FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

FM Talk 1065 Fishing Report - 7-25-24

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

and it is time for the FM talk one of six five fishing report brought you by friends have a coy outdoor company and McConnell Buick GMC and caton bobbie haverskato from 18 fishing adventures rodeos in the rear view bobby give me your take on rodeo 91st here alabama deep sea fishing rodeo first of all let me tell you I'm so glad that I'm talking to you man I was just I was so worried about surviving the rodeo and you in my view and my friends and family surviving the rodeo that was about classic rodeo weather wasn't it yeah it was funny I had last week on the demo be on Friday I was at the rodeo site and had Mayor Collier step in he said well Sean rodeo weather isn't it I said yes mayor it is it was a rodeo whether the boys offshore paid for it man they got to knocked around pretty good what about Mikey Ward winning a wahoo absolutely that 49 pounder yet did good had some other good fish on the legs but you know he was a whole other story he was fishing kings and I mean that king king mackerel fishing has just been hard the last few years we don't know exactly why but they've been fewer and far between we you know I know you remember I mean it just used to be a done deal catch it catch it back when you go to the lighthouse and catch up so yeah I don't know what's going on what about ensure what did you think about the trout numbers I you know they were pretty good it was you know considering the weather and everything and I know that it was there were times when it was you know several people that I talked it was a bit of a struggle but your you know you're getting weather coming in you can't get set up on anything it just gets tricky that's not just trout fishing but that's everything you know but but one bad I you know a couple of the trout was a pretty nice size fish for I thought for 22 inch fish so anyway just congratulations to everybody who won something and number two survived it so you know you're done good if you made it through that one you know what the other part of this is we we have kind of a running joke that rodeo time comes and speckle trout often you say decide they're not gonna bite during the rodeo so the flip side of that is now it is post rodeo how's fishing been it's been good I mean back on the water for the last several days since the rodeo the last three days it's rodeo and man just still huge numbers of fish down in the sound of the waters real pretty down there's a lot of shrimp coming through the sound the weather's been pretty good for the last several days you know the exception of a little bit of the storm here there but nothing like what we had during the rodeo as far as the bay goes it sounds like the I haven't been much out in the bay but it sounds like we had a big group trip the other day and I talked to a couple of guys that are fishing up the bay and sounds like more towards the middle you know lower to middle part of the bay has been really the best for the trout fishing and that's that's often the case this time of year when you get a big intrusion of salt water because that lower end of the bay really gets toothy and with that I think some of those trout tend to follow those shrimp further up into the bay moving north so I that sounds like it's the deal as far as the bay goes and again as far as the sound goes kind of the same way the further west you go the saltier and clearer it gets you're gonna start running into tea in the form of you know sharks and mackerel and even bluefish so you know it sounds like staying a little bit back towards the in the sound back towards the bridge in that area we had a good morning the other day on topwater one of the mornings it was a little bit cloudy and windy so that's still an option too if you want to get out on some shallow stuff and do that real early in the morning and then switch over to your shrimp under a cork whether it be a slip cork or popping cork it's gonna get it done and then of course you can get your hands of some croakers this time this is this is a croaker season right now so hopefully maybe time one time in the next couple weeks we'll do a little more more detail on on gets the trout on croakers that's one of my favorite ways to do it you mentioned up the bay before we wrap up like how do you fish it up the bay are you fishing the reefs up there you fish in bird schools what do you what are you going after not as much bird schools but structure up that way there's you know obviously there's some reefs up there some couple new reefs up there and some of the structure up there you get past the the rigs at the lower end of the bay you're pretty much looking at range markers poles and again like we mentioned those reefs those mark reefs that you pick up on that marine information calendar they'll give you the numbers on those and those things up there is what I'd be fishing you know this time of year if I was fishing up in the bay you know up in the middle part of the bay so Bobby how about this how about they just go fishing with you tell them how to get a trip booked well that'll work too it's 18 fishing calm is the easiest way to get us and we're doing a summertime special through the yet I think she's got up to the end of September a little reduced rate trip that gets you in and out before those thunderstorms before it hits too hot we're doing a reduced rate trip through then so you can just check out the details of 18 fishing calm that's also the the social media sites is 18 fishing hey Bobby as always thank you we'll talk again next week okay my friend the FM talk 105 fishing report brought you by McConnell Buick GMC and McCoy Outdoor Company [BLANK_AUDIO]