Jesse Kelly Show

System disruptors

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I? Never win and tell well there you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land play for free right now Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary vgw group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply? This is a podcast from WOR it is the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on an ass doctor Jesse Thursday We're gonna get it all kinds of stuff this hour about Joe Biden his friends the people who surround him We're gonna talk about what happened in the capital yesterday with that vandalism Some great news about local cops and the FBI, but first I want to I want to answer this question the lady asked She said is trump the disruptor. We've all been waiting for I'll talk about the system How evil it is and I talk a lot about how there will be system disruptors who rise But that I don't want to focus on right now Disruptors who rise you know The system is very powerful It has a way of destroying people legally shoot violently corrupt evil systems They react violently when they're threatened Now when it comes to Trump is he the one we've been waiting for? There is no one We've been waiting for What Trump really represents he represents the first of them the first of them and He deserves a lot of credit for that. I should say But I'm gonna say something and you're gonna find it offensive. Just allow me to clarify But remember don't email me if you're offensive because I don't give a guy or if you're offended because I don't give a crap The first system disruptor The first one who rises up to challenge any corrupt system in any country at any point in history He is always the dumbest and weakest of any of them It's not because he's dumb or weak personally. It's not because Trump is dumb or Trump is weak The first system disruptor who rises up to take on any kind of an evil system He's the one who doesn't really generally he doesn't fully understand even what he's dealing with He doesn't get how evil it is. He doesn't get how powerful it is and as because of that He will make these gigantic mistakes that put himself in danger and really ruin his ability to Challenge and seriously disrupt the system. For instance, Trump's first term I a lot of you Trump fans and Trump haters will email about Her's personnel choices and how terrible they were and he picked Christopher Ray and he enabled Fauci and he'd so why is all that? Is it because Trump is some dirty secret commie who wanted all these commies there? No By his own admission He had no idea what he was doing and he had no idea what he was walking into and so in Trump's world The business world you just go grab another business guy That's why Rex Tillerson remember the first secretary of state was Rex freaking Tillerson And we all freaked out and said what who would this is? Moronic what why why? Trump didn't know any better and he walked into this horrible buzz saw and he got eaten alive by the swamp He surrounded himself with back biting snakes and losers and idiots and his first four years got completely torpedoed Is it because he's stupid or weak? No, it's because he's the first He's the first There will be many many many more who come after Trump and they will be they always are it seems to always work out this way They will be smarter and meaner as We go Then he was the first one the first one deserves mountains of credit for being the first one standing up talking about trade in different ways illegal immigration in different ways wars foreign wars in different ways he deserves a lot of credit for that but He is if we're gonna look at this like the life of a human being He's the baby who's learning to crawl the next one will walk the next one will run The next one who comes after him and I don't know who that is. I really can't see the future I don't know who that is the one who comes after them and there will be another one because the system is gonna Still be evil and horrible for years from now the next one who comes after him Will be smarter and meaner than Trump is and the one who comes after that guy Whoever that is will be smarter and meaner than that guy was and then and see that though that in and of itself Can and disastrously and that's something you and I are gonna have to be really village vigilant about as we as we Figure out who we want and this is what I mean smarter we all love meaner Look, we love the idea of that we love the concept of that right? I'm all bound for being mean to communists What do you do when that system disruptor two or three disruptors from now? What do you do when? He really does throw a journalist out of a helicopter You see this can get quickly to a place where it gets a little too mean and by then It gets out of our hands, you know, we we talk about Pinochet all the time Pinochet and how Pinochet rose up in Chile Shut up Chris. He rose up in Chile and he fought against Salvador Allende the communist who took over who was destroying Chile and From a 30,000 foot view. We love that story and from a 30,000 foot view. It is a good story Communists were destroying Chile Pinochet rises up puts a stop to it Ushers in years and years and years of prosperity for Chile Very similar to what Franco did after the Spanish Civil War defeated the communist years and years of prosperity the people got to live wonderful Lives we love that part of it. We love the 30,000 foot view part of it, but on the ground look they took a communist singer and They dragged him in a back room And they broke all the bones in his hands and then made him play guitar before they shot him in the head Now I don't want to live in a country where that kind of thing takes place to you But as they as the system destroys the system disruptors The people will themselves Demand someone smarter in Menor so the next one doesn't get destroyed the way the last one did It's almost it's almost inevitable. They raise one up. The people raise one up. He gets eaten alive Fine we'll pick a bigger meaner when we raise him up he gets eaten alive fine We'll pick a bigger meaning run than him and soon you get the big meaning McMean face Who really is breaking people's hands and chucking people into the ocean? That's how these things work out the one of the reasons I have implored begged pick your word one of the reasons I have begged people to dig in Politically now become an activist now Local politics school boards preserve your state one of the reasons I want people getting more involved now is if we don't figure out how to solve this problem politically now Then this problem gets solved with violence later, and that's the last thing I want don't ever Don't ever be one of these people who thinks you want a civil war or political violence Go read up what those things are like whether you're on the winning side or losing side They are beyond horrific, and I actually do see those days coming one day not tomorrow It won't be after this election I see those days coming for the United States of America if the American people do not engage Become activists and run the communists out of their positions of power in this country Then those days of violence will get here eventually they will Trump isn't the one he's a one the first one there will be others that come after and We need to try to avoid as best we can The idea that there is a one coming to save us that the idea that there is a a man coming to say as you know I'll get these half tongue-in-cheek emails of people telling me they want me to take over as dictator Which is the only position I said in the government that I'll accept I'll take a temporary dictatorship for the port for the for a five-year period, and I'll get things cleaned up I'm gonna need a 500 man personal protection detail Men of my choosing I'll get things cleaned up the way I need it and then I'll write off into the sunset and people We mail in and say Jesse. That's great. Jesse. I love it. Jesse signed me up. You really don't want that Believe me you don't What we need is we need to begin Fortifying our homes our neighborhoods our communities our towns our counties our states We need to begin fortifying these things first and from there if we stay in active in politics from there Hopefully we can expand that control beyond our individual borders But we do have some rocky times ahead and because I don't want those times to be violent times I don't want to live in that country. I don't want you to live in that country We need to get involved politically now So there is no need for any involvement violently later on all right All right, now I have to tell you this story about the cops and the FBI It's gonna sound bad, but it's not it's actually really really great and necessary in fact It's gonna tie back to what I was just talking about before I tell you this something we tell you about Chad mode You ever heard a Chad mode? Only jock only jock would name their pre-workout Chad mode of course It's such a meat-head thing to do, but it really is the stuff is awesome This pre-workout people take it before they work out give yourself a little energy boost this pre-workout thing Look, it's fine Except almost all the pre-workout out there has so much filth in it. It's so bad for you One of the reasons I love chalk is I know whatever I'm getting there is the highest quality in its natural stuff So it's not gonna wreck my body. That's why I take a male vitality stack before a workout I'm pouring a scuba Chad mode in a ball of water whatever you're looking for improvement on Natural herbal supplements from chalk will help you go get a subscription to save money and go improve your life promo code Jesse Chuck comm promo code Jesse. We'll be back Feeling a little stocky It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday with me crappy voice Jesse And remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm before we get back to the ask dr. Jesse questions There's a story today in the New York Post courtesy of Miranda divine That is Wonderful, it's gonna sound terrible, but it's wonderful. The headline is this local cops Refusing to share info with the FBI as the agency suffers a crisis of confidence With DE I hires damning whistleblower report reveals You can go read the article yourself. I'm not gonna read the whole thing for you It's a fascinating little read But just know that this is a very very very very good thing Look, ideally you'd have an FBI that's credible But you don't have one of those you have an evil secret police agency The checker is what I affectionately call them the checker now. That's bad But what's good is? There are so many local law enforcement bodies across the country that can and will stand up to them Instead of working with them once they see how evil this organization is when the FBI does things like I don't know murder a fat old man in Utah because he put up some spicy Joe Biden posts when the FBI murders people like that They always do so with the assistance of local law enforcement local police departments Local sheriff's departments. They partner up with the FBI and go murder the enemies of the regime the regime once murdered But that cooperation stopping That is a very very good thing Because you need a sheriff who will stand with you against them instead of with them against you That's how it must be in a country once you have an evil secret state police agency as we do So it may sound bad, but it's a really really really good thing that local jurisdictions are saying enough is enough They're not going to be complicit in this whole thing and we still don't have the body camera footage from that shooting in Utah Isn't that interesting a fat old man puts up some really stupid things on Josh on social media about Joe Biden Fat old man needs a cane to walk around He's a caretaker to his blind son and the FBI finds a way To gun him down right as Joe Biden's coming to town and to this day Refuses to release the body camera the body cam footage of it boy. That must have been a real good shoot, right? I'm sure that's why they have all those video tapes hidden right next to the Epstein files the FBI has you don't know that story Don't you did you know that story? Hey, let me let me tell you a little story real quick Jeffrey Epstein billionaire pedophile rapist He did this with the world's elite the Bill Clinton's, you know the Bill Gates wife divorced him because of his association with Epstein You know people like that Did you know Jeffrey Epstein had a huge mansion in New York? Did you know that the FBI rated that mansion? Did you know that when the FBI rated the mansion they found a secret safe? This is all public information I'm not making this up. You can go look it up. Just people have forgotten They found this secret safe and the secret safe was full of pictures and video all on a CD ROM Sorry kids. That's how you kept information back in the day computer disks. Okay computer disks the FBI found all this The special agent in charge of the FBI told the FBI They couldn't take these things. That wasn't part of their search warrant We certainly can't take all the video and pictures we found The FBI leaves it behind Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers show up at the house Remove everything by the time the FBI shows back up all that videotape all those pictures gone What do you think happened? You know exactly what happened the FBI covered for this person because they're all on the same dad Gone team remember that Jesse they have an old saying that you were judged by the company you keep I think Trump is extremely rich with friendships that he has cultivated his whole life Do you see any of Joe Biden's friends anyone from the Senate? He didn't even have a real friendship with Obama Did he ever have the neighbors over for barbecue? Nope just wealthy donors that host the grifters his siblings and family? It's actually a very good point, and I'll tell you something else. That's a very good point And it actually struck me at the convention when I saw Trump's you see Trump's granddaughter She spoke at the convention Trump's granddaughter got up spoke at the convention. It was really sweet She's like 17 years old and she's talking about how she golfs with him and they talk on the phone And she was it was a really really sweet moment and then you saw Trump's other grandkids. They're sitting on his lap He's kissing on him and stuff like that. I Will tell you it is a credit to the man How wonderful his family is and how much they appear to adore him His children many of whom have different, you know moms his Trump's been married a thousand times They all get along. They all adore him his grandchildren. They all adore him. He very clearly adores them Contrast that with somebody like don't Contrast that with somebody like Joe Biden whose entire family is a disaster drugs strippers Crimes, you know it. It really is pretty Revealing about the men isn't it? I mean look that's part of your legacy is a man when you're older. You're looking back on your life That's part of your legacy quite a different legacy those two men have isn't it? All right. Let's do some more ask dr Jesse questions first. There's a great little media montage I'm gonna play for you about member those talking points. We're talking about from the system There's a great one on that before we do that. I want to talk to you about the daily pain you live with that You don't have to live with what if what if that pain in your knee? What if I could turn it down? That pain in your back. What if I could turn it down? Eliminate it You know relief factor is drug-free. It's developed by doctors, but it's drug-free. It's all natural It doesn't mask that pain you're in muscle pain joint pain It reduces it or even eliminates it in its entirety and you don't have to take my word for it in fact I don't want you to Take relief factor for three weeks three weeks let it build up in your system and tell me how that pain is Tell me how that pain is after three weeks of giving your body the support it needs Call order your three weeks worth 800 the number four relief or go to relief factor calm. You don't have to live with that pain. All right All right, let's talk about those animals yesterday burning American flags at the Capitol. Hang on It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday and asked dr. Jesse Thursday I forgot to answer Jewish producer Chris earlier when I was explaining what I'm doing for the Marine Corps reunion weekend It's my mortar section. I was in a mortar section My we're all meeting up It's not a bar Chris. I'm not third. Well, it's about to say 13. I guess I didn't really go to bars when I was 13 I'm not 23 anymore. I'm 43. We're not going to a freaking bar like children We rented a house this it's nothing fancy. Just a house that's close to the lake The ones on the lake are a lot more expensive you'd be shocked at what they're charging for these things so we found one that's close to the lake and We're going to go to the grocery store like old friggin men and we're gonna get meats to grill And I'm sure we'll grab a couple beers or something like that. We do have a boat. We're gonna rent I am a little hesitant To rent a boat because the last time I rented a boat You remember I almost killed people and died myself. You remember that you don't remember that story Chris Okay, so so we were on a lake Travis. It's a it's a lake out by Austin, Texas and it was me wife kids and then My buddy Luis my Mexican buddy Luis and his wife and their two kids So it's you know two two two families and we decided we were gonna rent a pontoon boat for the day We just wanted to cruise around the lake park it wherever drop bank or let the kids swim do some cliff jumping You know that kind of stuff fun stuff like stuff Only they only had one pontoon boat and it was the oldest Most rundown thing you've ever seen in your life. It's not a big deal I know my way around a boat. My old man's have me fishing enough most of my life I'm certainly not a boat expert at all, but I know my way around a boat I can handle one I can handle a boat. No big deal. Okay, fine. Who can't handle a friggin pontoon boat anyway? It's for kids we get on the pontoon boat We cruise I hate that I don't have a voice. It's just awful. We cruise up Lake Travis We look for a little honey hole where the kids can go swimming We see some little you know inlet a little little little cove type area. It looks perfect for it. We pull off pull into the cove and I drop anchor Turn the boat off drop anchor Kids jump in the water a bunch of other boats are in this same cove. I need to stress this We are surrounded by other people doing the exact same thing. It's all families kids rafts fun It's the lake. Everyone's everyone's done the lake before My anchor is not catching. I'm just not getting it catching on the bottom Okay, not a big deal, but my boat's drifting a little bit and it's drifting kind of towards the shore Well, I don't want to pay my security deposit or bang up their boat. So I just do what anyone would do It's only me and Louise on the boat at this point time. The families are in the water. I Grab the ankle pull the pull the anchor up turn on the boat And then I just start easing the throttle forward just a little bit Cause I only want to put a little bit back out into the cove and I'm surrounded by people You don't want to go fast. Anyway boats can be very dangerous So I'm easing the throttle just a little bit and then all of a sudden walk The boat goes from easing the throttle To max speed max rpm sounds like the engines about to blow. I'll tell you what happened in a little bit criss So I'm all of a sudden the boat is going full speed ahead. This is a pontoon boat in a cove where we're surrounded by not only boats But there are people in the water And the boats heading right for another boat in about 10 people that are in the water I'm yelling and my buddy. Louise is yelling get out of the way get out of the way at the same time The throttle it doesn't matter as you can as you can tell there was a mechanical problem that wasn't mine It didn't matter what I did. I couldn't stop the boat from being at full power So I have this full power boat I'm having to try to drive through this cove and avoid people like i'm a skier doing slalom And I do get around the people But then i'm heading back out towards the main part of the lake and it was a holiday We can I thought I want to say it was a independence day weekend something like that And there are boats flying up and down the lake and I can't go putzing out there on my top pontoon boat Which I can't control oh, and of course the kill switch isn't working You know you're thinking just pull the kill switch. I tried to pull the freaking kill switch. It's not killing anything Now i'm in a pickle. I can't go into the cove. I can't go out into the lake I try to turn it because i'm still just yanking on the throttle and we're heading right towards a cliff I don't think to clarify. I do not think at this speed that I would have died But i'm unbuckled in this thing. I probably would have been broken for sure that the things would have got broken I mean, I guess I could have died. I don't think I would have died So I don't want to act like I was almost near death now the people in the water were almost near death But I managed to avoid them and I swear it was from god were 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 feet From the shore from running into the shore heading right for it and the boat just dies It just freaking dies right there And we were moving so fast that we still drifted into it But we were going so slow it wasn't any big deal. Louisa was hanging off the side getting ready to jump I was gonna have to jump. We just had no choice We call the boat place these dudes come out. I kid you not it's the most texas thing you've ever heard in your life They come out in their own pontoon boat It's two dudes as redneck as you can get And they have a half empty 24 pack of beer That they're tearing through on the way out These are the people who work in the marina coming to fix and retrieve the boat and they pull and it's not like they're hiding it It's sitting right there in the captain's chair. They're just hammering beers out there and they pull up an offer us one Hey, you need a beer? I'm like, no, I need a boat that won't murder everybody here on the lake Could you please fix something? They dig into it. They said man, this thing's toast They had to tie us off and they had to tow us back and turned out there was some screw It was so old there was some screw that had come loose That caused the engine to rev the max rpms regardless of what you did on the throttle very very lucky I didn't kill someone and very lucky Honestly, we thought we talked about it afterwards very lucky that that wasn't some drunk college kid or something who just trying to relocate the boat or Just someone who didn't know what they were doing. You didn't know that people could have died that day Anyway, we're going to the lake. We're renting a little boat We're gonna go swimming and make some food and we're just gonna catch up on old times like the old fat marines We are that's all we're just gonna just couple days at the lake catching up on old times jk 47 I'm sitting here watching the street animals latest riot in our nation's capital And they just took down the american flag off a big flagpole and replaced it with the palestine flag These people need to be stopped. I look forward to the day where it could be stopped. I need a beer Thank you again for being our voice. Maybe fire up the soundboard and let one rip for american Okay I know I've gotten a bunch of these. I know you're mad about what happened in the capital You had all these street communists run on the capital tear down the flag defacing the liberty bell Just doing street communist things This is the relationship. This is the relationship that has been built for years between the street communists and the elite communists And I actually had this thought last night because I was my blood was boiling I would let myself get into this after the show I tried to set politics aside after the show, but I was watching these videos and I was watching these freaking savages Burn american flags and I was just getting myself really really worked up was getting myself upset plus I didn't have a voice. I was in a sour mood anyway And let myself get really really mad about the whole thing And you know what I came around on tell you something I came around on You know how I previously I've spoken out a lot and I'll continue to do so against the renaming of anything I don't care if it's after a Confederate about the tearing down of american monuments and statues and symbols because those are Important parts of your history, you know This is stuff that I've ranted on forever that your history is part of what makes you who you are And it's part of the reason they want to tear it down because if they take that away then they can rewrite Who you are and rewrite your future I believe i've had a slight change of heart when it comes to tearing down monuments and symbols I will explain to you in just a moment what I mean by that before I explain to you I want to explain to you that I Voice or no voice I slept like a little bitty tiny baby last night and you know the reason I slept like a baby Is because uh, it's probably two years ago We realized our mattress is probably getting up there in age probably time to replace it But didn't want to go sink a grand two grand into a new freaking mattress So we decided to get ourselves a my pillow mattress topper It's like getting a new mattress. It's the best way i can describe it. It's like you got a brand new mattress only look right now You can get him as low as 69 98 at my How about a mattress where you just you sink into it and it just holds you and you go to sleep like a baby You don't wake up with your shoulder hurting and you're back hurting it My pillow calm Click on the radio listener special square use the promo code jessie Or you can call them eight hundred eight four five zero five four four I'll tell you my alternate plan for our monuments and statues next Feeling a little it is the jessie kelly show on a thursday, of course an asked doctor jessie thursday All right. Let's dig into this. You're mad about them tearing down the flags. You're facing things yesterday in dc I'm mad about it too. And you know how much i've ranted about our history and my monuments statues These things these things matter. They're important your history matters. It's important. Don't erase it. Don't ignore it Even the parts of it. You may not be thrilled about it's part of what makes you you it's part of your DNA as a human And you know why? communist destroyed that history The soviets tore down the churches so did the spanish the spanish commies Mal tore up the temples in the graves pull pot declared year zero If they eliminate your history Then you are a blank canvas and they can make you into whatever they want. That's why communists hate history Hate it. It's not something that they're kind of annoyed by they try to destroy it everywhere. They go It's why they've torn down statue after statue They renamed military base after military base of course with republicans like james lankford grabbing his ankles for them every step of the way But I have come around on something just an idea. I've been not realistic, but just an idea What about sanctuary states sanctuary states for american history For instance, remember that teddy teddy roosevelt statue that tore down in new york city Teddy roosevelt is new york city. He is new york. It's whole history is there. It's amazing Is one of america's lions and they tore down the teddy roosevelt statue I think red states should begin declaring themselves to be sanctuary states for our history And I think they should actually begin taking these statues and monuments in for themselves And displaying them It's time for sanctuary states For american history. I really genuinely believe that's it's a stupid idea I came up with and the more I think about it the more I love my stupid idea sanctuary states For the history of america because look in the blue states this stuff's going to keep happening And especially the blue cities within the blue states the stuff's going to happen because there's no There's nothing to stop it As i've tried to explain So I tell you not to go protest in blue areas. There's no longer any level of government Any level of government in these areas that's anything to hostile to you The governments in these areas are openly hostile to you and your beliefs and so you know It's time to not protest there Because if you do if you get handcuffs slapped on you look at what they've done to the january six political prisoners They'll destroy your life the judges will shoot the freaking cops will the da will everybody nobody there is going to come help you Because you're in a communist island. You might as well consider places like washington dc to be north korea Conduct yourself in those places the way you would if you were visiting north korea Don't even spit on the freaking sidewalk if you want to go to our nation's capital go Embrace the history do the museums go to the monuments mind your peace and cues and then get your butt out the door Because these dirty communists will will wreck you anyway I do think we should begin bringing that history in here speaking of history Joe biden didn't just get the whip to uh encourage him out the door of the white house There were of course sugar cubes involved I have no doubt promises were made fundraising things like a presidential library Maybe his kids tax troubles going away who knows what promises they made But one thing that's very very very obvious Publicly rehabbing his disastrous image was part of the deal weeks He's done an unnatural thing very rare in the annals of history. He stepped away from power Uh, and he did it in the interest of the country as he said personal ambition. I think this will uh, I think uh history will Look kindly on joe biden and I think people will look differently On him tomorrow than they did a week ago Uh, and they will maybe see his achievements and his commitment to this country more clearly Obviously, that's a lie you're yelling at the radio throwing things at the radio He didn't bow out of the for the goodness of america. He was forced out of there by the dirty communists who previously called his friends And now they're taking this line and they're going all in This is part of the joe biden golden parachute severance package This moment puts him, you know with a bunch of american greats, you know the sort of george washington's of the world They said that with a straight face Corin diversity higher, of course. She's taken that line This is a selfless act something that very few politicians would ever do President biden will go down in history as one of the nation's greatest presidents Selfless act You know, it is a selfless act Using your money to save someone's life. That's a selfless act. Did you know that? $28 is not nothing And when I bring up giving $28 to pre-born because They're going to use that $28 to buy an ultrasound for a woman who's about to a border baby When I bring that up, I don't want you to think i'm dismissive about the fact that $28 is for real Anymore, oh, that's that's that's family pizza night. That's what it costs now at least that you're going to drop that kind of money on there I know it matters $28 though It's life or death for that baby that isn't born yet Because mom has already decided to kill it She's out there looking for an abortion and lord willing pre-born finds her first And can give her that free ultrasound Because when she hears that heartbeat, she's going to choose life They do almost every single time if we just get her the ultrasound and the ultrasound costs $28 Go to and give what you can it's all tax deductible. I don't care how much you give It's awesome though All right All right, dr. jessie Why didn't the cop who was boosted up on the roof and confronted the shooter and dropped back down Immediately shoot off around to quickly alert those on stage Do you think the shooter was groomed by someone he met at the low local range rest the pipes the Subdue jessie is kind of creepy almost ai like christa my creepy Is my voice creepy like this? I'm not I don't sound like rfk. Oh no. Do I sound like rfk? I do not michaels shut up. No, I don't You guys are stupid anyway Why didn't the cop shoot off around? Okay First of all, you don't shoot off around to warn people That's something that's done in the movies What goes up must come down please, please Do not shoot Do not shoot into the air, please People have been killed and people will be killed more in the future By people thinking it's the old west and it's the movie tombstone and you can just aim your weapon in the air and shoot it without Consequence that bullet will be coming back down It will have weight to it and it will have speed to it and it is more than enough to kill someone when it hits them Okay, it was the shooter. Do I think the shooter was groomed by someone? He he met at the local right light rifle range. Okay, let's let's talk about that We're gonna talk about that and media cover-ups and much more coming up in the final hour This has been a podcast from WOR. Hey there. It is ryan seacrest with you Do you want to make this summer unforgettable join me at chumba casino? It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you So don't wait dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Here to join me sponsored by chumba casino No purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply