The Uncle Hack Podcast

Unacceptable Canadian Gives Deep Dive Into Robert Pickton Case | Episode 193

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1h 43m
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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This is your pussyhead. Welcome to the Uncle Hack Podcast. We're dudes pretty much just talk dude shit. Okay, welcome to another episode of the Uncle Hack Podcast. Today we have a lovely guest, a wonderful guest, and Sam Walker, as usual. A very prolific man that is touring the countryside with myself. And today we get the honor of interviewing and discussing the Picton case with Tammy, the unacceptable Canadian. You can find her on Twitter and my alarms were going off when I seen a lot of your tweets, and I thought it'd be, you know, giving our history. Sam and I and what has taken place in our comedy careers due to his artistic vision with a logo. We have been kind of roped into this case in some way. And I thought it'd be very great to talk with you, Tammy. First off, welcome to the podcast. Hey, thanks so much for having me. Super excited to be here. Yes, this is going to there's some very exciting things about what you're doing. And I find it like it's very noble of you to go and dig as deep as you are with this. Do you find yourself getting a little worried at times when you find some of this information? At first, I wasn't, but over probably the last, maybe two, three months. Yeah, I've definitely started to feel maybe just a little bit concerned. I've had a few kind of strange instances where I mean, I don't know if I was being followed. It certainly seemed that way. So, yeah, worried a little bit sometimes, yes. And at any point, have you thought about stopping your, your investigations into, like, you cover a lot of different topics that I think people have been scared to talk about for quite some time, but has this, like, like now digging into the Picton trial, this seems to be the one that's really popping off that I've, this is how I came across you. I know that you have a giant following on Twitter, but this is like where my attention was kind of directed your way. Has any of this now caused, is it kind of making you regret some of these choices? Or does this motivate you a little bit more to dig deeper? So I had a moment where I guess when I found out that Picton had been murdered. Yeah, I went into a moment of, well, not a moment. We'll say about 24 to 48 hours of pure panic. I, I actually do my own podcast with two girlfriends of mine. And I found out while we were doing the podcast. So somebody had messaged me and said, Hey, did you hear about this? And I just, I, I'm pretty sure all the color drained from my face when I found out. And I went through about 48 hours of panic where I actually was up that night till about three, four in the morning, worrying if it was potentially linked to all of the digging that I'd been doing. And I'll explain why I thought that in a second. But I ended up in a frenzy deleting all of all of the tweets and research that I'd done off of Twitter because it scared me that bad. Um, the reason that it scared me that bad is because as soon as everybody started finding out that he had been murdered, the internet started telling me that I, I was the reason. So, you know, that does something to your psyche a little bit. Well, you know what? The good news is, is we can clear the smoke on that one because of the person that did murder Robert Picton is actually on the call with you. And I've been pointing all the blame at Sam for doing, uh, what he did in creating that piece of art. Sam, would you like to add to that? Yeah. 100% Tammy. I appreciate your holding on to your anonymity here because this is why we are in the situation that we're in is because we are public facing. We are professional entertainers and a year ago, I had the t-shirt professionally designed and put it out on the stores. And I've been telling a Robert Picton joke for the better part of the last five years. And then all of a sudden he comes up for parole. And we are in the news like you wouldn't believe. Um, coast to coast national coverage. And we're getting a hornet's nest of people coming after us. The pre when I knew something was wrong. Because I'm a comedian, I make fun of anything and anybody and Canada's most prolific serial killer was fertile and ripe territory. And nobody has a monopoly on suffering. There is nobody that's off limits that you're not allowed to make fun of. So I went after him specifically. And then suddenly the premier of British Columbia himself held the help held a press conference, castigating us, uh, telling us we needed to apologize. And that when I, that was when I had the moment of like, this is abnormal. And we have dug up something that was meant to stay buried long ago. And we went on the offensive and I started going on podcasts and just saying things out loud that is now forbidden. You're not allowed to say the truth. And what I started putting together together was that this was a fairy tale. Can cock concocted by the powers that be to lay all the blame of all the deaths in the lower mainland for the past two decades at the feet of one caricature of a serial killer being one Sir Robert William Picton. 100% 100% and then what happened was a chain reaction of people started investigating and Tammy, you are an absolute junkyard dog when it comes to pulling the covers off of these, these flimsy stories. And that is scaring the living hell out of other people because there are many more like you that are doing exactly the same across the constant of North America and beyond. They're doing this and that's in direct relation to the heat that we took from bringing bringing this as a joke that's a quote, Shakespeare, the Lady Doth protests too much me thinks because there was no way that organized protests happened organically over this. And it just it just keeps unraveling and getting worse and worse as the days and months go on. And I am fully fully aware that Robert is dead because of that T-shirt. That T-shirt came to light in February of 2024 and by May 31st, he was dead. Yeah, it's it's pretty wild. I I didn't actually know about any of this until Uncle Hack reached out to me and we got talking and and I had actually said like, you know, everybody everybody was blaming me for the murder and then, you know, he was like, I don't know we can put this to rest. And then I, you know, I saw what what he'd written, but I started looking on my own and, you know, I obviously, I saw the T-shirt and everything like that. And it is wild that this has happened to you guys over this like, honestly, I have no words for it. I can't believe it. But you're a hundred percent and saying that this man has taken the fall for for a much, much, much bigger operation. There's no question. Yeah. And to be honest, I didn't even really start thinking about it until they started coming after me. And then you just start looking at the official narrative of if one man kills 50 females, that's not possible in this day and age, especially if they're all sex workers, there would have been at least one transgender male prostitute in that pile. And for them to be saying that it was 50 women, no more, no less like, forget about it. I did my own research on it. What they didn't tell people is there was also upwards of 50, 50 men's bodies found on the farm too. So I get called an expert on this. People are like, Oh, Sam Walker's an expert on Robert Picton. I am an expert in I existed in the same same time and space as when the trial was going on. I was living out in British Columbia in Vancouver at the time. And I remember the trial trial. Well, and for me, there was a there was a lot of stuff that just didn't pass muster in that there was a publication ban. People forget there was a publication ban during the whole trial. And there was also trigger warnings on articles. It was the first time I had ever seen a trigger warning on an article. And the other thing was the the publication band didn't end until 2010. Well, and there is still a publication ban on the court documents. I know because I've tried to pay for them. Wow, OK, so that just further further muddies the water. And then the fact is that this is an ongoing thing. Like nothing has changed since he went away. No, people are still disappearing. Yes. So the and then they're they're sneaky little pricks of trying to get rid of the evidence in the in the dead and night. That's another huge deal that just like while they're coming at me, I'm like realizing all this stuff. And just you're just putting two and two together. And the way the world works is math and science. And there is no math and there is no science when it comes down to this. Yeah, you're exactly right. And even with the evidence, so they just they just had a trial, I believe, on June 25th to preserve the evidence, but there's no available update on that trial. I've been looking and looking and looking and can't find anything. But also and nobody really reported on this. But on February 21st, 2024, four hundred samples that were recovered from the Picton farm actually were destroyed because the RCMP's freezers failed. And oddly enough, that exact same evidence back in 2021, they submitted an application to have that exact evidence destroyed. Oh, wow. So it's understandable needed more room for the lunch fridge. Yeah, unbelievable. Yeah. Now this is just the beginning of like what you've well, I shouldn't say like that specific detail. Can we go to the beginning of what piqued your interest into this case? And then what started making you dig a little deeper into the case and led you to some of the information? Like I listened to one of your recent interviews and there was a ton of things in it that I had no idea about. And even Sam and I were like discussing it before interviewing you. So let's start. Yeah, it was your interest with grime, yeah, Grime, America. Yeah, we listen to that podcast. Yeah, I just, yeah, I just did that one very recently. Um, that's actually the first one I've ever done on Picton. I, I was not expecting so many people to, I guess, be so interested and to be asking me to talk about it. So it's, it's actually, it's really weird and kind of surreal, to be honest. Um, because I've had, I'm actually on another podcast tomorrow, um, to talk about the exact same things. So it's, it's very strange. Um, I, I guess what kind of got me onto it was. At the beginning of the year, it might have even been around Christmas time. Somebody had made a comment, you know, somewhere online that I'd seen that, uh, Justin Trudeau had been involved in the Picton farm and I can't stand him, you know, much like most Canadians, I'm sure. Um, so I wanted to find out if there was truth to that and it kind of became my mission that if there was truth to it, I was going to uncover it and just let it all out. And so that's what kind of led to it. Um, the investigation side of things. So what a lot of people don't know about me is I actually do investigations as I, I have a job with many hats, but one of, one of the hats I wear is actually as an investigator. So I, you know, I'm, I'm very thorough, I guess, because of what I do for a living. Um, so investigating things is, you know, not a strange thing to me. It's, it's something that I do often. And, and so, you know, it kind of comes easy for me. So when I started digging into it, I didn't think that I was really going to find anything, but the more I continued to dig, the more things just got weirder and weirder and they continue to get weirder and weirder. Yes. At an exponential rate. Yes. Yes. They're scared, they're, they're running scared right now. Mm hmm. Yeah. So with that, did you, were you able to link anything with Trudeau and the involvement of the farms or like when you started that, what, what kind of information were you finding and what were you able to dig up to connect the dots a little bit there and then leading you down the path? So I, I haven't been able to find anything that directly puts him at the picked and farm. There's nobody that would want that more than me, but I have to be honest. That's that, you know, fully transparent is, is kind of how I run my, my show. Yeah. Um, so unfortunately, have I found that link? No. Have I found some other stuff that, that puts him in the area that's pretty damning? Absolutely. So, um, from 90, I think it was about 97 to 98, uh, Justin Trudeau was actually teaching at Pitt River Middle School. Um, at the same time, he was also working at the Rogue Wolf nightclub in Whistler and he worked there from 1997 to 1998. The Rogue Wolf nightclub was actually shut down because they were allowing miners in and they were offering them all you could drink specials. And the person who was letting them in was Justin Trudeau because he was the doorman. So there's a lot that puts him in that area. Pitt River Middle School is, is right there. It's, it's in Port Coquitlam. So, um, he's, he's definitely in the area at the time. But again, can I, can I put him right at the farm? No. Um, but there's other politicians that can be put there. And one of them is, is actually the mayor and his wife of Port Coquitlam. No, I don't believe that he's the current mayor, but at that time he was. Okay. Yes. Wow. So it, he's living in the lower mainland and he's commuting to Whistler. Mm hmm. For a, an unlicensed bouncing job. Come on. So there's going to be no hay stubs. I hope the Canada revenue agency is watching this. While oddly enough, part of why they were shut down was because they were, um, not paying their taxes. Classic. Yeah. No under JT's bounce and under age, under age girls. That's what he can handle. Smart guy. Yeah. Yeah. Perfect wrestling partner. Unbelievable. One thing, oh, sorry, go ahead, Sam. Well, legal drinking age is 19 in, uh, in BC. So I imagine it would have been like 18 year olds as they're, they're calling these underage girls, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were 14 year olds getting in there as well. Yeah. Nor would I. Yeah. So from there now, we get into, let's, let's get into the piggy palace, good time society and what you were able to, to find with there. Because there was a, like a lot of interesting things, you know, especially with, uh, off duty officers and then you have bikers and politicians. And then there's also the charity as well. The, the connection between the two was there a lot to do with that. With the women missing or was it more so just like the parties that were taking place after hours or was like the good time society kind of linked into that as well. So, um, one of the things that people get a little bit confused on is the piggy's palace and then the actual piggy palace, good time society. So the piece palace, good time society was the registered charity. Um, that the three siblings had, had registered together. Piggy palace itself, which was located on Burns side road, which was right around the corner, um, was the place where kind of everybody went. And, and from everything that I have researched, it, it basically started because there was in David picked and picked in his mind who was his brother. There was no good place to go and kind of have a drink and, you know, listen to music and things like that. So he decided to create this, this actual venue called piggy's palace. Um, they also had parties on the farm. So that's where things kind of get murky because you have parties going on at the location at, um, at Burns side road. And then you also have parties happening on the actual pig farm. So those two venues, um, are what I'll say is they're interchangeable in the sense of kind of the creepier parties. Um, but then piggy's palace itself was oftentimes rented out by actually, um, some of the city council members had rented it out for, um, a children's charity event and things like that. So you could actually rent that space out as well. But there was also a lawsuit that took place with the picked and siblings and, um, uh, like the city in regards to them using one of the barns on the property, uh, for having parties and things like that. So it's all kind of a mishmash of things. I would say the piggy palace, good time society itself was a little bit separate from that in the sense of it, it kind of just seemed like more of their cover, um, to be able to throw some of these events, right? They're doing it under the guise of charity or whatever the case is. Um, I've spoken with many, many, many people that were, you know, connected to these parties and I can tell you nothing good was happening there. Um, piggy palace itself, there was, um, a lot of people have come to me telling me that there was, you know, off-duty VPD there, off-duty RCMP there. Um, it was basically run by the hell's angels and actually the hell's angel's clubhouse was like literally across the road from the picked and far. Oh, wow. Yeah. The other, the other interesting aspect to this Tammy is I was, uh, watching the newspaper articles and reading them on a daily basis. And now you can't even find them. The internet has become a very tidy place, shall we say. You can if you go on the dark web. So look at me. Do I need to be going anywhere near the dark web? I'm, I'm, I'm in enough trouble these days, but, uh, there was a lot of really crazy crime that was happening in Vancouver at the time when I was living there. Um, one, one particular incident is the Surrey six. The gangsters and then the, the fireplace repair man and the neighbor all got murdered there. And this stuff was happening on a, on a daily basis. And there was just no follow through in the media on this stuff. Like horrible stuff would happen and then it would just disappear. I remember there was one particular, uh, like the crime beat reporter, Kim Bolin. They were on, uh, they were on top of it as far as I could tell, but, uh, you can't find any of that stuff anymore. Yeah, most of most of the stuff that I've found, I've had to go on, uh, the dark web to find. So I use, uh, the tour, the tour browser and that's kind of how I go on my little hums and find things. Um, I, I will say that I have been able to find a lot of stuff from what we would call and just to be clear, I do not like the mainstream media. I think they're useless. However, back when this was going on, I will say that many of them did try to report on some of this stuff. Um, but from, from what I'm able to see, it looks like they were very much suppressed. Yes. Yeah. Well, I can't, it doesn't surprise me seeing as, you know, you have the boot thugs of the state, politicians and, you know, a councilman and mayors gathering at this place that probably don't want their fingerprints all on it. Meanwhile, this is also a almost, not almost, it is a body dump for the lower mainland. And it's, it's getting out of control to the point that they can't, you know, they're trying to suppress it. And it makes sense like why the, that trial still has a publication ban on it, because I can't imagine the information that's in there. And speaking of which you were pretty freaking close to tracking down a copy of the book that Robert had that, well, he had wrote, and then I believe he got a publisher out of California for it. Smuggled out of prison. Yes. Yeah. He smuggled the book out of prison. That person brought it to a publisher in California. And actually before it wasn't taken to the publisher, I should correct that. It was taken to a man named Michael Childress, who then took it to, to the publisher and had it, had it published. So I'm still on the hunt for the book. I'm not giving up one thing. If you know me, I don't give up. Once I have my site set on something, it is mentioned. So I've been looking now for about six months, almost. I've had quite a few good leads. I had one guy that reached out to me that said he had a copy of the book, took a few photos of it for me, and said, you know, I'll gladly copy it for you. And he volunteered to copy it for me just to be clear. And then he dropped off the map, and two days later, he had put it up on eBay for $52,000. So I'm not one to call people out publicly, but I did on that one because I actually cried. I was so pissed off because I was so close. And to see that somebody, instead of giving the truth to people, because I think there is stuff in that book that people need to see, I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. And instead of giving the truth to people, they try to monetize off of it. And I just think it's sick. And then recently, I've been putting it out on TikTok and on Twitter again, I try to do it at least once a week. And I did find two other people that have copies, and both said that they would get me a copy of it. One guy said, "I can give you the book." And this is how much I don't care about the book. I don't want to take somebody's copy of this. What I want is to read the contents. And I don't care what that looks like. I don't care if you send me a million text messages with the contents of that book. I just need the contents. And unfortunately, neither of the two have followed through. So I'm still holding on to hope in terms of those two, maybe following through with what they've said. But even if they don't, I am not giving up on it. I will get a copy of that book. It tells you a lot about the malevolent evil that is just surrounding this thing, in that the people that do own the book are so dark and sadistic that they probably were reading it like it was Penthouse Forum. Yeah. And I actually reached out to the author. So I was having a lovely chat with Michael Childress. And I asked him if he had copies of the book. He did say that he had copies. And I asked, "Is there any way that I could get one?" He said he was going to be republishing the book. And I don't know why he said that. But he said, "I'm going to republish it very soon." What I found odd about that was it was before Picton was murdered, like right before he was murdered. And so he said he was going to republish it. And I responded and said, "I would love to read a copy of it. Even if it's just like a PDF copy, whatever you'd be able to provide me with." And I explained kind of what I was doing that I'm a podcaster. And I would love to have him on the show if he would consider it. And we were kind of going back and forth. It was a really nice shot. He seemed very nice. And then he just disappeared. Yeah, very strange behavior. Yeah, that seems to be happening a lot surrounding this case with you. Hey, it's a lot of you get in and that that would not surprise me if you're being monitored to a high degree to try and ward these people off from giving you any sort of information. Because the stuff that I have seen on Twitter is crazy that you're uncovering. And you're just putting it out there, which would probably, not probably, would shy a lot of people away from even going down this road. And we've seen that I find with COVID and those that were outspoken about a lot of these problems and these mandates and the bullshit that surrounded it were all shunned into the corners, these dark corners of the web or that are most people that didn't agree with it. Some took their own lives. And the fact that you're just going on and just trucking through all this is nuts. It's crazy. Well, not crazy in a sense of like you're nuts. I mean, it's good. It's crazy that people are trying to silence you on this issue where I think that this is one of those things that we need to talk about. And Sam has always given me more and more information. And then we both got pretty excited when you agreed to come on a podcast with us because we've even become a little bit like hot to touch, if you will, just due to the nature of humor that we enjoy. So it's, you know, I find that people that are being a little more outspoken are getting the respect that they deserve. So once again, thank you for coming on here. And one of the one of the main things I was really interested in with your findings was the starnet aspect of this all. Yes. Yeah, that was that really piqued my interest when you were talking to Grimerica because I had no idea with this. Now, can we start again from like the very beginning of starnet and how it kind of leaks into the piqued in farms? Yeah. So starnet was started by a man named Kenneth Lelec who is still being rich and skiing and whistler because I've looked into him weird how they just they never lose the funds, do they? No, no, they don't. So he started starnet and it was actually located at 425 Carroll Street in Vancouver's downtown Eastside and it's basically, you know, right in the middle of the downtown Eastside. I don't think you could get any more downtown Eastside and it ended up that what they were doing was creating pornography, but they kind of had it under the guise of online gambling. So what they were doing was they were providing an online gambling platform to, I believe it was over 66 different countries that were able to participate. And aside from that gambling portion, they were also doing kind of a pornography business on the side, but where it gets very kind of weird is, and I have spoken with, like spoken with myself, witnesses that have actually been in the starnet building. I don't want to say what they were doing there because it's a very specialized career and I wouldn't put somebody in harm's way. So people will just have to trust that I've spoken to somebody that was there, but they informed me that you could rent a room in starnet and basically they would give you a girl and they would give you a camera and you could do whatever you wanted with that girl in that camera and it would stream across 66 different countries. And the girls that were there were very much underage girls. So the individual that I was speaking with personally at the time was 23 years old and they were very clear that the girls that were there were much, much younger than them. So starnet was rated by the RCMP, the VPD, and US law enforcement in August of, I believe it was August 20th of 1999. And the reason that they were rated was because of allegations that they were peddling hardcore child's and adult pornography. So how does starnet tie into the Picton farm? Well, Kenneth Lealix best friend was Lloyd Robinson, who at that time was the head of the Hell's Angels chapter in that area. They actually had a business that they ran together and their business was finding strippers and prostitutes for starnet's pornography videos. Lloyd Robinson, as I said, was head of the Hell's Angels chapter there. David Picton was very good friends with the Hell's Angels in the area. They actually didn't just have their clubhouse across from the Picton farm. Robert Picton actually ran a chop shop for them on the farm after he was convinced by David Picton to do so. So they were burying stolen goods, car parts, all sorts of things on the farm. So there's a major, major, major connection there between starnet and the Picton farm through the Hell's Angels. Wow. Well, yeah, you always got to freshen the deck when it comes to pornography and new starlets and whatnot. So there's always a continuous pipeline and the dodger you are in the business, the more disposable you are, and the quicker you end up disappearing because these people do not have long lives or long careers when you're dealing in the shadows with drugs and sex. It's very dangerous. And this is almost like a morality play in that for 25 years, this happy horseshit story was buried. And then the truth cannot stay buried. And so everything is being exposed. And these guys thought this was long gone and over with 25 years ago. They didn't figure they'd have to be answering hard, core, real questions. Yes. Yeah, you're absolutely right. And they absolutely do not pass muster on any level when confronted with it. Like it just does not make any sense. And one of the things I do, Tammy, is when I go on other people's podcasts, is I like to misquote the numbers a little bit as I always lowball stuff. That way, if the fact checkers come at me, they're going to have to correct me. That's smart. And I'm not getting a lot of corrections these days. But I remember an article coming out when they were doing the forensic examination of Picton's farmland. And this is probably about 2003 when it was just in full swing where they had everybody and their dog out there doing the work. And they had come across like something like 170 different body parts or different sources of DNA. Like it was an unholy number of about 170. And I remember reading that in the newspaper and just going like, Oh my goodness. And then eventually, the story got filtered down to 50. Oh, we identified 55 0. And eventually old Willie there, he got done for six of them at second degree murder. Yeah, like what are the technicalities that had to go through with law enforcement and lawyers and plea deals and backroom happy horseshit for him to be going to jail for 25 years for second degree murder? Well, not only that, but they the RCMP processed 200,000 200,000 DNA samples. That's a lot. Yeah, but but just six people at second degree murder, right? Nothing to see here. Yeah. And then, well, maybe we should just destroy them taking up a lot of room in the locker. Yeah. Yeah. But again, nothing to see here. Well, and that's that's where they blew it. That is where they blew it because if they would have just left us alone, let us to keep telling our jokes and doing our comedy, none of this would be happening. None of this would be happening, but they protested too much. And that was where, you know, you're getting a lot of light on this. And then there are other people that are picking up the torch and they're they're going their own way as well on this. So this is a combined effort of a lot of people. And having somebody with your your abilities looking out of this from a pragmatic point of view is got to give these guys nightmares at night, these these stuff shirts. I don't know if you guys remember back in 2019, just the run up to lockdowns and everything, how crazy this country was getting. And that there were multiple train derailments across the country, because people were blockading stuff. And the only people getting arrested were people that were trying to clear the debris from the roads and the train tracks. And it was like the this fiefdom of the the CN rail police that aren't beholden to the laws of the land. They're more powerful than the government itself. And I remember I remember our Lord and Savior Justin Christ himself saying, I don't tell the RCMP what to do when people were like, Hey, you need to tell there are some people to clear the debris off the tracks because they had locked down like commuter trains weren't able to get from a Montreal to Toronto. And there were multiple derailments and none of this was making the news. And it was just kind of lost in this gigantic noise that was going on before lockdown. And then once lockdown happened, it was like a completely, we were in a different era where all that stuff behind that, it didn't matter anymore. Yeah, I think it was a failed reset, you know, I think it didn't go well, the lockdown, I think it was a failed reset. No, it was it was incredibly successful, because it took us two and a half years to literally fight our way out of it. And the most peaceful revolution in world history is what happened in Canada in 2022. But that's where I'm Oh, sorry, go ahead, Tammy. So, so I think to a certain degree, Sam, I agree with you. Yes, they were somewhat successful, but let me let me ask you this. How many citizen journalists were you aware of? Your podcasters, were you aware of prior to 2019? So I've always been very aware and awake towards this. I have to, but the thing I'm more disappointed in is seeing all the people that I thought were with it, that converted to tyranny. Yes, I shared the same disappointments. And a lot of people in my life, Tammy are dead. And I mean that figuratively and literally, there are just people now that I don't talk to you anymore. I don't even, I don't even think about every once in a while, a memory will come up and it's like, yeah, they were, they were good shit. That was a nice time we had, but knowing that respect and dignity was thrown out the window and they completely bowed to a totalitarian fascist regime of medical apartheid and segregation, I can never forgive that. Yeah, I, I, much like you, I was, I was very awake from the beginning, and unfortunately, I've also lost people, some actually dead, some just dead to me. But I do think that there was a success in it for us. And that success is it was the rise of the citizen journalists, the podcasters, we are witnessing in real time, people fighting back in a way that I don't believe they ever anticipated. You locked people in their homes for two and a half years. What did you think they were going to do? Because you can only exercise in your house for so long. I know, because I was doing it. You know, you can only watch so much Netflix. Yeah. At some point, people can't take it anymore and they need to start communicating. And that's what we did. And we did it on a mass scale. At the beginning of COVID, if you had have asked me, well, I had no followers at the beginning of COVID. My Twitter account says 2012, but I'd actually never used it until 2019 or 2020. And I did have other social media, but I got rid of it because I couldn't stand people fighting back and forth. So I got rid of everything and had nothing. And then one day I got bored and thought, you know what, I did have a Twitter account. I'm going to see if I can remember the password. And, you know, I'm going to go on there and kind of get a heartbeat on maybe what that looks like. And if you had asked me at the beginning of 2020, if I would have almost 100,000 people listening to what I'm saying and that I would be doing a podcast and investigating the Robert Picton farm, I would have howled. And here I am talking to the two of you. And it's just so strange because I, this is not where I thought that I would be, but here we are. Well, and that's, that's almost 100,000 with suppression and throttling going on. Not only that, Sam, what a lot of people don't know is last year in May, I did a tweet about Justin Trudeau, so May 2023. I had 50, 55,000 followers, I think at the time. And I woke up the next morning and had zero. Oh, shit. Oh, isn't that weird? Literally. Yeah, they took my followers away overnight. And when I reached out to Twitter about it, they kept giving me the same generic answer. And it was funny because I was, I was followed by, by, you know, like Jordan Peterson, John Cherry, actually, John Cherry does follow me again now, but, you know, there was, there was influential people that were actually listening. Yes. And overnight, that all got taken away. So since May of 2023, I've had to regain that whole following and then some. But it goes to show you that people want to hear the truth. They must. Yeah. Yes. We've been starved of it for the duration of lockdown. And that's, this is what I mean. Like, when I say that if it bit them in the ass is because, you know, there wasn't a third season of Tiger King sitting on the shelf to distract us. Like, I remember, yeah, right out of the gate, we had some redneck pistol wheeled and homosexual to keep us entertained. And then once that guy went to prison, he's sitting in jail, can't really shoot a third season on that now, can you? And so now we moved on and we needed something more. And, and I think it failed in a sense is like what we're seeing with like the diagonal on guys is people are, are grouping up and, you know, kind of finding similar-minded folks. And it's, it's seeping into the normies of the, like normal people, the just day-to-day people that are being affected by policies and, you know, the way of life that the country is giving us. And we're becoming more vocal. So it did bite them in the ass in a sense like that. But yeah, you are right, Sam. It did take a minute for us to get there. But the people going into it that were already skeptical were it gave them time to almost sharpen the sword and come out stronger. And the other aspect of it too is like people that were already with the awake to this. We're just gaining more and more people to the awakening. We're not losing people. People that once they cross the Rubicon, you can't go back. There is no, there is no going back to just being ignorant. And I guess it worked incredibly effectively on the people that were always with their heads buried in the sand. They're never coming out. No, their heads are buried forever. And that's fine, because I'm getting a nice look at you bent over and I'm taking pictures of it while I'm wandering around in reality, wandering around in reality. And you gave me permission to do that when you decided that my personal private healthcare information, the most personal information that I could ever give to you was suddenly going to be enforced by the coat chat girl at Earls. Oh, it's so fucked up to hear that. Yeah. And that was another thing that'll just like always piss me off is these poor 17 year old girls at Earls were the arbiters of enforcement or the government's complete disgusting overreach. And now that it's passed on, people are just like, oh, just, just let it go. Yeah, just forget about it. And it cannot be, it cannot be forgotten. And yeah, more and more people are, are awakening every day to this. And citizen journalism is the future. But also we're dealing with Bill C 63. We're staring down the barrel of that very long and loaded gun. Yes. That's being pointed at us. And that's just another offshoot of you telling the truth. Like, not only are you partially responsible for Robert Pickton's death, but you're also responsible for the death of truth in this country, because you're going around telling it. Yeah. So sorry, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But there's there's more and more people joining in. And it's an it's impossible for them to put the genie back in the bottle. Impossible, no, we'll just go back to scrolls again and start handing out your messages. Like it's a great three. Yeah, behind the back messages, like even a tattoo or something like, can all of us get together and agree on a tattoo so that we know who each other are like three dots or something? I don't know. I don't know. We could probably use an American system. Hey, we could use a numerical system. And I think that was effective at one point in history. Nobody's going to be able to read that anymore. All my journals are in cursive. Mine too. Do you, were you pretty prior to 2019 or 2020 when this was all happening? Were you pretty tapped in in the sense of like, I don't want to take conspiratorial because that sound that to us, that's just what we call the truth. But were you always this type of person? Or did this kind of push you more in the direction of like, truth finding and uncovering a lot of this? Or is this always been a part of your life? So I actually, I lost my dad in May of 2019. And he was very awake. And at the time, I mean, at the time when he was alive, I didn't really realize it. Because I was so used to him just talking to me about things. I didn't know that he was different, I guess, because I had, I had grown up with it, right? So it was stuff that I always heard. So it didn't seem strange to me. But he at a very young age, he was talking to me about companies like Monsanto and, you know, how they're poisoning us. He always kept us very, very far away from pharma. So we were picked out of school a couple times for not taking certain vaccines. And then he would fight the school board. And then we would win. And we got to go back to school. In my entire life, I've taken one antibiotic. So he kept us very, very far away from it. But he also told me when I was very, very little about, you know, if anybody ever takes you or tries to kidnap you, and they throw you in the back of a car, you use whatever you can to gouge their eyes out. And these are the conversations that we would have. And at the time, I didn't think much of it. But now reflecting back, you know, as we've gone through COVID and to where I am now, you know, I reflect on a lot of the things that he would teach me and tell me. And I realized now he was so far ahead of his time and so awake. And he knew about human trafficking and all sorts of this stuff. And I just didn't know at the time, because to me, it was just my dad talking. Yeah, I didn't kind of have this outside group of people that I would, you know, run these topics through and be like, Hey, what do you think or whatever? So looking back, have I always been awake? Yes, I guess I just didn't know that I was. Yeah. In terms of the investigative side, I've always been kind of a little detective. So I am and my mom knows this. So it doesn't matter if she hears it. But, you know, when I was about 18, maybe 17, I thought my mom was cheating on my dad. So I got her phone records. And I combed through the numbers and found the there was a number that she was calling at the same time every single Tuesday. Yes. And then every Tuesday night, she would go somewhere and I didn't know where she was going. So I put on a disguise, borrowed a car, and I followed her. And she had parked her car on the street in kind of a crescent area. So I couldn't tell where she was exactly. So I started knocking on doors. And I can't remember exactly what I was saying as I knocked on the doors. But I finding out where she was. And she was actually seeing a psychiatrist who was operating. He actually had an office out of his home and had murdered his garage. So I had climbed the lattice to peek in the window to see my mom talking to this guy. So I guess I mean, we've been kind of a detective. Yeah, it's hilarious. And that's and that's what it takes boots on the ground. Yeah. And they that's been the big takeaway is they don't want you going out. They don't want you exploring these these 15 minute cities, about 15 minute cities. It's going to be a three minute city. Oh, yeah. You're going to be sitting in an apartment building with a grocery store on the ground with a liquor store. And that's what you're going to live in Ontario. And people don't even realize they're living in them. Yeah, gigantic commie blocks, unbelievable. And I mean, it's be much less than that. Yes. Yeah, I agree. And and they don't like people traveling because then you go other places and you see is like, Oh my goodness, these people crap in a ditch. This is horrible. Look at them all dying of cholera. And you come back and you report on that and you know why we have indoor plumbing. You know why you wash your hands. Yeah, they can't have us communicating with one another, right? And so if we're able to travel and come back and talk to each other, that's not going to be good for them. And it's no different than in COVID, right? They they separated us. And and that's a if you've watched anything, you know, documentary wise about communism and how it starts or dictatorships and how they start one of one of the very first things that they do is they separate people. Yes, because then you're not speaking to one another, right? You can't share ideas. And that's the very first thing that they did in COVID's. You know, stay away from your family and friends, but it was perfectly okay for me to go and work in a building of 150 different people every single day. Yeah, yes. And the fact like liquor stores still open. Cigarettes are still for sale. The girl they want to keep you stupid. Yeah. And got you like, yeah, God forbid, get you get get four shots. So that way you can go get some deep fried chicken wings and some draft beer at your local Boston pizza. I got to get my Boston pizza chirp in here as. And here's an ice cream for for getting the death shot. Yeah, so this is this is the other thing that scares the hell out of me is they lowered the age of consent with the shot. They made it so that a 12 year old was able to consent at school behind the parents back. And for for a trafficker or a sexual degenerate, that's great news. That's right. But to the public at large, they also said that there are no such thing as parental rights. There are parental responsibilities now in Canada. So our children are not even our own anymore. And that's in direct relation to lowering the age of consent on what gets drilled into your arm can pretty soon now get drilled into your ass with consent. And this is the recruitment because for some reason, a certain demographic of people all died out in the 1980s. Weird. And it looks like they need to replenish the coffers and the membership in that club. And you're seeing a massive massive recruiting, like it's a it's a gigantic recruitment drive. And these things all go hand in hand together. The people canceling and doing horrible things are the same people that were about mask mandates and vaccine passports. Yes. And they're the same people that are trying to promote children being separated. And there's a there's a direct attack for sure on the parent-child relationship. And, you know, if people don't believe that, they only have to look to Hollywood and Nickelodeon to see that. Oh, whoa. You know, one of the one of the biggest things that we're seeing right now publicly is with all of these child stars that were encouraged to emancipate from their parents. And once they do that, they're toast. And now you've got, you know, the the people as an example, Puff Daddy, coming coming out of Hollywood that have been charged on, you know, multiple sex trafficking allegations and things like that. And it's it's all pretty the charges against all these guys are still really vanilla, like Harvey Weinstein and it's phobia. Yeah, like it's like somewhere along the lines, they ran a foul of the system and got thrown under the bus. But it's we're not talking about the guys that are casting for Nickelodeon and having the girls parade around in their bikinis away from their parents for 12 hours a day. Yeah, it's, I know those guys are getting charged. No, they're not. And as I said, it's it's Hopium and and what or limited hangout, if you will, where, you know, they make us think that, you know, Oh, well, we caught the guys, don't worry. And then it's over. Stop panic, right? Yeah. And there's been such a focus recently on trafficking and in particular, child trafficking, that they have to do something to kind of curb the pitchforks, right? So the really, really bad thing about it is, and I'll take it back to the Picton farm is what I've been telling people recently is, is we need to start zooming out from the Picton farm. So the Picton farm was a drop in the bucket to what is actually going on. The Picton farm was a dumping ground. Yeah, that's what it was. And they've obviously got way better at it, because I imagine crematoriums are, are hot beds of organized crime activity and working for the government. And you're in a major. Sorry. No, no, go ahead. Oh, I was just going to add, like, in you're in a city with a, like, it's a major port city. There's ships in and out of there, there, you know, your train yards and the amount of traffic in and out of somewhere like Vancouver that has a major international airport, you know, the people that can come in and you're dispersed into the land like that. You don't even, if you ask, ask questions, you get branded or racist. Yes. What are you? And nobody wants to be a racist. Well, come on. I've been called a racist and Nazi. Like, oh, it doesn't even mean anything to me anymore. I get mad when they don't add homophobic in it. Right. Yeah. Why are you leaving out my favorite one? Yeah. So there's, there's some really interesting connections with the, with kind of the coastline there, too, in the Picton farm, because you're right. You do have the Vancouver Sea port and then down the coast, you actually have the port of Prince Rupert. Yes. And then you have in behind the Picton farm, the Port Coquitlam rail system, which actually can be followed right into Seattle. And the interesting part about that is that there was murders happening at the same time as Robert Picton was doing his in Vancouver in Seattle. And that was Gary Ridgeway, a Green River killer. Green River killer. Yeah. Who was also at the Picton parties? Look, these people just network. Oh, yeah. Fine. Stereo killers chill out together all the time. You need to get yourself a pig farm, Gary. That's right. So William was saying. And in addition to that, there was also three active serial killers in Vancouver at the same time as Robert Picton, which a lot of people don't know about either. And probably some of his victims got twisted up in a nice neat bow with Robert, and everybody can get promotion and path themselves on the back. Well, Tammy, what's going on in this world is like everywhere is feeling the stress right now. There is nowhere in the world where groceries are cheaper, gas is good, everybody's happy. It is across the universe right now. Everybody's feeling the pinch. And with that, goes with what you're saying is the enormity of you need to focus, like pull back out of Picton because it's not just at the pig farm that this stuff was going on. It's at nail salons, massage parlors, anywhere where there's ethnic power in particular, everywhere. In every neighborhood, there's somebody in a van transporting women without passports, everywhere, all the time. And Uber Eats, how many of these people are just like, it's an underclass of people. And there's no way that there's 38 million people in this country. They're lying on the numbers. They're lying all the time because we know everybody. We know everybody. Yeah, it's definitely a lot larger than what people are led to believe in. And like I said earlier, the Picton farm, based on everything that I found out about it, I believe it was a dumping ground for a much, much, much larger global operation. If you look at places like the highway of tears in BC, the highway of tears actually stretches right into the port of Prince Rupert. And there is longshoremen that are working at those ports that are very much controlled. And I actually spoke with somebody who had very close ties with David Picton, who confirmed that he was writing $100,000 wire transfers to China. Yeah, wow. Tell me why. Yeah, a little bit of Oregon harvesting. No big deal. It's just all the time. Well, and it gets a little bit weirder. And I don't know if you guys actually saw this, but I was given a tip on a very strange facility outside of Kamloops BC. So it's actually in Falkland. I think that's about an hour outside of Kamloops. And there is so how it started was a guy named Rex Putney started a body transfer service. And I believe it's called serenity transfer services. But where it gets very weird is this guy was a nobody. He was a basement one man garage band. And suddenly he decides he's starting this body transfer service. And his band was called seldom silent, which is kind of creepy. But when you listen to the music, he talks or screams about death and porn and just a lot of really strange things. And so he started this body transfer service that he actually called seldom silent, which is just creepy by itself. And used the same logo as what he had for his band. And I'll let you guys look it up on your own. But the logo that he used was very, very strange in the sense of, you know, typically in the funeral industry, they try to keep things very serene and nice for the families. But this was dignified. Yes. And this was like a death font. Yeah. They used for this logo. And anyways, it was very strange. So he ended up posting 12 body transfer job postings across BC for people to transfer bodies. He changed the name of the company to, I believe it's called serenity body transfer service. But where it gets really weird is he opened up a facility called Whispering Pines Body Storage in Falkland. And Whispering Pines is surrounded by razor wire. Yes. If you look on Google Earth for Whispering Pines, it just directs you to the middle of a field with nothing really there other than kind of it looks like to be a farm, maybe. That's powerful. And I actually have, you know, doing all of this picked in research, I actually made friends with somebody who's been in the funeral industry for, you know, 20, 20 plus years. And so I reached out to him to ask, you know, is this normal? Like, what is this? Because I've never heard of this. And there really is no such thing as a body storage facility. So you guys can Google it for yourselves. Your listeners can Google it for themselves. But it doesn't exist. And I mean, you guys know kind of the research that I've done. So I think you know that I'm pretty thorough. I was unable to find any body storage facility in Canada other than this one. And what's really strange about it is on the website, it says that they're tailored to government and health authorities. Oh, wow. So why would there be a government tailored body storage facility out in the middle of nowhere in BC, where the most people in Canada go missing, where 70% of the 12,700 missing people in British Columbia in like 2022, we just never heard from them again. We don't know where they went. The cause is unknown. Yeah. And I need somebody to make it make sense. And so this there, there is no facility whatsoever whispering, but when you say whispering pines, like there, there is no physical building at all that comes up. So not on Google Earth, but I can tell you the facility exists because the person who put me on this actually drove out there to see it for himself and took a video. So that's how I know it's surrounded by razor wire. The other weird thing is it's also surrounded by food trucks. Oh, that's just didn't weirder by the minute. And that's the that's the true measure of power nowadays is anonymity. That is the the people with the true power and the money they can not have their their property show up on the map. Yeah, the weird thing about this too, though, is this guy's very young. Like he's maybe I don't know if I had a guess probably 28 or so. And he drives a bang and Mercedes. I only know that because he's got it up on Facebook for sale and somehow owns a body transfer service and a body storage facility. And it just happened through his garage band. Yeah, and it could be nothing. I'm not saying I'm not saying that this individual is doing anything nefarious, right? But it certainly seems very strange in the province in Canada, where the most people go missing. Like currently in BC, there is over 200 remains that have been found that we don't know who they belong to. Holy hell. Oh, wow, there's a there's a there's a lot of strange things going on. And it's really hard to keep it in people's focus because they're there isn't a new cycle anymore. The new cycle like is hourly. Yeah, nothing stays in the consciousness. This is why I've kind of put such a focus on this. So in doing the picked and farm stuff, I've also been, you know, just releasing any information on human trafficking victims, you know, the accused and human trafficking, you name it anything that I'm able to find. And that's relevant to Canada is what I'm kind of putting out there for people to see because I want them to understand, you know, how prominent it is. And I want them to understand the connections because there's there's something going on here that, as I said, we need to zoom out and really look at the full picture. One of the other things that I've really dug into and it's funny because I was listening to Uncle Hacks podcast. It's the one that we were talking about with the land acknowledgments earlier. And I share similar feelings on that, like, you know, and what you spoke about it in that podcast. And so one of the things that I started looking into in addition to the picked and farm was the amount of people that were being trafficked and sexually abused through government run schools. So it's interesting because they put everybody's focus on these residential schools. And I want to be very clear. They what those people went through in those schools, what those children went through is absolutely unacceptable. But they were not the only ones that endured that. It's a look over here situation because they don't want people to see the bigger picture. And what the bigger picture is is in nearly every single government run institution or school, they have been trafficking, raping, molesting, abusing children. Very good examples of it at a grand view girl school. They were actually the officers and local politicians were making sex parties impregnating the girls and forcing them to abort them. And they ended up paying out millions and millions of dollars to these survivors of the grand view girl school. The Jericho school for the deaf and the blind, which was in West Point in British Columbia, there was over 350 students that came forward when it had closed down in 1997 claiming sexual abuse and oddly enough West Point Gray Academy where Trudeau teaches is now who's taken over those buildings. Yeah, the the government loves an orphan. They love getting their hands on an orphan. And I think a lot of a lot of our history in the past, well, probably since forever has been get rid of the parents, take the children and make them disposable, work them to death, abuse them, whatever it is. But it didn't go away. It's just been repackaged. And I think this is what we're getting our hands on is, I don't want to be callous, but like the maid program and whatnot. Robert was an ugly way of getting rid of people. Yes. The maid program is a clinical government funded way of getting rid of people. Correct. And so you can institutionalize and farm out the work, but the work is still getting done on a daily basis. Yes, exactly. Exactly. When were those schools operating? So the Jericho School for the Blind and the Deaf, it shut down in 1997. And the Grandview Girl School, give me one second here and I can tell you. It was operable from 1933 to 1976. And it was actually opened by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario's wife. And the Lieutenant Governor's wife is very trustworthy. She's married to the Lieutenant Governor. That's right. The investigation into that school didn't start until 1992. And it actually started because a therapist had several patients reporting kind of the same stuff and realized, oh my gosh, I think something has happened here. But these girls, what was really creepy about this whole thing is the police were actually convincing parents to give their children up to be wards of the province. So these weren't girls that weren't, I mean, were some of them troublesome sure, but many of them were not. Many of them were just girls that were like not running away, but you know, sneaking out at night to go see their friends and the police would catch them. And then they would go to their parents and say, you know what, she's on a bad path. You need to give her over to the province and parents would listen, give their children over to the province, and now they're being trafficked and raped. And I actually do know that there is a correlation between that and the Picton farm. So there was in fact some crossover there, but I can't speak too much on it just because I've been asked to be confidential about it for the person because they are still alive. So fair enough. Man, you are just really tying this. The more you talk, the more we're learning here, it's blowing my mind. It's staring into an abyss. Yeah, it's deeply disturbing is what it is. And you know, like to just to think of all of that taking place, and then they try and bury this and the more you want to uncover this and they're intimidating you, and then the coverups and the look over here, like, and even with like the residential schools happening over here, and we also have something even more just equally as ugly taking place over here, but it's like direct your attention on here because we cannot question that. Because if you question that and we get answers and we start discussing this, we're going to go further down that road. Well, and use the race thing to keep people divided, right? Yeah. If we use the race thing to keep people divided, they're not going to get together and talk about how not only was this happening at the residential schools, this is happening across every government institution. I'll tell you this, I can't find one single government institution or training school that this did not happen in. Wow. Yeah. Wow. And quite honestly, it doesn't surprise me because these, you know, you get these stories that come out when the Queen of England comes over here and all of a sudden indigenous kids go missing. Children. Yeah. And so when you hear this and, you know, like, it just doesn't surprise me in any sort of way to think that any government ran operation has this, this just very devious and disgusting things take on place there, you know? It's almost as everything is a cover for this actually going on. Yeah. That's exactly what is going on. We're on the, we're on the other side of this, of this world, but there's like a, there's a flip side on everywhere. Like we go into the store and we go and buy this, but they go into the store and they're shopping for that. And we look at the same places and we drive the same roads in a completely different reality. And pedophiles are the easiest people to blackmail. And that is why they infest every institution, every, every top form. I can see how it just, it's like clockwork. Well, and it's been going on for longer than decades because if you read a book, One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb, she discusses in depth how this kind of has all started and how pedophilia and child pornography and things like that have been used to blackmail people since, you know, oh my gosh, when the mafia started in New York or the mob started in New York. And it was started by the CIA. So this stuff has been going on forever and ever and ever and nobody wants to acknowledge that. And then on top of all of this, you've got people that are being MK-Ultra, that the Wazoo, they said it stopped and it's still going on and people don't see it. And if, you know, COVID was a perfect example of that, but you've got people going into these institutions and here's another tie to the Picton Farm. Essendale, which was a mental institution that housed a lot of the criminally insane in British Columbia, was actually so close to the Picton Farm that Robert Picton and David Picton used to play on the grounds and the patients used to come and do work on their farm. It was later changed to Riverview, but they were actually doing MK-Ultra experiments at Riverview. They just did not admit it. And part of that has to do with when the CIA came forward on the institutions that were doing those experiments, they left it up to the institution to disclose it. But if you look into any institution that was doing those experiments and you know what they were doing, go back and look at Riverview and you'll find that they were doing the exact same stuff. So there's another connection for you. And then you've got people like Paul Bernardo who went to the upper, it's Upper Canada College, he went to school with what Russell, Colonel Russell Williams, I believe is his name. Both ended up being serial killers. They actually hung out where friends lived in the same neighborhood and boys were being abused there. - Wow. And old Paul got taken down to medium security, him and his buddy Luca Megga. - Meggnada, yeah. And did you hear the prison that housed Robert Picton. So Robert Picton, Paul Bernardo and Luca Meggnada had all spent time at Port Cartier in Quebec. And they recently evacuated the prison, I believe it was June 23rd or June 24th for wildfires. And I do have a connection that I've met just recently who actually told me they have an insider at the corrections facility who said it's unheard of that these, like these people would be evacuated, but none of them have been brought back. - So that was the reasoning to get, to isolate these people to other prisons. Is that what I'm kind of gathering here? - I guess. I would just do it all. Their buddies are helping them out. This is a help out. - And that's during those wildfires that were kind of suspicious, weren't they? - Yeah, this was like just June 23rd or June 24th. - Yeah, very recent. - Holy Christ. - Yeah, so much going on all the time. And we're living in insanity in that they're trying to humiliate us with making us swallow lies all day every day. - Yes. - The Toronto flooding. Blame it on. - Find a change. - Yeah. And travel, they're going to stop letting you drive from Calgary to Edmonton on hot days because it'll be too dangerous. Sorry, it's for your health and safety. - Well, everything under the guise of health and safety, right? - Yeah. But you're seeing it on a daily basis, be enacted. And so there's no way that we can stop doing this. There is no way that I stop telling jokes. I think I'm going to have to go after Paul Bernardo next. That's going to be my next. - I'm looking forward to this. - Yes. - That project. I'll start writing the jokes now, Tammy. - Perfect. I can't wait. - So, can we go back to the MK Ultra in the connection to Picton Farms? What was the name of the place that you said? - So it was originally Essendale Hospital. It was later changed to Riverview. - Riverview. - And it's actually still standing, but it's abandoned and they use it for actually a lot of horror films and things like that. - Okay. Perfect place for it. Jesus Christ. - And all the people that occupied the hallways are now out on the streets. - Correct. - Yeah. - And it was something like 1,085. Hopefully I have that number right. Patients died at the hands of the hospital, but we don't talk about that because. - Yes. - Well, when you get D, like, I didn't, that was another question that I had up here is, like, when you brought that up with Garmerica's podcast, it was the connection between MK Ultra and the Picton Farms. These are all like, this is also new information. That's crazy. That's something like that is taking place so close. And then, you know, the more you're talking, the more it just makes sense that, you know, the intimidation factors of trying to shut you the fuck up on a lot of this because there is, like, once you start tying these very evil operations that we're taking place on people and then the locations and where this is all taking place, it starts to become very, very eerie. And this isn't just like knowledge that the everyday person is going to get. You're going to hear, you know, like the same thing we kept hearing over and over when we were going through this quote unquote cancellation was like, you know, specifically just how bad Robert Picton was. But then you turn, you just literally flip a page and read just a tad bit more even about his brother, his mother, and then the connections of, like, politicians and off-duty officers and how deep this truly goes and trying to destroy evidence and, you know, the 400 pieces of evidence that just suddenly go missing because a piece of what was it like a refrigeration unit is faulty. It doesn't plug, dude. Yeah. Oh, wow. This just doesn't make sense. The janitor was waxing the floor. Had to charge his iPhone. And and Robert Picton's mother and David Picton, his brother, murdered a little boy. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Like they put him face down in a ditch. He went and got his truck fixed to make sure, you know, he wouldn't get in trouble for it. And at the end of it, she, Louise Picton was actually the one who turned the boy. His name was Tim Barrett. Turn the boy upside down in the ditch and drowned him. And she never never faced any consequences for it. And I believe David Picton got some some form of parole. I don't want to quote the number there, but yeah, it was it was just like a regular parole, no big deal. And you killed a 14 year old child. I hear tell that David's Calgary way. Yes. Yes. And he's he had also started a children's charity called the Picton Foundation, which resided at 80 Rose Lane in Ghana. Oh, what a convenient location. Yes. Yes. I can't imagine nothing bad is happening there. It's just absolutely nothing. Don't worry. Leaf. Clearly. Yeah. We're just putting a few wells out here for the local, you know, African kids for drinking water. It's fine. Wow. Unbelievable. Don't be looking into the schools. I wonder if we're going to run across David in our travels. If he's actually thought about flying out to BC. Because I just because I want to see and I know that it's not standing and stuff like that. I mean, I know that there's been developments and things, but just because I want to see for myself, I've invested so much of my life in this. Literally every spare second that I have goes to this research. It's basically become my life. And so I thought about actually flying out there and just kind of seeing it for myself, but I'm still kind of. I don't know. I don't know. You know what, man? I would say this on a spiritual level, I think you would probably uncover it. I think the world works in very mysterious ways. And just being there and feeling the environment and being there and grounding yourself around where all this is taking place is like something might speak to you and show you something that could lead to some information that would blow your mind even further and what you're just finding through speaking with people. You know, spiritually, it could lead you in the direction that you could find answers that could really uncover some crazy amount of information. So I think it would be worth your while is to go out there because you do have a good soul. Your heart is in the right place with, you know, your investigations. You're not looking to make money where I find like a lot of people that are involved with a lot of the things that surround even something like the Picton case or any of these like murder podcasts and whatnot, you know, they cover this, but I don't know if it comes from a true place of like goodness where with your research, there is no go fund me. There is no fucking buy my merch or any of that. So I know and I've had so many people actually say like just do a crowd funged for the book will that one of the books was recently up on eBay and it sold for $660 Canadian, but it was through So being a Canadian citizen, I wasn't able to bid on it, but I had people messaging me every single day. Please, please just start a crowd fund and I won't do it. I don't want yeah, I don't want money. I want answers and I want truth for the people that have suffered at the hands of not Picton, the people that are actually in charge of this system. Yes. Yes. And that's what I'm looking for. Yeah, well, that's why that's why I told the joke. Yeah, I think it was perceived just a little bit wrong on what the joke I told so thoroughly embarrassed the authorities that they decided to come after my livelihood. Yeah, tried to destroy me. And are these are they so I don't know the joke that you told I know I saw the I saw the t-shirt. That's a that's like the tag line at the end of the joke, but there's there are many layers to it. And that I put him up the joke was I was putting him up for the order of Canada because he was a pioneer in the maid program. And so on and so forth very very dark. I am a dark comedian and I'm a lot of people. A lot of people appreciate dark humor. I have a dark sense of humor as I was telling Uncle Hack that when we were initially chatting. So I get it, but I think that any way to raise awareness around this is is a good way. And you know, also people need to people need to be able to see that and I think people are so angry right now. They're not able to see a whole lot. No, no, the second part of the joke is I go after Vince Lee. Vince Lee was the Greyhound bus beheaded. I've never heard of the Oh, yeah, you have. I was just talking to, yes, I was talking to a police officer today and he's been walking free. Yeah, he's been walking free as a bird since 2017. I was just talking to a police officer about this today. Yeah. And that was the lack of my jokes was like just talking about the and Vince Lee is my Facebook friend and I was going to invite him to the show tonight, but he didn't want to take the bus. You know, like, these jokes have purpose. I'm not just quote unquote punching down and making fun of these lost women. Right. You know, I'd say you were a point. Yeah, I'd say you were extremely successful in garnering, you know, attention surrounding awareness to it. I got the I got the job done and we're actually in Robert Pickton's wiki. That is amazing. Yeah. And his family is curious at me right now, because I am ruining his good name and legacy. Is that my with my distasteful teacher? You bet your assets legit. I actually would like to get in touch with the sister, but I've been unsuccessful in and being able to find her. Has she spoken up prior? Yeah. So she she did speak up, you know, when when this was all kind of first going down, but then she's basically dropped off the map. She goes by a different name now and I think she's somewhere in Vancouver, but it's hard to say. I know David Pickton, he still owns DNS bulldozing in Port Coquitlam and I validated that myself because I can use the internet and went on and just took a look at the business and it was updated. You know, I looked at it last week, I think, and it was updated three days prior. So. Oh, wow. Yeah. So he's still alive and well and and hanging out. Yeah. And to my understanding, when he when he is, you know, in the area, they put up posters about it to warn people. So that tells you something too. I don't think that anybody that is familiar with this case believes for one second that it was all Robert Pickton. And if you look through Pickton's letters, he he I have tons of his letters and in almost every single one, he talks about how the police aren't interested in the truth. They just want their fall guy. It's always fall guy, fall guy, fall guy. And one thing I always hear from people is, Oh, you know, like, what do you think a serial killer is going to say or whatever other bullshit they can come up with to to deflect from it. And I'm like, what does this guy, what does he have to lose now that he's in prison? He was only convicted of second degree for for a second degree murder for six people. He was eligible for parole. Like, what what reason would he have to still continually be saying, you know, I didn't act alone? Not only that, but he was actually, I don't know if you guys know this, but he was planning on releasing another book as soon as he was paroled. And then they shove a broom handle through his nose and into his brain. Mm hmm. What was that is to send a message? Yes. Was his roommate staying with them in the janitor's closet? Right. Like 25 years, not a scratch on them. And then suddenly gets a broomstick through the head. I think not. He was alone in prison for most of those years. His correction officer from what was it? I believe it was Kent that he was that originally his corrections officer from Kent actually got to know him really well and stated very recently in an interview that, you know, Robert picked in was alone in for most of the years in the prison. Why all of a sudden was he allowed in general population? And you know, not only that, he actually said actually his name was Alan Mullen. I'm just I was finding the tweet, but it was in Kent and he guarded picked him from 20 2008 to 2017. And he said it's not a secret for the last 20 years. Anyone on the inside or anyone with investigative experience within this case knows these murders were not committed solely by picked in it, meaning his attack just further towards the truth of this case from coming out. If he dies, a big portion of the truth dies with him. He didn't he didn't act alone, not even close. Well, one of the head detectives even made a comment in a CBC article, I think even confirming that that even she believes that he wasn't acting alone. And that's in that's in national publications, you know. Yeah, but again, this is where people are missing the mark on this is that this was a dumping grounds for a much larger global operation. And this is why people need to start zooming out and taking a look at the bigger picture stop stop looking where they're telling you to look and start looking at the big picture because what this is actually about is trafficking, you know, like sex trafficking, but also child trafficking. And this is what people are not seeing. It was a dumping ground. And this is happening on a mass scale across Canada, the US and the world. And there's so much to link all of this trafficking stuff together. And and people still aren't seeing it like look at people like Frank Stronach, who was the the founder of magnet internet international, he's a Canadian billionaire. And he just dead. Yes. Yeah. Yes. And Belinda was sleeping with Bill Clinton, who who had Laura Silsby Gayler, Muggle 33 Haitian children out of Haiti, got busted for it. And then Bill Clinton went and made a deal with the Haitian government to get a lesser sentence for her. Jeffrey Epstein was building the schools there. Yeah. This is, you know, they talk about the world being this gigantic place. It is absolutely not. No. We are allotted space in the cities and some recreational space out in the wilderness. But they also have to act within those bounds. They have to they have to travel amongst us. And people are noticing. Yes. It's a beautiful thing. And that's probably the biggest thing is people need to start noticing. Yeah. Yeah. I am very, very aware now when I'm driving anywhere. Almost every time I see kind of a cattle car go by or, you know, transport truck, it now pops into my head. I wonder if there's human beings. What's in that cargo? Where are you going? Yeah. Yeah. Well, this has been mind-blowing, Tammy. Thank you very much for enlightening us. Thank you for having me. It was so great. You guys, I hope we can do it again. Yeah. 100%. We definitely need a part two. Yes. I think we definitely do. I'd love to catch up with you even, you know, three, four months down the road. I found this quite interesting. There was a lot of, you know, information that I had no idea about. And we, you know, we wish you the best success in uncovering more of the truth and presenting it to everybody out here, you know, it's people like you that I think shine a little hope on the rest of us and give us motivation to continue doing what we're doing as well, even in the path of comedy is, you know, Sam is very, excuse me, Sam and I are very in tune with a lot of like what's taking place and we're always exchanging ideas, but it's always great to bring somebody else on to, you know, share the information that they find. So thank you for that. Thank you for taking time out of your day and hanging with us. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. And, you know, please keep doing what you guys are doing too. You guys have an important role in this. And you know, when you're making waves, it's because you're over the target and you're doing something right. So don't forget that because, you know, that's a hard lesson that I've learned and I've been, you know, they're trying to cancel me like the last two days over some stuff to do with free speeds and things like that. So I know, I know how it feels to be over the target and to be harassed for it and all of that stuff. So take it as a compliment and, you know, keep doing what you're doing. And obviously, if there's anything that I can do to, you know, help, help you guys raise the awareness that you're raising, let me know. I'm happy to do it. Yeah, we, we like to gather in the woods once a month. And we put up these, this, this wood kind of structure. And then we light it on fire. It's called Burning Man. Yeah, it's called Burning Man. And we all get it. We were our finest bed sheets. It's more of like a pajama party, if you will. And if you'd like to join in sometime. Sam, I'm actually in Calgary next week. So, oh, oh, wow. Well, lucky for you. That's just when we were planning on getting together. And Sam might be, we're going to be down in California next week. Unfortunately, I know I'm messing around. I'm going to be, yeah, rocking, rocking shows with Brian Holtzman. That's awesome. I'm glad for you guys. And I hope it goes so well. Thank you very much. Thank you. I absolutely will. Like I said, you know, you guys are over the target and don't let anybody discourage you or, or, you know, make you feel bad because of it. You're doing a good thing. So, Oh, we, we learned that the easy way as we say. Yeah. Yeah. Believe me, I've had to learn the same lesson. So that's all right. You know, we weren't, we weren't going to get invited to the Winnipeg Comedy Festival anyways. Hey, Sam. Well, I was hoping I would. Yeah. He's got, he's got this fire six minutes on step ladders and different kinds of pants you can get at Walmart. Yeah. Maybe next year. Well, yeah. Well, thank you again, Tammy. Where can everybody find you? And anything else you would like to plug, please feel free. So I do a podcast called the broadcast with Susan Creamy and on Twitter, she's called fun acceptable views. Her name's Ashley. So on Twitter, we are at broadcast trio. And then obviously, you can, you can find me on Twitter as well. My handle is a little bit weird. It's R-O-S-I-E, but it's actually spelled out. So it's A-R-E-O-H-E-Y-E-S-S-E-Y-E. Okay. We'll make sure to put, yeah, we'll make sure to put that in the description down below for anybody that wants to give her a follow and stay up. Awesome. Thanks so much, guys. Yeah, no problem. Thank you. [Music] [Music] [Music]