Jesse Kelly Show

The Trump shooter was trained but from where or who did he learn stuff and did he have help

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26 Jul 2024
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Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I? Never win and tell well there you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land play for free right now Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary vgw group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply? This is a podcast from WOR it is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show with me Laran Jitis Jesse right here on a Thursday, of course It's an ass Jesse Thursday and we're digging into this right now We have a bunch of stuff. We're gonna get to this hour But the guy was asking if I think the shooter was groomed by someone he met at the local shooting range Well, one I don't know I Talked about this It a little bit of length last night if you missed any part of the show whatever I hard Spotify iTunes you can go download a podcast of but I talked about this a little bit last night Just things were finding out the guy He was smart enough trained enough To recon the area with the drone before him Look again set aside your emotions my emotions. We hate him. He's gone his heads now a canoe It's over we can analyze this thing dispassionately and we can That already shows a certain level of forethought there a Week a week before the event We now know because of his internet search. He was researching the event Registering for the event. What's that tell you? Well, he didn't he's not some crazy commie hothead who woke up the morning of the Trump rally and decided he was going to go Be an assassin that day This is a human being who was planning and taking the necessary steps and we can point all day long to the failings of the Secret Service if we're gonna be extremely nice about it, but the truth is this assassin He did Everything right except for the shooting part and even the shooting part if you look at how it lines up time-wise He did that right to Trump turned his head at the exact right moment or Trump is dead You heard him Trump by his own admission said that in the speech If I don't turn my head and look at that illegal immigration poster up if he doesn't look at that he's gone that assassin Did everything right? 20 years old 20 years old and he cobbled together the equipment and the know-how to assassinate the Secret Service protected former president of the United States of America Where did he gain this knowledge? Oh, look, I don't I don't I don't I don't know and I don't know the will ever know Is it possible to acquire this kind of knowledge simply by reading? Spending enough time online. Well, let's be honest if you know where to look They there is a wealth of information Available online about how to make this how to do that and I don't even know I'm completely unfamiliar With what is called the dark web. I Don't even know how you get on that whether there's a special portal or something What I do know is every time I talk to one of these tech guys Apparently there's this Internet world out there. You just order illegal stuff like explosives and whatever There's just a very dark dark dark parts of the Internet Did he go to one of these dark parts and acquire some knowledge she probably should enough. I don't know He comes off to me like someone who either did that either He's the world's ultimate do it yourself or one of these guys, you know Jewish producer Chris is one of these guys if he has to Change the breaks out on a 1957 Chevy Chris would just go to the Internet and teach himself how to do it and then he would do it don't lie Chris. Yes, you would Maybe he's one of these those guys only instead of changing out the breaks. He's a murderer. I don't know I Find that harder to believe But I'm being honest with you. I'm also not completely familiar Not at all familiar with the whole dark web Internet thing. I don't know how much darkness and and dark training and Materials are out there. I don't know It looks to me like this is well, you know it forget about looks to me. This is an individual who is trained he's 20 years old 20 year old men Do not operate with this amount of forethought with this amount of planning without training now I didn't say he was trained by the FBI I didn't say he was trained by Iran or the Russians or the Chinese or I don't know he may be self-trained self-training counts too But what I do know is this what we know by now is this This is not just some deranged and not case who in a fit of passion Woke up and decided he was gonna murder Donald Trump He planned He bought things Purchasing drones ahead of time Weapons ammunition scouting he's scouting ahead of time He is trained Who trained him? How would I know? Look the whole point of if you're gonna go down the the theory and I'm not calling you crazy because you may very well be right if you're gonna go down the theory rabbit hole of this guy was trained by a nation state or even our own nation if you're gonna if you're gonna go with that That's what you believe and a lot of people believe that and I'm really not sure whether or not I believe that or not because but I'm leaning that way that if you're gonna go with a massage good point Chris Chris said it was Massad, okay, we'll go with massage figures. It'll be you people Chris. Hey, no if you're gonna go with he was trained If you're gonna go with a nation state did it massage of course if you're gonna go with that Then you also have to go with the Patsy thing meaning He was never supposed to live and didn't move Did somebody take a very messed up 20-year-old commie dirtball? recruit him Train him and turn him loose with the knowledge. He wouldn't live through the day. I don't know Again, I'm not here to spread rumors. I'm here to tell you what I know and tell you what I think and I feel I Know now multiple sitting members of Congress. I have talked to them privately and Every single one of them to a man believes that he had help of some kind believes that he was not acting alone from the things that they found out but again, what does that mean? Not acting alone can mean so many different things. Does it mean you found a disgruntled Vietnam vet down at the rifle range Who taught you how to kill somebody because he was with the Phoenix project back in the day? Maybe that counts as having some help is your Help some message board on the internet where they were teaching you how to recon and scout ahead. I don't know Is your help? I don't know whoever your handler is at the FBI. Oh quick, but I don't know I don't know But this is a 20-year-old what I do know I know this much whether it was self or not This was a trained human being and Donald Trump Should be dead this dude did everything right without that head turn Donald Trump is dead That yes, it's horrible and everything I get that that is still Impressive for a 20-year-old with no military background That's scary to me It's scary to me that whether it's self-trained or trained by someone else you can even get that kind of training and knowledge That's something didn't it All right You see this this is from zero hedge funny money Act blue is accused of massive money laundering operation has Trump files and FEC complaint over $91 million transfer to Kamala It looks really bad how they did this and of course, it's all shady and illegal But the question is do you have a country where anyone will crack down on them for this? Probably not probably not Jesse. What's the biggest media cover up in the last four years in why? Covid BLM riots Biden's health Well, it's not Biden's health And I don't know that you can go with biggest because those are all gigantic But if you had to say biggest if I had to say that I Would say it's Covid The BLM riots were the most nefarious The media has used racial tension to burn down cities and murder people for a long time They've been doing this for a long time. So that's really really evil what they do, but The impact of what we did during Covid Forget about still feeling it today We will feel it for decades Stopping a $20 trillion economy and printing six seven trillion dollars That's insane and We are feeling it look all that inflation. I know it's really easy to blame Biden That inflation started when we started printing trillions of dollars because we had a chest cold Covid is the biggest one because Covid it altered this country forever in my opinion All right, we have a lot more to get to you on an ass dr. Jesse Thursday assuming my voice holds up So there was a mini controversy in the Kelly household today. Why? Well, this from the same story has played out many times in the Kelly household The wife was in the kitchen. She was making some breakfast and Fred Made his way into the kitchen and his nose was starting I would made it was inching up towards the counter and then she yelled at him and he got really upset and he went Array and me and the boys had to comfort Fred because she just ripped his freaking heart out And this is really how it works in the house whenever anyone yells at Fred The other three people jump in immediately as if it's our job to protect the dog's emotional well-being That's what this dog has done to the family That's why we give him rough greens Because we hope that big fluffy face of his is still sticking out over the counter for a very long time and We know that Fred doesn't get nutrition from his dog food He likes his dog food, but he doesn't get nutrition from it all dog food is just empty calories We pour rough greens on his food So Fred gets all the vitamins minerals probiotics omega oils digestive enzymes It's made such a physical difference in Fred's life and in our life living with Fred Call them free jumpstart trial bags at 833 333 my dog or go to slash Jesse It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday and asked Dr Jesse Thursday and they got a little update here from my buddy refill reporter Julio Rose us We were just talking a little bit earlier about the animals and how they were defacing our monuments and Burning American flags in DC yesterday at least four of them have already had their charges dropped and that That is the street communist and elite communist relationship in a nutshell The elite communists need the street communists They need them to murder and vandalize and intimidate and do all the things they want done and the street communists comply the street communists are true believers and They will do these things Provided the elite communists give them the legal protection to do them without going to prison And that's how it works in blue area after blue area in this country It's why the peaceful mamas from January 6th are facing felony convictions in heavy prison time And it's why you can Molotov cocktail and NYPD cop car in New York City And instead of facing 15 years in the clink you're out in a year and a half Protesting on behalf of Hamas today. That's a true story. Those same people were doing it It's not two tears of justice. It's justice for one side and none for the other That's how it works. Like I said Get out Get out of your red get out of your blue area and get to a red one because you are not protected where you are Jesse Today my family cooked your world famous burgers This is approximately our 10th attempt at cooking them and I thought I'd let you in on a few tips a few tips off the record Of course first and foremost the recommend about recommended amount of chipotle tabasco is excessive It makes the burgers fall apart cutting down the amount creates a flavorful Flavorful burger that is that will not fall apart. Okay pause on that I'd get this complaint a lot That the burgers fall apart burgers fall apart and This may be this may be the thing that confuses me the most It's not a parachute It's a cheeseburger Who cares if it falls apart? Mine fall apart all the time. I love it Then the cheese melts in between the little cracks and holes on there And if there's any leftover cheesy burger bits on the griddle I just scoop those right up and drop them on top of the burger anyway, what Chris? Because we're not Mexican Chris Chris said why not just make it a taco then it's a cheese burger But you know what you bring up a very good point Chris I would make it a taco I drop it in a tortilla and then I would I would eat like a king of Mexicans would love it And everyone would love it. It's why not make it a taco you don't have to have a burger completely put together To make it a cheeseburger. That's just that's just common sense. Why do people care if the stupid thing falls apart? It's not a big deal if the stupid thing falls apart, and I told you what happened the other day I told you about my wife's homemade hamburger helper Well, I had pre-made some Jesse Kelly burgers And we were kind of out of burger and she decided to make her hamburger helper And she took my pre-made Jesse Kelly burgers and made her homemade hamburger helper with it Oh my frickin gosh, it was one of the best things I've ever eaten in my life. Anti-comi Ray Charles. That's not nice Finally ordered your book. I ordered two so the wife and I could have our own I also requested the anti-communist manifesto for the local library. You should have seen their faces We're trying to go once a week or so to the library to request pro-america movies and pro-america books Taxes are paying for the building and everything in it so we need to make sure they at least have pro-america resources. His name is Frankie and I love that. No, it's not the anti-communist manifesto part that I love although obviously I appreciate that I'm glad you like the book. It's wonderful You want to talk about activism? Doesn't mean you have to run for office That counts as activism Anything that's on your heart to do Do it it counts as being active do it. There's nothing small There's nothing stupid. You don't have to run for United States Senator to save the country There are a million little ways normal people can save the country Save your community first remember the future is family the future is community Whether or not America rebounds and is saved or whether or not America comes apart and burns all the way down If you have a strong Community you will be better off no matter what happens nationally This sounds small doesn't it? It's not once a week they go down to the local library and They make sure that there's finally some non-Karmy garbage in the local library How small stupid insignificant no, that's freaking awesome That's one small way to do activism. Here's another small way for you Everyone can do this. It doesn't even involve running for office or public speaking Everyone's on a group text everyone's on a freaking group group text. They're like a living hell Send out election information to your group text. I don't care what it's on I don't care whether it's your woman's Bible study your dude's sport group your fantasy football Everyone can throw a text on there. Hey heads up local election coming up this Tuesday get out there and vote for Jesse He's the man Give him give him dates. Give him times That's it sounds like nothing It's not nothing. Do you think the communists are sharing information about upcoming elections? I guarantee you they are and they'll be there also Did you see the information about homes for sale right now? Please call done for you real estate Begin acquiring hard assets for yourself The future is going to be hard assets and again Just like we were just talking about no matter what happens whether the dollar rebounds and interest rates fall and the economy comes roaring back Or whether none of those things happen at all. You're never going to look at the properties You've acquired through done for you real estate and regret it This is for normal people to begin doing it and they do it all for you They'll find the property they get the finance in the handle the closing the handle the rental process you Begin building wealth outside of the traditional means hard assets Go to done for you Jesse calm and find out what they can do for you It's not for rich guys. It's for you done for you Jesse comms. They're wonderful people. All right We'll be back is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Do not forget you can email me Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm so dome Going right after the new Democrat parties demographic Decided to go on something called RuPaul's Drag Race such a show for drag rate dragger drag queens the drag I bought called drag racers Chris drag queens and trannies and everything else and well here it was Everyone is Kamala Harris each day. We are seeing our rights and freedoms under attack Including the right of everyone to be who they are Love who they love openly and with pride. So as we fight back against these attacks Let's all remember. No one is alone We are all in this together and your vote is your power So please make sure your voice is heard this November and register to vote at vote. Why are you gay? Yeah Look, I think I have more peace with what's coming at least now as it stands today I have more peace with what's coming in November that I think than a lot of people. I'm very hopeful We're going to win. I am But I understand the possibility remains that we won't Maybe they'll cheat Maybe the country's too far gone and it won't have that I understand that I'm not gonna make some prediction here I don't know I don't know but what I do know is It will be so clarifying this election. It will be clarifying if the American people run to the polls and Trump just curb stomps Kamala Harris They're done with the insanity. They're done with the open border They're done with all the wolf filth in our military everywhere if if the American people are done with that and They go out and what happens in November is a complete rejection of this communist insanity I think that will be very clarifying and very inspiring and we might have that right and If the worst happens If we wake up the day after election day and we're staring for years of president Kamala Harris in the face In its own way in its own horrible way That will be very revealing as well It'll be very very clarifying About who we are as a people. Did you hear her first ad? Well, we're not We're not even the same people in this election. We each face a question What kind of country do we want to live in? There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos a fear of hate But us we choose something different We choose freedom Listen to all of them keep going listen to how they campaign they campaign as If they're not who they are The people the animals who are constantly vandalized and constantly in the streets constantly protesting burning things down Accuse the others of being all about chaos The party remember the numbers. I read you the party that believed you should be taken away from your family and locked in a quarantine Camp if you refused a COVID vaccination claim to be the party of freedom The party that tried to have you fired if you didn't take that poison shot Calls themselves the party of freedom. It's like we're just an opposite The freedom not just to get by but get ahead the freedom to be safe from gun violence The freedom to make decisions about your own body we choose a future where no child lives in poverty where we can all afford health Yeah, happy birthday Jesse I suffer from the same as all over my as all over 40 year old men do with the ear and nose fuzz problems But I am two years older than you and my hair is magnificent Don't make me laugh don't make me laugh Magnificent rich and brown with a little handsome silver woven in it What a jerk my question is would you trade your profession as a world-famous radio host and world-famous author for my humble post as A humble back of the house worker at a barbecue restaurant if you could have a glorious mane like I do Yes, yes, I would yes. Yeah, I definitely would Joe Biden in pub is in public service for 50 years But what did he do in those 50 years? Can anyone think of anything? Well, this is part of This is part of the problem with citizens withdrawing from the political process with with citizens becoming apathetic You end up being ruled by these people it used to be in America That there was a demand for pelts on the wall There was a demand That you have something on your resume of worth Think about think about JFK Think about this JFK went to war Not telling you to be the biggest JFK fan in the world, but I've always so admired the fact This was from a politically royal family JFK's father was an ambassador a very important man and His son who he was grooming to run for office He didn't take a desk job somewhere. Just kind of coast by He almost died in World War two and JFK for the rest of his life Lived with a destroyed back that he suffered during World War two George hw bush Whatever you think about the bush family. I'm not a big fan is a freaking war hero We used to demand That people who lead us that people who represent us in Congress and the House Senate in the presidency We used to demand that you show something on your resume besides running for office Think about you mentioned. What is Joe Biden done besides get elected nothing and in fact, that's the same for Kamala Eris What is what is she done? Nothing in life, and I don't I don't mean it just has to be a quick Chris grow up Why don't you grow up anyway? I don't I don't just mean it has to be military service in war. I'm really not saying that Run a small business ever lived any semblance of a normal life Has she lived any kind of a life that would allow her to relate to people or has she accomplished a single thing? Outside of politics that is admirable. No, and I don't even mean to just point at point to dome It's so many of them now Republican and Democrat they don't do anything They find a way to get elected the first time and it's all they do for the rest of their lives And that comes back to us. It comes back to we the people we have got to demand better We've got to demand more. These people are all losers Jesse Trump isn't one to break and I can't fathom him returning to an ordinary citizen after this term What do you speculate his next move will be in five years? Well assuming his health remains where it should be Remember in five years Trump is gonna be be up there. He's gonna be up there for sure But he is active. He doesn't drink his energy level looks good appears to be in very good health So we'll just assume let's hope that his health will be very good in five years They're gonna work on building a legacy They're going to work on a Donald Trump Whatever you want to call it MAGA America first. However, he wants to brand it. I'm branding his thing They're gonna work on building a legacy after that. These people we talked about this before Presidents generals kings these these these giants these people who who end up leading societies They don't necessarily think the same way we think I wonder which watch I'm gonna hand to each of my sons These people wonder which properties which presidential library wing they're gonna desert I mean we're talking about Totally different ways of thinking. I would imagine he'll play a lot of golf and be heavily involved in trying to put as many Trump people in office from here on all right. We have one segment left. Hang on It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show look when I get back here I'm gonna sound normal again and I'll be able to speak up again and Have more exuberance. Isn't that a great word Chris? You would never think to use that word exuberance. What Chris? That's a great word anyway, but I'll the voice will be back and I'll be able to project and everything's gonna be normal Hopefully this is the last show you have to hear this Jesse who sounds like he's nine thousand years old I also have really been enjoying referring to myself and the third person I'm gonna try to do that a lot more in the coming days. What Chris I should do it All right, so we're gonna get to some emails. I didn't get to and stuff. I didn't want to hit on this really quick it's a a new a new survey came out from Pew research and The whole point of it is this the younger you are the more likely you are to say You don't want to have children in the future as the generations go the younger you get The less likely you are to want kids. I'm not talking about people who want them It can't have them or people who are seeing on that. That's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about people who are purposely taking themselves out of that equation and This is something I've touched on before when it comes to the job market the percentage of young men who have removed themselves from the job market is Insane it's a staggering number I can't quite put my finger on it because I don't think like this But it just seems like a lot of people are checking out Getting to the point where they're checking out Don't want to succeed Don't want to bother with a family. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do that Just remember what we talked about earlier in the show when it comes to taking chances and adventures and stuff man swing for the fences in life fellas Go approach that dime. Yeah, she might say no might even laugh at your face You might end up married to her with five kids and the happiest man on the planet 10 years from now If you don't go approach that dime and talk to her, you're never gonna know You're never gonna know. All right. Go live life also If you want those kids, it's really important that you get you get some testosterone gentlemen Tea levels are not something that just affect the older men now because of what we've done to our water supply in this country Testosterone levels are down with 20 year olds 20 year olds. I can't believe that's where we are. You should be dripping testosterone when you're 20 years old, but we're losing it and When we try to fix that problem, what do we do? We run down to the local clinic and you get a needle injected in your arm and if that is so awful for you Naturally handle problems that arise Naturally every chance you get it's what a male vitality stack from chalk is all about natural herbal supplements male vitality stack female vitality stack chalk lit powder whatever you're looking for Go to CHO promo code Jesse or you can call or text them five zero chalk three thousand, all right All right, and now go you know the thing emails we didn't get to you Threat to democracy Jesse, I'm worried about the P through 12 kids today What will they learn in history covering the last eight years? How will your hit version of history differ from that of communist John Denver if the left right the history books? But look, this is the problem. I want I only read this because I want to make sure everyone is aware Scholastic Scholastic you've heard of them. I hope if you haven't just know They're the largest producer of textbooks in the United States of America the chance is your child school Uses scholastic books are very very strong Scholastic is a despicable America hating Western civilization hating communist Company and you need to get those books out of your child school talk to the principal get on the school board They are all right. They are already writing the history books That's why your child comes home from school and things FDR walked on water and Andrew Jackson's the antichrist Because the America haters have been writing the textbooks for a long time be aware of it Airplane bathroom bomber Hey, you guys why is fascism associated with the far right when the definition more clearly describes the far left again Because the people who hate the United States of America hate republicans hate anyone on the right They're also the people who write the textbooks So they have found a way to make sure you can graduate from high school without knowing the endless horrors of communism But you will believe every republican you see is adjacent to Adolf Hitler because they took over the education system They didn't take over the education system by accident If you read the anti-communist manifesto available at Jesse Kelly book comm you would already know they sought out the education System on purpose because it gives them access to your children Jesse. What do you believe old Joe or when do you believe old Joe? Will be issuing official pardons signed an 84 year old listener? Well, he's gonna do this probably right before he leaves office like all presidents do and it's no mystery They're always political. Of course hunter is gonna get off Scott free and he's gonna go down his list of friends It's pretty revealing about Who presidents pardon at the end? Jesse, please tell me you saw the recent dune movies. What did you think? I thought the dune movies are really really good Especially the first one the second one. I thought was I thought it was really good as well But I don't know I kind of like those they are a little long Chris. They are a little on that was a really good point They're a little long. I don't know I'm an all right. I'm a sound old-fashioned. I like movies Where good guys and bad guys? There's a very clear line. I like movies where good is Fighting against evil. We've kind of gone away from those. That's exactly right Chris Lord of the Rings That's right. I like movies like that because that's how it used to be today for very obvious reasons They try to blur those lines with everything. Well, no one's really good or he's just kind of misunderstood No, no, that is a big reason why young people feel purple purposeless and listless today We act like there's no good. There's no bad. There's no right. There's no wrong There's no good side and bad side none of it really matters in the end it does and so I guess that's a big part Why I liked it? I like brave people fighting against evil and succeeding Jesse Biden left because hell Because of health reasons mainly being old. Do you think some of the other fossils will leave Joe Biden did not leave because of health reasons? And he didn't leave because he was old He left because all the people who are now slobbering all over him pushed him out He's done an unnatural thing very rare in the annals of history. He stepped away from power And he did it in the interest of the country as he said personal ambition. I think this will I think History will look kindly on Joe Biden and I think people will look differently on him tomorrow than they did a week ago And they will maybe see his achievements and his commitment to this country more clearly You mean after the media got done completely destroying his reputation and pushing him out of the race They're now going to dig in and reheat rehab that image as part of his severance package for giving up power That is what you meant there David Axelrod, right? Joe Biden didn't leave as he's old. He didn't leave because he sucks He didn't leave because he's in poor health. He left because he was told to leave and he was told or else This has been a podcast from WOR Everyone it is Ryan Seacrest here ready to heat up your summer vacation get ready Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily log in bonus waiting Just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba casino with yours truly Join me at Chumba casino comm and dive into a summer of social casino fun sponsored by Chumba casino No purchase necessary vgw group for prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply