Bon Jovi Discussions

Cape Cod Performance

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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I want to thank you for being here. Welcome to Bon Jovi discussions. Today I have my friend Danny from New Jersey. Danny, we've been friends. What? Since the circle tour? Yeah. That's what? 16 years. That's crazy. Can you? Not long. I know. Thanks for making me feel old, bro. I really appreciate it. Did we get on my space? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know who it was. They're still around, unfortunately. But anyway, how are you? I'm doing great, Carrie. How are you? I'm doing great, Carrie. How are you? It's good to see you. I mean, we've hung out quite a bit over the years at Jovie events. I feel like most, most like every tour or there's like an event in New Jersey. I always see. Yeah. So it's good to see you over Zoom. But before we get into our fun topic, I know that you were on the podcast. It's very interesting. It's the first 20 episodes I like to call it. I can't even watch those episodes or so. Your baby pictures as John was saying. Yeah. Oh, gosh. The early days of the podcast was so. Oh, is it for me? It's embarrassing. But that's how it started. But I knew that you were one of the very first ones. That gave me a chance for the podcast and you came on. I think you were the second episode. Right. And I thank you for giving me a chance then and giving me a chance for four and a half years later. Yeah. So, but I don't think I asked you on our first episode. So how did you become a Bon Jovi fan? Um, so I was in kindergarten. Okay. And it's my life came on the radio. Um, and I didn't remember what the song was. And I just kept asking my mom what the song wasn't. And she was like, I don't know, I wasn't there. Um, so she was watching Oprah, which she never watched Oprah. So it was like a rare occurrence. And I said, why are we watching this? And she said, Oh, you're in like Bon Jovi. I'm recording it for her. And I'm like, Oh, okay. I'm like, who's that? And she's like, is this a band? She's like, you probably never heard of them. They're old. So I'm like, okay. The daughter. Exactly. So, um, he walked out to, it's my life. And I started going crazy and said, that's the song. Oh my gosh. So what year was this? It was before having a nice day. Before having a. I remember my mom coming home to me with the bounce album. And it had been out for a little while. Okay. I remember she picked me up from school with it. Yeah. So the, that was, so Oprah that time was summer of 2005. I think when John was on Oprah. Yeah. That all. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I don't think he was on Oprah. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. We'll figure out the. Yeah. We would be here all day. So, so what's your favorite song then? Well, I have two tattooed on me. So that's kind of hard to. I would say it really depends on how I'm feeling in that day. And what's resonating with me. Welcome to wherever you are will always be. You know, a top for me. Okay. Um, it's really helped me through some very hard times. And, um, I believe it's like embracing the moment of wherever you are in your present life. Whether it's good, the bad, the ugly, the frustrating. So that's how I interpret that song. Absolutely. What's your second one? Uh, well, I have the radio saved in my life tattooed right here that, um, that, uh, that song to me, like basically I interpreted it as like a certain song, getting him through a really, really hard time in his life. And, you know, I love that song, but I love the meaning behind it even more. Yeah. As Bon Jovi has helped me through some very difficult times in life and, and some good times too. Absolutely. And there, um, you know, through my whole, uh, basically my whole life now. So. Well, I think that's how we kind of connected to after, you know, I defended you online. You and I, we connected over, welcome to wherever you are. Yes. Um, how would are you, if you don't mind my asking? 27. 27. So I'm 18. Just kidding. I'm 32. I know I look like. You might have been 18 when I met you. But, you know, we were so relatively, I think I was in high school and I think you were in middle school at the time. And I remember reconnected over, welcome to wherever you are, because. You were going through a lot of things I was going through. And I think any kid does, you know, not fit in and trying to figure out who you are. And trying to impress your peers and stuff and you're just trying to find yourself essentially. And I think. Welcome to wherever you are, at least for me helped me understand. Yeah, same thing with like stick to your guns, it helps me decide. To be confident in myself and be happy with who I was and. Know that I was trying to figure out who I was at the time. We really bonded over that feeling. Remember that your perfect God makes no mistakes. That's my favorite bond over the line. Oh, I absolutely love it. Yep. I'm with you on that. Well, this episode, you're practically going to take over because I want. You got to go to the Cape Cod performance last week. And I'm going to keep my mouth shut and just take over and talk about your experience. So this is actually the second contest that I've won this year. Which is really crazy to me because I never thought in a million years that I would be. When any contest let alone to. Major contest. So I went to me and Emily went to LA in April. For the premier of thank you. Good night. And we also listened to songs from the album. It was like an album release party as well. So I heard some me and Emily heard those songs before anybody else did. Which was really, really cool. And we were front row center right in front of John. And he was watching us reacting to the new songs. It was really cool. And we definitely stood out because we thought it was a red carpet event. So I had like a suit on. Okay. A button down suit and Emily had like a sparkly dress on and everybody else was wearing jeans and t-shirts. And we were front row center. When we walked into the restaurant that night after the, after the event, people thought that we got married and were congratulating us. That's fine. Oh my gosh. So fast forward to the Cape Cod. Yeah. So last, the Sunday before the event. I remember I had gotten paid the Tuesday that the day that the event club, that the fundraiser shut down was the day that I got paid. So I'm like, you know what? I'm just going to throw some money into this. I said, if anything, it goes to a really good charity and, you know, there's no way I'm going to win it because people are donating a lot of money. But, um, so, you know, a couple, like with a couple of weeks went by and that Sunday before the event that seven o'clock in the morning, I wake up to an email going off on my phone and I'm like, what? And I'm like, who in the world is emailing me at seven in the morning on a Sunday? And I look at it and it's from, and it's from Bandiam. And it says, congratulations and I'm half asleep. I'm like, there's an, I'm like that. I'm like, this has to be like a scam or something. There's no way that I've won this thing. So it said, congratulations. You've won this, the Bandiam contest. You're going to Cape Cod, you and your friend. Um, and you've won, you know, a signed guitar and meeting a photo op and the performance. So I called Emily at seven in the morning. She, she wasn't very happy at first. Until you gave her the good news, right? And so I gave her the good news. Um, and none of us could really believe it. Um, but you know, we basically had to make some moves to get, to get moving and she, um, she came to New Jersey and we flew out to the, to Boston together. Right. Um, so they put us in a hotel and everything. Um, wow, yeah. Yeah. So they put us in a hotel. Um, uh, we arrived on Thursday and the performance was on Friday and we left Saturday morning. Okay. See it a free day on Thursday to kind of hang out. Yeah. How far were you from the venue? Uh, we were about an hour. Yeah. Okay. So the thing that I found out is that the Cape is very big. Yeah. So we were in Hyannis and Providence town was like an hour and a half away. Which is like where a lot of people go to. Right. Well, but um, it was very nice. Um, very pretty, you know, the beaches and everything like that were very pretty. So when we, so we, we took an Uber to this VFW. Because we weren't allowed to know the address of the, of the beach house. Really? Even though you have the contest. Yeah. Nobody was allowed to know. Okay. So this radio station owns this beach house. Okay. Okay. Um, so we, so we get on this bus and they take us to this. Beautiful mansion. On the water. And they give us this wristband and they're like, oh, you're, if you have, if you're the one going for, if you're the one going for the photos, you get the wristband. So when we arrived, there was all these boats docked. But around the house of people was like waiting for the show. Wow. What do you think we're there? Um, I'm going to say between 80 and a hundred, maybe not even that many. Including the people on the water. That we're watching, but that thought was awesome. Yeah, that was really cool. Um, so, um, you know, John came out and he, um, everybody went nuts. What time was the time was the, was the show? So time to start. It was, um, about like two o'clock. Two o'clock. Nice. So the perfect time to do a show. Perfect timing. Yeah. Beautiful day. Yeah. Um, so he came out and he played a bad name first. The acoustic version, this left field fright version. Is it okay if I back up just for a second, just for people who haven't. Um, I understand what this event was. Um, so John Bonjovi, obviously played with, was there David Bryant and shanks, just the three of them was more of an acoustic. So there was some confusion too, because I know on some advertisements, even with the radio station, they were advertising the band. A whole band. And then like Phil had mentioned a few times on social media that he didn't know anything about it. So that was kind of an indication. Okay. This might not be a whole band thing. And this might just be what it was. And I realized that just John and I was kind of. Surprised David and shanks, which I think was cool, but I don't want to interrupt. I just wanted to kind of make note. Yeah. David and shanks there. Yeah, it was John David and shank. So that was something that we were trying to figure out too. Because when we got our lanyard, the whole band was on it. And when they were advertising, it was the whole band. You know, obviously I'm happy with anything. But we were, you know, discussing is this going to be like a Kings of suburbia kind of event. You know, but it was John. John shanks and David. Yeah. Which I think is really cool. And I'll get into my thoughts on that later on. I'm going to tell your story first. Yes. So. So John, he sounded really good. He's making a lot of improvements with his voice. I know I saw an interview with David today that maybe in the next year or two. They could possibly go out on tour again. I know that he really wants to. Absolutely. Yeah. And. Yeah. So he played bad name. Then he played lost highway, the acoustic version. Nice. And a whole lot of leaving going on, which was really special because I don't get to hear that song a lot. Really? Not on acoustic. Yeah. I feel like every freaking show I go to. No, I know. But let me brief phrase it. I haven't heard it in a long time. Yeah. And I've never heard it acoustic. I don't think I don't recall ever hearing it in an acoustic setting. Yeah. And he played it's my life, which was the first song I ever heard by the band. And of course I cried. Yeah. No thing. I don't, but I've cried at bond, Joey shows. Yeah. No judgment from here. No shame. So then he played a legendary acoustically, which is really cool. I would have been cool to see. So at this point, I get a text message from the contest people to like basically go back to the front of the house. Because this is all, this is all in the backyard where he's performing. So we get a text to go back to the front of the house for my photo op for a photo op. So me and Emily go running back to the front of the house. We pass Obie on the way. So I'm sorry, what while John is still performing? No, he had stopped after legendary. I was going to say, how could you possibly. No, we would never. I mean, I know it's see the performer or meet them. I was like, Oh my gosh. I had my way to the shows over then run to that. So we thought it was over. And then we got the text to go back to the front of the house. So we see Obie on the way. And I'm like, we're like, is it over? And he's like, yeah, yeah, he's like, I'm pretty sure, you know, at least I go, like, get your pictures or whatever. So all of a sudden we're standing there. We're standing there and then John starts playing again. We started hearing him play again and I'm like, and I said to one of the event people, please tell me that that's the recording or something like that. And they're like, no, that that's him again. And I said, can we go back and they're like, yeah, go back. So we went running to the back of the house. We looked like a bunch of lunatics. Knowing me, I don't know how I didn't fall, but. What was it they played? He played a who says you can't go home. What did, uh, did he say it's all right in that song. Only about 300 times. But, but it's all right. It's. We love them. Exactly. It was cool because during the real performance, somebody was unfortunately standing right in front of me. So he John couldn't see me. But during who says we were kind of out in the open a little bit and he saw me in the wave. I thought that was really cool. That's sweet. That's awesome. So I had heard I'm waiting to hear the official interview. I had heard from multiple people now that he, um, after that performance, he went, he went for an interview with David. And he said, um, I saw somebody that I recognized from the soul kitchen in the crowd. And I was wondering, you know, like, do they volunteer? He thought I volunteered there because I used to go there a lot, especially when I was younger. So he thought that I volunteered there and he was trying to figure out how that worked. Then he found out that I was the contest winner. So I'm waiting to hear the official interview in the context of that. But, um, that's really cool that he recognized me from, you know, seeing me at the soul kitchen. Yeah, that's one thing I really respect about John a lot is that he does recognize, especially the diehards and the fans that go to all these concerts and events and runaway trips. You know, he recognized that he may not know the names, but he recognized the faces, which is awesome. So, I actually teased him about that on my last run away. I said, uh, he was like, Oh my God, it's so good to see you. And I said, what's my name, John? And he's like, Oh, come on, don't do that to me. You say it's Danny, and don't you forget it. It's pretty much what I said. I'm like, it's Danny, John. Come on. Yeah. So, I know there's some stuff that I want to talk about with the performance, but I'll let you talk about the photo. And then we'll kind of go back to it. So we were front in line for the photo op. Okay. We had to wait outside for it felt like like 45 minutes to an hour. So, you know, I mean the sun even more. Because like people, I guess like CEOs of companies got like meet and greets, you know, with the band and stuff and that makes sense. So, finally, they were like, Okay, like you can go in now like they're like, it's going to be a really quick picture. John has a helicopter to catch. I'm like, I don't think the helicopter is going to leave without him, but okay. We went in and john and john was in the living room of this house. And he like looked at me and I said, john, I said, I said, you're sounding really good. And Emily was like, yeah, you sound amazing. And he made like the biggest smile, you know that john smile. That classic JBJ smile. And he was like, thank you. And Emily was like, you know, she's, she's like, we're ready whenever you are for a tour. And he said I'm working on it. Good. Good. That's good news. So john like went into this room. And I love that. But he scared. You know what evidence. That's awesome. I love that. I love Matt. But he startled me so bad. So I'm standing there because nobody told me to follow them. You know, he walked into like the photo op room. Nobody told me to follow him and I wasn't going to do that. All of a sudden I wind up like tackled on the floor somewhere. We don't want that. No. So I'm standing there and Matt like is looking at me and I'm looking at him. And he's just like, go. And I'm like, oh my God. Okay. So I go like running into the room. And john sees me and he's like, hey, hey, and I felt really bad. I ran completely past David. I didn't even say him at first. Because when, you know, when john's standing there with his arms open for a hug. Yeah. Nothing else going on. There's nothing else going on. So I said, so, you know, I gave him a hug and then I was like, Oh, David, I'm sorry. And he was like, um, you know, whatever. So I gave him a hug too. And. And then I was like, Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. You have a helicopter to catch. So I ran back over to john to get into position and I stepped on his flush. I turned over. Did you say he kind of went like. Yeah. And I just was like, john, I am so sorry. And he's like, yeah, stuff happens. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. That's. After the picture, he was like, it was really nice to see you. And I said, it was great to see you. I said, you know, I'm really glad that you're. You know, I'm really glad that you're healthy. And I said, that's the most important thing. And. You know, it's, I said, you know, take as much time as you need. I said, we'll be here. Absolutely completely agree, which I definitely want to get into that here in a sec. We're going to get into that. Yeah. Well, yeah, we are. Anything else you wanted to say about your story? That's pretty much it. Yeah. I guess we'll get into the performance part first. So I think so. Obviously, I got to see some videos from you and Emily and some other friends that were there. And, you know, there are some videos that my friends asked me not to share, which is I completely respect. But we'll get into this in just a second. I thought john sounded amazing. I was really proud of him. You see a lot of the progress. I'm going to talk during the ceiling. But two highlights for me from watching that. Three. One was lost highway. I really loved. And you can see a lot of john's progress during the let's go, which is right out to the bridge. Of course, that was like probably like the best part of the whole show for me was seeing that. Like, I was like, yeah, me too. John's making some fucking progress. He looked. He's been, he's been, he's been there. Yeah. And then I thought, you know, it's the legendary acoustic. That was really cool. I really enjoyed that. And then it's my life acoustic, which is pretty much the this stuff feels right version, which I absolutely love. And, you know, so watching that show, it kind of made me realize, okay, if john. I believe him, I believe in him fully and whatever he's comfortable with. If for some reason he couldn't get to the two and a half hour full on rock shell. I would, I would love a theater acoustic shell. You know, you know, because you and I we've done runaway trips before and they're acoustic shows. They're just, they're fun. They're a lot of fun. I love them too. Yeah. And I think that would be great for john's voice. And they're really, you know, for fans like you and I, we love seeing, you know, obviously I love their heads, but sometimes. You want the deeper tracks and like, and if you do see like the acoustic version or something different with it. So that, that event can be really, you know what you could do in an acoustic event at the end of the day if you wanted. Let's get on with john's vocal so you and I are practically on the same page. You know, we're, we're the kind of fans that love this band writer die, stand by them. And I was incredibly proud of john, you know, we've seen john sing now at the music cares event. American Idol, American Idol Nashville. And now this. And music cares is great. Don't get me wrong, but I definitely, I've definitely seen some progress over the last couple of years obviously from the 22 tour. Music cares up until now, you can definitely tell that john is working as hard as he can. To get better and I thought he did great at the event. I really did. Yeah, so I like you have all the respect in the world for john. You know, and as my mom actually has a vocal court condition as well. And so, you know, when, when I like watch the documentary and stuff. I really kind of hit it, like watching, you know, my mom growing up like having a vocal court issue. My mom actually has a spasmodic dysponia. So, yeah, it's condition where I'm her vocal courts fazot. Okay. So, and she has to get photo in her vocal courts a couple times a year, but. So, you know, watching john goes through that, you know, was, was kind of like painful for me as a fan because I know how much my mom struggles with it. Absolutely. And I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. So, I think I came on your live and kind of said this. So john has helped a lot of us through a lot of stuff. You know, he's been there for us. He doesn't even know it, but he's been there for us through really hard times in our lives through sickness, through, you know, financial issues. Relationship issues, loss. Yes. And I just feel like the minute that john, you know, needed our support and our backing and some love and some time patients. I feel like a lot of people were just like, ask her. Yeah. And that's what upset me the most is, you know, how could you like turn your back on somebody just like that, whose music has helped you through so much. That's the time that you claim that you love. I want to say this. I respect anyone because there's a bunch of friends I have, you know, and they, they talk about it in a respectful manner. A place of concern so I definitely respect those kind of fans, you know, the ones I do not respect are the ones that just constantly every single day bash them for the fun of it. For the laughs and the jokes and, and that is just absolutely, incredibly rude to do, especially for a band that you claim you love and you still go online every day, and just bash them bash the guy every single day for something that's not even in his control. And I think it's so cruel but that's what separates those morons to us who are the real true diehard writer die fans. And to the people that are concerned and, you know, stuff like that I get where they're coming from but they have to understand that john is working with top doctors. He's working with top surgeons, you know, top vocal therapist. And if he, you know, if this was going to damage his vocal cords, he would not be doing it. If this was going to harm him in any way he would not be doing it. Yeah. And one, one thing I want to say two, two things. One is just like he said he's working with the top tier of doctors and specialists and therapists. John knows what he's doing with these people okay. He doesn't need. So my, my friend Shawna quoted it as keyboard doctors, you know who, who. Yeah. Yeah, who don't specialists. Yeah, who don't specialize in the field who don't know anything that they're talking about and are just given their advice like, like they know what they're talking about. I always ask where did you get your medical degree. But my big thing is, like I said, you know, obviously I don't agree with the people that hate where the band is at and blah, blah, blah, and you know john's about which is whatever. So whatever that's that's their opinion or whatever. But you and me, I know a lot of other fans who are still supporting john and do think that he does sound good because I'm not going to I do think he sounds good. I think so too. And so, why is it okay for you to say that you hate how it sounds and you're right. But then when another person says, well, they love how john sounds. Why is it why do you attack them for it. Exactly. Like I've been called in denial. I've been called stupid. I've been called. Like, like drinking the cool aid. Yeah, as somebody who's been bullied for all my life. Yeah, for multiple different things. I, I just let it roll off my back because I know how I feel. And, you know, and that that's true to myself so. For as much as they want to hate, we're allowed to as much love, if that makes you even louder. Yeah, exactly. And one thing that I'll say about the haters out there is, fuck them. Their opinion does not matter. If all they can do is be hateful and bashful every single day, their opinion doesn't matter. We're, I don't want to get down this rabbit hole, I guess, but they're miserable within themselves. Yeah, for people listening, I'm saying distinctly I'm not saying the fans who have raised a concern or, but they people I've seen people do out of respect, and that's great. The ones that I'm talking about are the absolutely hateful people that every single day. Make fun of John, make jokes out of it, memes out of it, what have you, and just do nothing but bash this band. Those are the morons that I'm talking about. And those are the kinds of quote unquote fans that their opinion doesn't matter. Because they don't spend a dime on this band anyway, it's fans like you and me that do. And it's fans like you and me that are going to carry on this band. It's like John says in interviews. Some people hop on the train and stay on some people get off at some point and the train keeps going. And I don't want to speak for you, Danny, but I'm staying on that train I'm having I'm staying on. I don't know where we're going, but yeah, you know, forever was a great album. Oh, I love that album I listen to it every day. And I'm just so happy that we have our favorite band 40 years later still doing great, still here making new music and hopefully we get a tour next year. And be thankful for what we get don't sit here and complain complain. Instead, enjoy it because one day we're not going to have these opportunities anymore you know, exactly. And that's what I said that's what I say to the people that you know I've been bashing him also is that you know when he's he does see this even though people think he's never going to say it he does say it people talk to him people tell him. And you know it makes it you know what it makes me scared that he's not going to want to go out there and sing again. So that's why, you know I think we really need to rally and support instead of. Yeah. Well, that's why you know fans like you and me we do that we go online and we show our support and stuff because you know what. The end of the day, they're going to sell out the arenas and stadiums next year no doubt. And you get the kind of people that say well I'm not buying a concert ticket okay well great because guess what more for us. Someone else is going to buy your ticket anyway you know so exactly exactly there's more demand than there is an hateful people and so like when someone says I'm not going to go well. Hey that's your prerogative but guess what, someone's still going to fill your seat. Yes, if not like john's going to stop the show go oh my gosh there's a you know why didn't so and so come you know. Yeah, like he's going to stop mid performance and be like wait that season's empty. Yeah, there's a lot of supportive fans like us and. I know I know we're out there. Yeah. We just need to be louder than the negative. The thing is for me and I've recently learned this. You'll see 99 good things online and then you see one bad thing and you focus on the bad. But one thing that I have learned lately is who gives a fuck about the one bad thing you know throw that out and you still have 99 great things. And you know that's my that's my life philosophy right there. And I think that's what john sees you john still sees the fans that love this band and support them and that's what matters. Exactly. Absolutely. There are favorite band. So, was there anything else that you wanted to say we kind of went off on a little tangent there didn't wait. Just john if you see this release Cadillac man. I was that what you were tweeting me. Yes. I saw you type in my life. There is a there is a trend going on on TikTok where you can like like you know tweet famous people or like you asked somebody. How many likes are retweets do do I need to get this thing. So that's kind of what I started it's not going to go anywhere but I just thought it would be something fun to play with, you know, the band. Hey, I'll retweet you tweet me and I'll retweet you. What else is there. I guess that that's it. Danny stay on the recording but I want to thank you again just for your friendship all these years and absolutely and I'm so proud of you and all your success with the podcast and. Well, I'm proud of you today. I know, you know, personal level to and just, you know, all of your success to, you know, I'm proud of you as well. And thank you for taking the time to come on the podcast to talk about your experience. I know a lot of people have been wondering if I was going to do a podcast episode on this and I was like, it's common. It's common, you know, and then so thankfully, I have someone like you that was willing to come and do it. So, all right, let me end the recording. - All right. - Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]