a hundred yards in, wedge shots and whatnot, getting that all dialed in. But then the week of or the morning of, I guess, I get to the course about like 50 minutes earlier. So go to the little practice green, hit a few putts, try to get the speed of the green down, hit a few chips, just trying, you know, keep calm, have some tunes bumping in my ear. Then head up to the clubhouse, you know, get all my stuff situated, all my teas and everything that I need in my pockets. So then hit a couple more putts, maybe head to the bathroom if I need to do that. A hundred percent, you crank it in and you get loose, get it a hundred percent. Exactly, this guy gets it. Yeah, I mean, I head down to the tee, pregame rituals, man. So is this like a more difficult course or what would you say is like the level on this course? How comfortable are you on it? How many times have you played it before? This course, I am very comfortable with like, I played high school golf, this is our home course. I grew up learning how to play golf on this course. So I would call the course, which I had an advantage over the guys that I played with the first weekend because they were not from here, they were from some surrounding cities. Definitely, I had the advantage, I had the upper hand there and that kind of does pay off because when you know the right spots to miss, you know, and the right spots that you don't want to miss in, it kind of helps out a lot. So like, people are coming from all over to like play this, I guess like, you know, all over the general area. It really doesn't like, anyone could play this like I sort of say could like play this, obviously I never would because I'm garbage, but I could if I like wanted to. Yeah, you definitely could, you just got to pay the entry fee and you're in one guy shot like 145 the first day, I think. Yeah, sounds like my kind of guy. Yeah. So what is the entry fee from like this, is it like expensive? I mean, I don't know, I've never really like, uh, it's 80 bucks. Okay. In years past, it was, it was less I think before I paid 60 and then they probably bumped the price up this year. I mean, I feel like everything like golf is a whole like every, you got any course just to play around with like your friends, but has gone up some significantly, significantly lately, which I think is just because it seems kind of trendy right now. Golf as a whole. Yeah. A lot of people are happy. People have been jumping on golf, yeah, 100% I mean, you know, with COVID, you can really only do things outside. And that was like one of the things you can really get together with a group of friends and just go out and do exactly. So and I mean, I'm sorry, go ahead, go ahead. So the 80 bucks that covers your greens fees, uh, if you want to cart that cost extra per day, but I walked and that was actually, I think that might have been something that helped me kind of just keep focused. It seems like I always play better when I walk, not that I do it often, but I mean, you got to do what you got to do, especially when you're in a tournament situation like this, you got to do whatever works for you was ever going to help you dial in the most. So I'd say you got to stick with that. Yeah, I think so too. We'll see. So with the tournament like this, could you have a caddy? Like could someone come out and get for you? Yeah, you could. Most definitely. That'd be sick. Maybe I have to get out there one day and be your caddy and it'd be awesome. Hey, baby. Yeah, I mean, I would just be like literally don't ask me what club to use. I'd just be like, yeah, I don't know, big dog, DoD. Run that. He was here to fucking carry the bag. Yeah, carry the bag and catch a vibe. So who did the best overall, like who would say, I guess what was the lowest score? The guy in the front guy leading is 24 under par right now. Oh my god. Through two rounds. Yeah, he shot 13 under the first day and 11 under the second day. So is this guy like pro am or what's going on here? Like what's he doing? You got day job or is he just focusing on golf because I'd say that's pretty damn good. I would assume he has a job. I don't know. He is actually, he's just a fucking crazy athlete. My brother used to play semi pro baseball and this guy, he like, I don't know how many bombs, but yeah, he just took up golf like probably in the past 10 years and he was just instantly good. It's nuts. Kind of envy guys like that, that are just naturally good at every sport they they do. Yeah, right. I was talking to another guy that I know who's apparently bold with him and he's like, this guy that I know he's thrown or should I say rolled, he's rolled multiple 300 rounds and got a bowling, but he's like, yeah, he'd just come out and beat me three out of four times. Like fuck that guy. I'd be so mad. Yeah, I would absolutely hate to spies him. I mean, think about this. He's like, yeah, this guy just shows up out of nowhere and it's just better than me when I've been doing this for like much longer than he has. Yeah, I'd be pissed. Dude, some people just got it like that. Yeah, I know. And it's just, again, you know, just the favorites, I guess, just lucky. I mean, I'd imagine bowling is similar to golf and like the mental aspect. Yeah. You're kind of just battling yourself up there. 100%. It's like a lot. It's a very more of a head game than they like a physical game. Well, I don't know. It baffles me how they like some people when they roll the ball, it spins like 800 RPMs right on the edge and then just cuts back in at the last second. That has always just like made no sense to me. Yeah, I'm definitely right up the gut and the bowler. 100% middle arrow every single time. We sports taught me well. One straight. So you actually participated in another tournament for another former golf recently, haven't you? Oh, yeah, the disc golf tournament. Yeah. You elaborate on that for us. How'd that go? It went pretty good because I have not, I only prepared for that maybe one or two weeks in advance. Other than that, I really haven't played disc golf this year much. And I think I did pretty good. I don't remember exactly what I shot. I know I was like seventh in my division, I think. So how does one even get into this because like, you know, you go to like a park like in your local town and you see guys out there banging chains, but you're like, and you also see like this, what is it, the holes, I guess you would call it? Baskets. Yeah, okay. The baskets, but it's like, for the longest time I had no idea what that was even for until honestly, really, shortly before I actually met you, a semi pro disc golf player. So the only reason I got into it is because my brother was into it. And I'd imagine he probably got into it from one of his buddies or something. I mean, I always kind of wanted to play. And the only reason I knew what it was was from a video or episode of Zoe 101 kind of gay, but you know. That's respectable. I mean, I got the boxing because I watched Rocky. So. And I was like, dang, that looks like fun. I can throw a frisbee. I bet I'd be fucking good at that. And it's way different than I imagined. I mean, yeah, I mean, I feel like when it comes on to like putting though with disc golf, it would be like, it seems like it would be relatively simple, but we saw firsthand recently at a park that we were at. There was guys within like four feet and they were missing. So I mean, how much, how difficult is it actually? I don't know what was up with that guy's stroke is putting, his putting stroke was not there because I feel like when it was just tossed it straight like for just a couple feet, bang the chains. Yeah. That's the name of the game. He wasn't understanding something. I'm not exactly sure what was going on there. I mean, he was just like his equilibrium was off his puffin on CDs beforehand and. Yeah, he probably was stoned. That's a big thing in the disc golf community. Yeah, is it? Absolutely. Maybe not so much. I'm like the professional tour, but at your local tournaments, yeah, they're definitely puffing on duties, drinking on some, drinking brews. Yeah, I could see that a hundred percent. I mean, they just seem like dudes that were just challenging. It's honestly really weird. It's like the most motley crew you've ever seen going to a disc golf tournament. You got like old timers. You got like fat dudes wearing pajama pants and hiking shoes and then you got guys like me that are just, you know, wearing shorts and a T-shirt or a pair of jeans and. A pair of jeans, the pictures, right? Look like somewhat athletic. Yeah. Definitely. It's a sight to behold. It sounds great. It sounds great. I'd have to experience that at least one time in my lifetime. Could I potentially caddy for that too? Is that a thing? Yeah, some people do. Just last tournament I played and just do that as girlfriend or wife or whatever she was caddying for him. What is a caddy? You just carry the bag? I mean, is there really anything? Yeah, literally. So they get to the caddy. Literally just carry the bag. Heavy sick. Yeah, that sounds awesome. So let's get into this too. For people that aren't really knowledgeable on this, you know, myself included. The disc, I would have to imagine, do different things, right? Yes, that's correct. So you got four basic types of discs, putters, mid-ranges, fairway drivers, and then distance drivers. Obviously, distance drivers go the farthest and they're also more flat, built to be more aerodynamic. So is that more comparable to like a driver and golf? Yeah. I don't say so. But even with like in those categories, there's discs that do different stuff. So some are meant to say fly to the left, some are meant to like fly more to the right. Every disc has like flight numbers, they're called. So I don't want to bore you with this, but like they have a certain speed, like a certain speed that they're meant to be thrown at, speed, glide, turn and fade. So like speed is obviously the speed that's meant to be thrown at. It is, I don't think that number really means anything. And then the turn and fade are like whether it's going to move to the right or to the left. And this is if you're throwing backhand, that's like a right handed person, you know. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. So if you throw it forehand, it's going to be the rotation is the opposite direction. So it's going to finish the other way. So there's different ways of throwing this as well than just like you would just normally throw a frisbee and that means like you're going to get a different result then. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So I throw from my baseball background, I throw a pretty good forehand. I can throw that a lot farther than I can throw it backhand. And then there's other ways to throw it to like you could throw it like a baseball if you wanted to like straight over the top. I've done that in a few sticky situations. So what is that to do just like put this in like normal golf terms? Why would you do that? Usually when I did it, it was to get over some short trees and it was clear on the other side. Okay. So how many holes are there in disc golf, is it 18? It's kind of weird. It depends on the course. Some courses, a lot of courses have 24 holes. Some courses are just 18. What's the average distance on a hole? Most holes are going to be par three's. There are some par four's and then when like you get up to like the pro level, they have even like par five's and shit, but those are like ridiculously far because they can throw at like 400, 500 feet. Interesting. Which I can get nowhere near. I'd say the average is probably it's measured in feet, not yards like golf. Okay. So it's a regular golf. I'd say average hole is probably like 300 feet, 350. That's a pretty hefty way though, that's pretty good. Yeah, that's interesting, you know, we'll have to get on site one day and check it out to see what the disc golf life is like. And then there's different kinds of courses too. Some that are more like in the woods where it's just like a path through the woods is the fairway. That's kind of my favorite, those are cool. You really got to like hit your lines. Yeah, I could imagine looking to turn messy pretty quickly. Oh, yeah, it sounds cool, it sounds cool. You know what isn't messy though, we'll have to, uh, no, go ahead, go ahead. We'll have to get out there sometime. I'd say flinging ring. Yeah, banging change sounds great. I mean, it sounds interesting, you know, I mean, think about it, it probably, he always wondered like how those things like that started, it was probably just some guys that were like angry at playing normal golf, like screw this, I could imagine, I can probably throw something a lot straighter and a lot better. Yeah, they're probably just throwing a frisbee around, smoking dope and playing hacky sack and they're like, you know what, dude, fuck those golfers, we need to make our own sport man. Yeah, starting a new wave, man, far out dude, it's going to be bigger than looking slice bread man. Yeah, it's awesome. This is actually a good spot to transition. Let's transition to this. Something else is pretty awesome. A former president Trump is actually a legit a golf. I don't know if he saw the clips, but like that guy can actually play. Yeah, for being old as dirt, yeah, he can hit a ball, it's for sure. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm in, I'm in the Shambo. Yeah, it's kind of an odd duo. I'm not really, is that like a, I personally don't know much about that. I don't know if you would know much, be more in a golf. So the Shambo has like a series on his YouTube channel, apparently, where he just goes. Yeah, he tries to break 50. I think they play from the ladies to use any, it's a two man scramble and they try to break 50, which apparently him and Trump it 50, they didn't break 50, but they shot 50. Okay. Yeah. I did see that part. And yeah, because that was when Trump had the solo eagle. Yeah, I saw that clip. I did not watch the entire video. I was like, yeah, I can't deal with, I can't deal with the Shambo that long. Yeah. I just saw the clips as well. That's all I saw. I mean, it was pretty nuts. And I and I did Trump's putting stroke was fucking atrocious, but, but it worked. It did work on that five footer. And then did you also notice like how he was basically like parking up on like the T box and on the green pockets. He owns the golf course. I'm sure he could do whatever he wants. Did you see his golf cart? Yeah. He had like the, the president of the United States like I'm blowing her up. Yeah. Yeah. That was great. That was sick. But like he said, yeah, I guess, uh, when you own the joint, you got whatever you want. Do whatever you want. You're the guy. Oh, yeah, I'm curious how many courses he owned. I'm not really sure. Let's find out. We just, uh, search this up real quick. It's worth a Google. Yeah. I'd say I believe I want to say it's just one, but really, I got you on multiple golf clubs. Let's find out. Let's see, let's see, let's see. Oh. Alrighty. So apparently it's 16, 16 different clubs or 16 courses. It just says 16 different golf properties around the world. So he's probably got multiple courses on some of those that would imagine. Yeah. That's fucking wild. That'd be sick because then I wouldn't be embarrassed to, uh, play poorly. You know, if someone wants to say anything, you can get off my course. Nice. You're fired. I'm not going to insult me on my golf course. And guess what? If I want to do a burnout on this green, I'm going to, and you're going to fix it and you're going to fix it right. Oh, dude. I don't know. But I've never done that either. I'm just saying like, you know, intrusive thoughts. There's a, another thing though, you know, staying on the golf topic. I thought it was pretty funny because just like the comments, it was a post of an older gentleman. He had like a 15 foot putt and it was on like perfect pace, sinking it. But as soon as he got to the cup, it looked like the cup was domed. Have you ever experienced that? And like, since it was domed, it rolled off the green because on the other side of the green was like domed. Yeah. Like it wasn't down all the way. I guess what people are saying in the comments, like it wasn't cut correctly. I think I'd have to see the video with the cup like sticking out of the ground. So apparently, yeah, that's like, that's why is because it was like slightly out of the ground. So the grass around it wasn't perfectly flat. Damn, that cup must have been pretty old to have that much overgrowth. Yeah. I was, I just wanted to see if you had experienced anything like that. That's like a poorly taken care of green, I guess, and cup. Um, I mean, I've seen some hack jobs, but nothing that made like a dome effect. Have you ever seen anything on a course that's like just really driving you mad, like driven you mad that's like actually affected your game because the lack of maintenance because I feel like there's so many courses that around here, well, I guess like the ones that I've played, they charge so much, but the course is kind of like in shitty condition. Yeah, I, there was one course I played some years ago. I don't even remember what it was called, but it was kind of ridiculous. I'm glad it didn't cost very much. The fairways were like damn near the same length as the greens, like it was horrible. You're like putting on a shaggy, some shag carpet. I mean, they got to have like people coming into the clubhouse and being like, you know, what the hell is this like, right, you would think or like, I mean, it was just, it seemed like the tiny little, just like a tiny little goat ranch type of course. I'm sure they had their fucking normal crowd of people. Yeah, but like how hard is it to like get it's, you know, somewhat decent? I mean, I get to imagine, you know, it is tedious, there's a lot of work that doesn't but I can't imagine it's, if you're on the golf course, like, dude, you can't, like, come on. Yeah, I don't know, I, maybe they don't have the equipment. Yeah, that's the best equipment that they're using is probably, that place was kind of a dump. I wouldn't be surprised if they were using some like hand mowers for the greens still. You don't like the mowers that are just like a spinning blade, you know what I mean? They don't have any motor on them, just like the ones you push is just the ones like three spinning blades. Yeah, I'd hope they had something better than that part, maybe who knows, have you got their craftsman push more? Yeah, not even self-repelled yikes. I mean, I can't talk to you. Oh, you're saying, you're saying like the old ones that don't even have a motor. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like, Gran Turino style. Exactly. Yeah. That would be sick. That would be kind of cool just for like the nostalgic vibes. But it would probably get under my skin a little bit because, you know, again, going back like I'm not good. So I need all the help I can possibly get and playing in subpar circumstances would not, I wouldn't be too happy. Yeah, I mean, you could always blame the course though. Oh, 100%. I mean, the number one rule, when you hit a bad shot, you got to have something to blame. I blame anything. I blame anything but yourself. Oh, 100% airplane flying over my dog down there and yeah, something like that. The ball. I mean, 90% of the time it's a ball. The ball is defective. I heard that. Yeah, I mean, it's never my fault. I'm actually really good. I just, you know, very metric pressure was always messing with me. There's a fly. Yeah, 100% that fly was going crazy and I couldn't stand it. You got anything else you want to touch on about your turnies? Give a shout out to where you're going to be. I don't know, I'm just, uh, chipping and putting is really what saved me the second day. Like, I, yeah, my chipping and putting was fucking on point. It was, this was kind of weird. I had two birdies the first day, shot 85. I had no birdies the second day, shot 79. You figured out all I want to make sure of is that, uh, two shots were taken at the end of the day for the two birdies actually, no, they weren't unfortunately I did have two beers. Yeah. Well, that does my round. So you need it had, you know, you got to take them eventually, I took a good luck shot the night before. A good old benchmark. Yeah. That's good stuff. That's fair. Yeah. That's absolutely fair. All right. I guess I'll, I'll let it slide. So, uh, what, what do we think we're running? What do you think, what do you think you're ending up who went in a vag or what? Uh, I don't know, I'm assuming I'll be in like the B flight. So like, there'll be the championship flight, A flight, then B flight, C flight, D flight, however many it goes. I just really hope I don't get screwed because they keep your scores from the first weekend. So like, I could get placed in my flight and already be down five shots, which would be kind of stupid. Yeah, that would be unfortunate. But if I get placed at the top, play consistent, play safe, see where I come out after the first day, if I got to make the moves on the second day, what's the reward? What are you getting? I don't know. I got, uh, I think I got like third place in my flight, some years back. And I got, I don't even remember how much it was. It's like pro shop credit. Nice. Nice dude, unless you're a professional, then you can accept money. Cop and accuse them, huh? Dude, that's a good point. That'd be sick. But being that it's $80 per person to enter, I would imagine first place in each flight should get a pretty good amount. Because I remember last time I put it towards the three wood that I have now. That's pretty dope. But going back to your point, you said, unless you're a professional to accept money, you can't accept money if you're not a professional. Not cash. Let's finally get around to is with the pro shop credit. Same thing with this golf, like when I got paid out for my, whatever I finished in that last tournament, it was like credit to the student's district store. That, why is, who made that rule up? That doesn't make sense. Um, I don't remember exactly what like the ramifications are. But once you declare yourself professional and you accept money, then you can't plan any more amateur tournaments. And I don't remember exactly what, like, I don't know if that would actually affect me being that I don't really play in golf tournaments anyway, other than this one. So I don't know if that would mean like you're not allowed to play in like a golf league, or you're not allowed to play in, I don't know. I think I used to know, but I forgot. You might as well just start running turnies, like, dude, yeah, I would honestly like to look into it. See, if there's more local tournaments around here, I mean, I'm sure they're definitely as, then there's, there's gotta be, I mean, I can't imagine it's, that's the only place around it that's holding tournaments. I mean, even head over into like Illinois, Michigan. Yeah, but that's the thing I'd want it to be on courses that I've played before. Dude, that's why you sign up for the attorney and we go play the course. Sure. I mean, think about it. It is nice having that. I think you're going to play, you're going to never play the Pebble Beach, but you're still going to play it. That would actually be a good one to cross off the list. It would be. And then, you know, again, you're going to be hitting a bit and you can advertise the pod, blow us up, let's go, baby. I'd like to play Pebble Beach. Pinehurst would be cool to check out. They've got like, I don't remember how many courses there, nine or something. That would be sick. What else would be a cool one? I don't know, some of the TPC courses, maybe? I mean, I think any professional course would be kind of sick, or PGA, whatever the call that, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know if there are terminology and I don't want to anger the old heads, so. I need to add some more courses to my, my bucket list. Yeah, I mean, you might as well. I crossed, uh, actually, I guess I just crossed one off this year. Which one was that? Blackthorn. Yeah, nothing about that, but I believe you. Yeah. I wanted to play there for a long time when I just never did, but hey, ain't Marty Kay got out there. Oh, God. That's not pretty good. Shout out to me, Kay. Sounds sick, but we can end it there unless you got anything else going on that you want to touch on. I mean, Joe Burrow looking like the real Slim Shady. Yeah. Well, honestly, it's such a night real quick. Just real fast. Yeah. He definitely does, dude. Like what was up with that? That's kind of a land as she pulls up the training camp, but he literally looks like Slim Shady. What? What are those pictures a while back real of him with like the flow? Yeah. No, that was real. That was him. Yes, bro. That's wild. Looks like Prince Carmine or something. Yeah. Well, he popped off. That's why people are like, whoa, he brought the blonde hair back for his, but he's like, he's in his bag. He's on demon time. He said this looks like a job for me, so everybody just follow me. Yeah. Hopefully the ACL plays nice, but only time will tell and we'll get into that. We're a week away from the Hall of Fame game. Bears Texans. I'm excited. The Hall of Fame game, the what? Yeah. It's the game with the first preseason game of the year. It's where the Hall of Fame inductees get inducted into the Hall of Fame when they get their bust and everything. We're already getting into preseason. Yeah, buddy. Next week. Damn. Shit, dog. Yeah. I'm excited. The boys are going to be on site for week one. Um, hopefully you can pop out. I mean, I know you have a newborn child and all that. It would be sick. That would be cool. Maybe one day, maybe one game I'll get to. Yeah, we definitely haven't been. Maybe we could even kind of get out to a Cubs game this year. Yeah. You for sure need to do that. I mean, but you should have been done that. Yeah. Oh well. Yeah. I mean, you got time. Be all right. Don't sweat it. But all right. Catch you guys next time. Thanks, Tony. P for hopping on. Here. Wish me luck. Yeah. Absolutely. Good luck on all of your next attorneys. Uh, I had to go bang some chains soon. I'll have to be your caddy, run it, get the vibes going. Hell yeah. Let me see you guys next time. Peace. [BLANK_AUDIO]