What We Watched

109 - Fallout Ep04: The Ghouls

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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This podcast does contain spoilers, so if you're okay with that, listen on. If not, pause the podcast, go watch the movie we're about to talk about and come on back. All right, sweet. Excuse me. Frank, over here. Hey, pardon me. Pardon me. Pardon me. Why don't you have the popcorn? It's starting. Hey, hey, hey, shut up. Shut up and listen to the podcast. Hey. There's a lot out there to see. This is what we watched. You just can't see it, but he just showed us a picture of shushing redemption. But instead of Tim Robbins, it's prison Mike. Prison Mike from the office. Oh my God. And Morgan Freeman's developed a ball. Oh my God. All right. Well, we've already gone off the rails and we haven't even got started. What we watched. Well, we won. All right. All right. All right. Well, this is a movie review podcast. I think. I don't know. We'll see what happens today. This is a movie review podcast for movie lovers, TV lovers. And for those who like spitting on things. Yeah, that was the last episode of the head. No, no, no, that was this. We're talking. It's this episode. First of all, so sorry. We're chaotic apparently. So we are talking fallout. We're back. I've got Matt Simpson. I've got Luke Antonio here with me. I'm Brandon. We don't have video, but we are going to be on YouTube. We're got Spotify. We've got Apple podcasts. We've got Google podcasts. We've got wherever you get your podcasts. Go check us out. If you haven't, give us a given us a like and a follow the. I'm already already all over the place. But yeah, we're talking fallout. And today we're talking not the head Luke winning at you. We're talking the ghouls. Oh, not the. I the ghouls. The ghouls. I want to jump in and say I love this episode. Yeah, it's pretty good. It is. It is just the right amount of dark and humorous at the same time, especially with the character of snip snip. We'll get into him as we get as we get further in. But I loved this episode because it also was. I think a real turning point. We keep talking about Lucy L for Nell's character and what. She's been forced to do this episode is where she's beginning to kind of embrace what the ghoul has been saying to her. Yes. And I'm really excited to talk about this episode because this. This is my favorite episode of the series so far. This is a good episode. This is a really solid foundation. And this is the midway point by the way. This is halfway through. So can we talk about this with you guys and see where your thoughts are overall with the with the series so far? Like I said, I know we still have a whole second season coming, which the creator has said that it's coming as quickly as humanly possible, which means I was the last episode. The head 20, 20, you know what? Luke, get your mind out of the gutter. Get your mind out of the. Can't think of it. What is that from? Get your mind out of the gutter. Oh, of course. Oh, of course. Why does he know? Yeah, of course it is. And we're three more of the widest kids. You know, that never participated on that show, but we grew up with it. I have 15% mine. Yeah, you have fucked up now. You fucked up there. You fucked up Mr. President, will you please shut up sex robot sex robot? What does he want? What are my favorite widest kids? You know, skits is dudes just walking down the street and someone just runs up to him from the background, punches him as hard as he can in the face. What the hell was that for? The two goes, you can see me and then just runs away. I think my favorite one is it's Saturday. I like grown man, celebrating Saturday like a kid. I like happier and with your mouth open. And ever is like looking at me like a. And Amber's next dog will not leave me alone. So yeah, she loves Brandon, which is great. And Brandon around like dog me followed the ghoul. That's right. We fell way off here. I just brought it back. Well, you did do a really good job of coming, bring us back. I say great. Yeah, cool. So the ghoul, right? All right. So the ghoul in an episode four of Fallout, the show we're talking about. We're going to try and talk about. I honestly, this is a great episode, but I love the opening track. Right. We we've talked about the score for multiple episodes, but this one starts off with this just bright and happy sun shine. I think I think so. I think so. It's got these these big horns and the soaring vocals, and it's just over this wasteland, right? It's just over the desert and over this decrepit, you know, town that that the ghoul is forcing Lucy to walk through and we get up to a wellness center. And it's also completely, you know, broken down and there's sand and dust everywhere, but we get in there and immediately like there. We stop and it kind of fades and the music picks back up into like this horror ask, you know, thriller with with his heart pounding kind of music and his fan fucking task. How quickly it shifts in tone and a, you know, just kind of again, shows you. Hey, there's real danger in this wasteland. Like there really is you got to remember that. And so then it's really the first time Lucy is like really afraid of where she is at least when she shows that fear. I think she's been afraid the whole time. You think so? Oh, yeah. I don't know because she was so fine with camping. I think she's she's been naive this entire time. And this is her eyes start to open. This is the first time she's legitimately scared this whole time. Well, I mean, come on. She hasn't had her eyes closed, Matt. You're right. Goddamn. No, I'm not talking like, you know, literal sense, but I think her eyes have been opening more and more this whole time. You're right. I think they're opening more and more but done something to traumatize her. Yeah, but this is a catalystic moment for her. It absolutely is. That's what I'm saying. I'm talking like, you know, she walks up to the lake in the flooded town where the axolotl is last episode and she still is kind of like, oh, this is beautiful. Like this is really nice. She walks out of the besides, you know, the awe that she had when she first left the vault, like, you know, every to everywhere she goes. She's kind of like, oh, this is kind of cool. This is kind of nice. She had that nice moment with the deer before the go. She's enamored by Philly and just like the grandeur of it. You know, all of this is the first time that I think she's afraid of where she is like actually truly like I could die at any fucking second. I don't know what's happening and I am not in control. And so, yes, I think this is a great like catalystic moment for her. And I think the reason why I brought it up is because the score really does a lot of heavy lifting in this episode throughout the entire thing. It's just from the get go and then with the tone shifted everything. Could see a nice shot of the rad roaches approach. Yeah, absolutely. My wife loved that. Oh, I'm sure. I mean, even I was like, they just want to hug your face. No, I'm different kind of creature. That was last episode. The head. Hey, but we watch. So, yeah, so anyway, but I love how I like what you're saying. No, because this is like the truly abandoned town where we encounter the other ghoul. Yes, Roger, Roger. Yeah, who is repeating his name? Roger. My name is Roger. My name is, you know, he's starting to turn feral. It's the first time for those who haven't played the video games. There are there are ghouls and there are feral and feral ghouls are. They're glorified zombies. Let's be. Yeah, they're basically zombies. They're like the mutants in I am legend. Yes, yes, you just attack and attack and rip your face off and we'll eat you and who have no thought that they have no control. They have no anything. They just they're instinctual and deadly. But this part with Roger is great foreshadow of a scene that's coming up later in the episode. This is such a well built episode. There's so much. So, yeah, so the first thing we hear is I'm Roger. I, you know, my name is, you know, and he's repeating this to himself. And so we as the audience, you know, are going to know when we get to there and we'll get to the whole plot. But but that is everything is so important from here on out. I thought I was saying Robert Paulson. Get out. Our our Jesus Christ. He actually left. I'm back. Oh, man, it was fast. I don't know. Robert Paulson. I thought it was Marisa Lamarch. What? What are you? Why are you referencing? You said Robert Paulson. Robert Paulson. Yeah, right. Club. His name was Robert Paulson. No, I know. I always use going further. Cause I was going further on the joke. Rob Paulson plays pinky and pinky in the brain. And then Marisa Marsh is brain. Gotcha. Gotcha. I was a layered joke. I was the one to take the scenic route this time. Thank you. Thank you for the matter. We're out wandering the wastelands. I was, man. I was going back to this confrontation or just an encounter. Just an encounter. Yes. And I love Roger. Roger is played by, I thought I had this up. And my whole thing just Neil huff and Neil huff, I think, does in just amazing job of turning, like turning feral, but keeping it together and trying to remember like who he is and who he was and what he is supposed to be. You might know him from split. You might know him from spotlight moonrise kingdom. He's done a ton of stuff, but he is absolutely a powerhouse in this scene. And, you know, it kind of just also gives the ghoul of reality check as well is like, you know, this is another person who I've known for all these years and not all of them. I think he's known them and known him for a majority. Roger says like I made it 27 years. That's a pretty good. Since I started showing. Oh, it's been 27 years since I started showing showing. OK, but that is like he started turning into a ghoul and this shows and this shows the stakes of that. Coop, but the most important line he says is what Roger says is it's still not nearly as long as you. Yes. And that's a lot of violence and all a lot of rat away. Yes, absolutely. Plus, we also get the blamcomack and cheese, which is a great little drop in there. You know, little little Easter egg for those who have played. We also get some shots of Nuka cola as well. Oh, absolutely. But yeah. So, so the ghoul clocks like the empty vials and he just knows the situation and then Roger, you know, just give me just a little bit. I'll be back on my feet. I'll be good. I'll be good and yet the reality of the situation is so much worse and and the ghoul knows that. So he's going to do it. Do as necessary, but but Roger is also like, OK, cool. You and your smooth skin French probably leave before things get bad. Yeah, I think before they get ugly. Again, for Lucy, I think it really shows Lucy what she's up against. Well, I thought so too. But then on this rewatch, I went, she really has no idea. Yeah, even when we get to the supermarket, which I don't want to jump too far head just yet, but she really doesn't understand what's happened. Yeah. That is even more critical, I think, as well. Absolutely. And that's what I've been trying to say. Like she she's had her eyes opened in each episode. Like she comes in with wonder and it's completely taken away. Yes. Later on. Yes, you're absolutely right. She goes outside for the first time. Oh, skeletons. She goes to Philly and her whole way of life is taken down by the by the store owner. Yep. And then she sees all the violence happening there. She goes into wonder at the lake used as bait for the axolotl, the gulper. Yep, absolutely. And to clarify, she knows what she's up against with with Cooper with her goal. I don't even know that she can make. OK, after this, yes, I think you're right because but at the same time, like there is a little bit of compassion. There is still Cooper in there because yes, this is, you know, it is the wasteland and everything, but he takes out Roger in the most humane way possible. He does it in like the of nice and men way, think about a good memory, think about how good something tastes, you know, go back to who you want. You were smiling his face, you know, telling a story and his brains get blown out and then then the work begins. Then the real work begins because that ass jerking going to make it so that was one of my favorite lines. And I was like, I I for they do such a good job of reminding you how brutal this world is in interesting ways because again, it was a mercy killing from Cooper. You're like, OK, I can understand that. And then he turns around and he's like, food is food, food is food and that ass jerking, I'm going to make itself. And she asks him a deep question and he stops for a second and he's like, let's ask that question or one good question deserves another. Why am I doing all the heavy lifting here? Right. Well, I do make the jerky, which brings up another perfectly cut title card, which I didn't say in the last episode. But you know what the with the way, but this one is just this blood splatter, which again, just perfectly place. I love it. It's kind of like with it. It's a bowl like anytime they say the title, it gets bloodier and bloodier. But this time it's different aspects of the world of fallout. Yes, exactly. It's a blood splatter. I can't remember what it is for the other three. So I actually have a pulled up. I'll see if I can drop a link down. There's on Reddit, the fallout red subreddit has a like a whole mashup of all the title cards. I'll send it to you guys for sure. Please do it. But yeah, there is pretty fantastic. You've got the bullet holes for episode two. You've got to sand kind of blown away fallout like either the letters for the last episode. And then you've got the blood splatter on this one, which are all just done so, so very well. But I want to go back to the question that Lucy asks because, you know, we're spending a lot of time up front. But I think again, it sets up so much of what we're going to talk about here later on. But it's such a good question that Lucy asks, you know, why keep going? If this is what you're living for, why? What, you know, and it's the first hint. And Luke, you know what we're talking about. Now, you know, for, you know, at least a little bit of what the ghoul is doing and why he keeps going. So I want to know based on what you've seen, because you've only seen these four episodes, what? What do you think the ghoul is actually going for? Like, what is he continues for? If he has to resort to cannibalism and to killing and to be heading and to torturing and all of these things that it takes to survive. What is it that makes him want to keep going? I think Voltaik has his daughter. All right. All right. I think he, he was their poster child and during all this time, they just keep winter soldering him, basically putting him in a grave and filling him with drugs and then they pop him out. And he and the longer he's out, the more irradiated he gets. And that's how he has become the ghoul that we know. All right, whether or not that's the actual case, I'm sure I'm going to find out in like episode six or seven, but I'm really excited. Yeah, I'm excited for you. And and I love that that so far is probably my favorite of your theories, because that to me has the most intrigue and the most interesting, like, what do you mean they have his daughter, you know, but what? Yeah. I think that definitely would give him the most drive, the most, you know, maybe it's tied to something with vault 31. That's also possible. We get more of that in this episode too. Well, and then a little bit more and then so much more quickly after in the scene in the same scene, right? He asked what her name is again. Yes, which is just another great foreshadow of something great, great foreshadowing. And it's the first time that he's like, you know what? I had a hunch about something, but I definitely what is that again? And again, like you just see this demeanor change and this whole, oh, oh, in that case, it's shadows of his old humanity. OK, OK, yeah, it is in a way. It is in a way. But all right, cool. So then we get into the back into the vault into into 32 as the as who are the two. Oh, oh gosh. Yeah, as Woody and is it red? Let's take a look here as Woody and red as they're kind of vying for overseer. They've got posters up and they're so like polite to each other. Again, neither one like is giving in, but also neither one is like conceding. It is so petty yet polite, petty. That's perfect. It's petty and polite. It's like, oh, you put up a poster? Yeah, I put up a poster and I think one of them says like, I put up 10 posters. That was so good. He's like, I've been admiring yours as well. Yeah, it's so great. Fantastic. But then we get and we kept teasing it last episode. So thank you for for bearing with us as we get through a fallout. But do you think no, go ahead. I was just going to interrupt with a joke. Oh, please do. Always do. Do you think the one curly hair guy? What's his name? That one is a Woody. Woody. Yes, that's that cherry. That's Woody. Do you think Woody remembers his surface life when he's in the vault? And then remembers his vault life when he's on the surface? Because he's from Severance. Severance show. That definitely I was like, where's the connection here? That. No, I don't think he remembers at all in any way, shape or form. False. But I so I like their that little comedic campaign, but it reveals something deeper with the other. Council woman, what's her name? That is my goodness. Why do I want to say her name is Ruby? That one is Betty. Betty, thank you. Leslie, Leslie Uggams plays Betty and she just is crushing. She's crushing. So on resetting bodies is this character so well. She's planting more seeds with Norm. Yes, which is what we were talking about last episode is. Hey, we'll get to this this conversation about how how norms words carry weight. And it really truly is like an eye opening moment for him. And I think she's trying to play him as like kind of emboldened him to think he's a leader when he's not. But he's actually taking it to heart and being like, Oh, no, I do have weight here. I do have pull because my dad was the overseer because of who I am because of my name, right? Because the name McLean means something. And, you know, I think he's asking himself, what would his dad do in this situation? I think it's even less of that. I think we're also getting hints of what his dad would actually do. Now that I agree with that I do agree with, but I think it's less of what his dad would do. But I think it's more about, OK, I do have power. I'm not helpless. I don't have to hide. I can go and, you know, find things out. I can be useful in my own way. This is why this episode was so interesting to me because maybe we could talk about a like storyline by storyline because this is when he finally goes into vault 32. Yes. Yes. Discover the bodies. I want to get there. I want to get there. OK, so I got so before this day. So that conversation, again, just opens and I love it, you know, with with with Betty telling Norm, like, she doesn't tell him what to do. She doesn't say, Hey, you need to stop. You need to, you know, understand your place. You know, fall in line and she just says Fred Lightly, which kind of goes back to what you said is, is it a test? Is she like, how far does this does this line go? So I love it. It's very, very interesting. It's very enders game. And if you guys have read that book, have you read that book? I have not. OK, so the book in the movie are similar in this, but they are testing the kids, these genius level kids, how to fight in command armies because these bugs just are able to latch onto it. And figure out how they think. So these kids are actually figuring out how they think and are able to exterminate them. And while they think it's all a game, it's actually real. Oh, shit. Yeah, massive spoiler there. But yeah, thanks. It's it's a similar thing with Norm, I think. She's testing him in a different way. OK, I think she's testing him to do something drastic. Which he does end up like he's starting to big time. But it's not in the way that she was expecting. Exactly. I mean, either way, I think she's this actress is really good at playing manipulative. Yes. Oh, absolutely. She is. Which is so different from a role in Deadpool. Yeah, it's just very blunt. Or is your hand like really small? Makes makes myself makes me look huge. Anyway, all right, so we can we give back to the wasteland and Lucy is dying. I mean, she's beyond her limits, right? So I love right. So she sees the water and her Geiger counter just she's going, you know, is, you know, clicking, clacking all of this, you know, all this good stuff. But I love the ghoul fills his canteen starts to drink and then just looks over as he's not even drinking. He's just pouring it over his face like he's pouring it over his mouth and just running it in absolutely just like, you know, you want this, don't you? Fuck you. He's like, I bet you wouldn't like like look at it's easy. It's like in the Spongebob episode where we're Sandy, you know, and Spongebob had the competition and she takes off her mask and is like, you know, think about how good air is, right? And it's just that kind of, you know, that twisted, you know, oh, it's absolutely teasing. And then of course, when she finally succumbs it and starts drinking again, it just keeps going. It's adding layers to them. And then I can't remember if it's there or later, but he's like, we are the same. Yes, it is, baby, you now you're getting it and she just looks and she said, what are you? And it's like, oh, I'm you, sweetheart. Yeah. Give it a little time. Oh, so eerie. I love that. That's great. But then because because, well, and I want to say about the golden rule, right? Exactly. Because so was Cooper. Cooper was so about the golden rule and doing the right thing and about justice even even just playing a character. Yes. It's just, no, now time has has given him time, you know, perspective and well, shortly after she tries to escape. You're right. And by punching him in the stomach, because, you know, he's well, he twists the golden rule to very much, well, I, he just treated because because he's starting to cough, right? He's starting to have trouble breathing. And so he's doubled over and she takes off. And what stops her is the devastation of the city, the destroyed city. So I don't know like what she was expecting to see, but she's like, that's stopping her. It's like, come on, let's see, but then we get this perfect lasso throw to reel her back in. Yeah. That was. That was so bad. I love him using the knife to cut off her finger. Well, that's from, you know, so there's a struggle between between the two of them again. Great choreography. I don't understand why the ghoul was putting it in her his finger near her mouth. Like, is it was he going to like, they class, class per mouth shut or something or like, what exactly was going to happen? Cause then she bites her his finger off and then we get another great line there. You are a little killer. And I love it. Again, all of these moments of like, Oh, we're actually seeing shades of who this person actually is and not who like she wants to be because she knows that everyone has a breaking point. Yes. And he's been trying to get her to that point. Exactly. But then we get to the moment. You just talked about how, how a main character actually had something bad happen to them. I fucking love it. Like there's no two ways about it. He just whips out a knife and cuts her finger off and just straight up have time to truly like scream. Yeah. She can even process it. Yeah. Part of that is the shock. But also it's just like it's shocked for a different reason. Like I can't believe he's is following the golden rule in a sense. You've been off my finger. I cut off yours, which is again, another great line. You know, that's the close thing we've had to an honest exchange so far. Yeah, which really truly again is and you think about it, she's been putting on this facade and he and especially now that he knows that she's a McLean. Yeah. Not to give anything away to you, Matt, but I guess I'll just have to finish the series. I guess you will. I think you will. I think we've been telling you to do that for a minute now. But I like being this proxy for those that haven't watched it and then come into the show and watch it with us. I know what you're coming from. But yeah, just an amazing exchange, an amazing moment to get in show how far someone can be pushed to see how, you know, how manipulative the ghoul is and to see, you know, just what it takes again to kind of survive up here. You know, you've got to be ruthless. You've got to be able to handle, you know, you got to take a punch and you got to throw a punch and take a punch and it's just a great, a great scene. So we get back into the vault and we've got Stephanie going to chat. Stephanie has a little fucking minks, this little manipulator. She knows exactly what she's doing. What's her husband's name? No, it's, um, it starts with the B. My God, I'm totally breaking on it. Brad? No. They might be Brad. Oh, right. Take a slight quick pause when you look it up or Matt, or Matt's gonna look it up. But I love how how Stephanie comes in because, um, chat has difficulties accepting, like, you know, who he's supposed to be now and, and, you know, what his role is because in the last episode, he comes out of the meeting with the council, uh, and, you know, he loses his job. He loses his, his roles, gatekeeper and his whole personality was kind of tied into who he was. And now he's just his kind of slumped over, you know, don't know what to do, depressed. And I get it, man. You lose the love of your life, slash your family, uh, you lose, uh, your job, right? So part of your identity. And so you did definitely understandable where, you know, depression would kind of come in. Uh, but then he gets some perspective and he, uh, he understands how tough he could really have it with Stephanie is like, I love that line. Like, how are you dealing with the death of the father of your unborn child? Like it doesn't say fucking love it, you know, bad, poorly, the same, uh, and, you know, again, it just is a reminder of, of, you think you've got problems. Well, let me show you probably, um, and this, uh, oh my God. He's just coming to get. So I think that, that Stephanie came, uh, to chat to get him to empathize with her. And originally it would, it seemed more to be like to get him on the side of, of killing the raiders. Like I thought that her, she was going to go like person to person and go, um, you know, Hey, uh, remember how great my, my husband was? Remember how much you loved him? Remember all of this good stuff? He's gone now because the people were keeping these people alive. Yeah. Which I think that that was originally what she was going to do and then get super fucking horny. Uh, I broke those, uh, those hormones, man, they're raging when you're pregnant. I guess so. I guess so W, uh, we don't, we don't shame here. I know you. Yes. Matthews views and expressions are. It's just a hilarious turn of events, especially for chat. Who's like, well, he's trying to get something out of him. You know, absolutely as soon as it's about to happen, her water breaks, how explicit she, he reaches in that of that's a wet lady. Oh, and then she jumps up and is an excruciating pain. And that's a lot of water. Yeah. That's a lot of water. Um, but yeah, that was, uh, kin, just an interesting moment between two. Side characters, who we haven't really had a lot of time with a lot of, you know, moments. More of her. Yeah. So we are. We will be seeing more of her very soon. Um, but yeah, so then we get, uh, all the way back up to the way said Bert. That's what it was. I told you so with a beat. You were right. Oh, Bert. Oh, Bert. Yes. I am. Yes. I am. Okay. Okay, so my question though, is if all the wearer, these vault tech suits, why does she have the sweater and scarf? When, when does one wear those? Whatever you feel like, man, but we only see them in your entire time. That's probably true is when like you're going to bat or waking up or something like that. Like before you put the suit on. And we've seen her like in different costumes as well. Like, I mean, she shared the wedding dress. Right. You can tell that other people have worn that. But then later in that same episode, I believe she's in like a night gown, um, after, or wait. No, that's, that's in the next episode. Okay. Cool. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. You are correct. So yeah, there are times that you take it off, but that is pretty much all you wear. Also, I think that was a lot more of like, uh, what, uh, Bert had was like doing, like I think he was knitting. I think that like something he made. And then yes, you definitely wore it, but something that, uh, was very good for him considering his shoes. Oh, I know. Thank you for these. I'll try to wear them. I'll try to wear them. It's like three sizes too small. It's like that for a child. Like how tall was Bert probably about the same height as Norm. Yeah. Yeah. Probably. No, that's too normal. Great. Praise to the short game. We love short people here. Speak for yourself. That was coming like, Oh my God, about a mile away. Yeah, good vision, uh, bigger than my thumb, yeah, the fall out of that joke. All right. So we're back at the Wasteland and, uh, we get to the, to the departments or the grocery store. Super duper market. Super duper market. Super duper market. The best like 1950s. Well, it's on that same, uh, it's on that same note as Okie-dokie. Yep. Yeah. Super duper. Yeah. Absolutely. Oh my gosh. It's like, it's almost like the music from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Yes. Very much so. Very reminiscent of just like this happy-go-lucky lake. You can definitely see some 50s ad man being like, yo, wife will never have to worry about daddy dishes again. Something like that. Yes. Some shop at Super duper Mart shop. S Mart. Yeah. It is an S Mart. Exactly. Of sorts. Of course it is. Um, and they- Although the people running the Super duper Mart nowadays are not so S Mart. Yeah, they are absolutely not. Uh, but they do have boom sticks. Hell yeah, they do. Hell yeah, they do. Um, so yeah. So we get to- So we get inside like one episode of character. Oh, he's so good. My favorite one episode of character is this. Well, what are my favorite actors these days? You know, Matt Barry, the devious boss in Fallout City. Super duper Mart. It's been at least a week. Uh, no, I love- I love the robot. The floating robot is so fucking cool. Uh, we get inside that and also I love how cool, um, the cool, uh, gets Lucy there. He's like, I've got a transaction. We'll do 60 vials, uh, near mint condition, and then you just collab- I love it. And then it just collapses. Right? And he's like, oh shit. He was- So here's my question with that. He collapses. Why didn't Lucy just leave? Uh, because he- she went inside and the door closed and then he collapsed. Oh, okay. Yeah, she didn't see it. You're absolutely right. She didn't know, 'cause again, I honestly don't agree. But I love that. Like, hey, you've got problems out here, you might as well take your chances inside, which is not a good thing for the people to do. Bad move. I mean, again, you know, he's- he's counting on someone, uh, Naive, Vault 12. Well, he's a killer to not be able to escape a fucking, uh, organ harvesting operation. Yeah. He also probably didn't want to go inside, 'cause they're collecting ghouls. Yeah. I don't- You think that that's it? I do. I really do. I think it's either people that couldn't make the payments for their vials. Okay. Or that they were- or maybe they were kind of the original heads of the operation. Ooh. There's a thought. That organs that are being harvested, like they're trying to use on themselves. Interesting. There's a lot of ways you can look at the ghouls and the cages. But again, it's the- it's the dark turn of snip-snip being like Cogsworth in Fallout 4. Yeah. The Servant Robot. And just like, can I get you anything? Would you like a cotton blend, or would you like just straight cotton? Well, and right. And at his stage of- he's like- he's not in the best shape at the moment, so he probably doesn't want to go inside. Oh, absolutely not. Oh, to like have that air about him where he is infallible, and he's got that, you know, invincibility. Yeah. I definitely- okay. Yes. I think it's a couple of rings. It's probably a blend. But Matt Barry's character, right, that robot is Cogsworth. That is the whole point, is that it is supposed to be this helpful robot that does whatever it is you need. I want one. Of course I need one. I want one to every one of those ones. Phew. Self-taker? Yes. Are you kidding me? Absolutely. Because robots never go bad. No, of course not. It doesn't go bad. Well, actually, if it follows Asimov's rules, then I- then we're screwed anyway. I want one. Um. I want one. Thank you. Yeah. I agree. I think Matt Barry just does an amazing job with his voiceover. Absolutely. And he's been doing a lot more voice acting these days. I think he's been in a couple episodes other than this one. Uh. Uh, fall out? Yeah. Yes. He does come back later. He will come back. As different characters, though, is what I'm saying. In a way. In a way. Yeah. Um. I don't think we've got there yet. No, we have not. We have not, definitely. But I don't think Matt, I don't think you don't got there yet. You're on episode five. It might be- I think it's six. I'm finished with episode five, so I guess I should say I'm on episode six. So I think- He wasn't in five, right? That's not five. No, right. I think it's six. Um, so yeah. In a way, he'll come back. You'll understand when you see it. Don't worry about it. Um. But, so you see, so, so Lucy is like using him as a therapist almost. Yeah. Yeah. Trauma dumping all of it. That's fucking great. Uh. This guy. He's been dragging me around. Uh. Please. Oh, you've lost a finger. That won't do it all. Okay. Oh, my God. I am not programmed for this. Oh, that bit. She's like, we're low on fingers and he's like, this is only going to take it a little bit. It's only going to hurt a little bit. Yes. It doesn't hurt at all. So why? It's going to, if he's just going to harvest her organs, why is he replacing her fingers? Because he's a helpful robot. Yeah. Because he's helpful. And again, his whole point is to help. It's also to wall us, the audience, into a false sense of security. That's exactly right. If we're being honest, that's exactly right. She gets, uh, tranked. Yeah. And welcome to hell. Mm hmm. And I wonder, I just want to know like, do you think that that finger transplant would actually like work? Because it feels like you, all right, you put a dead finger, a dead limb, a dead anything onto a, onto a living, like you're going to, that's going to get infected or it's going to be. It's definitely in keeping with the fallout universe, um, cause we, we kind of saw a similar thing with the doctor in episode two, or no, episode two, two, two, you're right, where, you know, he loses a leg and then the kind of, Oh, yeah, you're right. You're right. Yeah. Yeah. But that wasn't attaching a dead limb. True. True. But I'm saying it's similar. Okay. And she's definitely going to get gangrene. Right. At least at the very least. She's not already irradiated from the water. She drove. Exactly. The radiation is helping at this point. Yeah. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. You're not going to get the radiation to really, you know, take the, take the pain away. Yeah. But yeah. So, and then yeah, then, then, uh, another awesome line is I thought I was going to be here to be a slat, a sex slave. What? No. That's disgusting. I'm just here to harvest your organs. I love that. I love that. His cadence is so perfect for this, for this character. Yes. Yes. It absolutely is just great. Matt Berry needs to be the next Alfred in Batman. Ooh. That's an interesting Alfred, for sure. He's got just the right amount of sex. I thought he should have played a Garfield instead of Chris Pratt. He would have been a great Garfield. I don't think anybody wants to play Garfield. Yeah. Except for Chris Pratt. And I'm done already. Oh, just Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt, I actually want to, or is he just? He's just collecting a P.J. Exactly. The P.J. says. Okay. So, uh, so we've done some, some shopping at Esmark. We've, uh, we've gotten a new finger. We have, uh, gone to sleep and now we're going to go back inside the vault. Oh wait, does, does she get the, no, she doesn't wake up yet, right? No. Yeah. She's just been trained and that's it. That's it. So now we're inside. And now it seems like Norm's had a little bit of a change of heart. Maybe just slightly at least, but he's definitely, you know, he, he, he's more, hey, I'm going to go ahead and I'm just going to do this and then we're bringing Jell-O-K. We're bringing Jell-O-K to the fucking, uh, prisoners. This looks so gross, by the way. I'm wondering. It does not look appetizing at all, but I'm wondering, but, but that's very fifties fit. They were putting everything in Jell-O in the fifties. Yes. You're right. If you look at old cookbooks, it's like all fucking Jell-O, they love that shit. Putting staplers in Jell-O wrong show. Thank you, uh, but I'm wondering if that was actually like direct, if Norm was directed to give them cake or he took that upon himself. Yeah, I was wondering that too. I think he took it upon himself. Yeah. Because again, he's showing himself, maybe not for this election, but the next one, he's showing himself as a candidate. Okay. I think he's just starting to be manipulative and be like, let's see how easily I can push people's buttons and how quickly I can get them to do what I want without actually telling them to do what I want. Yeah, which could lead to what you're saying. You're right. You're not, you're not wrong. Regardless, it's interesting that he gives the, the prisoners just like a slice of it. Yes. And then he gives the guard the rest of it, like I won't tell. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. He's buying a little bit of trust. He's buying a little bit of good grace. He's doing just a little bit, something a little bit shifty without being too shady. Yeah. It's, oh gosh, I don't know how else to describe it, honestly. It's just so, you're right. The best word is manipulative. Yes. Yes, I love it. I love it. I'm doing a long game. And then, and then, so then he goes to, to chat to find out, you know, or to, to find a companion to go to, to the next vault. And I love it again. It's a chance to be in the middle of, in the middle of the doorway where we've got Stephanie giving birth on the couch to the right. You got a doctor just doing his thing. Kind of hanging out back there. And then, and then. It was giving a Deadpool to. Sure. And he shows up at the X mansion. There's like, stuff going on in the back. Yeah. Yeah. You remember that? I do. But then, but then Chet just slides over to hide Stephanie. Exactly. That's technically what happened in Deadpool two, I think. Or better yet. Scott Pilgrim. Yes. Where she goes to check on him. It's got here. Oh, you know what? You just left. He just. Just. Yes. Perfect timing. Great. You know, I love it. I love it. Let's see Rory Culkin in this part. You mean, Kieran Culkin. Kieran Culkin as. Yeah. He could have been a good norm, I think. He was a bit. But I like. I like Moises. What's his last name? No, he's doing a great job for sure. Moises, Arias. Thank you. Thank you. I remember seeing a video while back someone doing some fan casting and they cast him as a toad for like a live action X-Men for the MCU. Oh. Interesting. See? Okay. Shout out to Brian Seeker on YouTube. He does these great fan casting videos and he did this whole thing for the X-Men and the MCU. And like, each of his pictures like. I'd be interested to know if he didn't fall out one. I don't know if he did, but one of his castings did not age well. This is before all the stuff came out about Armie Hammer, but he picked Armie Hammer for Cyclops. And at the time, I'm like, oh, that's a really good pick. And then with everything else that came out, you're like, oh, God. Never mind. But anyway, Moises. I'll be a good Cyclops. Yeah. Yeah. Or Havoc. Or Havoc. Yeah. Another Summers. Anyway. Anyway, yeah. So let me go back. He definitely gives the Summers vibes. Yes. And all right. So now we've got these two guys, Norman Cheddar, who are exploring into Vault 32. Yeah. And one's like, we're just going to do it. And Chet's like, has a bad idea. We shouldn't do this. We shouldn't do this. But he goes along with it. I love it. I love it. And we get into Vault 32. First time since episode one. Miranda. The first time. And? Oh, wait. Have you guys not seen Serenity? Yes, of course. I just wasn't sure if that was what the reference was. That's what I was referencing. I was referencing Miranda. Yes. That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw Vault 32. Absolutely. Have you seen Serenity? Yeah. Yeah. So that's exactly what I was thinking. They're killing each other. Or they're just dying on their own. Yes. Yes. It was the exact same vibe. Absolutely. And then of course, with the bodies, with the corn fields that are just completely dead, then you get the, of course, you get into one of the vault dwellers, like Domicile. And you get the documentary, of course, about the lab rats who are in their ear. And you have each other in the desperation to survive in a toaster, like he electrocuted himself. Yes. Oh, my God. Do you have the blood? The documentary with the rats is very, um, like, yeah, hanging a lantern on it for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, which is okay. I mean, there's nothing necessarily wrong with it. It definitely is for those who aren't, you know, following or who are like, oh, there's definitely some great mysteries. Sometimes you need a two by four and just being like, the line, the witch in the wardrobe is based in Christianity. Do you get it? Yeah. Uh, but yeah, just the, the, the set dressing, the makeup, the, all of this absolutely hats off to the team for this episode and for this scene alone of making it just so eerie. Yeah. And feels so much like the video game, when you go into one of these vaults and you start to learn a little bit of what happened inside of him in there in the first place is that he didn't have access, like it was access denied when he was exploring vault 32 on the computer. Yes. To the records of what happened. But then it culminates in that episode when he goes to the, the overseer's office. Yeah. And you can tell people have been trying to break in and they're, they have notes saying like, uh, what is it? Something to the man? Death to management? Death to management. Yep. Who accessed. Who accessed, uh, the vault, uh, it was his mother using her hip boy. Yeah. Now, was it her? Was it his mother or was it someone? The overseer? No, no, no. Yeah. Oversteer was a guy. We're jumping over. We're jumping. We're jumping to, um, when we get into the, to the overseer's office, right, it's all tied up and everything. So we're jumping, we're jumping forward a little bit, which is my overseas computer. Um, to talk to you. It was open. It was opened. It was opened from the outside and the hip boy that opened the vault was his mother's hip. So again, it's bad. Was it his mother actually using it at that question? That's the question. But I love that we get, um, information about how long it's been at least two years, uh, since any life was detected on the pit boy, uh, for, for at least one of the, of the bodies. It was also saying like all clear for months or months. You know what's, uh, her name was Rose, right? Uh huh. Rose McLean. Uh huh. So if you, I'm not saying this is always, but a lot of times there will be subtext to why a writer wrote a name. And I think it's great that her name was Rose because Rose is, is beautiful, but Rose is also have thorns. Sure. And it's, you know, it's becoming apparent that she was a thorn. Or this vault, or maybe for all the vaults, uh, she was a thorn in someone's side. She's a thorn in someone's side. Exactly. I'm very, very good insight on that. I love it. Going into some theory territory. I think she died before she could expose anything. She died? Shut up. I think she died before she could expose anything. And then her dear husband opened the vault. Ooh. Now, Matt, are you keeping track of all these theories that you have? Do you have these written down somewhere? Yeah. If not, can you, can you write them down? I know. Write them down. Can you write them down? So, so when we get to certain things, we can go back and cross it off like this. This was wrong. Dumb ass. This was so wrong. Yes. I'm a very curious to know when we go back and do the whole recap and just very self-deprecating. No. You know, but yeah, I love myself despite the ease of which I lean toward the opposite. Uh, yeah. So I just, I love, I love the vault 32 stuff. Yeah. All over. So this overseer, uh, evixiated himself to death, right? I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I think someone else killed him. I'm pretty sure he's got, he's got ties around him. I think, I think they went and tied him to his chair. Okay. Secondary theory. If not my original, I think Rose did open the vault from the outside to try and free everybody. Ooh. And they killed the overseer, but then something was released by vault 31 or 33 to get them all killed. Okay. Maybe Rose, you're still in there. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know. All right. Cool. Yeah. So, uh, so then we, we, we get back outside, um, and then again, we were skipping all the way back, um, because I want to get back to the super marked and, uh, Lucy is starting to kind of wake up a little bit. She's been trained, but not clearly enough. Um, and we have another ghoul repeating her name to herself. What's her name again? Uh, uh, no, it's not Maria, Martha, Martha, my name is Martha. Oh God. Another Martha. Another Martha. I know. What's significant to that name? Luke. Martha. What did you say? It's his mother's name. That's why my mother, she's a cool, I'm scared. Martha. What did you say honey? Save Martha. I'm sorry. Too much. Hey. Hey, Lucy. Don't try to save Martha. She does try to save Martha. So Martha turns just a little too late, but not track a bit. We know what that means because very first scene, we have Roger, Roger, Roger, name. He's repeating it to remind himself he's human, not to turn, to try and hold on to some semblance of his of his own humanity. We now know what is about to happen with Martha, and we'll see how it's going to happen with Coop. Very. Exactly. Lucy, however, doesn't know this, or she doesn't pick up on this. I don't know why out of just sheer dumb, you know, yeah, I'm not going to change and I'm going to always do the right thing, period the end. There are no bad consequences if you do the right thing. She doesn't pick up on this. Yeah. So we get, we get Lucy in, we get, sorry, we get Snip Snip walking by, hey, we're going to go ahead and we got another one ready. He wants 60 vials and we've got one of your favorite, one of my favorite characters as well. We've got Huey played by Maddie Carter-Robel. Now, is that the guy who's showing up in a lot of things these days? Yes. Yes. He was in Stranger Things. He was in Reservation Dogs. The first time I remember seeing him was in the series of unfortunate events with Neil Patrick Harris. Yep. Yep. I love this guy. He always plays this character, but he's so good at playing this character. He's so funny. He's so, his execution is fantastic and so, it's just this nice robot. I mean, just great, absolutely fantastic and see, so him and his partner are just watching TV, watching a movie, you know, not doing anything. Yeah, we could do 60 vials for this one person, no big deal. And then, so Snip's tip is he's taken Lucy off to go and harvest her organs and how she escaped was absolutely incredible, totally badass. Again, great choreography, it all makes sense. The CGI is incredible in this one. I love how he's got this giant buzz, please hold still, this won't hurt a bit. Like, are you sure about that? Right. But even when she is still escaping, he's still saying, please hold still, this won't hurt a bit. And when we're going to the room, it's like, where are you from? Never been there myself? Oh, yeah. It's like, no conversation, it's like, oh my gosh. It's a programmed robot, right? It's programmed to say things, pro, pro, pro, pro, I hate you. Okay, Luke. And he's the one that said robo, shut up, I never said anything. And then, of course, It's a lusius games and she's able to, you know, trap, snip, snip. She gets out, out, back out to the two guys. Snip, snip the row, you know, hands up and snip, snip doesn't get hurt. We have the one of the greatest lines of the entire series. It's a fucking robot. Yeah, I love that. It's so great. I like it. It's a fucking... You might as well be holding up an air conditioner. I'm surprised they're not smoking weed in this series though, right? They seem so not the rest. This is like the fallout version of Beavis and Butthad. Yes. Yes. But absolutely. But then she launches this dart at them, this needle with a bunch of acid. Yeah. It's like, oh, fine. All right. Cool. I'll do whatever you want. Let out all the ghouls. Well, all right. So, so she, she wants, she thinks she's doing the right thing by letting everyone out of their prison and, you know, again, like, hey, lady, you don't know what we're, what you're doing. We're not. I said everyone, right? It's like, all right. Well, I guess I'll go ahead and release them. So fucking stupid. So naive. Yeah. Fucking vault dwellers, man. I wouldn't call her stupid, but, yeah, naive. Absolutely. No, I think she seems a little glimped of humanity in some of these ghouls. I think this is a callback to Roger. Yes. She's... Oh, yeah. She wanted to save Roger. Yeah. Now she has a chance to save these... Yeah. But she's... She doesn't understand. Exactly. She's pretty dang quick after the ghouls take out Beebas and Buttheads. Yeah. This is another catalystic moment for her. Yeah. This is the catalystic moment, I think. Yep. Because... This is... Yeah. 100%. When she confronts Martha again... Martha. Martha finally turns. Yep. And she has no choice. And she's... I think she... And that moment she realizes what the ghoul did was a mercy killing. It was. It absolutely was. I mean, again, we see the ghoul is pushing her further and further and further. To her breaking point, right? He's trying to show her what the wasteland is, but in a way, he's also teaching her how to survive. Yeah. Right? She's just resisting it because now... Yeah. She... This is the first time she has to kill someone. Yeah. Right? The doctor was already dead. She just has to rip his head off. The ghoul was dead. She just has to rip his ass off. Mm-hmm. This time, she actually has to pull the trigger herself and kill another Beeb. And even though these feral ghouls, which again, I love seeing how dangerous these ghouls are and how just quick and torturous they can be to someone if they're not put down. This is the... Again, the first time that she's really got to take matters into her own hands and go, "Okay. This is it. This is what it takes to survive. This is definitely the catalyst to moving forward without this scene. I don't know. I don't know that she survives or that she's able to survive in the same way. No. I was just doing some mental math here. I think this is her fifth or sixth exposure to radiation or someone that is irradiated. Just from going outside, in the first place, then... Being around the ghoul. Being around the ghoul. The gulper. Gulper? The water with the gulper, honestly, is probably irradiated. Drinking that water. Oh. The water was probably the worst. Oh. Also, actually, inside the vault with the raiders. The raiders. I mean, her husband, quote unquote, I mean, yeah. Yeah. That was... Come on, mutant baby. She's carrying a mutant fetus. Come on. Yeah. It's going to end up looking like the thing from Total Recall. Oh, Guatu. Guatu. I don't know if you saw the latest season of Rick and Morty. Don't they do a whole thing with Guatu's... There's a whole episode where it's just Guatu's... Oh, my God. Is it Guatu? Guatu. Yeah. The whole episode of Guatu's. Oh, dear. You know what we're talking about? I haven't seen the episode. I haven't been watching Rick and Morty. You've seen Total Recall? I don't know if I've seen the whole thing. Have you seen the... There's a guy with a baby sticking out of his stomach? Yeah, it's the baby that's actually taught it. Yeah, that's like the genie... It's like a genie's baby. Or I've seen, you know, riffs on it. It's so great. Okay. It's so great. That's going to be Lucy's baby. Okay, cool, cool, cool. I got you, I got you. Anyway. Okay, cool. So, yeah. So now we have... And so now we have Lucy, you know, killing somebody and figuring out, you know, how to survive and everything. But we're back in '32. So we've explored a little bit more. I just want to go over anything that we missed, right? So we've got the awesome, iconic sounds of the terminal, the computer terminal with the keyboard and with the worrying and all that. Like it just is so... Yeah, some are honestly. Oh, I love it. I love it. There's some really great sound design in the show. Really great sound design. But again, I want to know was it ripped out of the game sound design or did they recreate it? Because it sounds exactly the same. I'm sure it's a... Which I'm fine. I'm sure you've recommended it. I'm totally fine if they took it 100%. But they probably recreated it to sound like the game. True. True. I mean, either way. Either way, it's great. But now... Yeah, so we talked about how Lucy's mom's Pip Boys, the one that opened it. We get that reveal and then, you know, again, just thicken in the plot even further. And now we're back outside, Esmark. Nothing. Now we're back outside, Esmark. This is how I remember to talk right into the mic. Luke is just balancing the microphone between his stomach and his chin. It's the one time that I wish that we had cameras up. Man, I'm telling you, I'm very upset about this, but oh well. I was mouthing to Brandon. Do you want me to slap him? Oh, yes, please. Thank you. Oh, okay. Why did your face go the wrong way? Because I'm a bad actor. No, I did it on purpose because I'm a good actor who's pretending to be a bad actor. Sure it is. Sure. Oh, my God. Anyway, there's also a hint to suspicion though from the newly elected overseer. Do it. Okay. Well, isn't this the election? Not yet. Not yet. Okay. I'm excited. Okay. But now, so now we're outside of the Esmark and Lucy's got an upgrade, which is exactly what it's like in the games is usually one of your first ops is a grocery store. You have some encounters, you get some upgrades, you get some weapons, you get a little bit better armor, which and her armor is pretty much exactly the same replica of what you would get in one of the fallout games. What I like though is that it doesn't come off as cosplay. Right. It does not come off as cosplay. It comes off as realistic. Yeah. Which is great. Wait, which outfit? The shoulder pad shoulder pad. Yeah. Lucy? Yeah. When she leaves Esmark, super duper Mart, she's got, she's got her voltech uniform kind of wrapped around her waist. Uh huh. Oh, and she's got a shoulder pad. Wow. She's got like this cool leather shoulder pad and then a new holster for her new gun. Yep. Right. Straight out of the games. Yep. It's like a millimeter pistol that they use, which is great. It's awesome. But I love what she says to the ghoul. Yes. Yes. She's like, we may be alike, but I am still better than you. Yeah. I will never be you. Yeah. I will never be you. Yeah. To paraphrase. Yeah. So at this point now, I think now is when she's really starting to put it together. Yeah. And she's really starting to think and, and you know, understand the wasteland and what it, not just what it takes, but like also the first time we see her audibly swear. Like yes. She calls him a motherfucker. Does she? Yeah. When? When she leaves him. Oh, I don't remember hearing that. Oh, yeah. I don't remember hearing that at all. Are you sure? I'm pretty sure. Okay. Cool. Ah, I don't know. I miss the shoulder pad. So you miss, you miss a lot of things. So that's not so Lucy is now confirming. Like, so if I, if you don't get the drugs, is that what's going to happen to you? You're going to turn feral. And it's the first time. She's like, okay, cool. She, she gives, she gives him the drugs. I may look like you, but I'll never be you. Yeah. Right. And that just isn't situating. Like, yeah, you're right. Maybe I'll live to be 250 years old, but maybe I'll look exactly like you. Maybe all my, you know, my skin will, will, you know, turn. She probably doesn't want. I don't know if it's as much. She doesn't want him to go through it as she doesn't want to have to deal with another feral ghoul on the run. I think it's less about that. I think it's, it's, I'm never going to sacrifice my morals. I'm not going to be. Well, she's not going to sacrifice them too much. Right. She's going to make them work for it. Yeah. But I think that, yeah. So what, what I had said, or what I had written out on my nose is that she may succumb to the effects of the waste, but she'll never sacrifice her morals and she, and, and what she knows to be right versus wrong. Right. Like that is, she's, she's going to let that continue to guide her, her, her compass is always going to be pointed north. She's going to do what it takes, but she's always going to do it for the right reasons or what she considers the right reason way to get what she wants, but then that also brings up the whole dilemma of like, okay, but what is right and wrong when it comes to survival? Exactly. Yes. You're, you think that you're being moral and you think you're being just because you're justifying it, but that's what everyone else is doing. Yeah. There is a payoff to her helping him as a golden rule later on. Mm hmm. You're absolutely right is for that. Gold and rule. Oh, you are right. Gold and rule. Motherfucker. Yeah. Are correct. I had to think about the scene. I had a red replay the scene in my head. You got it. Steel trap. I mean, I, I tapped the steel trap that is my head and all I heard was an echo, so. Make of that what you will. It's a wasteland up there. And then so I love the ghoul going in, in, back into the, to the market and he just goes crazy with the drugs and the alcohol as much as he can get party for him. Fucking party. I mean, he literally says like, I didn't invite you to this party, but you weren't, you know, on the list, on the list, um, he's got so many great one liners. So many great quits, but the best part is when he discovers an old tape, the old Western. Yeah. Right. She actually says the same line. Yeah. The same line from the last episode, which is an old Mexican eulogy. Baio, Burette, Formal, which means he was ugly, strong and had dignity. Right. I want to touch on this before we get out of here, but they, I'll give you two out of the three. Right. So the ghoul, I mean, and this goes right back to the, the scene with, with Lucy, right? She's not going to lose her moral. She's not going to lose her compass. The ghoul has completely lost his compass. He's got no real, you know, morals about anything. He's got no qualms about, about killing. He has, he just survives. Are you insinuating that this is him finding his compass again? This is exactly what I'm insinuating and I love this scene because his morals used to be set and this movie in this line, right, is, is what's going to set him right again. And a hundred percent is. But back on the path of righteousness, because underneath it all, did he ever really lose his dignity? Did he? Do you think? I think he, because with his, his compassion for Roger, right, he's got shades of his old self. Not to mention there's torture line in the last episode. Yes. Absolutely. Like torture. Yeah. He's not, he's not tort. He wasn't torturing her. So he, yeah, he does have some dignity. He does present himself better than any of these other ghouls we've seen. Yeah. True. But I think that we're right. We're, so we're going back to the last episode with, with the movie director being like, you know, you know, it's okay. You know, so do you want to change directions? You know, we want to change your character, uh, because of the comedy, right? And what, and what, what they called commies, the red, the reds, he as a ghoul is red. And has a, he has a stretch. That's a stretch. That's, that's a huge stretch, but he is, but he is where you go with that. I like it. I like it. I like it. He's wearing a blue. Valtec suit American. I got like a goddamn a murk. Yeah. But no, what? Cool. Fuck yeah. Except. Valtec colors are closer to you. Creen. So, uh, the, what's your point? What I, what I like about the Mexican eulogy, right? So he didn't want to kill the, the actor, right? That he was supposed to shoot because of all of this, you know, I'm the sheriff. Shouldn't I just let the law like happen and, you know, should it, should I really be, you know, executing somebody? And now he has turned into the saying, right? He is ugly because his skin is definitely fuck, uh, he is strong. We know that and, but does he has, does he have his dignity and he doesn't want two out of three, right? The line in the movie is I'll give you two out of three, a commie bastard. Yeah. So there's a whole mix of things going, you know, do I want to be like the commie bastard and only have two out of three, be ugly and strong, but have no dignity? Or do I want to change my ways? Do I want to remember who I was and remember, you know, how I could justify things and how I used to actually act and be and what I believed in before it was all taken from me. I think that that the sitting down and watching himself was definitely a turning point for the. And if Russia is red and the Ukrainian colors are blue and yellow and the ball and yellow and he is making a commie reference, then we're getting a lot of commentary here on Russia and Ukraine in the midst of this war. The views of Luke and Tony do not necessarily represent you and then I watch Luke, Luke may be short, but he's stretching that goal. You may be short, but you're stretching like Mr. Fantastic with that theory. Oh man. Um, but yeah, I just don't know what is that line from always sunny when he's home. That's the Leopepia. He's like Pepe Sylvia. What does he say? I'm going to Carol and each other go Carol Carol Carol, what are we supposed to see? Well, I thought that there is no Carol in each other. There is no fault tag. There is no spin. There is no war embossing say. There's a lot of layers here guys with with this with this movie and the ghoul. Oh boy, uh, yeah, we're going to go ahead and get we're going to start wrapping up here. But I love, I love this episode because it does it really shows again, what, what the breaking point is, what happens when you go past it? Can you actually get, you know, get yourself back and you get your humanity back? Is there a way for you to undo everything that you did? Um, you know, and there's just a shitload of comedy as well. This is a really, really fun episode. It's really good. It's really well done. Plus we get the, the credit scene, you know, the pull out of the movie theater. That's great. Yes. That's great. I love that. The teas of the protection robots. Finding their morality. See, it goes to the, the drive in and then what's after the drive in in the end credit scenes. Uh, I think it's just the drive in. No, there's something else because there's a lot of, oh, there's like, there's like, um, an industrial area. The bridges. So in the next episode, as you've seen, there is the scene with Max and Lucy on the bridge going by on that bridge. So yeah, each, each end credit scene is, well, there are train tracks and there are. We do see some train cars. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Sweet. Cool. Good to know. No. Looking forward to that. I just thought of another dumb reference. Why? They spent this whole episode looking for their moral compass. Uh huh. Have you checked your bundle? Let's get up. Oh, this is where my mind goes. Love it. Love it. Dumb, but I love it. Uh, all right. I guess. What did you think of episode four? We're at the halfway mark now where we're almost, you know, we're, we're having through the season. We're almost through. Uh, what do you feel? What do you, what are your thoughts? What do you feel about the episode as a whole? What you got for me? Again, I think this was the best episode they've done so far. Okay. It's definitely exploring a lot of ideas that I love getting explored in sci-fi, especially post-apocalypse sci-fi. Um, it's, it's definitely dark with its humor. Like we were talking about this in the previous episode and I think the reasons that you guys like the previous episode are the reasons I liked this episode the most. I think the humor just hit better for me. I think there's not a lot of maximus. There is not a like, there is no maximus in this. I, I'm excited to see where he goes in the next episodes, but at the same time, I'm just like, Max, there's something that's about Max that's rubbing me the wrong way. Do you see yourself in Maximus? Maybe I do and that's, and I'm just projecting, you know, it's Maximus a Hufflepuff. No, but I do have power trips. I know you do. I think this episode was a great turning point for the story for a lot of the characters, which is exactly where we should be on, we're on beat and, uh, you know, I trust Jonathan on enough to, he knows story structure and he's fulfilling on that very well. Yep. Yep. And we're engine closer to the truth. We're engine closer to what's coming. Can't wait to hear your reactions coming up. Yes. Everyone who hasn't seen, uh, almost a dune, whoever who hasn't seen Fallout, let us know what your thoughts are about halfway through the season. If you're, if you're waiting for us, uh, we love that. Let us know in the comments. What are your thoughts about what's coming, some of the theories that you have for these characters? Uh, or what are some things that we, we may have missed that you want us to talk about, please let us know. Uh, like I said, we're all over socials. We've got YouTube. We've got Facebook. We've got all the good stuff. No notes. Um, and, uh, yeah, we'll be talking episode six here very shortly. Matt Luke, thank you for a great four episodes. Can't wait for them for the last four to wrap this thing up. We figure out what the hell is going on. No. Okay. Okay. All right. I want to enjoy the movies. We'll talk to you soon. You know, if there was a Judd Apatow spin off of girls, the show, do you know the show girls? No, of it. But it's Google's. All right. Bye. Bye. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] (upbeat music)