Santa Barbara Talks with Josh Molina

Santa Barbara Talks: Architect Anthony Grumbine

Architect Anthony Grumbine believes the State Street promenade needs an interim plan because we're currently allowing a "B-level," or even "C-level," which is below Santa Barbara's standards.

"Shouldn't we at least have a basic, good, interim design in the meantime that is actually doable as an interim solution," Grumbine said on the latest episode of Santa Barbara Talks.

"The reality is that some of those interim solutions are going to be around for 10 years probably. So why the heck are we allowing this to be a B-level city, or even a C-level city in terms of what it looks like, compared to what it could be."

Grumbine said if it is going to take at least five more years before anything is actually built out on State Street, something needs to happen sooner.

"We're so many years from having anything actually done," Grumbine said. "It's going to take years and years to get a plan. It's going to take years and years and years to fund and build that plan. And it's going to be done in portions."

Grumbine also chairs of the Santa Barbara Historic Landmarks Commission. In this podcast, he talks about State Street, the future of De la Guerra Plaza, and the city's housing challenges.

In his role as an architect and as HLC chair, Grumbine explains what he looks for in a project, and how the architecture should serve the function of the building. He talks about the principles of strength, function and beauty in architecture.

"Is it not just of this immediate fad or style, but actually a quality thing that is going to be beautiful for years to come, and actually be looked at like we look at these buildings that are 50, 100 years old, and they are still beautiful," Grumbine said. "There was this ingenuity to them, but they had this classic feel like they are never going to go out of style."

Grumbine also teaches architecture for Holy Apostles College & Seminary, and is an architect and principal at Harrison Design. Grumbine’s architecture projects range from new and remodeled churches, to Catholic campus buildings, to historic restoration and private residences, according to his website.

Consider a donation to this podcast by clicking here. Subscribe to this podcast by clicking here. Josh Molina has been a journalist in Santa Barbara for 20 years. He also covered City Hall for the San Jose Mercury News. In addition to working as a reporter at Noozhawk, he teaches journalism at Cal State University, Northridge and Santa Barbara City College. Please subscribe to his You Tube channel for more content.

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2022